FlixTalk #83 - Community Update 🗞️

Recorded: Aug. 30, 2023 Duration: 1:07:58



Lots of stuff coming up.
I'm looking forward to speaking with Chain Tools today.
I wonder if it's going to be Highlander that comes on and speaks with us in this space.
if I'm butchered with that of
chain tools
yeah I'm assuming
yeah I was going to say quickly
Supa is now up to speak
Supa how are you doing
yeah hi Liam I'm doing well
and excited to
see you and rest of the
people here for Flickstock
Jatin correctly mentioned there is
a lot of things happening
there has been a lot of announcement
in the last 36 hours
and some very interesting things to
come up in the next few days
which I'm sure
would probably know everyone in the
OmniFlix community would love
so we will be discussing those
we will be sharing some new ideas
some changes that we
Flickstock and SubDAO members did
in our activities weekly activities
and you know this week's
AMA was also very special
and we will discuss a lot of things
so guys in case you are here
and you see your friends or not yet
maybe this is a very good time to
just send them a reminder that
Flickstock 83 has started
so they can also join you and us
to have all the alphas
we are about to share
yeah I think that's a great callback there
Chetan thank you for joining
would you like to start with
the announcement in terms of
new creators collection campaigns
was that for me
yeah Chetan thank you
we will start with the band
with campaign that's coming in two days
hi everyone
can you all hear me properly
is my voice audible
yeah absolutely
hey Liam how are you doing today
yeah I'm doing pretty good
I'm doing pretty good
yeah no complaints here
how about yourself
well well well
good evening
good morning
and you know
good wishes to everyone
who are present here
in our Flickstock number 83
community update
this is a space where we talk about
our community updates
which are happening
every week
what Omniflix is up to
engineering updates
protocol updates
and a lot more
and our Friday space
is about creators
I am Chetan
RJ Chetan
you can call me RJ
if you can pronounce my name properly
you can call me Chetan
a lot of people call me Shaitan
with different names
it's okay
I can understand
RJ is who I am
and I am part of manager
here at Omniflix
and I will be taking you through
a few updates
NFT collections
which are
starting with
the collections
which got
which is an AI
generated collection
by one of our
lovely creators
he's been
he's the creator
for 3D Blue Chompkins
he's the creator
Honey Bee
Minting collection
if you have checked
the collection
the collection
in a very beautiful way
to engage
their community members
and then we have
Dijin NFT collection
which got curated
the creator
who's also in the space
with us right now
is the creator
of the collection
and then we had
Stunning Beauty
another collection
which got curated
we will be
we'll be having
another collection
called as
Imagine Dragons
which is another
beautiful collection
which will go live
in some time
Flix Friday
all of our
creators know
what is Flix Friday
Flix Friday
is our curation
which we do
first of every
is Flix Friday
looking forward
this is the
right time
to go ahead
with your
Flix Friday
make sure
list your
this week
support for
of stable
you don't
and there
are a lot
coming in
with a lot
of updates
if anyone
listening is
familiar with
quite popular
so that's
before we
wanted to
shout out
to everyone
tuning in
so massive
shout out
name right
I promise
also have
thank you
coming in
and tuning
and Cheetan
or Cheetan
those were
some really
good updates
think it's
to curate
listed in
question for
you before
the space
because you
were mentioning
the ticketing
infra for
NFC Nashville
and obviously
like you say
OmniFlix has
done a lot
of ticketing
infra for a
different events
users actually
buy tickets
through this
people go
and how do
they purchase
their tickets
like what
NFC Nashville
for example
all right
the event
has their
like Cosmoverse
has Cosmoverse
dot OmniFlix
NFC Nashville
you can either
go to their
ticket button
you would
be redirected
other website
dot OmniFlix
here it's
simple UI
where you
and either
buy tickets
right now
ticket is
can either
either in
either using
or either
using your
credit card
by stripe
have seen
of people
get their
and after
buying the
and claim
which again
depends from
would like
NFT tickets
it depends
just write
down your
number of
company name
and that's
just take
a fraction
and talking
also wanted
to update
last year
this year
and again
this year
are planning
some exciting
things for
TEDx this
also trying
to gamify
the whole
and speakers
coming there
using NFTs
we would be
we are in a
planning phase
right now
we would be
able to give
entire information
space or so
thank you
awesome stuff
awesome stuff
well thank you
Jason for those
just a reminder
if anyone does
or attend
so we have
some updates
Super I believe
so Super how
are you doing
today and
what have you
got to share
well thank you
and glad to be
back again
on the stage
I have a lot
of things to
share I suppose
as not just
as a member
of the sub
DAO but also
as someone who
you know is
a fanatic
in real life
start with
DAO updates
so what we
were up to
since last
time what
two different
days instead
of both the
rounds happening
on a Sunday
this time the
telegram quiz
conducted on
telegram on
Saturday at
1400 hours
discord it
happened on
Sunday at
1400 hours
and that's
the plan even
for future
weeks this
has been done
so that no
members who
want to probably
enjoy this
Sunday but are
available on
Saturday so
even those
people can
participate so
even if you
participate in
Saturday quiz
you are welcome
on telegram on
Sunday it's
going to happen
on discord but
I will recommend
you come and
participate in
rounds because
that increases
your chances
of earning
some NFTs
this time we
gave away
Flixorium which
was a very
collection and
it's really
celebrates the
whole being
of a fanatic
or a Flix
member and
we really had
a lot of fun
this week
