FlixTalk #104 ft. @Cryptocito @linkielink & @donovansolms ✨

Recorded: Jan. 31, 2024 Duration: 1:28:10



I'll see you in the next video, bye!
Good evening, good morning, good afternoon. Welcome to flick stock 104. Thank you all
for taking up the time to joining in such an exciting space. Of course, we have great guests
to end up today to have an exciting discussions and what a great range also on that. Just to
begin with, we don't have Liam hosting this space today. He's preoccupied with some other work but
surely just giving him credit also because he's of course a regular host. Welcome everyone.
I see a lot of regulars joining us here and more and more cosmonauts.
Great. I think this is a good time as I need to get started. First of all, a huge thanks to
our community, our validators, node hosts, creators who have been consistently exploring,
building and helping us elevate the Flix worlds. I reached out to the Flix crew, Flix analytics
and all of the partners that we have and to terra space for archiving the space and making
it accessible for people who want to tune in later. I'll start with a quick hi to everyone.
Hi, Ceto. I see Donovan as well. Do correct me if I have anyone's name at home.
Hello. Hello. Thanks for inviting me. Hi. Hi, Ceto. Hi. How are you doing?
Hi. Hi, Donovan. How are you guys doing? How's the day looking like?
Hey. It's all good here. Busy day, but I think that's part of the crypto game. There's always
something. Never boring. There's always something to do. It's good to be here and also hear from
you guys what's the hottest and latest in the Flix ecosystem. Good to be here.
I think just like how you said in one of your videos that every day, every project,
every air drop, it's like a new combination. You can't actually have the same day,
even in a week. It throws you a new combination every time.
Yeah, that's true. Honestly, when I started covering the customers in early 2021, just before
IBC went live, I think it was still like a relatively smooth job because there was
just all these chains getting started. Actually, Cisla was one of the first people I ever interacted
and learned from about Cosmos back in the days. But nowadays, it's just getting too much. It's
like getting out of hand. Especially within Cosmos, you have ecosystems within ecosystems
that are now being created in different communities, different flavors, different directions,
different developments. I think at this point, it's just too much even for me to cover
Cosmos as an ecosystem alone because it's just too much that's going on there.
That's good and also shows that Cosmos is alive. It's vibrant. There's other ecosystems that
over the years fade away, but Cosmos is here to stay. That's good.
I mean, it's always good that the pie is growing. You don't want it to shrink or stay the same size.
That's true. Hi, Donovan. How are you guys doing?
Not doing well. Can't complain. Nice summer year where I am, so no complaints there.
Great, great. I have Babishik as a speaker also. Babishik, if you want to do a quick hello.
Hi, everyone. Thank you all for joining us today. Cito, Donovan, and we have Redfone also. Hi.
Excellent conversation earlier, Donovan. Looking forward to today's space. I'm very excited for
this one. Great. I think I would want to start with the asteroid team. A good start would be
if you were to explain asteroid protocol to someone who's a Web2 developer or a beginner
in this space who has just come across inscriptions and all these new
CFT20 tokens that are there. How can they make sense of it if you want to give an EL5 version
or some experience to a Web2 developer? Yeah, sure. I can give a quick overview of that.
Also, I think Linky is also in the audience. I think he's also joining as a speaker.
The idea of an inscription is to permanently write data to the blockchain. You do that normally with
the transaction. If you're sending money or you're interacting with any kind of debt, that's what you
do usually. But in the case of an inscription is you're taking arbitrary data, an image, a video,
give some piece of JSON, anything like that, and you're writing it to the chain,
and it's kind of preserved in that block forever. You could then have a back-end service that
queries the REST API or the RPC API for a node, and you can read that data back at any time.
So if you're coming from the Web2 world, it's essentially always available, always on
immutable database. You can't go back in time. You can't change anything. It's there forever
in that form. And I guess that's the simplest way I could explain it. I know Red's got a really cool
analogy if he wants to share that. Yeah, I think that'll be really cool, especially if you can
share how inscriptions are different than CFT20 tokens.
Any guys? Thanks for having us. So I think the analogy Donovan was talking about was a penny.
It works really well with Bitcoin and ordinals. You have this idea of the smallest denomination
of Bitcoin being a Satoshi. So with Satoshi, the way ordinals work is you can just tie information
directly to an inscription on Bitcoin or tie it to a specific Satoshi. So the analogy would be like
having a penny in US dollars, and you scrape some artwork onto that penny. You can then transfer
that penny. You could spend it at the store, and the cashier would take it. You could spend it like
any other penny, but that art is tied to it forever. So Bitcoin kind of legitimized that use case,
and we've extended it onto Cosmos Hub just by giving people the ability to do a transaction.
And when they're doing that transaction, they're basically scraping artwork onto the hub or
scraping information onto the hub, and that information stays there in perpetuity.
And what was the other question you asked about CFT20s?
Yeah, like how inscriptions, I think you made it clear with your analogy about how
you're basically customizing a penny so it becomes unique. Like it's the way,
how you said about Satoshi's being a smaller denomination of a Bitcoin, and then you're
inscribing that data on the token, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, because these are like the two
things that came out with the protocol, which is you can inscribe something, and you can launch
your own token, and your CFT20 token. So to someone who's just trying, it's just like how
people participate. They would do the two things, but how do they defer is like an interesting
detail. I get what you're saying. If you're being technical, like everything's an inscription,
we just refer to inscriptions as being arbitrary data, an image, a video, anything like that.
A CFT20 token is just a very specific type of inscription. It's got a specific format on how
you define what this token is, what the supply is, and it's got specific instructions that go
into this string that tells you, okay, we're transferring tokens, we're minting tokens,
what exactly is happening? So I'd say a CFT20 is like a subset of an inscription, and we call
this a meta protocol, where a meta protocol is just a set of rules that any kind of system follows,
and a CFT20 is a specific rule set, essentially, that contains things like minting and deploying
a token, transferring tokens, buying and selling tokens. So it's a more constrained, more defined
version of just the generalized arbitrary data you can put on.
Yeah, okay, that's pretty interesting, but how does it differ from a smart contract then?
