Recorded: Jan. 24, 2024 Duration: 1:07:28



Everybody lead with a smile on their face.
The wishes collide, the life things get monumental.
Things get legendary, something may never be the same.
Just what y'all was waiting for, I watch the conversation disappear.
Things get legendary, something may never be the same.
Just what y'all was waiting for, I watch the conversation disappear.
Things get legendary, something may never be the same.
This is it, this is it, I'm back, I'm back, I ain't even workin' on some of these hoes,
cuz the cops put a cap on me, I don't even wanna leave for the family, I don't even wanna talk,
and my head's crossed Don't dropGridMan, you're gonna drop so much into my…
Petty talk, you're in, this case, this case, this case,
this case, this case, this case, this face,
this case, this case, this case, this case,
the end, the end, the end, the end to all of our family friends and we can appreciate
Okay, okay, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,
the end, the end to absolutely everybody.
We tweet the rules.
I think those lines, I mean, I'm wasting them, you know.
This is the way it's gonna be.
I get those goosebumps every time.
I need that high and then throw that to the side, yo.
I get those goosebumps every time, yeah.
When you're not around me, throw that to the side, yo.
I get those goosebumps every time, yeah.
I'm sitting on three, three, one, yeah.
I'm the only, I'm the only, I'm the only, I'm the only.
I'm a sipping low key in high, yeah.
I'm not that tall, I'm the only.
She talks and plenty of her and all her dannies.
We at the top of right there all do any, yes.
Oh, no, I came for you.
I love you.
Oh, I'm the next guest.
Tien, Tien, Tien, Tien to all of our friends and family
around the world, let's go.
We sweep the room with this denim and started NFB,
Unbuilt they're on
Happen baby NFTs unfiltered. Let's go
So many things with so many dreams
Gm gm gm gm to all of our family friends and dgens we are back full meal FM and if
T's unfiltered. I see legends popped up into the space early and if you're just getting in I appreciate you
We had a quick morning space this morning and fortunately got rugged
But we are back hanging vibe in chillin and exploring web 3 unfiltered all of the good all of the bad all the ugly
This is gonna be a kick-ass Twitter space. So get your homies get your friends get the blockchain
Get your aetherium get whatever you need here in this space right now
Cuz it's gonna be an epic one and we're gonna deep dive right into it
I see so many legends up here already King of Hearts builds
Art we got Phoenix crypto. We got the art palette. We got Ricky. We got rasman. Oh
We got ugly apes. We got Shireen. We got alpha. We got webby in the building guys make some noise for yourself
appreciate you guys being in here and
Click on that little purple button share it and let's say what's up to King of Hearts our co-host doing the most today
What is going down?
Wonderful Wednesday pleasure to have pleasure to have you here NFTs unfiltered. We got a lot of talk about we got a lot
Explore how you feeling brother?
I'm feeling good, man. I had a great day. I hope everybody's having a good day builds the heart palette
I see our day Phoenix. How you doing? I hope you're doing well Queen Rick
Razz I see a lot of people in the building just want to say what's up to every single one of you
I'm chillin. I'm ready to hear it. I'm ready to hear the juice
All the tea who's got the tea if you got the tea hit that request button. Oh
Appreciate you King of Hearts and he's off early baby. He's rocking with us
340 I had decided to do this little pop-up space
Cuz so much was going on on crypto and I felt like you know, maybe we should deep dive into it
We're talking a little bit earlier. What's next for NFTs, whether it be gaming whether it be multi chain
Whether it be NFTs, whether it be meme coins
So I'm excited to see all the amazing community members up here in the space early rocking out
I haven't heard from you and your take. Where do you think the future of web 3 is going and
You know, I think it's gonna take a couple years
But I think as long as we all stay here and we stay in the right place and we watch there's gonna be a lot
Of great technology be built around NFTs and web 3 so I think we all know that I kind of think that's why we're all
in the space right now why we show up every single day and we grind and we work on our projects and
support our communities that we love
because we believe in the future of it and
It may not seem like it's paying off right away, you know, we're going through this like bear market right now or whatever you want to call it
You know, there's there's so much more than just it's I mean, I love the art. I'm here. I'm all about the art
I love the projects with the great art and the great community
But there's gonna be a lot of utility, you know, I'm saying there already is a lot of utility a lot of ways to make extra income
And a lot of jobs are gonna be created in a web 3
But I don't know. Do you think like do you think that's gonna take away from the real world jobs?
Or is that a silly thing to think about?