the Saturday
telegram quiz
is handled by
money and
Sunday is
handled by
tanker and
while these
guys held
the quiz and
we had fun
Monday was
also something
which was
if you were
there I'm
glad if you
were not make
sure that you
come to our
discord on the
fanatics AMA
channel this
week we had
Joseph hosting
Kaushik from
LeapWallet and
the conversation
was really
interesting you
would find that
LeapWallet team
has been up to
so many things
same kind of
energy what I
get when I'm
speaking to the
Flix team so
they are up to
you know doing
gallery they
spoke about
snaps coming
in they spoke
about you know
so many different
things and we
really felt as if
you know the
same energy when
you're talking to
Flix team so
make sure that
you do come
discord and go
through the
conversation share
us your thoughts
about those and
let us know who
would you like to
see next for
a fanatic AMA
because this I
suppose is one
of the very few
now text-based
AMA which
happened consistently
in Cosmos
ecosystem so we
are welcoming not
just our NFT
creators now we
also welcoming
our ecosystem
partners and we
will try to have
not even there
as much information
and as much alpha
from our guests as
possible for our
Flix fam then
if you would
have seen and
follow our
community updates
you would have
realized that we
are again matching
our Friday space
in terms of
episodes so it's
community update
released and the
reason I'm
mentioning this is
what that has to
do with the
community updates
videos are used
for our proof of
participation NFTs
for Friday since
last week and
even this week we
had 1500 wallets
who interacted
watched our
community update
video and got
rewarded in proof
of participation
NFT talking about
proof of participation
NFT this is a
kind of an alpha
for people who are
here very soon
we will be coming
out with a very
interesting utility
for our proof of
participation NFTs so
make sure that you
collect as many as
possible because you
know we might be
having a good campaign
where you have an X
number of proof of
participation NFT you
would be able to
interact via our
campaigns option and
get rewarded but more
on that later this
was just an early
alpha for people who
were you know you're
in the space right
now so talking about
that what's live right
now is our Zili quiz
sprint last week we
had 32 winners who
were selected and
rewarded with Flix
tokens 50 Flix each
and this time we
have double the
Flix rewards it's
100 Flix each but
the total winners
would be 25 so
make sure that you
do participate in
our sprint make
sure that you do
those easy no easy
quests which we put
up there and help
us spread the word
about what all Flix
Fanatics and Omni
Flix has been up
to so that done then
there is no definitely
we are excited about
the upcoming Flix
Friday if you would
see there are now
there is NFTs in ISG
and we would be
having that for our
Flix Friday campaign
talking about Flix
Friday campaign there
is another alpha if
you were there on
Flix Talk 82 or if
you were there for
no in the in the
studio episode 67 you
might have heard me
saying about batches
so what is batches
Flix Friday is when
Flix Fanatics are
going to start
rewarding participants
who would be
participating in our
campaigns and
curations with a
batch a special
batch we have got it
ready but I'm not
going to reveal much
about that because I
want to maintain that
weight of a suspense
so make sure that you
do participate because
everyone every wallet
who is going to
participate in our
curations in our
campaigns might be
rewarded with batches
and these batches are
going to be your
easiest way of getting
a white list for any
upcoming collection or
a lot of other
rewards but as I
mentioned more
information if you are
there for our Flix
Friday for September
that's going to happen
day after tomorrow
that's Flix Friday
1st of September
note down in your
diary make sure that
you're there be ready
with your XLR USDC or
ISG tokens and make
sure that you collect
your NFTs and tweet
about those making
sure that you tag
Omniflix, Flix
Fanatics and the
creators for whom
you have collected
those NFTs and keep
giving us your
feedback thoughts
suggestions we are
there before now
no Liam these were
the subtle updates
now talking about what
I am very excited
personally there's
something you know
I spoke about last
time that we have
reached in terms of
transactions we have
reached 8 million
blocks and 1.6
transactions but if
you'd see in the last
one week there has
been a lot of
transactions happening
on Omniflix people
have been using
trading Flix tokens
and even on
Midscan the best
performing cost
mod asset right now
for last seven days
is Flix token and
for those just a
reminder this today
if you were among
the first people to
claim your Flix token
airdrop on the 30th
of July today might
be almost no you
would have got those
30 days stream over
you can head to
streampay.me claim
your tokens make sure
that you buy NFTs or
probably convert it to
XLR USDC and be ready
for our Flix Friday
campaign if you are
not the campaigns are
still live come to
Omniflix make sure
that you interact with
the campaigns there
only burn your NFTs
via the campaigns and
then the Flix will
start streaming to you
via streampay.me
thank you
back to you
thanks I am I just
wanted to pause for a
second because I saw
the Omniflix account
coming off of mute so
yeah if you have got
anything to say
obviously please go
ahead but if not
yeah go ahead
yeah that's a great
point super of course
thanks for the
reminder in terms of
the timeline for
claiming I am sure
that a lot of people
in between would have
forgotten to claim
but I think this is a
great reminder for
you to go to stream
pay get those
rewards and if you
are getting them
sort of like you
know swapping them
for this thing do
know that we have
more than seven
denombs now supported
on Omniflix market
and then you can
definitely go there
I think eight now
yeah and you can
swap into any of
those and also buy
NFTs with them
you've reduced the
