Gaming on Avalanche attempts to climb The Ladder

Recorded: Jan. 13, 2023 Duration: 0:44:40



(gentle music)
(gentle piano music)
(gentle piano music)
(piano music)
(gentle piano music)
(soft piano music)
Hello, hello, we will kind of let people trickle in. I know we just kind of started. Sorry for joining late. I had a meeting run over, but here to support the team at the ladder, Stubbs, is that you?
Yep, it's up. Thanks for having me park. What's going on man? Nothing much. I also had a IRL meeting run a little bit over so I think our schedules are aligned pretty well. It's the way of life, dude. It's the the industry we're in. Let me let me send this link around to some community members and we'll
We'll kick things off here shortly once we have a few more people trickle in. I'm sure maybe other people are also kind of trickling and late. Either way, this is recorded. So you know, make sure we push this to our marketing channels and kind of get the thing going for you. Appreciate it.
I see a wild garrison has appeared. I'm so upgair.
I see Garrison's on a plane, so he can't talk but he's here in spirit.
So with the sake of this being recorded.
I was just talking away, man. I was on mute. Yeah, yeah. I was going to say, please add some like tweets to the big billboard, whatever people are calling it, these days up top. I think the goal here is just to have a line of conversations so that people in the audience as well as people that will tune in later just have an understanding of what
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I'll get some tweets up there.
Stubbs, you there?
Yeah, could you, uh, could you hear me? I'll lose ya.
Hmm, maybe my style went out. I'm not hearing you.
Maybe, uh, did, did Twitter rug us? Hello? Hello? Might have gotten rugged.
Okay, well we get a stubs back in here and speaking just wanting to Yeah, let's put stuff in what are you doing dude? Get up here man. I want to hear you talk
It's the bomb, what's up, man? - Parker, how are you doing? - Dude. - Doing great. How are things going, man? - Very good, so it's Friday night at our place. Still working. You just mentioned, come on, join the team building, and I was like, okay, I have to do this. - Why not? Why not? - Yeah, happy new year to everyone.
Happy New Year. Yeah, thank you. I hope everybody enjoyed the holidays. We're man back in the full swing of things. So, you know, no complaints here. Just trying to get my head above water as I'm sure most of us are and it's been a fun start to the year. I know we've had a few pretty solid announcements lined up on our side at Abilance and, you know,
wanted to keep the hype and buzz going by just curating some interesting spaces and that's really why I wanted to have Stubbs here with the ladder jump up and talk about what's going on behind the scenes and the community with the Abel Ranch. So Stubbs maybe I can hear you now. What's up, man? What's up? So there we go. We're un-rogged.
Let's go. So yeah, Stephanie, I appreciate you jumping up here and love what you guys are doing at Battle for Geostone. If you guys aren't familiar, this guy's killing it on the community management side of things and ultimately going to get the ball rolling with regards to MOBA.
on chain. And so, you know, thanks for jumping up. I think we'll let you kind of ask some questions as you're enjoying your Friday night. But as we kick things off from our side, we'd love to have stubs give a very quick just overview, maybe a quick elevator pitch of, you know, what you're doing at the ladder. I can, you can see from the billboard above that
that they are minting right now and so excited to learn about why would anybody want to get involved. Give us a quick run through, man. Yeah, absolutely. So I'll try to explain as quickly as best as I can. It's probably going to be best digested if you take a read into our light paper or medium, which is going to dive
to some more specifics. We also did a really sweet like whiteboard breakdown video which I pin to the top here. Yeah so our game is going to be called the ladder and it's simply called the ladder because of its structure. Obviously when you're using a ladder your goal is to get to a higher point and that's exactly
your goal is going to be within our game. The higher you ascend, the greater prizes that are going to await you. So our ladder is going to be made up of 25 steps which function similarly to levels and it's going to be broken out into three zones. There's the safe zone which is going to span from the first 10 steps, one to 10, the danger zone
from 11 to 20 and the top of the letter otherwise known as the cap which is in resteps 21 to 25. So our game is part of in tandem with a NFT collection we call them the climbers the total supplies 1500 it's also a gamified man which is going
on right now there's seven one of ones including this nice golden climber that I pinned to the top here and the lucky mentor of that climber will be awarded 500 USD but back to the game so it's going to be like your traditional who wants to be a millionaire game show kind
of thing where so by mending a climate you're able to play there's on our website there's going to be a question or puzzle presented if you get the question correct your climber will move up one level up one step or if you get your question incorrect your climber will move down one step. All climbers
The timers are going to start on step zero. I think I mentioned this but there's going to be prizes spread throughout the various steps of the ladder. And our grand prize, which is going to be the first person to reach step 25 or the top, will go away with that grand prize which we are targeting for our first game is going to be a hundred Apex.
