Gitcoin Community Call: How to apply for Gitcoin Grants Beta Round ✨

Recorded: April 12, 2023 Duration: 1:03:39



Hello hello. How's it going y'all? Everybody's just showing up. I much appreciation to whomever is behind the get going account today. Was is that you Vermeer or is that you Madison? I'm not sure I see you in the audience as Madison to 100% that sounds like it's Vermeer.
Yeah, that's for me. I'm good. How are you? I am fabulous. Lovely to be here with you. It's it's it's that time again the rounds. I mean, I feel like it's it honestly feels like there's always a round going on. I feel like it's you're not like preparing
around or like around someone on or you know we're ramping down for around. It's like it's circular. They seem to happen again. I definitely feel you though it feels like the last one just ended. Especially if you just received payouts really late from us from the
I'll see Colleen out there. Hello Colleen. I feel like you'll probably have some stuff to say too. So feel free to request the mic whenever we can give it to you.
(keyboard clicking)
How's everything in your world, Madison, while we're waiting for everybody to show up? Good. Colleen is joining right now. Amazing. Here she comes. Yay. It's good. So today was a part of public good stay at Zuzalu, Zuzalu, whatever you want
to call it. I call it Zuzalu. That's a sign note. But yeah, so Kyle was speaking, Scott was speaking. It was kind of like a get coined day a little bit. There's a lot a lot of get coined. So yeah, that was really great. It's cool that we're having this call on the start of public good stay.
That's perfect. Hey, for anybody who doesn't know what Zuzeloo or Zuzeloo is, what's the Zuzeloo? What is Zuzeloo? Yeah, so basically it's a two month pop-up city that's happening in Montenegro around the topic so public goods and
and Web 3 and longevity, it's really just a big experiment. I think if you look up Zuzalu online, you'll see some information about it. But yeah, it's hopefully the first of many experiments and pop-ups to these network states and good things like that.
Very cool. Yeah, the way I've been describing it to people is it's like a little task crypto utopia and definitely from the pictures and stuff I've seen from our co-workers and friends who are out there right now. It sure looks like that. Do you have an amazing view off your balcony or are you looking out at the ocean right now?
Oh yeah, it's like yeah, it's utopia I think is the word to describe it's definitely not real life Is anything real in this new AI world that we live in is a really that's a fair point that's a fair point but yeah, it's it's great and I'm excited for for Colleen to come visit
as well too. But I think that we're at a good time where we can kind of get things kicked off. So I think everyone listening kind of knows how this goes, right? Gekwain has rounds that happen every quarter and we're coming up on that again. We're going to have the
the the beta rounds and so Ben is our our wizard here for for working with grants and grantees and so Ben is going to be sharing some information about how to apply for the beta round and also answer any questions that people have towards the end so you can come up and request them I can speak so Ben and Colleen
and feel free to take it away. Amazing. First of all, good morning or good afternoon or good evening everybody. I love the post from Atlanta saying come tonight this evening. It just really reminded me that these spaces happened and you know all over the world for different people on different
time zones and it really just speaks to how international they get coin grants rams really have become. Just looking out at the audience I see folks from Shamba Network in Kenya, you know, our friends all over the United States, Earthest and Turkey. Hope everything is going okay for you guys out in
Turkey sending much love to all of you. Urbanica down in Latin America. You know, we've got the folks from Luneco who I'm pretty sure are on the moon, not 100 percent, but you know, it seems likely. Yeah, it's just so many awesome community members that I'm seeing showing up.
