FlixTalk #107 - Take #2

Recorded: Feb. 21, 2024 Duration: 0:43:29



Hi, everyone.
everyone. Yeah, this is Litch Talk 1.7k2. Please give us a minute to spread the word
about the space. Thank you all for joining again. Small glitch led to me not realizing
that the space ended. And I was going on and on, unfortunately. But definitely we'll continue
this. We have a request from Sandeep and if you're a creator or someone that has thought
to share a question to ask, do not hesitate to request like Sandeep did and come up onto
the stage. Thank you, Sandeep, for being here. Wonderful. I just want to suggest maybe we
should have a co-host so that way it prevents this ragging. You were right in the middle
of it, hot. I was taking notes and then I was like, what? And we got disconnected. Perfect.
I will be your co-host. I am stable in central California. We don't have too much storm. So
hopefully we can finish the space out. Yeah, this is an important space. This is our, by the way,
everybody, we're going to have a space Friday morning, Fight Farm. Chris and I have our
crypto canvas chronicles and we have two very special guests and we're going to give away
prizes and we're celebrating the anniversary of OmniFlix. And so please make sure you follow us
and tune in Friday. I'm going to yield the mic back to our host because we have some really
important information. And yeah, I'm one of those hardcore Flix fanatics artists and a money person
because you know what? I'm successful in the real world. I've helped people make money.
This is not my first game, but it is different. It's really different. And the most important
thing that I'm here for is freedom. And I'll tell you what, yesterday I was in a space. I'm learning
how to do taxes because I live in the US and I don't want to, you know, death and taxes are the
two things that are for sure in this world. Right. And it was the weirdest thing being in a space,
trying to learn about taxes, because if you really think about it, crypto was invented
to go against tyranny. So it was just, it was just like this irony, trying to figure out how
to do my taxes at the same time we're dealing with this system. Anyway, there's a lot of irony and
satire, but the real hardworking people like Sisla, Daya and Flix fanatics and the builders here,
we know what time it is. So thank you, Sisla. I think we got the space back. Let's please
continue with Flix Talk 107. And for those of you who missed the secret word, I will let our host
repeat that for you. Please back to your host. Thank you, Sandy. Thanks a lot for bringing on
all the energy. And, you know, while you were saying, while you were sharing your thoughts,
I suddenly realized that, you know, sometimes have a hard time as to who I refer to as a fanatic,
because in my mental model, like everyone that's part of the Flix fam that utilizes the only
Flix infra, you know, and yeah, in general, in the ecosystem is a fanatic. And then we have our
very own Flix fanatics, who represent the community subdow. So, you know, yeah, I think
just a few days back, I treated something on the lines of, I'm a fanatic, are you and things like
that? Yeah, sometimes, you know, while you were referring to, you know, while you were saying that,
I just realized that everyone is a fanatic. So, yeah, I, as Sandy mentioned, I'll quickly go ahead,
repeat the secret phrase. It is hash 2222 or double to double to Flix, right? Yeah. During
that take one, we explained as to why this hashtag was chosen, was actually framed thanks to Gabrielle,
one of the Flix crew members. Now, you should be able to see more of the hashtag tomorrow.
All right, that being said, let's move on to our third contract. Yeah, as I mentioned a while back,
I did not realize that the space ended, actually didn't show it like that on my phone. So I was
going on and on. And I do not know where I missed, but I'm pretty sure it was just before I started
talking about the third contract. Is that right, Sandy? Actually, I wrote down number one, fully
powered by contracts. And then after that, it went bleep. So I just got number one, I missed number
two. All right. So yeah, like the first type of contract is the classic mentor or the launchpad.
Right. The second type is the classic open edition mint, right? Open edition mentor or the
yeah, that is the second type of contract. The third type of contract that we have
is the multi mint open edition mentor, right? Now, at this point in time, I was giving the example
of a musician who has an album of five songs. Now, if they have five songs, and if these are
one-of-one NFTs, they'll probably be in a collection like a normal album would do, right,
with tracks. And those five NFTs might get auctioned, or might be sold for a fixed price,
and so on, so forth. But we've seen cases where creators were not just looking to
mint and monetize their music, but they also wanted to gain distribution.
