Hello everyone, welcome to flick stock
Today there's a bit of change when it comes to the programming
It'll be all about omni flicks. We do not have a host. I'm Sisla and I should be able to
You know run today's pace along with the participants that we might have
Be the fanatics or beat some of our creators
Now now that we are here already
Let's quickly start off the discussion and
All right, I see a few creators I see
The community subdow fee I see validators and of course our flicks crew and the flicks farm members
So without any further ado
Firstly again, welcome to flick stock 107 flick stock is a weekly
Twitter space that we host at 2 p.m. UTC every Wednesday and
During flick stock. You should be able to know more about the omni-flicks ecosystem. We should be able to know more about
Partners know builders generally within the omni-flicks ecosystem as well as the wider
That being said we have a lot of partners that are working to make this happen
the community updates that are
Are delivered to you by the flicks fanatics?
communities of them you have terrace basis
organization or you know a service primarily for
Builders and creators to help them archive their space
You have multiple creators that
Contribute to making the space happen as well as contribution from validators who refer who often refer
Help us get in touch with partners
Thank you for making the space happen and let's get started
So this week, why do we even have a space and
Yeah, of course, this is our regular programming
But we have a space without any partners or without any featured guests
We've received some feedback. We've
Or rather, you know, we do felt that during some of these spaces
We're not talking a lot about omni-flicks, but rather, you know are focused on the partners themselves or partner organizations
now this of course happens this happens because
there's always a lot to talk when we feature a guest when we feature a partner and
You know, even if it is our creators, right? Like there's always a lot happening behind the scenes and
They're very enthusiastic to share you're very enthusiastic to help the flicks for have no more about what they're doing, right? So
Sometimes, you know, there's not enough focus on omni-flicks or sometimes we go way over time and
You know end up not talking enough about what we're building
Tomorrow being the second anniversary of the genesis block of
The omni-flicks hub. Yes, you're right. So tomorrow is the second anniversary of the omni-flicks hub
where the first block of the omni-flicks of blockchain was produced on the 22nd of
Tomorrow which is the 22nd of February 2024 is the second anniversary of that event
What's so special about that date?
Back in 2022 it was all twos, but what's special about tomorrow, right?
What's special about tomorrow is that we will have the upgrade the omni-flicks hub the three upgrade
Which will introduce cosmosis?
If you are not part of the cosmo psycho system if you do not know what cosmosis is in simple words cosmosis
enables a developer or created to write contracts and
deploy those on the omni-flicks hub
Essentially, you'll have the power of smart contracts written in Rust
On the omni-flicks hub and
These contracts facilitate multiple stakeholders be it creators be it communities be it
You know node hosts maybe in future the apps that support creators. You might also have
the apps or you know a few of the popular the apps that you might have used are
Say Dow Dow for dows across the cosmo psycho system, you know another popular the app that
Has been featured on the space as well. That's
Supporting omni-flicks as well as yield most so these are d apps that are deployed across various
Blockchains it in some sense. Dada is a good example
They have multiple contracts. I think if I'm not mistaken over 15 contracts to power
Dow on a single ecosystem like say June or osmosis or wherever they deployed right now
The same is expected to happen on omni-flicks as well. Of course omni-flicks
utilizing customized in front NFT infra
Might not have support for Dada right out of the box
But at the same time we're working with the Dada team to ensure that there is support for omni-flicks
NFTs or NFT collections and omni-flicks creators as well as these developments. Hopefully will
That's what we call them. But in simple words, we believe that our work with Dow Dow will also help the wider ecosystem of
You know again, I'll I feel for this to be like a radio broadcast
