Gemas 💎 del ecosistema de Polkadot!

Recorded: Jan. 18, 2024 Duration: 1:12:12



Bueno bueno, vamos a rancar esto,
espanada que pues en a connectar las personas,
brian de esta escuchando, de iterío por favor.
Sí de escuchado bien. Todos escuchado bien.
Chachos de iterío por hacer sí es escuchando.
O y ganadie es escuchando.
Ah, bueno, orita sí.
Liso a poner le entre de musikita mi entre en pieda a un ir las personas.
Como siempre se desan que años a poner esta canción,
porque esto lo ponio uno activo,
lo ponio uno tirarse por la entana.
Dias a en.
Aquíamos como con dos minutico de musica mientras,
se a un connectando todos.
O y ganadie es espanada que años a poner.
It's time to wake up.
Time to get out of bed.
Time to wake up.
Time to get out of bed.
It's time to wake up.
Get the fuck out of bed, bitch, go.
Get up, get up, and then the guy cools up.
Time to wake up, time to wake up, bitch, get up.
Get up, get up, get up.
Get up, get up.
Don't make any excuses for what you are
when you're making excuses for your shit.
When you're making excuses, baby,
you just need to walk inside.
Bueno, bueno.
Yo, queso que ya, mucho mucho que mejar un bai landuste,
solo aí.
Yo raba y la y baile con los muy aquitos,
con los emoticones,
y nadio y la aquamigos,
porque sontan reales.
Listo, just how?
Y mambos a rancaritas,
con este especial,
y sibiento,
barrias, caras, conocidas,
y bamos a rancarme,
y entoncrencto de las personas,
los espeakers,
que estan aqui,
como haciendo el retuit,
que estamos.
a ranchemos,
bamos ajolarde,
muy bacanos,
que sandentra,
de polcado,
que chara quie de algunas en bajadores,
oj como representatio,
como en bajadores,
Es dos on projectas,
que sandentra,
el polcado,
pero también,
bamos ajar,
ciena alguno memento,
la conversación,
nos quitamos,
las gourdas de en bajadores,
o en bajadores,
I think it's the first time I've seen this presentation and it's super rapid.
I don't know.
I have a few minutes left with the presentation.
And, Lisa, I want to talk about the project that I'm going to represent.
Perfect, perfect.
Hello, Alex, how are you?
Hello, my name is Pico, I'm from the United States of New York.
My name is Juan Andres Calderón.
I'm a founder of the Cripter, the CEO of the Cripter,
and I'm here to help you with the conversation.
I'm going to help you with this.
And I'm going to talk about the automatization that we've been working on.
We've been working on it for a long time.
We've been working on the Cripter and the Cripter,
and we've been working on it for a long time.
Hello, my name is Luis.
I'm from the Cripter, and I'm here to help you with this.
Hello, my name is Carlos.
I'm the president of Luis Ramirez.
I'm the leader of the Cripter,
the CEO of the GIR Foundation,
and I represent GIR Network.
GIR Foundation is the institution that is working on the technological technology
of GIR Protocol, and GIR Protocol, as mentioned earlier,
is the fundamental technique to implement different blockchains.
And the origin of this project was not to provide infrastructure
and intelligence to the system of Polkadot,
but the process of this project,
and the principles of this project,
is to make a specific palette of contracts
with the fundamental product of GIR,
which is the product of the GIR, which is the product of the system,
and the WebAssembly.
And this is part of the technological development of this project.
We will be constructing a project in a very rapid form,
because we will be talking about the intelligence and the liberties
that are being used in the most recent years.
This is the one that I'm going to present,
but I think it will help us as much as possible.
Excellent, excellent.
Luis, donatello, I have an invitation.
If you would like to hear more,
I would like to know what you think,
and I would like to know what you think.
But what do you think about the super-rappie that you have,
and what do you think about it?
Hello, my name is Thargis, I'm a historian.
How are you?
Well, my name is Felipe,
so I'm a historian at the University,
who is one of the authors of the script
that was published by Paul Kalt,
Ethereum, and other things.
And after that, I started learning a lot.
I started learning a lot of different things.
I started learning the base,
the Bitcoin base,
and basically, I started to interact
with everyone in the world.
So I started learning a lot of different things
in a different way.
And I started to receive a lot of different things
and I started learning a lot of different things.
So I started learning a lot of different things
in the media,
for example, in Latin America,
which was a very nice thing.
There were many people in the documentation,
and I started to learn a lot of different things.
But I started learning a lot of different things,
like the x-rays and other things.
Excellent, excellent.