They wanted multiple communities to listen to their track, right, and so on, so forth. So
for that reason, instead of, you know, say listing an NFT for say 10 atom, they minted 10 NFTs and
listed them for one atom each. This was also a model. And in that process, what we saw was
the popularity or the demand for editions rise. Now, if in the classic open edition mentor,
you have a single collection, and a single media that is tokenized with editions, right,
you can imagine that to be like one collection and one track from the album, right, minted as
editions. In a multi-mint open edition mentor, you should be able to use one collection, but mint
editions of multiple NFTs, 2, 5, 10, right, NFTs into the same collection. So if you have
5 tracks of 10 editions each, right, all those 50 NFTs can be minted into the same collection,
all managed by a single contract that you choose to configure at any point in time,
and the flexibility of this is pretty sick. The same contract will also be utilized
for Omniflex TV publishers to drop their videos, right. So these are being referred to as video
drops. So, you know, you set up the multi-mint open edition mentor for your channel, right,
that is when you're like creating a contract associating it with your channel on Omniflex TV,
and every subsequent video that you publish, right, you should be able to enable what are
video drops for that video, and it will be a collectible. The video itself, of course,
the interactions won't get accounted into that NFT, but the video itself will be a collectible.
And again, it can be a free mint or a paid mint. Now what happens to the videos that you already
published, you know, can existing creators use this or can people that already publish their
videos use this? Yes, absolutely. You should be able to go to that specific video and maybe
configure. We are looking to make this as easy as possible for creators, but both existing
creators as well as new creators should be able to use this. There'll be some sort of gamification
in that sense, you know, applied here. So if you are someone with only a thousand interactions
is when you'll unlock a feature. If you are someone with, say, two thousand interactions
is when you'll unlock a feature if you're someone with, you know, two thousand or hundred mints,
you know, and so on and so forth will be able to unlock a feature. So this is primarily because
we do not expect someone that does not have any community to make the most out of this feature,
right? So video drops, you can drop a video, but no one will mint, right? And it might be very
depressing if something like that happens. But if you start to build your community,
if you start to engage your community, then and once a feature gets unlocked,
you're more than or, you know, you're less anxious as to what will happen to the mint and
so on and so forth. And you can focus a lot more on the actual community engagement part itself.
So, yeah, more details on the release and the rollout of each feature in the UI
will be shared later. But the three types of contacts, I'll repeat again, the classic
winter, which is the equivalent for a launchpad right now, your PFP launchpad, the classic open
edition winter, which is one collection, one NFT editions of that NFT in a single collection
and the multi mint open edition winter or MMOEM, where you have multiple editions of NFTs getting
minted into the same collection. Now, all of these are types of contracts that will be available on
OmniFlix, probably in the next 30 days, may not be 30 days, 40 days, end of March, you should have
all of these available. The first set of contracts that will go live are around the open edition
winters. So, you should most likely be able to access the video drops functionality on OmniFlix
TV first, then you should be able to access the classic open edition winter that you can set up
and it will be available on OmniFlix market. And eventually, you should be able to set up the
classic winter, which is the launchpad. And that will also be available on OmniFlix market. So,
yeah, these are the three types of contracts, their applications, the way all of this will be
released rolled out. And of course, details will be shared independently. But this was a space that
we wanted to take, this was time that we wanted to take to ensure everyone is informed of all these
details. That being said, I have Chris from Petz over here. Chris, do you have a thought to share
or a question to ask? Chris, go ahead and unmute yourself. Do you hear Sista?
Hmm. Oh, yes. Sorry. I was muted. No, I was going to say, can you repeat the third
type of contract? I was missing what that was. I think it was a multiple.
Oh, yeah. The third type of contract is called the Multi-Mint Open Edition Winter or MMON.
And what this does is if you have like, you know, all of your, yeah, I'll give you the
example of OmniFlix TV and its creators. So if there is a channel called CCC, right, CCC Learn,
I think is a channel called CCC. And you are uploading videos, you know, in a collection called
CCC videos. And you upload those videos, tokenize them, mint as NFTs. They are all
part of the CCC videos collection. Now, you want to engage your community with video drops, right?
Now, these video drops and your video, they're not the same. The drops are just editions
of your video, right? And the community can mint them, collect them, you know, and get involved.
Now, the thing is that your CCC videos collection might just have like five videos that you
published. But your other collection which can, let's just say it is called CCC Drops, right?