We were really excited that we just officially created all the core grants rounds this morning. Well actually it was last night. Well I guess it depends where in the world you were. We deployed them. What was last night for me? And now we have all five of the core rounds open for
applications today, I actually saw the first few coming in already. So some of you have heard through the grapevine that this is possible already. I'm hoping that we can put up on the jumbo tron the link to the landing page that's been created. Might need some help from Colleen
to pass the link to Vermeer if that's possible just so we can get that link up live because that is going to be your go-to place to know about all the get coin grants rounds that you can apply for and it's also going to be during the round the place where all supporters can go to see all the different
that are running so that they can easily go and find grantees and support people in various different rounds. So yeah, I guess maybe I'll just quickly introduce myself. I've kind of just jumped right into it here. We're all friends here, but who knows. There might be some folks who haven't been part of a get going grants round before.
just wondering who the heck this guy is rambling at them on Twitter spaces right now while they drive to work or something. Hello, my name is Ben West. I am the grants round lead for get coin. Could not be any more thrilled to be here with all of you. And I would love, I'm Madison Colleen, do you want to like quickly introduce yourselves just so
There's some personalities into the names and PFBs you see in front of you. Who wants to go first? Tabo Colleen. There you go. Hey, I'm Jeff and Dan. Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Ben. I see John Ruth around to you where he was here. Yeah, he's here. Hello, everyone. Good morning from the Pacific.
calling or is everyone not here and calling? I hear her. You don't hear this. Oh, I can't start her interrupting. Go ahead. No worries. No worries. I'm sorry. You can't hear me. Madison, but I just want to say good morning from the Pacific Northwest. Really excited to get the bait around, going love working
with all of you. Working on trying to find the landing page link, then I still don't actually have that. I haven't seen it so just so you know I am working on that and we'll pass it to Vermeer as soon as I find it. Sounds good. The other thing we could do is just share the links directly to the
the pages too. We could just do that in like say a tweet and then tweet it out if we can't find that link. Okay, but welcome to the bait around everybody. Madison, who the heck are you? Thanks. I needed that prompt because I didn't hear anything calling said and I was wondering if I should like laugh. She made a joke.
something. So I'm sure that drug was spending Colleen. Hi, I'm Madison. I help out with these weekly calls, the people in the community calls, which if it's your first one, encourage you to attend regularly because every Wednesday at noon Easter and we're talking about topics related to like building get coin, the future get coin, and then
And of course, things going on with the rounds that happen every quarter. But yeah, so I hope with these and also with helping, I guess, kind of like communicates how people can use our protocols and how they can run rounds of their own as well. So yeah, and then just lots of
other little things too, but yeah, super excited for this call today. Fabulous, love it. And just for the sake of saying it, like I think Madison, you understate how amazing you are, you know, I just got to say a huge
fan of DreamDow and of all the work that Madison has brought to get coin. I also just happen to have a younger sister named Madison so I have this like special place in my heart for Madison. You know I although I have to say Maddie I'm Maddie I'm calling you Maddie because that's my sister's name Madison. I you know I miss the awesome prom
them as fine to get going account if you'd prefer. But I did see you on mute. Total accident. There is nobody that pay no attention to the person behind the curtain. Vermeer is just the awesome total badass artist human who is makes
all of these Twitter space is possible and does so much of the amazing social media content that you see from the get-coin account and you know one of the unsung heroes that you you know probably don't even know is there most of the time just you know quietly making magic happen so thank you Vermeer for everything that you do you know
I always like to just recognize where I am, no pressure to anybody else to do the same, but if you want to share where you are, feel free. I'm in Toronto, which is the traditional territory of the Hunan Shone, Wendat, Mrs. August Lecredit, and a variety of other indigenous communities.
Colleen, you came off mute. Where in the heck are you? Oh, oh, I'm sorry about that. I just found the link. So I just wanted to tell everyone really excited to give the link for applications. It's and you'll see all the grants. You'll see links for building, applying, etc.
