GAM3 Quests Mega Space

Recorded: May 17, 2023 Duration: 0:58:10



Okay, I've been allowed to unmute the Twitter Gods have smiled upon me. Hello everybody and welcome to Moss. It's also unmuted as well. Moss? You go again, my brother.
I can't even... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna... I#
(speaking in foreign language)
Okay, well, I'll start with my fantastic intro again so that we can cliff it from this point on. Okay, everybody and welcome to today's press play Wednesday Spaces with
We're going to be talking about game quests in this mega space. We have thankfully been joined by many of the games that are participating as our partners within our quests that are currently
on going. So what we'll be doing today is we'll just be giving the floor over to each one of the games that is here and they'll have about five to seven minutes to answer some questions for us and we'll get to hear their beautiful voices and hear their great insights. We do have a list in an order and the first up is going
to be, I'm 100% pronouncing your game names wrong so I apologize. Uniiverse. So hello Uniiverse, first things first. Can you give a quick one minute elevator pitch about what your game is?
Yeah, for sure. Good morning, good morning. Sam here from the universe. One minute pitch on what we have here. So we're creating a gaming franchise that allows gaming developers to build on our
infrastructure that we're building out and it's AAA game series so we'll start it with a speedrun that you get your NFT which you can then live up with metadata upgrades. We have a really started team
with Tony Harmon and Wyeth Ridgeway. We have a lot of experience in gaming and Dave Jones as well is on the team.
Awesome, fantastic look at that, managing to stick within the one minute as well. Perfect example of how to give your one minute elevator pitch. So our next question is, so how do you see these quests changing the landscape of gaming in your opinion, giving
players more rewards for just playing and enjoying the games they already were playing. Yeah I think it's a great way to add value to your core community giving them a great experience and adding tools that
that they can add to their gaming experience and be rewarded accordingly. I think it's a great net positive for Web3 gaming. So I'm very happy to be part of the games, the's that's on board. So thanks guys.
Excellent awesome. Yeah, I think that is a good good way of putting it a net positive for the whole space in general getting people to go through and come in and see these quests and ideally see the games around them as well that they can also have just as much fun in as well as your
own and the games they are used to. So the third and final question for yourselves, this one has a little bit more time for you to expand on. What's next for your game in particular? What big things should people be looking out for from yourselves?
Yeah, awesome. So we have another hero character dropping soon. Krischer to add to our first hero, Ryu. And we have obviously just dropped our beta of the proving grounds, which is available to play now and as part of
Obviously the Pokestars Quest system and yeah I'll keep an eye out for Chrisher and we also have clones available so if anyone doesn't have a hero to play the game we have a lot of free clones available that people can you know get a chance to try a lot out for so that's what to look forward to.
Fantastic, excellent. It sounds like all this is going fantastically swimmingly for yourselves over there and being able to get some clones to jump into the game in general. So you have successfully completed the task of describing yourself in under five minutes and answering all my questions. Perfect.
example. Thank you so much for coming up for this speed dating style spaces we're performing today. So guys make sure you go check out the Uniiverse. Actually before I let you go can you tell me how to say the projects or games names correctly please? Yeah sure.
the universe. It's like the universe with the Owenet. So yeah, Uni Overse, you've got a perfect. Awesome, thank you so much for confirming that I was correct. I had many of the fanatic spellings coming through in the telegram chat on how I should be spelling this and I was sticking to my
and I'm glad that I was right. Thank you so much. Okay, so next we're going to be going over to Elysium. So Elysium, sorry, Legends of Elysium full-tire, can you give a quick one-minute elevator pitch about your game for us?
Yes, sure. So it's Skylarke from Legends of Elysium. So, Legends of Elysium, we are building a game that is actually a fusion of trading card game and board game. So whenever you play the card, you actually play it on a board made of hexes. And once the unit is there, you can move it around, occupy
special fields, attack opponent units, and of course you're trying to get to the opponent's hero and destroy him. So it's like a combination of magic, the gathering with Katta and Neurochimaiheks. So if any of those titles resonate with you, that would summarize what we're building at Legends of Elisium.
Thank you for that, that's a great quick pitch for you there. In terms of the quests with PGG, how do you see that change in the landscape of gaming?
Hey, did you hear the second part what has it said or did it cut me through? We only heard your elevator pitch. We didn't hear your excitement for quests.
