FOMO HOUR EP. 45: is OSF okay?

Recorded: Jan. 24, 2024 Duration: 0:57:01



Did you do the deed in Miami? I'm still waiting to hear the tea
You guys know what Griffin did in Miami, right? You're Griffin the red Griffin
Why Griffin? I'm still convinced you did it
I'm still convinced you did it. My whole team is too
So Griffin started like hanging out with the rug radio team like every night to like really really late every day and
And he likes the party. He's actually a great guy. He was not only that he was like actually helping us like team-wise
You know, I think he did the deed on that last night, but we're not sure yet. Anyways, let me join from FOMO Hour real quick
Let me join from FOMO Hour. Why are we getting a hundred followers overnight enough to see that?
I was thinking way dude. Oh, it's true. We're about to give away $15,000 right once a day
You know how we're about to give a thousand dollars a day per show for 15 days one of the shows
Let's give it to like the first person in like so like Griffin. Well, I'm not today Griffin. You didn't win
Now on not today Griffin. Sorry, I should be doing my job right now of bringing everybody on stage. Okay. Oh my god
Okay, hold on. Let me let me let me let me do my job here. Okay, I have one job
Well multiple jobs, but right now I have one job
Okay, you know what? That's enough. Kick it Sims
Good morning. Good morning. G-m-g
January 24 for
2024 look at that
Another beautiful day to have a beautiful day. I got both my clothes fully back in the house
Yes, I only had one of them
One of them was exercised overnight was taken away from us, but he is so back
OSF Mando, how are you doing this morning?
You're an awesome man. How are you? I'm great. You're good. God damn
I come I I feel like I didn't have enough energy on the show prior to like going to work out every day
Not seven. I feel like now it's like even more, you know
It feels good
Okay, Griffin, we know you did it
anyways, so
Whoa, look it looks like yesterday. Whoa
Fuck I want that
So, I mean, I mean we may as well just discuss this right away Ovi's back
So I I know yes the topic to the show was is OSF. Okay
I want to assure everybody that you know, since we started with this yesterday might as well stay start with this today OSF is back
This is the real OSF funny enough you being possessed and leaving us
Coincident is that a word coincident with
Well, guess what? That's no way. Well, just guess what guess what?
Coincident coincident coincident. Yeah, that's the way. Okay, cool
Get well, you know what? I get to make up my own words
coincident with
Ovi shaving his beard. So he was fully gone
Right, right true. True. Yeah, maybe the beard is the source of all the deliciousness
But see now see now now he's got a little bit about like some it's coming back right up
I mean, this is a nice this is the look and starting to come back like a little bit and he seems to have been
Exercising back. I mean, you know, I don't know maybe um, maybe you were the one that is pregnant
Oh me and you a lot of people a lot of people have said that to me to just today
multiple people have said that asked me that because
Yeah, I've got this like weird phase now
I'm just eating those of like chocolate like sweet stuff and I've never really ever done that in my life
But for the last two months since the fire just been on this like sugar binge basically and you've been pregnant for two months now, right?
Four months of four months. So it's it coincides
one of the day with
With you. Yeah your mango addiction your drinking thing like you'd like to drink sweets
You'd like to eat sweets. So you are eating a lot these days on the show at least
Yeah, yeah, this is mango mango cheese. There's mango and ginger cheese. When's it out?
Who finds that over things? Yeah now I think I find some mango and ginger cheese
What does it taste like it describe it to me mango ginger cheese like cuz I know the taste of each individual thing but
It's a bit of a weird one. It's like
If you've ever had a Wednesday Wednesday day before
It's a type of cheese
Yes, like it's kind of sweet but then there's a massive gingery aftertaste I wouldn't I'm not sure I'd recommend it
Yes, good. I
Yeah, I mean look I'm not sure about that one but look if you're happy for you I guess if you like it
I like it
Yeah, it's kind of like that it looks like you're better look at this guy like
Like next level was like
Yeah, he's back with us he's back I can you know what the look in your eyes I know that look I know you're back
Like I can tell he's back and the energy on the show is fully back
like when one of us is missing it just doesn't feel right when the energy is off because we're three people were trifecta and
And you know and then and now you're back love to see that we're gonna talk about your whiff trade in a minute
We're gonna talk about everything. So I knew today on the show today today as I you know
I got to post a broadcasting was sent to us perfect
We are live on the audio and video and make sure you follow out for more work cuz we are giving away a whole lot
Of money action on the show. We're about to give away a whole lot more money on the show
Let me tell you that we got a lot of money to give you all that's for sure
But today the show today today market report updates and moves as usual as little we made me short relief bounce back here
I lost you see that so we'll talk about that
Rewards are everywhere rewards rewards everywhere. What's the meme? I forgot where the meme goes like but magic Eden magic Eden
Launched and announced and launched a magic
Loyalty program rewards program. So we'll see what that's all about
And also I saw like Rabbi wallet or something at more points
So more points more points everywhere more rewards all across the board. You absolutely love to see that incentives all over the place
Great good for us and if you round up as usual, you know, there is a you know, a lot of stuff moving on as usual
There's a 3 AC starry night one of one sale happy also the bees at the moment looks like you know
The auction house are loving NFTs back-to-back sales non-stop
You have the RSIC airdrop just keeps on rising on the ordinal side on the Solano side
You know, there's obviously a bunch of stuff booming as usual ends on the east side as well each side
Also looks like doom on doge
playable version of doom on dogecoin Wow
Gaming those going gaming look at that
So less of stuff moving less of happening and I don't know if y'all saw that by now, but we're gonna be pinning it
We're gonna be retweeting. We're gonna be sharing it
We are now partnered up with robot as a show partner
So basically twice a week Tuesdays and Fridays
We are going to be playing duel arena or doing loot boxes or just like we're gonna switch it up a bit and see how
The vibe is on the show and like play it around
Between us three and also picking different winner every time and just giving away a whole bunch of money to everybody cuz why not?
