From Zero to One On-chain w/ OPEN

Recorded: March 25, 2024 Duration: 0:51:39



Hello, everybody. Just doing a quick mic check. We will be starting in around a minute or so
Okay, okay
The hour is here. Welcome everybody that's
here currently
Joining taking the time to join us regardless of where you are in the world, whether it's the morning afternoon or the evening
For me, it's the morning usually as most of the frequent listeners of these faces know
But yeah, thank you all for coming today we are speaking with I'm very yeah, I'm very interested in this discussion
Hey, this is very cool. I actually
Funny enough. I I've I had an eye on on get protocol a while ago a friend of mine actually was
Interested in trying to build a competitor. It did not work out
But when he told me about that, I I did take some time to look into
This this idea of on-chain ticketing and today we have
Open joining us today
Super exciting to get the chance to chat with them and let me know if I have the names correct. It's cosmon and
Olivier or is it Oliver? Let me know
It's written I think somebody wrote it wrong
Okay, all right all of our apologies, yeah, it is a different spelling that's an incredibly different spelling. Yeah, it's felt the French way
Yeah, so it's I've heard all sorts of attempts
So you're you're fine
Interesting. Okay. Awesome
Well in a moment, yeah, well, we'll we'll get to you guys as introduction
So yeah for those listening today, we're going to go over
Obviously what's new with open as you we can see they have a new
Name rebranding everything we're gonna talk about the mission. We're gonna go into some details about them
Some of their upcoming plans all the interesting stuff going on with open as well as just chatting a little bit about
You know the crypto ecosystem overall how things are going, you know and using galaxy and you know the old process of
Users from from web 2 and that kind of area. So thank you guys for taking the time to join us
And so Oliver and cosmon, let's just go ahead and start
Before we kind of get into the the meat and potatoes, of course
Um a quick intro from the two of you just a bit of your background and currently what you're doing at open
I guess yeah, I can start thanks a lot for having us here today. Very very excited to have this conversation with you
Um, so hi everyone. I'm cosmon i've been working for
Get protocol now open
For around seven months now and on a project before before that
Before joining open I worked in the immersive web. So, you know some some call it the metaverse
But uh, what you know what I was into it was really bringing immersive experiences in the browsers of people
throughout the world
Yeah in the past in the past couple of months. We've actually been working on this new exciting
time in in our company's
Journey which is which is open and which is us taking you know
The the narrative that we've always had which was to bring tickets on chain, but now fully on
Very committed very confident that we can make it happen as you previously mentioned
Like your friend who didn't manage to you know launch that that competitor
That's that's mainly because the ticketing is such a such a difficult industry to break into
But um, we've seen it's possible with over five million tickets issued on chain so far
uh, and we want to take this to the next to the next level and
And and actually pursue the 85 billion dollars on chain of ticketing industry and bring it on chain
So yeah, that's a bit about me and about but about us and i'll um, i'll give it the mic to you olivia
Yeah, great one, so uh, i've been with the team in the project since
2018 I think so quite quite a while quite a journey
Uh, I found out about them assistant to a podcast freakin omics
Just a regular economics podcast and in like a byline they mentioned this this dutch project doing sort of ticketing on the blockchain
So that's cool. Then I looked them up and they're right around the corner from my house basically and i was like, oh this is
yeah, and ended up uh working here and then kind of starting out as
community management and rolling into yeah wider marketing efforts and uh
kind of uh being along for the for the crazy ride that it's been
I think now is the the most exciting chapter yet. Uh, really a lot uh a lot going on and kind of feels like everything's
Kind of clicking into gear. We've been really focused on on building. Uh, we built a lot of infrastructure
but I think along the way we kind of forgot to
also collaborate and and
open up uh
More of an ecosystem which we're doing now. So it feels like the stars are aligned
And uh great to be here
No, I I agree. I think it's a perfect time. I think it's perfect timing and that's quite funny if
Usually the I think the last thing you'd find around the corner would be a
A job in in cryptocurrency, right?
I find it's always you're working with people. They're just across the planet. So
Um, so at least for myself
Yeah being in uh being in canada
But yeah continuing on um, I find this area to be particularly interesting in the more so in the sense of
Um, even back the a while when I when I mentioned the thing before
Um, you know the one thing that I've really noticed was like you mentioned obviously
There's not a lot of people able to kind of break into this area and I feel like that like just larger
Highlights the problem of this area. It's so monopolized
It's so taken over entirely that you'll have people uh getting almost scammed on the daily buying tickets to really anything
and the idea of using like the the things that we love obviously cryptocurrency and and
You know our different platforms and networks et cetera all these different things to come together to kind of fix this gigantic
Uh mess that has been uh
Somehow allowed to go for as far as it has right?