Let's go, dude. I think that, you know, gamifying the process is super cool. It's kind of like two steps beyond just the initial like, hey, buy an FT and then maybe you'll win a hundred
Avax in return. Give me some more insight into the gamification of this. As opposed to it being all based on luck, which partially there's some natural RNG elements here.
But give us more of an explanation of the gamification and what that really digs into. Sure, you're talking about more so like the question base. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Okay, I'm sure so.
A lot of the questions that are going to be issued are going to be revolving around probability to various degrees. There's also going to be some general trivia, which I mean first thing that pops to a lot of those heads is we'll can't just Google it, but the questions are going to be
It's very strictly structured to prevent this. I'm sure Google is going to be able to help you, but it's not going to be a thing where you could type in Google "Hey, what is blah blah blah?" and it's going to spit out a correct answer. You're going to have to do some digging to really find the answer.
And that's really one thing about the latter. It's not meant to be extremely challenging. We don't want people struggling to move up steps consecutively, but hopefully throughout those various steps, you know, when some of those more probability questions come up, which, hey, simple example is calling a coin flip heads or tails, you know, maybe if you get to step 14 and you look and
And up to that point, you accumulated 5Abacks and you're on step 14, which is in the danger zone. Now I guess this would be a pretty good point to include this note, but if you're in past the safe zone, so if you soon as you accept past step 10, if you get your question incorrect, you lose all your prizes that you can accumulate to
So with our question base, we're just hoping to trigger that internal response thinking like, all right, this question could go really either way here. I'm not totally sure. Do I want to risk it? Or kind of just tape what I turned to this point and reset start on step zero again.
So I think there's going to be a lot of different strategies that we're going to see and I'm really excited to see what people come up with. Yeah, I mean, I like what you said about not being able to Google the answer, however, that's not necessarily my forte. I'm kind of much more of a, you know, lazy
Google or and so it this game sounds like it might not be easy for me but you know what that said at least it's fair I guess I'm curious what up you know where this idea originated from have you done something similar to this is this kind of you just trying to break into the web three crypto space tell me about not even the
game and then after their participation their life completely changes. You know they walk out with a large sum of money, a brand new car and you know people going through a tough time and they get to experience this game and you know they walk out into a completely different realm of
life as it happened before. I think that's just something I think is awesome. Me personally, I grew up in Arcades as a kid. I just remember one machine where it was like a quarter and I think it was called Stacker. There were two prize levels. There was a minor prize and a major prize. As you
stack these blocks up one on top of the other it got obviously more difficult and you got to the point where you know you got to the the minor prize level and you're looking and you know there's some pretty sweet tea chains maybe a little stuffed animal but it's like oh if I just get five more blocks on top each other I could walk away with which I think at the time the major prize was like a place
station 2 and I just think I'm like oh I only put a quarter here and I could walk out of this Jesus bowling alley arcade with a new PlayStation 2 and I just think that's awesome. Just like really into just low entry games where you got really a chance to and that's really hope like kind of where we're hoping to grow this.