And these CCC Drops are nothing but editions of your original videos, you know, the videos that
you created and uploaded, right? And all of them can live in the same collection, right?
Now, the significance of this is not just one edition, but you can mint editions of NFTs,
multiple NFTs into the same collection using the same contract. So, you know, I can always like
share multiple examples. Let's just take the example of Rack FM, you know, some of the, one of
the creators that we know in the space, you know, they went ahead, you know, for every truck, they
had to create multiple open edition minters, you know, configure them, deploy, so on and so forth.
But in this case, you can set up the contract once and you should be able to go ahead and run
these mints. Yeah, Chris, please go ahead. Yeah, thank you, Cecily. Yeah, the reason I was asking
specifically, I was trying to figure out like what would be the best contract for my specific
collection. Because, you know, I meant multiple NFTs on demand based on the need and that changes
from month to month. So, I assumed that I could use the classic that we're using now, but I also
think maybe the multiples would make sense as well. I just wanted to confirm that with you.
Yeah, you're right. You know, every month you can configure and set up a mint. All of these NFTs can
end up in the same collection, but the supply of each drop might change. You know, drop one in
for Jan might be, you know, 1500 in supply, whereas drop two might be more exclusive to like
150 people. And drop three in the month of March might be again, like 4000 people. So, yeah,
this can vary. Max supply can vary. You should be able to configure the price at which they're
minted. You should also be able to configure, as I mentioned, the time and, you know, the details
around the NFT as well. So, yeah, each of these drops, at least in the case of TV, they'll be
under a certain collection. Let's just call it creator drops or CCC drops in your case. And these
editions of NFTs ending up in that collection will help you build your community using the drops
feature or not the drops collection. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you for that clarification.
No problem at all. Thank you, Chris, for joining us today. I know it's a very busy last few days
or like few days of the month, considering what's happening at your end. But definitely thank you
for joining us today. All right. We have I say we are seven. Please feel free to share a thought
or if you have a question to us, please let us know. Okay. Good afternoon, all.
I'm very happy to be here today. I think I have not been up to two months in this community.
And I'm happy with the technology and a lot of development that has gone so far.
I am very happy today to also you people have this opportunity because this is what I've been
maybe talking on the telegram chats that like people like me that come into the community that
has not been long deserve to at least learn a lot. And coming from an angle that is not actually
in the background of let's say deeply on decentralized. So the quick question I want to
ask is that we have from what I've learned so far from the community and the technology I've seen in
an energy marketplace and also the TV. So in terms of the TV, because that's where my interest really
dragged it towards that because I've seen so many things about it. So one of the things that I see
is that I've been hearing of our interactive based video image, interactive based video.
So as a TV that we have there in the ecosystem, is it that for now what is on ground is that
creators can go there and create channels and upload their videos. So they have a place for
going live actually on the TV aspect way less as you know, because I see a one of the channels
that was to showcase something like UFC fights. Okay, so now a channel like that, do they have the
privilege that can showcase those in maybe series depending on what any creator is doing
to go live or is only uploading the videos into the environment? That's the first question. Now,
the second question is that we have a very unique technologies that has been set aside and has also
gone on that development. And some as I've been developed a certain place and I've also seen some
updates that you guys are doing, which is a good one. Now how do they have what is the integration
of the flicks as they token how effective is it sees in those ecosystem that can be structured
in a model that will make flicks as a token to be a scarce resource while using these individual
technologies that flick system has set up to the look because the main focal point here is that
fine we have defined technology but I've seen the integration of tipping in what is that only the
aspect of tipping. So how do you people design the ecosystem in such a way that these flicks as it
token will be a scarce resource on that ecosystem with this because I was trying to see the
autograph of how the whole flicks ecosystem is connected and see how scarce a resource like that
will be which is a token that will communicate in the whole ecosystem.
