Freename x Aurora AMA (hosted by Aurority): .aurora domains' launch

Recorded: Oct. 18, 2022 Duration: 1:19:08
Space Recording

Full Transcription

All right, hello everyone and welcome. I'm really excited about this AMH night. Very stoked today. Now hello to Aurora, hello to Freename, hello to Matt, hello to Nier
Hello to Aurora India. Thank you so much for joining and hello as well to Aurora Indonesia. Yes, we have so many people in the house today and also a big welcome to Joe
domains as well. And we also have Maxine Lee, daughter near in the house. Very good. Welcome Amika, Ash, Jonathan, Oxwhite, St. Piper. Welcome everyone.
Hi guys, my name is Landon. I'm a community builder with Aurora. We update the latest information on near about the ecosystem. We analyze data. We analyze projects and we provide instructional content and support for users on how to use and integrate into the ecosystem.
and especially supporting projects with different campaigns on the ecosystem to find new users. And this activity is backed by Aurora DAO. Now today with the presence of Matt Henderson, head of product of Aurora Lab
Now, we're also blessed with the presence of David, CEO of Now, welcome to the wonderful AMA with FreeName and Aurora. Now, to the introduction of our guests, David, are you there?
Hello, hello, yes. All right, welcome, David. Welcome. All right. Now the community is eager to know about you and your project, free name.
absolutely and with pleasure. Thanks for having us here and high to the old community. I just heard some names that I recognize in this public and perhaps I will ping them later on to give you a very brief overview. Why did we choose freedom as a name of
company and also as a motto and why we launched it. So Freename gives the opportunity to everyone to have their own preferred TLD and have their preferred domain into the web tree space. Freename gives the possibility to
To enter the web tree domain system, we want to democratize and decentralize the old experience of web tree domain and the old web tree domain naming system. So with free name, of course, you can buy a domain. But moreover, you can buy your own TLD top level
main like dot com but you can buy dot whatever is your preferred word and you can have your income on top. You can use your TLD to build amazing websites. You can use your TLD to message wallet to wallet. You can use your TLD as the name of your wallet. So we are kind
with a lot of use cases implementation. Right now we are live and names are going very fast. We hope to stay in the market long term and to disrupt the market and decentralize the old naming experience that we know from traditional naming shift into web tree names.
Alright, that was an awesome answer. Now, thank you so much for that introduction, David. Wow, that really sounds super interesting. Sounds like you guys have your guys hands dipped in a lot of different
different cookie jars and that is awesome. That is really cool. Now, and I'm here also with Matt Henderson. Now, Matt Henderson, can you tell us about yourself and Aurora Labs?
Sure. So the story kind of begins back at near when all of us who kind of founded Aurora Labs were back working at near and we had the idea we had seen the traction that was
growing in the EVM space and kind of the avalanches and the polygons of the world. And so we began exploring the idea of whether we could develop an EVM block chain that runs on near as a smart contract. And we put together our little skunk works
team and we focused really hard on that and and we did create the network that came to be known as Aurora and when we saw that it it looked like it would be successful and had legs we decided to to to spin out of near into into a rural lab
a company that was started in Gibraltar and then we raised some funds, some capital, and yeah, then we've been working on that since for about the past year and a half. My role there is I'm the head of product where
at Aurora at the moment, product kind of means anything that's user-facing. So for example, the Rainbow Bridge was our first product. Aurora Plus was our next product. And yeah, that's what I'm doing there. All right, awesome.
Thank you so much for that great introduction. We are definitely really happy to have you here with us today. All right now let me remind the audience that at 5 p.m. Central Eastern time on free named Ohio at the end of the countdown a $20 coupon will be revealed.
to provide you the opportunity to get your .errora domain with a really generous coupon gift. All right, now let's get back on track. Now, can you please introduce your project and in which countries does your project currently operate?
Absolutely, that's a great question. So first, introduction of the project. Actually, the short answer is where we operate from. We are Swiss based. Our team, it's all over. We have people in Switzerland.
people in the US, people in Italy and community all over. So what we are focusing and where do we want to go? So we want to differentiate in a few manners from our other companies and
As you correctly said, I remind her, get your coupon after this AMA for your dot Aurora domains. What we want to do, and this is a great example, as I was telling we are trying to decentralize and democratize the technology for you.