number of transactions
also just a stat
update of what's
going on with the
Flix drop so far
we've got 8.45
million Flix
claimed so far
which is I think
a growing number
of course and
I'm pretty sure that
with more and more
accounts sort of
like you know
joining in and
getting the reminder
it'll be great for
them especially
after the like you
know increased
Flix was in the
Omniflix of course
was in the top 10
app chains
Cosmos app chains
if you go and
check out on map
of zones in terms
of weekly and
monthly active users
and IBC transactions
especially like you
know that's something
to watch out for
and rising on the
other metrics as
well I think that's
a great sign also
and 8.45 million
Flix claims so far
we have burned more
than 64k NFTs by
22k plus accounts
I think this is a
great sign as any
to sort of tell your
friends who are
in this thing and
have been sleeping
on the update or
have not claimed or
have not entered the
Flix first we are
having as Chetan shared
the Flix Friday
campaign starting on
Friday and this is
your time to put
those Flix from the
Flix drop to use
to participate to
get in and also of
course become like
you know get a
fanatics NFT so
that you can really
reserve your place
in the Flix fam
over I think Abhishek
is joined
please go ahead
can you guys hear
me super you
wanted to like
talk please go
ahead and I'll
continue later
I'll have to like
quickly leave so I
wanted to like go
ahead with my
updates first
sure no I didn't
have anything please
go ahead sir
sure thank you
Jatin super for
thank you super for
the reminder
thank you Jatin for
sharing the stats the
update so it's 8.45
million Flix that
have been claimed and
you know of course as
Jatin rightly mentioned
this is a growing
number we've had
64,000 NFTs burn
that means 64,000
over 64,000
stream swap sorry
stream page streams
have been created
now what does this
indicate we have a
working module that
can make sure that
there are time-based
transfer of tokens from
one account to other
well battle tested so
we've if you've been
part of the space
anytime in the last
two weeks we've had
Zaki and Jacob as
well that you know
said a few good words
about stream pay and
what Omniflix is doing
with stream pay and
how it is contextually
relevant and how it
is not only just
beneficial for Omniflix
but also the entire
ecosystem so if you
were not part of
those spaces do check
out the recording on
Terra Spaces and we
should definitely be
able to you know
share snippets of
that going forward as
well so that is with
respect to the stream
pay streams and the
flicks drop if that's
the case I'll leave
this into another
stat that you know
personally I've been
tracking over the past
couple of months
definitely you know we
wanted to you know
track the total number
of users or monthly
active users within the
Omniflix network with
the or within the
Omniflix hub and you
know in some sense of
course with the flicks
drop all of these
numbers fine but at the
same time we see that
there is potential and
we've been tracking the
message sites and some
of the other details as
well so just to share a
few stats with about
2,500 daily active
users and 28,000 monthly
or over 28,000 monthly
active users Omniflix hub
now ranks eighth within
the interchain ecosystem
in terms of users right
so this is a quick
update on the DAU and
the MAUs so that is you
know a glimpse of what
has happened in the last
30 days definitely a lot
more activity has
happened you know flicks
drop of course the
initial set of people
that claimed have rightly
done so but they still
have their you know
stream based streams from
which they need to claim
their token so that is
ongoing as well and with
over 382k transactions
in the last 30 days
Omniflix hub now ranks
15th in the interchain
ecosystem whereas with
28.5k over 28.5k IBC
transactions in the last
30 days Omniflix hub
ranks 11th so yeah top 10
in the monthly active
users top 15 in the
total transactions and of
course in the top 15 with
the IBC transfers as well
so this is a quick update
on the stats you know
this is something that I
personally wanted to share
you know I've been keeping
track of it and of course
our community sub dog
fanatics have also been
keeping a track of these
updates so just before we
get into the engineering
updates you know this is
something that this was
something that I wanted to
share that being said
chain tools please feel free
to request and we should be
able to accommodate you up
here definitely I think we
have yeah we have the team
members members from chain
tools that are here so
please feel free to request
whenever you are ready
all right some those are some
of the updates and these are
not even our engineering
updates yet so let me quickly
deep dive into that from a
protocol standpoint we've been
focused on the version 47 of
the SDK there have been there
are a few discussions going on
with respect to that and you
know last week you might not see
you a lot of progress on github
but you know yeah definitely
there has been progress on that
front as well so if that is
from a protocol standpoint from
an application engineering
standpoint we are very excited
to be working on a partner
implementation last week I said
this time you'll have the
details ready but yeah big things
take time about 100% we are on
it and you know slowly step by
step we make sure to you know
keep you all informed regarding
the details of what's coming up
with Omniflix if that is with
respect to the partner side of
application engineering we have
what is Omniflix TV that you're
working on of course the entire
fix crew the community is excited
for this this has been something
that many community members
actually or cosmonauts actually
relate Omniflix with right now
and yeah it will be going live in
the month of September we are on
track for the target date of
September 11th and yeah we also
released a quick form where
creators that creators or
communities or community managers
that actually utilize video that