I think that the internet is gonna evolve in the way that we do things the way that things process
I think that the internet is gonna evolve in the way that we do things the way that things process
Is gonna be involved with more crypto and more blockchain
Technology and capabilities and I think people will start shifting over from some of the web 2 jobs
They're a little mundane or a little boring a little uninteresting and try to do something
That's more intriguing and more exciting here in web 3
So absolutely think there's gonna be more jobs created here through crypto. I
obviously think that
Multi-chain is the way like when I first started into my crypto like a realm I didn't go with like aetherium at first
I was on Solana. I bought into a few aetherium projects
It didn't go well, and I continued to stick with Solana NFTs for a while and then did a project on Solana on board
a huge a bunch of people and
Continue building right like now only now Solana looks like it's cool again
The floor place on the coin is starting to increase started getting some market cap getting some wind
Marketplaces have started to come up around it
I just think that like people should really kind of have like a little bit of a strategy going into
2024 whether that's crypto NFTs or both
There's nothing wrong with doing both and I think that you should be kind of hedged, you know, maybe
5050 I think it's good to have crypto and I think it's good to have a few NFC projects that you're really bullish on as
Well, too, so I'm always looking for the next one. I always think to myself
What are they gonna do differently? How are they gonna captivate the community?
How are they gonna get everybody like excited and kind of unified on this, you know one concept or idea?
And it's exciting to see how
things change from time to time
Absolutely, absolutely
Sorry, my sons don't talk to me about Pokemon right now I had to I couldn't um, I need to buy
Cards he's like that. Wait, do you think this is a good trade? He's like I got these threes
Like I'm gonna give my friend these three. I'm like, I don't know don't get ripped off
I don't know anything about Pokemon, but
This Pokemon have an NFT project
Not that I know they should they would get every single mom and dad's credit card on file ASAP
And it would work so fast, but that's what I know what you're saying
You definitely want like half and half
Crypto half NFTs because I've been in the position where like I was in all
Crypto all in on crypto and I didn't have any liquid and then when you see the you see eat pump and all these coins
Stop pumping you start feeling a little like shit, you know
maybe I should have had some money spread out a little better, but
You know, we all learned from my mistakes. It's definitely beneficial to keep
To keep a well-balanced portfolio and web, please, you know few NFTs a few different projects don't a fall into just one project
You know spread the money out through different two different blockchains and get different coins and whatnot
I'll take it to go
Whatever he's cooked up. I'm taking it to go, baby
Oh, I like that fire take right off the stove, baby. Turn it up to heat
I see builds. I see alpha. I see our pallet in the building
United good to see you homies good to see the friends get to see the family
Let's toss it up to ladies first and say what's up to the art palette
What is going on? So Hannah on this wonderful Wednesday GM. Good afternoon. Good evening. How you feeling?
Can hear anyone else yeah, I was wondering if that was just me
No, no, she has her tongue up. She's hard to talk when your tongue is out
That's all my breath. Yeah
It's gonna gently close their mic
Twitter has been extremely rugged in the past four or five days
I don't know as to why people are getting kicked off the entire platform and it absolutely sucks and I saw
Wagon, they're doing to everybody's posts with pictures like it don't matter what picture you post or fucking flagging is sensitive
Sensitive oh, yeah, like if you go scroll through my timeline, I thought it was just me
I was freaking out that I got shadowbanned again
But suddenly I started seeing a bunch of random people that I follow time, you know saying hey, what's up?
Why am I getting censored?
Blah blah blah. It's like a picture of an NFT like what I got on my face right now
My this one got flagged to I was like, what the fuck? There's no nudity on this and nothing violent. I
Don't see any centuries. I'm on the page
Yeah, I'd fucking contested a bunch of them. Hopefully they lifted them
I'll go right now. It's probably down bad engagement is down bad
What's going on with you alpha men NFTs on chain?
We're asking you to predict a future here. Where do you think this thing is going?
I mean a lot of people are looking at like holy shit. This is a bull run
I think this is like the tip of the iceberg not necessarily the full run, you know
I think some money got pumped into the pumped into the the system, you know prematurely for the
all the approvals the shit that were going on and
I think people were you know getting in early before before the ETF approvals
so I think that caused a little bit of a you know, a major pump actually for us got everybody lit up and
Now we're gonna be looking at you know, steady steady trading and stuff through it
So I mean, I'm sure we're gonna see lots of ups and downs
I definitely agreed with King over here talking about diversifying your portfolio, you know, I try to I try to spread it
I'm a definitely a multi chain guy, you know, I don't think there's any you know one chain that's gonna harvest the best projects
You know overall, it's it's one of those things definitely keep your portfolio diverse
You don't want to put all your eggs into one basket
You know what I see happening right now guys, you know
Everybody needs to start being very vigilant very aware because with this little kickoff we got going on
There's there's something you're gonna see it ten times harder and that's rug pulls, you know
They're gonna start doing everything they can to drain liquidity and get more and more active because they see more people getting active. So
You know definitely stay vigilant out there, you know, pay attention to the signs
We talked about a lot on our show and everything and I know doodles talks about, you know
Project security wallet security, you know, just staying safe and web 3
You know if you guys have questions always ask always feel free to ask
You know your community members and your your fellow NFT lovers and stuff what they think about certain things
If you're getting a little itch saying something's a little funny here, you don't pay attention and then ask somebody else how they feel
That's what I got to say right now. I think we're ready to fucking rock bro
I think this shit's like I said, just the tip of the iceberg. I don't think it's the bull run yet
you know one thing I always say is
Around like great hype comes massive FOMO and with FOMO comes like tons of hackers and scammers
It's like everybody's like acting on their emotions and then that's how you really get taken advantage of you get really excited
Oh my god, all these things are pumping all these Solana airdrops
You start buying all these like low cap Solana tokens and they just start rugging left and right
So yeah, like, you know, definitely got to be careful
Alpha knows what's up
Oh, yeah, hell yeah, baby
Absolutely, I think you got to just be mindful do your research now know what you're investing into
What are ways like would you invest into a project right now? Alpha that maybe like
You don't even know the founder. It's like no founder. It's like a mystery. It's like Satoshi. I
Can't say I wouldn't you know, that's a DJ in play for sure
It's unfortunate, you know, it's unfortunate to say but the ones that seem to pop off the first
You know and get those blue chips or the people that are you know, who's the founder?
