Gitcoin Citizens Round #1 Shill Space

Recorded: June 20, 2023 Duration: 0:47:09
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hey everyone, we will be starting in just a minute while we wait for some more people for joining.
Wow Sean you have an applause for us perfect. I really it's like if I had spare time and I start pushing buttons this is about the time that I hit the end all button and kick everybody out so yeah I should probably just stop playing with buttons.
That was a great button. There's a bunch more sounds on here. I wonder what these sound like. Okay. That's too much. I was trying to figure out how to play music. I can never figure that one out.
have a more impressive soundboard than the late night talk show.
Okay, we have kick coin joining as well.
It's just perfect. Yeah, MGM. Hello, everyone. Yeah. Hello. Yeah.
On a shell space with everyone again, I just love these spaces so much see some familiar faces in the crowd. Yeah, everybody should be just in an awesome mood too. So everybody should be so like super stoked as well.
Yes, because this is totally going to be a space for everyone all the grantees want to talk about what they are doing for get coin citizens for this round. So yeah, this is going to be a little bit more informal one than the previous one.
But for the first time, we'll go through what is in this round. But first of all, starting by introducing ourselves. So I'm Chris. I will be your host for today.
I will be joined by Matilda and Sean and Umar who is as Kidcorn citizens. He's hiding behind the Kidcorn citizens account. So Umar is here as well. So I'm Chris. I've been running the operations at Kidcorn in the past and now I'm one of
that people running the Bitcoin citizens round together with Sean and Umar. Um, I went to support of Matilda who is doing, uh, communications with us on this. So maybe I'll also let you introduce yourselves, um, whoever wants to go next.
I can go. Yeah, this is Matilda. For those of you who don't know me, I work in marketing at Getcoin, so I am the content and project/compain coordinator for Getcoin.
Thank you so much. And then we can go to Sean maybe. Governance at Goodcoin, but I'm fascinated by the subject. I'm super excited that these guys let me tag along and help play in the kind of building this this around. So I'm just excited for today. Omar, would you?
Hey, I'm Umar. I also am helping work on this citizens route and I'm also at PGF, our public-it's funding work stream, where I do a lot of data analysis.
Yay! Thank you all of you together. We formed this power team here just to support our grantees and of course also all of the supporters, all of the donors to this round because this round is for both this round this this space is to bring both of you together so that you can actually know
what the citizens' round is about and who you should be donating to. So with that, I will give a short introduction for people who missed the previous spaces on what is the citizens' round. And in the meantime, if you are grantees, don't hesitate to already request to comment.
stage and then we will be accepting u1 by 1 so that we can just like have a flow of everyone just chilling their grants because that is what this space is for. So just start with okay what is this instance round? This is a round by Gitcoin to really
The people who have supported the wider getcoin ecosystem, the wider getcoin community.
like things that have been done by some of our grantees, it could be educational content, promotional content, data analysis, and support oriented initiatives. But they will definitely tell you more about this. And also very good to know is if this space inspires you and is like, wow, that's fantastic.
can actually get rewarded for just helping get coin. Well you can because this is just the first isn't round. There is for sure coming a second and we honestly hope that there will be many many more after this and so the more successful this round becomes the more chances there are that there's gonna be more rounds of course.
So we definitely hope that this becomes a huge success and it definitely already is already. So yeah, on that note, another thing that is important to know is that this first round, it's also a little bit of an experiment for us and the first round is entirely
using retro retroactive quadratic funding. So everything that we are funding is for work that happen in the past. In our next round, we're probably also going to add proactive funding so where you can actually say, I want to do this for get going and I would like to get funded for it. So this is coming up in
the next round, but everything that you will see now is for work that has already been done. And so Gidgorn is adding 20,000 dye in the matching pool, so that really adds quite some funding for those people as we only have 33 people, but they are all fantastic.
