#FVMFrames: #FVM Lending and Staking Projects (English)

Recorded: March 16, 2023 Duration: 0:49:40



Good afternoon everyone. Good evening everyone. Thank you so much for joining us today for our tour spaces on lending and staking projects that are building on the FEM. We're going to give it a couple
of seconds here as the rest of the crew gets acquainted and gets set up here. So I give us two minutes and then we'll go ahead and get started. Thank you.
Actually, while we are getting set up here, some very fun news, we had a similar Twitter space earlier this morning that was hosted in English and Mandarin for many of our safety projects that are building out in Asia and other parts of the world, and as well as
for the token holders who are in those areas of the world. We had about 900 people joined, so very exciting participation and recognition from the Filecoin community from all around the world. It was awesome to see. It was a very global group and we're excited to
kind of do another one. I think today we're going to have people joining from the United States also Europe and we even have some people joining from Asia on the panel too. So really excited to get this kicked off. So give me two more seconds here while we confirm that everyone is all speakers have been promoted then we'll go ahead and get started.
All right, I think I see.
everyone on here. So why do we get started while a couple more people are still being promoted and then we'll figure it out from there. And panelists just ping me on the side if you have not been added yet. Alrighty. So here we are everyone. We're two days post a file.
virtual machine launch, maybe three days for some of you, but we're really excited to kind of introduce a lot of the projects that are building on top of FEM over the next couple of weeks. And so today we're specifically focusing on the projects and protocols that are building
So, you know, there are actually many teams that are building lending and staking solutions in the flock when ecosystem. Today, I think we're highlighting six of them who are excited to participate in our mainly English forum and we're very excited to participate in our mainly English forum and we're very excited to participate in our mainly English forum and we're very excited to participate in our mainly English forum and we're very excited to participate in our mainly English forum and we're very#
very honored to have them make the time. So we have lots of different resources that we have been tweeting out throughout the course of the day. So if you check the Filecoin Twitter account, you'll be able to see blog posts and tweet threads and we've also been retweeting all of the project
projects that have been building. The projects have worked hard. They have released their own blogs. They have done video demos. So really appreciate the contributions from the teams. So if you're interested to learn more about any of these projects, feel free to follow the accounts. Stay up to date and get the latest information. So today,
And what we're going to do over the next 30 to 45 minutes here is we're going to be learning a little bit more why staking in the context of the file coin ecosystem or leasing or lending or however you want it to call it is so important for our data storage ecosystem. We're going to learn a little bit more about how these projects are differentiated from
and then we're also going to make sure that you all have the latest and where you can stay up to date with the latest information from these project teams. So without further ado, I think I see most people have been promoted, which is awesome. So Collective Dow, can you go ahead and introduce yourselves? You know, it would be
be great to get your name, maybe your previous experience in building protocols, either staking and lending protocols or other protocols, maybe your experience in the Filecoin ecosystem. And I would also love to hear what is your favorite non-staking solution that is being built on FEM. So take away, collected, though.
Yeah, hello everybody. I'm so excited to join that with me. This is Good to Space. My name is Bach. I'm one of the co-founders at Collective Dull. We build some non-custodial liquids taken for a call, governing the hour on low-level operations of the file coin. This embedded ceiling process.
Our primarily experience happened to be from the over-collateralized landing solutions and different types of landing financial products on D5, in ecosystems like Ethereum and Solana. And apart from any other staking solutions and
What a definitely personal like about a potential for FBM is around data dollars and how those decentralized storage sectors could be managed by a distributed organization with much more resilience, governance structures. Thank you.
Thank you so much. Alrighty, let's move to...
and filled out.
Hello guys, thanks for having me. This is Steve from MFUDAO. So first of all, I would like to congratulate you on the successful launch of FVAM and all the effort from the
community and the FireCoin team. And so the M-Field-Out is a comprehensive liquidity solution, specifically designed for FireCoin ecosystem and build-on FAM. And our goal is
to provide the liquidity solution for the entire FireCoin ecosystem, including storage providers and also the FireToken holders, and to make the FireCoin ecosystem growing better.