If you go to apply for a route, you'll see all the rounds that are available right now. Amazing. Maybe we can even get a post in the, like, I don't know, either on the get-point account or somewhere and then we can share it on the jumbo tron as people like to call it. So today's a big exciting day and when you go
to to grants dot get coin dot co you will find that there are five core rounds that you can apply to and soon you're probably going to see all the featured rounds. We actually just had our second meeting of this group that we're calling the grant round operators guild or the GR OGs this morning
where we were walking a bunch of the featured round operators through setting up their own grants round. And I have to say it feels like a big historic moment in the sort of history of Githoint. You know, for the first time we are running an even more decentralized version of the Githoint Grant stack.
all kinds of new exciting features and opportunities. And we genuinely have grants that are being run as part of the grant round program, but actually being run entirely by partners. So, you know, we have five core rounds, which were voted on by community members. Some of you may have voted. You might remember.
But the five core rounds are the ZK sync round or sorry, just the zero knowledge technology round not the ZK sync round my apologies lots of ZK tech out there not just sink no lack of love for ZK sync love you guys Also the open source software round the core eth infrastructure round the web search
community round and the climate round. So those are our five core rounds that are being run by Githoin. But HECKWEE, I think we've got like 10 featured rounds somewhere in that neighborhood. I think it's like eight last I counted and of course I don't have the list right in front of me. And I'll just keep calling on Colleen. Colleen, do you happen to have the list right in front of you? If not#
No pressure. And by that I mean, sorry to put pressure on you. No worries, no worries. I think do you mean the ones that are actually up right now on the um get the grants that get I'm sure yeah I'm curious who's actually got them got them live right now. Yeah okay. It looks like we have links. Oh it's coming soon.
D.Sai is coming soon. Web 3 social is coming soon. So resistance coming soon. I guess they're all coming soon. Did help a couple people get it started this morning? I think you'll probably see at least a couple of them that you can apply to already. But yeah, sorry. No way. Web 3 social, the
resistance token engineering metacrisis by super modular Zuzalu and getcoin greater China advocacy which is an invite only and those are the ones listed amazing thank you so much hey look at that get going
and applying to rounds, posting the thing, coordination happening in real time. Got to love it. So there are some things that everybody should know. First of all, we have some new eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria includes that you can only be in one core round.
in the bait around. You can't be in multiple rounds, which is a bit of a change from past rounds. The reason for this is that basically now each of the rounds is fully separated and independent from one another. There are plans to have a single checkout flow where you could donate to grantees in multiple different rounds.
to reduce confusion and to try to optimize the user experience as much as possible. Basically, as a grantee, you're going to have to pick which of those core rounds you want to be in. Now, the interesting side note to that, and I know this is a bit confusing, but come along for the ride, is that you can be in multiple features.
because the featured rounds are being run independent from getcoin. We don't even necessarily have visibility into who all of the grantees are. So basically we're applying some rules that just apply to the core rounds but not to the featured rounds. So you can be in both a featured round or even a couple of featured rounds if you qualify.
and one of the core rooms. So that is the first sort of new, a little bit confusing but important thing for you to know. And, you know, as you apply, you know, we are also trying to set up a system now where you're going to get emails from us telling you whether you've been accepted
rejected or we need more information from you of some kind. The eligibility process has always been one of the harder parts of running a Gekuin grants round and one of the more frustrating or confusing parts for grantees to really know where they stand. Now at any time after you go to, which is where you set up your
your grant to begin with before you apply to the rounds on You will actually see in Builder what your status is on the rounds you've applied for. So you don't have to go looking for the email. You can just see it right there on Builder, but we're trying to be proactive and reach out directly to grantees. So whatever email address you
you use when you set up your grant proposal is the email that you will get an email back in reply. One other thing people should know, and I'm just kind of jumping right into the weeds here of stuff that I think is important to know, is that if you're the person setting up the grant, you might remember from GR15 and before it was
possible for more than one person to be the administrator of your grants round. Now that is no longer the case. Right now it is just whoever the primary wallet holder is who actually set up the round is also the only person who needs to, you know, whoever is controlling that wallet is the only one who can actually go in and
like make changes. Speaking of making changes, you might remember from the last round that once you submitted your grant proposal and the round went live, that you were locked into that text. That continues to be true. If you put in a grant proposal, once you've submitted it, it's basically locked