Don't get me wrong, but I'm not disappointed. I do enjoy sharing insights. Sometimes it might just be a bit fast or slow
and quickly run you through
X NFTs and the types of NFTs on omni-flicks right now in the month of Jan
we had what was a v2 upgrade which was when we migrated over a million NFTs from the
O NFT standard which is the
OG omni-flicks NFT standard for NFTs before there was one in the cosmos ecosystem, right that was utilized and
Earlier and that was migrated in the month of Jan with the v2 upgrade where all of those NFTs
from the O NFT standard migrated to the X NFT standard, which is the cosmos native standard for
This is you know for for the technical folks out here
You should be able to think of this as a cosmos SDK based module
similar to staking or I think I'll be mistaken here similar to bank similar to
It's the X slash NFT module which we refer to is which we refer to it as X NFTs
Now that being said support for interoperable NFTs rolled out last month. There's no UI yet for that
The same is the case with token factory
Where you have fungible tokens that can be minted on omni-flicks, right? So all of these are
being like all of these have been on the mainnet for now about 20 days now and
They will be utilized across multiple dapps like doubt off for example
And we are working with those teams to make sure that the integration is seamless
Although no few of these might be a bit customized
For omni-flicks, you know, it doesn't matter
as the UX user experience the apps that you
See the apps that you interact with the apps that you use
They'll most likely be the same. So if you ever used a Dow elsewhere on Juno or somewhere else
Yeah, the Dow interface, you know, all of these details should be the same
Something that is very interesting. So you'll not just have say the apps being built by omni-flicks or flick screw and
Related contributors, but you should also have apps that are built by other ecosystems
You know the teams that are deployed elsewhere. They can all function here as well
omni-flicks is will be a permission cosmo some chain, right the proposal to
vote to get omni-flicks or to get cosmo some under omni-flicks flicks prop 31 is now live and
Looks like it'll pass but we never know what happens
So definitely go ahead not forget a word on flicks prop 31 and bring cosmo awesome to omni-flicks
Cosmo awesome as you know powers a lot of chains within the ecosystem
So I will not dig deep into what cosmo awesome ease or how it can help omni-flicks
should be able to let you know that
If you thought all of this was fast enough
then with cosmo awesome will get faster development cycles get faster deployment cycles get faster and
You know deployed on chain
That creators or communities can make use of it. So that is one
Of course, it'll bring smart contracts, which means we are extending logic
So until now up until now you did not have contracts, but you could do all of order you did on omni-flicks
Now imagine if you have contracts, right? You should be able to extend you should be able to take
Whatever already exists and extend the logic and do more
This might not be very obvious to start off with but at the same time the potential the power of
You know contracts on omni-flicks
Will most likely be realized when there are the apps or contracts that are being built
Leveraging existing protocol in front, right? Some dapps might leverage existing in front
Some dapps might not leverage existing in front at all
It is fine like both cases. It is fine as long as the the app is relevant to omni-flicks, for example
At least not anytime soon. You might not see a text to swap assets on the omni-flicks hub
We don't intend to build liquidity
You know for fungible tokens on the omni-flicks hub, you know, you have multiple app chains to do that
They're good at what they're doing. We'll let them do that. You know, for example osmosis
Kujira and so on so forth, right? So
Not something we're focused on although if there is a use case where someone really feels that having the pool and
Contracts around that makes a lot more sense
Then no open to ideas and because this is community governed
By permission, we mean that it's not permissioned as in
You know a team takes a decision or the core team takes a decision
It's completely up to the community. So yeah, if you're a builder engage with the community
Understand if they need whatever you're building and more than welcome to deploy on omni-flicks, right?
How do you go about deploying contracts on omni-flicks?
