FlixTalk #106 ft. @EricWaisanen from @axvdex ⚡️

Recorded: Feb. 14, 2024 Duration: 1:31:52



Hello, good morning, good evening.
Good afternoon. Welcome to Flix Talk 106. What you just heard was an electronic music
collection called Pete's Z on on Flix Market. It's a new creator. There's a recent new
parameters collection. It's multiple tracks in one collection. Do check it out and it's
really cool art as well. So if you get a chance, check it out. I hope we get to hear from the
creator as well on today's space. Meanwhile, welcome to Flix Talk. I hope you're all doing
well. Thank you for taking all the time. This is a special episode. Of course, we'll be hearing
from our guest today, Eric from Master Vault, hearing from some of our creators who have been
of course pushing the limits of what they're able to do on Omniflex, coming up with new create
collections, new creations, and of course hearing some exciting updates from from the Flix was from
Appishite will be joining us later. I think we have a lot of new stuff to discuss. Looking forward
to that. Before we begin, I would of course want to have a brief intro from Eric from Astro Vault,
a new Dex on Cosmos, really killing it with so many new pools, new rewards, and a really fun
gamified token launch method. So, you know, from Omniflex, we want to appreciate someone finding new
ways to launch their token. Hi, Eric. How have you been? Hey, brother. Good morning for me. Good
afternoon for you, man. Good to be here. Thank you. Brief intro on me. I'm the co-founder of Astro
Vault. I do a lot of tokenomics stuff. I was on the Phi Lab team for Archway for a while. I consult
with a lot of groups just kind of redesigning tokenomics to focus on value capture and build
Astro Vault as a Dex that focuses on just that so that we can, as we earn more from the same
services that a lot of other people provide and host, because we earn more, we're able to provide
a lot more. So we try to be better value add partners, active investors in the ecosystems,
in the clients that we're able to acquire. And yeah, we can give out higher APR and stuff because
we earn from our liquidity and we're the first to do so. Amazing. I think a good start would be
because we have, of course, some daily, like, veteran cosmonauts in the audience, but also
people who have just, like, recently joined in and have, may or may not interacted with Astro Vault
so far. So I think a little bit more about, like, your background in terms of how you,
like, you know, what have you done previously and what was the idea behind building Astro Vault.
Like, and of course, like, you know, I've taken part on it myself. I realize so much clear UI,
by the way, and in terms of it's so easy to use, but you and your teams, like, made motivations
toward working on it and coming from our way and, like, you know, having worked in somewhere in
Cosmos also, like, what was, I think, a bit more background would be would be great for us to learn
the story. Thank you. That's, yeah, that's a really good question. A lot of people might not
exactly know this. Ethan and I, Ethan's my co-founder, we didn't set out, we just, like, hey,
we just want to build the decks. We believe in decentralized business. We had business ideas for
the experience we have that would be really relevant, that would not even be in Web 3,
would be in Web 2, but utilize Web 3 for what it's meant to. My background's in the casino industry
where I worked for six, seven years, did a lot of sweeping game changes as I studied economic
philosophy and that was what to get into before crypto. Yeah, I got bound everywhere for card
counting, so crypto started as my side hustle after I couldn't play Blackjack anymore,
but we couldn't build what we wanted to build because the parts that would use Web 3 would,
frankly, just destroy anything that was built in DeFi. It would come in, it would be like
Olympus Dow if it was built on places other than Uniswap where it goes in, Farms Governance,
Soakins sells them. I mean, heck, less bull market. We had funds that were raising nine figures to
farm mirror. Like, you could have delta neutral positions where you have no exposure to impermanent
loss risk, no exposure to price fluctuation, and earn 40% APR because you're farming governance
soakins that aren't actually capturing value and are kind of in a bubble. And I'm like, we,
if our business is to work, if we're able to run this at a much higher margin than is possible
outside of utilizing Web 3, then we have to have something that won't just absolutely break
because you see so many DEXs spin up, launch a token, farm the token, earns nothing, token goes
to zero, APRs go low, all the liquidity leaves, they never earned any, and you just move on.
That's the cycle of DEXs that's been built and we realized that we needed better DeFi infrastructure
to be able to build out higher business primitives, not even DeFi primitives. And so that's what led
to Asphalt being a DEX designed to have and maintain revenue, be able to justify valuations
and grow over time without being subject to a farm and dump collapse, like you see over and
over again in the last four years. No, that definitely makes sense. I think,
I think that's actually a good segue to my next question, which is, there are two things that I
saw which are very unique about like, at least from like what I've read. One, of course, again,
is doing great in terms of protocol, liquidity just hit like 1.2 million, got a good listings,
including Flexibot, AKT, JKL, Mark Graf now, and that's a great start, to be honest.
I get that it's the first revenue positive DEX in Cosmos. So of course, from what I understand,
like, you know, what you're mentioning about your background, working on tokenomics, this is something
that you would have definitely factored in when launching, as you mentioned, to not run it into
like, you know, liquidity leaking, zero APR, sort of another token, another app like that.
So how does that come into play in terms of designing the tokenomics and how the liquidity
will work? And second is about the validator node approach where every time a new asset is supported,
there's a validator node that's been, or how does the node get liquidity? I think that's something
that's at least I'm very curious about. So I'm lucky to hear about that. Yeah, so it's a very
different, I guess, probably at this point, a little bit of a clunkier startup experience for
new pools. However, we yeah, hopefully it's worth it. Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you
liked the UI. I'm glad you've messed around with a little bit. Please anyone who's here, do check
it out. You can LP Osmo, or you can LP Flix for 10 or 17% on Osmosis. You can LP it for 51% on
Asphalt. That's kind of the argument that we're making right now, is that we're earning from our
liquidity so we can pay it forward. We're earning Flix from that pool. And as you mentioned about
the POL, we're literally invested in Omniflix and we continue to invest in Omniflix every single
day as we grow and grow our Omniflix liquidity that's owned by the AXV DAO. And a lot of the
groups again have worked on protocol owned liquidity that kind of got it popularized by
Olympus DAO. And people realize that there's something there. But my issue is like, protocol
and liquidity has always been done by bonds. It's always been like, oh, pay more for it. Oh, strike
backroom deals, but no real way to auto generate it. And so what we call ours as protocol earned
liquidity. We own over $200,000 worth of Jackal. Jackal hasn't given us anything.
We approach Jackal. We're like, hey, this is how your equities look looking right now. It's
being set up in a way that's $7,000 a month is being sold for Osmo. It's costing you guys this
much. We're not even saying spend that much on us. We're saying just literally stop spending that
and we'll pay you for your liquidity. Everyone else is like, oh, let's do liquidity swaps so
that you have the opportunity for exposure. Like that's great. We'll give you the opportunity for
exposure too, if that's your thing. We'll also pay you because we're going to earn from your liquidity
whereas nobody else's. Osmosis Prop 838 basically told everybody, hey, we're not going to consider
Cosmos strategic partners anymore. And we're not going to give any of you guys incentives.
And their argument is like, we're not really making money from this liquidity. My argument
is they're not making money from any liquidity, which is not a knock against them. Not a single
DEX has until now. Everyone's focusing on concentrated liquidity in ways that they don't
even understand or are not necessarily safe. Trust us. We know all the math behind all that
kind of stuff. Over 50% of LPs losing money on the unit swap V3 right now. But the reason is
because liquidity is expensive and it's a cost and they're not making revenue. There's nothing
on the other side of it for them. We're the first that does the same thing Coinbase does
and actually earns revenue from the liquidity. And we do that by basically staking the native
liquidity and keep it enough liquid to process withdrawals. The same thing Coinbase does,
they earn a ton of money off ETH inflation, off Adam inflation, et cetera. And so we set up a node
for each of these networks. We set up our own DSSD, a DAP specific staking derivative. Our argument
is that having middlemen like stride extract value and then create an LST that is not liquid,
that doesn't matter how much you take from community pools is still going to trade several
percent underneath the underlying asset, which you're seeing live, which we wrote the math on
years ago and fully published in our white paper. That's not the way forward. That's not a way
that's sustainable. We need all apps that generate significant TVL to earn revenue directly from that
TVL in order to continue being sustainable. And so, yeah, we'll spin up our own node. We'll spin
up our own that'll look like an X token, like X flicks on Astravolt CUI. That is our staking
derivative that our DAO earns the staking rewards from. The only reason you'd really get it is to
LP it to earn our APR. It's not meant to go outside of or beyond Astravolt. If Nolus wants a flicks
derivative, Nolus should make an end flicks and they should earn from the TVL that they attract.