They said they're gonna tell us, you know at some point and then suddenly six months later the project rugs
And you never knew who the founder was so it's like yeah
It's one of those things if you're gonna if you're gonna play in the field be ready to get out of the field
As soon as you get in it to and make your fucking money
Coins that are popping off
You know, I am a diamond hander for sure like a hundred percent
But the one thing I've learned through diamond handing and creating my wallet of paper hand sucks
Is that if you get in and you don't get out fast enough on some of these and you try to diamond hand everything
You're guaranteed to fucking lose
So, you know if you think you can make money or you're just waiting for that one eighth floor and you're still playing on flipping
Guys a one eighth floor is not realistic
You don't get your money while you can if it goes up a little bit after you got your money
Don't cry like if you made money fucking be happy
No, like it like the like the like the strategy take some profits
It's okay to take some profits
And then I agree sometimes these projects that don't that no one knows who the hell the founders are
Absolutely pumped, but I do have a theory
My theory is is like a lot of these
Crypto promoters
Will start promoting these projects these crypto coins and then you know, they'll be invested into it
you know, they'll throw a little cash into some of these coins and
Then they'll do like one coin two coin three coin four coins and they get pretty much rugged
Because you know, they're just buying in late. They're buying the top the coins are really just memes
There's nothing really happening behind them
And then after I feel like they kind of throw in one of their own coins that they've created and they've made and
They're the fucking dev and they're trying to like because when generally when you're doing these meme coins
No one knows who the dev is like no one knows
I don't think anybody really knows who the Pepe dev is
I don't think like you know people really know like who's the dev on some of these projects and then
things kind of go like
Anibalistic they go crazy the floor price goes nuts
But just like Alpha said they also come down really quickly at the same time and there's like a few different pumps
There's a few different people that want to see this project successfully
Like succeed or do well, but it's not sustainable long-term. So I absolutely agree with you
There's one other thing I wanted to make note on that, you know, what do you bring enough that the Alpha color situation?
So guys I want you to see the true form of what you know
A lot of these alpha colors are they make profits from calling projects
So when you sit here and think and the reason I know this because I launched a shit coin never got rugged
It's still got a you know, whatever liquidity in it and the only people I could say they rugged were the people that you know
cashed out of the coin
you know that everything's still there like everything's up and
through some of the processes of being a you know
Being who I am being a founder being in, you know partial developer, whatever you want to call it
I have been introduced to a fuck ton of alpha colors
And these are like all the major ones that I'm not gonna point push names or anything like that because you know
I'm not gonna point fingers, but I will say every single alpha color
I have met and this is even through unrugging a colors coalition project. That was you know, man
You know, I think we had 15 different alpha colors
Every single one of those alpha colors are paid alpha colors when they go and talk about oh
This might be the next project and they give you this, you know, three paragraph spiel
Well think about this guys that three paragraphs spiel is not from that
Alpha color that three paragraph spiel is what me or some other founder or some other person launching a project
Told that alpha color to say and it doesn't matter what we tell them to say like they literally when when when they talk
To you and you know, you approach them these colors
They'll say yeah
I charge this much per call and then what do you want me to say and then you you know
List out your thing and then they'll modify the words a little bit or whatever. So
Alpha calls guys be fucking careful do your own research because these guys are calling whatever they're getting paid to call
It's not just it's not just them calling what they like. They are getting paid to call some of these things
They also slip in their own coins they'll go and create a token and
Yeah, I got the alpha for a little while ago about that
No, no just I thought I was saying like I was saying earlier like sometimes if you just follow these people on there
You end up getting runt like you end up getting into wrong projects
You end up getting into you know, the wrong communities like can't just follow like the next big influencer and not even
Know like what the fuck's going on and there's so many people that I'm like, where did where did you hear about this?