Oh, sorry, I didn't hear your question. Yeah, for the quest part, well, I believe that this is a great way for user acquisition because it's bringing this fresh view of the game and
people who didn't learn about the game before, they can in a fun way engage with it and learn more about it either to out game quest or in game quest even better when the quest requires them to log in to try the game
to win a battle or try different heroes within the game depending on what it is. So I believe these kind of missions and quests are the way to go and they are really transforming the gaming space how we see it at the moment.
And I think it's definitely very exciting seeing the badges come up on Twitter as people are completing the different quests for the game. And then your final question in the speedating, what's next for the game, what big things can we expect to see in the future?
So maybe let's let him start from the present because we just two hours ago started our genesis NFP sale. So that's the recent exciting things and our alpha is also alive at the moment. And for the near future, we are
preparing ourselves for the closed beta that is going to happen during the summer, most likely around July, August. So closed beta is already planned to be on the main net.
where everyone with the closed beta pass will be able to jump in and already start playing the game during the main interface and around the time of the release of the game we're also be going to launch the token.
At the same time, we are already preparing our first expansion that will follow through a few months after the official release of the game as well. So a lot of interesting things are coming for a legends of Elisium and we are looking forward to the future.
Lots of exciting things on the timeline there. If everyone is interested, make sure to follow us. You can keep up to date with those dates as they start popping through and jumping and get to play the game. Thanks for coming up.
Thank you as well. Okay, it's time to look for the next project. I'm having a bit of a hard time seeing them, but oh there they are. The Bournless! So, the Bournless, can you give me a quick one minute elevator pitch of your game, please? Yes, yes, I do.
I can, my friend, I'm Harper Head of Community Active Borliss and I'm going to quickly introduce you to the horrible mystery that is the bonus. It's a horror themed FPS universe, one could say, where the first game mode is a battery-all inspired thing where
You use Don't Fight, your enemies you also fight a demon who likes to eat you. Basically, a lot of things are coming, a lot of things are cooking. We have our wherein in playable alpha right now, a lot of tournaments, a lot of growth, and we are happy to be here with Pokka Starry today.
Fantastic, yes, a very great description of the game there Harper. I love the horrible dark mystery of it all. How do you see quests changing the landscape of gaming and just our space in general as a
way of rewarding players for playing the games. I think that quest and gamification is something that benefits not just with free but games as a whole. I think it's one of the bigger aspects of what we're
When we're talking about metaverse, what we're really meaning, that you can interact with games from your community or your base. The Polka Starper fam is having this quest system where they introduce people to different games and they can be a part of the Polka Starter fam. They do everything they're doing.
and get acquainted with different good games and be a part of them, both with the kind of rewards, but also the kinds of quests and stuff that can be added to the games. I believe that, for example, adding things that you do in the game that will reflect how your
Let's say you're so bound tokens or your interprofile or whatever. It will bring wider meaning to the metaverse as a whole. It's what I'm thinking.
I think that's a fantastic answer again from Harper. And I think just bringing wider meaning, not only to like you said, just any gaming in general, I think someone described it as a good part for socials outside of the game itself as well to help you connect with other players that might have the gaming interest you have.
The next question, the big question, what do people have to look forward to in the near to mid-future for the boneless? - Shit, Tom, insane about us, of course, because we all love the hype. Now, now, now, but really, we just recently revealed that we are
pretty much done with our rummagration to underlend in 5 so the game has always been looking good but it will look really really good the next time we update it. We have ongoing tournaments with with a lot of good partners where like we're in the extreme championships series with X-Borg the second qualifier starter just today.
watch that on Tuesdays, keep following it, become a part of what we're doing. And then we have a lot of fun Reveals this summer that I really should have said, and if you're more about, but they're pretty cool.
Sounds fantastic, always a good thing to be looking out for more gameplay of The Bournemouths.
Thanks again for coming on stage. We're now going to move across to our next one. Before we do, I know everyone listening is definitely excited for the PGG quests, so make sure to flex your badges in the comment section down below. So we're over to Appearian. Give us your quick one minute elevator pitch
the game.