want to engage their community can
you know be part of the early set of
people that utilize Omniflix TV so
this will be a bit curated right at
the start but soon you'll go
permissionless you know we'll share
details about that as well but yeah
feel free to fill out the form and
you should be able to yeah we'll have
a quick conversation with you and
you should be able to get access to
the network if you're a legitimate
or if you share a legitimate use case
and most cosmonauts that have
applied or you know community managers
that have been interested you know
we've been reaching out to them you'll
see a lot more outreach from the
Flix crew Flix fanatics most likely in
the month of September once
everything is ready and people can go
these are some of the updates I really
want to share a few more but at the
same time this is not the right time to
do that but very excited the next one
month is going to be kick-ass personally
of course but also for the entire fam and
yeah super excited to see what unfolds in
I do hope we get that kick-ass month
as you mentioned there very quickly
where is the form for people to fill out
you mentioned a form so where can people
go to find that sure it will be on Twitter
then maybe you can pin the post so that
we are ready and yeah we can also share
it in the pin tweets up here right in the
brilliant yeah I think it's just helpful
for people who want to access that or
and sometimes it's a case of like trying to
figure out where things are but otherwise
yeah there was a lot of exciting updates
just there and also mentioned just before
you as well with some of these statistics
around map of zones and the transaction
activity and yeah I really hope that Omni
Flix can keep the momentum going with that
and kind of use this burst of activity and
the Flix drop and the Flix tokens that
people have to get people more engaged in
using the platform because there really is a
lot to offer on Omni Flix there's collections
there's Omni Flix TV I mean you even have
stream swap obviously on osmosis but stream pay
as well so yeah it really feels like a lot of
your work is coming up to a point now where
if people start using these products and
applications more so than they already are
then you should be able to build up some
really good momentum so yeah really exciting
that's right like definitely I think the
spike was primarily because of the Flix
stock but now that people are used to how
things work within the Omni Flix ecosystem
that definitely is this potential that
they'll you know a subset of these people
will continue to utilize of course there'll be
the airdrop hunters that might not be
more of course there might be people that
you know might have just like staked their
tokens for the airdrop you know being
realistic here so yeah a subset of these
people will continue but I think the
steam pay was very important
we lost your audio a bit Sissler there
when you were talking about the creators
okay like are you able to hear me well
right now
yes yeah perfectly clear okay that is
perfect okay that's perfect so all I was
saying was uh you know there is this
confidence in the technology that the
community can have right now and for us
testing out the interact to claim module
and the stream pay module this is almost
testing in production right testing these
out uh really mattered before we got on to
the next phase of how all of these
integrated and came together
thanks Sissler and Sandy please go ahead
you have your hand raised and how are you
doing today good morning good evening
hello I'm Sandy toes I am doing fabulous I
have a specific question about this
OmniFlix TV form because like all the
amazing creators and OmniFlix were excited
about the new developments and as I was
trying to fill this form out last night one
of the questions wants to know um a sample
of our work it want it it asked for like a
link to YouTube or to our creation since I've
never actually created a video um but my idea
is I want to do like a children's storybook for
the OmniFlix TV uh use so what can I put in
that spot I don't have a link to a YouTube I
don't necessarily have a video um and I got to
put something in that spot so can I just write
my idea or do you know what question I'm
talking about it's it asks for a link to
your work so I'm stuck at that question
I think it's completely building yeah Jatin maybe you can take this over now it's good yeah it's good now though uh yeah um yeah Sandy that was uh priority to have like any any sort of social link or this thing
but yeah you can also share like uh whatever idea you have in terms of this thing if you have a
it's completely building
yeah Jatin maybe you can take this over
now it's good
yeah it's good now
yeah Sandy that was
priority to have like any
any sort of social link or this thing
but yeah you can also share like
whatever idea you have
in terms of this thing if you have a reference
of something that you want what format
is basically to know like
how you plan to take it over and how we can
sort of you know make it
better and make the format also
stick on Omniflix TV so if you
have any reference and you want to share the idea along
with that that also works
okay great so I
can just write my idea since I haven't
actually published the video
I want to be able to publish it on
Omniflix TV and that's very
exciting so I can't wait
for this new future to be available to
all the creators sorry you got
rugged Sisla please come back
okay thank you very much back to you host
thanks Sandy and yeah go ahead
no I was just saying yeah of course
excited to see what Sandy brings of course
a fan of her collection so
please go on yeah I've invited
Vishik back so hopefully
let's see
yeah hopefully we can get him back I think he's
setting in to go
so yeah go ahead
sure well let's
let's by the time he comes back or we
you know move to the next segment
or the next guest
there was something you know Sisla mentioned
about uh stream pay the stats
I just wanted to probably you know share