in the way that you submitted it. So you might remember in Sea Grants, back before everything was on chain, that you could go in and make edits and changes to your grant during the round. If you were in the Alfa round, this is probably not news to you because that's how things were during the Alfa round. Now for the bait around, that continues to be the case. That being said,
When you create your grant in Builder before you apply or in between grants rounds, you can make changes in Builder. Once you've actually applied whatever your grant proposal says at the time where you apply, that's what's locked in. You can always create your proposal in Builder, talk to others
your team about it, either sharing a screen or sharing the link once it's been written to the chain, and you can come back and make changes before you apply. If you make changes on Builder after you've formally applied to the round, those changes will not be visible in the round. The next time you apply to a round, whether it's one of our
coin quarterly grants program rounds or an independent round that's being run by somebody else, you know, whatever the most current state is when you apply to that round, that's what's going to show up. I know I'm going kind of quickly here. Feel free to throw me a thumbs up if you're following me. Does this all make sense? Do you all know what I'm
talking about what the heck is get coin anyway. I wonder if there's anybody on this on this call who doesn't even know what get coin is. Do you think we should take a step back? What do you think Madison? Should we should we go back one one little step and say what the heck is this thing anyway? I see 100% honestly honestly for some reason didn't cross my mind but that's a great idea.
I think we should laugh for every single community call. Yeah, it makes sense, right? Like, you know, don't want to just jump in and just assume, you know, what we're talking about. You know, it could take a while, but I can definitely do it. Unless I'm curious to hear your history of what is get going to you, Madison, and feel free to tell me if you don't want me to put you on the spot#
Well, I would say I can give a basic answer. Getcoin helps fund public goods like web free public goods and we do that through some fancy thing. Well, it's not a fancy thing. The fancy term for it is quadratic funding. And it's basically a way to give more power to the people.
and deciding where to allocate funding. And so we do that through quarterly grants rounds, which this is one of those quarterly grants rounds. But we recently released a protocol where anyone can run a grants round. So yeah, there's more to learn about that. But that's my basic like three sentence overview. I want to hear yours open.
I love that. And you know what I love about that is that I think if my mom heard you say that you would actually understand what getcoin is. And like so often in Web 3 that is not the case. You know, and in fact I think even with a lot of Web 3 native folks who like you know just because you got a wallet doesn't mean you understand what quadratic funding is or how it works.
So yeah, the only thing I would really add is just a little bit of the history. Like, Gitcoin started as a way to fund open source web development projects. The GIT part of Gitcoin comes from GitHub, the repo that people use for repository where people post their
open source code, which was recently purchased by Microsoft, but that's a whole other story. So, you know, Gitcoin was created as a way to fund that super important work that really everybody benefits from because so much of the internet is really built on top of open source code. But so often, you know, there really just isn't adequate funding for all the people
people doing this work that we all benefit from. So that's where getcoin came from. And then that idea sort of expanded to other kinds of public goods like things that benefited a wide swathe of people, whether that was climate solutions or support for Ukraine or any number of
different cause rounds, but really also just like all the funding of Web 3 infrastructure. So as Gitcoin grew, we started to hold rounds in support of various different ecosystem partners like Polygon and E and S and so many others and tons and tons of really the big names and cryptos started as Gitcoin
grants. For example, Uniswap was a getcoin grant and Optimism was a getcoin grant and EIP1559, the protocol that turned Ethereum into ultrasound money and some people's minds, the idea of burning a certain amount of eith with transactions to reduce the inflationary
nature of Ethereum was that development of that code was actually funded through Gikwain Grant. So lots of examples of interesting Gikwain Grant success stories. That's where Gikwain came from. We ran 15 rounds on the older version of the platform that was built by
ways that crypto and web3 can be used for good. And yeah, here we are now with this new version of the Bitcoin Grant stack, which is really a set of tools. And you've heard me mention a few pieces of it, Builder and Explorer. Passport is also part of that stack, and Round Manager, which is the piece that we use on the backend to actually run the grants
which we were just talking with the grant round OGs about this morning was actually using manager which is kind of the other side of Explorer to help actually set up those rounds. But all of these tools are open source, they're forkable, they're available, you know we're at the beta phase of rolling them out. The full
release that really will be self-serve and plug-and-play for anybody to go and set up around on whatever schedule they want and whatever way they'd like is intended to happen shortly after this grant round ends. So here we are in the midst of the beta. And this is the first time on our grant stack that we've actually opened up applications
to the entire community.