or up to the mechanisms or a merger of action, root, I'm strategy and cut based battles. It's very exciting, challenging and I have a really deep team place strategy at the panel as well. And practice now, the season one and so now, season
into is coming in two weeks and at the end of season two is our game launch featuring a $200,000 cash prize pool. So practice now and you'll be rewarded but be warned the game is not easy and take some time to look into it and I'll go to our comment
community and then some tips. That's it. A hundred percent of a good idea and trying to get out there and get some tips. I know I've been struggling with a couple of the quests because I'm not very good. In terms of quests themselves, what made you guys excited for quests and how do you see quests changing
the landscape. I think crypto and web re has always been one of the most powerful incentive platforms. Games have always relied on incentives to push users further forward. Self-improvement is a great thing. In game rewards there's another achievement as well as
one. None of you can combine them with wantory rewards, but it's supposed to be an extremely powerful mechanism. And now that there's these quest platforms such as Pokestar and Pop-Up with all these rewards in, I think once we're really to get a great game going, the incentivized platform will be
multiplied and the growth will be exponential. We just really only need the great games out and complete. So that player is going to actually find great games in his base. That's all the quests we're looking forward to for season one. I mean, just completing the third
the feeling of the boss is already quite a feat. Most people think around an hour or two, although the top end only takes 40 minutes. But yeah, fun. But what really comes as season two is a much more complete game with road light cycles, highly replayable and with more
a free mint and a match drops. Our future token add drop for our game launch in August. A couple of it. So lots of stuff to look forward to and really want to see which players can ultimately claim the top of the leaderboards in season two.
know that sounds very exciting and you did touch on my final question of what's next for your game. Is there any last words that you want to add before we move on to the next project? Well take a look and complete the focus time requests. If you can complete season one, you can actually
get a free battle pass from our community, our opponents such as Pokestardo, just one of them, have to do that like wings. These wings are actually the special items that can allow you to mint in a possible for free in season two. So stay tuned and practice with season one and get ready for season two.
Yeah, and thanks again for joining us up on stage. Thank you, Professor. I also want to say that you definitely do need to be doing some tricks, tips and practicing of Aperion. It's one of the games that I've still not managed to get all the way through. It's a lot easier. Since someone we tuned up the vocalties
by quite a lot. You won't just wait until you reach the late cycles. Awesome. Good to hear. Good to hear. Okay, so we're going to be moving on to the next game and next up we have coronavirus, dawn of time. So can you give me
your 1 minute elevator pitch of the game please. For sure for sure. So it's fun for our chronos. It's a quick intro. The game is an action platformer setting up post-apocalyptic world. It's available for both PC and mobile and it has like three core gameplay mechanics. Being a building
your own empire, exploring randomly generated dungeons, you can go solo or with friends, so it's solo or co-op, and also which is what we released a few weeks ago, we watched the PvP so you can engage in casual or more competitive PV matches, and it's always hard to describe gameplay with words, so it's kind
for a mix like of terraria and it's much better. It makes sense. But also adding a lot of customization options and RPG for a Gatsum systems. Fantastic one minute little intro there of Corona store of time. Yes, the PvP was added and I had the delights of shout casting one of the
the game.
because it not only rewards the users the players but it also there are two more things I think that discovery which allows them to discover new web free games or even web 2 games or whatever but basically you put all the games in the same platform in the same hub and you show them and you give them also which is the second
I think doing quests inside of games is great. Having that outside like a meta quest or some sorts and just giving the players purpose inside of those games, giving something them to do and being incentivized I think it's just great. So I think it's great in all senses for both rewards, discovery and purpose.
Yeah, I like the idea of that of just a discovery mechanic to discover other games. I know people have already mentioned that they joined our questing for one game that they were already part of and then they found other games that they're now going to be putting their time into just because they were mandated to do it.
it by the quest, but then ended up being a game they also enjoyed as well. So I think that's a fantastic explanation of how it benefits everybody in the whole space together. So fan, you touched on that you're now mobile as well as PC, but what big things do we have to look forward to
from Kronos Dawn of Time.
now really focus on mobile and the pb version with this exploring those dyn joins going with friends fighting hidden passages exploring new worlds etc and the fact that being able to play in mobile I think it just adds an incredible layer to the game
Awesome. So what else do we have to look for to on top of the mobile fan? Sure. So of course marketing wise we're also working on some of the things. People love free means, love that kind of stuff. So I cannot say much but we're working on some of those things.
alongside the full game launch which will be around by the end of the year which a lot of the things that people are really looking forward to and that includes the new combat system, the new adventure mode, the mobile version and the story mode, all of the chapters and more things that we're adding onto the game.
That's awesome to hear that you have a rough timeline for when a more complete game is going to be available to everyone, especially as you're one of the first games and people I am interacting with when I...