It is pretty straightforward very similar to most other
Upchains running cosmos or most other proposals on omni-flicks itself. We've had
In 31 of them up until now, you know some proposals
They did not make it through the deposit phase make some errors and so on so forth
but roughly we've had over 20 25 proposals and most of them went through the
Commonwealth discussion forum
they were discussed on discord in some sense and also maybe on spaces and
some discussion with respect to a few proposals while the
Proposal was in voting period
and post voting period there were follow-ups
And if they if follow-ups were not needed, you know, they were
Of course not discussed going forward. So yeah
If you are a developer with the idea for a dapp and you have your contracts ready
Deployed on testnet, you know that is permissionless enough. You should be able to
claim tokens from the faucet on discord
Deploy it on the flicksnet for testnet check if everything works
Share the details, you know post about it on commonwealth
Let the community interact with it and then you can put up a proposal to deploy your own contract
And if the community is in sync the community is game
Yeah, they'll vote for it and hopefully you should see the contract get deployed
And after that you can go ahead deploy user interfaces
the apps around those contracts and
Open it up for everyone or or maybe only for you know a few
Few closed beta users, so it's completely up to you as a developer as a creator as someone that's running the project to
Cosmos is permission just so that we
Do not have any unforeseen
attacks unforeseen challenges
Also considering cosmos and of course it it is now in its v1 phase
but you know cosmos in general
Is experimented in some sense and you know don't want want to take any risk
So yeah, that is about cosmos and that is about what's happening
Less than 24 hours. I should say
how you can as a developer
uh as a creator deploy contracts and
What are the contracts, you know that are
Coming to omni flicks. So I think this is a good time to
You know take a quick break and
Yeah, let you all know that
Yeah, this is flicks talk. Welcome to flicks talk 107
Uh, this is where we discuss details about the omni flicks network about the omni flicks ecosystem as a whole and we do this every week
Week on week and today we are in it. So we are in the 107th episode
weekly discussions that we've had
As you can see we have no guests, but it's all about omni flicks
tomorrow is omni flicks hubs
Second anniversary of the genesis block. So two years of the omni flicks hub blockchain and uh, yeah
Uh, some of you here I know have been following omni flicks from before that
most of you here have been following omni flicks after the genesis and uh, of course
If there are if there is anything that you'd like to share
If there's anything that you'd like to know, please feel free to request and we should be able to have you appear on the stage
I'll take the responsibility of announcing the secret phrase
Yeah, you can stick for it up until the end of the space or quickly listen to it now it is
Flicks that's a hashtag. So the secret phase here is
Two two two two or double two double two
Flicks now, why do we have four twos over here?
We have four twos here primarily because
next two or the third two represents the month which is february and the final two represents
anniversary here, which is the second anniversary
Second anniversary. So double two double two flicks
Uh is the hashtag or you can I'll just repeat it hash
Double two double two flicks is the hashtag. So if you have any tweets as a creator as a community member
Please utilize this hashtag and we should be able to
Amplify the message further. So yeah, you can what do you think you should be tweeting about?
It's primarily up to you. Uh, please feel free to share your thoughts
about omniflakes maybe the chain
Yeah, maybe the people in the community maybe the creators your fellow creators, uh, maybe something for your collectors
Or you know even the token, right?
Uh, it's completely up to you. Please feel free. Just use this hashtag and you should be able to further amplify
With that being said, right? Let me move on to some of the more interesting parts here
Or let me put it this way
There's always a lack of vocabulary from my end to express this excitement, right?
Cosmos miscoming the omniflakes. Uh, we already have a few contracts that
We've written as a fix. Uh, you know the core contributors have written
Devnet as well as on testnet, of course, you won't be able to access some of these
Contracts because they're just known to us and are not public yet
But if you're a developer, you should be able to query the chain, you know
Maybe get out get the details of the contracts and try them out. But more importantly, uh
I'll give you a quick rundown
As to what actually exists
What can you expect and uh in the next uh, say
What can you expect to do on the omniflakes hub blockchain?
It has been about uh two years since our node hosts since our validators relayers
As well as the creators that have been in the space
Received any sort of say formal acknowledgement
When it comes to their work
Of course, we've collaborated with multiple local teams, you know
during our cosmos trips during
You know some of our uh other uh road shows for omniflakes before and after the token launch
The term feels so boomer and uh tradfish i'll say we've attended conferences and events
Where uh, you know multiple local teams individuals definitely helped
Help us with ops and spread the vision of omniflakes. So
Before I start off sharing any more updates about cosmos from a technology standpoint
First like to thank each and every one of you
and uh, you know from the bottom of my heart because community is everything and
Without your presence, you know, be it a creator be it a validator or even if you're just a part of the community, right?