using Web Tree Domains and the financial flows of domains in general. If we check the Web 2 system and here then I can spot Joe Domains to tell us his opinion, his following gas all over and he's really great on
the web 2 world and web 3 world for domains but what Frene wants to to to give to the users and to the web 3 community all over around the world is a total complete different Experience with domains and TLDs just one thing TLDs means stoplight
level domain for who doesn't know and it's the dot something part of a domain. So we saw that many competitors they just asked you to buy a domain and they will receive the money on their own tiered days. This is fantastic for them, right? We don't
want this because it's again another centralization like go that I buy David a calm and I give go that in my money I buy David a dot well let an I give unstoppable my money and this is now what we wanted we wanted to decentralize this so to give the opportunity to everyone to own the dots and think
And if people buy a domain on dot something, I can own dot banana, which is a funny example. And every time somebody buys a domain on the dot banana, I will be entitled to having 50% of that. So I will be a good idea myself. This is a part of the things. Another approach
that we are building guys we launched since the weeks so we are working very very hard we have a full pipeline of dev implementation we are doing but we are multi-chain we we have our intention to pick up the best chain ever like Aurora
We are technology agnostic, so we want to integrate as many services as possible rather than other competitors that just want to launch their own services. We believe in ecosystem, we believe in democratizing and decentralizing. And these are the key three elements of freedom that you can
attached to the financial part, whether users should gain if they are the owner of something, the use of the domain, integrating wallet to wallet messaging, web tree email, a wallet that you can attach a wallet to, plugins that we are building. We have published our
our own SDK with which you can check on GitHub, you go on and you will see the link with which you can manage freedom domain of course but also unstoppable in the NS. So we are trying to have a broader approach to include everyone in this space and make everyone a player financially in use case of this space.
Hello London.
Oh, can you hear me now? Sorry about that. Hey guys, so that really sounds like you're really creating a lot of freedom for users whenever it comes to domains. That is really awesome and I just couldn't even begin to express like how awesome that would be to actually own a domain instead of having to pay a monthly fee
or yearly fee, that would be a game changer for everyone. So that is really amazing to hear that someone's out here getting that done. Now, could you tell us kind of a brief summary of what do you, what do you aim to really solve in this sector for those who are trying to figure that out? What are you aiming to solve?
web experience. So from one side we are building the domain naming system. From the other side we are trying to build
an alternative to the DNS, to the centralized DNS that we have on Web 2. So we are trying to build Web 3 pages. We are trying to build how it's already retrofied, how to build Web 3 websites. This comes with time. We have a full team dedicated to that. And in the while we're bringing use cases
to your domains. But the main goal is to have a system which will detach from the Web2 system and will be fully integrated into the Web3 blockchain system for managing WebSides, for managing your domains, and for creating beautiful pages, beautiful WebSides, fully on Web3.
Got it got it. So I've been doing some a little bit of research also on free name and if I'm hearing this correctly too right now So free name helps people create domains and web 3 TLDs while registering them via Swiss Federal Institute of
of intellectual property, which then gains them full legal autonomy to create passive income from their top level domains. Now, I can really appreciate the idea and the goal to fully decentralize and democratize the domain name industry.
will give users more freedom in the long run and it's quite a noble goal for the community. I like the sound of your team. It sounds like you guys have all the people you need to make this goal a reality. And who doesn't appreciate 24/7 service? You know, that's amazing. And an all
crypto projects build these days cannot skip these steps. They always need to have the domain name and your offer is really helpful with this business niche. I believe that free name really has the ability to rise and grow even more in the future. Definitely.
Thank you very much. All right. Yeah. To give you a brief overview on what you mean about the intellectual property. So there are two very important points.
that makes a user really owning juridically his own web tree, PLD or domains. And these two important pillars by law are first use and trade
You are the first to mint it. Okay. The trademark is same thing.
It's something can you hear me?
Yes, yes, we can hear you loud and clear. Okay, sorry, I heard the stream sound. The second one is trademark. So we are the first that helps our customer that really believes in in WebTree and wants to create their brand starting from the domain or the TLD to trademark it.
Worldwide, how does it work? It's very fast. 24 hours. How does it work? We process the trademark request for our clients with their name on their behalf via a Swiss legal study in 24 hours. The trademark is the positive
After that, for six months, it's worldwide protected. In this six month, the register of the trademark repo has the authority to say yes, we accept your trademark or no with an eye. If they said yes, then
you choose the country which you want to protect and your protect in the country which you choose and which you pay and forever and your trademark is registered. We give this opportunity in 24 hours. This is quite fantastic and I think with these first use when you buy a TLD for you
yourself that you want to do a branding, mint it, because once you mint you automatically have the first use. And if you want to protect it stronger, just do the trademark. It's 24 hours, we help you to do that, we give you the certificate and for six months you are worldwide protected until you don't
the country where to trademark. This is the exact things that are also unstoppable handshake are debating in the location as far as I understand it. They are debating in between the trademarks and the first use with us you can have the both in one go.
Wow, wow, that's a lot of information but definitely it sounds like you guys are kind of a one-stop shop to getting TLDs Really owning them to getting to the point where you own it and you can You can have the rights to it in any different country, which is super super interesting
and since you're backed by the Swiss federal Institute of Intellectual Property, you really own it for... Now what I'm wondering too, I had a quick question. So how long is there like a renewal or once you own it, you own it forever? Once you own it, you own it forever.
That's what I'm talking about. That's awesome. That is awesome. All right. Now we're going to move to Matt from Aurora Arcane. Now Matt, could you introduce us to a little bit of Aurora and what do you aim to do and solve in this sector?