So we joined the FIQO ecosystem very earlier back to 2017, the ICO on the coin list, and then we become like well of the biggest storage provider back to 2019 with almost
So we have a very deep understanding of the entire FireCoin ecosystem and that's what we used to be. And with launch of FAM, we can
provide even greater liquidity solution with a small contract. So we cooperate with several other storage providers and also develop our communities together with
it says "Amphi without that." Thank you. Great. Thank you, Steve. We'll be really interested to hear your experience about being a storage provider and how you're going to use that experience to build the staking solution. So thank you for joining us. All right. Let's go to Phil Pool, Webup.
Hi everyone, my name is Yebo. I'm the co-founder of the Fairly Quitting Pool for Start for Miders. We're happy to be here. Thank you very much. Actually, our team consists of a group of developers in the researchers of both FICO and Ether and the ecosystem.
It's over first time actually I'll refer some to build a liquidity pool. I actually feel aims to enable started providers to borrow against their consensus pledge and also the locked rewards by just transferring their beneficial address to the small contract.
It is an example for me, it is one of the solutions that protects the storage providers from the fuel price fluctuation and also the overall collateralization of the other cryptocurrency or the Fiat token and also the terrifying interest
charged by the centralized borrowing and lending platform. We are so excited about the launch of FEVN which I caught at Henshake of FICOIN and Is therein. So we have close relationship with many SPUs in the market.
in such as Forest Community, not sure if you guys have heard about it. And also the Venus team, of course, who provided us a great deal of information regarding the mechanisms as well as the on-chain data to support our preliminary research and concept design.
This is pretty much how the project was born among the discussion and debate between the SBEs, which I think will fit the SBEs in a community's best interest. Thank you very much. That's it. Thanks, Waveau. Excited to hear more. Thank you. All right. Let's hear from VOOC with Philmau.
Hey everyone, nice to be here finally after a year. The FEM is out and yeah great work for everyone at PLDAD. Put so much effort into it. So I feel my mood around for a while, like we are probably the first like instance of liquidity pool. We've been working on
like a lot of mining tooling and trying to have storage providers to get to liquidity. Some of the products that we have built are ceiling a service. We have built a bunch of tooling around like explorers for storage providers, tooling for storage providers to get more storage deals. And ultimately we got to a point where
We've talked about a complete solution for storage providers where it would get liquidity deals all these yields that runs and that's how we actually do the staking. And yeah, happy that finally we have some more folks working on the same problems.
and I'm happy to be here. Thanks, Booc. Another great example of somebody who's had experience working and building with source providers in the past, so excited to learn a little bit more about how you'll leverage that with your solution. Great. Let's move to H2O data.
Hey everyone, so I'm here on behalf of HTO data, I'm leading strategy and policy and HTO data. So we are a newer, they're incubated project. So we sort of have a different approach to the file coin ecosystem. Initially, we launched last,
in April, so about a year ago, we launched as a non-PEG stable asset in the data fly ecosystem. We launched with Ocean, a marketplace, and then after that, a few months later, we launched a Poseidon Ocean, which is a liquid-staking
for the ocean. And now we are expanding into the filecoin ecosystem, so we were building for a few months. We have built a sort of beta solution pre-FVM, and now we are developing the liquid stake in derivative for filecoin itself to connect with and all to integrate
with our non-packed stable asset H2O in future. So that's kind of our whole sentiment is regarding merging data ecosystem as well as DeFi because newer the incubator behind us is basically has a very good and very
looking defy narrative. And I guess my favorite project, non-liquid, staking one in the Falcon ecosystem would be about perpetual storage. And for example, the one I've been looking into recently is the NFT storage one. I think that stuff is quite exciting. Happy to be here.
Thank you so much for joining and also thank you for remembering to answer my my icebreaker I had also forgotten about that so I appreciate that already and I think last but certainly not least we have John Schwartz from the glyph team
Hey, thanks for the invite. So just in case anyone hasn't heard of Glyph, Glyph has been around since 2018 and we've been basically just building critical apps and tools for the Filecoin network over the last few years like our wallet, our multi-
We run public and private file coin nodes. We have an explorer. We've been working on file coin tooling for a long time. Now we're building Glyph Pools, which is a protocol for deploying custom staking pools to the file coin network.