Well, I think in the moment of conversation,
we started learning some things,
and we started learning other projects
from the ecosystem,
and Paul Kalt, who was the first person in the audience,
who started learning the alpha,
which is also known as speakers.
But I think it was a good thing to do.
So we started learning a lot of different things
that is very important.
It was a very important thing to do,
and I think it's important to know
how we can connect with other people.
I personally don't know how we can connect,
and I think it's good.
But I think it's important to know
how we can connect with other people.
first of all,
we started learning a lot of different things
that are happening in the ecosystem.
It is very important that we use the language of the program, and that we use it in the protocol of the gear.
I mentioned before that the protocol of the gear is very rapid.
Like Ethereum, Solana, NIR, ICP, etc.
It is very important that I mentioned before that I think it is important that we use it in one way or the other.
It is that the work of the whole experience that I have made at the Kipo Principal Mentor Fund,
as you can see, there is a lot of interface, a lot of interaction, but there are a lot of concepts,
a lot of knowledge that I have learned, a lot of attention, and I think it is very important that we use it in one way or the other.
It is probably a lot more sensitive to create and interact with intelligent people.
One of the three pillars of the work of Rojador is WebAssembly.
It is basically trying to create a potential link for the ecosystem,
because the language of the program is compatible with WebAssembly.
It is trying to create an ecosystem with WebPress.
We use the language like Rust, AssemblyScript, Mask, Mojave, Python, etc.
There are a lot of problems in the program, I think it is compatible.
On the other hand, the whole ecosystem of the WebPress is blockchain,
because it is very important to use Rojador.
It is basically one of the most important characteristics that we need to network
to use Rojador's network.
It is a part of the initial work.
But we need different capabilities, different capabilities,
that we need to be able to use Rojador's application
to make a more rapid process for the layer 1.
For example, one of the most important problems is the scalability.
We use the 3D blockchains,
for example, the blockchains.
The layer 1 is part of the 3D element of the scalability of decentralization.
The 3D blockchains are part of the scalability of the scalability,
including Ethereum and other things.
And with the evolution of the technology,
it is important to make a mess,
because this is not a problem.
It is also important to keep in mind,
that the real world is given the WebDos,
and that the WebPress is compared to the velocity of the ecosystem,
and that we need to make sure that the technology is different,
because it is a different sport.
And we need to make sure that the layer 2,
different forms of the problem of scalability,
are the same as centralization.
This is the velocity,
and the process of the ecosystem is centralized,
and this is a much more rapid process,
that the system of blockchains is centralized,
and we need to make sure that the mechanism of consensus,
such as the idea of work and stake,
and that we need to make sure that the system is consistent,
that we need to make sure that red is the right direction
for our projects and the Casio de Bada network,
that we need to make sure that the scenarios come from DeFi or Gamify,
and that we need to make sure that the Casio de Bada network
will market place, oracle, supply chain,
tokens, caregivers, tokens, non-fungibles, et cetera.
Thank you very much.
A lot of the applications have been developed,
but they are much better,
but I think that at one point in time,
we need to make sure that red is the right direction,
and that we need to make sure that it is equal to $1 million.
And that is why I am here today,
because I want to make sure that it is equal to $1 million.
But I don't want to tell you,
let me ask you a question.
Well, I am going to say a few words.
Thank you very much.
I am going to say a few words.
I am going to say a few words
with one of our speakers,
super responsible,
one of the people who learned the technology,
and part of that is to tell you the truth,
and to tell you the host of our crypto,
who is responsible for this,
and who is going to make it.
But anyway,
I think that we need to make sure that
we don't know what it is, or not.
We need to make sure that the techniques
and the skills of the nerds,
or we need to make sure that they are right.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much,
and thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
I think that we need to make sure that
we don't have to do anything else.
We need to make sure that we are
in the right place,
in the right place,
in the right place,
and in the right place.
I think that it is important
to deliver the information
that we need to make sure that
we have the best projects
that are made of the same
project that is made out of
functional products
and provide traction.
We need to make sure that
we have the best projects
work out, as you know, the scheme mass lindo a evolution out in terminal depression.
Well, we've got to get the most important test for the new application is good deals
the colors are open and happy.
Again, again, the call the panel, the speakers, please click on it and be in for a
implo que es lo que que es lo que hace en manta tan bueno.
Cuando yo conocí hace el hacia por ejemplo que lo conocimos hace una
añume y a tras más humanos que es del canal y mos venidos y endo ellos de
celeste y hace una añume y invitamos a la gente a la preventa, pues a los que
hace en parte de la comunidad de nación cripto.
Y yo cono se eseles y jume y atamente y ou y no hinga.