Wow, this is excellent. Firstly, thank you for the question and for
articulating whatever you wanted to ask. Well, so I'll answer both questions. The first question
was can you run broadcasts or go live on Omniflix TV? Unfortunately, the answer is no
at this point in time but we've done that before we did it with events we did it with enterprises
they use Omniflix technology Cosmover 2023 was streamed live on a subdomain of Omniflix
because that's like a separate implementation of Omniflix TV but at the same time it uses the
underlying tech the same tech is utilized. This is now live for enterprises so we do offer this
in general in a non-map3 context but at the same time the same tech technology will be utilized
can be utilized by creators going forward. So more details about that in maybe next quarter
because we are planning for the media node have started to work on that but we are not yet like
publicly talking about it because it'll take some more time but at the same time it's not something
that we are not focused on it is a focus it is a priority and that will also enable Omniflix to
be media infrastructure more than be a tool for media. So that is something that we are
very focused on so tomorrow you can run your own Akash node you can run your own Google cloud or
AWS nodes or store it on Jackal or IPFS or RV. So all of these storage providers
or rather I should put it like this Omniflix as a piece of tech is agnostic to any storage provider
or server that you choose to store your content but all of your media whether you are a company
whether you're a community web3 community web2 community or media organization you should be in
a position to make sure all your media is stored and managed using Omniflix. So like how you have
GitHub as the single source of truth for code we aim for Omniflix infrastructure to be the single
source of truth for all your media and this refers to companies this refers to projects
the apps communities and anyone like personally too if I am tech savvy enough to maybe buy a
Google cloud server and connect it to my Omniflix UI I can upload all of my media personal media
onto my own server. So this is sovereignty at its peak at least that's what we'd like to consider
for it to be and with technology getting better with all of the privacy infrastructure ZK
infrastructure that we're getting all of this is only bound to improve and whether we use ZK or not
this should be enabled you know and this should be one of the first things that you'll see Omniflix
enabling or some of the enterprise stuff coming to the consumer side of things and this will be
the first. So Liam a dear friend God is YouTube channel suspended because of some you know reported
activity you know copyright violation right imagine having a simple backup button connect
your YouTube channel back up all of that onto Jackal using Omniflix right does not matter but
that single source of truth for your media assets is something that you know we are aiming to build
and you know honestly like just a few days ago when we were putting together the two-year
anniversary video right you'll see glimpses of all that we did over the past two years for example
for that to exist you know we had to like query that like get that fetch that information
from a series of videos that we had which was obviously the most popular ones but those might
not be the best shots right imagine if we ourselves had a repo repository of all media
that can be easily searched and like you know retrieved as and when we see fit so that is
something that we are working on and you know definitely part of the plan so live
live streaming or broadcasting infra is part of the plan you'll go live in the next quarter or two
if that is one the second part of the question was how can you okay how are you building utility
for Flix can be the most simplest way to put it but at the same time like you rightly said there
is the marketplace there is the tv there is all this fine tech or whatever the token and tipping
functionality right currently tipping is possible only in Flix at this point in time there are
features that are possible for someone to execute using other tokens as well like atom, juno, osmo,
wawa right for example these are I mean this involves trading of NFTs on the market using
any of the other tokens right now how does Flix benefit when it comes to all this so
the utility around Flix is to make sure that the most important activities which involve
triggering the protocol for example minting an NFT or creating a collection right or instantiating
a smart contract all of these will be possible in Flix there is a fee a 25 Flix collection creation
fee for example that you can't do it with any other token right of course gas there is there'll be
fee abstraction as well so eventually you should be able to use atom to pay with gas
pay for gas on OmniFlix tv but you know that those gas proceeds will be swapped on osmosis
and Flix will be swapped I mean for the atom right and you know those Flix will be distributed back
to stakeholders so there are ways in which we can accept other tokens but at the same time say
increase the demand for Flix so our objective here is not to make sure Flix is scarce
but to make sure that Flix has a higher demand so that's why you don't see a mechanism around
burning you know incorporated into OmniFlix we can obviously go ahead I mean even if it's the
Flix drop right we can I mean there could have been proposals that that discuss details around
say burning of tokens that was that was also an option or that was also a suggestion by some of
the community members but personally we did not believe in the fact that burning of tokens
should be incorporated to make the network more valuable maybe maybe in the short term
but does not really sustain probably going forward because yes it might decrease the supply
but to what effect so what is it doing in order to reduce the supply or you know the increased
scarcity it is reducing the potential for those tokens to be used for actual building to be able
to create actual value if these tokens end up saying the hands of creators or in the hands of