I heard about it in the space whose space off this person's face
So like you're just gonna just jump off the bridge like, you know, like do some research
100% do your own research and you cannot be mad at somebody else if you pulled the trigger and push the button and did it
'm rolling up some nice kush mints right now. It's heavy heavy in the car 31% and
Couple percent here on the terpenes
Extremely fuego if you got some doodle juice pour it up
If you haven't already get some water get hydrated stay hydrated. We're having a blast here with the doodle genic family in the community
Retweet the room. Let's get more speakers up here on the panel
Let's say what's up to United and then we're gonna toss it to build United. What's up?
Yo, what's good man do the genics, you know, I'm saying just came through
Feed me. Uh, I was in the space with King horse the other day. This is poison peso actually, you know, I'm saying
But um, you know, I know I've just been chilling, you know, I'm saying back in the cut a little bit kind of
just focus, you know saying oh, you know saying some other stuff but
Definitely came through the day, you know saying there's so some love as you know, I'm saying how you been, you know, I'm saying like
Stuff like that, but for the most part, yeah, man, just you know saying cruising through life
Let's go brother. I'm feeling blessed. It's a it's a wonderful Wednesday here today
Just 1032 over the weekend on Friday
Let's go baby, I'm feeling I feel like I'm in the prime time, you know
We the same age. Yeah, we the same age. I'm already, you know, I'm I joined in July, you know, I'm saying but it's crazy
Yeah, we definitely the same age
Lady to yeah
Thank you. I appreciate you. What pulled you into crypto will pose you into NFTs and
What are you expecting for 2024? Like what do you think maybe the narrative is gonna play out?
What are you looking for to happen in?
2024 with crypto and NFTs
Pulled me into it was I was like studying Forex already. So I was just like analyzing markets
You know I'm saying really getting a good thing, you know
I'm saying for what was going on and then like that kind of helped me like pick
What projects you know saying I wanted to be a part of you know, not necessarily by life
There was gonna be big but really like where they're gonna be, you know, I'm saying sustainable
Feel me. So what I see for the you know, I'm saying future of the blockchain NFTs
I see it like, you know saying keep going, you know
It's gonna be like more you know, I'm saying a utility
you know, I'm saying just if you know, you know Terp jump and
Just don't truck just don't get like
Like flitted out, you know saying we just you know saying bullshit as you hear Terp. She really like going there
And I see what's going on first
Would you buy a project from an undocks?
Undocks unknown founder right now
Right now I have and I'm partly like I'm part of like a super high
But um, if right now right question, I'm gonna just answer the question, you know
I'm saying the question on hand is no I wouldn't you know saying if if I didn't actually know you I probably wouldn't you know
I'm saying bye, you know
Facts facts. No, I think that like a lot of people still buy it and it's a little D gen like
Alpha said like he's taking part in it
I think we've all done it once or twice
But I think that like the projects that like people can stand behind are the ones that you want to kind of get to know
And see if they're worth investing see if they're worth the community for you
It might not be right like not every community is gonna be something you're interested in
It's like different movies different genres of music. It has like different access different utilities
Like it might not fit your needs. There's different gyms out there different grocery stores
You got to kind of shop and get in where you fit in
I think that like when you find the vibe you find your tribe and and
We've been out here for like three years and we've seen a lot and I was talking to King earlier
It's like a lot of these projects
Especially these coins with meme coins. They have no founders
Not that we know like not publicly that we know of not publicly that are out there and saying hey
This is who I am. This is what I'm doing. I can name one. I can name one coin
I can name one and I launched it
There you go, but very not many like, you know, the the the these meme coins would they just pop up?
You know from unknown founders unlocks and unknown developers and then the websites are just literally one pagers
they're literally one pagers that like
Have no road map no clarity and just buy here
You don't even know if necessarily most of the time you're even getting rugs
And even some of these send eat to this wallet
or Durv kind of like it's like all trust that like
That company that community that developer that project is not just gonna take your liquidity and say well fuck everybody because
We had absolutely no contract
We just posted something publicly on social media said send these to this wallet and then after like they take your liquidity and just leave
We've seen some stuff happen with portal coin
So, you know, they were asking for us to send eat we send eat. We had to wait a little bit and
We got noted on the back end like on their system saying that hey
These are accredited coins that you're gonna be receiving. Have we received them on chain or anything yet?
I know as has they deployed
publicly and made their contract public to see that we can search their contract and see if there's any
Malicious things are in their contract or to see if their contract is even audited or worth investing into
No, right like it's all in good faith. There's a lot of things here that happen with hype and good faith
They've raised millions and millions. They raised over ten million dollars by having people farm collectively and
Get all this free marketing and all this retweets and be trending over like two million tweets like in a day
For free because like they're they're farming people on the on the coin and they still never gave any coin back
It's just crazy the things that happen here in crypto and when I see like what's next are there gonna be many more coins?