something which uh I I'm not even sure a
lot of people are aware
everyone knows that Flix it was the
first token on stream swap
right and uh stream swap uh now you
would see there are so many different
projects which have launched the last
being yesterday passage token lost on
stream swap similarly you know stream pay
a lot of people think it's only there to
stream Flix airdrop so it's not
you can still use Flix pay or sorry stream
pay to even stream all the tokens which
are there on OmniFlix right now so it
can be used to even stream
Atom, Osmo, Juno, Akash, Wawa
and now maybe even IST and USDC I haven't
checked that but I'm sure that is also
so these stream pay can even be used in
case you probably want to know uh have a
kind of a contract with someone uh maybe
it will be used in future by the projects
even pay uh their team members if they're
paying in USDC a lot of team uh no projects
pays in USDC or instead of their own
tokens or paying Atom token so even they
can use those uh or maybe even reward
people if you are holding NFT you want to
reward your NFT holders you can even stream
those rewards like I see you know um Chetan
mentioned that one of our creator is very
being very innovative in using the campaigns
and if you held one of his NFT you would be
eligible for some Flix tokens and NFTs so
you can probably even use stream pay to
stream those tokens if you are one of the
holders you can collate all the addresses
there and stream those we Flix fanatics use
stream pay to uh for one of our campaign uh
where uh you know even before the airdrop
happened uh if people had the OG NFT they
could verify and then those tokens were
getting streams and uh rest assured there
will be more tokens and more campaigns even
by Flix fanatics for stream pay so maybe you
know bookmark the stream pay dot me because
there will be lots happening there once even
the new version of OmniFlix TV launches this
I can assure you thank you
by the way there is no let's move nobody has
as much going on as OmniFlix it is
incredible all the different aspects of
technology and the different things that
are happening there is just no place else
like it sorry Liam back to you
no worries no worries um I was just going to
suggest that we get Chain Tools on to speak
uh they've been waiting patiently uh to share
some of their updates um so Chain Tools how
you're doing today and feel free to introduce
hey guys it's Simon here from Chain Tools
um Highlander might not be able to join today
unfortunately due to emergency event he has
has to deal with but um yeah it's it's good to
be here thank you for invitation first time on
the on the flip stock um actually so um
probably on our side not much is going on
around NFT space but um we basically still
enjoying providing the infrastructure services
and we are actually producing some videos for
for other uh blockchain projects so that
will be one of the aspects we'll be looking
on to OmniFlix how to accommodate course
where and educational videos on the on the
platform going forward at the moment they
are getting published on YouTube by by the
project we're providing them for so this is
something we're working on from for other
things um maybe we'll try to um enter NFT space
we're doing some attention with mid journey as
we are not artists don't have much of the
artistic actually uh skills we will try to
engage with artificial intelligence to produce
some cool and funky funky pictures so this
might be something which which is coming uh and
also we actually start producing some code using
chat gpt for fun as mostly our specialization is
around infrastructure servers maintaining them
providing this um endpoints validation services
uh less development we start engaging actually with
with artificial intelligence for that one of the
things we released um a few weeks ago during the
holidays was basically a portal which which allows
you for example to browse uh ongoing governance um voting
on on different chains so this is this is pretty much
what's going on on our side don't know what else i
cannot basically add this is like i said first time so
uh it's it's just like few few teens um i can i can
share with with community so yeah
it sounds like you've been thrown in the deep end then
today with your uh space with us um personally i hope
everything's all right with highlander as well um you said
you couldn't attend because of an emergency so um i hope
everything's okay there yeah no no no it is it is um nothing
serious basically just uh unexpected event basically so yeah
um other than that all cool
yeah not a problem not a problem at all that's good to hear at least
um and maybe you could share a little bit about you know you were speaking
about chain tools and everything you have going on the
you know it seems like you're working with ai quite a lot which is which is
interesting um around you know the pictures the code and
and other things as well um i'd love to pick your brain on some of that
stuff but um i also just wanted to maybe um have you just explain like
chain tools like how it's structured the people involved just so like us
listening can get an idea of um like the organization as a whole i think
that'd be really useful
uh oh yes actually we are quite small team because there's myself and highlander
we got couple of actually people uh working with us from time to time but the core team is
two of us really and um from the organizational perspective we do have certain functionalities
uh around the infrastructure services but as of now um we validate in 50 plus chains um we maintaining
around 20 physical servers across multiple providers um a part of the validation services we
do deliver um endpoints rpc api grpc endpoints uh for the projects we do have actually a lot of um
grpc web user interface exposed as well which allows uh to poke around with grpc across multiple chains
we also actually deliver reliable services at the moment we maintain three servers quite beefy