You know, we're getting that robot money
I'm gonna give some of that robot money back to our listeners
But first and foremost to celebrate this this partnership that we have with the fam over there
Which by the way, I haven't partnered with rect radio for free
You're now obviously you've seen man to do some work with them on the mantle minutes and whatnot
So it only made sense. We are giving away 15,000 United States dollars
And we decided to just give it to 15 individual people over 15 days
So 15 shows so every single show what we're going to do is we're going to make three weeks
This is gonna be pretty wild. It's a lot grand a grand a day for three weeks
I granted a for three weeks
So it's basically all you have to do right and correct me if I'm wrong here
Sam's but it is pins in the spaces. You have to retweet that post follow at FOMO hour and at roll become obviously
And that's it. You have to be live on the show
We're not gonna give it to if you're not on the show
That's for sure because our goal is to need to like reward our audience
So you have to be on there and then we'll do a Twitter picker and pick you so look if you're watching on on video
I'm assuming that like you have to be on the Twitter space with your phone and you know
Maybe maybe some days we decided to switch things up and pick someone on video and stuff
But for now to knock over complicated things
We'll pick someone that is live in the Twitter spaces audience all you have to do against follow us make a roll-bit account takes two
Seconds because we're just gonna credit your account and send your thousand dollars on there and that's about it
So anyways, our followers is just up only right now. We're about to breach either
I reckon this show let's try and breach eat this show. Let's get another flipping ease on the show
So look two thousand one hundred followers eat this two thousand two hundred thirty two
Not a very hard thing to flip. So come on y'all. We want to see those followers. We want to see those retweets
Exactly and let's flip that coin and let's fucking go
So without further ado, why don't we get this party started? And you know what? I am gonna go to Ovi first as well
I feel like he needs to break down the market report from a bullish standpoint this time
Trad markets are very strong by the way, like stocks just keep keep keep keep keep going higher. We're up another
Zero percent zero point seven percent on the S&P 400 up another one point two five percent on the NASDAQ today
So we're hitting like new all-time highs once again in the equities market
We had a few days of interest rates blew out this hint of stabilize now, so that's good
But yeah, it looks like we're you know, we're getting very close up reaching 5k on the S&P 500 and you know
Maybe at some point 18k on the NASDAQ as well. So stocks are very very strong
Crypto we saw a good bounce overnight
You know Bitcoin's back above 40k
Eat seems to be the one that's struggling ethos. He's Bitcoin is down. So he's up
You can still that 22 30 20 40, you know, I think it's what we said yesterday like he's had a big rally on
the upcoming ETF narrative for it and because
People you know
Maybe the crypto people feel that the ETF narrative or the ETF result for Bitcoin has been a bit more mixed than anticipated
That we're actually you know Bitcoin is down from its high of 49 K to 40 K
In that ETF period
Maybe people are thinking that the effect on or impacts on the ETH may not be as positive as they had hoped
So ETH is struggling, but you know Solana is back up to 87 a bunch of other altcoins are up quite a lot
You know Solana meme coins got crushed a day ago, and they're back up again today
It's like, you know with the ETF stuff with the grayscale stuff
Like today has been it's potentially going to be the largest GBTC outflow again
I think yesterday was very close to the day before but I saw earlier something like seven hundred million dollars worth transferred
From grayscale to coinbase early today. It does seem like most of that
Like supply is getting offset so far. I think yesterday we did have an outflow
larger outflow and so the total net inflow created by
ETS right now has has dropped to about 900 million from about 1.2 billion
So still keep an eye on that because you know
It feels like we may be getting a net outflow now for a few more days to come as GBTC outflows accelerate
but the great question is that when do they stop selling and I just looking at some numbers online like
Seem like the ETF guys Bloomberg guys like James Safer and Eric seem to think that
The setting may subside once like 25% of GBTC is sold. I think there's are you guys going for a beer?
Yeah, 14% of are you and Eric have you got I would love to go
But you are I'd love to go for beer those boys
We're literally one step away from losing Ovi to Bloomberg like he's about to leave the rug we don't network
He's been treating me. I'm treating him
Your internet is like is back in the stone age
Can you please like move already so we can get better Wi-Fi like yeah your Wi-Fi you need to close down some tabs
I think yeah, this guy has like 17 times even
How about close down the one second and one minute with
So does that explain it all I like tabs is actually is alt. Oh you think that's it
You think that's Eric? Okay. No, so you think that's uh, I like tabs like, you know, I mean he's keeping tabs on people
He's got his tabs open. He's got that one second with chart open right now. Like for sure
I just close all my charts. How I know how many charts was that? I'm curious
Like three charts. Okay, that's fine. What are they saw with and like ease
Think going
Eleven charts open
Really? Yeah, but I'm sick
It's okay
But it's just like it's not that I open them because when you have all these charts open they update the price on the top
So like that way you know at all times with the prices of there's almost like a ticker that rolls like at the on your terminal
You know, I mean all the charts seven of them are Solano meme coins for what it's worth. But anyways, go on obi
Yeah, so the ETF
Will see like the numbers aren't great and the outflows are seem to be picking up
It's different now it seems like GBC like people are selling because the fees are so high as the rotates into other coins
But then there's also the net amount that keeps getting sold every day. So I still think like I'm still worried about that
I think they're still concerned in the market. I guess I'm less worried than I was yesterday
Because maybe it's now priced in and maybe we're getting towards the end of it. Like yeah, the Bloomberg guy said they they thought maybe
Supply reduction of GBC would be when we start to see things slow down
But he did also say that's something that he would only bet like a sushi lunch over not like a strong view
And I think we're about 14% down so far
So, I don't know I do think like yeah
Maybe once you get past a quarter of it than any additional outflows are really just going to be net
Neutral flows because they'll just shift towards other ETFs
But it's hard to judge right now
I'm still I'm still a bit concerned that like that picks up and then we can move lower. I think it's not
You know, it's not to be discounted. But you know, maybe maybe a lot of negativity was pricing yesterday and then you know
It has to be bounced
Yeah, it seems like that's what happens across the board a mando. I mean go to you here
I know yesterday you were on the other side of the of the bed, of course, and you were longing which age probably pretty well
But question is are we thinking here more relief?