And then they could tap into us to help liquidate it. And then we'll route the actual state assets
for the underlying liquidity through our node, unless it gets to a point where like centralization
is an issue, but we don't even get the governance power from it because all the governance power
is relayed to the actually token holders and LPs. Got it. I think that's pretty well designed
knowing like really having your priority state in terms of how the revenue ends and out,
being like, you know, you're being really, really straight and strict on that. And I think that's
really cool. I think the next thing I would want to know especially is about the much being discussed
like the outbid mechanism. So I get that since you have experience with the working fifth casinos
on apps related that works on gamifying the experience. Outbid was like a no-brainer that
you didn't want to do a straight like, you know, Dutch auction LPP method, but do more of outbid.
But I think I'm pretty sure a lot of people in the audience have gone through it. It was
I think around five rounds, lasted around for five days, raised the 100K in liquidity, which is cool.
To be honest, like going into it, even I was, it was a very different method for even me to
like grasp in a way, but I was just like, okay, these are the basics, like the round raises and
then moves on to the next round. And the rules are pretty simple, but it's just a new method.
I want to hear like how you came about this thing and even taking a call about going,
launching this way, considering that will be very new for a lot of people in the ecosystem.
Yeah, like what's your approach and have you been approached by other projects to do something like this?
Yeah, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's very different. It's kind of what we do. We do
things differently. How we got about it, Ethan and I, Ethan, my co-founder, he and his wife and
his kids came over, we stayed at my place for a week and we just got to finally like work in
the same vicinity. And we're just going through like launch plans. And we never had a private
raise. So like our team's fully bootstrapped. We built all this, no salaries, funding everything
out of pockets, older house to get to where we're at. And it worked and that's great. The same time
we need to scale. Our model works multi-chain in ways that nothing else has yet. Our model works
beyond Cosmos, not just in Cosmos. So we need to be able to scale. We need to get some funding in
the door and we're pretty strapped on time. So we are thinking about how to best get funds.
We know the top two, I guess, lunch pads per se in the ecosystem are Eclipse. We talked to them,
they didn't want us. We're like, okay. And they're really expensive. We talked to you guys, StreamSwap,
which is brilliant and actually probably did influence us a little bit because StreamSwap
does a great job at price discovery. So we're like, well, we don't really need to tap into the
proper price discovery. What we don't have is just like a set kind of like IDO type thing.
One, not one that's like more available and we don't have one that's like fun. And so we're big
believers on trying to make everything that's built fun, which you guys are honestly great at.
The UI for everything on Omniflex is fantastic. But yeah, we're tying into what can like, one,
be fun because we want return users. Two, what can drive sales? Because we've never really,
like launch pads, people could go there, people could buy a token, but what happens if they don't
buy it out? They're like, oh, well, it just failed. Darn, man, you still owe us money. We don't have
anything that's like, hey, come buy a little bit more. Hey, here's a discount. Hey, here's a bonus.
Here's an NFT. Come buy a little bit more to really drive sales. And with our ethos being
decentralized business, we're like, well, we should find something that does. And so we were
actually really influenced by a, like a Twitter engagement farming trend that we ended up running
just to kind of prove a point of like, Hey, in 10 hours, we're going to do a giveaway for a hundred
dollars to a comment that has zero likes. And engagement farmers started doing this kind of
stuff and they'd get tons and tons of comments. And then everybody would go and like everybody
else's comments just to try to give themselves a better chance of winning. And you can always just
add another comment at the end and like the comments above you to be lined up for a jackpot.
And so we're like, well, that drives further engagement, especially at the end. What if we
did something like that where it's like, Hey, we have these micro sales, you know, there's some
kind of price discovery, like you set the floor, but it goes up and a measured amounts. But what
if at the very end, there's just like a jackpot or whatnot that like drive sales. And so we walked
through, we did a bunch of Sims and sure enough, like we, the regular bidding time stopped and we'd
only raised $202,000 and through the gamification of, of like the jackpot to drive more sales at the
end of the round to reset the time and align people up for a jackpot. And the very, very real risk
that the jackpot was real and could actually be one. It's not, it's not a gimmick. It's not fake.
We did end up giving away a $30,000 jackpot. But that was after we drove an additional $108,000
worth of sales and drove the price up another 16%, 17%. So it worked. It was fun. Most people liked
it. It's a very different approach. It's not, it's not the right fit for everybody, especially people
who really need proper price discovery. But it, it was fun. It worked. That's, that's, that's really
cool that you took inspiration from like your normal Twitter giveaways and gave me five. I think
yeah, the last bonus was around around five was around like 43 K. I don't know if it's in
as if XV or in dollars, but it is high amount. And I knew that every round closing had like the
bonus round for half an hour. That, that was really this thing. I really, I am pretty sure
a lot of people did like set alarms just to make sure that they, they get to in the bonus part.
So yeah, kudos to you for the gamification part. I think first stream swap, yeah, the
for especially for Omniflex, I think that was really special too in terms of price discovery,
great learning experience, because at least for a lot of folks,
the Dutch action, Dutch auction LPP method was like, was like a standard and a lot of retail
users used to like not have enough experience to understand it, myself included. And it was like,
sort of very difficult to navigate through and you often get burned because just because you
didn't understand how things are working. So like, you know, beat out, beat, beat stream
swap, I think that's, it's more retail friendly. And for you to play around, the chances of like
being burned less is like a great like cherry on top. So I think another good thing for,
at least I would want to know just as a, and for those people who are in the audience,
if someone's trying to ask the world, like now, for example, what are say three key differences
you would say that they would experience right off the bat, then they're like, you know, when
they're playing around with say LPs or trading or yeah, I think that would be like compared to other
say DVA DX or responses like what are three key differences that should be
outright anyone, even if even if they're like a beginner in DFI, they would they would notice
and that's which is worth counting on. Yeah, so first, we're really customizable. Like we're big
on you building your own experience, we'll build more towards that in the future where you have
cool NFC integrations. But like right now when you log in, know like about pager, like you log in,
you connect your wallet, it's going to ask you to make a permit, which basically helps you
store all of your stuff inside your wallet is actually going to allow you to operate the
entire decks and multi chain at the same time, not a drop down and sequester platforms, which is
going to be really interesting. But once you're in, you're going to see like your my portfolio
that's showing up. And you're going to see like all these different widgets kind of on the dashboard,
you can grab them, you can drag them wherever you want on my assets, you can sort based on dollar
amount listed by your portfolio, or you could drag and drop things that however you want. Our goal
is so you could access all your data, all your information, all your transaction history,
all your rewards claiming for any types of pools and farms you may be in with one button,
all available right there on the dashboard. So that's your portal to see everything that's going
on. And just the customization, favoriting things and like all that's a little bit different than
what most people do. I think a lot of people don't even know that you can drag and drop and
customize everything. And then if you turn off your desktop, and you switch to lead mobile or
something, everything's still going to be saved the way that you had it, through how we do things
in the permit. So that will be different than other than that, really, the farms are probably
the most different thing that people are going to notice right now, as we roll out more and more of
things that set Asterolt apart. But we've been talking until we're blue in the face that the
Asterolt makes revenue in ways and places that other DEXs and other applications just don't.
Well, to prove that we're just doing like a small 20% rev share from two of the assets we have
listed. And so you can stake AXV to earn ARCH. You can stake AXV to earn Jackal with zero lockup time.