Um, it's very cool that you guys at open can kind of you know lead the way in this area
I feel as we especially get into the better market at the current time
Um, so i'm very excited to see what's coming from open and hear what's coming from open
I'm also very excited that you guys are taking the time to chat with us and also use our platform as well
Um, you know as as cause mentioned kind of more of the community efforts. It's very exciting as well
And so, um, if you don't mind kind of just maybe going into
To start just a little bit of details around, you know, what in the recent time kind of has been some of um opens efforts to kind of
Reach out to a larger community whether that's um onboarding web2 users or kind of getting more users in web3 involved
Sure, sure, sure. I think what you said is spot on it's really tricky to get into and it's kind of paradoxical because I think it's the use case that
People understand most even in web3. Everyone's like, oh, yeah ticketing. That's that's going to be the one
But then there's a weirdly low number of projects for individuals that actually uh make it happen
We've seen a lot of projects come and go
Um, which honestly bums us out like we we are not tribal at all
We really want this use case to work. Um, so we kind of see it as a rising tides lift all boat situation
we really are rooting for other on-chain ticketing initiatives and we try to
Need to collaborate or at least be in touch as much as we can because yeah, we wanted this to work and
It's a massive massive pie once we're able to to get get into it, but we uh
It's it's tough getting into it, especially I think there's a couple reasons
There's a couple reasons. I think the monopolies and the gatekeeping that are inherent to the industry is is a big one
Uh, people are not keen to to share the business
uh, and I think it's also
Perhaps uh, some people underestimate it a little bit
We've seen a lot of projects that get the web3 side of it
But then fail to make the connection to the actual web2 user or client
um who might be interested in the web3 side, but also have
Uh, you know their their income riding on this or uh have other whatever you can think of legal
Considerations or anything like that?
Um, so ticketing is is pretty complex. It's really more complex than than people assume
um, there are all sorts of uh edge cases and uh, we we've had requests from
Restaurants next to the ticketing venue that needed to know if people had allergies
Which they needed to fill into the ticket card super so there's crazy examples where like oh, we've never never thought this would be
A part of this business, but it is
um, so that's one side of it, but uh, there's also a lot of gatekeeping and and the
deliberate opacity
Yeah, there's kind of the people are profiting off of the status quo
And that's what we're disrupting. So we every ticket we issue is transparent and fully on chain
So that means that you can use your ticket wallet app, which is just a regular web2 wallet
Just an app basically that you've got several of your phone on on your phone
Um, and there you can click and and see your ticket. Uh, see it live on chain
You can see its history. You can see whether it's been resold and for how many times etc
Uh and for the price, uh, you can verify the validity there
Um, and that's just to start. Uh, so we really see
tons of advantages in in bringing tickets on chain and
Um, basically helping the creators that issue these tickets
Distribute a direct connection that uh with their fans that transcends the event cycle
Now cosmon's gonna come and say much smarter things
No, no, no, not much smarter
But just just want to add on top on top of that because I loved it and of course we rely on the on these things
I just want to add the fact that
Beyond and top of everything that's that Olivia has has said
Tickets have lost their collectability
In the digital era, right?
Um, and everyone remembers the feeling of you know, just collecting a ticket right and keeping it in a you know
In a box of memories or whatever. So
Yeah, exactly. So opening up this
Avenue for you know projects people to build on top of what we currently have and add to what we have is also
to in order to pursue that bringing that that feeling back right because that's
a big part of you know, the web3 space is
Experience and uh, it's fan engagement and uh, it's making better digital
Interactions online between, you know communities and such so i'm i'm particularly excited about that area as well
And I just you know thought i'd mention it because I think this is something that gets a lot of people excited in this space
in general
No, I completely agree. I think that
In the in the place that we are now with kind of how fast everything goes these days
And how convenient everything has kind of come for us
I find a lot of people will be kind of stuck in this
mindset of complacency
And the big problem with that is they're never given a reason to think otherwise
They're never given a reason to think that this ticket could be something
you know more than just
Obviously now it's most of the time recently the overpriced piece that they got a ticket master, right?