Is this PTSD speaking on my behalf like because for me it's rare. So yesterday two very rare occurrences happen occurrence occurrence
Anyways, I'm gonna start hosting show in French
So Ovi went for bearish and I did not follow which is crazy
And Mando just Mando kept us cool, you know business as usual
Yes, it was really like I was contradicting myself always call to yourself it's good though, it's fine
We're back but not that I'm following at all. But what do you think here mind? This is like some fake, right?
I feel like nobody knows anything anymore
Like could could could pick one go to 35 kite. Yes, I think you could I guess my
My view even yesterday on my show wasn't that I was like super super bullish
I just felt bullish on some honor at that stage
Like I felt as though as we already said a couple times now
Yeah, if I think about each right now and the biggest narrative of Eve that people were saying was the ETF people are now
Gonna be like well, I'm not that's not maybe not the most positive thing
I've ever seen given
He said grayscale have got a few billion dollars of either also have to be sold when that starts
So I don't that's definitely make people a little bit more cautious on that
And for me like slanders keep hitting all-time highs and everything that is doing for like user metrics
So when I saw that down as that much versus the two main coins and also getting selling off the most in the sell-off
I was like this just feels like a good relative by
It did bounce but that also meant Bitcoin bounce
I think I think Bitcoin could go could go lower here
But I just yeah, I just decided that that was a good time to start buying and buying that particular coin
Okay, I think that's that's still my view like and I don't like having big big predictions
About where stuff will go over like the next month because invariably we're wrong
But but I do think that that if I was a bet on anything it would be I think
Solana outperforms versus everything
Are those top three coins? Yeah, that's kind of what I was alluding to yesterday
I mean, I know I tweeted out to like almost my entire portfolio on soul
And I guess it looks like some people were shocked, but shouldn't be it's just from a personal like return standpoint
I just think
It'll outperform most coins in 2024 and it's a token where I'm comfortable buying while I'm building
You know, we do look at charts a lot, but definitely not on the trail trade all day
So it's it's just a comfortable position in my opinion
But of course it looks like if I'm looking at the charts here guys
Prices Bitcoin's just slightly above 40 for it's it's the first time since ETFs that we don't think gigadump during the show
It feels good. Honestly, I
Mean, let's not speak too soon
You never know what's gonna happen over the next, you know 40 minutes that will be on 30 minutes that will be on
But big ones about 40 if you're lagging a little behind
2238 you have so a lot of above 86 again
And the rest is kind of all up
I mean avalanche seems to be trading on a similar pattern and then then so a lot of people tell me why not Avax
Well on this one. It's just like I picked my one winner and I don't have like I don't want to focus on too much
but there's a lot of stuff going on there to chain links doing well and
A lot of the coins and if we go to the top gainers and losers here Mando they usually share
So he's the they they're not partnership with
Yes, hey, they've got they've got like a mixture of a Chinese in American dev
So like they've definitely got links back there. That's how the that's had a good run
A lot of people looking at here again inside a very strong bounce again today
That's that's obviously a coin that people like during the bull say
Which is beanies coin also right about 10%
Yesterday but
That rallied it was um, it was some of these these ones that got beaten up again
I still think the least hollow pump here is with Solana like it some of the metrics still are breaking
Like far exceeding some some other other chains in terms of active addresses transactions
Stable coin flows all this sort of stuff. So and maybe that's through the Jupiter a drop
But that feels like that's gonna be a sustained period. So at 36 billion
Ether 240 billion is still that feels like it's back in range to being a very bullish run to me
Where is that 50 or 60? Yeah, I think it will question pretty hard and you saw that stuff be my house
Alana's, you know, it's terrible. But at this level I look at that and go. Yeah
Again, this seems like an okay time and that's that's not me looking at charts. This is me looking at
What I think about the narratives over the next in the next few months. Yeah, it's nice
Thing about thing about Solana is anything about Ethan like 2021 or 2020?
I all of crypto is basically just a massive casino and I think people seem to do
gamble on the same stuff at the same time
You have NFT season you have chicken season and you have whatever season and
Right now it just seems like that whole season is happening on Solana for obvious reasons because it's so cheap
But you can you're like gamble with $1. You can't really do it
Only you can do it on Sol and people have literally made like thousands of dollars from like gambling $1 or $2 or whatever is
But just things like that. I don't think that activity is going to leave Solana and compared to other
Chains like avalanche or you know, even the new stuff like say etc
It just doesn't have that same like level of activity and community and like noise on Twitter
Like the you always talk about community and NFT project or think like even their own chains have their own communities, right?
Solana is like what the man is out there
So I just think like well
we will continue to see a lot of gambling and a lot of spinning slots at the casino
so to speak for the rest of this year and it feels like Sol is the chain to do that on which I think is
Them bullish for the underlying and base token of it, which is which is saw itself
But it just reminds me of 2021 was like ethos at 1200
Everyone was doing all the stuff at NFTs. I'm like, how is it not higher and then if triples, you know
Into the into the rest of the year
I think you could see this in a similar kind of thing on Sol if that is so back. He is so
He is so back like you just say so I was gonna triple
Oh my god, dude, you are so back, you know, what's crazy. Let's talk about you, right?