machines to relay um between between multiple chains including of course omniflix um so yeah that's
that's pretty much what what we do on the daily basis um for for the monitoring of the infrastructure
we do have actually our own solutions we got a lot of automation behind the scenes mostly based on the
ansible uh which actually um let's say manages the servers uh doing the backups and all these tools
so we look after our infrastructure to be redundant and resilient for for all sort of damages and failures
which might happen so yeah that's that's pretty much um that's pretty much um what we do in capsule
awesome stuff yeah it sounds like um between yourself and highlander there's a lot of um
tasks to be getting on with a lot of the time and uh yeah it sounds like you're doing a lot there um
between the two of you which is really awesome i'm sure you have your work cut out at times
yeah well yeah it is it is a lot of things going on but uh still um i think we're doing quite well
in in validation space although we have loads of systems sometimes we might be a little bit a little
bit late on some update or we miss something but it's it's not that bad um we're trying to actually
keep um keep the hand on them on the purse to see to be up to date with everything it is difficult
sometimes to be honest that is true a number of of projects and we're dealing with it's it's it's
difficult to to keep it sometimes up to date but um yeah it's entertaining really you see because now um
as basically um i'm coming with a with a heavy it background it is a lot of fun for me actually
to provide infrastructure at the top of this to be fairly honest apart of those few dozens of servers
we also providing actually uh dvpn nodes for sentinel project and we got almost hundreds of them at the
moment so this is actually at the top of this more fun actually to the equation so yeah a lot of fun
daddy go ahead if you still have a question well i just wanted to marvel at the amazing
people who keep the systems going people like you and the validators it's like you know they're so
humble about it too it's like yeah you know we're keeping you know gazillion numbers of systems going
and it's fun and and so from i could never do your job so i i'm i'm just so impressed and grateful
that people like you are doing what you're doing so that creators like me can be inspired and and make
art and and and come on these blockchains because you know what i can have an off day i can say well
i need a me day i don't think i can create art today but as validators you guys don't have
that option you can't have like an off day everything has to continuously run i i can't
imagine that level of stress but i'm grateful that you're here and i'm amazed at how humble you are
so thank you so much for what you're doing and um i think it's amazing and and i'm really interested
in the ai things you were mentioning and how you're going to be utilizing that that that is very
interesting to me thank you thanks for the for the kind words um in terms of actually ai um that may
be something which which might be actually good for the for the even series of articles or even videos
to demonstrate how we generated really the web app which connects to the chain because that's the
interesting case in terms of validating services yeah it is not the fun sometimes you wake up in the
morning and look like oh then validator down and the panic mode starts you don't need a coffee then
you see it's a lot of savings though uh in in that area so it is beneficial sometimes so yeah thank you
you also mentioned um you'll be getting more involved with uh omniflix right through educational videos
on uh omniflix tv which by the way i think we should shorten to ocv i think it's going to ring to it
um but yeah so maybe you can share a little bit um about why you're getting involved with omniflix and
also how you're planning to use omniflix tv yeah to be fairly honest this is one of the features we had
a discussion with omniflix before because now when when i produce the content for um for the project which
is basically uh some development platform on chain sometimes there's a need to put some interaction in
a video it is quite cumbersome if you're dealing with youtube for example well it's purely not
possible really while in here we have this ability to actually include some interactive uh items like
questions or some poll or something within the video so that is actually the feature which
we are interested in to transition plus actually it's it's basically decentralized platform actually
supporting the whole idea of the blockchain decentralization it will be also good to start
encourage projects to move away from youtube go to this type of platform right where actually um you got
crypto blockchain technology exposed uh on the on the same platform which is live demonstration
how it's also used but yeah for the for the videos mostly because of interactive uh items
um it will be it will be um quite cool actually to to use
uh but it's not just the omniflix tv you use as well you mentioned um you also do relaying for omniflix so
yeah is is there anything interesting in omniflix specifically for you guys or yeah just kind of get
trying to get a feel of uh what you like about omniflix in particular well yeah relaying is just a part us we
basically decided to provide the infrastructure for omniflix it's i would say even our duty to provide
also relaying services and stuff like that what is interesting also nft now to be fairly honest i would
have a great desire to generate some nfts but due to my let's say incapability um in in let's say creating the
act um not not much of of fun in in that space um but uh other than that um yeah we we might be
experimenting with um with this area but yeah mostly we're looking forward to to publish really the
the multimedia content at this stage
you know it's like sisler said actually earlier it's like a lot of people seem to go into omniflix