And I'm excited to share more later in the call about it. So I just touched on the previous Filecoin ecosystem experience in terms of experience building staking protocols. Our team has composed of folks who are deep on the slidily and defi side who have built staking
as well as actually on the traditional finance side and understanding just like tried and true methods for building a smart way of lending and a diversified portfolio of borrowers. So last but not least, my favorite things being
built on FEDM. I've been so deep in the weeds that I haven't been paying attention to all the latest stuff, but I think there's a lot of really interesting potential around retrieval markets and retrieval incentives that I'm excited to see come to fruition. So thanks. Thanks, John. I mean, let's as we dive into the questions here, let's kick it off with you.
to paint the picture for us. Why do you think liquid staking? Why do you think it's so important for Falkway? Maybe start with some of the options that exist today and why you think there is a role here for staking. Yeah, absolutely. Well, so there's a few problems, right? So generally, the
The first problem is that a storage provider has limited cash and they need to decide how to spend it. A storage provider has different things that they need to spend money on. For instance, one is hardware and two is filecoin for pledging collateral. If you can subsidize the
storage provider on the filecoin collateral side that allows them, it frees them up to use more capital to buy hardware and grow. And otherwise provide more useful storage to the network and its users. And so there's a clear demand for this, like just from
glyphside, we have like tens to a hundred million file coin demand to borrow. And so storage providers clearly really need this. And the existing solutions right now, most of them as far as I know are conducted through the use of a multi-sig wallet.
where some third party entity essentially makes like storage d or sorry Lending and borrowing deals with storage providers in real life Maybe they sign some legal agreements and then they use that multi-sig to take ownership over the minor and then that protects the lender is
against theft and it also gives them control to like liquidate the storage provider if the storage provider is acting maliciously. And so storage providers don't love these solutions. There's also I think more recently some legal, especially in the US and regulatory concerns about running staking in this
sort of managed way. And so I think we have a really interesting opportunity here with the FEVM where we can build automated protocols and trustless protocols to lend funds to storage providers where they don't have to give a centralized entity ownership over their storage
provider and where storage providers can actually borrow from multiple lenders under the same minor actor. That's another issue that I kind of skipped over, but there's just some sort of single party lending restrictions that go on in order to do it safely prior to the FEVM. And so this, this, as
FVVM launch, it really opens the door for the new types of staking primitives that are both more efficient and safer for stakers and also just more widely accessible on both sides, stakers and borrowers. So that's why this is such an interesting opportunity. Yeah, thanks John for that additional context. Maybe Steve from
that you all have been a storage provider for a long time now. Can you speak to a little bit of what John is talking about and how you hope to alleviate some of those concerns? Yes, first of all, I think John gave a really great answer for the question.
because actually, what John said, it makes a lot of sense, which is as a storage provider, we need to let us spend our budget on those
and also the pledge token. Currently the pledge token contributes more or contributes more to the comparing with the hotwares. So we spend a lot of money to buy
or to borrow the attached token from the centralized institutions such as exchange or some instrument institutions. However, the interest rate is very higher.
Sometimes they require a lot of collateral as well, which means the efficiency of your funds used very low and a lot of mining rewards has been given to the lending institution.
is quite expensive. So I think the launch of FAM gave us a safer and more cheaper and efficient way to follow or to having the collateral from the entire network and it made the information
slow more transparent and more efficiency because previously if you want to borrow or to have the patch token from the Fire Queen holder is very hard especially for the small Fire Queen holder because for example if I have
So, a couple hundred or several thousand, uh, uh, FICOI, it's very hard to find a good SP to cooperate with because you don't really know the background of the SP, and you don't really know if your pledge token will be slashed. So, uh, not mention if you only have like a couple
hundreds. You can't even start the collaborative mining with the SPs. So it's very low efficiency. But right now we have the DeFi solution was taking
solution are FM. Even you only have one 5GW, you can still join the sticking pool and to cooperate with the storage provider, which is very efficient and let all lots of 5GW holders can earn more
instead of being less, being, being the rough use from the centralized exchange of institutions. So I think it's a very, very great solutions. Got it. Thanks so much. I really appreciate your perspective as a storage writer.