Let's talk about you for a second here. You know, you kind of become main character this week on the show
It's okay. We all have our turns
It was all Nick actually that from nifty portal that quote tweeted you say now he's stressing out with
Position on with which by the way, Nick, you know
My founder here. I'm 10th holder of but doggos. I expect better when it comes to you know having a pair
On this is me calling you out NFT Nick. You're listening
You know, we need you to swing those knots a little bigger a little more when it comes to with and and all these coins
Obie you exited. I think I think there's a lot of lessons there
That's why I don't want to talk about just from like the amount perspective
But because a lot of people seem to have thanked you actually under that that's what I saw for the honesty
So yesterday doing your bearishness
When Capo took over your body you exited that your entire with position
That's what you wrote and then you bought it right back that same day. Thankfully like right before the run
so I think you bought it back like even a slightly under what you sold for or a very similar price action and
Then you came back into it
Obviously that age insanely well because with is up like a hundred million dollars in market cap overnight
Which is wild when I think about us at 200 mil up to like 310 ish where it probably is that right now?
and I thought that was a good post because
A lot of people were like yo like, you know respect, you know
But what are like some of the takeaways that you have from your own experience over the last 24 hours? I
You know for the last two years. I've been so disciplined about like not selling stuff DCA and be like being very very disciplined
you know, I didn't have a day where I could set a foot wrong really and
Put out another tree, but it would just talked about eating all the sugar and chocolate stuff recently
And I also like from that health stamp was like ultra discipline for a while
I think I just like being this like ultra ultra discipline thing for a while. I think yesterday
I don't know what happened. I just had like this
Moment where like I said, oh my god, like GBC's gonna be really bad
I'm I just being like dumb here and I just you know
Should I take off more risk and I took profit, you know, as you know
I took profits about three or four weeks ago because I just wanted to take some out of crypto
I hadn't sold for about two years and that was a good decision because I wasn't really selling based on price or whatever
I was just selling because I felt like I wanted to take profits
But here I was just like, you know, there's no need. I always take profits two or three weeks ago
I didn't need to take any profits and
Yeah, sure like this whole thing everything was like lower and I was like panicking because not because things were going low
But reading about all this GBC stuff and I was like, you know Bitcoin really takes a hit here all these alts and and
meme coins and stuff that are up like 5 to 10 X over the last few weeks and months could really really crash and
You know, I just without really thinking about it. I just like sold the entire thing
And then I think as a day went on I saw the GBC numbers and they were bad
But you know the markets seem to kind of bounce a little bit and people seemed okay
About it and it wasn't really as much panic and you know
You take another step back as I will look like Bitcoin has already dropped like 20 or 30 percent a lot of also are already
20% lower and like me selling something that I mean, I'm gonna say it's a core position
But like as a meme coin just don't say that seriously, but me selling one
I'm saying one of my favorite coins to try and play like a 20 or 30 percent drop
it just seems kind of dumb when my
Fundamental view for the rest of this year is still like we're gonna have all new all-time highs this year
so, you know the takeaways like I think you just have to like
Yes, take yourself out of the you know out the trenches. Sometimes. I think I just got like too stuck into it and
I bought it back because like I went and played football and I came back home
I just had a clearer head and I was like, you know, what that's just really dumb
like I just I don't it may go lower from here, but you know, I think I think stuff will do really well for the
rest of this year and
And that's why I did so I think like I don't know have a few like have a DJ in portfolio that you mess around with
But have a few core positions and just hold them for this year
I think is the takeaway and I always do that like I've never not done that and I just don't know I just fucking
Slips so we all slip sometimes don't worry
You just have a weird moment where you just do something dumb and I did it but I recognized it as well
I didn't try and like defend what I said. Yes. I didn't try and defend my position
You know, I was like it just got straight back in straight back to my normal self
And then yeah, so there's a few lessons in there go outside
You know, yeah for you was
Yeah, I'd literally touch grass so you you played football which the real football mind you y'all so it's for the people listening the one
We put with your feet
And then or you know go play, you know hand egg if you want or you can go just go outside
You know go go on a tennis court. I don't know. So that's one of the core lessons
I'm hearing here and the second one which is like a lot of people says like and it's funny because I run it's something
You guys usually tell me it's like if you're gonna sell don't sell after it's down 20 30 percent if you're gonna buy
Don't buy the second. It's up 20 30 percent, right?
It's like stick to the position and wait a little bit to see what happens next
either you're selling that high into strength and what did you sell into like
Into strength or whatever into and then you buy it, you know into into some the weakness or whatever
Right like you buy on the red day like yesterday and then you you meant to like, you know
Sell on the opposite when we're feeling a little euphoric and whatnot
Like when I'm taking screenshots or like, you know saying some stupid stuff from a timeline
She when you guys should be selling or Franklin Templeton is like pumping a whiff bag
But you know, this is usually signals that you saw in a timeline
But I love that you said that and I love that you made this post because outside of all the jokes about like
The bearishness and exhaustion
Exorcism and all this stuff like there's a lesson in here like, you know, I think we're set at best like, you know
You're still top three digital asset trader of all time
I know your joke about this
But you guys just trade on the hips is argue on the best ones and like even the best traders with 10 years of experience
We'll make the same mistake and if anything it's proof that like we don't really know much in the space right now at the moment
I mean, Amanda, what do you think about this? What are some takeaways that you have from Ovi's 24-hour bender?