It differs from a smart contract in the way that it's not processed on chain. Like with a hub,
you don't have a smart contract platform, so you can write the data, and you have some off-chain
service that looks at the data and then interprets the rules and kind of calculates the balances,
does things like that. Where with a smart contract, the transactions go to the contract
in the exact order, and it's all executed on chain and done on chain. So this is kind
of like a way to get contract-like functionality without having a contract, but you also don't
get the kind of guarantees you get on chain with a meta protocol. Got it, got it. I think
just to shuffle the conversation a little bit, because I've seen Cito's token as soon as
Asteroid went live. I think the token he released it within, I think, 12 hours of the platform
going live, and it sold out within two or three hours. Same with Leo, who's not here, but this
thing. So Cito, you've of course tried it, and I saw you tweet more about finding
your loyalist, even in the CFV20 game. What are your thoughts about it as a content creator,
as a validator? I woke up to the news when Royce was already fully minted, and I was like,
well, what is this Asteroid thing? I never heard about it. I didn't really see it coming. I knew
something like this was kind of in the works by someone, but I never really know that it just
launched as it did. And I think also the best part of how it launched was that it just launched,
and there was not much talking and everything around it. So when I woke up to the news,
I spent literally half day just learning about inscriptions, because I didn't really follow it
much on Bitcoin. I obviously heard about it before in the BRC20s, and ordinals, and SATs,
and those kind of things. But I think what it really showed in Bitcoin, and that's just like
from an outsider's perspective, I saw a lot more people being excited about Bitcoin again,
restoring culture, getting excitement from the community. A lot of community members are now
also able to do something with the chain or on the chain. So I thought that concept was really fun,
and then we launched this thing, or inscribed it, I think is a better way to say it,
and just as kind of like an experiment. And I think only once the parameters were set,
we're like, holy shit, this means we need 165,000 transactions. That's probably going to take a week
to mint out. And then things escalated, and it took literally I think four hours,
four and a half hours, and it was just nuts. But yeah, I think like I said, the core thing for me
was really getting people excited about Atom again, about the chain, about the network,
about also maybe this new avenue of the Cosmos Hub as a data layer. And I'm just very thankful
for Red and for Donovan to build this and just launch it. Because yeah, for the reasons that I
just said, restoring culture and getting back excitement. And maybe also we can talk about that,
but what does it do philosophically with the Cosmos Hub in the long run, right?
I think, yeah, since you're a value here on Cosmos Hub as well. I think we had John from Stryde team
on I think one of our flicks talk the week back or something. And he was talking, I think that's
when Asteroid just launched. And he was talking about inscriptions a lot. And he said that it's
a great way to, as you said, bring a lot of attention back to Cosmos and for people to
experiment and try with this thing. It generated a good amount of revenue in such a short span
in terms of fees, transaction fees as well. And of course, I think those are, and I think because
Cosmos Hub is also getting so much traction now, and I think for personally for me, I have never
tried like, you know, doing inscriptions on Bitcoin before because it seems such an expensive
affair as well. But as soon as I came, I was just like, I'm gonna head down, they're gonna just
jump and inscribe something and like, launch like this token thing. And then I'm gonna learn more
about it. Because yeah, because, as you said, there's a soft launch, but it just like picked
up so quickly that why wouldn't you try of sorts? What are your thoughts about it as to how it's
helping? Like, you know, bringing more, I won't say a little bit more people trying things on
Cosmos. Yeah, I think from my view, you know, the Cosmos Hub has kind of ever since I basically got
into Cosmos, like I felt Cosmos have always had an identity crisis. And I still think it has it
today. But I feel like inscriptions are just basically a new a new paradigm for the community.
But also, like you were saying, you know, for validators, we are now seeing on chain
revenue generation, which is also something that, you know, there's been a lot of like
discussions around like how, how does the Cosmos Hub and Atom as a coin like remain
competitive and relevant in the grand scheme of like shared security concepts with the Eigenliers
launching and all these things like shared security going to be enough the atom economic zone?
Or do we maybe need some some new fresh wind? And I think Donovan and read, you know, they just
nailed it. And the Delphi team, you know, developing this, this is like fresh new wind.
And I think you can never really write the hub off as a competitive one. So yeah, I think I'm
personally very excited. Like I said, I'm not the biggest inscriptions expert, by any means. I'm
not really following too much closely on Bitcoin. But I feel like there's also this huge culture now
on Bitcoin emerging that really believes like ordinals could fix the security budget, kind of
sustainability for Bitcoin. And this might also be the case for atom, but, you know, probably way
too early to like even think about this, but could be an interesting angle. Definitely, definitely.
And what do you think has like a long term impact of like non-financial use cases of
of asteroid, of omniflex that that could have on like, you know, the overall blockchain system?
Because these are like lot of things people, of course, bring like DeFi, major DeFi players to
equate with Cosmos, like any ecosystems growth. So when you talk about non-financial applications
like these, what do you what do you think would be good long term impacts of that? One is, of course,
like, you know, bringing more users and traffic. Would you like to hear your thoughts on that?
Yeah, I think that's a good question, maybe for for Donalwin or Red, but maybe from my view, I think,
you know, deejans will always be deejans and people just laugh
memes and just inscribing stuff. But I think Red, we had also spaces yesterday,
we'll talk briefly about it, about like long term use cases. So I'll let Red or Donalwin talk on that.
Yeah, Donalwin, Red, any thoughts on that?
Yeah, I think, sorry, you can continue, Red? No, go for it, Donalwin.
Yeah, like, I think one of the things I've been thinking a lot about is like,
we've done a lot of financial specific applications on the blockchain, and
there's a great reason for that. And a lot of the things work really well.
But we haven't really seen an explosion of like, bringing everyday stuff that you use onto the
chain. I'm talking about things like forums, discussion, message boards, messaging, things
like that. And there's, there's typically not a lot of interest in people building the smart contracts
and doing that on, say, a neutron or osmosis or something, because it doesn't really quite fit,
like the, you don't need that level of, I guess, security and guarantees in many ways.
Where with the meta protocol idea, you can now start exploring and building simpler things,
the more social things, the things that we do every day, like forums, you can easily now move
the Cosmos Hub forum on chain, which is an interesting idea, because now then you're
preserving all of these discussions, all of these heated discussions at some point
onto the chain as part of its own history, which I think is a really intriguing idea.
And once we get to the point where a lot of these applications have been built, and we're seeing
constantly, you know, blocks being filled with four or 500 transactions instead of maybe 20,
and then spiking up to 1000, we're reaching a point where it's kind of a constant flow of
transactions and things to do on the hub. I think then it becomes really sustainable and
opens up the door of maybe being a bit more flexible with Adam itself. So I think we're at
the start of it, and there's still a lot to explore. But some really interesting things
I think could happen if we can get the developers on board to start experimenting.