So like, where else can you stake a DEX token to earn a token that's not the DEX token? Maybe
some places will like charge a token listing fee, and then maybe distribute that to the token
holders over six months. They've given us no money for this. We're earning it. They can't turn it off.
We have access to it. Eventually, you'll be able to stake AXV to earn Flix. So if you have Flix,
you can LP it and earn AXV. If you have AXV, you can stake and earn Flix because we're earning Flix
and we can give 20% directly to our stakeholders. That's really cool. I think that's sort of,
I mean, Cosmos is known for like, you know, its ABC interoperability. So being able to earn
Crossroads like that is something really cool. We also love it because like if you stake Flix,
you do get like, you know, earn parts of the one person marketplace commission. That's good
reward to stake us. So you get basically, unless you have like a huge volume basically of a month
state, we get, do get dust in terms of like rewards in terms of ATOM, OSMO, whoever, whatever is
earned natively on Omnifix market, like activity. So that's, that's something really cool. Being
able to get that like, you know, jackal another tokens. I think that's a big thing for especially
Cosmos because yeah, I think could shout out to them also, they're building something really cool.
I think before I do my last question just here, I think I saw Super ask for a request,
not able to get him here. But I'm just opening the floor for anyone who has a question
with Eric here for us to hold for even in terms of like, you know, the Flix pool or anything else.
I think one, one, I, one thing I would love to actually mention here is that actually start
with the question, which is when is asked in the channel on Omnifix TV. There'll be something
really cool. I always like informative stuff. I think a good amount of like content can go into
this, which would be I think, super educational for people who are not like directly sort of
experimenting with this and first would like to know all these details. Because even even for me,
the fact that you can earn jackal on staking XP is like an alpha. So yeah.
Yeah, great question. We already made the channel. We're just trying to take some videos we had made
and turn them into proper quizzes and we're working on getting some more made. So we're
hiring a couple. Yeah, a couple of community people to come in and help us make some edits
because we're spread really, really thin. But hopefully we can start getting quite a few videos
live on it pretty soon and hyping it up. And additionally, a nice crossover that we'll have
live soon if you want to know what's different about AstraVault than a usual DeFi experience
is we can partner with any NFT project for any duration of time to provide you can where you can
equip your NFTs for boosted APR or boosted governance power because you can't just stake
AXV to earn jackal. You can stake AXV to earn jackal and vote on jackal governance props. So
the entire AXV DAO was going to have governance power in Cosmos and all the layer ones in Omniflix.
And so we're really excited to work with you guys and maybe get people who are owning part of the
channel or people who are earning po-apps and badges boosted APR from using AstraVault as well,
which is something that you're not really seeing in the Cosmos. That's something really cool,
I think. A lot of creators in the audience just, I hope they're listening. I would love to see any
of their projects being utilized like this for sure. Hi Super, I think I have you as a speaker.
Yeah, hi, hello. No, it's good. I suppose the first time when you were trying to get me to speaker,
for some reason, X was putting me back as a listener. So fine, I'm here. Yeah, hi Eric. I
think this is great having you on space with Omniflix. I've been on space for AstraVault
a few times when you had your outfit sale going on and fantastic. The Twitter thing what you
mentioned, I had participated there. The sale what you had mentioned, I participated there.
The whole thing was so fun. It was amazing. I probably was thinking, the way it's been done
is just not crypto. It's the way it has to be. So much fun. I wanted to first ask you,
have you guys been able to know who Nunya Biz is? No. Okay. So he's referring to Nunya Biz. We have
to try to make it fun, we have the ability to put nicknames on our wallets while you go. So we have
keep track of a leaderboard in the different rounds. So we have people change their name to
bag of nuts or whatever they want to, as they did to take over the leader spot. If you win,
you get all kinds of NFTs and stuff. But the person who named themselves Nunya Biz is the guy
who won the 32 something thousand dollar jackpot there at the end of round five. No, we don't know
who it is. Super, that was the question. 33,000 dollars worth. And even I was there,
of course, even I had my nickname and I was just saying that even I was there.
I'm losing in between Super, like
if anyone else is able to hear, please let me know.
I love them as well. Let's see if he's able to give us connection a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
So if you want to jump, like, you know, jump back, maybe like this thing, let me know.
And anyone else in the audience, I see Kritradani, Sandy, Chris names.
But in the meantime, about the nickname type stuff, we had a blast with that. Some people
didn't set their nicknames. We did have like a basic filter on for, you know, people trying to
put in appropriate things like the nuclear launch codes, which everyone tries to do on outfit.
But it was a blast. We're going to work on a feature where you could like,
maybe burn an XV to change other people's nicknames to bring back elementary school
bullying just to make it more fun. Yeah, definitely. Hi, Sandy.
Greetings OmniFlex. Hello, friends. Hello, Sisla. Hello, Eric. I'm so pleased to meet you. I'm
following you. So glad to find out about your project. And yeah, I'm one of the people that
can't get rid of that OmniFlex. I sort of stuck myself here, I've made some collections, and I
am a true believer in this ecosystem. And it's been wonderful. I've done collaborations. And
actually, this is such a big, huge time. And first of all, I want to definitely do something with your
project, because you mentioned that other collections and projects can work with you. So I'll get in
your DMs and do that. And so what we've done, Crypto Canvas Chronicles is a community. And
we're trying to bring blockchain literacy to the Persian community. We have a thirsty community
who's very cultured, very educated. But there's a language barrier and understanding this. And just
there's a lot of noise, you know, in the crypto realm. So we've started that. And I'm happy to say
that OmniFlex is helping me onboard these artists. I've got three artists who are ready to
bring their projects and their TV channels onto OmniFlex. And so thank you for helping me
get them started, you know, they're going to get to bypass having to figure out all the crypto
stuff. So OmniFlex is helping these new creators start their collection by helping them fund,
you know, the flicks they need just to get started. And that's a huge deal. So I'm happy
that's happening. And this morning, I've started sending flicks to these new creators, who are
going to be coming on board. And they're excited about what's happening, because I've been just,
you know, I've been a big loudspeaker trying to tell everybody OmniFlex is great. And the people
who've listened to me like Piga, and some of the other creators have really found their place and
found success. So I'm glad to meet you today. And I'm glad that I'm still here. OmniFlex has done
a lot for me. And I'm dedicated to grow this community and to bring awareness. I mean,
it's decentralized. And one of the questions I keep getting from people, they're like,
is it okay if I say I'm from Iran, when I'm setting up my wallet, my Kepler wallet,
or that I'm with OmniFlex. So I even forget that I need to say this thing first. OmniFlex is about
freedom. I get so caught up in the details of how to mint, how to change your atom into flicks. I
forget, there are people out there who don't have the freedom who can't go on platforms. So yeah,
I'm just going to go back and zoom out my lens and say, thank you OmniFlex, because freedom
is not that common today. Thanks very much. I'm going to yield my mic and wish you a fantastic
rest of your day. Thank you so much for sharing that, Sandy. And shout out to Crypto Canvas
Chronicles for, of course, onboarding, bringing great creators from around the world. And for
like, you know, rallying support for other artists. Super, yeah. I hope you're back with
normal G. Okay, let's try take two. Okay, so you know, Eric, I was saying that I know, because even
I was using a nickname at that time, it was almost three in the morning, when we were at the last
stage, and I had around about 15 tabs open, keeping an eye on everyone's wallet about how many
how many USDC or how many, you know, tokens they have to see if we are able to do it. And at the
last moment, of course, we used to always wait till the last five seconds to see if we are able to get
through. So then no one out outbids us. That's the whole funder of outbid. And it was real fun,
I think really had a good time. So and what I know, had even mentioned, Jatin, when I was on
their space, and what I want to probably know, mention here again, is that I would be looking
forward for a project who would probably be using outbid to raise the initial funding, and then
probably, once they're ready to launch, they will probably know, list why our streams were to have
the initial price discovery at the time of listing. So even that is possible where a project
is able to use both outbid for initial raising of funds, because they're able to lock those
tokens or points or however they can, you know, they can do that. And then when the project is
ready to list a token, they can use stream swap to recognize what the price discovery should be,
and get it listed on osmosis. That is something which was really fun. And really something I would
be looking forward to. So that that brings me to the next question, Erica, is there any other
project now which has been finalized yet for our outbid? Not that has been officially finalized,
but we do have a couple in mind that we should be announcing here pretty soon, including some
not in cosmos, that are some pretty okay, so we it's easier for us to expand outbid before we
can expand that servault, but there's a man for it and sweet and yeah, I can use both stream swap
and both stream swap and outbid and they can use them in either order. The other alternative would
be use stream swap to find a price discovery and then start an outfit campaign a little bit under
that price discovery with like a longer staggered besting time to then see how it goes to raise
different funds. Either way, however, whatever best suits projects needs. Sounds fun. As long as
there's more different types of things available for for teams to bootstrap funding in ways that
are fun and transparent. Great. And okay, another question I had was that this is about the Flix
pools. So of course, this is possible that all the pools on Istroworld, but I will talk about
Flix pools because I have my own funds on Flix and some AXV, not the AVX, but the AXV pools. So
how long will the GRVT8 points farming would be on? So can someone still
pull their Flix tokens and still earn the GRVT8 tokens? And what is GRVT8 tokens? If this is
probably GRVT8 tokens, there's no points. Would you like to share some light on that?