about today is like what that process looks like, what to anticipate, what to expect, what's different. I think one other thing that we didn't mention, and I just want to make sure we mention this as well before we get even further into the weeds, is that we have a couple of interesting experiments that are happening in the midst of this round as well. And one of those is running
a special bonus round, which is a round to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Web 3 space overall. And the way that that's actually being done is that there's an eligibility question that you will see in all of the core rounds and probably many of the featured rounds, which will ask you about the
position of your team. And big shout out to CZCavino and the quadratic friends and others who are involved in this process of helping us come up with that language and talk through this, you know, so how we're doing this rollout. But the idea is that, you know, no matter which round you're in, if you're a founder from an underrepresented group,
You know that we're trying to sort of support that kind of diversity in building regardless of what you're building. In the past we you know had a DI round that specifically emphasized diversity initiatives and projects that were pushing forward diversity. All of those grants will still be eligible to apply as part of our
Web 3 community round, which includes like podcasts and educational experiences and all kinds of crypto networking organizations. But in particular, we wanted to sort of have a separate fund that was available to diverse founders. It always felt a little bit weird that if you were a diverse founder
but you weren't working on a diverse initiative that you wouldn't qualify necessarily for the DEI round. So this is kind of a new experiment and it is a way where you actually could raise money in just one round but also qualify for a separate matching pool. And that's basically something that we're not doing directly through the platform but we're sort of doing it on like a metal layer
on top of the platform. So stay tuned for more information about that. There's going to be a whole separate dashboard set up to show you kind of who is in that separate round and effort made to sort of drive more attention to those grantees. But I just wanted to highlight that. We also have a couple of other sort of sub-rounds like
And those are, I think I'll just leave as a bit of a, you know, stay tuned for more information, a little bit of a cliffhanger. But I can tell you that we have a couple of different funders, one of them being refied out, who are putting in some additional funding that folks can qualify for as a subset of around either the
climate round or the Web 3 community round, we're going to have a couple of different subset opportunities. And if you're applying to wonder either of those rounds, you'll see the eligibility questions that sort of pertain to those sub-arounds as well as that question I mentioned about the composition of your team. Is this all making sense? You all with me still?
I will move forward. This is me going back to my Robert Schroels of Order Days. I just want to send a couple more shout outs to people I'm seeing in the audience. I see John Ruth, who I know is at NFTNYC right now, Rep and Getcoin doing amazing work. Big shout out to John. John has just recently gone from
working as part of our climate team to really coming inside get coin moving into full time supporting grantees all across the get coin grants rounds. So for any of you who are in past climate rounds you will definitely be familiar with John because he's just been such a helpful person to everybody in the rounds and now we're bringing
some of that love and hard work, even further and wider inside of Gikwain. I also see Disruption Joe who is running this time around for
Civil Defense, you might remember Colleen mentioning the Civil Defense round. Joe is one of the biggest brains in the Civil Defense space. This whole idea of how we protect our grants rounds from attackers, folks who are trying to manipulate the results in get coin grants rounds, taking advantage of
trying to pretend that they're more than one person in vote multiple times to try to drive more support one way or another or another way is just really kind of messing with the grants round. So Joe is the founder of our fraud detection defense team and is also one of the people who personally just ran a bunch of our rounds.