I'm just to continue to grow our prize base. We're hoping that our major prize of 180 Vax is our smallest ever. So yeah, we're just looking to continue to build that and hopefully make that a reality. Yeah, I think I see the vision now. I remember the, you know, there might be different ones, but there's the digital
on where the, I guess there's like levels and you know the, I guess digital line is moving at the bottom. You got hit the button and stop it in the middle and then you stack it to the next stop it and then slowly you lose, you lose blocks as you get to the top and it goes faster and way harder and you're like, man, the PlayStation is right there. I've got two more
I'm not gonna pay for you to do that. You're not gonna win. But, um, ended up still.
getting the money to play. So I guess I guess she let me go with it. But that's cool. I think that the kind of answers to what your vision is for the latter. But with respect to what you're building now, just curious. And it's totally fine if this is just kind of a one and done. But do you have a farther vision for what
You could really build with this like where does what's that? You know, where's the style like where's the end game here? Do you have like yeah? I guess that's kind of the question. What what do you hope to get out of this as like a proof of concept? Um, so yeah, I had proof of concept is it's just a really good term because that's kind of what we're hoping
hoping for this first game to truly become. But yeah, our, I think, Web 3 game shows is just kind of a huge untapped potential. And our main vision is just, like I said, just to continue to grow our prize base and get to a point where we can issue out those life-changing rewards I kind of talked about.
And you know we plan on doing this by by seeking out partnerships, advertising opportunities from some big, pretty big players. And I think if you know if you're able to grow your player base large enough, get some more eyes on it, get some more brands involved, you know the advertising money that could be generated could be pre-substantial.
And that's what kind of would really help to help grow those prizes. Interesting. Yeah, no, I just kind of like wrapping this up as a white labeled solution for for enterprises or even just smaller like entities that are trying to sell a product. What do you think that would look like for them? Like what what do you have in mind?
We have there's definitely that side of it but also just other other projects other NFT projects and getting their their assets involved in our game and just helping to expand you know not only our community but their community. So I think it's just really like a multi-fold approach
to get getting these new players. Awesome. That makes sense. I think that's totally what I kind of foresaw as well with what you're building. So it's cool. I think we like minded folks up in these stage right now. I pulled up Coach Pat, which I'm going to have to
request that he changes the coachpat.soul from his name or at least at a red triangle if he's going to speak. But yeah, I'll pull him up if you have any questions feel free to come on and say something otherwise I can kind of keep this running. Oh, he just message me
on the side. You can't hear anything. All right, dude. I'll let you back up here in a few. Anyways, so I guess I'm curious like what makes you and you know, it's kind of interesting. We actually just had a smaller campaign this morning as a, you know, cool
I guess community of avalanche and that was us tweeting out, you know, why avalanche? Like what what is the reason and rationality behind you and the latter specifically for choosing avalanche? I know for me it's I customize customizability we are V
Yeah, absolutely. So I'm definitely not the most technical guy in our team. Obviously the tech on AdVlanche is well known to be amazing. For me personally, it was just the existing community. You know, I definitely messed around with some other chains.
some other NFT projects, but just the community avalanche has just been a completely different breed. Even when just kind of trying to grow connections and just ask different questions and get people's perspectives, like reaching out DMs, like other chains you just get nothing.
it would just be crickets. And I can't tell you how many people I reached out to just to get some input, just some simple questions, and you know, they were just so willing to help. And I was just like, these people are fantastic. And you know, just listen to spaces. It's just everybody's just so much more collaborative.
and that's just kind of the environment that I foresee that I kind of want in the latter because that was another piece of why this kind of idea came together is just there was a lot of infighting it seemed throughout the crypto community and just wanted there to be a place where you know people could come together collaborate on you know what they think the answer is and just
You know go from there so I'd have to take it down to narrow down to community Amazing. Yeah, I mean look we're a we're a chain of chains and I think inherent to the architecture is like it's very reflective of how the the community will evolve and grow as well and I think you know being interconnected
It is very just inevitable as far as a community base goes as avalanche. Yeah, I will say, a lot of people say it was the Amazon partnership announcement that kind of drove the community a little more towards unity.