So around runs until the 27th at midnight UTC, so that is just about seven more days. And if you want to donate, then you can go to where you can find all the information on
this round how to donate and so on. And very important you will, for example, also find more information on how to donate on optimism because this round is our first round that we are running on optimism, which means low gas fees, almost nonexistent gas fees. So we really hope that you will donate and
So on the platform, on the website, you can find a lot of information, how you can bridge your funds to optimism. I even created a little quick video on how to do this and you can find some written guides for this as well. But the simple thing on how to start, how to do this, you just go to app.op
very important mention also is if you want to get coin to match your donation go to
dot kidcoring dot co because we have the fantastic kidcoring passport that helps us to prevent a civil attacks. And so if you have a filled out passport, then we can actually see that you are genuine, that you are one person, and we can accept that donation. Donations get accepted anyways, but we can match
the funding. So that is the general information on the round. One more thing, if you have any trouble, you can find all the information on our support pages. So that is And you can also talk directly to the team through this chat window that you can find
on our platform, both on Passport as any other place on a grand stack. So bottom right, you just open a conversation and normally within an hour you will get a response, it's occurring at a time during the weekends it can be a little bit slower but normally you get a response quickly.
pretty quickly. You can also join us on Discord and ask direct support from your peers if you're very impatient or you just want to talk to other grad-out other supporters. So please join us in all the places, ask all the questions. If you open a support ticket, you actually help us improve our product. So please, please
anything you see, if you see something, say something and you help us make Gitcoin better. So with all of that, I just want to like repeat one more time, go to and that is the very easy way to start donating. And, oh yeah, one more thing.
also maybe if you're not yet, follow Git Corin citizens, so at Git Corin citizens that is our host of today, um, um, rumor is hiding behind that account while we all are, but today it's rumor in this space, and there you can stay up to date in the coming days, we will also be
tweeting more about all our grantees if you still need some more inspiration so keep an eye on us and also for future initiatives of course. So with that we can maybe like say a word of our stats so I think in the meantime we are I think at
Yeah, we're halfway almost. So we have quite some donations already. And I've been speaking a lot. So maybe I can switch over to Umar or Sean, if you have this open on your screen as well, like what is the current situation? How are we doing?
I checked this morning and I think the latest stats that I saw in Round Manager were 22,000 donations. 22,000 die has been donated already, which is just incredible. I think Sean, you mentioned this last time too, that we were expecting a couple hundred
to donate. And now we're over 3,000 different wall of the dresses donating over 10,000 individual donations and over 20,000 in value being donated. So already, I mean we started with a 20K matching pool already the amount of funding available for grantees has been doubled because of the amazing
community response that we've seen. People are really coming out for the good core citizens. There's a lot of love and a lot of support for this crowd and the amazing work that they've already done. And yeah, it's been awesome. Sean, do you want to add anything? Yeah.
So just check the unique contributors were now up to 4,184 unique contributors with 15,000 number of contributions and we just crushed it about 22,600 dollars. Now the amazing thing to me about that is this goes to the power of quadratic funding.
which is you know get coin put up $20,000 and the community doubled it right so if you have a program that you're trying to get additional funding for or if you've got a if you're working for a protocol and you're trying to find a way to get more people in your ecosystem get coin grants is a great way to make that happen and this is the part
platform we're using right now is the self-service platform. So Omar, Chris and myself, we sat down, figured this out, set it up with the help of our M&M marketing team. We spun this thing up ourselves. We didn't use a lot of internal support. And if you have a program that you want to get broad community support for, you've got a little bit of money that you want to put into a partner
your community help double it. Now I'm not saying they're going to guarantee get a hundred get to double it like we did, but I mean this is a really powerful mechanism and to me this was the most I hope thing is I was with Chris. I mean I was thinking okay we'll probably you know we put $20,000 I'd be happy if we got you know five to $7,000 match and we're now we've already doubled it. So#
And I think there were skeptics when we started this saying hey, we tried this before it didn't work that great and I'm blown away by the results and we're on we still have seven days left So I don't even know where this thing's gonna end up So I'm I'm excited about it Omar do you want to say anything about some of the discrepancies we've been seeing in the numbers from the different sources and
There are some interesting dashboards going around right now that are showing us being over 30 K in donations. I think the interesting thing here dive into what is the logic that they're using underneath those dashboards and seeing if it's really working correctly. My hunch
is that those are probably a little bit off and I'd be surprised if you were really over 30, but I will not be surprised when we press that later this week, especially since the vast majority of the time, the biggest donation day ends up being the
So this is also a shout out to all the grantees. Keep pushing because donations are going to keep coming. The last day is going to be the biggest and now is a great time to keep getting those donors ready to donate and help them onboard through the Bitcoin password.