Say liking a tweet even if not retweeting things like that
we always keep seeing each of these signals and
Yeah, that definitely helped us, you know through the toughest of the times during you know
The you know, I I don't like to refer to it as the bear market
But we all know what it is, but you know, we could keep our heads down building. You know, we've had
uh quite the support from multiple communities that wanted to experiment with the tech utilize the tech and continue to build that community so
personal from the bottom of my heart and
I don't think uh, or I do think i'm representing the entire uh, flicks
You know crew the flicks, uh subdao and everyone else when I say this that uh, we do. Thank you. Uh, you know
That being said, you know, what does the thanks mean? Uh, maybe it might mean something maybe not much
But there'll be some sort of a formal acknowledgement
Now, how does this play out? How does this function it'll be for node hosts especially the breakdown is
They have received some sort of uh delegation grant
nodes that are running validators the relayers, uh, unfortunately other than the fee grant, uh
fee grant is primarily for uh
You know just fund their wallets with tokens when they move around packets, right? So it it is usually not much
Uh, so there was other than the fee grant. There wasn't much that was uh, you know
Uh given out as a grant, uh, the same is the case with creators
the same is the case with some of the communities that have been utilizing omniflix or that have been spreading the word of
Partner elements this can mean dapps, you know, this can mean
Uh just a just a community that has nothing to do with technology, right?
So all of these types of stakeholders help push forward the vision
a form of expressing that gratitude is we are making sure that before the
first anniversary of the token the yeah, there'll be of course if you're
trader if you're someone that observes on-chain data, you should see that you know, there'll be
Tokens that will be vested around
Because that was when the first set of distributions happen
now each of these uh holders they
Have been involved with omniflix in more than one ways
Being you know from a development standpoint or contributing, you know in other ways
But yeah, you can also check that the tokens at this point in time are staked
So we don't expect to see a lot of them get unstaked instantly
You know around the month of april and may
You should see tokens getting unlocked for the next five years, right?
This includes, you know contributors, you know, as I mentioned earlier this includes now
People that will receive the tokens as well
So most likely around that time maybe a bit before or after you should be able to see
Uh grants being processed not just for node hosts, but also for creators and communities and by node hosts
We also mean we mean validators. We mean relayers and people that are running infra to support the network
Yeah, we could have uh run an increasingly high number of relayers or we could have asked for support to do that
But without a community that is interested to trade nfts using a certain token
uh, we did not plan to support tokens and uh, you know, we've had
You know quite the success when it comes to say
Fight farm bets using ist or you know, uh
community utilizing say osmo or atom
and uh, you know, so on so forth other tokens other than flicks it and uh
Yeah, we're uh, if you have any
To engage your collectors in if you think there should be support for a specific token
Do not hesitate to let us know and we're more than happy to
Have that up and running and in place as well. So
yeah, uh as always do not hesitate to reach out to us on discord, uh in the
Ash creators channel in the creators channel, um on the omniflex discord server and
Yeah, we're always there the community subdao is there and uh, yeah, you can expect uh,
Quick replies, you know, that's all I can say
So that is something that we wanted to express. Uh,
Especially our gratitude, you know for everything and being involved
30 seconds to express my personal gratitude to the community subdao flicks fanatics to
Who have been tirelessly?