I mean, it was a rollercoaster of emotions in the group chat
I have to say dude when I if I if I sold that last night and I pumped 50
I would have liked you would have been sick this morning. So upset. I feel like I cheated there
You would have been sick this morning because when you bought back in
Honestly, if you look on a chart it bounced right after that
What I would say is if it was anyone else OSF, I'd be like, what the fuck's going on here. But yeah, I do think he does do this
This isn't the only time he's done this stuff like he's good at he's like being a trader that does mean, you know
How to change your mind OSF changed his mind a lot when I used to trade with him
I think he's turned it down but traditionally as traders I was far more like
Hold on to the position hold on to like long-term value like and I'd always grow it on like bad days
OSF would always be wanting to sell at like a little profit. They could trade it around way more than I did
So this is more like old OSF
I think with the long long-term hold like I genuinely think if Solana goes to
Does a 3x or 2x here like I think we could go close to close to Bill
So I think it's a good trade that one
and I think
I think like there's some upcoming stuff like if we get to this one some of these exchanges
But I do think that's a good beta player. I think Bonk even could have a good run here
I think some of those like bigger memes could could come back a little bit more
If Solana hasn't has another run, but this is still a Solana trade
You could also express that like levered soul you could express that in
spot soul
You can express that in even some micro caps you think are better trades
You can express that on airdrops ETF say I just yeah, there's many ways to like
The whatever be skin this cat, but I think that's is that still still PC
Yeah, I think so
If that Bitcoin dev gets what he don't just don't mean it in the way Luke Dasher means skinning a cat
So yeah, I think I think it was
Kind of old but classic oh, so I honestly I didn't even know he sold it
I have not been another day today, but then when he said I bought back that way if I was like when did he fucking
sell this
Yeah, it's like he was on the high
You know when you're like the next day of like like going on a bender and you're like just not feeling great
It feels like that was that's what happened. I just think stupid
I just had a few days just things stupid shit like every day. I just don't know why I love that
That was like that was like the peak
Moment you stable yourself so in certain ways you feel like you should take more risk
In other ways that sometimes very in and of itself like if you take down risk and you're like
Oh, I should like buy and probably the buying of it was the mistake because you still liked it
But you just bought it because it was like it was just trading
Into a listing which is always look like play
Yeah, and then then you got annoyed about that and then that's right
But like I still think it's a good long-term trade, but that's
Okay, that uh that makes sense
I mean it's true like when you turn to stable you also like you have the edge to just get back in and you tend
To like sometimes they're wrong
I need like a week or two weeks off
Like yeah greens like of seeing prices and stuff and then come back and I'll be fine
Yeah, but it's cute. It's jupiary coming up
The things you said about you
You had me worry honestly
I knew you weren't yourself yesterday when you were like even the Jupiter airdrop may not look as bullish if the price keeps going down
And I was like I've lost my buy like I was like I wish I mean coins
I was so worried because like obviously Mendo's like super like Solano bull and stuff
So I got him on us
But like Ovi and I are more like the ones like doing making all the irrational and irresponsible decisions when it comes to meme coins together
And so and so when I lost my boy, I was like damn. I'm out there alone in the Solano trenches
That got worried for a second, but he's back. So I'm glad and and it's a lot of fun
But anyways a ton of stuff happening all across the board here. Let's move on to the next topic
Here, which is a magic Eden obviously like talking about chains really cross chain marketplace
I put a tweet up personally speaking yesterday
I know we talked about on the show a lot like credit goes with credit to do like across chains that you're dominating right now
When it comes to marketplaces, there was a point where like open C was the only one
Then you saw like looks rare trying to do a vampire attack on it worked ish, but didn't really work work
What was it X to Y to at some point that clearly didn't work at all?
and then you had a particular which is the biggest vampire attack on like NFT marketplaces that we've seen so far and
That fair to say it's it's a huge success thus far, right?
They explore is still killing it in terms of volumes numbers
No, I user base and they have blast coming up which has a huge unlock in the much February, right?
I think it's February was to unlock and then the air drop is that April over here something that or me?
Yeah, so I believe but the only you get your money back and you can you can at least take it back
You can put you in February. Yeah, you can withdraws open in February and then the
So that alone is just the fact that you can take your money's huge, right?
And so and so you can be liquid again
So but then comes magic Eden, which is like kind of like that third marketplace, which was there
But not really there but they were there right?
I'm not explaining better than that and like they kept building and they're very like ingrained like culture, right? So charge foo
Sheet foo like was running all the sheets for Bitcoin ordinals at first
I went comes to exact spreadsheets like the spreadsheet days
So he like just went on to that obviously they were really quick on polygon
That was like heart largely just like when Frank moved on to the youth and stuff and then like of course like Solana
They've always kind of like dominated alongside tensor mind you like who are also doing a good job on there
So again, like one reason I'm super bullish on salon
It's just the ecosystem as a whole is a lot of really cool founders and cool things being built on but like anyways back to magic
Eden yesterday, they introduced a magic Eden reward rewards. Sorry
Which is not points
but diamonds
So yeah, at least we're not getting points here maybe a different word here so magic Eden says
introducing magic eating
Rewards we spent the last year designing a long-term cross chain NFT rewards program built for everyone
This isn't just another points campaign
It's a meticulously crafted plan to give back to magic Eden's OGs collectors creators and DJs alike
So it seems like they want to you know, give back a cross chain
so this could be like a pretty big cross chain reward program and a lot of what you guys think or if you've looked more into
it or talked to magic in teams, but
Looks like they're up to something pretty big here
When it comes to what they're building
Yeah, I think yeah, I think they understand the space
Pretty well, and I think they're DJ's themselves, right like individuals like they're DJ's. Yeah, they're DJ's themselves
I think they understand the space and I think they understand
Perspective from both like a creator side and the collector side and the trader side
So everything they're doing is like it's not just like oh, we're making this thing portrayed at all
We're making this thing for just creators
Like it's gonna be for everyone I think but they just get like they get the space and they get how to operate in
the space I think so it's you know, I haven't really seen I've seen any like bad commentary about this because I just make kind of make sense and
Every the time like the whole time on is like magic even three open the open C. They'll like
They're just doing
They're just doing everything that perhaps I haven't see should have done with them with the massive head start that they had
Yeah, no, definitely. I mean it reads here and I'll go to you here in a minute, man
Though on February 2nd, we'll be giving back to our Solana OGs with a retroactive diamond drop. Oh, that's fire
So I was biting Solana lefties in 21 to account for historic activity going all the way back to 2021 Amanda
What do you think here?