Yes, totally. So it's it's very impressive in any case and yeah, I'm really curious like where the this this crepancy in the data comes from I actually hope of course that we're already at 35k But yeah, Omar is looking into the data and we'll get back to you, but yeah, we have to to To - boards that are like a
a little bit different than what we were seeing, but more news coming up on that soon. So with that, it is time to actually listen to the people, to the community. And so I already like invited two people, three people here on stage. So I may
Maybe, by the way, again, if you are grantee, I see one more request up here from BOW. If you are grantee, please request to speak. And then once you've spoken, maybe go off bigger so that we can line up more people. But the question for you is,
And so I will start with Earth-based soul and then Jimmy. So what did you do during this round? And why should people be donating to you? So there will be some, if you were there last week, some people have already, yeah, have spoken, but like we don't care. We want to hear it again. We want to hear it.
here at more maybe this time you want to sing it in a song you want to do a poem we don't care this is a shell space for you guys and we want to hear everything you did so with that I give it to earth based soul first thank you so much for that and well many of you know me as a
co-founder of a project called Solar Pan Nomads, but I've been nominated in this round because I'm also co-founder in two other projects. One is called Inpat Academy and the other one is the Solar Pan Guild. And for Inpat Academy I did many 101 coal helping younger or new funders
to know about Git congrats and about the communication strategy to have a successful grant. I did about 20 or 30 of them in the last few months and then as a co-founder of the solar pangil, I coordinated many Twitter spaces and also helped
the team and GME to coordinate the GitConradio. So, Bizgad is what I did and this is why people are supporting me. And let me say that I'm just stoked about the support I'm receiving and I really love what you're doing here. And back to you, thanks a lot.
Thank you so much. Yeah, it's really beautiful. And yeah, so keep donating. We will be we will be sharing all the grants one by one. But like let's now just continue for now. So I'll give it to Jimmy and after this we can go to BOW. So Jimmy go ahead.
Thank you Chris, much love everyone to get coin that's making this around happen and I want to second what the earth based soul grito just said I was one of the recipients of his you know guides on how to write a successful grant and tree gens did really well and I'm super grateful for all the work that we do put into this
So the main reason why I've been nominated is around Gitcoin Radio. So came up with this concept of going live 24/7 throughout the round. So we were live for 13 days last time and basically what Gitcoin Radio is the decentralized radio station on Twitter spaces.
So we go from one host to the next every hour. So we try to send as many people as humanly possible from one Twitter space to the next and just try to be always live. And this created a fertile ground for collaboration because everyone is supporting one another's projects. Every single hour we're saying, "Go now, go to that person's space."
beyond shilling projects that also became about collaboration and working together between the different initiatives. So yeah, setting the subcreating like "House Tows You Guys" to pin things to the jumbo tron and organize all the different slots and promote this thing is mostly what I was doing. One of the
thoughts that I was taking is obviously the less popular hours because we want to be live for 24/7 and some of these less popular hours were playing music and music is a great way, obviously, as a radio station as well. So I've tried every possible musical solution from a mic to a speaker and to an irate
But the best way to get high quality music is through something called the Roadcaster Pro and that's what I want to put funds towards so that we can bring high quality music for the next get coin radio next round. So yeah, thank you so much everyone. This worked out really well Chris. I'm in I'm in with like a one hour layover right now going back to Kenya.
So thank goodness is happening now. So anyway, much love passing the baton. Perfect. Great that you could join and hooray for Gitcorn Radio. Of course, yeah, the universal lines, everything works out as it should. So let's go to Baow and then to Mycelia.