Definitely, definitely. I think I sort of very much agree with what you're saying. I think those
small, small, making space for those applications can also lead to attracting niche audiences or
people who want to experiment with a different pool of applications altogether. I thought one of the,
I think one user, a member who tried putting their website through one of the inscriptions,
and I thought that was a really cool application that I saw. So yes, I think opening more avenues
for that, we don't know what could really bring up huge traffic of audiences to building
things on meta protocols. Opening doors for that is definitely a great idea. Abhishek,
would you like to share your thoughts here? I just wanted to hand it over to Red and Linky.
If you guys had any thoughts around this, please do feel free to share.
Yeah, so I think I'll take this one real quick. I hope everyone can hear me all right.
So I always thought about, from a front-end perspective, about the asteroid inscriptions
as an avenue for membership validation, for example. So because it's on the hub,
and all your Cosmos wallet addresses can be linked to your Cosmos hub address,
it would be super easy, or it is super easy, to just validate if a certain wallet may be on
osmosis or neutron. You could even just check if that wallet holds a specific inscription
on the hub to then open up, for example, access to alpha features, or beta features,
or stuff like that, or even do a membership-only side. And yeah, have it as a place to validate
that people own certain CFT-20s or normal inscriptions. That's an avenue I see. It could
be a very big use case in the future for any inscription on the hub.
Yeah, I love that, Linky. Yeah, I also feel like we're just kind of at this point in
crypto's evolution, where we're kind of entering a new epoch, like all the financial stuff like
Donovan was talking about that we've built out over the last decade. That's just kind of basic
infrastructure that can enable really powerful things to be built on top of it. So I feel like
this is the era when we move from crypto being nerdy and hyper-financialized, just focused on
things like trading. And we move more into this era of fun, where we just get to play and do wild
things with crypto. That's what got me into the space when I first found out about the Silk Road
and how Bitcoin was being used as a currency there. I just thought, wow, this is something that
just couldn't be done without the existence of Bitcoin. And so now we've built out all these
financial primitives on other chains, including all the Cosmos chains. Now it's time to take them
into a fun place and to use the financial stuff in the background to really power
social apps, to power cypherpunk fun, playful things, and just move from really technical
things into more of the human spirit, just playful and being who we are in the real world
in the metaverse. I think crypto is at that point where we can start doing that.
So that's why I'm so excited about asteroids and some of the cool apps that are going to get built
on top of it. I think some obvious candidates are so chill. Last night I was just laying in bed
thinking about an Instagram app where people could just upload photos from their phones and then
anyone could come along and like mint up to X numbers of that photo or something.
Things like this are just really cool mashups of blockchain tech and social. And
yeah, I really hope we see some cool stuff like that happening on asteroids.
I have a question maybe for the asteroid team and also for Cisla, because yeah, how did you
guys view the dynamic or the relationship between the kind of traditional NFTs and inscriptions?
Is it more complementary? Do you see there's any competitive viewpoint or how do you see the dynamics?
Is that for the omnivics guys or? I think Cisla is having a connection issue or something.
No problem. I think it's going to be complementary. And the reason I think that is because
the NFT structure, like how the data is structured is more rich in a typical NFT versus the inscriptions
we've done so far. Ray has been thinking a lot about what the NFT standard on the meta-protocol
side will look like and how it could possibly work if you wanted to take one of the NFTs from
the hub and move that over to say to the omnivics chain and how to enable that with a bridge and
things like that. So I think there'll be to an extent be interoperable being able to move from
the hub to omnivics and maybe from omnivics back onto the hub to turn it into an inscription.
In the experiment processing happens off-chain. We have some more flexibility in terms of that
and we also still have IBC. Things can still go over IBC to the hub and we just pick it up and
finish the inscription. The big difference is though that the NFT or inscription side on
that we've been doing on the hub is it's written to the images are not stored somewhere else. That
is a good thing and also a bit limiting because you only have the 550 kilobytes where if you're
storing off-chain you can put multiple megabytes up there. So there's a bit of a limitation there.
The one wins on size, the other one wins on permanence. So I think it's going to end up being
like very complimentary and I think it would create an NFT on the hub, move it over to omnivics,
do something with it there, then maybe move it off to a different chain over IBC and eventually make
your way back. I think we can start exploring those kinds of things as well.
Will it be following the XNFT standards for Cosmo sub? Will you guys be playing with
Interchain NFTs here because that's something that we are also super psyched about.
I'm not too sure about the standard red phones been thinking about. I've only played with like
the CW version of it and may surround with that last year a bit but I haven't looked at the
XNFT standard itself and how that differs. That's a really good potential of
inscriptions there because of course I understand the dilemma between having rich media,
that's something that we have on Omnivics also where we can have big file sizes supported
because we want to open the scope for not just like not have it just like you know specific for
PDFs or images we want like you know rich media in terms of video content as well
but inscription also offers that portability in terms of like you know it being on Cosmo's hub
and even like true ordinal sort of spirit but the CFD20 tokens if we talk about that
that are going to be there are they going to be tokens factory tokens
in a way will they can they be converted to tokens factory tokens? Yes we are looking at ways
to bridge it the just the security of it is something we have to we have to consider but
if we if we're able to make the bridge work then they would end up as a token factory token on
whatever the destination chain is and then of course we need to be able to move them back as
well so there's just that kind of bridging that we need to solve and make sure that there's no
way for someone to you know meant infinite amounts of it on a destination chain but yes
the idea is to turn them into token factory tokens.
Yeah that'll be really cool. Sussla do you have anything to share because I hope your
speaker access is working. Yeah I do actually hope that you guys confirm my login. Yeah it's good.