I would say that our main goal in Aurora is to be the best blockchain for Web2 organizations to move to Web3. And for crypto users to give them an experience on our platform that's
It's very similar to the web to experiences that they are used to. And so a heavy focus for us is user experience. Most of us in the team were heavy users of crypto in the early days and we understand the kind of
The kind of UX challenges that a person faces. I mean, for example, just imagine a brand new user to crypto who creates a uses the Metamask wallet and then they the issue of transaction with with too little gas and then it's it's literally stuck there forever until someone
Until they, you know, they have to, they have to understand why they're transactions not in process. They didn't they have to understand how to fix it. And so it's a user experience nightmare. And so in Aurora, we're trying to, we're trying to address as many of these concerns as possible. We started with, with the rainbow bridge.
And we kind of took our experiences from all of the other bridges and and tried to fix all the friction points when we were developing the rainbow bridge. So for a couple of examples I can give you is that I remember the first time that I transferred east to to avalanche and and using their bridge.
I clicked max and I ended up sending all of my Ethereum there and I had nothing left on Ethereum for gas fees. And so that created a bit of a problem. And so on the Rainbow Bridge, if you quit the max button using the gas token on the source network from which you're transferring, you'll see an error
that tells you you're about to shoot yourself in the flip. Another thing that we saw was since Aurora has a very low fee environment, even a free environment for most users, we were saying people transferring very small amounts back to Ethereum and since
That direction on the bridge requires two steps, the second of which is a release transaction on the Ethereum network. It turns out that that transaction on the Ethereum network can actually be, can cost them more than the value they're transferring. And so, we added a screen on the rainbow bridge if you're transferring
to Ethereum saying, well, right now, if you were to finish this transaction right now, it would cost you this much in dollars. So they can immediately see that cost relative to what they're transferring. And that completely solved that huge problem. And then we moved on to Aurora.
plus which is kind of our web to dashboard to the Aurora ecosystem from where you can do Aurora staking. You can participate in governance through the vote token and we've started to expand in some
of the basic operations that you do on a network. So for example, we just recently added the ability to swap tokens. And so once again there, we tried to really focus on user experience. We noticed that at a lot of DEXs, most DEXs, when you go to do a transfer, you're shown the slippage. And if you can
imagine a brand new user to crypto and they want to swap from Ethereum to Aurora and they see the slippage on this is 0.86%. And of course if they've never been exposed to this before they see that and they say well what does that mean? Is that a problem? Should I continue? Should I stop?
And so in our swap interface, for example, we do not even show the concept of slippage unless the slippage would be high enough that it's a concern for the user. And only then do we present that to them and we educate them about what slippage is so that they will be in an informed position to decide whether they move forward or not.
So, yeah, that's kind of a summary of where we're headed. We're trying to be the best platform that a Web2 company would choose to build on a blockchain. And as part of that, we're trying to make all aspects of using the blockchain as low friction as possible for the users.
All right. Thank you so much for that concise. Concites like introduction. It really sounds like you've took in problems that you've seen happen not only to yourself but to other people and you've really worked hard with developers to just try to solve those problems or stop these things from happening.
happening to people like what you were saying before how you couldn't cash out whenever how you couldn't kind of cash out like solving these issues is super important for people and it's really good to know that you guys are out here working toward that. It's awesome.
Now, I'm going to move on to the next question. Now, can you list some killer features of free name that make it ahead of its competitors? Now, what is the competitive advantage that your platform has that you feel the most confident about?
Absolutely. I can list you some and I see a lot of participants. So I try to give some spoil, but not everything, because there might be some competitor in here. And this is wonderful to see. So we are confident that
that you can register TLDs, you can make a nice income from your web tree TLDs. We are integrating wallet as we speak so you can use your TLDs or your domains and TLDs as quick to wallet. We have published public SDK for everywhere
one that wants to build their own naming system, but without having to develop a platform just integrate ours. You can manage three names, handshake and unstoppable domains and also others via our SDKs. We are releasing the plugins for Brave5 or Scrolls.
We are the only ones that helps you trademark and have the first use on your domains. We are coming with incredible features. I think I cannot spoil all of them, but from here to January you will see what I'm not spoiling and you will be just wow.
And other things I wanted to tell to the public, please get in touch with us if you have any questions, any feedback, anything that you want to see as used. We are integrating also the wallet to wallet messenger, which I think is very cool. And this was a little bit of a spoil and I will stop here.
All right, thank you so much for that answer now. Free name is like a one-stop shop. I love it. I could tell there's been a lot of work into this and just by how much you're offering and the idea of saying goodbye to the
long crypto wallet address, man, what is there not to like about hearing that? And being confident in your tech stack and code is key to keeping your audience. So I trust and I think they can definitely appreciate hearing this
from you. It seems that Freemame understands the problems faced by today's technology and crypto startups. Perhaps this is a versatile utility solution that supports crypto companies and projects and gains speed in their brand creation.
you mentioned a really good point on the tech and the team and we are a startup ourselves. We are building on top of environments and we love this. Our team, it comes from tech so we understand what is a role
roadmap, we understand how to release, we understand how to build, we understand how to cooperate with other counterparts in the blockchain, we don't want to internalize everything. And we understand that to make a product something that people want, it's very important to receive feedbacks, to launch the product
also if it's not 100% on the timeline and built with the communities, as we are doing with Aurora and with the dot Aurora domains, as we are doing with near, as we are doing ourselves with other counterparts, and I think this is key. We understand tech and we are developing every day with no weekends that are there.