Hey, good coin fam. I continue to remain blown away by the support you've given me so far. 500+ unique contributions. Yeah, that's incredible. And I think get coin has a very bright future. I was selected qualified for this round for the Archimedes lover
which is a way to decentralize science and decentralize governance over the scientific process. There are many ways to tell the story of how this idea emerged. And I guess one perspective is a while ago I was just thinking, you know, like how do we change the relationship between labor and
capital. Like, what is every passing moment that we were alive, every action we took was somehow compensated and converted into a public good. And that led me to think about how, you know, if everybody just maintained good sleep hygiene, for example, we would have a much better healthcare
public health would improve dramatically. That led me to think about this, sleep to our idea and so forth and ultimately just evolved into this. I think Web 3 and Getcoin really is the place where this kind of thing can evolve. I think it will.
a very bright future here we can make this kind of thing happen and we can optimize public mental health medical health and individual health as well. So it kind of all comes together all the pieces come together and I'm excited to work with all of you and get to know everyone and yeah the future is bright.
This is fantastic. Thank you. Thank you so so much for everything you do about and we hope that you will continue to apply also for future citizens' rounds because these things are so important. So by the way, again, just repeating like I still see some other people here in the audience who are also grantees don't hesitate
to come up and you would love to hear from you. And first let's go then now to my Celia and then to Carman. Hello good morning community, thanks a lot for this pace as always. So here's my tip
for my Celia. My Celia being a legal tech project site, working, bridging indigenous people, rights and mindset with Rhapsody tool and so from my long time work with
Indigenous people, we realize that and I think that's why we've been inviting this inside GidCon citizen that we need first of all to empower a lot Indigenous people and voice to be inside GidCon process, GidCon radio and actually is what happened. We were on the
first realm last time and we've been inviting Sugaidkan Raidu by Jimmy and many of the other now brothers of the community to bring in these people, translate them and hear their voice and mindsets, vision about our project inside the Raidu and inside the whole Gidkan
And in some things we realized it was very important to empower them, to understand what we can do with them, with them, with vision. And so, but it's a work that takes time, that takes a lot of energy, that we need much more cooperation, so to translate every
to make easier for them to have access to the tools, to the to the universe we are creating together because we believe Hasleidcon is a leg out public good that maybe the one who most are doing public good for of the planet is maybe in Jesus people that doing that for centuries and there's still
far away from this universe. So we want to import much more their voice, them. And so we want to keep on the radio, so to create an indiesous Web3 radio. And for that we need your first and the community support as we already received to make
that happening and not only for them but for all of us because we believe and just stood in this gathering that everybody been invited to listen to something different and also perspective to reality to the whole is really important is to make us think broader even a
on project and make it more collaborative and collective. So and just to finish yesterday we had a really incredible creative space with Jimmy which is leading Max Impact to just space so we can go really deep inside who we are why we are doing
all that within this people. So I invite you to have a look to that, to all the works that Jim is doing because it's really amazing, it's really important, nothing would happen without this Twitter space because there is nothing without community. And so yeah, thanks a lot and keep going.
Yeah, this is such beautiful work you're doing. So thank you so so much. There's an entire community out of there of activists and of regions who still need to get introduced to get coin and actually today's this entire space and get coin is a great way to get run top.
into this and we need people like you in between to actually make it happen. So thank you so, so much for everything you do. So with that, yeah, just in between, like, just so we can have enough speakers. If you've spoken maybe just like go back to listeners so that
we don't accidentally rug you here and we can add more people. And then, yeah, so also, no, we have enough time. So you don't have to feel rushed at all. Take your time to explain why, why you believe people should be donating to you. So like it's a, we have a little
little less speakers in last time so we are definitely just like vibing and chilling here today. So let's see, I was at, so we had my sealer, I think it's karma. So that is the first time we have you on. Tell us everything. What did you do? - Hey, thanks Chris.
My name is Mahesh Mursi, I'm the founder of Karma. Firstly, thank you so much for organizing this KitKoin citizen round. I've been blown away by the love shown by the entire community. So thank you for that.