Yeah that is great yeah thank you for sharing your thoughts of the download
definitely the scope for you know the CFD20 meta protocol standard tokens
inscriptions to be converted to token factory tokens on upon bridging and then utilize the
rest of the uh indigent info that is available for all ICS20 tokens you know in that sense so
and the same is the case with NFTs as well the XNFT standard on Cosmos Hub or
you know the CW standard because there's no Cosmos on the hub maybe it'll have to be done
differently maybe bridged to a different chain and then should be done but if the XNFT standard
is used again we have interchain NFTs and so on so forth so pretty excited as a cosmonaut
and as someone that's building Omniflix as well so thank you again and I had a quick question
that wanted to save if time permitted but I think this is a good time to go for that
what is the backstory behind asteroid protocol like how did it get started and you know what
is the time that it took from idea to seeing it live you know any of you or all of you
linky right from now on please do share your thoughts
yeah I think so I actually pitched the idea of launching asteroids internally in a Delphi
Delphi Labs Telegram group and the idea for it came just from my obsession with Bitcoin ordinals
when Bitcoin ordinals launched like a year ago I just I fell in love with Bitcoin all over again I
stayed up all night for like four days like setting up a Bitcoin node again I had to buy
a new laptop just to do that and I was trying to just collect early early ordinals that had been
inscribed and it was it was really wild back then because all the trading was happening like through
discords with all these anonymous people did it you know I had no idea who they were we were like
putting bids and offers into Google spreadsheets there were like there was no web 3 wallet for
Bitcoin it was it was just a chaotic fun mess and you know as people started inscribing more and
more and playing around I noticed that people were starting to inscribe JSON on Jane and
I started thinking that that could be a great vehicle for launching tokens on top of Bitcoin
so I put out a tweet like proposing hey we should make this thing called BRC 20s wherever you could
launch tokens on Bitcoin and within like three days this guy named Domo had taken up the idea
and formalized it into a spec and he launched BRC 20s on Bitcoin and just seeing the growth
that's happened there and the experimentation just really blew me away and then I saw it start
moving to every other chain like there are inscriptions on Dogecoin, Litecoin, they're
even on Ethereum and Solana and as all as these other chains were adding support I was I just
kept feeling like the cosmos was was missing out and I felt like it's such a beautiful place to
have something like this because because of IBC and just how interconnected everything is
I imagine these asteroids at some point being able to just shoot across chains
almost instantaneously so I think I think this is just a perfect spot for for inscriptions
Wow that is very interesting so I mean if I heard that right like we're talking to someone
that proposed the idea around BRC 20 tokens is that correct yeah yeah I've got a good sweet
thread on on how that genesis happened and the funny part is like when I thought of the idea
like I was so I was so like um unsure that it it could even work I was like embarrassed to even
post the idea and I remember sitting on my sitting in my chair like just staring at the tweet where
I was proposing it and and my finger kept going back and forth between the post and the delete
button because I was just like this this feels too idealistic to work because you have to put all
this this trust into like the indexers and the wallets and and the exchanges like people want
things people want state-tracked on chain they don't want it tracked by some third-party indexer
so I thought that the idea was like too utopian to work almost like I knew it would require just
a massive community push to to support it and lots of collaboration across different teams in
order to even make it work and yeah I almost just deleted that tweet I'm sure someone else would
have come up with a similar idea but yeah it was I'm really glad I just kind of said screw your ego
and and just posted it so I encourage people always just share their ideas whenever they've
got them because because you really have you never know where this stuff can lead
yeah I mean as soon as you think of inscriptions it might sound as if it was obvious but
if not you the idea might not have even floated around you never know so you know it has been
yeah it is very interesting to know that and honestly I did not know that someone that
influenced that decision or you know seeded the thought there has been involved in building
asteroid protocol and like cosmos thrives on meritocracy in some sense I mean web3 in general
also but more so cosmos and this is like a great example of that where you did not need to market
the asteroid protocol as a protocol that was conceptualized that was that had contribution
from someone that was involved in brc20 I mean you didn't need that for marketing it just took
off by itself and yeah we've all I think had a lot of fun with the protocol itself so thanks again
cito please yeah I want to add like I think that's really the most bullish thing is that you know
red being an absolute og in the space and kind of like building this now on the cosmos hub and
also like the whole delphi crew like to have the delphi crew kind of realigned with Atome and the
cosmos hub and I don't know like if realign is the right way to say it but at least you know
building on the cosmos hub bringing utility restoring the culture I think that's a big win
for for the cosmos hub community and also for its positioning I actually have a question also
for the delphi crew and the asteroids team basically like how do you guys view kind of
the end game I know it's like very very early young experimental technology and innovation but like
based on the knowledge and experience you guys have today how do you view the end game for
inscriptions is there going to be like one kind of leading protocol or is there going to be multiple
protocols is there going to be competition and yeah where do you see this going in the longer
term and I'm asking because I think you know we talked a lot about bitcoin and obviously bitcoin
has this digital gold narrative you know Treadphi is getting into it they see it as kind of
potentially a new also like I don't know investment vehicle and maybe as a you know
there's obviously this camp that sees it as like the new global reserve currency or money
so I think that's the main narrative but I think there's now the second narrative around ordinals
and my question is like do you think that inscriptions and asteroid could be a leading
narrative or use case it's probably a better word for the cosmos hub and yeah maybe just how you
see the kind of end game for that so I think as a big fan of everything that happened back in the
days on on terror when they're like they enabled first NFTs with space loot and stuff like that
and and what was built out of out of this just the the new functionality that was added to to
that chain I really believe that adding inscriptions to the cosmos hub just opens up a huge
spectrum on of additional use cases and I for myself don't believe in something like an end
game I think there are limitless potentials here now and as you said like this is the first time
the last report and Mars contributors joined forces again since ever and that was that really
felt great and I think it will be part of the future roadmap to to make to make a more
synergistic approach to to the overall multi-chain and cosmos hub as the main hub for inscriptions
now to have a very very synergistic use cases on both protocols and also on every protocol that's
interested in in collaborating with with inscriptions or even with with the other
protocols that we're building so I think there will be a a huge knowledge share to everyone
who's interested and I think that in the future we will see lots of more of ideas coming out of
of what you can do with the new possibilities now and I think if we are missing any utility in the
future or any tool that we need then there will be definitely another in quotes weekend project
that we will spin off and and try to add to the toolkit that we have on chain in the cosmos
ecosystem to just make it the the place for not only DeFi but most of the of of the crypto
interaction in the future
I love it Winky I would just add that what I think inscriptions really do is is