It just happened to line up with the ladder minting this week. So I don't know. I think there's an argument to be made there that this might have kickstarted the next round of community cohesiveness. So I don't know. Just letting that out there into the the interwebs.
So I pulled Andy up. I don't know if you had any questions man, but I saw that you wanted to be a speaker. Appreciate you jumping on board. A member of the start us team, you know, really ingrained in the gaming community. So
Yeah, any questions that you might have or just about avalanche about gaming on avalanche anything. I know this is more catered towards the latter, but happy to just kind of have a general conversation as well as we have more people joining in on the call.
a couple minutes ago. What do you guys have an approach on how you're going to go after the more free to play, casual, maybe non-crypto web-to-audience, and bringing them into the ecosystem?
I think the main point and I think really with anything in the crypto space to kind of get some of those web to people is just simplicity. Making sure that design of our platform design of our website is just easy to use. It's funny like definitely through
throughout this process, like I'm pulling in like my dad to just kind of like look at some of this. He's the most untext savvy person in the world. And if he's able to navigate and understand exactly the structure of what we're trying to build here, I
I think that's a good spot to start. Yeah, I think it just comes down to simplicity. Is there a way that you're approaching that simple strategy?
Um, no, it's just kind of just looking into some different case studies on what has worked and what hasn't worked. Um, because I know me like not that I'm the most tech savvy person in the world, but whenever you're going into a game, there's all these different stipulations.
and different steps that you have to get to and rules to understand. That's just really, I think, a blocking point from just increasing the number of players and the adoption.
Awesome, thanks. Appreciate you coming up, man. Thanks for the questions.
We've got a few other requests from the folks in the audience. Hold them up. We'll see if they've got any good questions going on. Just be mindful.
Let's keep this more oriented towards the latter specifically on Abelinch. Obviously I'm here to answer any Abelinch related questions, but you know, want this to be the main focus of the combo.
So we got ball and chicken coming up soon. Oh, I am bad. I invited you to co-host. Don't run the space once again.
Let me invite to speak. I didn't trust this guy. I don't know. A little chicken community. Never know. He's coming on. So let's see what else? What else? So why have a lunch? We discussed that. I guess the question is, what's next? You're still minting. How many
maybe you can give us some metrics around like that, like what the process is on, you know, finalizing the mint and then, you know, what kind of gets that to the next level. Yeah, sure. So I think last time I checked, we were a little bit over 80 players climbers so far. We we capped it at 15
100 so they're only there we go. Oh, could you hear me? I can now. What's up? Maybe I got rug for a sec. No worries. So I think last night checked we were a little over 80 total climbers minted 80 players. The met the metric that we put in the
there is only going to be a max of 1500 players that are going to be able to play the ladder game at one time. In terms of next steps, so we're going to be rolling out updates to our website. There is going to be in-game boosts that will be purchased via our Climbed Hoken, which is our
in-game currency. So we're going to get the store live so people can go in there, just start checking out some different prices, maybe gathering some strategies together. But I definitely got some medium articles in the work that's in the work says going to help break down all those future points.
some amazing
Got it and then uh maybe I got rug there I could hear you because I have my laptop up but can y'all hear me just wanted to confirm? I can hear
Amazing. Okay. Sorry about that Twitter spaces. Let's get a explain me a lot on that one. But yeah, I think ball and chicken are you up? Are you able to speak? Yeah, can you hear me? Yeah, what's up?
on my interface it says you're a listener and so it's like dummy for a loop. I had a question about having multiple climbers and if we mentioned multiple half
How are we able to compete two times? If we meant three, can we play three times, or is it just one per wallet, or how does having multiple climbers benefit us, I guess?
That's a great question. So yeah, you could have as many climbers as you would like. Each climber is going to have their own personal profile on our website. You could see their stats.
where they stand in the ladder. Again, I think that's going to be another additional strategy that we'll see in terms of the number of climbers and how they'll attack certain questions.
Got it. And how do you earn the climb token in the game? The climb token, so that is going to be admitted just for simply participating, submitting answers to the questions. You will receive the climb token to use for purchase on boosts.