At Karma, we're building a reputation system for three participants. For Gitcoin, we work a lot with the governance, with Tishan and the team. We manage
website where token holders can go and find all the Gitcoin delegates see how the delegates are doing how active they are and then delegate their tokens to them. So that is the primary role of the
website. We show all the stats about the delegates or the stewards who how active they are on the forum, how active are on the voting on proposals and things like those. And you can easily look up who you have delegated to, re-dilicate your token
So anything related to governance, we display a lot of stats. So those are all the things which we do. We also have a forum plugin which is on the Gitcoin forum where you can click on anyone's avatar and it will show you
their governance stats. So a lot of people have said it's been like super helpful and super valuable to like see that right inside the forum. So those are all the things which we've been working with Bitcoin, Sean and Chris and the rest of the team on.
Yeah, it's been really fantastic. So this might be, for some people, this might be a bit abstract. So like I would definitely invite you to check it out. It's also of course in the grant, but you can go to and good governance
is such a key element of any Dow. So I can personally like attest to it, that this is just like a fantastic thing that Karma just like perhaps just like proposed to update this and to maintain this. So thank you so, so much for your work. It was really such a joy to work on this.
So thank you so much. So yeah, um, let who else we have Sandra still here as a speaker so Sandra tell us everything. What did you do? Hello. Hi. Thank you so much for having me and yes, I just want to echo what everyone said.
about how wonderful it's been to feel this recognition and retroactively. I think it's just been such a for me just a really beautiful uplifting moment that I'm just so thankful for. So yeah, thank you to everyone that's donated to my grandmother.
I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I am a parent, I#
page, Donna actually, from Frontier Dow, that introduced me to all of this. And if someone's in the audience that's going to correct me, I'm happy to say it with someone else, but I think that she was the one that really introduced me to the Get Queen Grant process. And through that, I then connected with
I was in a room with a little girl, and I was like, "Oh, I'm so excited!" And I was like, "Oh, I'm so excited!" And I was like, "Oh, I'm so excited!" And I was like, "Oh, I'm so excited!" And I was like, "Oh, I'm so excited!" And I was like, "Oh, I'm so excited!" And I was like, "Oh,#
which is provided platform for voice, visibility for support for people and projects that I believe in. And so, you know, naturally in connecting with, you know, all of these new ReFY region family members, I really just was inspired.
and you know how was hosting weekly, both IRL and Metaverse meetups at the NFT boutique for women that are curious about learning about Web 3. I just thought when I learned about the magic sauce which I
don't even really know what it is yet of quadratic funding. I really just got super passionate about it and was just couldn't stop talking about it. Stop. So I think I influenced a lot of people through that. You know, I also at the same time was taking the Capitol Institute's
for generative economics course and that for me has always been a foundational work to just re-fi. And so, yeah, I definitely talked to John Fullerton about quadratic funding and I hope that there's maybe some kind of future collaboration there, but I think that just
I want to continue to do and I'm planning to do is to continue to amplify get coin in this, you know, magic, magic, quadratic funding that a lot of people don't know about and especially a lot of my previous circles and you know coming from Silicon Valley, I just moved here to
to Mexico two years ago. So I'd love to just continue to see the praises of what's possible with this technology and why it's so important to get those funds to the local level, to make impact at the local level why that's so important. And I think a lot of BC's, traditional BC's understands that
They just don't know how to allocate their money at smaller, although it doesn't have to be that small either, but yeah, at the smaller levels. And I think that also just the beauty of what quadratic funding does in terms of bringing your community together around you, that feeling of support and being uplifted that you can
get from just knowing like right now I'm looking at my grant and I've got like 549 people that have contributed to it and that's just so again just I feel like my heart is like really just bursting open. Thank you so much to everyone that has donated. It's really yeah I can't say enough how how beautiful it feels
in just how supported and and seen I feel so thank you everybody. Thank you so much for that beautiful testimonial Sandra. I saw your tweets on being an ambassador for quadratic funding and it's you're ready were and you're gonna be it even more. So yeah.
It's like it's super appreciated and it's indeed like yeah, the power of community. We all deeply agree otherwise we wouldn't of course be working at kick coin and this is the magic of quadratic funding. So that's also why we're running this round of course that because the people the people
who bring community together, they do so much beautiful things for the world and they often just do it out of the, yeah, out of just like the beauty of their soul and we really appreciate it so much and we want to give back a little bit. So thank you so, so much for everything that you do. Thank you.