Helping creators and working with partners making sure
cost movers events are uh done right
Uh or all the other events where we have ticketing in place broadcasting in place, you know, uh, and also
At the same time coordinate with our web two partners
Uh, sometimes dealing with web three people is quite easy, you know, uh, it's you know, it's as straightforward
It's direct communication
but uh, you know, sometimes it's not the same with web two and i'm sure all of you experienced that uh, why before you got into
Web three or even now so, you know, I should uh express my heartfelt attitude to
Both the flicks crew as well as the community subdao flicks fanatics
You should see more structure to these subdaos, uh going forward
Of course there have been discussions in the month of jan as well
uh, yeah still some of these discussions are going on but uh, you know even without
Formalization I should say the
Yeah, I should say that flicks fanatics subdao has expanded
Right, uh, probably I'll let super and the others
Uh, you know share more details about that whenever
Uh, they find the chance but uh, you know, congratulations to the flicks fanatics if you are a creator
Or a partner that has ever utilized on flicks infra
Uh, it is very likely that you would have encountered with the with a member of the community subdao beat for an am a beat
Uh to get featured in this space, right like the scheduling
featuring of guests on this space is taken up by the subdao and uh, you know, yeah, that is something that uh,
I'm, uh very glad that we
A set of people that are you know, right from the community
And have been able to align with what flicks wants and you know, push it even further. So
Thank you again, uh to the flicks fanatics community subdao. You should see more updates from them going forward
Now, uh, this is the exciting part
uh, very excited to share details about the contracts that are coming up and uh, you know few details about
Yeah testnet testnet competition how creators and communities can take advantage and uh
Before I get into that I'll quickly go ahead repeat the
the secret phrase for today's space is
2 2 2 2 2 or double 2 double 2 flicks
That we have primarily for tomorrow or you know to express anything
Aligning with the second anniversary of the genesis block for omniflix, right?
Uh, yeah, if if you're wondering why the hashtag is uh, double two double two flicks, uh
Just you know, wait for the space to end
There's a brief explanation that we shared just a while back
Now onto the exciting part
What are the contracts that we will have?
On omniflix hub going live
As soon as cosmo awesome goes live
So tomorrow is when we have the upgrade at around 2 p.m utc
For cosmo awesome to go live
This does not include contracts
Now contracts are a different story altogether
We should be able to have a round of commonwealth discussions or discord discussions, right?
And put up a proposal to deploy contracts now initially it might be a lot of work
And also from a from the community standpoint because there might be a lot of proposals to vote for you might have seen this
On other cosmo awesome chains where you've had multiple contracts and you've had to you know
This will this is the same for you know, it does not change for
Yeah, beat the core team beat another developer that just wants to develop
This process will stay the same so the first set of contracts are usually deployed with a governance proposal
So governance proposals will be required now governance speed the voting duration
For a proposal on omniflix is eight days. We primarily chose eight we could have
chosen any timeline there but chose eight there because
If you are monitoring proposals to vote on beat a monday beat a sunday any day from sunday to saturday
You should be able to see that the proposal is like in this, you know eight day format
And then vote on it and then you know, you'll either pass or fail, you know depends on the community
This is this eight day period might not change anytime soon like because you don't think
There'll be a lot of things that'll go wrong
Uh with this duration so eight days is the proposal period of course
We also have expedited proposals which refers to proposals that can
And that duration voting duration voting period will end in a day in 24 hours
And if that proposal gets uh over 70 percent of uh quorum
Right or 80 i'll probably have to cross check again, but you know if it gets significant quorum
Uh, yeah, then the proposal does you know?
Uh, yeah is considered and uh, you know any action taken on that proposal
Uh will be executed on chain
So this is primarily for say a parameter change any security updates and things like that. So
Yeah, as part of the first step
The contracts that we intend to deploy you'll have to go through governance going forward
There'll be white listing of teams or accounts wallet addresses
These represent these are multisig
They represent a team and those teams
Eventually go ahead and deploy the contracts themselves. So this will be
Sorry, this will be granted to teams that have proven a significant track record
That or that have a significant track record, you know of teams that are you know
fully serious with respect to what they're building and
Again, this is also decided with the proposal by the community. So there's there's no control as such for a single individual to
Do anything right, but it'll be completely community driven
Very excited to share details about the contracts that are going live or that we are working on
as core contributors to the omniflex network
the first set of contracts here will be the
Classic minter contract. So there are three contracts that i'll be talking about today
So let's go one by one. The first one is the classic minter contract now what this
essentially refers to is the launchpad module that you already see as part of omniflex market, right
Fully powered by contracts earlier. It wasn't you know, there was a mix of say a web 2.5
Uh way to mint nfts and things like that
But that is all gone. You will have it fully powered by contracts if you have your
You know 10 000 or 1000, uh pfp
Uh project or if you have like 1000 unique pieces of nfts that you want to say mint
That can all be set up right using the ui
And yeah, it will be done on omniflex studio and the entire minting process will be visible right on omniflex market
So this is a version of the classic minter. Now, how is the classic minter?