Love it. Love it. You guys sound extremely dedicated and our community definitely appreciates that. Now we're going to move back to Matt. Matt, we're moving back to you. All right. Now
What features or apps on Aurora make it ahead of its competitors and can you explain those features for us?
Sure. Well, one of our first focus when we launched Aurora was to get all of the components in place to have a working, healthy, complete DeFi ecosystem. And so we did achieve that. And we have, you know,
a healthy number of decks is there, or lending platforms. Of course we have a really good NFT platform. So we have all of the basic infrastructure components that you would expect to find in a crypto ecosystem. And then we, like I mentioned before, we developed Aurora Plus, which is one of
our flagship products, which we intend to continue to put a lot of focus on. One of the key features of Aurora Plus is the ability to get free transactions, which I don't think exists in the competitor
that exists. So a person who comes and creates an account in Aurora Plus, they get 50 free transactions. And this eliminates most of the user experience friction of getting, you know, of a first time user coming to a crypto network and being able to do something. So they
can come to Aurora plus they can log in, create an account, they immediately have 50 free transactions and they can begin to explore all of the exciting depth that we have on the ecosystem. And yeah, so I think that's one of our key features is the free transactions.
And that will be that's one of our that's if not the biggest competitive advantage with respect to with respect to other EVM networks. And that comes from the fact that we're built as a smart contract on near. And so we were able to technically decouple the the
We treat the cost of the transactions that happen on Aurora from the map transactions that happen on Nier. And as we're able to decouple those, we're able to decouple the sources of income that pay for those things. So that's a really fundamental aspect of competitive advantage for us.
talk about a competitive advantage, definitely having free transactions on Aurora Plus is just an epic positive. I just super happy to be talking about someone giving that to the community. That is awesome. Now we're going to move back to free name. Now free name, why did you choose to integrate with Aurora?
Look, that's a wonderful question and I think pretty easy to reply and I will attach to Matt's speech and we love their approach to the fees and to the transaction management. We think that between the near environment, our order
a lot of value and users are showing this. So we really think the Aurora model is a winning model and the community of Aurora it's so vibrant, so pro business and 24 hours active and we
We love this, we received a lot of good feedback. Matt, as you said, it's pretty easy just to have a plan and then have transaction planned for the cos side and for us it's that we mean a lot of domains, it's really, really useful and it's very fast.
Wow, you guys are supporting quite a few chains already and in the middle of integrating with near as well, you are opening up free name to many different individuals and markets
which is sure to help this project grow bigger and bigger with time. I am sure near will be very pleased to hear the day you become fully integrated with them. That is awesome!
Now moving forward to Aurora Max.
Could you then maybe talk us through the advantages of Aurora and why it is such an advantageous pick for a company like Freeming?
Sure. Yeah, so I really think that the key advantage is, well, there's a number of advantages. I mean, we're one advantage is that we're built on top of near, which we believe is the L1 block chain that has the best approach to
scaling. And the technical team behind Nier is just second to none. And so it's the right platform to build on in terms of scalability and being future safe in terms of onboarding a billion users.
And then after that is this ability to to offer free transactions through the decoupling of the cost of the transactions on a network and the cost of the transactions on on a near that opens up in immense number of business opportunities that
that we can offer. For example, we could go to a Web2 company who say a game that's operating in a mobile application. We could allow them, imagine it's a business that would benefit from
from integrating with blockchain. So perhaps there's a way that they could integrate NFTs into their business that would add value. We've already seen this in some industries that are replacing, for example, loyalty cards with NFTs and their engagement is just going through the roof. And for a company like that,
Aurora is absolutely the best platform on which they can build because we can come to a business arrangement with them where through that arrangement all of their user transactions are paid for. And so their users can experience the benefits of a crypto
ecosystem with zero friction. So that's, yeah, we're very excited about that and especially how that facilitates the vision that we have for our crypto ecosystems will become mainstream.
Absolutely. I mean, in treat-cheap to free transaction fees, good community, outstanding dev support, easy co-marketing activities. What is there not to love? That is awesome. Thank you so much for that in-depth answer. Really appreciate that.
Now back to, are there any ambitious goals of your project on the horizon? Could you maybe share with us any upcoming events or updates?
for free name, free name.
Sorry, I've lost I don't know why but I've lost part of the question. Can you please? No, no worries. No worries. Okay, so free name now. I was wondering are there any ambitious goals for your project on the horizon? Could you maybe share with us any upcoming updates?
Absolutely, I'll share you the one that are coming as AP so that you should see
Hello. Yeah. Oh, you're breaking up a little bit. I know. Sorry. I had part of the team calling me. So the one that we are launching fast and you will see pretty soon on the platform is
we are integrating many important wallets for you to extend the use of your domain as the name of your wallet. We are integrating a partnership with a web tree emailing and wallet to wallet application, messenger application. We are implementing the direct button to list
your free name web.tpld's directly on OpenSea for selling them directly from your profile on freedom. So you buy, it's cool, you want to sell it, you don't want to go to OpenSea to put it on the collection, so on and so forth, just do everything from your profile.
