#FVMFrames AMA 4 - #FVM Game Changers

Recorded: March 8, 2023 Duration: 0:38:40



Hi everyone, thanks so much for joining. We will begin shortly.
Okay, well, I think we are still waiting for JV, but in the meantime, I guess let me kick things off here. Let me just bring up my notes here, and then we can continue. But anyway, welcome everybody. This is episode four.
of FEM frames and we're going to be talking to some of the early builders and the hackathon winners. We have a number of guests here on the show and so I will ask them to introduce themselves. So let's start
here with ZCangle. Moving on from ZCangle. Yeah, sure. Thanks Matt. Thanks for inviting us. So my name is Cassie. I'm here with Madur who is one of our teammates and then Neil
another teammate that is not here today. But so our project ZKegel is a decentralized compute platform. Basically, bounty providers can list their computing task on our platform and then bounty hunters can
and can basically submit that has when it's done and get the bounty released to them. And the whole process is basically secured by ZK. ZK proof, so that's why hence the name. But yeah, that's kind of like a high level overview of it.
Cool, thanks a lot. Thanks Kathy. And Jose, I forgot how to say from Cosmic Chicken. Yeah, I'm here. So I'm Jose. I'm one of the team members from Cosmic Chaiten.
We talked about this project for a VM space floor, and trying to combine two different ideas. The first one was the concept of undercolletorizing, lending for storage providers. So, ever way to reduce the capital
costs for storage providers to participate in the Falcon network. And at the same time create some kind of ill opportunity for fuel token holders by leveraging a mechanism called chicken bombs, which was introduced by the

FAQ on #FVMFrames AMA 4 - #FVM Game Changers | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the podcast?
The name of the podcast is Fem Frames.
What is the topic of episode four?
The topic of episode four is early builders and the hackathon winners.
Who are the guests on the show?
There are multiple guests on the podcast, including members of the Zkegel and Cosmic Chicken teams.
What is Zkegel?
Zkegel is a decentralized compute platform where bounty providers list computing tasks and bounty hunters submit solutions to receive payment.
What is the security model used in Zkegel?
Zkegel uses zk proof for security.
What is the goal of Cosmic Chicken's project for VM space?
The goal of Cosmic Chicken's project for VM space is to reduce capital costs for storage providers and create opportunities for Fuel token holders using the mechanism called chicken bombs.
What is undercollateralization in the context of Cosmic Chicken's project?
Undercollateralization is a concept in Cosmic Chicken's project that aims to reduce the capital costs for storage providers to participate in the Falcon network.
What is the mechanism called chicken bombs in Cosmic Chicken's project?
Chicken bombs is a mechanism introduced by Cosmic Chicken's project that creates opportunities for Fuel token holders.
Who is not present from the Zkegel team on the podcast?
Neil is not present from the Zkegel team on the podcast.
What episode number is this for Fem Frames?
This is episode four for Fem Frames.