they're they're like this democratizing force for for blockchains in the past you you pretty
much had to be a smart contract of to be able to launch your own token even to mint like an NFT
collection you had to be fairly technical or willing to pay someone to do that for you
inscriptions are so easy they're so like stripped down and standardized that anyone can do it I
mean it literally you connect your wallet you have a little bit of atom in there you can upload an
html file video jpeg you can do that in in six seconds and it's it just takes like two or three
mouse clicks so what we're seeing is just just a democratization of this stuff that used to be
devs who kind of held the keys to the castle and and controlled everything and I actually think
devs are probably the wealthiest people in the entire industry they're just quiet about it
as opposed to like these VC funds and now like we we all have a key we all have our own way to
to do this and I think the end game is that trend increasing is just normies everyday people
being able to to do stuff on chain I think this is what inscriptions are unlocking and that's what
I'm most excited about yeah I mean that is a great way to put it thank you linky in red
just a follow-up question there for any of you like when you said that this democratizes the
access the entry barrier reduces the friction for developers to have two developers to utilize
the blockchain what kind of use cases do you see someone getting started with to
get their hands dirty and get involved and then maybe scale up later with the
rust-based contracts on cosmos or you know any which way but what do you think are things that
someone can experiment with maybe not to build and contribute and you know maybe not everyone is at
that level right like they might not be able to build a protocol but they can just get their hands
dirty using inscriptions you know maybe trying it out in their apps and so on so forth so what
might be things that people can build to get started so if you if you know how to spin up a
discord server for example you could you could build your own your own little dow just with
two clicks of a button just create a cfd20 token that is tied to your community spin up whatever
social communication tool you want to use in this case as i said just spin up a discord server
and then have your own community like all of a sudden without writing a single line of code
that would be for example the first the first crypto project you could start without knowing
how to code and i think there are there are lots of more possibilities now that that you could also
as i said build build a build a page or or use any any page builder for that and then
create your token create your community create inscriptions tie to it and work on a social
layer because i think crypto is also very much happening on the social layer and this could
could also spin up some as we call meta protocols without even having yeah having websites tied to
it but but communities yeah thank you definitely yeah please i just wanted to add that the word
meta protocol is is kind of intimidating it sounds like something that requires you to be a phd or a
nerd to to create but really all a meta protocol is is a set of rules for interacting with asteroids
so anyone could create a meta protocol they just publish a google
change rules about how someone is going to upload certain inscriptions so you just define
some rules and then that makes it easy to to categorize any inscriptions that that follow
those rules so like an example is imagine someone wanted to create like a blogging meta protocol
so they would basically say anytime you do a blog post you inscribe it with the word blog inside of
the memo field the urn then from there like people around the world could start inscribing blog posts
and on the indexer level those all those inscriptions would be tagged as blog posts
so then any web2dev could just index index the chain and pull out all the blog posts and display
them in a ui so yeah really meta protocols just a set of rules and anyone can write those rules
and start building cool stuff on this
yeah i just want to say i have to jump now but i really really appreciate all the insights and
honestly i learned so much about inscriptions just because you know asteroid launch and
the content you guys put out the threads i think it helped me a lot to like understand what
inscriptions are what cft-20s are what brc-20s are and just like you know kind of forced me to
to like study it because i wasn't like aware of like the magnitude it has on on the bitcoin
side so yeah thanks a lot and very bullish on on asteroids very bullish on what you guys are
doing so thanks for that yeah and thanks for your support so far appreciate it
yeah thank you cito for joining in and also looking forward to like not just more more
cft-20 tokens from your side but also any interesting insight content that you have to
share i think yeah it really helps like you know educate more and more people about such a cool
piece of tech that has come to cosmos so yeah thank you for taking all the time by the way
anytime thanks sir thank you yep i should also quickly give a shout out to the space yesterday
hosted by cosmos hub where cito was hosting we had i think the indigent foundation rob
there as well and the asteroid team definitely got my fair share of insights into the protocol
and how things worked on top of the protocol uh during that space so if you're a cosmonaut
definitely go check that recording you can access it directly via the cosmos hub twitter and so yeah
over to you yeah i think uh the insight that red shared about you know metaphor call being
just a set of rules i think that that really helps because uh you know i also and i think
a lot of listeners here are not uh that savvy or like you know that knowledgeable about
inscriptions such it's so new also so that definitely helps and i think a few if you're
talking about just a set of rules that that can be due to like you know have multiple applications
i think in terms of good synergies that we see is for example for metadata for interactive videos
that go on omics tv or meta protocol meta protocol being used for um like you know nft nft
metadata that goes on omics market are these like applications that can also be used or
do you see even more that maybe i have not mentioned here
yeah maybe i'll take that uh uh yeah i mean the interactive uh video so right now omniflix tv
is a publishing platform for video nfts uh on omniflix and uh the app in itself works as a
combination of web 2 and web 3 uh components so it's like a web 2.5 application the interactions
are all off chain for the video nfts the source of the video uh the collection details the channel
is an nft you know all of these components are uh on chain web 3 uh with inscriptions you know
we were discussing internally about a case where the interactions data so for all the creators that
have used interactive videos or you know all of the uh viewers or participants of these videos
you know imagine your interaction data uh getting encoded and getting posted inscribed on chain
right so these are ways in which we believe we can uh utilize the astroboard uh sorry
asteroid protocol and uh you know quite a lot of use cases honestly i do i wouldn't say it is
limited to this one but this is a very uh interesting use case that we have right now where
we're still not uh you know all the channels and this infrastructure is not fully on chain
yet right so before we get completely on chain with contracts you know inscriptions can be a
great way to you know uh post all of that data to the lectures to the cosmos house yeah
nothing yeah uh today i don't want to sort of chip into uh give any insight about more more
applications like that for omnipotence yeah while you guys were talking i was just just
one idea occurred to me like you could potentially do a meta protocol that's uh designed to leave
comments on videos so like say you're watching a video in your browser you have minute number
at two minutes and 32 seconds you have a comment that you want to inject into that video
you could potentially inscribe that as a comment that then gets pulled into that video in the
future when others watch it and um what's kind of cool about that is that that comment would
be an inscription that would be like available on the marketplace as well where people could like
buy or trade that comment or you know save it or burn it or do whatever they wanted with it
they're really cool cool ways that this could be extended and and sort of tokenize things that have