And this is something on top of that. We are building also the plugins for you to redirect your traditional website to your WebTree domain. And this is all features that we are doing right now and implementing and releasing in the next weeks.
Perfect. Perfect. All right. The Web 3 world and community is lucky to have free name working hard to fully decentralized the remaining system. You have our full support. Having the power over what wallet you can use and direct wallet to wallet messaging is perfect.
We can't wait to see the updates and we'll be following along the next couple months to see how things develop. I think this is a really huge and necessary ambition that promises to bring about a revolution in domain-made building and management towards decentralization.
It's a great and popular and important wallet, emailing wallet to wallet applications on Web 3 and selling directly on OpenC. I am confident that the community will always follow the ingenious and interesting developments along with the relentless hard work of the free name team.
Thank you. Okay. No worries. And back to Aurora. Now Aurora, do you have any ambitious goals for your project on the horizon? Could you maybe share with us any upcoming updates?
Yeah, so upcoming updates we're going to be rolling out things on Aurora Plus at a regular clip. So for example, one of the features that we're kind of looking at right now is we don't have a
decided name yet, but it might be something like Aurora Prime. We have a referral program where if you refer someone to Aurora, you can get a reward and it requires you to stake 100 Aurora. And so we're also we're thinking about a new a new tier beyond the free tier
which could be called a roar prime, which corresponds to that state amount of 100 Aurora, and that would boost your free transaction to perhaps 500, which is the same you get if you have an ore bot in FT. So yeah, that move from 50 to 500
500 is kind of the 50 transactions. It's enough that it allows a person to kind of taste what it's like to operate freely on a crypto network, but it's still enough where they're probably going to hit that limit within a month and wish for more. And so we want to give them the next step.
which is something close to unlimited. And then if we look really long term, there's some activity that you may have noticed that's happening on Ethereum, some discussions around something called account abstraction, which is a little bit technical. I don't pretend to understand the depth
of the technicalities, but essentially it's on Ethereum. An Ethereum account has the coupling of the part of the account that keeps the state on the blockchain with the thing that does the signatures and the validations. And then Ethereum are working towards the separation of those in something called a
account abstraction. Well, near accounts already have this and have since the beginning, there are some very sophisticated account types. And in the long term, what we at Aurora want to do is to be able to use this account abstraction, what are called meta transactions on near
to be able to provide a user experience in a mobile app, which is a touch ID or a face ID. So you can imagine being able to sign transactions just by looking at your mobile device. And that's kind of the ultimate in user experience and merging of the Web 2 and the Web
three worlds. And we have the technological base to build that and that is a long-term goal for us. And then another exciting concept that we have on the horizon is based on the fact that Aurora is a smart contract on near, we could actually
or imagine a really large business came to us who expected to have massive loam. We actually could provision to them almost like a copy of Aurora which would be dedicated to themselves. And that opens a tremendous number of
of use cases. For example, a lot of people believe that a permissioned defy may eventually become even larger than permission list defy. So you can imagine that there could exist a permissioned copy of Aurora on which financial institutions could
could build a required environment in which people are KYC. And so all of those kinds of things are open to us as opportunities based on how we technically exist as a smart contract on near. So yeah.
Alright, thanks again for an awesome answer. Yeah, connecting Web 2 to Web 3 is extremely important. We are so happy to have a team like yours working together on that. Now, we're going to move
right back over to free name. Now many similar platforms offer domains for Web3 needs, but what advantages do users offer when using free name services?
So to be straightforward, we don't sell you just the domain. We sell you the opportunity of owning also the TLD, the dot something part. And owning that means an investment you do.
to get more, we offer you the protection for your brand, for your web3tld or domains, meaning if you are a brand, if you are a company or a single person that wants to create a brand, you should protect yourself.
And consider that when you come in freedom and you mean your TLD like the dot Aurora or like the dot David or like dot whatever you want, we are offering clients to be the rightful owner of that. So we don't just offer the domain.
for you. We offer a plethora of service. We offer our text stack to be integrated as much as possible. So this is a completely new approach to make the user owning their property and owning part of the process and owning part of the cash flows.
All right, awesome. Yes, back to ownership. That is super important. And we really love that that is something that you are really offering full heartedly to the community. It is super important to move forward with decentralizing
domains in the future. Thank you so much for your name for doing what you do. Now Aurora, back to you. What advantages do users offer when using Aurora services?
Yeah, you know, I think it comes down to the user experience that we offer. It comes down to the free transactions, the scalability. Then beyond that, we've worked very hard.
to have a great support team in place. And so, you know, anyone who has issues on any of the Aurora platforms, the user-facing platforms, we have direct access to a support platform.
invested a lot in having really good people working those support channels. And yeah, I think in our discord, you know, I noticed that people are very happy with the support that they get. And that's of course very important as well.
Alright, awesome. So it sounds like you guys have definitely a lot to offer. Now we're going to move back to free name, back to free name. Thank you so much for that answer. Now, do you have any plans to attract non crypto investors?
to join the free name project because the success of a project attracts more investors who have not yet entered the crypto world but what are the plans to raise awareness about the free name project in the non crypto space.