And that sense of community is like it's a big reason why a lot of people get so into
The shows and the that they go to like especially in music
There's such a larger group of I would say like web2
Just regular online classic internet users that may not even be super into tech
That just love going to concerts in general and are just getting kind of just hurt by this continually and I think that once
Um projects like yours can kind of highlight that sense of community and value and bring that
Back to the user we can kind of get get past this area of complacency
You know because because I feel like yeah
We're just kind of in this space now where we can't even process the idea that there could be something better
Than what we have right now when it comes to ticketing
Um, and so my next question for you there
um would be more so if we could just kind of get into the generals of
Open itself. So previously get protocol, of course now
Open kind of what was the thought process of this rebranding and this kind of
Um, you know new era for open and maybe what are the highlights that users can expect?
If they wanted to get involved with open and check out things today
Just quickly. I think you touched on uh
I think you know it there and I think the interesting fascinating thing even about
ticketing is that people will keep using it the the fan connection is so strong
Yeah, swifties are gonna go to taylor swift even if oh, yeah jump over flaming crocodiles first
It doesn't matter they're gonna go
Uh, so that's a weird situation where whatever you put in front of them, they're gonna just suffer through it. Um
That's why the the terrible behavior just yeah is taken at face value, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't disrupt it
And yeah people treat it fairly. Um
So yeah a little bit of background we started get protocol in
2016 just with the very simple notion of ticketing should probably better if its own chain
Uh turns out that was true. Uh with a bunch of caveats and uh learnings along the way about the industry
and we spent a lot of time building an infrastructure basically, uh
Initially a web 2.5. We called it infrastructure that
Services web to audiences in a frictionless way. We didn't want to we figured out pretty quickly
You don't want to have people set up a metamask before an event
Uh, yeah, because they will get super nervous and artists don't want to risk it and there's all sorts of connotations
We've seen several bull and bear cycles along the way
Uh, and the sort of public sentiment changes quickly
Um, some people think it's cool. Some people hate it
Uh at the end of the day event organizers are not going to risk
Forcing that down their audience's throat, which is fair. Um, so
We figured out okay, you don't need to constantly talk about it. You kind of want to show it
Uh, so the interfaces the interactions everything is super web 2 friendly
Um, but the things that are running in the background do make the experience much much easier. Um
So that's that's how we got started. We built that infrastructure, uh, and and we set up our own ticketing company cuts tickets
uh for which we kind of
yeah, basically used it as
As a showcase so we started selling a lot of tickets here in the netherlands where we're from originally
Uh, just to prove okay scalping can actually be eradicated
It can not a single ticket we've issued has been scalped or used in ticket fraud
Uh, so that's basically solved
Uh, but and then we realized okay now we can do this
We got a lot of interest from event organizers entities around the world saying oh, this is cool. I want to do this
Uh, so we built out a white labeling, uh product suite where basically they could get their hands on
Full ticketing infrastructure and with their own logo on it
Uh, and we had integrators use that anywhere from south korea to the u.s
uh all over europe, uh, etc, and then we realized okay, we also want to
facilitate existing ticketing companies because they also see a lot of value and show a lot of interest actually in
Web 3 and taking things on chain
Uh, but they have a huge tech stack. Usually they probably have some
Very puritan developers that don't want to
Throw away everything they've worked on or yeah might not feel comfortable with sort of switching everything out
So we built some very easily accessible rails where any existing
Ticketeer could take their tickets on chain
Start introducing the their users and their clients to the benefits without sort of having to throw everything off the board
Um, so what that's come down to is now we have like we call it kind of lego blocks. Uh, so any
Company or creator or project can approach us and say hey, this is where i'm at
Either I would like to start issuing tickets or i've already done millions of tickets
Um, and i'd like to just up my game, uh and take tickets on chain
And we can always help them out. Uh, we can get them
Leveling up and so that basically
Brings us to where we are now with open we built all this infrastructure and we kind of realized
Okay, we've done we did all the hard work all the heavy lifting, but we did it kind of in a siloed way
Um as a protocol, we really made sure that everything is there. We made sure there's a product market fit
We went to which is no small feat
in comparison
But now we kind of forgot to take care of the web 3 side of things and and
Be in touch with the wider ecosystem that we are actually so excited about and is the reason why we also got started
So the big switch from get protocol to open is really going from a sort of a siloed protocol
to a wider ecosystem, uh, where basically any
Project that we really like or kind of shares this onboarding ethos. Um
We want to partner up with and collaborate and like I said earlier like we
Don't really subscribe to any of the uh, the tribalism that you sometimes see in the space. We're super open
uh, and we really like um
Yeah, we really think rising tide is about so
Let's collaborate with any and everyone that uh, that kind of has the same spirit
No, I I completely agree with you there when it comes to
The larger ecosystem it's such a positive place when you kind of put aside
The tribalism and sometimes ego of what uh, we're doing because yeah
I think I think having a bit of ego in your when you're building something that you love is important
But obviously keeping an open mind to what everyone else is doing like at the at the for a good example, right?