Pero que es que estos a muy no hador.
Esto tuy mos entre isa con el cio, ogo, de celeste, de entre el canal.
Y yo ejeno en gazos a muy bacán, sos a muy no hador.
Sera que, allí ne pues plicar si lo que tras, lo que esta tres en domante por ejemplo.
Es algo que se puede comparar con eso que lo que esas en domante s'actamente.
Pero que yo han ese un tico, pues, su como, como poquito con ocimiento el respecto.
¿Dona telo, dona telo? ¿Dona telo y aníme?
¿Dona telo y lotir algun de ahoy el buso?
¿Y a puede havento.
¿Nó a la verdad es que no e tienes esta esperencia o recontrollo que esta proponendo manta?
Sí estoy aí participando que haciento lo que, o que subero no haciendo y dimas.
Pero no la verdad es que sí, se ayocro que sí va ayudar y pues a tienes muchí sí mor rido.
¿Nó a la cante, muchos tambiñíbal me manal, me zagga para próvantar me sobre.
¿Sóbre manta? Pero eso es que sal más en el que estamaditir y me de más.
¿Sóre el interesi veo que está fuerte por todo lo que sí en no manta?
Pero sí, me que o un poquito aí.
¿No me material per formida?
¿Vueno profe, ¿ste? Quien se añima? ¿Qué en cien aímás?
¿Qué un todo manta? ¿Y o todo a canta lo que recuerdo a manta?
¿Y hoy. ¿ ¿Qué es el muy un eso? Pero de mucho la pisa a manta.
I hope that you can see the crowd in the third floor,
and I hope that you can see it very, very well,
that you can see a lot of people there.
But I hope that you can see
that there is a lot of perspective for the people
that not participate in the crowd,
I will spare the pizza.
Or I will record this moment,
and I will say this with all the others.
I will say this with all the others.
What I want is the solution
de privácida de entre le cudice mea polca de esquiá tener.
Una, algó mús y mílado que sícrenhe de orden tres coles múndar da.
Es uno loggén que permite tenier contrátos de intellientes,
perginte pogromar contrátos de intellientes.
Pero siente entiá tener le sus agitamentos de privácida.
Como te digo hace dos anos puede pergido el rastral aqui,
por de nos echos tras códas un mejos avantrado.
Oío pues.
¿Qué múché?
Eto ese voy a márche tincané.
Eto ese voy a pada ora de.
Que la vlogs in entre polca, se llama tlante,
y la solucion de,
respondigli aitos, oíhecucion,
porque no todo un míclaro,
que se néterio un se llama pacific.
Pero de lías upertiades, y pechú,
y los el luis.
¿Quienen un púbito más de contexo flentiamanta,
que no los vegales?
Bueno, yo creque podría por taro un poco en la parte
technologica de la proposta de manta,
porque chí es a luego que me llamola,
tiención cuando,
salio gusto início con la parte,
que me ención a dóndo sobre,
la parte de la privacidade,
las transáxiones,
que hacido algo en el ecosystema webtres,
que ya tine tempo,
que se a estado explorando,
desde cicás porjemplo o Monero,
que son cryptos que están enfocados en la privacidade,
y se initióto,
té tema de el sero noles proof.
Esta parte super importante,
que hoy en día de chos de los fundamentales de blockchain,
o de la parte,
más importante que está eno vando el ecosystema,
el poder implementar privacidade,
trabe ese technica es cryptographica,
y manta o cupa cetecas narcs,
para poder realizar,
este proceso,
en la partícular,
amilo que me gusta,
y sicchero que puede crear algo,
muy bueno para el ecosystema,
primero es porque está eso para el ecosystema de polcadote,
y todo esto que tré polcadote,
es del tema de la governanza compartída,
y la interoperabilidad,
para mi hace que manta pueda,
ser una buena proposta no solo para el ecosystema,
de polcadote,
y no en general también para todo el ecosystema.
E esos lo que me gusta de que curreira,
yo que que esperar,
ver cómo abanza,
porque amino particular varios projectos de polcadote,
pero yo que llegarán más a ya porjemplo acalano,
recuerdo cuando está vancicando sus tablecoin,
y yo estaba superfacinado,
con esto antes que llegar a USDC,
a la ecosystema polcadote,
y yo está a muy tus es mado,
con el USDC,
y todo lo que va lo gran el ecosystema,
una sola stablecoin para todo el ecosystema,
y bueno ya sabemos lo que paso después,
de el problema de configuración,
te orico, que mención no el equipodacala,
y que tristamente después ya el projecto,
acto elemente siento que posse dejo,
y entonces de ser uno de los projectos,
que venián con muchísimo futuro,
tristamente se vino para bajo,
entonces, bueno.