Say from other minters, you know in the evm world or in the cosmos
Ecosystem is primarily with the way it handles whitelists and rounds. So you should have multiple rounds
You should be able to set up multiple rounds
You know for you to make sure that you have your allocation sorted for any community or project
That you might want to include and of course, you know with multiple rounds you can configure, you know varied prices
You know, you should be able to do quite a lot
To configure the mint itself and of course whitelists are supported and all of this happens on chain. So we've observed a lot of
Community bootstrapping mechanisms where we had tiers. I mean i'm sure
if you are someone that's involved in web3 and maybe goes out of the ecosystem to get you know, uh
Multiple tokens, you know get access to fungible tokens where I launched back you should have seen this mechanism
Yeah, the rounds based mechanism or the tier based mechanism where people get access
To a certain project in a specific round and then they take it forward from there
So similar to that creators can set up multiple rounds
Varied prices multiple whitelist configurations and run mints. So all of this can be configured
Most of it will be configured right using the ui if you based on the services that you opt
You might need to go out of omni flick studio do a few things and come back
But yeah, most of this will be possible just using the ui
a version of the classic minter
Right and this will be launched at the very end. So this is the last contract, you know, that'll be launched
What is the first contract or what is part of the first set of contracts that launch?
The second contract that i'll be talking about is the
classic open edition minter now
This refers to the open edition mints that you see again in the ethereum world or in the cosmos ecosystem
You know on stargaze and some of the other chains as well and
An open edition minter where a single collection
NFT or you know an NFT that has
You know the same media but multiple editions of that NFT exists
so there will be many tokens, but the
Media that the NFT represents is more or less the same
So right now we do not have say dynamic nfts quote unquote dynamic nfts yet
So, you know the entire media within that collection will be the same. So these can be badges
These can be ways to build your community
This can be your community pass for 2024 right and things like that. So
There is no right or wrong
But it depends on which community which type of creator wants to utilize
The type of mint. So for example, if you're a creator
You can probably whitelist all your holders right now and get them to mint their
Christmas presents or Christmas NFT
You know for free right using open edition mints and so on so forth
You should be able to collaborate with other creators to whitelist their holders to mint your open edition and this open edition can give
Those holders no access to your community. So multiple such strategies can be implemented deployed
Again, write on omflix using the ui
There should not be any need to write any code at all
Like it is most of the times on omniflix, but at the same time if you want to like say
Configure extend the logic, you know, maybe do other things you can always like tweak
There will be some scope for customization as well, right?
Yeah, finally if you if you have developer friends or if you have a team member that's a developer
100 you should be able to extend the logic
classic open edition winter one single collection
One video or one batch multiple editions of that, you know distributed across of course
You should also be able to let people make more than one NFT. You should be able to set
Mint limits per address. You should be able to let these mints
Or let these NFTs get minted for free or have them paid
You should also be able to configure the total supply
Right, you should be able to configure the total time so you can have an infinite supply
But let them let the NFTs get minted only on a certain day only on 22nd february, right?
You can have an infinite amount of timing
But the tokens might be finite just say 50 or 22 NFTs right things like that. So
And you should you should also be able to configure both
22nd february and 59 NFTs whichever threshold hits first
Yeah, it doesn't matter the mint is closed. It's all of these things are possible