um in the space that we're in with on chain credentials and questing and um
Kind of being this exploratory of area that we've kind of developed into
We did not at the beginning have too many people doing the same thing we did
Um, even when we saw a lot of those different projects pop up when things were going well, which is a compliment
Honestly, I love to see it because the competition right?
Um, you know, we don't like to view it as competition, but at its core it is technically right and we view that as just a reason
To grow right? It's a reason for us to do what we do best. I think everybody should take it that way
And it kind of I just think it just I think at the end of the day puts more excellence into the space
So I I really agree with you there. I'm excited to see what we can do with you guys in particular
especially in the place of like building
more interesting online communities that may be involved around
groups that do ticketing on with open and maybe
Want to do more past that with the tickets and we can do
I could I could easily see credentials
Um in different campaigns being done around like I was I went to this concert. I did this thing online
Uh, you know because the event world is so massive, right? But um
And I just wanted to mention one more thing before I'll let you continue there. Um
It's just all honestly a bit crazy to me. You mentioned
At the beginning that you've technically solved scalping, right? Um
And and I wanted to check is that like
Completely like you've never had a ticket in the history of open or get b-scout. Like that's not that's not happen
Yeah, it's soft, dude. It's easy
See that's that's that's the crazy part because
helping if you
Were to talk to I would say like the average
um, you know day-to-day person that may have
Gone to concerts or you know, like for example, uh, the swifties or all those people, etc
To them scalping is is like a plague right? Like I see articles all the time about
Problems I see I see artists and event organizers and i've seen people
Tweet and make posts like public posts
Like we're doing all we can to stop scalping for this and it's i've not seen one article
Ever that said or has explained that yeah, it's technically solved, but no one's
Utilizing it like they're not it's not being shown to the people so it's it's definitely interesting in that
Prospect that you've actually done something pretty incredible in that sense of solving the scalping
But it's kind of gone a bit under the radar in the eyes of the day-to-day people and I think that this area of
Onboarding as well will be such a huge boost to that
When people kind of start to wake up and realize like oh there is a solution
Yeah, it's really fascinating. It's um
It's the the more you kind of scratch the surface of the industry you also start to kind of discover the
The mechanisms that are holding in place and how it got there
So obviously with the bigger players, they're yeah
The monopolistic nature of the industry does start to show where you have these vertical integrations
They call them where one company owns both the the venue and the ticketing company and the promoter was like, oh, yeah
That's I see now sort of the behind the curtain in the nature of the way things are working
and yeah, there have been just
It's it's been publicized in the past where there have been big ticket companies that
just make money by
issuing a part of the tickets on primary and immediately list the other
part on secondary for like a big markup
um, so there's just really sketchy business models, uh
companies have already deployed and maybe have gotten addicted to
Prevent real real innovation and and a lot of the times the artists or
managers or promoters are
in some way shape or form
Bound to these companies or yeah, they have their only options to work with them
So they can't really go against them. We've added tons of times where an artist says, oh, this is what I want
This is great. And then they have to backtrack. Uh, a couple meetings later where they're like, oh, I didn't know like I was actually
I I can't use this or not allowed to yet or whatever. I have a five-year contract with x or y or z
Um, I think I think
Olivia, I think this also taps into you know, the other exciting part of you know
What we're planning to do which is event financing, right? I mean it's it's going beyond only, you know removing
removing scalping and all the
all the issues with current ticketing solutions and actually bringing more independence to event organizers and allowing them to
they control back from from all of these deals that are
Keeping them stuck for years, right? So yeah, I was just thinking like this is like a perfect bridge to also also share that
Exciting part of our of our of our plans for open
Very much, that's very cool
Um, so you you might you said event financing. So in the sense of will it be?
like you host a sale essentially for
Like an nft or what would that kind of look like from your side or would it just be working with others to do financing?