Another question for the H2O team actually, you all have built staking solutions before for different ecosystems. What about the Filecoin ecosystem made you excited about this? Why do you think that this could work really well for Filecoin as a protocol that is built for
different ecosystems before. I think there are several things to consider. So firstly, Filecoin from one side is not a regular, let's say proof of stake, ecosystem such as the Ethereum sense, you know, the biggest solutions and the most common liquid stake derivatives that are often referred to as solutions such as LIDO. So this one is quite a different
one because like previously mentioned, Filecoin does have currently a limit to the number of Filecoin that storage providers can get. And what we saw that there is a huge demand for Filecoin from storage providers, just because there is a vast amount of
hardware and storage providers that need the file coin for the collateral. And what we saw during our market research stage in talking to different storage providers is that they are here and they want to receive as much file coin as possible. However, there is a limit that the
centralized lenders can provide them. And we saw it as an opportunity for several different reasons, but the main aspect for us was solely the fact that in future, if there are not many lending, not many liquid-staking opportunities in the ecosystem, it will sort of narrate
from the decentralized storage system and ecosystem to more often monopoly or an ugly oligopoly that is based around decentralized lenders as they will decide which companies and which storage providers are actually able to be part of the ecosystem by providing them
was the collateral. And so we decided to expand into the filecoin ecosystem because we see demand from both sides. We see the fact that filecoin users and holders are there and unfortunately there have been some limited ways they could generate some yield and participate in the ecosystem.
but it wasn't ideal, pre-FVM. And additionally, there is a great amount of storage providers that require that file coin and would love to get it. And as a result, I think for us as someone, as we are part of the decentralized data ecosystem, file coins seemed like a logical expansion.
Awesome. Great to hear your perspective on that. So VOOC, I'd like to ask you, the issue of data team brought up a really good point that individual participants in the file for an ecosystem might not have been able to contribute. So what about liquid staking enables more participation from a broader group
of file-quin network participants. Yeah, so on our site, like our main focus was to simplify things on like both the tokenholder site but also on the storage provider site. So in the case of the storage provider, like the storage providers, just basically do storage. And when you
simplify the problem that much, that also implies that you lower the variant to entry, which also means that you have a broader set of miners that can actually provide storage to the network, meaning that the entire activity can be more efficient. The main reason around that was to just increase the efficiency
of those storage providers so that we could increase the yield of the protocol. While on the other hand, we thought that token holders should not be obliged to stake tokens for a particular time, even though the storage deals can be one and a half years long, if you do CC capacity that can be
four years long. All of that is fine and those are like details that are relevant to the protocol, but those limit we are still talking about you don't care about those. So that's why we focused on creating a liquid seeking protocol. So basically we are the light of the Falcon ecosystem and that problem is actually hard because like you need to think about
ways off. Locking and locking field and allowing people to stay can stay feel, allowing people to stay feel for a particular length and so on. And ultimately what we are trying to do is get to a point where we're building the right abstractions for other people to build protocols on top. So imagine that you can stay feel for
That's basically a super short term bond that will allow people to create and maybe you have a data dial that is needing some short term yield just to finance the storage of a particular CID. Maybe it's just an NFT.
like seven days of like yielded that enough for probably a year of storing like a few megabytes of a picture. But ultimately like allowing everyone to stake and then stake was something that we thought was super important so that everyone felt like
the liberty of just contributing to the network, but not feeling that they need to keep the liquidity stakes for a long period of time. Otherwise, that would kind of repel them from staking. And with that, allow everyone to contribute to the network.
great answer. Thanks, Booc. So I think contributing to the network by directly and efficiently connecting with storage providers is definitely one way that liquid-staking can kind of encourage ecosystem participation. But there are a couple of solutions that we have on the panel today.
that will be implementing DAO's, so these decentralized organizations that will help govern their protocol. So I actually want to flip it to collective DAO. How are you all imagining working with DAO in the governance of your protocol and why do you think that's important to incorporate?
Yeah, the rationale of creating a zone as of collective data is primarily to address a couple of problems. First being to make sure that an underlying system is as resilient as possible on the government side.
and is able to tune in the protocol in order for it to operate with the highest economical efficiency. A second problem that we are partially solving right now
because it's too early for that is as multiple staking protocols are we'll be launching on a VM. It's actually great for FEM and Filecoin as a whole to have a bunch of staking protocols so that all of those protocols combined can get
That's a proper calculation of something called a reference rate, which is like a market decided overall rates on the network itself and as sort of an extension of the collective doubt, we probably like
Part of our strategy is also betting on the fact that there probably will be an asymmetry of different products. One of them might have a bunch of storage providers, but not a lot of liquidity.