How soon do you anticipate starting the game? Right now we're targeting Q2 of 2023. Awesome. Those were the questions I had. Thanks. I'm excited. I got a couple. Awesome. Good to hear. Yeah. We'll buy maybe
Just because my background is a project manager and I just can't help it. I'm just going to issue out biweekly reports just where the development stands so that everybody's clearly in the loop and you know, know exactly where everything where everything is and can kind of gauge timelines from that.
Awesome. Thank you. Looking forward to competing against some of the avalanches finest. Appreciate it. Thanks for coming up. Thanks for the questions.
Yeah, for the record I cannot hear stubs, but I can hear everyone else, but I have my laptop going that's on five second delay, so yeah doing my best out here sorry for like the other
I'm not sure if I can hear me part of your documentary or questions. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can#
I think this is a super cool initiative and just an engaging opportunity for the community. So yeah, at this time, just like feel free to raise your hand. Get up here, say hello. Otherwise, you know, me and Stubbs can sit here and play telephone tag as I wait for you.
I don't think either of you can hear each other. I don't think either of the hosts can hear each other. Ah, that's what's going on. I think they're different. They can't hear each other. Yeah, so a lot of Stubbs can't hear you and you can't hear him.
Amazing I removed him as a host stops. I'm gonna pull you up as a speaker. Thanks for mediating for us dude All right, Stubbs. I pulled you back up as a speaker man Elon's killing the vibes here man. Okay, does that work?
What the heck? Okay, all right. We're back in it. We're back in it. I don't even know. Okay. If any of that was coherent to the audience, I'm sure we were just talking over each other, man. Sorry about that. Was just saying like anybody from the audience, feel free to raise your hand if you want to talk.
Otherwise, me and Stubbs can talk about anything, talk about the ladder, talk about what he's doing this weekend does not matter. But I'll give everybody a chance to do that. Stubbs besides the ladder, what games are you playing? Are there any Web 2 games that are obviously more mainstream and then secondarily any games on
avalanche that you've had your eye on. I know we've got a few games and members of gaming communities in the audience and I'm sure they'd love to chill you what they're what they're building. I would definitely definitely love to hear more about those in terms of web too. It's mostly been Warzone 2 for me at this point.
Right on man. I have not gotten into the new warzone frankly. Um, definitely. Well, honestly, having had much time to get into warzone. I, uh, I was playing a lot of apex.
about a month ago and then once the holidays hit I haven't really booted up the old PC but I think if I did I'd probably jump back into Apex because old habits die hard.
Yeah, it picks it picks is fantastic. I was just to be honest awful at it. So I would just get wrecked.
Yeah, it's gotten to that point where I just don't have the zoom or in me like my Fortnite cranking 90s days are like well beyond me well past me but yeah, I know we've got a few games of the audience meta ops they just announced
I know we have Stepon in the audience with the Battle for Geostone game and they are a MOBA building on avalanche. They are super legit. Love those guys. They've been building for almost a year now.
working alongside us and I'm ready to get my hands on some more alpha keys and kind of see what I can do. Not the best at league, but I can do some micros and macro management in the game. So, you know, excited to get back in there.
ball and chicken, what about you dude?
I know you step up. I'm feeding my working on my farm. It's working. Throw my chicken. That's about the only game I'm into right now. Time wise, IRL stuff.
I'm not in any other really Web 3 games. Andy, I want to hear it and it can be as completely unbiased as possible does not have to be related to avalanche, but what Web 3 games do you have your eyes on, dude?
Sorry I had the volume down a little bit. Was that for me?
Yep, thank you by ball and chicken I could not hear what his answer was so can you mediate? Yeah, he just asked it the question was to him so it is to you Andy question to you I can hear I can hear everyone but I had the same problem yesterday I was getting rugged like the whole time and I can see people coming off mute and I
They were just like chatting. But I mean so many games. It's really hard just to pick one. It's really awesome to be in the seat that we're in because we don't cut to pick like winners or losers and you know any any chain or game too much. We just keep on providing the the server.