Absolutely. Are there gonna be a lot of rut coins?
Probably is it gonna happen on all chains most likely?
It's just about being vigilant and finding like the real investments that are out there and finding like maybe layer one blockchains
or even layer two blockchains that you think have some sort of
utility or have some use case and and that's where I would put like a lot of the
The time and the effort understanding educating and actually financial like by buying the coin or the NFTs
Behind them. So right now there's like a massive dip, you know, we've seen
Salonical go from 100, you know back down to 85 like, you know almost to 70. So we're seeing like corrections, but I
Would be buying at this time too and I would be thinking about the long term
So I want to ask Bill's right now if he's collecting anything and what he thinks
The future is for NFTs and crypto NFTs and chain what is going on Bill's wonderful Wednesday to you
My brother
Hello, sorry catching my breath
Walking a little bit doing my cardio
Honestly, I do have just deejans and my own
Ark that that's it
still waiting
Until doodles comes back and I will say fucking money to get at least one of them
Other than that, it's very risky to collect something especially if you don't like the art or you don't like community
most likely you won't see me collecting something for a long long time because
There is a lot of bad actors and I don't like if I collect something
It's gonna be because I like the person I like the community or I like the art
But even if I would love your art, but you are bad fucking actor. There's no way
That I'm gonna collect your art even if it's gonna be for free
Upcoming rugs, let's say
happening now
Like it and I'm newbie. I'm new butts at
NFTs and crypto and everything, but I already can see where
Where it's gonna be rugged like it's just for liquidity and
Bye. Bye, you know, so
for me for collecting I'm gonna wait or if I'm gonna collect and invest in something it's gonna be because I like the person and
I like what he's doing
Which without any expectations of the return
And what's next for NFTs? I?
Don't know I've been in
Spaces with Keith the other day and he said like
Everything is gonna be more and more digital as we go
Forward and I absolutely agree with him
But I don't want to see that we already spent too much time in digital work world
Because everything is gonna be more and more digital and NFTs futures future and crypto currency is very bright
and these
Ball runs and bear markets. It's it's gonna be in the past in couple of years and we will have only constant
Bull run because and if this might even replace
Fiat just because people are getting tired of their
fucking governments and and everything so it's it's good for us for early birds and
At this point even I am an early bird
So we will see what future has to offer for us and I also wanted to say
today in the first space that
Man you show up here every single day twice a day
and I just want to thank for you for it and because you lift all community and
even when it's not a chill space you you have tens of people listening to you and
I really admired that
It's nice to think that
Whenever I feel like I want to give up I go to doodle space and
I just listen to you. I listen how you uplift other
Artists and other people and I'm just back in business
so thank you for
You're the motherfucking man built appreciate you brother and I want everybody to win
Hopefully you guys can hear me
But I was hearing a little bit of static at the end of when built was speaking but I really do appreciate the kind words
And I want everybody to win. I want people to get educated
I want people to kind of have that like, you know burning desire to have a better life through crypto or NFTs like
Education system maybe failed us financial system maybe failed us
Crypto hasn't failed us yet. All right, you know, there's some projects that have failed. There's some coins that have failed
There's some communities that have failed but
Overall, I just don't feel that crypto has filled us yet
Unless Satoshi comes back tomorrow and just sells all of his Bitcoin then after we're doomed
But there's very few possibilities that that could happen tomorrow. I
Like I like the direction that we're going
I like I like the people that are building here and that are thinking outside of the box
Like the people here that are committed, you know
not a lot of people are making money every single day by being in crypto and
You know, it's not really profitable for absolutely everybody and they're still here showing up every single day in spaces
Learning retweeting, you know joining the conversation adding value researching and it's admirable. So appreciate the kind words built
And that next community it was like exciting for me
When I first joined NFTs and I started flipping NFTs and I turned like
$50 into like almost five thousand dollars worth of NFT value in like nine days
I was absolutely hooked, you know, and then after like getting rugs getting rubbed on a theory
I'm like those were lessons people spend like eighty thousand ninety thousand a hundred thousand dollars to learn in college and
Some of these lessons were just a little different, but they're they were paid in crypto. So
King have you had any lessons that you've learned to hear from crypto that it might have even cost you a little bit. I
Never learned from my lessons. I'll just keep buying rugs. No, I'm just playing. Yeah board. Hello rugs
I've done I've bought from I was gonna say before, you know
one of your questions was would you buy NFT from a project founder that you don't know who it is and
I definitely have and it's never turned out. Well, and I never literally never
So that's that's my take on that
2024 the strategies to be a little bit smarter a little a little bit smarter stop shooting for the stars
You know when you see projects and you see some decent some decent profit on a project
You definitely gonna pull it out and just definitely be more clever
When's a lot of lessons?
So that's definitely the goal for this year
What's your take on this whole AI art versus non AI art I want to know
Well, I can see how
You know traditional artists that have been drawing with their hands their whole life would be
Reluctant to like accepting like AI artists, but it is the future right?