Yes. So most DEXs will give out a governance token to LPs in some capacity. Right now,
it isn't giving any to the Flix pools, but they only ever give them the LPs. We wanted to also
give AXV, our native token, to traders. We wanted traders to earn part of the DAO that they're a
part of. They're part of this ecosystem that usually gets forgotten. It's really difficult
to do that in a way that's fair. So we made GRVT8 as kind of like this claim token. We don't want
AXV to be printed on demand. We don't want it to be like, oh, it builds up and goes to each next
trader because then somebody trading a tiny amount can get 10 bucks. Somebody trading a huge amount
can get a cent. We needed it to be kind of fair and equitable. So what we do is we make this claim
token. Whenever you trade, basically it mints GRVT8 one-to-one with your dollars worth of volume,
plus or minus a little bit, but that's about the rate at which it's minted. So only for trading
does it mint GRVT8. And then you can burn your GRVT8 to claim your percentage of AXV. We front
loaded the contract and we give a percentage of emissions to that contract. So if volume is really
low, the redemption rate goes up. If volume is really high, redemption rate goes down. And in
general, you can get back some funds that will basically cover your trade fees and stable pools,
or at least be cash back via discounts on normal trade fees. But yeah, you'll learn that from
trading Flix. If you LP in any Flix pools, you'll get AXV, just the native governance token,
directly. And you'll get that in perpetuity. We have not asked for any voluntary contribution
from the Omniflex team. We've received zero voluntary contributions from any teams,
and we're still able to give out our governance token because we're still earning Flix. You can
see it on our POL page right now. We're still earning ARCH, ADAM, JACO, all these other things,
whereas Osmosis is not earning Flix from their liquidity pools. No, amazing. No, this was,
again, one point where I see the Astro Vault is different than every other text I've tried
personally on Cosmos. I will only say Cosmos because frankly, I don't use a lot of dead cells
in Ethereum yet because of the fees, but this is really great. And what I have also seen is that
when the AXV token got launched, at that time, the conversion rate was so much better. And then
slowly as the TVL is increasing, and probably there are more conversions happening, that the
conversion rate from GRV8 to the AXV token is reducing. So would you probably, now this might
be a bit tricky, but would you probably recommend people to do the conversion every week once or
every month once and then put it back to the LP? What strategy would you probably recommend someone
who is trying Astro Vault and want to maximize how they use the funds and the rewards they get?
So it'll matter much more how often you claim your bulk rewards, your LP rewards, than your
gravitate. It'll be a function of like gas spent and it would only really apply to really high
volume traders, which we would love to have. But yeah, it's kind of like if you think volume is
going to go down in the foreseeable future, might want to hold off. If you think volume is going to
go up, which in general it should tend to, then you might want to claim earlier. It's not going
to make a huge deal either way. I just do something like claim once a week or claim once a day.
If you want a detailed formula on how to optimize it, right now the biggest factor is probably going
to be the price of gas on ARCH. ARCH is the gas token. We're built on ARCH way right now.
We're going to get that reduced through governance here in the next week or two,
so that's less of an issue. Whatever you feel, it is technically the longer you wait,
the more you're expecting emissions to outpace volume.
Nice, and last question. Now, I could also say that there are a lot of AXV tokens which are
getting burned. Almost 228,000 AXV tokens have been burned and the token is just recently launched,
so this is impressive. This was something which was included right from the beginning
when the token got launched. How do you think this would also be helping in the use case of
the AXV token? Will you probably want to use AXV token as a fee token on the DEX in the future?
We'd love to work with the various layer ones we list on to make AXV a default fee token.
Regardless, as we enable multi-chain swaps, we'll move it around so that AXV is a fee token,
where you'll pay a little bit extra in AXV on one side and we'll supplement the gas through
POL on the other side, which is very interesting. That hasn't really been done before, but yes,
we burn a lot of AXV. We're always going to burn a lot of AXV. We call it counter-inflationary. Yes,
there is perpetual emissions of the AXV token, but inflation is decreasing. Meanwhile, there's
always deflationary pressure. If you let liquidity provide on AstraVault, you will be earning the
AXV token. You will not be earning the trade fees. You're usually earning the AXV token at a much
higher rate than the trade fees, but those trade fees on standard pools go to buy back and burn
the AXV token. We've earned over $400,000 in revenue over six months before our token is even
live, so we have like $35,000 to buy back and burn AXV. We've used like a third of that or so
far, and we're earning more to buy back and burn the tokens. We're trying to ease into it, not have
price shocks or whatnot, but yeah, we still have more in the tank that we're working on to use to
buy back and burn AXV, and then that will be codified and automated to randomly trigger when
different token amounts hit different prices. There's always going to be buybacks and burns.