Okay, and as I see we have one more person joining now. Hey, here we have Carla who will pop up on stage in a second, I guess. To tell us a little bit also about what you did in this instance round. Tell us everything.
as soon as she's connected because it always takes a second.
connecting connecting this is just like this build up to this moment what is Carla going to tell us and there she is. I'm good evening. How are you guys doing? I hope everyone's doing great. Yeah, I it was a
I think it was a new last night. I say thank you so much. I just want to use the first name to do something with the good points to the next team. Thank you guys for thinking about this. It was really impactful. This is the first good coin sort of round.
We were in the better rounds, but I would say in the terms of the impact the citizens around was really important, more important than the other. I'm just seeing the number of people that have contributed to borderless is really amazing. I'm saying thank you, the team members and borderless
Thank you. The students also in bodyless as a thank you. So just moving forward, what we're going to do, we have a goal this year to have at least one of in one of the universities, that's the University of Port Harcourt, which is actually my
because one of the challenges we had with raising the three developers was we found that because we weren't situated in the university we're getting a lot of young people who were working also and wanting to get into tech and they were not able to give the attention
to the lessons that were given and bottled less. So we thought, yeah, if we have a hope in the university premises, it will make it easier for the young people who actually have the time to get into this space, to get into with three
take our courses, learn, come to the hub, have the classes and all. We're doing a lot now, but we think we can do a lot better when we have that hub in the university. And this is actually helping us apart from the phones, the publicity, the
We need to see that some other people are able to read through our projects and actually see, or I'm going to support this, it's really encouraging. So I just want to say thank you. And I'm really encouraged by this. What was seeing with the good friends of the New Zealand. Thank you so much.
nice. So it's so great to hear. And yeah, also fantastic to hear that you have that the donations that you're currently getting through this round are more than the last round, like then a beta round. So this is fantastic news. So yeah, like we will let's keep it up. We will keep
promoting you and all the other grantees of course. So thank you for everything that you do. And then so I have I think all the speakers that I had here. So but there's of course a lot of other grantees. So by the way, if there's still grantees in the audience, don't hesitate if you are in the audience and you have
a question about this is in surround also don't hesitate to just like request and so maybe in the meantime I could ask so we have a number of stewards so like we talked about with with my hatch we talked about like our delegates but we have a number of stewards
you're also in this round and maybe Sean maybe you can talk a little bit about these fantastic people and what they do for Kidcoin. Sure you bet. I'll talk about one or maybe two Chris and then if somebody comes up they want to show that I'll switch it back over to you but a couple of the things like yeah
The thing about dows is what's different is governance and it means that everybody has got a voice in how they participate in the doubt and has a voice in what the doubt does and Facilitating things like this and deciding I mean this this was a dow vote to say do we want to allocate $20,000 and people like Bob Jay is one of those stewards
who consistently shows up and participates on the forum and is consistently voting and consistently giving input to these proposals which are bought forward and making every single one of them better. That's what I loved about this round is that we can go back and thank those people that have never, I mean,
We thank him on a regular regular as much as we can but they never received any funding and Bob's a good example of that now he he has been a stewards since 2021 so since the very beginning He participates in the budget reviews which are a slog and they're thankless right and he also started to get Queen Chinese fans back
in 2021 and he's hosted several AMAs with our Chinese counterparts as well to help bring the get-quain message to Asia. He's helped me personally out with building onboarding plans and he has consistently given good quality input
on many of the proposals that pop up on our form. So I wanted to say thanks to Bob and I know that if I look at his contribution so far, if you're looking for somebody who is deserving and you haven't given any funding yet, I recommend go take a look at Bob's proposal. He's fantastic.