I joined the space way back when. So it's glad to hear that you have the full thing coming. And thanks coming up on stage to speak at this space for us today, fam. Yeah, thanks to you.
definitely thanks for Corona. We are now going to move over to ESA Games. One minute, elevator pitch, elevator pitch of your game, please. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey#
The ether games is a next-media game development and cinema production company who raised $4.5 million in liquidity for our going developments, which include cards of attendity, trading card game already live on Epic games, go ahead and play it, and gates of attendity and up
course, either cinematic series. We are focused on experts and through asset ownership, yet we are mixing both audiences into one whole unified space. So we don't disregard the needs of Web2 players. We have a free to play mode which doesn't require any Web3 integration.
yet at the same time we have plenty of utilities for crypto users for example for founder pack holders and genesis elites and that's basically it. Very good wrap up of the game. I was extremely last night
to try and do the quests, I didn't get a single win, so I've not done well but I have been playing Rank Games, I'm slowly ticking that one off. How do you see the quest change in the landscape of gaming? I can see that Ocasparter Game Quest suddenly augment the landscape of gaming and it brings
This PolkaStarter community close and close to Web3 and alternative of Steam in general because you are unifying all projects under one big umbrella and you incentivize your own users and are PolkaStarter community to go check everything out, go through every project, collect all benefits
And for existing project audiences, that is just a huge magnification on top of their efforts. For example, users surely don't have to be alone on their quest doing them only in cards of opportunity when they can jump to Polka Starter and get many, many exciting rewards on top.
I think the unifying points are really good one especially with all the games being on Pollard Gone Gaming bringing you all into one place so people can experience it with quite an easy transition across the different games to find each other. It's definitely a great point in terms of the game's future. Oh yeah, sorry.
Yeah, okay, so that unification point brings out for Eternal gameplay basically because even if some project evolves into something else the assets on Polka starter and on polygon will still be available for the user
through retaining the collector's value or through retaining the in-game value. So that would be quite easy for everyone to pick up at any point of time. And regarding exciting future is that very soon we are going live on token network. So for everybody
interested it's a high time to jump on a band wagon and get your paternal because NFTs as always in the space grant you your own personal allocation so if you want to be early and to hook up on some ether tokens it's your high time to join
That's all really exciting and I'm definitely going to be trying to quest again to get what I've got to get two wins but I'll take one win at this point. It's getting pretty desperate out there to be honest. I'm not very good. But no, it's a good opportunity. But you personally, for you personally.
You can join a fresh player tournament tomorrow. It's called Blades of Grass. We are folding three times per week. And as I said, we are focused on esports landscape and we partnered with Community Gaming and other professional esports platforms. So it's understandable that
Our community is filled with competitive gamers. So at this point in time it's quite hard to find a new player. On our scene that's why we are holding a specifically dedicated new competitions. And I guess if you join us tomorrow you'll be able to feel
all your polka starter quests easily. I thank you for your faith in me but I feel that I probably still wouldn't. Anyway, thanks for joining us up on stage and I will get practising. Yeah, you're a very welcome. Yeah, thanks for coming up. I still want to say the only thing
the game.
just as a reminder, if you want to be dropping how many badges you completed in the comments for this space that would be fantastic to see. I've been seeing walls of green on my fee-eal-y at all day, of some people that have almost completed all of them. I've only seen a couple that have completed all of them. A lot of people are one and two short so far.
And with that we're going to be moving on to the next project, who is going to be a tearing spaces. So tearing spaces. Can you jump? Thank you. How are we? Thanks for having me. It's fine, it's fine. Give us your one minute elevator.
Pitch can do, so Terrence Paces is a 3v3 mobile with PvE and PvP social play in a vibrant, colorful and fast paced anime world. As the first game comes to market under signed global games, I will be a cornerstone game in a larger ecosystem in the future. I'll put it on the game.
Yeah, two teams on parallel battlefields race/ and slam their way through three rooms, two monster rooms and a final bathroom. First to defeat their boss wins. Throughout the battlefield there are portals where you can teleport over to the other team side and ambush and cause general chaos and havoc. So lots of
the game currently. I like that. So moving on to my next question. How do you see quests affecting games and projects that participate in them? I think it benefits players games and even the industry. So for players
Here's obviously, we've mentioned this good for great game discovery. In addition to rewarding current players, it's actually a great way for new players who have been playing the game yet to get eyeballs on your game. Also, it may encourage cross-pollination of games. It's something I've been thinking. It allows players to
kind of dive deeper into games and in the future may encourage some cross-game IP or asset sharing. It's always good to share the fun. For the game side, obviously it's great way to reward your top followers. Also, I think it's a great way to test out some new game mechanics, break some player habits, maybe they always play a certain way and never
trying new things, you can incentivize, you know, testing out new game mechanics, kind of showing it off to your players and also getting some feedback and data yourself on how it performs. Also for the industry, I think it's great to link rewards to actual in-game activities. That's something that was necessarily done in
the first generation of Web 3 games where kind of value and awards were more or less decoupled. This kind of anguished right in, so I think it's good for everyone. Yeah, I love your point of point there of anguering stuff in and bringing it together that way. It's a new look, I think, and I think it's a fantastic look.