Additionally, the last burn, which was $47,000 AXV, wasn't bought back. This is another important
thing to consider. As our protocol-owned liquidity grows, our protocol-owned liquidity
is also earning AXV from the emissions. Almost 25% of the emissions that we paid out to liquidity
providers were earned by our DAO, either through the ecosystem liquidity wallet or through the
POL wallet directly, and those tokens just automatically got burned, which means if it
looked like we spent $20,000 in a week in emissions, if you assumed it was a spend,
it's actually reduced by 25%, which is great considering we're making over $16,000 a week
right now, and that's expected to go up pretty quick. We run things like a business. We're very
public about what our actual numbers are, and with a fraction of Osmosis's liquidity and volume,
we're earning 8% of their revenue with way lower expenses. If they had our tokenomic models with
their current growth, with their current size, they'd be earning $100 million a year instead of
$11 million. So we scale really, really well. All right. I think that's most of the questions
I had for right now. I will give this edge back to the host. All I wanted to say before I leave
is that the experience has been wonderful. The UX has been very smooth, very easy to use. Initially,
you would probably, someone who's coming on the extra world might get confused with
what is X token, what is the actual underlying asset token, but you will get a hang of it very
easily. The only thing probably I didn't like initially was the ARCH fees, how it was structured
and how every few times it used to tell me that I need ARCH, and the fees probably was on a higher
end compared to what I have experienced on the other taxes, but I think that has also been worked
on and it's really great to use. I will highly recommend someone who has not used the extra world
to try that once and any questions I've seen Eric, Ethan, and even others from the team being active
on the chat themselves and answering all the queries and taking all the feedbacks and making
those changes very quickly, which is highly appreciated. Thank you. Thank you, Tim. Thanks
for the positive feedback. Yeah. Not only will they get price of gas reduced pretty soon, but also
ARCH way is shipping a brand new feature for Cosmos, apparently. I'm excited to learn more
about it, but where we can have the applications directly, like fully abstract the gas for like
large scale things where anybody can onboard, like we have fee grants set up. We built the first ever
ledger compatible fee grants in Cosmos, but now we'll be able to general purpose that a little
bit more so you guys can all come Triaster Vault for free and then only have some kinds of actions,
paper gas and have gas not be something that you have to largely factor in as you trade and as you
do stuff. So the UX will keep getting better. Trust me, we obsess over it constantly. Thank you for
the kind words, man. Thank you. Thank you, Eric. I'll quickly jump to the Appelo handle. Of course,
for those who don't know, proposal 30 for Appelo integration, still live on Minscan for you to go
check out and vote. Hi, Appelo team. Hey yo, hey yo, what's up? How you doing guys? Hope you are all
doing fine. Good. So before we speak about the proposal, I have a question for you, Eric and the
Astro Vault team. So yeah, I don't know if you guys have like any idea about Appelo or what we are
doing, like we are specialized in token getting, we provide some desk score and telegram utilities
to mainly NFT creatures and some NFT tokens, some chains and things like this. But yeah, so we did
this utility before to Osmosis and I think cause you guys have the same thing. So what we did is
like we provided a bot, okay, a function in an Appelo that will allow people to verify if they
are contributing to a special pool. So let's say you have a pool X and you want to verify who's
contributing with an X amount or above an X amount to a pool, to a pool, sorry. And if they do,
they get, they get a special role and maybe the team like I don't know the pool, the pool creator,
they can like assign some special, special role so they can get, get for them access to some channels
where they can give them like, I don't know, distribute some things, share alpha and things
like this. So it's like, it's like gearing, creating like a token gearing for people that
they are contributing to pools. This, this tool can be used like, but by not, by not just one pool,
like the pool owner, he can like add the bot, you know, set up with one slash command, he can like,
you know, add the settings like the pool ID and assign the role and what role to be assigned and
the amount to be, to be held by the user. So yeah, and if he's eligible, we assign automatically
from the role and if he goes below, because we also provide roles claiming to be fair for,
for everyone. So if the user, if the user goes like below the threshold, the, the bot automatically
will remove the role. So we make sure only the eligible people are, are getting access to this
special content. So yeah, this is one idea that we may help with if you guys are interested,
for sure. So yeah, I'm dropping it here. So you can just reach out if you guys are interested,
you can just give us a DM or no join the discord. So we can speak more about this. So yeah,
great job. Great job. What you did so far, guys, you guys have some special utilities. I love what
you guys doing. Yeah. Good luck building and yeah. Thank you. Thank you, man. Yeah,
it is interesting. We, I think you guys would be surprised how much of our focus is actually on
building out weird infrastructure and financial infrastructure for NFTs. Like that's actually
always been a very heavy focus for ours. So there will be a lot of interesting partnerships and
overlaps in the coming months. Lovely. Amazing. Okay. So yeah, speaking about the proposals.
So Apelo is, is planning to, to, to, to unboard OmniFlex. So yeah, we, we last proposed a non-chain
proposed like seven days ago, six days ago. So the proposal will be closed today. We have,
by the way, I'm really surprised like with the engagement, like people that devoted like,
I don't know, 86% last time I saw yesterday, I guess. So that's super amazing. That proves
nothing about the community is super active. The OmniFlex like just like a very big community
behind it. That's super amazing. You can check the number of wallets devoted. That's crazy, man.
Yeah. We got like, uh, we have channel, uh, very positive feedback from the validators and all the
people who voted. Yeah. So yeah, I guess by, by tomorrow we will be starting, we will start
working on the integration. Uh, the plan for now is to first start working on our indexers. Okay.
So once we have the indexers ready, this, this will take around seven to 10 days.
And once we have all the indexes and the database is ready, then we will be shipping first the token
getting with all the functions that we mentioned on the, on the discussion. Then later we will be,
we will be, we'll be adding the sales tracker, the volume leaderboard from everything,
as we mentioned on the, on the discussion. And this process will take around a month to have all
the functions up already. But, but as we spoke before, we will do our best to have, uh, most of them,
uh, to have, as I said, the token getting ready by when with it, with most of it,
you chose this ready before the 20 as this, as the 22 is the, the, the omniflex anniversary. So yeah,
that's amazing. Um, so yeah, I think that says, I don't know if you guys have any questions for us
or if you want to like, you know, anything special about a payload or, I don't know if you guys have
like any, any fun, any, anything in mind that you guys want to ask, so feel free. And thank you for
supporting a payload by the way. Thank you team for joining in. And yes, just a reminder,
the prop is still up. Do go vote if you haven't. Just a second. I have Chris also.
Hey, good morning guys. Uh, good morning, Eric. Good to see you. Uh, big fan of archway and of
astral vault. Uh, just want to touch with you a little bit on tokenomics, as you know, or, or
may not know, uh, omniflex just enabled cosmwasm. We're about to see DOWs spin up and we're going
to have the ability now to create tokens here on omniflex. Uh, so when, when, when you're thinking
about tokenomics and token design, Eric, uh, especially in the sense of a different NFT
projects, I know this may vary on use case, but what are some of the basic kind of fundamental
things that, that NFT projects over omniflex should keep in mind as they launch tokens, uh,
to be used within their projects or DOWs? Do you have anything you can offer the community on,
on those ideals? Yeah. So speaking super broadly on like what to think about when starting token
design, uh, like from scratch is one, does your project make money? Um, if you don't make money,
then don't pretend to and try not to get a whole bunch of liquidity for your token. That's probably
going to eventually be in some level of rug. Um, that's, that's what you're in for. Uh, but yeah,
find out what it takes and what the direction is for your project to make money to use the token
to incentivize that action. We give some, uh, AXP to Sakers through gravitate or through, to
traders through gravitate. We make money from traders. It's weird that that's not incentivized
most places. Incentivize what makes you money. Use the printing of your tokens to decentralize
expense. Uh, I'm a US citizen, um, the US prints dollars so that we can have fire stations and
police officers. Every country has some level of inflation because that is how you decentralize
expense. That is the purpose of minting tokens right now. Um, most chains gave it to Stakers and
that decentralizes the cost of infrastructure provision. It doesn't actually incentivize
security yet. Um, I'm working on fixing that at a more large scale. Uh, but yeah, in general print
tokens to the centralized costs and focus it on incentivizing revenue. That's the best way to grow
a business. Um, focus less on initial distribution and more on optimizing inflation mechanics and
driving sales. Like seriously, having products and pricing products is incredibly, incredibly
important. If you look at the Jackal economics V2, that was mostly my work where now like they're
raising the prices, we identified margins and unit margins. Um, and they built in commission because
like Jackal protocol makes a bunch of money. If they are able to sell their storage space,
why limit it to one team that isn't focused on sales to drive the sales. Now, anybody in the
world can be a full time Jackal, a like Jackal storage salesman without having to go to an
interview without having to like get officially hired. You can just go and sell it and have
commission baked into the protocol and earn USDC from your sales and Jackal protocol make a ton
more revenue if you do. Um, so yeah, in general, I know it's usually going to be more basic, but
try to make a business. But that's, that's my best advice. Awesome. Thanks, man.
Uh, I think we've covered a lot of questions today. Thank you, Eric, first of all, for like
answering them so patiently. And, uh, any, any final words from like, you know, you before we
move on to the next segment. Uh, yes. So thank you so much for having us on. Um, you guys have
an awesome community of brilliant, brilliant creators. We have an awesome community and we
lack brilliant, brilliant creators. Uh, we would love to diversify. We would love to get out like
some token grants and stuff like to help better make our omniflex channel that we were talking
about earlier. So if you guys are, you know, aspiring videographers, animators, we'd love
a bunch of animation sticker packs, all of that good stuff. We have been absolutely lacking there.
Please come help us. Slide into my DMS. Like, please, like, seriously, we, we have needs as a
community. Sure. Sure. For those who have heard this and this thing, it's, it's a call to action,
uh, to reach out definitely. And I think there are more than enough people who love
our Spain, who love us to work in the Flix world. So I'm pretty sure, uh, they will find a way.