Some pretty impressive work on that front. Of course, we'll see what you know how it rolls out, but
Looks good to me
Yeah, look this is gonna be this is gonna be very very successful I think I think magic Eden have got
Got everyone back and in the in their corner for this. There seems to be a battle now between them and tensor
Does feel like points fatigue is starting to to creep in to the market in general
There was that tweet yesterday, it was just like how many different points things we've got I think iceberg I spoke you put it out
which was
So we have three different wallet points four different NFT trading points three different NFT points five restaking point systems one phone
Salesman points program for different lending points seven different part decks points points tracking points program in 70 l2 points program
So we're back into points
Points, right? It's cuz we can't explicitly in legalese just say we're gonna give out tokens
Yeah, like that's all it is just for people to understand like there's a reason why people do points now
We can mark it all around if you want caught
golden nuggets
But you know, it's also that but I get it. I like the idea of not having points. This website's nice, man
Obviously, they have the Ethereum ecosystem that's launching soon with yoga and a bunch of NFT projects on the east side
I saw they announced their ambassador program, which has a lot of friends of ours on there. So Jonah I saw of course easy
Saw a lot of familiar faces on their Amy. There's a lot of people
It's very active in like the Solana ecosystem, but also like Twitter spaces eco and all that stuff
So let's say you're gonna get diamond quest for buying listing collection offers and whatnot
Look, I think what'd be cool here is we'll reach out to one of their founders and just get them on the show and just talk
About this because it's really cool stuff. Of course with whatever have a partnership in place with them
It's just like I think what they're doing is great
And they're killing it. So that was some big news actually coming out yesterday
On the NFT side and while we're still on NFT slides
You know, let's pull up the DJN's finance dashboard here across marketplace. So another hoodie sale at 205 East
Yesterday's Kevin who's usually listening to the show. He was just there actually Kevin Woo. So it was a
Not a safe. Sorry his hoodie punk for 205 East
And a couple nice blonde sales
I saw one of one who paid like what they bought Ryan's yours group
I did pick 25 mil for people people's piece. They also bought a Andy Warhol ask
Punk which is about Marilyn Monroe
And it seems like the volumes are still, you know, pretty doing pretty good in that front across across chains
Nothing really on change in terms of floor prices. But oh wait punks are really rallying up non-stop, huh?
In East. Oh, yeah, just keep going
They kind of they've kind of been there for a couple of days though
Fail in dollars. Yeah, dude, but like a week ago was like 52 like when you think about East value
I just been a couple of days. I didn't mean
That happened a couple of days ago. It happened over the weekend on some of the big sweeps. It didn't happen. It didn't happen
Yesterday, for example. Yeah
um, so it looks like uh, I mean it's crazy for
For a collection this size to move in East price so much like that at that not sorry
It's 10k like a lot of like, you know, I mean like price wise like it's a big move market cap wise
It's pretty crazy when it moves 10e floor
Up like that love to see that right? It's uh, it's something that
Personally, I really enjoy so floors at $142,000 now. That's just it's not moving. It's true. You're right. It was 160k ish. So
Um, that's moving uh on up and then besides that uh, it's really an ordinals guys like this airdrop
That took place. Maybe I need to bring someone. I want to is lancer in the audience
Request to speak it's lancer that wrote above this but like it's number one volume wise on
On deejans like two grand you got two grand now
You want to put the airdrop? That's that's beats. I'm not an insanely active like ordinals like buy all I did was buy eight puppets
Like a few weeks ago, so I guess it's recently active. I don't know if they calculate calculated based on volumes and stuff
Like I know some people that have one puppet didn't get any
I don't know if it's based on how much you buy or how active you are
But like you can see like it's on my it's public wallet, but we're just in a snapshot of when it was
Maybe but it's crazy guys. It's pono 5 bitcoin
Like it's not a small airdrop. We're talking about two thousand dollar airdrop
To people for just being there and then you have to activate it. So what I did
I've I transferred it to myself
So my xverse wallet I went I transferred the nft back to myself and I think that activates it
But if someone knows better than me in the audience you're welcome to correct me or just come on stage and like and like
Tell us but very interesting what's happening on that front? Um at pono 5 e there's only 21 000 of them
And you're gonna be airdrops token like somewhat like some people have been doing some insane math on that obviously
but what i'm most excited about is not really like what happens with this specific rsic airdrop is
Are we in for the meta of airdrops now moving on to?
That is specific to projects because normally that this project actually also like popped the puppet's floor
Because it was tied to them
So like a lot of people like sold it to buy another one of the of these nfts, right?