And then the others could have a bunch of liquidity but not enough storage capacity because it's essentially a two-sided, like it's a management of two-sided marketplaces on a lower level.
And we will implement a set of strategies in order to make sure that a capital is well allocated among any other protocols that will be emerging in order to support the whole collective growth of
of FileCon being locked in a sticking process because it also creates a good opportunity for the community to make sure
that the growth of a file queen network is maximized by the easiest ways to
to involve collateral to join your like storage provider. Got it. Awesome. Well, thank you for that. And I want to give Steve from Enfield out an opportunity. Maybe we'll tweak the question a little bit. How can ecosystem participants, how can individuals get involved with your DAO? Is it
as easy as signing up, you have to contribute to the pool. How does that work? Thanks for having me. Actually it's quite easy to join M5Dow if you are a FireCoin holder. You can simply logging out websites. It's not really logging like a centralized
to a website you only have to connect your wallet to the DeFi features. So with Meta Mask or other wallets whatever you use. So it's very simple if you are a token holder and you can simply
which you are following to the FNFine and we will give you APR every 24 hours. So holding FI itself is like you are joining the collaborative mining together with the SPs in the FUTAL.
and in field bar have a very selective storage provider which has our comprehensive evaluation so they can provide a very stable
to generate a reasonable mining reward every day. And also, I would like to mention that the N-FAP field now is not a company or it's not an centralized institution.
we can collaborate with various storage providers because previously, for example, if I am a storage provider, I somehow, let's say, in the competition with another storage provider, but in the end, you tell because it's the Dow.
and it's the non-profit DeFi project. So every SP and every token holder can join. But if you are a storage provider, you have to applicant from the GitHub and we will
you value to your historical performance of your notes and the stable needs of your operation. So, and sometimes we will ask for a little bit, let's see, a little bit collateral, but not nothing far.
So that's basically how MFUDOT works. I appreciate you explaining a little bit how the storage provider side works as well. I want to pivot directions a little bit because when everyone talks about FBM,
people talk about the ability to have programmability on top of the file claim blockchain or smart contracts. And so maybe John, at a very, very high level, can you just explain what the smart contracts are doing in a liquid-saving protocol or liquidity pool?
Yeah, sure. And I think the privacy sensor, I think probably most teams in here are implementing different things. And so I don't know that there's one right answer to this question. There's probably several.
So I'll give you just a little more insight, I guess, into how, how, like, Cliff, we've been seeing it. But, but I'm sure others here have interesting approaches as well. So I think you, it helps to sort of
Decompose the problem space into the lending side like the staking side and Sorry that I just said the two opposite sides one would be like for the file coin token holders and how did they benefit from smart content?
I'm not sure. Oh, there we go. Sorry about that. My Twitter keeps crashing on me. So, anyways, hopefully that's a last. That's where is your bag. Yeah. Okay. So there's two sides, right? There's the staking side with Filecoin token holders who'd like to put their Filecoin to work. And then there's the storage provider borrowing side.
where folks would like to actually borrow Filecoin to use as Pledge Collateral in the network. So let's start on the staking side, which I think is probably more standard across all of our different implementations here. But generally, most liquid staking protocols that I've seen when you deposit Filecoin into that protocol
you get back a wrapped version of that file coin that is usually called a liquid staking token. And those liquid staking tokens can be implemented in different ways. They could be pegged like you have in Lido where one liquid staking token equals one ETH, but they can also float like they do in glyph.
where if storage providers go into default, the token depreciates and as storage providers are making payments back into the pool, the liquid-staking token increases. And obviously, using alternative crypto assets to represent a position
of a staking pool is only made possible by the FEDM and by smart contracts in general. So that's one side. On the other side, generally most smart contracts that I've seen approaches to like borrowing and lending to storage providers
use some form of account abstraction in the sense that a smart contract becomes the owner or the beneficiary address of a storage provider, meaning this smart contract is the one that has all the rights and the permissions to actually withdraw any
funds from that storage provider. So like Glyph, we have a smart contract called the agent. And the storage provider itself deploys an agent. They own this agent smart contract, but then they pledge their storage providers or their minors to that agent so that they can borrow from multiple pools
And they don't have to give up ownership to a single third party who you may or may not be able to trust. And so I guess stepping away from Glyph and our implementations, I think the common theme here is flexibility and trustlessness when it comes to building staking on Filecoin.