But of course, you know, always happy to help out. Yeah. All the best to your team. And thank
you for taking all the time, Eric. This, this means a lot. Um, yeah, I also want to take a final,
like, word from, um, Apello team as well, uh, wanted to have a final confirmation on when,
when Apello and, uh, Apello and Omniflex. And if you have any final thoughts to share,
because by the, I think by the time we have the next phase, the proposal would have passed. So yeah.
Yeah. So, uh, as we mentioned, like, we, it will, it will take like, uh, an average of one month to
have all the functions ready. Okay. So yeah, we will do our best as we promised to have
most of them ready before the 22. Okay. But yeah. Um, so that's it. So I guess that, uh,
we will, we will, we will be starting to work on the, on the, on the indexers. And then there
we will be adding the token gain with it, with all its functions, then all, then, uh, and the
rest of the utility. So the average of having all of them ready. So it will, it takes around a month.
So yeah, that's it. Thank you for that. Really looking, looking forward to the Apello integration
and for having our creators, our collectors and the community, test it out, you know, really see
the benefit and, uh, you know, being able to use Omniflex tools and, uh, with the integration, you
know, how, how, how much it will improve the experience there. So yeah. Sure. Yeah, sure.
And yeah, we will be also using the Omniflex CV to add some videos about Apello on how to set up
Apello announcing new features and things like this. So yeah, we're planning to do this. I have
this all already discussed with the team. So yeah, it will be a great collaboration and we will,
we will help a lot in the, the Omniflex creators. So yeah. Thank you so much. Thank you, Eric. Thank
you, Joe from Apello for joining and sharing all this, uh, I think super exciting experience.
And I think a lot of people will be going to us as to what, just to try out all the features,
all the things that you just mentioned. So that go, go farm for 51% on your Flix.
Definitely. Definitely. For those who didn't hear, Flix X-Fix pool is there. I think X-Flix and
X-R school is out there to check it out. Do take part in it. Amazing rewards of it there. Okay. I
think I have a question from Sandy there and then we'll move on to the segment with, uh,
Fanatics by Super. Hi, Sandy. Just a quick, um, announcement. We do have our spaces every other
Friday where we invite one artist and one person from the crypto DeFi community to tell us about
their project. And the important thing about this particular space that we do is, um, we have a lot
of Persians who listen and we translate your one page, um, intro or about your project into Farsi.
We have a telegram channel of over 2000 members, thirsty for this knowledge on how to get on board
into web three. So all the listeners, um, whatever project you have, this is a space we do every
other Friday. Chris and I, Chris is my co-host and we've already had success. So if, if I don't know
you, I'd like to know you and Eric, I've already gotten into your DMS. So that's just what I wanted
to say. I want to, if you're here, it's because you have interest in the Cosmos ecosystem and that
is what my interest is. And I want to make your voice known to all these people who have a language
barrier, but they won't because I'm going to make sure they have access to this information.
Thank you for letting me share that and back to you, host. Thank you, Sandy. Looking forward to
the next episode of that. And for those excited dooping Sandy, do set a reminder for this exciting
space. Super. Yeah, let's move on to the segment with fanatics. What's up? Certainly. Thank you.
And good to be back. Before I even start with the updates, I just wanted to make a shout out again
to Sandy. I was part of her Genesis space and the work she's been doing with Chris is amazing.
I think I missed out on a second episode. I hope it went well too. I'm certain would have gone well
too. And I will make sure that the next time when that space is happening, I also bring one of my
friend along with me to the space. So that's probably how we can get and spread the word
about Cosmos and NFTs with our peers and friends and everyone we want to. So now I am to the point
where I know that a lot of people in the space was waiting for and that is to reveal the secret
phase. So you can claim your Flix spam batch and you can claim the Flix token every month.
But I will tell that after the updates. So what were Flix fanatics up to this past one week?
We did a quiz on Sunday, 2 p.m. UDC on Telegram. We had around about 100 participants who,
and this was a live quiz. This happened only in the space of 10 minutes.
And we had around about 100 people who participated at that time trying to answer
the simple questions we shared. And it's an open book. So you can even mention the answer
for the participants. And it's all right. We want everyone to learn and have fun at that time.
And that's what we did. We even rewarded top three participants and five random
participants were rewarded with 50 Flix tokens each, which I'm hoping they have either staked
or they are getting some more NFTs or may have tipped the creators on OmniFlix TV,
which if you're not aware, you can now tip your favorite creators via OmniFlix TV if you like the
content. That is something you may not be able to do via tokens, via crypto on YouTube yet,
but it's possible on OmniFlix TV. So do check out our videos. And you would certainly be doing
that because to claim your proof of participation NFT, you have to come to OmniFlix.tv. And you
will see a video there on the Flix Fanatics channel. That would be a short video about the
Flix talk in real life, which happened recently with Sisla, Jacob, Daya and more fanatics there.
I saw Jatin's photo too in the video. So maybe you guys can see the video and find where you see
Jatin and probably, you know, mention us on the chats and let's see who was able to guess him,
who was able to find. Jatin is our host for the space, just in case if I was not clear about that.
He's the host. So at the end of that video, it will ask you to select the second phase,
which is Flix prop 31, which is live right now. And it's about V3 upgrades. And it's about a lot
of things, which is good things, which is coming. I'm going to let the team while they're giving the
updates, engineering updates. Sisla mentioned that more about that, but I can assure you that's going
to be making things on OmniFlix apps so much more cooler. And so many more things are going to happen
that this is a genuine comment that I can assure you this may not be possible on any other chain
in any other ecosystem, what will be possible on OmniFlix very soon. So if in case in my
monologue you have missed out on the secret phase, it was Flix prop 31. We also did an AMA
with our creator that happens every Monday at 2pm UTC on Discord. And where we get to know the person
behind the R, and we can ask any questions. And the fun part is that if your question is selected
by the creator, you get a Flix fan batch and you also get an NFT from Flix fanatics. And a lot of
people participated. There were so many questions and it was always amazing to see all the Flix
fan members participate in that so actively. We'll make sure that we keep doing these active areas
for you guys. And always open for feedback, suggestion, thoughts on Telegram, Discord,
Twitter account. Please follow Flix fanatics. We are very close to 5,000 followers.
And let us know what you want, what do you think. And do also make sure that you participate in our
zilly before I forget. We have a zilly sprint. And today we have just added another quest.
And this has been a lot of good partnerships past few weeks. We had a partnership with Sentinel,
which is going to end in four days where you were able to participate in one of the interactive
videos by Sentinel. And you would be getting rewarded in DVPN token and the Flix tokens.
This is a collab between the sub-dows, Sentinel, GrowDAO and Flix fanatics community sub-dow.
And the next you can expect, we will be having one soon from a liquid staking protocol,
which is already live with the channel and would be bringing in a campaign as soon as
Sentinel once ends. And this is just a start. We are like OmniFlix. We have Flix fanatics
also have taken inspiration where we collab with all Cosmos projects, all of the projects. And we
do stuff for our community and their community and help them get familiarized with OmniFlix
tabs. And we're having fun. I hope you guys are having fun too. Make sure that when you come on
omlyflix.tv, take a while and come to omlyflix.market on the campaigns page, because there are a lot of
campaigns getting added by the creators, NFT creators, and even by Flix fanatics. And that's
the best way to get more NFTs, more Flix tokens. And check it once a week, at least. This is a
highly recommended advice. Check once a week, come on omlyflix.market, check the campaigns,
if any of those you're eligible for, so you don't miss out on those. And do check out all the videos
on omlyflix.tv when you're going to be participating in our secret phase campaign now. And
do expect a lot more, because if it's going to be the second anniversary of the OmniFlix hub chain,
you can definitely expect that the sub dog will be up to something for the Flix fan community.
So more on that in the next space, I'll make sure that Flix talk 107 will have a lot of updates
from us for the community. And meanwhile, once again, I repeat any questions, thoughts, feedback,
suggestions, we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It's the Flix fanatics are me,
we have Joseph, we have Tanka, and now we have two more Flix fanatics who have been added to the sub
dog, which is the prime and Wendy. So reach out to any one of us, reach out to the team.