Absolutely. I really think that WebTree is a structural change. It's not just for crypto-native. And inside the world WebTree, there is a change in infrastructure in how things are
managed and create to give a better experience on the web world. I would like to check from the public if Mr. John the Joe domains it's willing to give two minute explanation why we're shifting
from Web 2 to Web 3 to give an overview of how this reached the overall people, not just the crypto users, which are the first to adapt to Web 3. But there is everyone that should use Internet that needs to keep attention on what happened to Web 3. Are you with us, John Doe?
John Doe, if you're here, go ahead and send your name to class.
Let me see if I can see him.
Hmm, I don't see him, baby.
Let me see if I have his request. Nope. Oh, yes, I see his request now.
Uh-oh. For some reason, it's not allowing me to approve him.
(cow mooing)
Hello Joe. I see his participant. There we go. Yeah, I've got a little latency here, but hopefully I'm coming through. All right, Joe, welcome. We're very happy to have you here. So I think what's interesting, and this will be familiar to crypto and
investors is the existing domain space stopped innovating about 20 years ago. And even the other Web 3 domain companies are mostly their original plan from five years ago. And I was struck about Aurora. Now it has a chance to be the second mover of
a little bit and improve on what's been done. And I think free name has that same ability. It won't be whether free name successful. I think that makes everything. It'll be what people do with their TLDs and with their domain names on free name, just like the
companies that were able to build on certain domain names in the ICANN system. I think that will be the story is what creative uses come up, leveraging the power of this free and open system that I think will make it exciting.
Over 90% of people don't even have a regular domain name or an account at a domain registrar. So most of the world has never interacted with the domain space and their Web 3 experience may be their first one. So I think that's where it can be exciting.
Thank you, John.
All right, thank you so much. Thank you for that awesome explanation. And yes, people understanding the ship from Web 2 to Web 3 is absolutely key. And giving people the right to own their domain and trademarks without having to renew will change things in the community forever.
Now, let's move back to Aurora. Now, what are your plans to bring more users to Aurora? Do you have any specific campaigns?
Well, yeah, let's I guess we have I could mention three three aspects. One is the referral program that we have launched where if you are an Aurora Plus user you you have a referral link and if you share that with other people
and they create Aurora Plus accounts and they stake some Aurora then you both get a reward. And so that's one way in which we are growing the number of users. We also have a grants team that are very active in
funding, helping fund bootstrap local communities around the world, local Aurora communities. We're seeing traction from those. We have, we've created an interesting internal application that we call Aurora Grow and what that allows us to do
is it allows our marketing team to create marketing campaigns in which they create a number of Aurora Plus vouchers. So at Nearcon we use this to create, I don't know, three or four thousand unique Aurora vouchers and these were printed
We got these out at the event and people who received these cards, they can go back home, they create an Aurora Plus account and they have the enter the voucher in their onboarding experience and as soon as they enter a
They find that they have a certain amount of Aurora has already staked in their account and already benefiting from all of the interesting aspects of Aurora Staking, which include, for example, not just receiving a reward, but rewards from other projects.
the system. And so that's, we've seen a lot of excitement around campaigns that we have created through the Aurora Grow platform. And then long term, what we expect to bring lots of users are once we, once
we grow the onboarding of Web2 companies on to Aurora in order for them to evolve to become Web3 companies. And we're already in discussion with some of the first candidate companies for that. And that's going to result in
large influx of existing web to users who initially may not even realize they're using the Aurora blockchain, but the onboarding will happen in a way that we can educate them that they have entered the crypto world and that there's a lot of benefits that they can gain from that.
Alright Aurora definitely sounds like yours continuing to expand expand expand love hearing about you guys expanding through the community and bringing more web to users to web 3 that is always very awesome
to here. Now, back to free name, back to free name. Now, how is free name development going? Can you describe the current development status, maybe the market expansion plans, any expected application?
What awaits us in the future? Absolutely. So quick answer is we're going fast as we can. And the long answer is we've been live from two weeks almost
He renamed your breaking up. You're breaking up.
Am I still breaking up? No, not anymore, but you were before. Okay, okay. That's what I'm saying. You're breaking up just a little bit.
This is with, can you hear me? Now I can hear you good. Wonderful. So as mentioned, we came live two weeks ago with a lot of features already, but this is not enough. Our goal is to enlarge the use of WebTridomains and what
in the future, meaning in the short and future, it will expect us wallet connection and integration to replace your wallet address, messaging, web tree emails and wallet to wallet messaging, web to redirect plugins for your browsers,
All of this is coming live. Moreover, on the long term, we are building, we are shaping how a WebTree browser should work, should indicate a website. How a website build their own WebTree
should look like. And we are building these with a long-term approach and with a use approach to enlarge the use of domains as we have in the web-to-word, all shifted to the web-tree word, plus amazing feature that we are developing.
All right, that's what I'm talking about. I'm really excited to see how you guys integrate with others in the future and help to extend the usability of Web 3 domains and TLDs. Very exciting stuff going on there. Thank you so much for that awesome answer, free name.
Now, we're moving back to Aurora. Now, Aurora, considering Aurora's launched Aurora Plus and Cross-Contract calls this year, we
You can say 2022 was rich in updates. Do you think 2023 will be as rich? Is your team big enough to keep on this growth speed rate?