De momento yo croque que manta puede ser,
una proposta muy fuerte para el ecosystema,
global, a nivel, de privacidad,
lo que están buscando hacer,
lo que hasta naciendo o bemente,
pero hasta un de puede llegar,
yo sí, que lo que es un projecto top, top, top.
A inos tocas de fibros en sibler.
¿Qué es que también qué porjemplo?
¿Qué roque estamos conectados?
¿Pos los que nos gusta bastante,
el ecosystema de polcadot?
¿Y nos encanta muchos los fundamentales,
y nos encanta mucho projectos,
que están teniendo exito aquí,
y algunos también que estamos que no tenerexito no trascana,
¿Qué porjemplo hasta no?
¿Qué también ya esta haciendo só cetaca en ettirium,
só cetaca ebbm.
Pero algo interesante de esto,
puede esto va evolutionando superápido,
de lo que el principio habla,
mos hace meses,
o se antes de que propúciran,
el agel polcadot, Gavin Wood,
con esta evolution,
y todo esto aícho que los projectos también cambién.
¿Qué muiten?
¿Qué muiten?
¿Qué muiten?
¿Qué muiten?
¿Qué muiten?
¿Qué muiten?
¿Qué muiten?
¿Qué muiten?
¿Qué sígo haciendo?
¿Qué mejoro en la red?
Y yo sígo haciendo super, super fan, fan de polcadot?
No soy Maxi, eso de eso mecho.
¿A me me gustan también otras de redes?
¿Qué tecnógí, ¿Qué me en tablando?
¿Respecto todo?
¿Es forso?
¿Qué en que se puntuales en las cosas en las que pueden habermejoras?
Las partes tristes que nos ano curidones de proceso comporquado?
¿Para qué en las cosas mas grandeso?
We have a specific aspect of Celestia.
It is ready to be implemented.
It is ready to be implemented for projects in Polka,
in Perdon, in Cosmos.
It is ready to be implemented.
Thanks to ESO and the implementation of the IBC,
in this case specifically,
which is the protocol of intercommunication of Cosmos,
we have done a lot of projects
that are independent,
one of which is native,
one of which is very easy to operate,
one of which is very easy to operate,
and the other one is that the interoperability
is very easy to operate.
I think that there are many different ways
that we can do this.
We can do this in a very similar way.
We can do it in a very similar way.
We can do it in a very different way.
We can do this in a very different way.
It depends on the bull market,
because in the bull market,
the bull market is pretty high.
It is quite high.
It is very high.
We can do it in many different ways.
We can do it in a very different way.
There is a lot of respect,
but there are a lot of reasons for that.
But what is the bull market?
It is very high.
In the case of the bear market,
we can use a lot of respect
in a very different way.
In the case of Cosmos,
we have done it in many different ways.
We do it in a very different way.
In the case of Cosmos,
I'm going to ask you, what do you think is the best way to do it?
We're going to ask you, what do you think is the best way to do it and what do you think is the best way to do it?
But I don't know why.
What do you think is the best way to do it and what do you think is the best way to do it?
I think that if you want to do it, you can do it.
I think that you have to visit workshops where you can do it.
If you want to do it, you can do it.
I think that there's a lot of friction in the experience of doing it.
I think that the best way is to do it.
The question is, how do you do it and what do you think is the best way to do it?
If you want to do it, you can do it.
If you want to do it, you can do it.
I'm going to ask you, what do you think is the best way to do it and what do you think is the best way to do it?
I think that if you want to do it, you can do it.
I think that this way, you can do it.
I think that it's the best way to do it.
and I think that's why I'm here today.
I'm very happy to be here.
The technical part is to explain to you,
but I think that I'm very happy to be here,
and I think that there are a lot of people in Mexico,
and I think that's why I'm here today,
because I'm from Colombia,
because this is an interest for the ecosystem,
for the employees, for the enthusiasts,
for Latin America,
because I think that there are projects
that don't work,
that don't work,
that don't work,
that don't work,
and I think that the most important thing is that
I'm from all over the world,
and I think that in Mexico,
there are people in the world who work,
and that's why I think that this is a natural experience,
and the experience is not only for the people who work,
but also for the people who work in the first place,
and the people who work in the country,
who are in the world,
and the products that I think are very interesting.
I think that in Argentina,
we have a very good idea of the products that are in the world,
that are in the world,
and that's why we're here at the center,
we're here at the pub,
we're here to help you with a lot of things.