um and really kind of connect with the uh media side of things the omniflix tv side it seems like there's
a little bit of a niche there uh for omniflix that you haven't got with other other chains in my
opinion which i find quite interesting as for the um the like nfc creation uh you're quite lucky in the
sense that there's a lot of really good creators here on omniflix like sandy um like tardigrade um so
maybe they can help in some way um if you are looking to make um nfts yourself yeah that that
might be actually a good idea i was thinking also to to ping some people after after the talk um that
might be good opportunity either to create some art or even come up with some some series which would
which would engage the community more with um with the changes as well yeah
yeah not to put any of the the creators mentioned on the spot of course but there's a lot of them
out there so i'm sure some someone somewhere would definitely be able to help i'm sure so i look forward
to seeing that collaboration yeah we'll see what happens
excellent so outside of uh omniflix um this is these are some questions that we had uh written down
already and i quite like this one it's like what are your plans uh for the wider like interchain so
you mentioned you've got a lot of like validators across like 50 plus change you've got 20 different
servers yeah um and you're doing some stuff on sentinel yeah what's uh your plans for the wider
interchain and where your focus is actually as well within that to be fairly honest um we actually
trying to support also small projects and this is one i mentioned already where we we're producing
actually the educational videos which is dyson project for example this is the one which created
kind of innovative technology um which is python virtual machine embedded in in cosmos sdk blockchain
so we working with them uh on let's say creating some some informational content to get get more
community engagement um from that side another thing actually we have um recently published on um desmos chain
as this is the the article publishing platform article which starts to let's say introduce some
systematic way how to deploy and maintain nodes because there's a lot of people getting engaged with
deploying the server stuff like that what what we've noticed actually a lot of a lot of people just actually
deploy the server throw the service there it works what you can notice simply services run on the
root account it shouldn't it's lacking some security stuff this type of we're trying to capture this and
release series of articles how to do the basic stuff with the server if you want to engage with the project
more people is coming to to the project because they are attracted by um let's say rewards and and stuff like
that it needs to be somehow systematized really not just a copy paste like it happens a lot so this is
this is this area we're trying to to capture other than that um also sentinel project where we have
almost 100 um dvpm nodes provided to the project at the moment um spread around the world so that is
that is a piece of the infrastructure which we provide for actually users because our nodes are
exposed to through community uh applications people can use it they can vpn through to our notes for
example so this is this is another thing um we got also uh some uh tough let's say projects like
carbon which basically is just a crazy crazy project sometimes requires a lot of attention and
the hardware resources but this is going quite well as well so yeah these are these are just like
the major major highlights um a part of the of the omni fleet we we we have a lot of a lot of fun and
with at the moment uh i'd like to just open up the questions quickly for anyone else listening
as well including anyone currently as a speaker so sandy super manny um or anyone else listening if you
want to ask a question do request um and while you do that um i was going to ask you um did you
say your name was simon by the way at the beginning yes it is actually yeah brilliant i
haven't got a good track record with names uh cheating will tell you or chaser will tell you
but um yeah i was going to ask like what's like what out of the things you mentioned what
are you most interested in yourself um like what what's the most exciting thing for you uh personally
well to be fairly honest the whole ai uh thing at the moment because i'm interacting with ai on
on two actually fronts one is this um graphical generation at the moment and inferior majority leonardo
platforms and then actually uh generative ai on the code side which is mostly chat gpt at the moment
so this is kind of entertaining for me from the technology perspective as i'm kind of geeky person so
always with the technology born with a keyboard in the hand um so yeah these are the the two
ideas which are which are growing and actually observing how that's evolving you can see that like
two months ago i was asking actually the ai bought to generate some code it was whatever style code
it was two months later you can see the improvement yeah you can see better syntax you can see better
comments and better quality of the code is coming out so it's just interesting itself how that evolves
and how that actually embeds in the in the development reality to be honest because at the moment
what i'm also trying to do with well miserable results so far engage the generative graphical ai to
produce user interface which then can be used by um code generation ai to produce the full-blown application
and then just change for example the design of the application with one click of the button and one
query to the button stuff like that so yeah this is actually the whole area which just just blew my mind
off it might look boring sometimes when you approach this type of solutions like ai and you got just the
line you type the text and some response comes out yeah it looks like a little bit better google but if you
start learning how to query this and you start getting better and better results that is really