Very good question. 2022 was, as you said, a very big year for us in which we launched a lot of things.
We are very confident that 2023 will be as big if not bigger. It's hard to predict exactly
What it will bring because both the space is moving very fast and our organization is growing very fast When I think about our organization and what we're trying to do I think of Paul Graham's analogy of a startup being like jumping off of a cliff and building
the airplane on the way down. It feels a lot like that. Definitely our team needs to grow. At the same time, we have to be careful about that growth because we have to make sure that we grow the team in a way that we maintain our
to work effectively as an organization that can be very challenging. One thing that we are, one thing that is very fortunate about this current bear market is that fortunately we as an organization are economically in a good position to
to whether the bear market and the market itself given the difficulties of a bear market. There's a lot of really amazing talent that's available at the moment and the growth in our team that we are seeing right now is taking advantage of that.
All right, that is awesome to hear. Well, we really can't wait to see how things develop in 2023. Man, if it's going to be an even bigger year, I'm sure the community really looks forward to seeing it. Yes. Now, let's go ahead and jump right back into another question.
Now, partnerships are one of the most effective ways to grow in the crypto world. Now, are there any partnerships you've recently made and what are you preparing to announce? Now, this question is for free name.
Absolutely. Well, I think this AMA it's a sign of what you're asking, but we are also signing partnership with World of Providers tree one exchange one web tree email providers and we are seeking this
looking for new partnerships to add to we are in discussion with many and we are due diligence. All of the partnership pipeline for giving our customers our users the best partnership due diligence and integration
as Matt correctly said a few minutes ago. Right now it's an incredible moment. Also if it's a bear market we see a lot of willingness to do business, to create, to have the time to build
and the time to became partnerships. So in the short term, in the next two months we have three wallet provider, one exchange, one web tree email provider, one wallet to wallet messaging provider. We are announcing more of them. Guys, very mind where live from two weeks.
All right, I know the communities has been really excited to hear about this exciting project and what you just shared for future development just for the next two months is incredible. So I really look forward just to even seeing the next two months now things develop that's awesome to hear.
Now, back to Matt from Aurora. Now, speaking about partnerships, Aurora has announced a lot of major
launches this year. Could you tell a bit more about which major names have joined the Aurora ship?
Um, sure. Well, I mean, from a partnership perspective, um, of course, our longest standing partnership is with near itself. And we have a lot of, we have a very deep, healthy, uh, synergistic relationship there. Um, we also, as, as you said, we have, um, we've partnered with, uh,
With many of the largest and most important multi-chain projects like Curve, Gnosis Safe, some of the bridges like Synapse, the Geild aggregator
Well, sorry, the DEX aggregators like 1-inch, we have a very strong partnership with 1-inch. In fact, we built the Aurora Plus swap system on top of 1-inch so that users always get the best rate by trying to
by doing this popping directly in Aurora Plus. We also announced a really big partnership with Brave, the Brave Browser, that we, it's a browser that we all love. We love that project and they added native support for Aurora, which
which was amazing. We in turn added native support for the Brave Wallet in Aurora Plus and in the Rainbow Bridge. And then there are partnerships that we are very excited about with Aurora native businesses like
For example, the origami borrow lending platform, we came to a close partnership with them and some of their team members have even become contributors to Aurora itself, which is very exciting. And then our next steps will be
will be coming up with partnerships with traditional Web2 companies. And like I mentioned, we are in discussion with a handful of those right now exploring very innovative ways that blockchain can add value to their businesses. And so we look forward to those kind of partnerships as well.
All right, that is so cool to hear that you guys are partnered with Brave browser. That is super cool. I really I actually use that browser personally. So I'm super stoked to hear about that. And it sounds like you guys have a lot of really cool partnerships going on at the moment and even in the near future. So wow, thank you so much for sharing that with us.
Now, we're going to go ahead and move back to free name. Now, what is the marketing strategy of free name to let more and more people know about this project?
Absolutely. I like to start by saying that the best strategies of a role to start from a valid project to offer good solution, good use case to what we are offering and this message
message must be brought in many different ways to many different persons to many different communities and geography as possible. Our marketing actions and plans will touch few pillars.
We are doing performance marketing, ads, social media, SEO. We are doing partnership marketing. We are doing domain jobs. We want our community, the person that have freedom domains to have them, because as more they use CAM, as more they can use them.
So this is why we're very, very happy to do domain drops. We do affiliate marketing and KOLs, referral coupons and awards. We are doing direct marketing and PRs. We get in touch with our community, the IEM and social, the M and the environment. We are present
in 360 degree approach to the overall community on the web. And this is the best way by bearing in mind that the most valuable tool we have, it's to deliver what we say and to deliver the best use for the web tree domains experience.
Alright, well you're hitting all the right stops for future success. I can really appreciate all the different avenues that you are going through in order to reach a really wide audience. That is great to hear. Thanks again for
for that awesome answer and we're moving back to Aurora. Now launching projects in a bull run is much more profitable than during a bearer market in a bearer run where most
Most of the projects fail and sometimes go into oblivion. How will your project stand the test of time? What strategies does your project employ to mitigate possible losses?