But at the same time like if you ask me how I felt about AI music
I don't know how I feel about that either
You're telling me you're just gonna sit there and hit in a bunch of prompts and come up with a song
That's better than mine. I'm gonna feel a little offended
But you know, I guess it's just it's just what it is. I believe in the technology
I love AI, you know, so I and I use AI in my artwork as well. So
You know for my take I think AI is pretty okay for me
As long as you put some effort into it, you know
I'm saying as long as you don't leave like the six fingers
As long as you don't leave the six fingers in your pictures
You know what I'm saying and you do some editing and you make it a dope piece of art
There's no there's nothing wrong with starting with an AI piece as a base
I like it. I could appreciate the take
I think also humans have become AI as well, too
They have artificial legs. They have artificial arms, you know, they're half robotic
It's pretty AI to me
I don't think that we can criticize them and say nah, they're not good enough
That's not nice, you know
That wouldn't be the right thing to do at all. That'll be a little bit unhumane if you ask me
think that like we just got accepted I think you know all forms and
I think that like people are a little bit more creative
people are a little bit more knowledgeable than others and
I think that if you can find a way to leverage it and use it for a cool process or a cool finish
For your community for yourself for your art. It's dope
But I love to see the amazing AI work
I'd like to see Rome J's like GM's that are AI I see all sorts of memes that are created with AI
Like I see some like, you know, really high high quality stuff
Also on the other end created at the same time with AI as well, too, and it's not an easy process
It's not something that like every single person can do the ops make it easy to use
But it doesn't mean that you're gonna get the same kind of
You know render or finished piece
So I think that we have to accept it and I think that like even humans
They have artificial legs arms and like sometimes even glass eyes
Like doesn't mean that there any less of individuals or any less of people. So I think that it's something that needs to be embraced
I think that it's a huge huge opportunity to maybe speed up the process or even
Make things more efficient and I think that for music King Arts
Auto-tune's been around for ages
Auto-tune and AI for music and like those pitches and stuff like that's been around for ages
Yeah, you're right auto-tune has been around for ages and you know, I didn't think about that
I guess that is AI right? I guess like in the sizes and shit like that deep pain can't goddamn sing
I can't hear him sing like deep pain can sing
He's got the voice of an angel don't talk about deep pain like that. All right, there's a
He's in the Illuminati. He's gonna come for
I'm sorry guys. Hold on. I'll get back to on that
No, I was just gonna say T-Pain been going crazy on threads to like
Like every day he post and be like yo y'all thought I couldn't sing it's like him singing it like the like the Dodgers game
You know I'm saying singing the national anthem. He's like man. I've been could sing. I'm like dang
I didn't even know you could sing like this like it's crazy. It's not a T-Pain man
Who do you think wins in a versus T-Pain or Russia? Wait T-Pain or who?
In a singing competition in versus she's new
Mari and T-Pain and a singing competition. Oh, yeah, Mario. I'm taking on with two, man
Fucking healthy banking sing these things by me a drain
He's a sin
Know that song that song I won't even lie
That song got me lit that song got me ladies
That song was like that song was my whole high school wrapped up into fucking four years into that one song
But uh Flo Ryder and fucking T-Pain. That's amazing
Way back playback on a Wednesday, baby
What do you think is gonna be popping off united I see that you know, you do music
Yeah, you know, well, you know peso, you know, I'm saying doesn't make you
Yeah, yeah, yeah, so, you know, I just got like performing in the metaverse and just like, you know
Like last year I even got to perform an NFT and YC, you know, I'm saying this year
I'm speaking to NFT and YC, but um, we might even
Do the doodle genic
But definitely definitely I'll come through cuz like I'm really trying to like plan it out to where like last year
I was running but like this year even like satellite events
I wanted to be like really with people I know kind of and just people I want to meet so yeah
Rocket ship event not even the satellite. This is this shit. My guy's gonna just blow your socks off
Your lungs might just be bursting cuz you the gorilla fingers and the THC the stickiness to it
It's gonna be a blast. Oh, yeah, don't give him too much. Yeah, don't give him too much
I was about to say I was about to like hyperventilate just now, but yeah, don't give him too much do the genics for sure
No, man jump into the discord. We have like a great community
You could see us you could see myself rolling up gorilla fingers chilling out smoking weed always on the video chat
And we have great community members that are up there as well, too
You can get to know and King of Hearts always there making music in the discord
We have some other musicians as well from the community. There's so many just great people artists founders collectors
Yeah, man, it's dope and now I can't wait for NFT NYC this year. There's so much that we got planned
I don't want to spill the juice too much
But we're just like we're we're lurking right now to get the contract back up on
Ethereum and then after give everybody an opportunity to claim it people are gonna be pretty impressed by the the new contract and
I'm just excited to see new community members get on boarded. I'm excited to reestablish and maybe a new value in floor price
It's gonna be a great time when
2024, you know finally sees these doodle genics on OpenSea, baby, and we'll have our own marketplace as well, too. So
Yeah, it's gonna be exciting dude and much love to you. Let's keep it rocking. Let's keep it rolling King
I want to go through what do you lurk in right now in terms of coins five coins?