builders right creators build culture builders build technology both stakeholders utilize this
and there is you know an exponentially higher value and it comes to OmniFlix so if I would have
say a dollar or hundred thousand dollars it probably won't you know to to spend it on building
on creating on making sure that there is something of value to the network right rather than probably
to you know say burn or do things of course you did not mention the word burn but you mentioned
the concept around scarcity so instead of achieving or aiming to make the Flix token scarce
we'd rather want to make sure that there is a higher demand for the Flix token and this can
you know come from multiple sources from the creator you know as a stakeholder from say
validators or node hosts as stakeholders this can also be from people that just curate content
I am not a creator I do not I mean I have no creative skill set as such right but at the same
time if I have someone or if I can bet on a creator and I can create a playlist of their content
and so on so forth those can be acts of curation and multiple such stakeholders will be you know
allowing to utilize Flix and Flix probably sometimes is the only choice that they have
or if they have other choices the portion of the tokens will be swapped for Flix and Flix yeah I
say weird please go ahead. Hello I hope you can okay I must say that I think you have answered very
one and given me a very good clarifications and I must say that is a nice one I like the
demand side of the Flix which the method that you have also structured the ecosystem
now a quick question that I want to ask this might be a general but this is one of the challenge that
other maybe let's say environmental side cosmos if you go into each of the projects it is easier
for somebody to track actually the current numbers of users and the current transaction
that is going within the blockchain or within that network now the challenge that I have is that
if we go to less a typical project in the cosmos ecosystem there's only one angle that we have there
which is the mean scan so which other place and could we also do something like even let's assume
we go to the market place like I also see in some of the marketplace you go now you know that oh
the active users for this one oh this is for over one year or for over one month at least it brings
some confidence to investors that come into the project now or do we have because I don't have any
privilege to if there is somebody can share here that I can try and say that okay under this
Flix ecosystem these are total numbers of active users on the block it will be very important
maybe a good information for me to base some decisions yeah I mean uh you're right definitely
min scan is one map of zones is another uh visualization tool uh but you're right you
know we should not as OmniFlix expect people to go all over here and then uh say take a decision
of course that would be the best way to do it uh yeah like stats were something that we always
wanted to incorporate but never got to it the OmniFlix market the current version of the app
will be revamped and the market app in itself will be you know very slick and you'll see a lot of new
um I won't say new features but the same set of features presented in a very different way
you know in a seamless way and at that point in time stats uh for that stats are also being
considered so you know thank you for bringing this up and helping us prioritize yeah Sandy I see your
Andres please go ahead uh thank you so much first of all those are great questions I'm looking
forward to the live streaming that we'll be able to do somewhere sometime down the line uh my
question is um you were mentioning about uh being a curator and and uh you know looking at other
creators artwork one of the futures features that um object has is um when I'm minting my
artwork there is a button down there that I can pick a percentage called a curation fee so if
you know person x wants to curate my artwork I can choose to give them zero percent five percent
or ten percent of this you know the the sales of my NFT which I think is great and it's already
actually started because you know people who are not artists but they're great collectors
on the Tezos blockchain are using this feature to sell other people's art and not that you know
that amplifies the creator it's kind of created this revenue so you know I'm sorry to always go
back to the object marketplace but you know they've been around for so many years they've had time
to develop and and as I look at their development and I look at what we're doing I can only say hey
you know what this is working over there in that realm are we going to see this here so I'm just
curious is that a future that could possibly be integrated a curation percentage fee for someone
to sell your art and you the creator can choose zero percent five percent or more is that something
we could think about down the line yeah I mean this is of course we've also been observing
you know various features across ecosystems and how it might function in the real world too like
in the traditional space as well yes you should be able to see something like that
of course the control mostly will lie with the creator but there might be a few tweaks where
we might introduce a minimum curation fee if someone opts in for curation you know things
like that just to keep it more you know structured and stable from an economic standpoint or you know
from a functionality standpoint but yes Sandy like we will be going ahead with curation contracts
in some way you should also be able to say for example yeah my team might probably you know get
mad at me but let me go ahead and share this you should probably also be able to bundle NFTs from
multiple collections and then like package them and list them on the market as a single listing
right so all of these things will also be possible imagine the case where we have interchange NFTs
you know multiple NFTs from multiple ecosystems being packaged and listed as a single listing