really interesting that's when when you actually go through the rabbit hole and it's like one way
ticket i would say so yeah
that's really interesting actually um especially the ui and the code to then make the ui happen that sounds
very interesting yeah all right so we're just going to give a few seconds uh if anyone does have any
questions raise your hand um but otherwise um while we wait for them i will just give a few seconds um
but i think that's probably everything from from my side of the questions but i would like to just give
you a chance to share uh any updates that you uh would like to with the community maybe some places that
they people can check out what chain tools are doing and also how people can get in touch and
where's the best place to you know engage with chain tools and maybe just to chat with you about these ai
ideas um that definitely will be our telegram discord you can find the links on the chain tools.tech
website um also on the website we got um all the information about the change we're validating at the
moment uh but yeah other than that is the best to approach us on on the telegram and chain tools and
take from there excellent yeah i think discord and telegram is generally um where most people
seem to do their they're communicating at the moment um so yeah if anyone wants to go and check out what
chain tools are doing or get in touch uh discord or telegram is the place all right simon well thank you
so much for coming on um it was great chatting with you and um yeah i look forward to seeing
uh the educational videos firstly and also i'll be waiting on that uh ui interface that's been uh
designed and coded by ai good luck with that one that sounds like a big task but i'm sure you'll do it
thanks for coming on thanks for having me thank you no problem
all right so do we have any other updates uh from anyone here i see manny you've been a speaker for
a while is there anything you had to share with us or uh we were good
i would be assuming that um we have concluded this week's uh flicks talk so there was a lot of
updates guys um there was a ton of stuff really actually there was a lot of like statistics around
map of zones uh lots of active users on omni flicks a lot of that from the flicks drop hopefully we can
see extra momentum coming in uh with more engagement and continued engagement really
and just kind of riding that wave and uptick um on activity uh there was also a lot of updates earlier
which a few of you may have missed if you were joining late so cheaton was or chasen i'll get his
name right one time um was just telling us about the flicks friday curation uh which is obviously this
friday for uh stablecoin uh nfp collections so using isp or axilla usbc um so that's really interesting
stuff there there was a few other um nfp collections uh i haven't got the names noted down here but
there was a few collections coming out very soon uh curated of course uh and super era was telling us
some alpha around um proof of participation nfps and some utility that will be coming to those if you
participate in things like the community updates and all the flicks fanatic activities um he also
mentioned there was some really interesting stuff uh as well um where you can get badges for participating
in campaigns um and these badges uh such as the flicks fanatic campaign can give you whitelist access
to collections and possibly more in the future uh we're also joined by sandy so sandy thanks for coming
on and speaking with us and sister also shared some engineering updates as well uh omni flicks tv
coming soon going live of course the uh september 11th is the estimation but i wouldn't put too much
emphasis on that if anyone else has got anything to say jump in share with us if not i'll hand it back
uh hi guys uh good morning or evening like uh so today is very exciting space and like uh shout out to
all the community and like yeah i mean like so we recently like as we as discussed like we got two
stable coins like back to back like isd and axel are usdc and like omni flicks tv upgraded version i think
sometime in the september is coming so it's like uh it's like omni flex is shipping so many things at
the at the same time so and and as we know today is the last day like i mean if you if you were the
if you were the one for one of the first ones who participated in the uh itc module like in the in the
campaigns flicks drop campaign so like by today all the flair you would you would have got all the flicks
that means so yeah like i mean uh i see i see very optimistic about uh flicks price too just
just in terms of mechanical way like i mean uh just supply and everything so yeah and i'm very very
excited and uh shout out to shout out to everyone thank you guys that's a good point actually manny i uh
actually had a alarm go off today for exactly that for my uh flicks drop um stream pay being completed so
yeah very good point all right well i think we can uh just say thanks once again to uh everyone
tuning in sisler thanks for coming on and speaking sandy as well manny super always having you here is
great um and thank you to chain tools and simon for coming in and sharing updates around that thanks to
all the listeners thank you there for joining i see dizzle uh vjk you've been here since the beginning
chris as well many others uh sorry if i haven't shouted you out cardigrades as well appreciate
you all coming and yeah back over to omni flick to ram the space off thank you william for the word of
thanks and for uh uh taking this flicks.33 like really insightful discussion uh thank you all for joining
in and for uh getting to know the updates of course you can reach out to us for uh you know any questions
any any special campaign uh you want to do and uh of course thank you again for joining us week on week
and for taking part and being a member of the best one uh have a good day ahead good evening good night
uh closing the space in three two and one