Now you're thinking about picking up if you see this market tanking right now
Definitely want to start buying Bitcoin because I never really bought Bitcoin like that
so I'm definitely gonna start targeting to buy some Bitcoin if I see a nice dip, you know what I'm saying and
That's for sure. Ethereum. I've always been buying Solana
Doge coin. I like
I'm not talking about food. Those are cryptos, baby. Those are yummy. Yeah, they are yummy. Actually, they're dipping in there looking yummy those
We're definitely definitely gonna pick up more of those
She's there getting the candy store she's gonna spend you dry their kink
She's great, she's helping me cook right now. So all right
She always wants to help she always wants to be involved and sometimes I want to be like
I just want to do this
But I always stop myself and I'm like, let me just like cuz I'm thinking like I'm training
Oh, you know in a couple years. I won't have to cook dinner anymore because I'm the one who cooks in my house. So
She helps me all the time. I'm thinking by the time she's like 12 13. She'll cook dinner. So make so we're straight
Another see I'm investing all over the place. I'm not just investing a web 3
He's gonna he's gonna get an early retirement, you know, maybe by by six years old
She's gonna be cooking friggin lasagnas King of Hearts is gonna just be sitting there with his feet up
He's gonna be getting fat grapes
Holy shit King living like a real legend my bro
Yeah, you know, she's you know, she's cooking while making some plays in the background, you know, I'm saying
She's talking about he's talking about coins those are yummy, you know, I
Said those corn she had excited. She's like, yeah. Yeah those coin. That's good
The dogs always love those they hear those and they hear dogs it's amazing
I honestly think that there's a few definitely coins that are worthy of picking up right now
I would wait for them to go a little bit lower, but I definitely think that
Stacks H bar
These are coins that like like rose is like 10 cents
Matic is 72 cents. H bar is like
71 cents stacks is like a dollar 40, but
these are these been down in the last seven days like 15 20 percent and
I think that they could have a little bit of a run-up. I think that like, you know
They could run a little bit especially something like rose that's been down like the most maybe like 30 percent Matic 20 percent
Stacks, you know for the month only like 7 percent
But I still think if Bitcoin decides to pump stacks will follow that and it could be huge
But like for the last seven days, we've been seeing like a really really
Like kind of neutral position and people like liquidating. It's like 20 30 percent. A lot of them are down bad
Volume is decreased by like 30 percent
Bitcoin I
Don't know gas is no is low right now and that's the nice thing is like gas is at 13
I've seen gas fall last night all the way to like 8 which is amazing if you want to buy some NFTs or get into
Some projects so I would be taking advantage of it
That's one thing about a theory and like the future with the theory of NFTs and the gas prices, you know
And when a theory and pumps the gas prices get higher and you know
It's just when the bull market comes back to get prices are gonna be higher. So I don't know it's it's tough
It's a good thing we got multi chains here, you know
and I think in the future it's gonna be like it's gonna be like the more prestigious one with
Like you know more memberships and like clubs and like, you know
Board Ape's doodle genics like those and I think all the other smaller chains will have more independent artists and whatnot
I don't know. I don't know everything
What do you think
Difficult to be an ethereum project cuz there's so many of them and there's so much volume
Especially around big market caps so you never get that notoriety beat to be trending
You never get that exposure that you truly deserve as you're grinding and doing it organically
Opposed to like having venture capitalist money or just getting like trade washed or having like, you know, bots that are just moving your floor
I don't know. I think it's a difficult challenge for any ethereum project
but if you if you have a specific niche if you have a specific like
You know category that like you can kind of perform in and do well in I think you can get some noted notoriety
I think you can get some some traction. I think that what we're doing here is special but
For for artists, I think I like being on different chains trying new blockchains trying new marketplaces
You can win very easily if I was a musician. I'll be on like sound XYZ. I would be on like Solana
I would be on aetherium. I would be on polygon. I would be on like Tezos
I'd be on a lot of different chains
Because there's different demographics and there's different people that love music and music isn't like universal language
It's like soccer. It's like fighting like people just love it
Even if it's not the same language people still will listen to it. So yeah, we'll just be like Coca-Cola
So like, you know United you should be putting your stuff out there, bro
Oh, yeah, like man, I got a project that's a music project that I put out like close to two years ago
With my song rewind like it was my first song like actually coming into the space
It's banging. Um, yes, it's definitely banging, you know, I'm saying we shot the video last year in a team. I see
It's on it's on eat. So it's like on rare boo
So yeah, just like taking insight on my eat project on a plane
Uh, I can send it. You know I'm saying I can send I got it on audience to you know
I'm saying this all sitting on audience to you know, I'm saying and all I can send it to you