So, I think that's super interesting,
and I think that,
if you look at all the products that I have,
and the products that I have for you today,
and if you look at all the products that I have for you today,
for those of you who are in Colombia,
I think that's really important,
and I think that's really important,
and I think that's really important,
and I think that the option,
and all of these are part of the world,
is that there is a more focused focus
for the people who work in this country.
And I think that,
with all of this,
I think that it's really important
for the people who are exclusively involved in the technology,
and who are the people who work in this country.
But I think that's really important,
because I think it's super, super fun.
So, I think that,
with Gear and Polkadot,
and today we're going to talk a little bit about Polkadot,
I think that's really important,
because it's a big problem for Polkadot,
and it's a big problem that people in the Polkadot,
in the official case, in Mexico,
are going to end up in Polkadot,
because it's not a big problem for Polkadot in Mexico.
In this event,
we're going to go there,
and we're going to go there,
in the official case,
and we're going to do this,
because, with Eric,
and Javi, and Esevento,
and everything else,
it's going to be very important,
very important,
to the customer of Polkadot in Mexico,
and we're going to go there,
because we're going to go there,
and it's going to be very important,
and I think that,
as I said,
we're going to do this,
because we're going to explore different spaces,
but I think that Polkadot,
the original construction of Polkadot,
was a big part of the development of Polkadot,
because it's very important.
In the part of Polkadot,
I think it's very important,
and I think it's very important,
and I think it's very important,
in terms of how we're going to function,
and how we're going to do this,
and what we're going to do next,
because, for example, Ethereum.
Ethereum is the first one,
and it's not the only one,
but it's the only one,
and it's the only one that's going to be available,
and it's the only one that's going to be available,
because it's also very important,
and it's also very important in the ecosystem.
I think it's a good thing to do this process,
and the most important thing,
and I think it's a good thing,
because Polkadot,
and the technology that we've learned from the scan,
is a good thing to do,
because it's very important,
and it's one of the most important techniques,
and the most important part of Polkadot.
Polkadot is very valuable,
because in the part of Ethereum,
there's a lot of difference between Polkadot
and Ethereum,
because it's a construction,
an architecture that is very good.
The technology that we've learned is very important,
and it's not only available in Ethereum,
for example, in the customer,
because it's a very important thing to do,
and it's also very important,
the education,
but in Ethereum,
it's not necessary to do that,
because the grand majority of people
who are interested in Ethereum,
are interested in Ethereum,
because Ethereum is interested in Ethereum,
and Ethereum is interested in Ethereum,
and so there's a lot of courses,
a lot of applications,
a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of things.
And the final thing,
the other thing,
is the customer,
as we said,
is a massive customer,
and it's evident that the grand majority
of blockchains that are in Ethereum are compatible.
Okay, well,
I don't know,
how much is the ecosystem,
how much is the functionality,
how much is it,
is there a equilibrium in three different projects?
Well, yes, education,
yes, education,
because we have the fundamentals of all of them,
and then,
we have a mass,
it's not necessary,
it's not the technical part.
Okay, I'm going to do the last one,
and if I want to do it,
I'm going to do Rust, Inc.,
for example, no?
Okay, Rust,
in Latin America,
we have a full-time program,
We have a lot of people,
we have a lot of people,
a lot of people,
a lot of people like us,
and also we have lots of different spaces
at workshops,
and we have people who are interested
in listening to this.
We have a lot of people who are interested
and they have a lot of money.
And that's all.
It's not so easy,
we have to know
Si queremos nosotros que las personas construián en esta technologicallya que ocupa en romintas
super top, roast, web assembly. Teremos también que hacer car a las personas
esta información y va hacer las de una forma muy sensián, muy sensián, para que esemiedo de
llegar a construir en un ecósistema con una technología que ellos biencómo complexa.
En relaciaga, muy cidío. Y yo diría que esos vasicamento lo que esto haciendo bara
nécóstema. Porque hemos estado trabajando con universidades, con comunidades, con desar
llegar dores para entendre el mente como mejorar esta estapa, para que primero tenga en el
comunidades, con nosimiento necesario. Y después dia puedan consolidar esto en un idea y
llego un un projecto y logo segueravancando, no contolo que se tienenentro de l'ecosistema.