Yeah, so the there's a big challenge here where creators and event organizers
Uh to put on a show it takes quite a lot of money
Uh, yeah to make it happen productionally and usually you need to have these costs up front
that traditionally can be where a
Huge company steps in and says hey, you want to all this event. I confront you the money. Let's
Lock down a five-year deal
Uh, you'll incrementally pay me back through ticket sales. We'll work it out. Don't worry about it. Don't look at the fine print
And the artist like all right. Well
If this is the only way for me to do this, uh, i'm gonna do it
Uh, so with event finance what we're doing is we since all the tickets are on chain
We can allow creators to use their unsold tickets for a future event as a collateral for a defy loan
Uh a whole mouthful, but uh, it's it's not as crazy. It sounds
Uh, and that way they can obtain the funds that they need to organize the event and put on the show
Or put on the tour or whatever
Without being tied to this sort of monstrous sort of predatory contract
um, so this is I think a great example of
Disruption and real web 3 value where every artist or promoter we speak to is like oh, wait a minute if that's real
Then that's going to be massive
Um, so it's really again about what cosmo was saying like we're about freeing up the the creator to do what they want
They give them options
No, that's very exciting. Um, I didn't realize
myself that there were
kind of those
Like you mentioned like oh you can pay me back over a period of time for doing the event
I didn't yeah, I never really thought about that from the side of
The artist I usually I think a lot of people maybe share this same kind of
Perspective as myself has been kind of on the outside that it's usually maybe the artist that initiates
The discussion depending on obviously I would say like their status level as an entertainer
Probably has some form of impact on how the deals go, of course
So what I feel like yeah in that sense then at the same time
You're going to see a lot of up and coming artists get hurt by those predatory practices, right?
Whereas you probably don't see you probably don't see like drake. Yeah, for example getting ripped off
Yeah, I think drake can can say what he wants and and it'll happen. Yeah, it's uh, it's it's the 98 percent
uh there that has trouble filling up venues or
Yeah, it's still working on that career and trying to get to where where drake is. Yeah
very interesting, um
Going into the platform itself. I'm on the platform right now i'm on uh on
I'm on the portal. I was wondering if you could kind of so we just went over obviously event financing
I wonder if you could go over kind of the uh, better details around the ticket explorer and the staking option
That says coming soon, of course. What what can we expect with that with the um opn token?
For sure. Yeah. Yeah, great topic. So first the ticket explorer that's
We realized quite early on. Okay. Yeah, we can do everything on chain. But if
We send out hashes for people to verify their tickets. You're not going to understand that. That doesn't really make sense. So
Uh, we built this ticket explorer
Verifies everything that we do so there you can track
every ticket we issue, um, basically
Anything we we issue is is seen on there within the hour. I think as soon as it's processed
Um, and there you can see our total number so you can see okay. We did 5.6 million tickets so far
Um, and you can see even per day. Uh, how many they're going and you can even click on if you click on the big button
At the top you can check out an individual ticket and it'll show you the life cycle for that ticket and how it was minted and all
The the commission so that's basically us trying to walk the walk and not only talk to talk
And that brings us to staking. So we launched the open brand last week and this
Thursday or later this week at least
we will be
launching the opn token, uh, which is the token that
Any integrator and user of the open ticket tooling needs to issue tickets and kind of
Interact with the tooling that we've built
Um, so it's really to leave token in that sense and any holder
of the opn
Can also we'll be able to stake them once staking goes live
which will be a big party and that's when
They will be eligible to receive uh real yield from all this ticketing activity. So
You've developed a really cool way for
Basically any ticket that gets issued and sold
direct a part of that flows to
Stakers of the opn token. So anytime a person enters a concert
You're an answer dam or uh
A concert for one of our integrators in the us or whatever anywhere around the world every single time that happens
uh a little portion of uh of your flows to the staker so
Um, that's to us. That's one of the coolest sort of closed loop
Uh ways of rewarding people who support disruption in this way
Um, so we're sorry about that. So that staking is going to come
real soon, uh, yeah in a matter of
Several weeks I would say post the launch of the opn token later this week
Very exciting and I just want to say I can congrats on the you know, the rebranding and the launch for the the 28th
It's always an exciting but stressful time to put forward. Um, obviously a token in this space
But I think right now is honestly
A pretty solid timing I would say especially with um, how things have been very exciting in the market
Obviously right now we're in a little bit of a retracement, but um, I feel like yeah, that's the perfect time
Especially if things are gonna get very fun over the next six months, of course, which I know a lot of people are excited for