So I mean obviously I think probably one of the most hyped games for bringing in like a lot of web2 users is something that has a lot of exposure so I'm always excited for any game that's gonna you know capture that audience and I think that Dr. Disciple
So, I think that's what I think about the game.
One that is kind of flying into the radar is And there's a couple little write-ups on that. I think we might be doing something on that too. You know, that is biased, but they are doing a lot on chain and very few people know about them. So definitely give them a check out.
Awesome awesome I I'm surprised I didn't hear you say the latter because frankly that's the only right answer here in the spaces. Sorry. I think back everything I said. I just want to move on but
No, definitely, definitely in the this the same boat. Oops, I got my computer running as well. Man, I'm getting rug left and right today. But okay, we got coach Pat requested Pat before you go into anything. You got to ask two questions to the latter.
Let's get it going. Can you hear me? Can you talk? It does it work. Let's see. - Well, I hear you now. Let's go. - I'm not seeing my theories of speed. - Hey guys, how are you? How is Avax today?
What are you doing man? You got a question for the ladder got to hear it. What do you get asked? You know this game really reminds me of like any of those like cash cab games because a lot of people are you know new to web 3 and so a lot of them aren't
expecting to be on that game show. And so that's what popped in my head when I thought of ladder, especially on Web 3 because most of the people who are playing are coming on, I'm assuming they're new followers, right? Ladder.
Yep, that's correct. I mean, I like it. I do like Web 3 game shows too. I mean, it's definitely a new take and I'm interested, especially being a first person shooter. I love risk over reward. It'll be really interesting to see how you guys go.
Yeah, thanks man, appreciate it. Let's go
So coach Pat and know you are joining suit like recently into the AVAX community, you know, so it's great to have you up on a Twitter space is get you more involved, you know, perfect times for the ladder to be, you know, doing this community like, you know, I guess unity
type of thing where we're just bringing the community together to play games. I think it aligns a little bit with y'all strategy with regards to tournaments on avalanche. Maybe some room for some community sharing events and working together.
And was I muted that's so sad? Okay, you were going good. I was going strong. Yeah, you're going, I heard the last word he said was community and then you went robot. Yeah, I think just you know, maybe give a quick synopsis of like what?
you're doing with MetAps and kind of cultivating a community on avalanche and how you can kind of work together with the ladder to go towards the same goal of just bringing a community of avalanche together as well as outside people looking in better understanding the narrative behind avalanche which is it's a gaming chain.
Yeah, I like the scale ability that I like how it invites a lot of people to come in the masses and it can support it quickly and allow those founders and different people who are building on this chain to scale very quickly.
You know reaching out to other games such as ladder such as ball and chain ball and chicken which I definitely have to check that out that looks pretty sick and Things like those who you know open the doors for different games to come in we do a seven day trial period where we you know invite any of
community to come in and get access to the game as well as have you know sponsor tournaments things like that to get more exposure to those different games and then just being able to be on Avax like it's really just a wallet real way so for us I mean we can take your collection we take every NFT from it and we upload it to what we call banks which
are in-game wallet reader essentially and so it allows us to basically tell if you're the right person to come into our game and so currently it is gated access. Eventually we'll do email and password sign up but as of now I mean that's one of the ways we can do it and provide a media utility to
anyone we're partnering with because then we can get their community access with and we're about to register with the core wallet as well as have MetaMask live here in the next less than a week. I mean less than the next four days probably we'll go live with that function. At least it'll be a testing.
The thing is you can basically whitelist all the mentors of the ladder so that they are immediately, you know, cultivated into your community, sharing obviously fundamental value from both sides just by reading the wallet and kind of seeing that they own the ladder NFT.
just focused on the ladder, but obviously for the sake of this conversation, is that how that kind of works? Yes, for the sake of it. Yeah, I mean, it's really been, I mean, one of the first things we had to do was figure out how to get NFTs into the game and do it with, you know, a small storage size, small data transfer and do it to where, you know,
anyone in the world could do it. Even our players and Vietnam and in other parts of the world that are still trying to connect to our United States servers and stuff like that. And so I mean, it's really been interesting just because it's essentially like a reset is stone. When we first started, Unity had no way to talk to any blockchain or really talk to
anything in Web 3 at all. So we had to build a way to get you needed to speak to it. So we called the Rosetta Stone essentially. It just basically tells you how to talk to these different chains. So from that, we basically just feed it information. So we can just upload that entire collection, any collection really.