going to be used as everyone. Okay, so what do we have to look forward to from tearing spaces? The near term will be the weapons. So weapons are key to the game. Essentially you need to equip a weapon to activate your
to kind of super charge your game in Web 3. It enables collecting and it essentially enables the Web 3 aspects. So people who know us know we are close beta is currently running. Everybody who participates has a pass card. You're accruing battle points and event points on that card.
at the end we will rank them all and that pass will convert into a weapon box. So at the moment just playing this close beta is the best opportunity you'll get for a while to get your hands on a weapon. In the future you're going to have to forge in game, you're going to have to collect the materials, you're going to
to put a lot for working. So yeah, weapons are the big launch coming up, which will be at the end of the growth data. Awesome sounds like all very exciting stuff and a big thank you for coming up on our space today. Thanks for having me.
Now we'll be heading over to Sunflowerland. Omar didn't let me have a buzzer because he said it was too much like a game show, but I have my buzzer ready Sunflowerland for your one minute elevator pitch. I need a buzzer? You think I'm going to talk too much? Never. Although I do think George has a voice that German
I don't know what those adverts on the radio where it was like the disclaimers that you used to get this information provided does not consume any investment advice financial advice trading advice or any other sort of advice you should not invest in cryptocurrencies like you could definitely do that George. That's exactly what I'm going for with the pre-planed questions.
I don't need to introduce sunflower land. If you don't know about who we are, then do you even web free game bro? We broke Polygon for a week. We had no investment, no funding, we had no pre-mine, we managed to acquire 200,000 daily active users, which is now sitting about 30,000 daily
of users, of people who are farming, sunflower, they are chopping wood, they are mining resources, they are gathering NFTs, it's a pixel art, kind of like web free farming simulator and polygon. It's just a chill, relaxed kind of open source community and we're just all having fun doing nothing.
I think that is a very good intro. I know as someone who started some flower land when it first opened and then seeing kind of what the game is like now. It's been a great progression to see. So definitely worth going to check out all of you farmers. I know Moss is out there planting his plants and gathering his seeds. So in terms of
the quest. How do you see them interacting with the gaming landscape? I think quests are critical right now because for so long so many web-free projects have just been talking trash about the utility and value of the NFTs and it almost feels like we've become
investment vehicle rather than a gaming vehicle and like games are meant to be fun it's meant to be like a form of escapism you to forget about life and enjoy yourself and I kind of feel like we've lost that so I'm really hoping that questing more narrative driven gameplay is gonna kind of start to revive the game itself
so that Web3 games can be seen as games and not just as a joke as Ponzenomics, where we are right now, if I look at the broader landscape. But by saying that, like, we're all here because we want to make some money. We've all got this idea that we can generate income from playing games and I play games myself. You know, I used to stream my games because
because I didn't want to waste my time. So streaming my games felt like I was creating content which almost felt like I had value in my time that wasn't wasted. And that's all people want. People just don't want to waste their time. They want to play a game. And at the end of playing that game feel like they have something to value that if they want they can sell. And I think that's what's missing is
It's not about how much you can earn in a utility token of playing a game. It's about grinding and spending time and then somebody paying for that time later who doesn't want to do the same thing. I think for all those people that are looking for a quick win. I mean, hey, let's give you one right now. I'm looking right now on the questing board.
I don't know if anyone else has done this yet, if you haven't then you're missing out. But if you're going to, you can see all of the quests. And I can see every single game and everyone who is questing. And I can see some Flourland, we've almost 2,000 people competing at the moment for this quest. So here's my challenge to you right now.