Sure, so yeah, we're in a bear market. However, we are an organization, we are absolutely certain that the blockchain is something that is going to change the world. It's already changing the world.
world in many aspects, we kind of feel like that we're back in the late 1990s at the birth of the internet and the web. You just know that you're in front of something that's going to change the world and that it's just great to be a part
of it. And so for us in our organization, there's actually not that much focus on the fact that we're in a blockchain. We just, sorry that we're in a bear market. We just continue to push forward with our plans to try as best as we can to
participate what kind of future blockchain can bring in terms of opportunities for individuals and businesses and to try our best to build the right infrastructure to
to support those opportunities. So yeah, I mean internally, I mean for those of us who hold crypto, it's not great that we're in a bear market, but in terms of Aurora and our momentum and our our drive and enthusiasm, we're not affected at all by the bear market.
All right, that was an awesome answer. Now, when the market goes up, projects was freeing up like mushrooms after the rain. Images of, sorry guys, images of free name appear all over the community pages. And as a complete solution, this will help, they definitely help the project now.
Alright, well that was a great answer. Thank you so much. Now I want to come to the audience. Let's go in and break it down to the audience. Now let's take a look into the audience for some requests and get this AMA really up and running. I want some requests so we can take
some answers. Now let's look around. Let's look around. Hmm. Hmm. Now is there anybody who has any questions they would like to ask? Now the floor is open for requests. I see that there's one request here from Diamond.
Okay, let's go ahead and approve the request.
Alright, there we go. Looks like Diamond is approved.
Hello, can you hear me? Yes, we can hear you, Diamond. Yeah, look at me. Okay. Nice AMA station. I'm tens of them give me up. My question is
Okay, constantly the topic my question is As a new person that I want how they need to main name before or all these there is not real cryptos what will be your eyes?
advice to the person when it comes to a road domain or choosing any domain and what we thought the person at the major advantage is and the major challenges the person in phrase thank you
This was for freedom or met. Hello. Hello, K.M.Y.
We can hear you wait a second diamond. Did you have your answer? No, okay, Moses can you please wait a minute for diamond to have his question answered? Okay, okay, I will wait a minute.
So, if I understood correctly, you're asking, how can you choose your domain and what are the major challenges and the major use cases that you've been in with your domain?
Moses, can we ask you to mute in the world? Thank you very much. Diamond, is that correct? Yeah, that's correct. It's like as a new person, how won't you own like none at all, but you just come in for the first time. Thank you.
So to choose a domain you should choose your digital identity name that you really want. And so this is completely up to you. What are the names you like the most? On free name you can have all the names. So just go there and choose.
remind yourself to pick up the coupon code after this AMA. The major challenges I think are how easy it is from a platform point of view, from a user point of view, using a platform and we try to make free names
as much as a friendly as possible. So I think you won't face any challenges. Perhaps if you're new to this word, some jargoon, some words can be a challenge to understand it on a first time. Like, meaning
like DNS, like record A, record TXT, but you can reach to us and we will explain everything. This is a mixed jorgoon between blockchain world and domain world, but as a user experience, freedom, it's very easy to use.
Hey, Davide, it's a page. I have a quick thought if I could add to that answer.
Yeah, I think when you're looking for a domain name to be your web identity, there's kind of two ways to go. Let me do something that really describes who you think you are. Because you may be using this for email in the Web 3. You may be using it as your ID in a metaverse or in a game.
or in a smart contract. So you can pick something that really tells who you are. And then the other way, especially now with such great availability, is you can pick something that everyone else thinks is an awesome name, and that you can own it, and that you'll be able to borrow some of that
prestige and the fact that they'll be like, wow, you know, you have that name, that's a fantastic name. You know, you must be something special. So I think there's maybe two, two ends of the rainbow. One is something that you personally like, you know, it really describes you to be your, your
ID card or your business card or the equivalent of your phone number in Web 3. And then the other thing is to get something that other people will think is amazingly attractive. And I think that's the opportunity at these early stages with free names is to get something that other people will really like and say, wow.
Absolutely, alright, that was an awesome, uh, it was definitely an awesome, uh, add on to that. Now I'm going to have to close this down guys. I'm gonna have to be safe. Oh, can anyone hear me? Can people hear me right now? Yes, we are. Yeah. Okay, perfect. Okay, guys, we're gonna have to be closing it.
down. Now I want to thank the community for being here today. Now don't forget to join and follow Freemame on Telegram. And I am sure that the community will be looking forward to Freemame's events in the near future. And I'd like to remind you all friends to jump on Freemame's website and join the count
down page. All right. And John joined the countdown page link to receive a $20 coupon that will be revealed at 5 p.m. Central Eastern time. Okay. Now to spend on your domain name, yeah, you can spend it on that. As you know, you can surely register your domain name on
Aurora of course now best regards to you all. Thank you all for your presence. Thank you Matt for being here. Thank you for your name. Thank you Joe. Really appreciate you guys. Thank you Aurora. Thank you everybody who came here. Thank you guys so much. All right guys. We'll see you later. Okay. Bye bye. Thank you. Bye.