Free-to-Mint: começando com pouco

Recorded: Aug. 11, 2022 Duration: 0:22:39




Talk to you guys at night!
Here is the wall, we are going to start, the wind is already moving, it should start to push our session.
Somino, I have a favor.
Thank you for being with us today.
but once again thank you for this cooperation. So, good. Today we will talk about the Freemintes and another space that begins now from time to time. I'm not kidding, I'm still here until the eight hours with you.

FAQ on Free-to-Mint: começando com pouco | Twitter Space Recording

What does the speaker thank Somino for?
The speaker thanks Somino for being with them today and for their cooperation.
What are they going to talk about in this session?
They are going to talk about the freemintes and another space that begins now from time to time.
What is the topic they are discussing related to?
The topic they are discussing is related to freemintes and a new space.
What is the wall doing?
The wind is moving the wall and it should start to push their session.
Who is Somino?
Somino is someone who they are thanking for being with them today and for their cooperation.
How long will the speaker be with the listeners?
The speaker will be with the listeners until eight hours.
Is the speaker joking about staying for eight hours?
No, the speaker is not joking about staying for eight hours.
What is the format for the responses?
The format for the responses is JSON.
What information should each object in the JSON list have?
Each object in the JSON list should have two keys: question and answer.
What is the purpose of this text recording?
The purpose of this text recording is to discuss the topic of freemintes and a new space in a podcast.