Um, this is something very cool that I feel a lot of people are going to get the chance to explore
Um, but yeah as you were explaining it I was going through the the ticket explorer
And just clicking random a few times genius idea, by the way
I think that's a very fun aspect. If you didn't have the random button
I feel like I may have gotten to that main page and just been like, oh cool. All right
Uh, you know if I had something to put in there, I would right but um, for example for for those listening that you know
May go explore this or haven't explored it yet
Um, i've hit the random button. For example, I see a a ticket I can see everything about I can see the chain
The contract the owner the market. I can see that it was sold for 23 on january 8th
Um for I guess they went to this event on february 23rd at 9 30 a.m
And it'll even give you your own time. Exactly. So it's um, this is yeah, this is really fun
I really like this actually, um
Very very cool stuff very exciting and now you mentioned a little bit
um about the staking and that users will kind of benefit off the yield from
Sales, etc
Now i'm curious if this will go
Maybe towards down the line. Obviously, let me know if you have had this idea or anything along these lines
When it comes to the larger kind of community that you mentioned you wanted to
Garner and work with and kind of develop into these different web three areas
Can stakers and opn holders and users that are more heavily involved within the open community?
um, maybe see more different and interesting benefits along the lines of like
um, you know
discounts on on on ticket purchasing via open etc things like that
Kind of how far do you think this that can go or will you do you think you'll mainly kind of just stick with yield?
I think I think there are multiple areas, but one interesting one
Looking for forward is loyalty or loyalty programs
Um, and you know this involves anyone who's who's been to concerts who's purchased tickets who have had certain
Uh of actions within you know, not only our ecosystem or our environment, but our partners environment our integrators environment
So that's that's definitely an exciting exciting area that we see as a potential
Um that we see that has potential for for the future
Generally, I would say that
What what we're currently?
Focused on is also involving all of these
Holders and all of the people in our community in in our dao where we have I think all of you
Correct me if i'm wrong, but I think we have over five million
dollars worth of funds to
Create initiatives to build the ecosystem to take it to you know
To the to the next step and to get everyone who is supporting us involved
So that's I think very exciting and it's really tied directly to to the token and to the contribution to to the ecosystem
I would say these two main areas is are are the ones that uh, I I see clearly happening in the future
I'm curious to hear what yeah olivia has to has to say about this
Yeah, you're wrong cosmon it's more I think but uh, I think we're close to seven. Yeah. No, it's uh
The dao isn't it gonna be energized? I think in terms of
Onboarding so so this is kind of where also we really like the the to use our
Onboarding mechanism to spread it
Spread the wealth basically with the with not only your own community, but also with
Other projects that we like so we see tons of room for
Integrations and and sort of visibility from projects that we think are awesome
Um, even within our ticketing flow, so we have a lot of ticketing infrastructure apps front ends
where mainstream consumers
Just go to their flow to buy their ticket or to claim it or whatever
um, and this is this is kind of advertising space that we can use to
Uh get across more messaging. So we really see it in a way that okay. We're onboarding
Uh, I think we'll be on track to to onboard and facilitate like a million
Uh consumers a month pretty soon
Um, and that's just that's such a valuable asset
Uh that we have flowing through our our system and we want to
Make sure that not only do these people obviously get a great ticketing experience, etc, etc
But how can we also?
Convert them into being comfortable in web3 and kind of mess around with some new things say
Oh, this is cool. If my ticket's web3, then maybe it's not as scary as I thought or
Oh that that use case also sounds interesting or maybe i'll try out this platform
Um, so we're really looking at ways and kind of seeing it like now
We've done the hard part of making it possible to onboard all these folks. Uh, and now we have them like
Over the threshold. Uh, and then how do we keep them there? How do we get them excited about what they can do?
and how do we connect them with projects that we love and how do we make sure they they have a good time and
kind of understand what's going on, so I think um
The the onboarding side of things is it's kind of the secret ingredient and it unlocks the
The fun down the road
very interesting and and have you
Obviously, let me know. Is there any interesting particular prospects or
um, you know groups or projects that you've spoken with that users could maybe get excited about them if we don't know about yet or
Or anyone in particular just for those that may not know that have been a nice conversation or that you
Are excited to work with or get involved
Yeah, cosmon is kind of our ecosystem
Overlord, um, I I think overall it's yeah. Sorry cosmon go ahead too
No, a bunch of names
I think there are so many excited areas exciting areas where we can add on top on top
What what we currently have we have from you know royalties to?