have never really been tokenized before um so i think there's lots of possibilities here we just
kind of have to have to go uh take a step back from the way things work today and and just try to
imagine new ways that um new ways that content could be enmeshed with blockchains um so yeah
it's really just a thought exercise at this point like uh how creative can we get with this stuff is
is a question i'm asking myself a lot
yeah that's a really cool uh didn't yeah never thought that you would call something so quickly
also that i think uh that's amazing comments on on tractor video is uh something also like
a working progress feature i'm guessing um so yeah this this could be this could be a
like you know low hanging fruit here um to using meta protocols or uh inscriptions
yeah like uh you know yeah right uh the more we talk about it the more uh intrigued app so
you know i think i had a word with donun as well in the afternoon like just a few hours back about
uh you can choose not to answer this as well uh you can say no comments something like that but
uh when do you think we can see the asteroid protocol expand to other chains uh because maybe
not the cft 20 standard but if there are specific meta protocols that say omniflex would want to
utilize uh you know using the inscriptions protocol uh maybe that is also a possibility
you know just thinking out in the thinking out aloud here and you know the way i i just started
to look at inscriptions is uh it is like a pre-tokenization move you know you you do not need to
tokenize and utilize all that infra but if you still want to post data on the ledger on the
blockchain uh the inscription uh protocol can be utilized so it is like one step before
tokenization for developers to utilize the chain again as a database and uh you know step by step
they can escalate and maybe eventually build that app chain but before that you have the inscriptions
the contracts uh rollups and so on so forth so yeah i mean any thoughts on this would definitely
be appreciating yeah that's uh yeah that's an interesting one because uh like taking what we
built here and going to a different chain like um where there's no contracts where there's no
token factory things like that uh we've briefly discussed it but i i don't have anything really to
concrete on that front but like if on omniflex you wanted to do like the comments on videos
to inscribe that into the chain like the the framework we've put together like how the
inscriptions work uh things like that it works on any cosmos stk chain um the size of the the image
or whatever you can inscribe depends on that specific chain's kind of parameters but you could
go to the omniflex one and do the same kind of inscription that we're doing in the hub and write
it to omniflex um as well and if you have an indexer that picks that up um then it would work
just as it does on on the cosmos hub um and i think that's one of the the nice things about
the cosmos stk and kind of the whole ecosystem is we've built this once but you can now take this
to the hundred odd chains and go do it there if you want to do and if it makes sense for whatever
you want to do there um so yeah that is definitely a possibility um and dude you just
yeah extend it build it on on any chain you want
very glad to hear this please oh yeah um i've got to hop off for another call but
i just wanted to say that i appreciate you guys hosting us and um yeah i'd love to
love to find ways to collaborate and um we're eager to connect with anyone who wants to build
on this stuff like uh artists musicians developers anyone um for this stuff to succeed like it needs
community and um yeah our mission is really just to to give that community the tools to
to build whatever whatever they can dream up in their heads so yeah please please don't hesitate
to reach out to us and yeah see you guys on chain on the hub thanks again very glad to have heard
you with us red and thank you for joining us and sharing all your insights we should be able to see
you again soon talking about a collaboration or more about asteroid yeah i think someone
just shared that a lot of people in the audience are getting a great kick out of reds like i know
voice modulator and if if that if uh people's voice recording could also be inscribed on asteroid
protocol i mean you mentioned the size being around 550 kb so i don't know but i don't know
what's the right person to me yeah i saw uh in the telegram chat they were putting up a
a poll on what voice shooting it used makes like a morgan freeman voice and
it's i should inscribe the results of that and and get ready to get that voice
it's a binding contract now um yeah um yeah i think uh do you do anything else do you want to
run this thing or uh i think i'm good like i do have a lot of questions you know a lot of
thoughts but definitely we'll run out of time uh you know i would uh you know just like to uh
share with the creator community with the you know wider omniflex ecosystem that do check out
you know we we definitely have donovan link and uh yeah so we have uh quite a lot of creators here
today in the space including the stake cito team the validator their validator and omniflex you
know pega sandy uh super the flex fanatics sub dao uh you know i think even the snails
dao right so all of them uh they utilize the inscriptions the asteroid protocol uh they
created their cft20 tokens you know and they're engaging their ecosystem or their community
within the ecosystem so that went really well i think it has gained good traction from the
creator community validator community as well you know like validators have huge communities you
know uh but unfortunately there is no meaningful relationship between the validator and the
delegator so considering that i think uh you know stake cito i think the stake team uh they're all
doing a great job at utilizing uh inscriptions uh to you know make the most out of uh their
involvement you know in their engagement uh yeah i mean with that uh yeah do uh keep an eye out on
i should say uh omniflex tv as well uh we will not just probably see the asteroid protocol
but also other cft20 projects make the most out of the omniflex infrastructure uh definitely there
is uh quite an quite the interest from the community and uh also do keep an eye out on
omniflex tv omniflex.tv for a new feature that is releasing tomorrow with over uh 10 projects we have
people like passage levana interprotocol secret skip and others getting involved do keep an
eye out on omniflex tv and uh yeah that uh thanks again donun and uh linky any closing thoughts for
the flicks fam uh you know if you can share probably your first memory of omniflex like
when did you first check out omniflex and uh you know anything interesting that you see in the
flicks fam uh as closing thoughts yeah i think well said regarding the the scope
possibility of creators and more and more validators exploring descriptions and how it
can be used for community building so much scope there is to sort of also educate more and more
people about it hopefully we'll be able to cover that as like you know industry and media hub also
and we make more and more space for creators to follow suit and write that education and
engagement um i think if if there's any uh no other questions i think we can move on to the
next segment donun and like thank you so much for joining if you want to share any closing thoughts
anything anyone in the audience should go and try i think in trying inscriptions and see if it
the 22 opens of course is uh as an operator but do do share anything you can do yes yeah
first of all thank you thank you for having us and um i think you do a remarkable job in terms of
educating the space uh with your platform as well so uh keep on keep on doing that we try our best
to do our part as well appreciate that and best wishes to you guys as well absolutely thank you
very much and uh looking forward to putting some content out on omni flicks um i think there's a lot
of educational stuff we can put out around asteroids on there so uh looking forward to
doing some collaborations there and uh yeah thank you very much for for having us appreciate it
thank you so much for the time yeah looking forward some some great things coming from
asteroid protocol and your team thank you
all right i think uh good time as i need to sort of uh bring the secret phase that will be there
for people who have attended the space to claim their flicks and badge their book and ft and that
is image-based interactions it's uh if you have seen our handle today you know that it's a feature
rolling out real soon and a very exciting campaign around it and i think i've already said a bit too