And please keep participating in everything. Thank you.
That's some great updates there super. Yes, secret code for today's
Pope NFT claim video, it's Flix prop 31. Don't forget to vote. Secondly, yes, the Flix fanatics
team is increasing kudos to them. And as Superman should do take part in the quizzes, it's your
chance to earn Flix someday badges really be on top of every update that's going on in the Flix
wars. And of course, they're really cool teams. So if you want to like launch your collection,
or have any questions, you can easily reach out to them. We have Abhishek now in the space.
There are some really interesting updates from his side. Abhishek, yeah, see you soon.
Hey, thank you, Jatin. For those of you that might not know, my second name that is Abhishek,
but commonly, you can refer to me as sister. So Eric and Joe, like Eric, very insightful space.
I was there during one of your outward spaces as well. I was, I joined in anonymously.
So that, it was pretty late in the night for me. And that it doesn't look odd when I leave.
So, you know, but I was there and the entire outfit campaign went very well. And
love the way you put it. Outfit and seems so can be utilized in either flow, one after the other,
vice versa. So thank you all. Thank you for sharing that insight. And for all that you've been
working on it as well. Thank you, Sisla. Appreciate it. And thanks for tuning into the space, man.
Of course, of course. You know, I was a bit outside, so could not tune in earlier,
but I was listening in all along. So yeah, that being said, let's quickly, let's quickly, I'll,
yeah, I think we are one hour, 10 minutes into the space. Almost 80 minutes or yeah,
sorry, 70 minutes. And I won't take too long, but there are some extremely interesting updates.
Now, Flix prop 31. That's the secret word for the POP, proof of participation. And if you claim
now, what is Flix prop 31? Flix prop 31 is a proposal on the Omniflix hub that will allow
for Cosmwassam to be deployed on Omniflix subject to governance. So if that that proposal, Flix
prop 31 does pass through, he will most likely have Cosmwassam on the 22nd of February. So
that is, that is exciting for Omniflix, because two things like we've been able to
work without contracts, all this while just using SDK modules, lower head from an infrastructure
standpoint, creators did not need to write contracts, did not need to write a single line
of code to be able to do whatever they wanted to do. And, you know, as a proof to that we see
multiple non-technical creators also got involved with Omniflix. Now, if that is one advantage,
or rather, you know, the advantage that we had before contracts, what will happen after we have
Cosmwassam on Omniflix hub, we will have the ability to extend this logic that already exists,
we'll be able to add more dynamism to your means, your collections to your communities. Overall,
and as creators, as community builders, you should all benefit when contracts go live,
primarily due to the nature of the contracts that go live. So what are the contracts that will go
live? So this might be a discussion for another space, where we will just discuss details about
the contracts that go live. But because you're all here, and you've been here since a while,
you know, quick note here is that we will have what is the launchpad model, which exists now
on Omniflix, right, in a web 2.5 fashion, will be converted to a fully web 3 smart contract powered
launchpad. So that is your classic mentor, right? And we have creators here in the space as well,
that set up their launchpads, you know, that got their NFTs minted out, and so on and so forth.
But at this point in time, it is a web 2.5 experience, of course, on the front end,
you would not know much. But under the hood, things change when we have contracts.
If this is type one, right, we have what is the, so this is called the classic winter,
you know, in our language, that's what we're referring to it as. If there is a better name,
definitely, you know, open the suggestions. But this is the classic winter, right, the typical
launchpad that you see right now on Omniflix as well and across multiple ecosystems.
Then we have what is the classic OEM or the open edition winter. Now this classic OEM refers to
a model of minting, where a creator can set up using one image or one video, right, one piece of
media, they can set up a mint of, you know, limited supply or an unlimited supply that is
bound by time, you know, you might have unlimited NFTs, but you want to mint them in two days,
like things like that. Those are the types of mints that can be set up in an open edition
winter. As the name suggests, you receive editions of NFTs. And each of these editions of NFTs
are minted using the open edition winter, right. Guys, like, did my mic just pop up? Am I audible?
Yes, it's going fine.
Going fine. So, this is the second version of the winter or second type of winter,
which is the classic OEM. And then we have a third type of contract, which is the multi-mint OEM. So,
if you have a COEM, which is the classic OEM, we have a multi-mint MM OEM. And details of this,
again, alpha, these will be shared going forward in most likely next week's space. So,
please stay tuned for that, right. If these are the three types of contracts that are available,
right. Just give me a second, please don't mind.
Yeah. Yeah, if you had some rhymes here and there, please don't mind. I'm in a place where there are
a lot of kids. So, all right. The three types of contracts, right. Now, why are we even talking
about contracts? The proposal on Omniflex Hub right now, Prop 31, is only about costume awesome.
It has nothing to do with contracts, right. Contracts will not go live on the 22nd of
February. You'll only have costume awesome that go live on 22nd of February. But in the next,
say, 10 to 14 days, you should be able to see proposals that are put up for the deployment of
contracts. This is a governance. So, Omniflex Hub will be a permissioned costume awesome
blockchain where you should be able to put up a proposal, right, to be able to deploy a contract
on top of the Omniflex Hub. So, you should see some proposals go live. These might be, you know,
right from the click screw, you know, people that are co-contributors or you should also see
external teams that are looking to deploy their contracts on Omniflex, right. This is with respect
to the Prop and details about 22nd February. What happens after that? Props go live. They're
voted upon subject to governance, contracts are deployed on Omniflex Hub and you should be able
to see the rollout of user interfaces that enable you to interact with these contracts
in a very seamless manner. After 22nd, right, because you do not have contracts, you won't
be able to do anything other than wait for contracts. But after you have the contracts live,
right, there is no UI, but if you're technically savvy, if you want to like play around,
you should be able to go ahead and interact with the contracts, right, using the command line,
right. But if you're, you know, like me, right, don't want to mess around with stuff,
you can just wait for the UI and without writing a single line of code, you should still be able to
utilize contracts and there are features that are being worked on where there is a zero click
experience. You might have heard about two click or one click experiences, right, one click checkout
and things like that. But there is a zero click experience where you will not need to click even
once to set anything up and you should have your mates go live. This is a combination that will
exist within the studio and TV realm of things where creators can set up their mince for every
video that they publish. So Sandy, if you're publishing your, you know, CCC learn content,
you should be able to let creators make those make the additions of that specific video that you
launched and continue to build your community or even monetize your content. These means can be free
or can be paid depending on, you know, how you want to do it as a creator. Of course, not all
features will go live on the same day. They'll be going there. The rollout will be step by step
and it'll be a gamified experience because creators, for example, if you have, say, a few mince,
hundred minutes that is set up for your video, if your entire community is like 30 people, then you
might not be able to mint out your hundred minutes, right. Or if you have, say, a hundred interactions
as a creator on one of your videos, you might not be able to mint out a 500, you know, open edition
drop or you won't be able to mint that out. So considering all these news cases will be gamified
in some sense, but that is also probably the best onboarding experience that a creator and their
community can have. So all of these details are being discussed upon. There will be a testnet
competition that will be hosted before we go live with contracts or, you know, yeah, most likely
it'll start sometime and sometime in the next two weeks before the end of the month
and continue up until March. Now, what is this competition? Details of these we should be able
to share, but the rewards are, in my own opinion, they're massive and they're a part, yeah, the budget
for this competition subject to governance, of course, will come out of the Flix drop allocation
that has been unclaimed. So you can imagine the scale of this competition and if you were here in
2021 and have participated in the FlixNet 3 competition, you know what I'm talking about.
If you haven't, no problem, you'll most likely get to see something like this again. So 100%,
you have a lot of potential to be able to explore the ecosystem as a creator, you have a lot of
potential to explore Omniflex as a collector and understand all the tech that is being built for
creators and community members like yourselves. And of course, if you are a project, right, you
can make sure to participate in this testing competition, right, like maybe Eric, Apple or
team, right, you can participate in this competition as your project and enable your community to win
a pool of these rewards, right. So you might not be interested in the rewards yourself, but your
community might be. So we'll be sure to reach out to all of our partner projects. Creators especially
do not miss this out. We should be able to share more information exclusively with some of the more
active creators like Sandy, like Chris that have been active on Discord in the Creators channel.