So similarly like you get an airdrop from yuga you like keep it in the yuga family and like spend it on that
So like it seems like there's something similar happening in that front
Uh on um on ordinals, so maybe if someone knows better than me
Definitely welcome to dma or just like request to speak and just come talk about it for a minute, but I find that interesting
Um, and yeah, I mean no monkeys are still hovering around the same price that they've been for a minute
Uh same for the puppets and the bitcoin trumps launched. I don't know if you guys saw that
Uh yesterday they started indexing them. Uh, so that's up and running. Uh, it's it's up a hundred percent
Uh, we yes, I I you you heard me right. I said the bitcoin trumps
So so that uh that launch and is uh, it is happening right now, uh on magic eat and you can find me
Look at these things
Oh, are you guys buyers?
Look at this bitcoin trumps, it's killing me man. It's killing me
Um, it's just donald trump with different
Um traits
In the pixel eyes
I don't know how long this oh wow. Look at this one
Look at this guy right there
That's uh
That's uh, that's that's a bitcoin trump if i've ever seen one usa suit. That's hilarious
Oh, this one is so good
But isn't that funny? I have none of these but it's hilarious and it's probably gonna
Same thing that happened the cards probably gonna happen in this collection. So we're gonna go up and then
Probably gonna go down and he's gonna announce like a fourth collection. How many collections donald trump at?
Four is that his four? I don't know. I have no idea
There was a trump card
Then an airdrop
Like more trump cards
I think it's this one. This is that one third
Okay, i'm in just awaiting trump to move on to another chain next and just to drop on like arbitrum or something
I don't know polygon for what it's worth or any of the other l2s
Uh, that's definitely going to happen at some point or another but look dollar trump is more active than most of the people
Right now in our space on bitcoin
So I don't know what that means but I think people need to like pay more attention to what's happening over there
Uh for sure for sure. Anyways, uh in other news, it was also
On the nft side. Um
It was the starry night. I don't know if you guys saw that
The obviously 3ac when they went on through liquidation. They had a lot of punks
They had a lot of uh, the ringer that sold for six million dollars that sold the bees and whatnot
But they also have another
Another sale that's underway for a lot of one-on-ones now
The one-of-one art market has not been doing as well as a lot of the rest of the market
But that's like that's normal. It's like art market
You know, it's like it applies to certain buyers not necessarily deejans that want to buy them
But there's a lot of grails. Uh, I don't know ovie. Did you did you see that sale that sold the business running?
Um, yeah, it's pretty it's amazing like I saw um, some pretty pretty good sales from it. Um
It's that's you know, it's really it's really it's great to see some like you we talked a lot about like, um
They're not being um interesting art and stuff. Um
Uh out there moving hands, but you know, this is uh, this is definitely a big one an interesting one
There's some real grails and stuff in there. Yeah, I mean starry night grails. There's a grant you and one-of-one
So don't mind the prices now because like you saw with the ordinals. It was just like the same day
You have the grant you in bedtime. She's really cool. You haven't I saw x copy 101 guys going for sale
There's i'll be interested to see where that goes
This time piece. Yeah, this time piece I remember so that's like actually a people in time one-of-one
Um, I remember hosting keith. I think i met keith because of that or one of those names. It's not clubhouse
So that's that's way back. I remember them buying that there's an ack. This other world piece is crazy
You other world is a fire artist, huh?
Like his work is crazy. He's insane. Yeah, his stuff is very cool. Insane
Insane he's killing it. So is that there's a squiggle for sale there. There's a dimitri shirnyak
Um piece which is not a ringer actually
Uh iterations tyler hogs is an income to control for sale
multiple squiggles
Sailor moon here, uh another x copy
Huh, so is that this is a one-of-one too, right? This one? Wow
This one is the most biz right now the grifter for sale on there
Rest in peace a lot of money piece for sale in there. Hakutel
Osinachi see I mean this is like an incredible collection
Obviously it was created by vvd though, which is like arguably one of the best creators in the space if you ask me
Um, so dan jews and terrell jones. So a lot of interesting pieces if you're an art collector here
Um, it's gonna be interesting to see that and i'm really curious to see how this goes because obviously like the art market was slower
And this time but it's always like that and uh, it's kind of normal
Uh, and then last but not least and let's go to our giveaway. So make sure you're tweeting
The post at the top of our spaces. We've all shared it to kick off a partnership with robit
We are giving away fifteen thousand dollars
$1,000 a day for fifteen days business days mind you so that's uh, that's um, yeah business is successful when we host a business day
So we'll be picking someone from twitter spaces, uh live on a twitter picker
And if you're on here, you'll have to make a real bit account which super fast
You don't even have to use your email against matter of s account
And then you will be able to get credit a thousand dollars and have fun with that
Uh, or just take it out and pay your stuff
So anyways, the last thing which seems added that uh into our stuff, which I had no idea for this but hold on
On doe so obviously there's been a lot of stuff happening on doge. I think they call them dojianals there
Uh, i haven't been paying super attention, but I just see it, right?
It's hard to it's hard to ignore because a lot of them are in my a lot of them my comments
Uh on a daily basis, but it seems like there is a game
That you can play on doge
Uh, where's jonah when you need him?
Uh, usually he's listening to the show as well. So the
These were dojianals dogecoin dojianals these for doom and doge now inscribed
On those blocks blocks in forever
play it on chain
Um, so it looks like we can play a game now on dogecoin you guys
Uh, let me see
I want I kind of want to see how this this works out
Um or click on the content link for full screen with mouse support
This game is redefining gaming just as dojianals are reshaping the blockchain landscape
So it looks like you will be able to play games on doj guys. Are you guys going to inscribe?
Uh nft's on doj and play video games on doj or what?