much um hi super how are you doing i think i'm doing good uh so well welcome everyone to flick
stock 104 and i think i had a very good time hearing jonathan linky and uh red phone talking
about asteroid protocol that is something we always so excited about since day one and uh as
sisler rightly mentioned even right on day one even i went there and i you know inscribed my cft
journey token though i later on realized there were certain things i could have done differently
but that's how i got to learn and uh you know uh what i personally like to do always uh even for
omniflex i i've tried to create the collections create nft's meant nft's to learn the other side
of the of the whole thing so with asteroid now i was able to mint a cfp token
set up the parameters and i was able to you know live through all how a project would be uh
launching the token so that also helps me even to uh help the community members understand about
the technologies about uh what the flicks token is as a community subdow lead uh so that that would
really create amazing work there so coming back to our subdow updates for the week
and this week since it's the end of the month there is a lot of good updates for the community
members and let's start we entered our sprint for january early this time because of
amazing amazing uh no participation and the top 100 members have already got the nft's
sent to the wallets and each of the nft will be eligible for 50 flicks tokens and uh the
claim is already live so please come to our campaigns page if you have got those nft's
flicks fam reward nft and claim of 50 flicks token which will be streamed over
on streamplay.me over 12 hours then we also had a quiz
by the flicks fanatics on telegram where three winners and five random participants were
rewarded with flicks tokens this happened on saturday and then on sunday there was a
quiz by gata dao on their discord which was focused on omni flicks network and its dapps
and they had announced a reward of 500 flicks tokens and flicks fanatics matched that 500
flicks tokens so the total rewards were a thousand flicks tokens and lot of flicks members were also
participating in that they had around about 100 people who actually participate in their life
quiz and got those rewards we even have a sentinel grope dao who have started their channel on omni
flicks tv and have a campaign where if you are interacting with the early videos they will be
selecting five winners on mid of february and will be rewarding with dvpn tokens worth 50 dollars
and those will be again matched by the community subdao so there will be 50 dollars worth of flicks
tokens too which will be given out so make sure that you do check out the sentinel channel and
when you're doing that you can also participate in our secret phase video and i can assure you
that this will not be all you will find that there are a lot of good content a lot of educational
content even about how to claim air drops even about no certain campaigns by different creators
different projects make sure that you do participate in track with as many of those as possible
including some new image based interactions and that probably takes me to the special announcement
which is fff and that is fics flicks friday february which will be starting tomorrow
the already announcement is ready and for people who have been in the space and waited
till now this is an alpha so there will be a lot of flicks rewards even if you're able to
there will be multiple videos you have to try and answer all the videos that will test your
knowledge about cosmos ecosystem and there are plenty of rewards even if you're able to answer
one of those videos you can still be eligible for some flicks tokens if you're able to answer all
the videos correctly rest assured there will be more rewards for you so do not waste time it will
be only for 48 hours starting at 10 a.m utc tomorrow and ending on saturday at 10 a.m utc
there is no announcement made as yet this is a fresh alpha for the people who joined us for
the space and have been supportive and are still live on the space right now so that and then of
course tomorrow being february we will be starting our new sprint zilly sprint which means again a
chance for you all to participate help us spread the word and get some more flicks tokens which
you can stick which you can get your more nfts and probably do a lot more and definitely
tomorrow is first of february and every first of every month if you have a
flicks from batch which is the proof of participation nft will be getting for this space too
there will be a claim which will be going out on the campaigns page and it will be a random
time which will be going live and there will be 500 claims and each claim will be eligible for
two flicks tokens the active members might be even be you know having around about five to ten
pop nfts and they might be able to even get a lot of flicks tokens this is something you will be
able to participate in every first of every month so make sure that you do participate in our secret
phase of the space which was image based interactions and this is on omni flicks tv
select the secret phase do it before 5 p.m utc because that's a cut off time
and you will be having your flicks on batch sent to you if you select the right option
there's a lot more for our next phase which is still work in progress but i can assure you
february is going to be no generally was really good i can assure you that for active members
and february is going to be a lot better there are already plans beyond flicks friday february
beyond all these campaigns and no activities which we do for our community members before i
give the stage back all i want to say is any suggestions feedback reach out to us 24 hours
a day seven days a week on telegram discord and please follow flicks analytics on twitter
for all the updates thank you super for a great wrap-up and for building up the hype for
flicks friday february edition i think a lot of members in the audience will be able to put
together like you know two and two to know that the new feature and this are very timely released
and it's a lot of great rewards of it and i think interactive media will not i think will
be super elevated with the launch of this feature so really looking forward to have more and more
people participate in the quest and explore the feature ones at launches uh abhishek would you
like to share a few like you know engineering developments going on oh yeah uh for sure
thank you super firstly for sharing all of the updates around the fanatics community subdow
yeah jan has really been a good month not just for people that that were involved in the activities
of the fanatics uh but i should also say the entire flicks fam the ecosystem as a whole
cosmos ecosystem and especially those that are involved in the omniflix ecosystem and
you know kudos to sandy and chris for starting a new initiative you know you should check out
their spaces that they host every friday follow chris we have quite a lot of creators that are
in the space that uploaded content to omniflix tv that have been utilizing omniflix tv
uh and uh you know firstly thanks for all of that and uh you know for being involved in the
flicks fam so thank you again uh yeah i mean i should also quickly comment uh uh disill and
fifth force robin from notional's uh video interview that uh you know got good attention
from various communities uh pega has been doing great with her uh carpets uh cosmic carpets
collection uh you know where we had multiple founders of projects also take notice of that
so overall it is going great uh and we've also had uh some interest from creators about uh
the potential use of contracts the you know features within omniflix tv and so on so forth
so yeah we've had a major upgrade just last week uh it went really well i think i've summarized it
uh in the space uh in flick stock 103 as well but uh you know the entire upgrade went well
uh no issue as such you know some application updates you know and so on so forth uh that
were there but uh you know most of the partners in the ecosystem you know already updated all of
their apps you know nodes and uh so on so forth so that went really well and we are already
preparing for the version the v2.1 upgrade which uh has a few updates around the ownft module
around royalty splits for ownft module so finally you can collaborate and split royalties right on
shane uh you know for every collection that is a feature that wasn't available up until now
uh within the omniflix hub but uh you should be able to do it after this uh update or upgrade