I'm going to need your help on this. If any other game can overtake us in users competing for their quests, I will do a giveaway on Pokestarters. But George, I need you to help me. I don't know how much we should give away. What's kind of a US dollar value we can put on this to give away to, to whatever project
overtakes us in the next four days massively on the spot I have no idea yeah that's my role that's
my job over here is post-pop in other people on the spot. What would you think was fair to people to be able to catch up and overtake some flower land big Steve? I don't think anyone can to be fair so give me a number what do you think? Give me a US dollar value come on
or gas maybe you want to or in the comments would you? Okay, no, okay, good suggestion here. The final number of users on that quest. Wow, okay, that's a lot. Okay, because
That's going to be like if we've got nearly 2000 that's going to be, wow, that's a lot. I don't know if I've got that much in the bank. I need to check with a message to see if she'd let me spend that much. - We can't need to go that big. - This will look like $500, right? $500.
into the community for anybody in the project that involved that overtakes us. I think that sounds very fair and I definitely can see Steve going out and rounding up all the sunflowers. You've got to be in some flower land as well. Yeah.
Yeah. I like that. To answer your question, questing should be fun. This should be fun. This is like, we don't want to be serious here. We want to enjoy ourselves. And that's what this is all about to me. I've met so many incredible people on this journey and what you're doing right now is bringing all of those different communities
it's used together into one space and I love that. It's not about one game, it's not about whether it's going to be us or them or this or that. It doesn't matter, we're all in the same space together, we're all grown together. And at the end of the day, I don't know about you, but I play many different games. When I get bored of one game, I'll play another game. And then I#
And so having this space to be able to explore and experience different games, I love it. I think you're doing an incredible thing. I 100% agree and I also play many games. So I think that's a great suggestion. George has somehow got himself stuck on mute. So are we talking for both of us for now?
I thought it was funny. He was scared. I think that's what happened. He put him on the spot and he went, he's gone and cried somewhere. But in terms of the future, what's the big coming up for Sunflowerland? Yeah, good question. So we have a lot going on at the moment. We've just launched our first official season, which is more than RPG element
to the game Stormbreaker. So we're going into this new season or cycle now where we're going to be launching new seasons with new islands and new content. We have a lot of really cool things coming up but the one that I am still the most excited for us has been on the radar for such a long time is I'm waiting for fishing. I really want to be able to get into fishing
because one of the things I'm excited to do with you guys, this is a bit of our for a drop now, is we're going to host a fishing tournament and I really want to get a fishing tournament live in some flowerland with a quest through you guys. I think that's going to be incredible. But no, there's just so much going on. I mean, one of the other big things at a moment that some people might not have seen is
We have our pumpkin plaza, which is actually how we're starting to build into the community now. So you can go and interact, you can chat with other people live, you can speak to people and in the very near future you're going to have your pumpkin, which is your PFP character inside the game, you're going to be able to move that character around the map.
So we're going to move from a very much a point and click game into a more of an interactive game where you're going to be able to interact with other community members, interact with other NPCs. And as we grow this NPC, this RPG element of the game, you're just going to see more and more of this as we start to expand.
Sounds very exciting and I can't wait to see all of these unfurl in the future. Before we move on to the next two projects, we do have OG on stage who wants to give a quick shout out before we move on. Big happy Pokestadder!
Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to say a quick thank you to obviously all the games that a joined us today in the space but also be joined us in this launch. It was incredibly hectic. Thank you to everyone that obviously made the API integration happen. I think we saw some really cool examples. I tried out the quests myself.
And it was great to watch all those sun flower seeds and waiting for them and then actually harvesting them to then see the quest being completed. It was all beautiful. So just a big shout out to you and your tech team and all the devs that were involved. And also I see Soulbound in this
Peace listening in. I just wanted to say a big shout out to you guys as well for helping us make things work on the back end with all the distribution and all the NFT, with-steak stuff on your side as well. But yeah, just a quick thank you, quick shout out to all of you. And thanks to, obviously, George and Gaspo for always making this entertaining to listen to. Carry on.
Thank you for your permission to carry on big Papa OG. This is another one of the reasons why I now have an Android and an iPhone. Not only can I play all the games across all the platforms, I can switch mid spaces so that I don't get done in by not being able to unmute. So next
up. We have a shatter point. Shatter point. Can you give me a quick one minute intro about your game please? Sure, sure. Hey everyone. Thanks Paul Kostar for inviting Shatter Point to this special Twitter space today. Kudos to George. Amazing host. It's my pleasure to be here.
net, header partnerships, ad blog games and shatterpoint. For those who don't know us, blog games is a chain agnostic, the free games publisher. The company was established together with the start a leading European game studio which alone has 15 million monthly active players. Our first
title and the Star Project is of course Shatterpoint, which was the first ever polygon network project minted on Magic Eden. So a little bit about what's happening in the Shatterpoint game. Play as great their hero and take it through PvE, PvP, gameplay modes, enjoying expansive gameplay modes
across 5 distinctive worlds to be conquered by 5 unique heroes, along with an endless skirmish mode and 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3 team deathmatches. While also competing against other players through limited achievements to win NFT rewards,
like basic NFT heroes, runes, cosmetics and of course other assets. It all sounds fantastic and it was great to hear about all the success you've had so far, especially being the first to be minted on Magic Eden. That's awesome as well as Magic Eden's content creation partners.