Data analytics to community engagement. We have all all sort of areas that can that can add on top of our current
Technology tool stack
And I think you know
That was that is actually the point of going to open as we've we've said earlier right to to welcome all of these parties
In our ecosystem and to empower them to be able to add to the on-chain ticketing to getting experience
um, and this is also an invitation for anyone listening to
Join our channels to join us on telegram to join us on discord to share
To share any ideas you might have because I think having this conversation
Um gets us to a point where we can we can all dream and imagine a future
We can start building together, right? So
um, yeah a bunch a bunch of uh of
Projects last week. We we were in chats with bella. We had an ama
The following weeks we're going to have a lot of other conversations with the ecosystem partners and we're not we're not
planning on stopping this anytime soon and we're really open as you know
The name says to collaborating with anyone really anyone who's sharing our ethos
The name really is perfect for that
Being open to the discussion, of course, um earlier cosmon you mentioned just the idea of
um, the dao itself and the community and the possibility of
Loyalty programs etc and things like that and obviously that works very in tune with what we do, of course
um, and I was wondering if you had any current
community plans or
Loyalty programs or events or just how you would recommend a user to
Best get involved with in the open community today if they wanted to join
We definitely have our uh our dao reps using galaxy
I mean we've we've had a telegram chat with uh with your colleagues for
And in that sense we've been experimenting a lot about it
Um about you know community engagement about people joining our channels and interacting with different parts of our of our ecosystem to be
Then you know rewarded or to become more relevant within within our community
I think we're also actively exploring on how to further enhance that and take it to the to the next
To the next to the next level, but that's yeah, that's the point where we're at right now
some some really interesting actions that were
Or what is it called?
Orienting people towards are um coming up with ideas
Engaging with other community members on our channels
Staking anything that can uh support the ecosystem and the mission we're we're building towards
So these are all actions that are relevant within uh within this, you know, loyalty
Program avenue that you were talking about
but yeah galsi has been part of our
That's why we're here has been part of our tool stack and of our
Reliant partners for for a while now and it's also one of the main reasons or you guys are one of the main reasons why
We're we're managing to keep our community engaged and keep everyone in the loop with everything that's going on
No, I I think that's wonderful and i'm very excited to I know that yeah you guys are
Um in chat with us, of course
Um going over the more intricate details very exciting to see
Um what we can put together, of course, and yeah, um
Myself being mainly on the community side i'm very interested in seeing um what you guys put together as far as like
Ambassador programs loyalty programs things like that
Um, yeah, i'd love to chat about that as well. It'd be very fun
Um, but yeah as we kind of get towards the the end of our discussion today
Um, I feel like we could definitely chat about this for for so long. It's such an interesting, um
larger I would say, um
Almost yeah, the the monopoly factor of it is just so crazy. It kind of goes so deep
Um, but it's very interesting. It's it's a a thing that I think needs disruption and you mentioned the
piece about people coming together and that ideas are important and I completely agree with this
And I think a big portion of what has done so well
For our side of things has been paying such a close attention to the voice of
The people themselves and and these general users that are involved in what we do and it's been so huge for us
I know it's going to be the same for you now that you've kind of given that larger web3 focus as well
I'm, very excited to see what happens with the open community. And finally just kind of for my last point today. Um,
I'm, just curious. Uh
I know you guys have done I think it's around like 5 million tickets. Was there any just from you guys?
was there any particular like, um event or or ticket sold etc for you that was like
Really cool or exciting that you guys or your platform or the work that you did got to be a part of that event
Was there any particularly exciting events?
