#FVMFrames: #FVM Lending & Staking Projects (Mandarin/English)

Recorded: March 16, 2023 Duration: 0:53:09



All righty good morning or good evening from wherever you are all around the world. We have so many people joining this Twitter space today to talk a little bit more about the recently launched Filecoin virtual machine.
and some great project teams who are building lending and staking projects on this. So today we're going to be doing something a little bit new. We are going to be doing this Twitter space in both English and Mandarin, so I'll actually let
that change the little translation here before we continue.
Thanks, Shane. - Yeah. - I'll be delighted. - Thanks, Shane. - Yeah. - I'll be delighted. - I love you.
Oh, sorry, Jing. Thank you so much. And...
Thank you. I'll wait for the green light for you. We're very excited to get this Twitter space going to really highlight all these different projects.
building an FEM. This is part of a larger series, so you'll see a couple more of these Twitter spaces as we continue. Both of that further do. My name is Ashwant Thesanamil. I work on the network growth team at Protocol Labs and really help closely with a lot of
our storage providers and Qing also is on the same team. Qing, I'll let you go for it.
(speaking in foreign language)
Go ahead, S1. Thanks, Cheng. And so, you know, we're two days past the FEM launch and why are we talking about this? Well, because we're finding that a lot of project teams have found a use case in building staking or

FAQ on #FVMFrames: #FVM Lending & Staking Projects (Mandarin/English) | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of discussion for today's Twitter space?
The recently launched Filecoin virtual machine and lending and staking projects being built on it.
What is the name of the person who started the podcast?
Ashwant Thesanamil
What team does Ashwant work on at Protocol Labs?
The Network Growth team
What other team member is mentioned in the podcast?
What language will this Twitter space be conducted in?
Both English and Mandarin
What is the purpose of this Twitter space series?
To highlight different projects building on the Filecoin virtual machine
How many days ago was the FEM launch?
Two days ago
What kind of use case have project teams found in building on the FEM?
Staking or lending
What does FEM stand for?
Filecoin virtual machine
What is the role of Ashwant's team at Protocol Labs?
To work closely with storage providers