I think it's just the ordinals thing like with ordinals that because dojicon is essentially a a fork of bitcoin
Yeah, it's a fork of icon. It's just a fork of bitcoin
Um saying technology works you can start you can start creating like basic games and put it on the put it on the chain
I've seen doom actually gone on to like other chains before so like I think somebody it's a quite an easy game to like
Put onto some of these but yeah, I saw this
I think I I saw
Ashley the quantum cats have like got a form of street fighter as well. I don't see that
I saw that the loss of street fighter a game
Against emoji games. Come on to bitcoin
Yeah, and and dojicon obviously, okay
Well, look, uh, looks like you can now play video games on doj so much for web through gaming
Uh, there's a lot going on there and you absolutely love to see that. So if you're curious, uh, what's happened
What's going on across all chains? I love to say anyways boys. Let's why don't you say this is the perfect time to pick a winner
I mean mando you are the expert
Resident expert in robot giveaways now given that you've been doing this with rec radio for like a year and a half
How do you guys usually run this?
We we just got a twitter picker. Okay, so that was yeah
Oh, you want to I can run it I can run it
So i'll run a twitter picker here and I do it of the last seconds guys while I find the tweet to go
So I go here
So I go right there
On my account. This is this is a tweet right formal hour. Make sure you follow at formal hour. Here you go
This is the one and this is the post that is pinned at the top. So I copy this one
Into the twitter picker and we verify. Oh, sorry about that. So it's here. We load the tweet
And now we pick one winner and they have to follow at formal hour
Oops. Whoa
Sorry guys, and then it's robot comm right? That's their username like this
Yeah, I just want to be sure
Dude that's one day like did did the robot founders ever do any amas?
I don't think they've ever been on the name. Have you ever heard them on an ma?
I don't mean to call them out. I'm just saying we'll be fired to have one of them one day
I mean that is a crazy business when you think about it
I'm just trying to talk to them. Um
So wait must have a profile picture a description and a banner, right? So we make sure it's not a fake
Like no location which is fine because I don't even have a location
tweet count
It's a hundred tweets hundred tweets. Like we're gonna get a lot of balls here. So let's let's let's make this high
Let's make sure it's a community member
Okay, so let's do more than 100. Fuck me
Sorry guys
What did you do there? I I I I went back
What's happening now, dude, there's so many what are all these i'm gonna get attacked by ads. Are you seeing my screen?
But tomorrow we'll get this
What in the back what is happening? Did you guys see those? Did anyone see those ads?
No, hold on. Look at this. Look at this. Look at my screen
Where's my ad blocker? Oh, I don't have the ad block on the new computer. I forgot
Shit my bad y'all. Hold on. Oh my god. This is your nail and mess. This has been a really good first one
No, it's because I forgot to read that with my ad blocker on my new laptop
So now i'm getting like hammered by ads left and right
Okay, so must follow fomo our
Must follow
Roll bit calm
There you go. Oh my god
If anyone's seeing the screen right now, what a mess
Must have a banner a description and let's do over 500 tweets mandal
I think 100 is probably fine. 100 is fine. Okay
And then one month one month one month continue and the winner there is 200 243 entries loaded
So so people know miracle in the water is the winner. No, no, no, it's not a winner yet. Hold on
Continue. Uh, yeah
And the winner is oh that is a community member and I love to see that opportunists.e
Opportunities.eath you are the winner of today's
$1,000 giveaway on roll bit. So make sure you come up on the stage there, right?
Is he here? He's for sure here
If not, we'll have to run it again
I mean this is like i'm talking about someone who I think does not miss a single show of ours
Like I I can recognize the name and the pfp because he's got a cvl pfp
Uh as well. So opportunists the winner up to his giveaway and I know he's here
I see him. He's right there. Awesome. I just don't know if he'll come up on stage
But request to speak as long as they're in the in the audience. I think that's good enough
Yeah, but just for proof just for proof's sake that he's requesting to speak. He's right there
Uh, he's on the stage. Um over here. Oh ovie. We have a meeting in four minutes
Was that the meeting is scheduled to like get you out of your marriage? Yes
Yeah, what's up opportunists gm everyone. Thank you very much
Congratulations are being our very first thousand dollar winner. Yeah, I that feels amazing. I'm not gonna lie that I feel amazing right now
I love that. I mean you you do listen to the show every day. He did come to our toronto event
So I know exactly what we're talking about. Someone's very active in the rug video discord as well. So
Congratulations. Congratulations
Um, I do have a roll bid account and I play there sometimes sometimes I leverage one dollar
Well now you can you can leverage a dollar a thousand times. All right
You can leverage a dollar a thousand times
So please reach out to bernie burn doggler or burn doggler will reach out to you. Be careful. It won't be a fake
We'll make sure that burn doggler handles that
Which is out to you gets a roll bid account and that we credit you hopefully in the next uh in the next day or so
So thank you very much opportunities for being an avid listener. We appreciate you
Really appreciate that guys. Love rug radio. Hell. Yeah, hell. Yeah
What a better way to start this than what's up with the dope community member?
Like you were saying mando
So just a reminder every single day make sure you follow at fomo hour and outro become we're going to be giving away a thousand
Dollars a day for 15 shows and then every tuesday and friday
So starting next tuesday you can win even more money because we're going to be running dual arenas loot boxes last I checked
There's been some insane wins on wrecked radio and i'm honestly i'm not gonna lie
I've been wanting this deal on this show forever because like
I love it when you get loot loot boxes and I see someone win like a fucking new name or a golden pudgy
Like that shit was crazy on the timeline and the cock is fire. So it always makes a great giveaway
So congratulations, make sure you follow us and with that
With that with that we'll see y'all tomorrow morning 10 3 a.m
Eastern standard time 7 3 a.m pacific standard time for the episode of fomo hour on rug video. Let's go
That's fine