Everyone may have seen my beautiful phrase along with my fantastic voice over there as well. So the next question coming out is how do you think questing is going to be helping games projects and people taking part within the questing and reward systems? Sure, I think all the speakers have questions.
contributed so much and said so many things. My personal input, well, Quest have a profound impact on the gaming landscape by providing structured objectives and engaging narratives for players to explore, being hands-gainfully death immersion and
player agency transforming the gaming experience into a dynamic and a whole big adventure. That's the way I see it. And overall, we are very happy to be launch partners of Polka Starter Gaming Quest. And we see the value you will be bringing to all these great projects that gather here today.
Yeah, I think everyone finds value and I think that's a great way to somehow it's so interesting to hear the way that everyone is describing the benefits that people are going to get slightly different from one another but all is about bringing value to the players and the projects and the projects surrounding these projects as well.
that's just awesome ideas to go through. So let us know what is up next for Shadow Point? Well, we are currently making some tweaks through the Shadow Point game to ensure it's primed and polished for an open beta. This includes rebalancing gameplay, refining,
and adding fresh content among other things. As some of these adjustments are quite substantial, we don't yet have a set date for the open beta, but it should not take very long as the team is working very hard to deliver. And we will keep, of course, our community in the loop as well.
we continue to fine tune the game. But please do try out our closed alpha, which is currently available for Shadowpoint fans. It's also an awesome, awesome stage, much more chance to win different rewards at this point compared to when we will enter into OpenVita.
A lot of fantastic stuff to be waiting out for and obviously more fantastic gameplay to be had. So thank you for coming up on stage with us today and also thank you for being part of the quest in general. Everybody make sure you follow a shadow point to stay up to date with everything they are doing.
doing because I assume they've got a lot more coming up as well. So handing over to Felix for the last and final. For Trevor! Trevor's my favourite shadow pointer. Before we head over, thanks for everyone who's been
posting your badges in the comments, keep throwing them in there, it's great to see how everyone's progressing through. I know Papio G has been flexing his on the timeline as well. But over to our last project for the day, Metastar Strikers, give us your one minute elevator pitch of your game, please.
Hi everyone, thanks for having us on Pedro, CEO of Volt Games. Volt Games is a company behind Metastore Striker. It's great to be here. Great to see such positivity in this space. It's a refresh for sure.
From the full bear market that we had a few months ago. So it's great to see the energy here in such great projects building. And yeah, but it's just right because we like to call ourselves the reference football game, football arcade game on
We have 4 vs 4 players on each side.
the gameplay, basically on other goals, on the shots, on the tackles. There's no referees, so no rules, so you could do whatever you want, which is also why we believe that the game is more fun. And yeah, we're pretty excited about the future. The long-term vision for the
project is to not only build a football game but build different sports games which are interoperable between themselves starting out with football, enriching out to other sports like basketball, tennis and golf and allowing players to use the same NFT across different titles. And yeah, that's that's the one minute pitch.
I'm all very exciting and then the arcade style of the boys a good way is summoning up. In terms of quests, how do you see the quests tied in with your game and as well as the larger landscape? Yeah, I think everyone here has said great things about this and I'm not sure I have much else to add but the
Basically, I feel like quests are good for players to discover new games, new fun, fantastic games. I feel like quests are in some way relatively similar to achievements in PlayStation Network and Xbox and Nintendo, etc. So it incentivizes players to go for that extra mile to that completely.