and this is uh essential in some sense to how contracts function on omniflix so uh the v2.1
is a precursor to the v3 upgrade where we will have cosmo awesome so the v2.1 upgrade will also
have a few updates to the stream pay module where the way image fees is calculated is changed is
updated and uh yeah is then supported in the app itself so that is with respect to uh the v2.1
upgrade so if you are a node host if you are a validated do check out the post on discord
most likely we should see a proposal real soon uh just in prep for the cosmo awesome module to
go live on omniflix uh most likely around 22nd february 2024 and uh you know immediately within
a couple of weeks from then you should see the contracts go live and the ui's around those
contracts are going live but before that if you are active on discord uh if you are involved in
the community you should be able to check out all of these updates on the testnet you know
get involved of course uh share all of your thoughts uh that you might have uh we've had
uh chris again you know shout out to chris for uh chris and um you know vega on discord
uh both of them uh shared uh details you know shared their feedback with respect to the apps
immediately after the upgrade and they had a few issues with ledger you know which was
handy by the flicks crew so it went very well and uh we'd love to see more creators get involved
on discord uh do not hesitate to ping us in the creators channel on discord exclusively for our
creators uh we'll have a lot more updates being posted over there so even if you are a creator
you know nft creator artist uh if you're a video content publisher do not hesitate to participate
there you will have a lot of uh interesting conversations and opportunities you know
collaboration opportunities uh right there so we like as omniflix we work with a lot of protocols
they're always looking for people that fully understand the tech that want to make the most
sort of uh the tech that is available and uh you know want to do our best in connecting
the right side of people uh with the right projects so that uh you know yeah everyone wins
end of the day so this is with respect to discord and your involvement we should have more news
about the product uh subdao and the community subdao community subdao you all know is flicks
fanatics should see more discussion around that uh you know more uh the information around that
uh you know publicly right up for community discussion and you should also see more
information about other subdaos uh to start off with the product subdao uh going live the next
month so overall uh jan has been great for us today is the 31st very very excited for
all that's planned for the month of feb uh within the flicks fam uh within the flicks first
uh we already have some clarity as to how things will look you know what will happen
until say mid-barch uh the timeline of which will be released to various stakeholders be it
node hosts partners development partners creators you know all of you will know the timeline and
you know will also be shared with the wider community publicly for you all to participate
but the the key stakeholders will know of these details uh before anyone else so thank you again
for making sure that yeah uh i mean i should say that the apps were of course there were
quite a few updates to the apps as well i do not want to get into the minor details for that you
can uh check out the community update that is posted on twitter and on other platforms like
reddit uh every week a highlight of last week was of course the upgrade but also after our
flick stock 103 we've had the launch of akash edu uh that is the first sovereign implementation
of the omniflex infrastructure for a web 3 community web 3 project uh previously all of
this was done for a web 2 media company you know or a studio uh or a record label you know
web 2 stakeholders but this is the first time that a web 3 project uh you know uh deep in
infra project is utilizing omniflex infrastructure uh in its most sovereign manner to educate and
engage their community so this is a huge win uh for omniflex you know we are extremely thrilled
to see this go live this is the first of a lot uh to come uh we're already in talks with other
uh protocols projects too uh to make this happen uh we have uh you know just to give you a quick
update you know a few hours back that i checked we had over 237 course you know course access
nfts on the akash edu platform so on akash edu so what is akash edu akash edu is the educational
program uh of the akash network you have four courses over there to access these courses you
need a course access nft and upon completion of the course and if you get 90 uh if you score 90
you get a course completion nft so just to share a few stats over 237 course access nfts were minted
over 210 people or over 210 course completion certificates were minted uh of course you know
multiple the same person might have completed two courses but over 200 course completion
uh certificate nfts were issued or minted so this is this is very interesting uh definitely
we were you know expecting for this kind of attraction uh maybe to be maybe to happen over
period of one week or you know 10 days but uh in the first three days uh getting that kind of
attraction where people watch the entire course attempted the quiz uh there were it's not like
a simple quiz it's like 10 questions right one after the other and you only have 20 seconds to
answer right it's like fast so they answered the quiz and uh you know of course the non-technical
course purchasing and staking akt has i think about 70 course completion nfts minted in that
collection but the others are not too far behind the technical courses intro to spiron intro to
prater and stable diffusion on akash they're not too far behind so you see you know like good
interest between technical and non-technical courses so yeah overall i think that launch
went really really well uh the flicks token got listed on the astral vault product decks
uh on archway uh that went really well if you are utilizing the archway ecosystem if you're
involved definitely do not forget to check out astral vault and you can swap the flicks token
for x flicks you can swap the x flicks token for x archway you know or x arch and you should be
able to swap it back uh quite a lot going on uh in the archway ecosystem definitely do check it out
and uh also finally the sentinel uh dvpn uh team or project you know they went ahead or actually
i should say this was a subdao collaboration i think this is very interesting the sentinel
growth dao uh subdao got in touch with the phonetic subdao and they went ahead created
channel the sentinel growth subdao and i think they now have over 4 000 interactions 2 000
people that participated and three videos uploaded with massive traction so you know gg
team sentinel kudos on the entire initiative kudos to the subdao's both subdao's the sentinel
growth subdao and the flicks phonetic subdao for making sure this happens and you know this
collaboration exists so thanks again these are some of the updates uh from the past flick stock
that we've had uh by next flick stock i think we'll have a lot more uh interesting updates
from an engineering standpoint technical standpoint and for all of our stakeholders creators uh
if collectors publishers uh node hosts please do keep an eye out on the omni flicks discord
server and omni flicks twitter and telegram charts yeah thank you
thanks obishya kathani that was a great roundup of uh all the things that has happened in the past
week especially in terms of engineering and what the creators can expect uh definitely and uh of
course uh like it is tradition um tomorrow you'll also have the monthly round of articles so if you
have missed out on any updates from omni flicks in the past months uh you can catch it up in one
article uh and to know anything uh we're gonna get a highlight of all what happened and if you're
interested to know more about it or if you're looking forward to launching a collection
you have doubts or any questions about omni flicks of course you can reach out to the team
uh i think this is a good point as i need to space so thank you all for taking up the time
for being here and for uh like you know being a great audience for this thing
i hope that those of you have have not uh tried some of our app or were excited about something
to take part in our campaign and to explore and share any feedback any thoughts that we have so
that we can continue to improve our product products and uh yes hope to see you in our
next space have a great day ahead i'll be closing the space in three two and one