Thanks, John. Really appreciate that. And so, Waveau, can you maybe explain how individuals could learn to trust or
learn to use these smart contracts. What are you doing to really make sure that the smart contracts that you're writing are potentially safe and that user's can trust?
So actually, you know, for the smart contracts, so usually they contain rules and conditions that define the terms agreement and execute the actions automatically and when the certain conditions are met.
For example, in field liquidity pool, so the transactions, deposit, redeem, borrow, repayment, all these kind of stuff, so they're executed, so without any aid from the third party, so by the smart contract. And also, especially I want
make an out of points of calculations as well. For example, the cray line, how much a starage provider can borrow from the pool. So it really depends on how much they have in their balance because they need
to kind of a stake there, beneficiary address to our small contract as a work just mentioned a little bit before, the similar tactics and also the interest rate as well. So it really depends on the market. So when
when the, in our case, the poll utilization rate. So when the poll utilization rate is very high, and which means the interest rate is very high because the poll is very busy and then if you want more front-end and then you have to pay a little bit higher expense for the capital
And also the redemption rate and the exchange rate with our kind of a replica token. We don't want a car replica token. We call it FLE token. It's an auto token. When you're safe, when you deposit your fill into the pool and you get it, send the exchange.
All these actions and calculations are executed by smart contract with without any aid from other intermediaries. I mean, so which I think it has this decentralization and security and those are the transparency. I think for the
the new users. So if they have some kind of a relationship with the other ecosystem that has the virtual machine, they should understand what's behind it. But for the new ones, I think for the user education is very important.
So we have to guide them through, so how does it work? So what's behind it? So everything's written code and then you can just go and check it out and then we have no control over this smart contract. It's on FVM, FVVM and then go and test it out and choose
to tell us if you like about it and then is there anything you want us to make a change? Yeah, so I mean it's pretty simple and pretty transparent so that's something I really like about it. Thanks for everything that I've all had is all the staking solution
will be going through smart contract audits by third parties. So these are specific companies or firm organizations that are dedicated to reviewing smart contracts. And then as well, many of our stake and protocols are interested in doing bug bounty programs. So we're kind of let Wavel
was just talking about where you open it up to the community to kind of look for maybe potential flaws or bugs or issues in the code and then you are offered a reward for finding those issues. So we only have, I can't believe it's already been 40 minutes, we only have about four minutes left, so I want to give everyone an opportunity
to just quickly highlight where their staking project is in the overall pipeline. So is there a solution now or when is a solution planned to launch? That being said, FBM just launched a couple days ago. So it does take a little bit of time, but we'd love to hear when your solutions will be going live.
So let's start with Luke. So yeah, as I mentioned, we are growing the first sticking that launched, we launched more than six months ago. So we had a bit more time to actually build some liquidity. Although we kept it private, so like only people in all like friends and family. So right now,
like you can take because we opened up the waiting list for the public beta. So if you could just go to fill a mine.io, you can sign up. And we're just mentioned that you came from the Twitter space we're going to try to prioritize you.
- Great, thanks, Luke. Let's go to Collective Town.
Yeah, right now our solution is available on the hyperspace. Starting next week, we will be moving into a calibration network. We plan to launch
from April, but it depends on the timing of the audit. As this moment, we redefining our risk management strategy and the requirements in order
to address the selection phase. So because we essentially don't want to create any system request in that work. So that sounds like April.
April is our main target. Looking forward to it. H2L? So we've developed a pre-FVVM solution that's live to participate, but it's on closed beta. We needed to test out a few things working with
storage provider, etc., etc. If you'd like to participate in that, you can do that via our Discord. However, the FVM solution that we are very excited about is going to launch in, I think, in April and we'll have some updates
very soon. So please stay tuned and you can keep track regarding our news on H2O_Data Twitter page. Thank you. Thank you. Emfield Al.
I hope you met the immediately.