No, I'm saying if you can't play that on Spotify you to oh, yeah
So take it the reason why it's not on all platforms is because like I actually used a clip of a movie
In the beginning and they kind of like sway me like so I couldn't use it
But I'm about to make it. It's a remix coming with like a kind of well-known
Female artists like just she's in the space but like just worldly known too. So she wants to remix it. So
Like that's gonna be like I think we're gonna try to figure out you know
I'm saying some way to either change the voice of the movie change the picture of it
You know I'm saying just to get it on all social, you know, same platforms with
But I will send it to you if you want to play for me
Send it to me
Of course, I want to play why wouldn't I want to play it big on
The show the community some love as I'm smoking this gorilla finger right now
King of hearts he's cooking up. He usually is in the studio every Friday night
Saturday night
939 o'clock. He comes up live play some music freestyles
All right. I'm waiting for it right now. Oh, yeah pace. We definitely gonna roll up on Friday Saturday nights
I want to curate like a little
Like a freestyle battle. I got to talk to Chakra and Tony and do a little something in the metaverse and the doodle genics metaverse
You definitely should tap in check that out as well. If we curate that I'd love to have you in there
If you want to go up against someone if you're into battle rap, you know, just a heads up
Yeah, you know, we got like met him alone Benny Groove canine
It's also, you know, I'm saying we're united realities. They also speak in this year and then see who I see
So like as a collective, you know what I'm saying? Definitely. We always like
Like, you know, I'm saying I think met him alone like loves like probably better up more than like any of us just because he's being
You know I'm saying in in music for so long, but you'll be able to meet them. You know, it's an open mic every Friday night
It's an open mic you can come blast some music play some stuff
It's a goodbye man. So roll through did you send me that the the DM?
Yeah, I sent you the link to audience. I'm gonna drop you a link to the rewind collection
To the to the oh, yeah, hold on
I'm in the DMS. I see everybody sending DMS trying to slide in the DMS. It's going down in the DMS
It's going down in the DMS. All right, I'm waiting for it so I could bang this stuff for you
My guy, it's got to be a free link cuz I ain't got audience
All right, it's free. It's free. It's in there man. It's in there
I'm just building with the project man. Like we got 33 holders right now on real booth
You know just always like looking for ways that but I'm definitely like those 33 holders
I'm trying to like really put on for them this year
So it's just gonna be a lot of like expressive things that I'm trying to do
You know I'm saying just to provide you know, I'm saying like so them that I'm doing something
My guy United saw him some love exact call rewind
Shit says out to sign in. Oh
Did it cut you off like that?
Yeah, cut me off like that. Hold on, bro
Hold on, bro
Like I don't I really don't like our audience be doing it like I put it there just so people
People couldn't actually get the NFT
You know I'm saying I put in an audience so people could listen to it
But I'm about to send you the video on YouTube official video that I shot last year in the team
I see for free
You know I'm saying that you can also view on YouTube that you can hear the song too
So give me a second man. I that's crazy. They would do this. Let me try to run it back
I'm not gonna run it back one more time for you big on my press play. Let's see what happens
Don't some love
Kind of sounded like a little juice kind of flow, you know
Okay, okay, that's what's up, you know saying Benny group love juice world. That's what's up. You like juice world
Yeah, I write with juice world, too. Um for sure, you know what I'm saying for sure for sure
Like a little vibe like that, you know
Okay, that's what's up, man. That's what's up. And it's a collection. You know, I'm saying 777
NMT means seven different cards. Um
But you can see the collection on rare book each card is like different numbers
So I basically like just subtracted like a odd amount of them
So it's a rarest card to it's actually like a holographic card
But you'll see it, you know, I'm saying if you see the you know
I'm saying when you see the you know
I'm saying collection and one of those cards will also be an empty and yc
You know I'm saying at the you know in the art, you know, I'm saying feature in the art section this year
So that's cool to know I'm saying hopefully they show it in Times Square or whatever. So that'll be awesome, too
So just you know, I'm saying building the project and you know, I'm saying making sure it's like a strong music
I'm saying NMT collection
Yes, sir, keep building young blood I love what you're doing, you know
You're just putting the brick down brick by brick and just trying to get that music out there distributed and that's right
You know, I invited you to coming out, you know 930 Friday
Saturday King of Hearts will be up there. I'll be there as well to open mic
You can come spit spit your game do a little freestyle
Or maybe even just have some stuff queued up and play some stuff for us as well to to get that music out there
So I appreciate you guys all coming out King Arts Alpha all the amazing listeners
I see Phoenix high def Rick Raz Oh D ugly launch if I
I see told by see wabi Melinda everybody up here in this space
United appreciate you guys coming out. We're gonna rug this out and I'll see you on the next episode much
Love take care of yourselves and your families child till next time