Gaming ecosystems on @arbitrum with @treasure_DAO and @The_Beacon_GG

Recorded: Dec. 2, 2022 Duration: 0:58:06



- Do you have everyone? You have a few seconds to get everyone on stage and then we'll begin.
GMGM Hey, hey GM Jim Hey, how's it going? Pretty good Hey folks, how's it going? Not too bad. I'm excited to chat
but we can start with intros while people are jumping on. Are we waiting for anybody else from either one of you guys to decide?
It's a mall here. Yeah, trust me too Awesome. Well, you guys want to start with intros who you are and whether you're a treasure beacon
or Arvachion. Yeah, absolutely. I'll start on the treasure and actually don't have Arvachion, I'm just going to be joining us, but if they do, that's awesome. So yeah, Corral, I'm the co-founder and CEO of Arvachion, we're a lot of partners, but yeah, I mean, just doing everything from building partnerships
and the ships, finding games like the beacon and the TV to come onboard. Ultimately, we're building a decentralized and tentative sort of part-game publisher, part ecosystem, 10 games left. I love to dig into a lot of this, but I'll push it over to David.
Hey, everyone. Davey here on the I run operations here at the beacon, but in reality, I just it's a little bit of everything and I get to pin Correll really late night for a help on all sorts of stuff. So the beacon, you know, we're a game that we just launched our prototype in recently.
about literally one week or one week ago, Friday of last week. And in short, we're just trying to build a free-to-play fantasy action-rogly RPG. And yeah, just super excited, especially for all the support from Treasure and Arbitrum and excited just kind of chat a bit more about what we're doing.
That's awesome. And, yeah, of course, you have your host, myself, Ready Player Ridge, and Boomer, on another episode of An Up to Game Chat. The goal here is to talk about
about what you guys are doing that's different in novel and the kind of experience that people are going to expect when they're interacting with the treasury system or of course, speaking.
on that front. I wanted to start with a few questions for you Carol around treasured now what exactly it is and why arbitrums
Yeah, definitely. So treasure as quickly kind of noted, you know, it's we like to call it a decentralized Nintendo. So, you know, it's this kind of gaming console where, you know, we work with a number of games that are kind of partnered with us to really kind of pull together
you know, a bunch of games and players really, you know, together through kind of magic, which is our token, but it's connected through a lot of the infrastructure that we have, a lot of these composable resources that we've been building, really the ceases of, you know, can we kind of create a very interval of an and if it connected game ecosystem. And so
So, the first thing that I would like to talk about is the buzzword that you hear a lot around interoperability, but how do we take that and bring it into through form and practical applications that really pushed the needle forward on what gaming can and should be in kind of Web 3.
That's what it looks like. But we kind of started this. If I really quickly rewind to early days, we initially were eluterative. The initial makeup of it was similar to the NFTs, eight words on a blank hard. They're primitive.
kind of fantasy resources, things like gold and lumber and things like that. You took that and also gave away magic for free, all kind of a fair launch, kind of free mint distribution and really use that as a way to kind of connect and form these bridges between games.
And really, as a way to kind of foster this ecosystem approach to building collectively and decentralize sort of manners. So we had the first two games that we started to prove that out, but over time, ended up leading to really just a ton of partners coming out.
different game studios, developers. We've been going quite hard at bringing more of them onto the charger platform. And again, all of this is on ArborTrum. So going back to kind of early days, I think we moved over to ArborTrum from Eeth mainnet.

FAQ on Gaming ecosystems on @arbitrum with @treasure_DAO and @The_Beacon_GG | Twitter Space Recording

Who is hosting the podcast?
Ready Player Ridge and Boomer
Who are the guests on the podcast?
Correl and Davey
What is Arvachion?
Arvachion is a decentralized and tentative part-game publisher and ecosystem.
What is The Beacon?
The Beacon is a free-to-play fantasy action-rogly RPG game.
What is a treasure?
Treasure is a decentralized gaming console.
What is the purpose of magic token?
Magic token is used to connect games and players together in a decentralized manner.
What is the buzzword that Treasure is always associated with?
What was the original makeup of Treasure?
The original makeup of Treasure was similar to NFTs, with eight words on a blank card representing primitive fantasy resources.
What is the goal of Treasure?
The goal of Treasure is to create an interconnected game ecosystem in a decentralized manner.
What blockchain network is Treasure currently operating on?