I would I would also like yeah, I would echo that like Bob has been with get coin now since the very beginning He is the person who just like started with like starting the support initiative at get coin. He is Non-native English speaker, but he just managed he was just like I want to do
this and he just made it happen, improved his English also during this time working at Gitcoin and then he just started with Gitcoin China with supporters from China and non-stop educating developers in China
And on boarding people to get coin, he has always just translated the news letters of get coin. He's done a lot of beautiful work without ever getting compensated for any of these things. So yeah, highly recommend Bob as well. Now I don't know for supposed to do this or not, but we've got like a hundred
people in this in this in this form right now if you I'd love to see 10 more people just contribute to Bob so if you can go contribute to Bob and I'd love to see his number go up by about 10 additional contributors in the next like 45 minutes or so that would be or let's say 15 minutes or so that would be fantastic so Chris I'm not sure if I should do that or not but I did I like it I like
I had a question about the contributions that I posted in the T-Gear there. Do you know if the, like if we're qualifying for the match, do you unlock more with each subsequent donation that has been made or does the first person still unlock the same as the second or the third or the fourth?
The second or the third or the fourth, it all doesn't matter. The more people that donate, the higher the matching funding will be. The more people you actually gather around you,
the more the algorithm will actually reward you. So more people is more funding. As long as they have passport, as long as they have passport, make sure you're just supporting seven pounds. Regarding the passport score above 15, it's just binary, right? Like either you qualify or you don't.
Yeah, if you're above 15, it is fine. If you are, of course, like rallying an entire civil army to support you about, then we will probably see this. And then we will take those out and that matching funding will not go through. So that's also the reason, by the way,
If the reason that you're not seeing how much you will receive in matching funding is because there's always an evaluation around at the end where we actually check which of the yeah, which funders are actually real and which are just like a bot army and those we unfortunately have to take out of matching funds
I'm just kidding. So it doesn't matter if the score is like 20 or 30 or 40 or 50. Right? Yeah. No, if it's about 15, it's perfect. Yes. And you can definitely challenge us. So like Umar is there. He's our data specialist.
And you can totally try to hack our system and attack us. And then Umar can show his fantastic talent to actually discover this. So please, please go ahead and have fun. Yes. Nice. Okay. Sean, you had two other stewards in mind, I think.
Yes, I wanted to mention left aris. So left aris carapotosis is a giant in the web 3 space and he is one person who I have tremendous respect for and I follow him as an example of a great steward. So he works across many of you might know of him in
He works across many different douse as a steward and he's one of those people that I hold up as an example say this is how he steward or how a delegate should act. He comes and brings ideas brings criticisms or critiques, supports the criticism and critiques and he's clear in his communications about what he approves
or what he appreciates and what he's not happy with. And that's the role that we're supposed to be playing in the delegate/stuard space is that we're not asking people just to agree, right? That's not the point. The point is to have a point of view, a to support your point of view, because every point that's brought up, especially those ones that don't necessarily
really agree with everybody, those make a stronger. Now I'm not saying just go out and make lots of noise, but someone like Left Harris does an amazing job at articulating his point of view and having the strength and the courage to speak out against what I'll say is the general norm. So somebody like Left Harris does a fantastic job that he's been doing with
fantastic job for Bitcoin. He's always been an advocate for Bitcoin and as well he's been healed as a cannibal and that's what I really appreciate about left-hours. So if you're also looking for someone else to go to donate some love to go to left-hours and show him some love we'd appreciate that for sure.
Nice. Yeah, left-hairs has done a fantastic job. I think the last person we have in the stewards is Anne, right? Sean?
Yes, kind of I've got one more I might mention as well. Yeah, yeah, one more. Yeah, so and has also done Amazing work now Anna is is a story and she has been a story in part of our community for a long period of time however what she did was
She created a program called Quadratic Trust. It was a lot of work that they did, like two years ago, or really it was a year and a half ago I think it was, and they never actually got any sort of compensation for the work that they did.
And so, instead of making a donation via, you know, putting a couple die and it was just a couple die and it was just a couple die and it was just a couple die and it was just a couple die and it was just a couple die and it was just a couple die and it was just a couple die and it was just a couple die and it was just a couple die and it was just a couple die and it was just a couple die and it#
using your reputation. So there's a proof of concept, they spent a ton of time working on it and they never got compensated for it. So that's what I love about this retroactive is even though this was a while ago and put up her hand and say hey we did a bunch of work, we think it added value and we'd love this