for auction for fixed price or even for mints maybe you know you can mint a box of NFTs
all of them can you know be transferred later or claimed later so all of these things
should be possible of course we don't want to like share too much that that is in the works
because you know these things take time and you know the community will later be pissed off
but because it's all of you guys you know because you're all regulars I believe you'll understand
and yeah these are some of the things that are being built, curation contracts, channel contracts
where your entire channel right now v1 is not powered by smart contracts but v2 of
omnifix tv channels will be powered by smart contracts that is in the works and you know
bundle listings that is it works yeah chris please go ahead so you're telling me we can go
and like purchase other NFTs and then bundle them with our own and use them as kind of a
promotional use yeah that is right that is right it can be a mix and match across collections
oh my god why would I get mad at you for having that you started off saying you're going to get
mad at me and then I'm like you know buttoning up for okay what are you going to do I'm a creator I
know I get exploited but and then you offered this amazing and you know what that is truly
amazing everybody loves a good package deal and and and you know what bundle me up baby package
me up and put me on the blockchain no I love it I'm not mad at all thank you for that alpha
and uh and and here you are we're celebrating what you've done so far and you're giving us
glimpses into what's coming up we believe you we are gonna wait we will be patient and until then
we will continue to build and yeah I love that flicks token and it's it's really um you know
you just kind of glossed over you know that we're not going to be burning but that's a huge deal
because it's like you're creating how things are like like I thought that stream swap you know
I thought it was something that I just didn't understand about I had no idea it was a new thing
I just pretended I knew because hey I want everybody to think I'm smart but then it turned
out it was like a completely new revolutionary idea I am really smart I got the papers to prove it
but seriously that was like I was like oh my god stream swap that's awesome so now here we are
getting um more information and yeah this is truly extraordinary I'm so glad and and it's
amazing it's happened in two years so and one of the other things Chris mentioned in another space
was the price of flicks I had this conversation with my sister everybody's getting excited about
bitcoin ethereum going over 3000 and and the tokenomics of things and one thing Chris mentioned is
the price of the flicks token is not what coin gecko or these other things are saying because
when it was released it was definitely more than 50 cents so that's another thing that I learned
being in this crypto space thanks to Chris and I believe in the flicks token Adam osmosis and flicks
in that order is how I got really excited and I like the secret token too so I believe in these
projects I think they're sound what they're doing and I will and I will continue to be here and
learn and there's just so much more to learn we're just scratching the surface it's such a huge
ecosystem and thank you again for telling us all this important information curation fees yes
bundled NFTs yes bringing all the tokens together yes let's keep going back to you host
thank you sandy thanks a lot yeah like I was saying that the creators should be mad because
we talk about these features that take a lot of time to release maybe never get released sometimes
like so didn't want to cross that line but at the same time you know our team also would be mad
because we are you know sharing something that is in the works and maybe not fully finalized so
probably was successful at you know pissing off one of the or both stakeholders but
definitely you know this is very interesting if I were a creator if I were a community builder
I definitely want to know more about these yeah please do try these features on definite you know
video means are live on definite right now so contracts are live if you are someone that's
building a community using video media you know hello hello share snail style fin you know from
terror spaces you know sandy and chris you guys with ccc learn I'm sure in future IBC mafia
tangled you know and multiple creators yeah I also see honey bee mining right all of the
creators that are using OmniFix TV or you know people that intend to utilize OmniFix TV
use videos for your community building do not hesitate to try this out
we'll strategize along with you and you know if there is a model that you think is you know works
very well for your community you know please feel free to implement it and if you if you can't we'll
you know work with you to identify how best you can do that right yeah definitely I'll repeat the
secret phrase again it is ash double two double two flicks or two two two two flicks you should
be able to check out the POP proof of participation claim video on OmniFix TV will be published by the
flicks fanatics community subdow thanks again uh sandy chris uh you know savior for coming up here
sharing your valuable thoughts being part of the community thank you to our node hosts our
validators relayers and everyone that's making sure that the infra of OmniFix is up and running
while the creators that are building the community on OmniFix tomorrow is a very special day it'll
mark two years of the OmniFix hub genesis block it is the two years uh main anniversary as uh as
the team likes to call it uh it's two years of the genesis block uh we've been here you know for a
while now we'll continue to be here uh to many more of these uh to be celebrated as a community
together uh thank you all again and we will catch you all on flick stock 108 where we'll be talking
about a testnet competition and then a mainnet competition so yeah you'll know more about these
details uh next week but uh until then take care you guys have a great rest of the week
and we'll be ending this space in three two and one thank you