to get the badge, to get the rewards. So I think it's a great way to improve the game mechanics themselves. And yeah, I think it's an overall great incentive. And for me, Web 3 is all about two things, community, and also the
The help and the cross promotion that exists, right? I see a lot of collaboration happening Web 3 that I did not see in Web 2, so Web 2 Mobile Gaming Studio originally. And the fact that we've partnered up with so many projects already, even prior to release,
is something that really excites me and the space just has so much potential. In quests, hope that, right? So yeah, I think it's a great mechanic and congratulations to Polka Starter and the whole team for setting that up. And I think it's the start of something big. (buzzer)
That was found the soundboard. And then in terms of the future what's coming up next for me as our strikers? Yes, so basically we just wrapped up our first tournament, our first in-game tournament so players were tasked to
download the game, play for 10 days, different matches and scores. Many goals as possible throughout the 10 days. And we had some crazy good results. So we had over 4,000 players playing organically from our community. And we got some really good metrics. So over 1.5 million goals were scored. Over 100,000 matches were
played and each user on average played daily over one hour. So that's a long time that each user is playing the game. So it really shows that the game is engaging in front of play and we believe that we're still in a very, very early stage of our lifetime. What I usually say is that this stage where at like 30%
and that getting these numbers at this stage is for me it's a big incentive to keep moving forward and in the future people can expect more tournaments for us from us with some good rewards to incentivize them to further play more quests hopefully in part of
partnership with Volka Starter. We're not yet launched globally, so the game is in its beta, so anyone can download and play and watch it to join our Discord and download the game on Android or iOS. But we hope to reach global launch by August, September this year.
So we're pretty close. And yeah, just grow the community, grow the team, and just grow the project to really onboard as many people as possible to this football game that we have here that we believe is tremendous fun. But we've also sold out a few
and if T's on Magic Eden and we do plan to do some some mints in the future so stay tuned for that. But yeah, just super excited about this space, super excited about what everyone else here is building and yeah, congrats against the bulk of starter for setting this up for the whole quest system. It's fantastic. And thanks for that. It sounds like it's a
lot in the future so definitely worth keeping an eye on everyone and thanks for coming up and sharing your experiences of Quest and actually joining in for the Quest as well. Hand over to George to close us out with some interesting stats. Thank you very much. So yeah that was the last project that we have up here today so it's time for
for some stats for all of you stats nerds out there so far in just under two days or maybe two days exactly by this point. 3,000 unique gamers, 10,000 quests started and 40,000 missions have been completed. So very well done everybody that is out there.
and earning rewards on the Polkstarter platform. Just a reminder to everybody that is in the space now, make sure you go along and follow all of the projects that are up here on stage. Unfortunately, we will one space short, so make sure you also go and find legends of Elysium that is now down in the crowd and don't forget to follow them on as well.
So that has been this week's press play and it's been a mega space. The quests will be continuing on. I've seen many a game and many a project in the audience as well as we have been speaking today just to let you know this is not going to be a one time thing. This is going to be something that progresses and hopefully gets
bigger and bigger as time goes on and we can include as many projects games and things that users may want to interact with inside our questing reward ecosystem. So I have been George, I've been co-hosted by Gaspod, make sure you go and check him out as well and check me out.
Well, I was just jumping into remind you, make sure that if you're in the audience and you have specific games that you want to see on the quest to tag them, reach out to Pokester, get their names in front of PGG and encourage them to get involved with the exciting quests.
Congratulations, yes I was seeing the messages now pop up telling me to remember that part. Also just want to say if you are doing the quest it is a great idea to head over to the polk started discord as well as we have a little section in there where you can talk to other about others about doing said quests
maybe pick up some tricks, hints and tips on how to do said quests and there's also a little section there to help you as well if you should get stuck. So I will see you all next week for next week's press play but until then goodbye.

FAQ on GAM3 Quests Mega Space | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the game franchise that allows gaming developers to build on its infrastructure and is building out an AAA game series?
What is Uniiverse's concept of speedrun?
Players get an NFT which they can then upgrade with metadata while playing the game.
How do the quests introduced by PGG change the landscape of gaming according to Uniiverse?
It adds value to the core community and allows them to add tools to their gaming experience and be rewarded accordingly.
What is Legends of Elysium building and what genre has it fused together?
Legends of Elysium is building a game that is a fusion of trading card game and board game.
What is Skylarke's opinion on how the quests introduced by PGG change the landscape of gaming?
It is a great way for user acquisition and brings a fresh view of the game to people who have not learned about it before.
When is Legends of Elysium's closed beta planned to happen?
During the summer, most likely around July or August.
What is the name of the game introduced by Harper from The Bournless?
The Bournless.
What is the concept of the first game mode of The Bournless?
A battery-all inspired game mode where players not only fight against their enemies, but also against a demon who likes to eat them.
According to The Bournless, how do quests positively impact the gaming space?
It creates an environment for players to engage with the game in a fun way and learn more about it either in-game or through the quest.
What is the name of The Bournless' community manager?