Pero sí yo gero que la pabra que la vista la education y polca o los tachiento muy
bien en nesinario técnico por es emplo con nos polca o la academy, de aí salene persona
super top, los a super top, decho adrián, adrián montero, no se sista por aquí connectado,
no momente se una también. Adrián se lío de un polca o academy de argentina, y yo
indianos esta puedando un bara nécora en la parte técnica y grací, se esta abansando
bastante en esta education también técnica. En dónde es que pasa ría, sí vera a varíos
adriánes. Yo que sisten en cargando de la education de las personas que tienen un nivel
medio bajo y que los puedan trale de la cóstima. Tendre a mes más adósion, eso de lo que
réalmentes tambos buscando y si polca o, por champlo tu vera esta parte. Te que nos
o la mente en el academy. Os a porque la academy es para tops porque para poder
tu ser parte de un academy tienes que hacer un examen, y atenis que con nos erros. Pero
sá llen más applications a la ver más desarveradores, a la ver más applications.
A la ver más applications con potential dese rectitos, porque porque pues nabeir quienientas
applications. Pero esas quienientas a la más cinco vanas ser las que la cientro
ovar. Ok, y no esitamos días míle appliquaciones. para que es es cinco por ciento se
to compare the most applications that we have,
and to try to get the most out of the ecosystem.
Well, no, it's in a car.
It's the listeners in the space.
This is a part of the project,
in Colombia as a human being.
I also want to thank OAAC and OAAC for their support.
I also want to thank the OAAC Foundation for their support.
I also want to thank the OAAC Foundation for their support.
I want to thank you really, very much for your support.
I really appreciate your support.
I also want to thank the OAAC Foundation for their support.
I also want to thank the OAAC Foundation for their support.
I really appreciate their support.
I really appreciate your support, and I appreciate it so much.
I'd like to share an opinion that is popular in English.
An opinion that is popular in English?
Yes, it is popular.
I think the evolution of the ecosystem is very important.
The principle of being creative,
for which one can prosper,
is that you have to be creative,
and you have to be able to be able to make the best of your education.
This is the purpose of Embargo,
which is the experience of not only us,
but also of us,
one of the things that has been done,
and the final application.
These applications are not necessary,
in which the students,
or the students,
or the people who are interested in understanding the ecosystem.
We have a project called Solana.
Solana is a project that is based on
the inclusion of the culture.
It is a project that is part of the creation of Solana.
Because we have an attraction,
because we have lots of people,
many Solana people,
and in the end,
I would say that the second,
or the second,
is a much more idealist project
than the original ones.
It is a simple project,
an application that is not necessary
for the people who are creative.
It is not necessary,
for example,
we have the architecture,
and we have the architecture,
but also,
we have lots of people,
lots of people,
lots of infrastructure,
lots of architecture,
and we have a product,
a product called Impecaveli.
This product is an attraction,
an attraction,
and in addition to this,
we have lots of people,
lots of students,
lots of students,
and lots of people,
and lots of people,
in the application.
This includes a lot of applications,
in the system,
but there are many applications
that the Korean government,
the blockchain,
the infrastructure,
the community,
the people,
and so on.
It is very important that
these applications,
that they are not created
by the developers,
that they are in the ground
for the most,
or that they are doing
for the most part,
that they are not created by the developers.
These applications are for the developers,
the market fit,
in which these products are produced,
and it depends on them.
If you are interested in this,
you can use this application
within the system,
you can use it as a way of
creating the product,
creating different parts,
and then it is necessary
to make it a little more difficult.
But what I want to say is,
the secret that we have,
is that it is very important to us,
to us, to the community,
to the community,
to the customers,
to the customers.
I am very excited to have you.
I hope you like the experience.
I also want to thank you all
for taking the time,
for making us feel comfortable,
and for making the technology
available to everyone.
Thank you,
for everything you said.
I really appreciate you because
everything is a breeze,
I would like to say that, as I said before,
that Luis and I, at the end of the day,
I think it's super important that we do this project
that we don't want to live in Latin America.
We don't want to live in the world,
when we live in Europe, in Asia and in the United States.
We don't want to live in other countries,
which is Latin America.
We want to live in technology.
These projects, for example,
I would like to say that there's a lot of work
in the world that has a lot of people
that are ranked in Moonbeam,
in the first place, Moonbeam,
Glimmer and Arete San in Bays.
I would like to say that there's a lot of work
that has been done because there's a lot of work
that has been done at this moment.
I think that there's a lot of work
that has been done in this country.
And I think that the projects we've done
for the last few months,
as we've said,
have been done in the last few months,
as we've seen in Latin America.
We've been working on a lot of things
that have been done.
We've been working on things like
the ramyenta, quince,
and the muy buena,
and the muy poerosa,
but also the fact that there's a lot of work
with a lot of others,
with a lot of other people,
and I think that there's a lot of work
especially because there's a lot of work
that has been done by Coinbase for a long time.
So, I think that there's a lot of work
that has been done by Moonbeam,
that has been done by Moonbeam in Spanish.
I think it's been done for a long time.