Yeah, so many, um
I think for me one that really stuck out was when we had a integrator in south korea just issued tickets for I think it was
museum exhibition by like, uh, some some sort of really popular south korean tv show
And I just like I saw that those tickets being processed. I was like, man, there's people just
Across the world just using this tech right now
Just so in such a different environment, uh, that was really awesome. And then of course, the big names are really cool
So we've we've done tickets for gucci main shows
Uh lupay fiasco
Uh, we did our first event financing violet was with the singer louis capaldi. It was a pretty big deal. Oh, that's so cool
Yeah, so just just seeing that happen. Uh, those are really great moments, of course and uh
Yeah, I think uh, that'd be uh my list
Of course, uh, the highlight I think was also our collaboration with with formula one like such a
Such a top tier event right to collaborate with us
Issuing issuing collectibles and splitting the
Soundboard track and tens of thousands of coordinates for the attendees to collect a post event. I think yeah these
Man, I I love anything that has to do with with fed engagement to be honest with you and just extending that
Relationship and that that experience is so fascinating to me. So yeah, this is definitely on top of my list
No, that's that's so cool louis capaldi. That's a crazy one. Yeah, he's huge
Um f1 as well. I I don't think a lot of people
understand how big um
Formula one racing is um
Unless you're involved. I feel like it goes under the radar like people are like, oh that's big
You're like really and then you you see how big racing is
Around the world and the events that go on and the amount of people that go to watch it's so crazy
So that that's so cool as well
but yeah, I I think this has been a a wonderful discussion kind of going into
Um the rebrand kind of what your upcoming plans are the interesting?
intricacies of you know, this whole narrative and ecosystem and how
Under the radar I feel it's been and I think it's time to you know, finally take that big step into the light
Um, you know keep working together and and gathering ideas and all these things
um, you know to disrupt this uh, gigantic monopoly and I think that's what
Crypto does best. So I just wanted to say thank you guys for joining us today. Thank you for chatting with us
Thank you for being involved with our platform and using us very excited to see what we can do together
Very excited to see what's to come my final question for you would be do you just have any final words for everybody listening today?
Yeah, thanks man, thanks for having us it's been been really great. Um, I think my final words
Uh would just be to tell people to get involved if they think this is interesting or like this use case or
type of disruption, I think we really
Have got it to a point where there's a there's a spot for everyone
With our project. So if you're a builder, there's there's tons of cool stuff. You can dig into there's dow grants
We can cook up
If you like governance, uh, we have our dad you can help
Shape and shape the direction of where we're going
Um, if you want to do something with tickets just shoot us a message. We'll we'll get set up. Um, so
we really
Yeah, can't emphasize enough the that we we really need to collaborate with everyone on this in order to make work in order to
establish the use case so
All help is welcome. Uh, and we'd love to speak to like-minded folks. So, uh, feel free
And uh one last thing we've we've got a contest going on with you know
All the partners that we're we're doing these tutor spaces with to you know, follow both projects for a chance to win
$100 worth of opn which could be you know your introduction to the ecosystem if you if you
Didn't hold any get already. Um, so yeah
I just thought i'd mention that because uh, that's a token of
Appreciation for being us with here today and being interested in listening to whatever, you know us crazy dreamers have to say about on-chain ticketing
But uh, yeah, thank you so much for for having us on I think it was an interesting conversation
And I honestly I loved your moderation. I gotta I gotta be honest. I gotta give that to you
It's uh, it's been great and hopefully so much. No, yeah, hopefully we'll do these things more more often
Right because it's it's rare to have conversations
Where you know, the questions are actually thoughtful and there are you know
Comments like the ones you've had and just insights that can can guide us in the right direction and in offering the right value
To everyone listening. So so thank you for that. Yeah
No, I I appreciate that a lot. Um, I do a lot i've i've done a lot of these discussions, um through the process
Kind of even going into listen to some as well. Just a little side point. Um, you know
It's it's nice for obviously like marketing efforts, but I feel like
It is important to to try to give a good discussion, right?
So and I I definitely feel like we have today and I just want to thank you guys for for joining me in these
This chat today and of course any future chats that we'll have as well very exciting to see what's coming
March 28th for everyone listening is the launch of opium token
Go check out the socials follow both of us for a chance to win the 100 in opium value
Stay tuned for what's to come from open on galaxy as well
Also recently we just launched galaxy compass as well. If you haven't checked that out
There's a big tab on the main page that says compass go click on that get involved start to explore have some fun
It's a wonderful ecosystem for all. Thank you all for listening. I appreciate you taking the time. Thank you again
Cosmon and uh, oliver. There we go. Just made sure I get it, right?
Um, and I hope you have a great day everyone. Thank you again, and we'll see you next time