I mean, that's I think that's how the future of blockchain is going to be, especially blockchain gaming. I mean, you're going to have your wallet, which will be associated to your game or tag or your username and from there, you'll be able to hop around these different games. And in my opinion, I think they should all be connected. I mean, you you shouldn't necessarily have to, you know, show that they're connected if you don#
But when you go to these different games, they shouldn't. It would be really cool to have the same assets, you know, be registered, things like that. And I get for us, we use in our Phantom connections with eFAST Gaming, Earth from another sign, we actually have our knives in their game. And so whenever they sign in, our players sign in with a knife, they can actually
see that in game. So ladder, if you guys want to do things like stickers on the guns, things of that nature for your holders, we're more than willing to talk. We love doing that. Yo, developing the business man, what do you think man? I think there's some community sharing events that are going on here, which I love. 100%. That's how
awesome man. Let's go. Yeah, thanks, thanks Pat for coming up and love what you guys are doing with MetaObs and I think the goal here aligns with what the latter is doing right is just like bringing the community together adding value to both parties and really just building the fundamentals of avalanche out from the ground
which is awesome. Yeah, I mean, at this time, I think, you know, we've gotten everything conveyed, stubs, it's been awesome, dude. I appreciate everything you're doing about to go men a few ladders myself, by the way, none of what I'm saying is reflected by my employer, avalabs. This is all personal.
And it's also a non financial advice. Just go ahead and throw that out there. But no, I appreciate everybody jumping in and and and stuff. Anything else you want to say, maybe like where you can direct people to if they are wanting to get more involved with the game, what you're doing, give you a quick little outro here. Sure. Yeah. So.
I just want to say thanks to everybody who joined to Camp Dazska question. Definitely a huge shout out to you Park for throwing this together. Can't thank you enough man. But yeah, I just stay tuned to stand and look out VR Twitter for our next mediums and next steps as a whole. And I just I'll leave you with the overarching question.
Do you think you have what it takes to make the climb? Thanks, everybody.
that you go a lot of ways feel so awful cool and within the game I love it. Yeah, thanks everybody for coming out. Enjoy your Fridays. Enjoy the weekends. Don't work too hard, but yeah, stay tuned for the next episode with the latter. Bye.

FAQ on Gaming on Avalanche attempts to climb The Ladder | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the game being developed by The Ladder?
The name of the game being developed by The Ladder is The Ladder.
How many steps is The Ladder made up of?
The Ladder is made up of 25 steps.
What are the three zones in The Ladder?
The three zones in The Ladder are the safe zone, the danger zone, and the top of the ladder (also known as the cap).
What is the name of the NFT collection associated with The Ladder?
The NFT collection associated with The Ladder is called the Climbers.
What is the total supply of Climbers?
The total supply of Climbers is 1500.
What is the grand prize for The Ladder's first game?
The grand prize for The Ladder's first game is 100 AVAX.
What type of gameplay is The Ladder modeled after?
The Ladder is modeled after the traditional game show 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?'
What are the types of questions or puzzles presented in The Ladder?
The questions or puzzles presented in The Ladder include general trivia and questions revolving around probability.
What happens if a player gets a question incorrect after passing the safe zone?
If a player gets a question incorrect after passing the safe zone, they lose all their prizes that they have accumulated up to that point.
What is the internal response that The Ladder aims to trigger in players?
The Ladder aims to trigger an internal response in players, forcing them to consider whether or not they want to risk losing their accumulated prizes and continue to climb The Ladder or stay where they are and reset to step zero.