It's a project that has been done
for a lot of people,
a super project,
but it has been constructed
from the beginning.
And with a lot of work,
with Coinbase,
with Subinculo,
with Parachins,
in Polica,
and in Kusama.
So, I think that there's been a lot of work
that has been done by Moonbeam,
with Proxima,
and I think that there's been a lot of work
that has been done by Moonbeam
in Spanish,
with a lot of work that has been done
by the Script Office,
and I hope that they will be able to do that.
In terms of what this project has been done
in Latin America and in the US,
it's been done for a long time.
It's been a very important project
for the ecosystem,
and there's been a lot of work
that has been done
for the ecosystem in general,
and it has been done for a long time.
I think that there's been a lot of work
that has been done by Moonbeam,
with Proxima,
So, first of all, I want to say thank you so much for joining us today.
It's been a lot of fun, a lot of fun.
And finally, these protocols are very important to me.
These are the ones that are very important to me.
These are the most important things to me in terms of inversion.
This is a very important thing to me,
with the projects that are here,
the speakers, and we have a lot of people in the system,
and people from all over the world.
So, thank you so much for joining us today.
We will see you next time.
Now, I think it's very interesting,
because, as I said,
I think that we have a lot of people in the system.
And I think that this is a very important thing
to me, as I said earlier.
It's a thing that different technologies
have to do with people from all over the world.
And, as I said,
we have a lot of people from all over the world.
So, I think that in the world,
we have a lot of people from all over the world.
So, I think that the ecosystem is very important
and continues to increase.
So, I think that the support that we have
has been very interesting in many ways.
And it's considered,
this is the element,
that is being resulted in a quarter-plasm,
a quarter-plasm, and a quarter-plasm, and a quarter-plasm,
and a quarter-plasm, and a quarter-plasm, and a quarter-plasm,
because, finally,
we have a lot of technology that is a project
that is very much about how the vision
is basically interconnected
to the ecosystem.
And I think that
there is a lot of information
and the combination of different strategies
to try to build projects in the ecosystem
so that the most important thing is that,
as we have seen in the last few years,
is that we have been able to improve.
But I think that
there is a lot of work that has been done
in the last few years,
that has been done by the Parity,
by the Webtree Foundation,
by the Nature,
and by Mejorar.
And by the way,
I think that
the reason why we have a lot of work
I think that we have a lot of work that we have done
in the ecosystem,
and that we have done
and that we have done
and I think that
we have done all the work
in the community
because of this application
that we have implemented
in the project
and that we have done
more constructors,
so there is much, much more to do.
I will give you a few things that are not very much...
Ok, I will give you a few things in 2018.
We are only in technology.
We are only in education,
for example,
because there are a lot of things to do.
There are a lot of things to do
in the U.S.
for the development of technology.
For instance,
que al bez al ecósistema, te polcad la esfalta una me mecón muy muy teza, muy dura, muy buena, muy bertída, que en piede trar esos usuarios
que pien san dejes, que en sienima, que en sienima se una me mecón pues. Yo, hay una de a por aí, hay una de a por aí, pero no lábío como tan,
al piano lábío como tan interesante, no tienes, canto, canto eseñciá y meimos, porque esos muy importante, la meimos que tenga en eseñciá y meimos.
¿Qué me lla adópción cuando los ususarios bien que pien, hacer más cosas entonces.
¿De finitiam tenos aces faltuna buena me mecón?
¿Total? Sien por siento, bueno, lugar o que es españos en es pueden, pesar hacer muy largo, y a apamos casi una hora.
¿Tal bespoamos terminar con algo especívigos quieran decir, no se ustedes, teni a unas preguntas que veraían, no se en biaaron,
y pronto de esas preguntas esquela que más legusta, y hacer se la preguntas de mismo y responders de la paraqué.
¿De pronto no nos baíamos que ar con algo que quieramos decir, no lo pamos decir porque españos a caja.
¿Qué en quera han car cripto, fessor, Luis, Fechuqui, on a telo, hoy aelguna preguntas de las personas que estan aqua como escuchando?
¿Jó partículamente, síamos a hola arpos sin de presio, y inanimo de forme arana, y de recomendar, le absolutamente, puesan a y que haja, y compre, y eso de,
y hoy aelguna preguntas de turin, que de el toque en de hoy a cacto el mente, me paredes de que esta rículamente barrato, sá, y no que en conque, que esa comención comión es de dolares,
la valoración tras dilucion total.
¿Tos es, mi maino que el market, cada es incluso más y quito, esar puedenos dos, dos, tres díones de dolares?