Let's go to Weibo. So right now we are trying to implement some of the calculations into the code as I mentioned before, quite aligned, interest rate. There are all mathematical formulas and we're trying to
make some mathematical proof out of it and to make sure everything is correct. And also, going through the audit process and as you mentioned a little bit before, the backgroundy program. And we are aiming on long
chin on the end of a May or a beginning of June. I think. Yep. Got it. All right. And John from Glyph. Yeah, so we're actually launching a bunch of things over the course of the next month or probably six weeks. So keep your, keep your eyes peeled.
I think that's the right expression. Yeah, keep your eyes peeled. So the first thing is RAP Phil, like the network's RAP Phil, we're going to launch probably this weekend or Monday or Tuesday of next week. Right after that, we've developed a special pre-staking wallet so that folks
can basically signal their intent to stay with the in the first glyph pool. That should come earlier or middle of next week. And then probably in the middle of April or the late of April, we will open up the pool and then the pre-staking wallets will be able to just like approve
the transaction to stake and yet we'll be in flight then. We've done our first audit done a couple weeks ago which finished and then we're actually going to do our second audit starting probably in a week but that one's going to be probably quicker. So yeah.
John it. Thanks John. And Steve, do we have you back?
from M-filled out.
I don't know, I don't think so. But why don't I go ahead and wrap this up, Steve, if you do get access, give me a payment and we can give you some final minutes here. But thank you all for joining our Twitter space and today. This was great. And hopefully shed some light on some of the projects and protocols that are building, following Staking and Lightning.
solutions for the ecosystem to really make it a more capital efficient ecosystem and better connect Filecoin token holders with storage writers. So I know that you just heard a bunch of information from many different project teams. So as I said at the beginning of this call, if you want to stay up to date on the
video demos and walkthroughs and things like that. The last thing I'll say is if you go to staking.filecointldr.io you will be able to look at all of these different providers and see who has a solution or offers an existing way to stake filecoin today. So notably these are not
Smart Contract-based solutions. These are just different opportunities to state this fill or land this fill through different approaches. You can see who has audit for their current solutions, but really what I want everyone to check out is the Filecoin Staking, Filecoin Staking Project listing policy. So these will be the criteria on which state
projects will be evaluated or what they bring and what they deliver to the table when they actually go live on the FEM. So thank you all so much for joining. I hope you all enjoyed this. Really excited about FEM and looking forward to the next FEM frames in a couple weeks. Thanks all and thank you panelists and also thank you
events team, marketing, Nick, Jay, Jamie, Emily, Wes, everyone who's really helped out to make this day a possibility. So thanks all and have a great rest of your day, evening, morning, wherever you are in the world. Thank you so much, everyone. Peace.
Thank you, David.

FAQ on #FVMFrames: #FVM Lending and Staking Projects (English) | Twitter Space Recording

What is the focus of this podcast recording?
The focus of this podcast recording is on lending and staking projects that are building on the Filecoin ecosystem.
How many lending and staking projects are being highlighted in the podcast recording?
Six lending and staking projects are being highlighted in the podcast recording.
What is Collective Dow?
Collective Dow is a non-custodial liquid staking protocol for governing the operations of the Filecoin ecosystem.
What is M-FielDao?
M-FielDao is a comprehensive liquidity solution specifically designed for the Filecoin ecosystem, with a goal to provide liquidity for storage providers and FileToken holders.
What is the objective of PhilPool?
PhilPool aims to enable storage providers to borrow against their consensus pledge and locked rewards by transferring their beneficial address to the smart contract.
What is Voksel's project called?
Voksel's project is called Fillmao, which is a complete solution for storage providers to get liquidity deals and all the yields that run.
What is the favorite non-staking solution mentioned in the podcast?
The favorite non-staking solution mentioned in the podcast is data dollars and how decentralized storage sectors could be managed by a distributed organization with much more resilience and governance structures.
What is the main benefit of staking in the Filecoin ecosystem?
The main benefit of staking in the Filecoin ecosystem is to provide liquidity and incentivize storage providers to participate in the network.
What is the primary experience of the Collective Dow team?
The Collective Dow team's primary experience is from over-collateralized lending solutions and different types of financial products on DeFi ecosystems like Ethereum and Solana.
What is the goal of M-FielDao?
The goal of M-FielDao is to provide liquidity for the entire Filecoin ecosystem, including storage providers and FileToken holders, and to make the ecosystem grow better.