in the history of Goodcoin. So great to see you with us. Also I noticed Kirin O'Day in the audience who I was up late working on deploying core rounds with last night. Kirin, great to have you. I'm loving the picture with the Cowboy hat in your PFP. Both O'Day and
Today's Connor and Kieran are like hardcore OGs in the space. Connor is one of our workstream leads for the workstream that Kieran and John and Colleen and I are all part of the public goods funding workstream at Getcoin. And the person I go to with absolutely every question about how to actually
do anything at Getcoin. None of this would be possible without Connor and Karen. Karen is yet another person who is one of these unsung heroes who is doing a wild amount of work to make this all possible. We anticipate there'll probably be something like a thousand grantees between open source software and Web3 community.
He's going to be personally doing a lot of the work of shepherding those rounds forward along with really just helping the rounds exist overall. So yeah, that was my little pause for shoutouts to awesome humans that I see amongst us in the crowd. I also just kind of point these folks out, you know, in part just so you know kind of really what's going on and what goes
into making these rounds possible. I don't see a Zim or Juana here, but I'll throw the show to them as well. One thing that's often not fully understood about how Gikoi works is that we actually raise the matching fun pool from donors. That money is
not magical crypto money that just comes from some nifty algorithm or something like this is actual you know I was going to say cash but it's not cash it's crypto that gets donated to us by matching fund partners and you know the cool thing is that they are open and willing to let the wisdom of the crowd determine
and how to allocate their funding. This is a wide range of different partners and you may have heard some of our spaces before where we invite some of our matching fund partners to come and talk about what they're doing and what they're doing. In some cases it's matching fund partners just putting up crypto because they believe in a cause, like say climate solutions and they
want to support innovation in that space. In some cases it's because they're supporting building in their own ecosystem, like for example the ENS round. In general though it's really because of our matching fund partners that make it possible for us to distribute all this money. So I just wanted to take this moment to just thank our matching
that landing page that's stuck to the top about how much is in each round what the matching caps are for the round as well as links to where you can find the eligibility criteria and actually apply to the rounds. But yeah, so and that doesn't include our featured rounds and as I mentioned I think we're at seven or eight featured rounds right now each of them will also have
their own pool of funding as well as matching caps. So we don't even have the final numbers to tell you in terms of how much is available, but in terms of the rounds that getcoin is running directly, we're bigger than we were even in the alpha round and just going to continue to see that grow as we move forward, I'm sure. Which is really exciting to see.
So I could be much more excited that we're right at the point where a bunch of you can actually put in your applications. Maybe I will slow down for one second and just see if there's questions. I know I threw a ton at you. I barely stopped to take a breath. Clearly I'm very caffeinated and happy to be able to do that.
haven't had enough sleep. But maybe there's some questions. I can definitely keep going and sharing some more information about what's going on in the round. But maybe this is a good time edit, but kind of the halfway mark to see if anybody has any questions. And I'll awkwardly pause and leave some silence here just so anybody can fill in the space.
Go ahead, Madison. Yeah, I was just going to say you can request the mic if you have any questions that we can bring you up here. And yes, just request the mic. You're kind of cutting in note, but I think I got the just of it, which was you can put up your hand and request to speak if you have a question.
Yes, and we have someone who's connecting right now.
Oh no, we seem to be losing Madison somewhere in the Metosphere.
the metasphere, the metaverse, the somewhere, I don't know. We're losing her, but she's there. Luckily, somebody's coming up on stage.