¿Y es ese presio para lo que no está offresiendo, aqua como le diguen terminos de automatización, chá, líros de ordenes,
ejecuciones automatización, no se pueden complar en decea, sin justar, todendía, peguar, computador, me parede que es algué muchido, muy allor, es alguen poco más de infrastructura, pero, pero bueno.
¿Se una lo que es llamos dorita, sí, que vatando es aquíler aplicación de entre polco, por implementar, todas esos unos un esqué o aqua, sá, tres dendos, yo croque es y eso se hab, de area se uno los buenos ganaros de entre polco en esse un marque.
Próvel en canta chilear, en susi lo tenga lo un por seguro, de el siempor de las cosque, e gal profe, cuan el días por siento y eso parta la lámita.
Ay, yo, Roin, también, que di hablar, se sulloy de speaker. ¿Qué enton, Roin?
¿Tá al comandam?
¿Tá y pues para entretar de pero escuché lo de las méme coin, sí, que, arna y uno pignón.
¿Tas de pues que entiendo que lo que se busca, los méme coins, esa trairu, usuarios, más lité, no?
¿Piero, quiero que, también, ay, que tomar en cuenta, el tiempo que ya bieno peráción polcado.
¿Sano ponos compararitarium que ya va más años.
¿Por pual, ya está más listo en el sí, lo pasado.
¿Tieno projecto de se stilo, cuando polcado de la pena se estada.
¿Cónstrullén, no?
¿Nosta años la suevastas en su hamento?
¿Piero, croque en es te tiempo de ver marque o curía, muchas cosien téresantes.
¿An y vey el está, hay muchos projectos que estan ya finnerizando su technología,
para poder proportionada lusario, estí me jores, appliquaciones.
to create a project with a lot of people,
and I'm sure we'll be able to work with the community
and the children.
There's a lot of work that we're doing
to create a project that focuses on gaming
and the world around us.
I'm going to start with a quick question.
I'm going to start with a lecture,
and I'm going to start with a game play,
which is called The Guego Alta,
which is a game that I'm going to talk about
I'm going to start with the first question,
which is about the project,
but I'm going to start with the project
What is the purpose of the project?
What happens in the future?
What is the purpose of learning?
What are its interests?
What are its priorities?
What is the purpose of the project?
What is the purpose of the project?
For you, what is the purpose of the project?
I know that there's a certain value
all of this application because it's accessible for all of us,
and it's massive and it's linear,
with the addition of the base,
which is a vision of us,
because it's part of the success of the exchange on-chain,
and it's a big thing to do,
and we have to look at the future,
and we have to think about it.
The introduction is very serious,
but it's not a bad idea,
and it's accessible for all of us,
for all of us,
in Spain, in Portugal, and for all of us.
It's very important,
and while I'm here,
I'd like to look at the same channel as Moonwell,
and look at the protocols,
and see if there's a problem,
or if there's support for the sugar,
and that's very serious.
That's all for today.
I mentioned Moonwell for various reasons,
and I think that we have a lot of problems,
and I think we have to look at it,
as a project that is very important,
and a lot of people are interested in it,
and there are many, many processes,
and there are three things that we can do,
and I think that we can do a lot of things,
and I think that there are many things
that we can do with the centralization of marketing.
I think it's very important,
but I don't know.
I've never been able to do this before,
but with the situation,
in the first place,
in the market,
we had a big quarantine,
and the question was,
how do we make a market,
and how do we make it,
and how do we make it,
and for me,
I think that one of the things that I do
is a lot more important,
and I think we have a lot more to do,
question is,
how do we make it,
and how do we make it,
and how do we make it,
and I think that is what we have to do,
and I think that is what we have to do,
and I think that is a really good question.
Bueno ques. Bueno sino a enamas para esir. Oi. Estemar causta, muy tranquilo, las cuasas,
muy endo muy sago, es un púquito es y abajo, pues en el space pasado, no puedemos mandarlo
sabormir porque estamos al punto resiliar notícial y tif, entonces hoy yo creo que sí puedemos
mandarlo sabormir. Bueno la armir. Que es, y tiena el puedemos que esir a ora? A ole la
ora que se lo para siempre, porque espede que yo conga esta canción, todos mundo de
habiráormir. Que es, bueno. Paríse que no. Todos muchachos a armir y nada, espero que
en dío que es, y algo hoy. Nío.
Bueno, el porque no se es conecta, sie? A ormír.
¿Hola, man? A ormír. A ormír, se la que se quiero en dormír, y no puedemos de
conectar. A ormír, a ormír. ¿Vaya se?
¿Vaya se puede?
¿Vaya se puede?
¿Vaya se puede?