Free Mint NFT Collections

Recorded: Dec. 8, 2022 Duration: 0:37:18



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It's all the same to me This game by play I've done it every day I'm always happy, better and better time
I feel it's growing in my skin, it's just me that
♪ And turn to the inside of the moon ♪ ♪ And the moon is still ♪ ♪ And the moon is still ♪
♪ Come to the bottom line ♪ ♪ Come to the bottom line ♪
Hey everyone.
Welcome to the first of our spaces. Hopefully we're going to have these each Thursday. And on this first family will be talking about like the Freeman collection that we have coming up. I'm here with Tyler who
who kindly agreed to be our co-host today because I'm not the best of public speakers. To be honest, I'm not super, super, super, super comfortable right now, but I think with some time it will get better. Tyler, thank you for being
here. Hey, no worries at all, man. Thanks for having me. It's great to be here. It's the Thursday. We're almost at Friday. And we're getting into it. I'm glad that we can talk about this. Cheers, man. Cheers. I'm back here by doing I'm the business lead for Bob Alongs. I'm also here with Altan.
My colleague for Ganesh here, RCEO, and they are business developers here. I think Hogyai is here as well. Lots of people from the team. Anyways, how do I pin it to it here? Do you know?
Yeah, if you go to the tweet itself, like you're gonna share it. Mm-hmm. Like here I can pin this one. It says like share tweet and then you can pin it to the space like that. Uh-huh.
Let me see. All right. I just wanted to let pin the archer wheel because that's the main agenda today. What do you think of that? If you want to send it to me in a chat, not pin it.
Ah, okay, okay, I think I did it. I think I did it. Yeah, so that's there as well. Yeah, looks nice. So it's kind of a big day for us. We've been working on this for a few months now. But the collapse and everything as well.
And the arts really just came together the way we wanted it to. So we wanted to share some sneak peeks and do the space around it as well. How do you like-- how do you guys like the art?
That art looks clean. That crystal. That's why I was... that is the... I asked you before if the artist was gonna be young, so I wanted to ask him a couple of questions, but I don't think he's joining us, right? Oh, no, not today. Not today. Yeah.
We're just sleep schedule so I don't think it'd be a... Yeah, it's tough with the NFTs, we're all over the country, we're in different time zone, it's definitely difficult to coordinate these things. Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly.

FAQ on Free Mint NFT Collections | Twitter Space Recording

What is the podcast about?
The podcast is about the Freeman collection that they have coming up.
Who is the co-host for the podcast?
Tyler is the co-host for the podcast.
What is the position of the speaker in the podcast?
The speaker is the business lead for Bob Alongs.
Who are the other guests in the podcast?
Altan and Hogyai are business developers, and RCEO Ganesh is also present.
When do they plan to host the podcast?
They plan to host the podcast on Thursdays.
What did the speaker want to pin to the space?
The speaker wanted to pin the Archer Wheel, which is the main agenda of the podcast.
What did the speaker think of the art?
The speaker thought the art was clean, especially the crystal.
Why was it difficult to coordinate the podcast?
It was difficult to coordinate the podcast because the participants were in different time zones.
What is the name of the business lead for Bob Alongs?
The name of the business lead for Bob Alongs is not provided in the text.
Who was expected to join the podcast but did not due to sleep schedule?
The artist was expected to join the podcast but did not due to sleep schedule.