We also have had other community members, you know, Vega Minting and so on and so forth that
have been active on Discord. We should be able to share more information over there. If you are
keen on participating in this test suite as a creator or for your community, do not hesitate
to, you know, follow us on Discord or join the Discord server and follow our notifications across
on Twitter. So yeah, I mean, these are some of the exciting updates I have. I have more exciting
updates. They're all posted on the Discord Creators channel. Chris already went ahead,
asked a few questions. The Snails team also asked a few questions about those. So you should be able
to see token gated interactions. You should be able to see minting of NFTs. All of these go live,
but probably today is not the right time to discuss all of those. Some of these features are
already live on DevNet, right, and you should be able to see them soon on test suite. So yeah,
thanks again for being here. And this concludes my engineering updates. But this is only what I
could share. Imagine all that I could not. So next week's gonna be very exciting. We'll have
more material collateral release around, most likely around the competition as well,
and all the details associated. So yeah, thanks all. And yeah, Jatin, back to you.
Thank you, Vishik. I think that was an extensive alpha with what's coming and update about like,
if you're having trouble wrapping your head around it, don't worry. We'll be bringing you
more content to sort of simplify it. Don't be in a rush, but always a good this thing to go out
and experiment. Not only on Omnix Market, but do check out Testnet, then it's from time to time,
just to sort of be updated on what's coming and check out our posts that come from our account,
the weekly community update, and the monthly update that comes on the first
very month. I think that's more than enough for you to have every update. And if you're having
doubts, you can always reach out to us. I have a fellow account as a speaker right now. So guys,
do you want to share? I have a question for you guys. As far as revenue goes,
to keep you guys going, I know you guys do a lot of work. Have you guys considered becoming a
validator, like a full-time thing that the team can run behind and become a validator to keep
you guys going? We are already a validator on, I think, tensions. Abhishek, if you want to add more to
that. Demel, was this question for Omniflix or Apalu? For Omniflix. Okay, yeah, very interesting
question. Omniflix started off being involved in the space, contributing with code, with media,
things like that, and also started to bootstrap the entire network using validators. And you can
see the Omniflix validator, of course, it's not live on the Cosmos Hub, but you can see it on
a few of our partner chains or the chains that we collaborate a lot with, like Akash, like Osmosis,
you should also see a validator on multiple other chains, including Sentinel. And
the validator side of things are ongoing, but we are not as active as some of the other validators.
Of course, there are networks that we focus on. We cannot contribute to every network while also
working on Omniflix. Hence, we choose our networks carefully, and wherever we can contribute,
we do put in a lot of stuff. So yeah, definitely, I mean, validator to bootstrap your network was
not even a thing then. And that was when we figured out or realized that this could also be done.
Thank you for answering my question.
Thank you. Thank you for the question. Hi. To be honest, we don't have nothing to add. Like,
I don't know if you guys have any questions for us or, I don't know, if you have anything
that's clear about Appelo. By the way, you can just like jump in our Discord the time you want.
So if you want to, I don't know, if you want to drop more questions or want to ask about some
fusures if we have them or not. But maybe something that we can work on together. So yeah,
we are open to all type of collabs. Yeah, so yeah, that's it. And by the way, if you guys want to
vote for the Prop 31 from Omniflix, we just pinned the link in this space. So if you can just go to
the pinned tweets, you will find the down link for this proposal. So if you want to know more about
it. So yeah, that's it. Thank you. Thank you, team. Yeah, I must just quickly add here,
the join team have been extremely responsive. I've never seen a time that they weren't responsive
during this entire process. And I think even before, right, like we started talking in 2021,
2022, you know, most of our community members know Ken and he was the one that initiated the
conversation. And since then, you know, the team has always been building responsive. So as a
creator, please do check them out. And what they're doing maybe on other chains as well,
so that you can plan your ops on Omniflix better. And of course, do not hesitate to hit them up in
case of any collaboration, or any efforts that you might want to put together to take it forward,
building your community or the Atlas. So that being said, Eric also offered something very
interesting. He said that, you know, Omniflix as creators, they're looking for creators,
I think creators should definitely jump at this opportunity. I think Sandy already did that.
I'm not like squandering any opportunity here. But definitely, you know, I appreciate
Sandy's enthusiasm. And I personally think everyone should be like that. Because collaborating as a
creator, if you're collaborating with projects, I think the potential is endless, we can see that
happen through Korean concepts, you know, their creators, they're working within the Korean
ecosystem, right, spreading the word and creating the necessary content. So definitely reach out to
Eric, if you're interested in a collaboration, you know, maybe it might just be artwork for
an NFT that Eric and team are launching, maybe just for fun. Today is Valentine's Day. So
maybe something just for this day, a bad example, but just letting you all know. So please do take
these opportunities, we will do our best to facilitate such collaborations as well. And
thank you again, Eric, for sharing about those details, you know, sharing about that right in
the space. So yeah, I'm sure we will have more creators hit you up. Yeah, thank you guys. Excited
for it. And thanks for having me on the space. Thanks for using AstroVault for some liquidity
and excited to see how we can continue working together. Can't wait to get our channel up.
Thank you. Chris, I saw you joined back as a speaker. So I just wanted to check if there's
anything you want to share. Yeah, I just want to piggyback on the idea of collaboration. For those
that don't know, I have some collections specifically set up to connect collaborators between
OmniFlix and other chains. So we already have one set up for Archway, for Corium,
recently for Stargaze. So if you have questions about that and how you can utilize that and kind
of use that as a way to gel the communities and the teams together. That's kind of what I had in
mind. FightForm has been doing this already. But we're looking for other OmniFlix creators that
want to work outside of OmniFlix to help bring value to both chains and also be on the lookout
the next two weekends in a row. I've got two big UFC cards. So for those that are interested in
FightForm, follow my pin tweets and go get your NFTs. We're going to have some pretty decent
payouts. And we have some really big collaborations coming up, guys. We got people from other chains
and from other T platforms that are going to come over here to OmniFlix and kind of test the water.
So be looking out for big things. That's great. Looking forward to the new fights that you're
curating. For those who don't know, Chris has collaborations going on. So many of them with
other creators. And the FightForm that's like, you know, versus keeps on expanding. I think
there's a collaboration with another Archway creator as well. So do check out the collection
and do get some skin in the game for all the upcoming fights. I think this is a good point to
cap up the space. First of all, thank you all for showing up, for bringing in your questions,
your thoughts, your updates. This means a lot to us. And more than anything, for being patient,
for getting everything out, I see Sandy's hand up. Hi, Sandy. Just one last comment. Every other
Friday we have our spaces at 8am Pacific Standard, which used to be the old time that OmniFlix did
their creator space. So first of all, I've already got Eric confirmed coming up for our February 23
space. So we're going to go deeper into the discussions of what we're doing. And although it
is from all different blockchains, my main aim is to make everyone aware that no matter where you
are in web three, you can have a presence in your TV channel through the OmniFlix community. That is
my goal. And so I just want to make sure everyone listening, please tune in. Every other Friday,
we give away prizes and we get deep into our creators and the DeFi crypto guests that visit
us. Thank you. And I look forward to seeing you soon. Have a great rest of your evening.
Thank you, Sandy, for the reminder there. Folks, do check out the space. Do set your reminders.
Yeah, as I say, thank you all for showing up. I really hope that more and more creators here
get to collaborate. Do vote on Kixprot31. And do watch out for a space. What Abhishek just talked
about. We'll be dueling into that a lot and you'll get to experiment with NFTs and media in ways.
I think that you have not seen in web three, not just in Cosmos. So get ready for that.
Thank you for your time. Have a great week ahead. And in the space in three, two and one.