Hey, can you hear me? Yes indeed. Hello. How are you? Great. Thank you so much. I had so many questions, Geron. Thanks for the great presentation. It's really helpful. My main question is related to UX or when people like
on Alfa round, there was like a basket, a shortlist and every round had its own basket, its own shortlist. How it will work right now and in general would be there one entry point for donors
to look at all the grantees because last time, like there were three rounds and two... -I'm sorry, friend, but I think your Wi-Fi on the moon is not working perfectly, or maybe it's just me. I don't know. Can others hear the question there?
you can hear everybody else get here it's just me. Well that sucks. Maybe could you repeat your question and hopefully maybe it's my Wi-Fi. Clearly I'm the one on the moon here. Can you hear me now? Let's try it again. Let's see if it works. Can you hear me?
Okay, so basically it's related to UX for Last time there were on alpha round there were three separate rounds and Like there were no one entry pointed
the beginning. Will there be one entry point when all the people would be able to see all the grounds happening? And the second question in the short list, in the short list of donors, will all the grounds
from all the sub-rounds, they still have to open every sub-rounds separately, every sub-rounds have separate grants separately and so on. I'm not sure if I'm clear.
Dang, I'm really struggled to hear you again. Madison are calling if you could hear, maybe you could repeat the question. Yeah, yeah. Hey, I think I understand it then. I think it's, is there one? Yeah, Ben, can you hear me?
Can anyone hear me? Oh man, now I can't hear you very well either, Colleen. Can you guys hear me? I can hear Colleen. I think Ben should reconnect because it happens sometimes and reconnect helps. Yeah, yeah. Ben maybe
you should reconnect. I can try to answer the question though. Okay, so all of the rounds now are separate. So that does make it harder to have one entry point where you can see all the grantees
at a time. So you can go to each round and see the grantees, but you won't be able to see everyone in all rounds at one time. I think we are working for hopefully in the near future to be able to see and go between
around much easier. But right now that's just not the case I'm sorry to say. Does that help? Yes. Yeah, yeah, it helps a lot. You know exactly what my idea. The last question I try to buy Grimpil book, but it's not possible to buy it for crypto.
It's not even a question is just I don't know. Oh, I think yeah, yeah, I have to say the Green Pill book I got I downloaded it online so check online And I bet you can find it there and download it
I try but I think it's a bit hard but just try to jogs. So thanks for your response. I don't want to steal time to
Hey, I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm gonna just try to switch locations and log off and log back on again. See if I can be better heard. Hopefully you can all hear each other. I see a lot of thumbs up, so that seems good. Okay, I'll be back.
Yeah, I see someone is raising their hand. So maybe Colleen can answer questions. Oh, it is going to be.
Okay, can I come in?
Yes, go for it. Thank you very much. Jim, Jim. I have a very quick question. Do you know the matching pool for each round? So this is, I think this is going to be a, a fact.
for choosing the round for those that we are in that can fit in two rounds so I would really like to know that if it's possible and otherwise it's all cool and hopefully we can have a single chart
least in the future because so that we can save on gas expenses every time we change the rounds that would be great to have. Thanks for all the work you do, really appreciate it.
Thank you for all the work you do. I think I understood the question. Help me out if I missed a piece here. Hello from my Android phone. Yes, I have more than one phone almost entirely just for the sake of trying to make it work in Twitter spaces. So yeah, in terms of how to decide which
around to be in. That very much just depends on your project and the eligibility criteria. We are encouraging projects who are in the climate round in the past who may be a better fit for the Web 3 community round to consider the Web 3 community round. If your project is not directly working on reducing greenhouse gas
And I know that can be a bit of a gray area. What does exactly does that mean? You know, ultimately it's just a decision for you to make. It'll just be up to the folks that are doing the eligibility decisions to see if you're eligible. I know with your project you have been eligible for the climate round in the past. You know, you probably will be again for this
around. But if it seems like just from reading the eligibility criteria might be a better fit in the Web 3 community round or in the open source software round, it's very much just a decision for you and your project to make. And really we're just going to look at each
project on a case-by-case basis of whether they actually fit within the eligibility criteria. If somebody doesn't know about this change and tries to apply to more than one round, that's where you think you get a little bit more complicated. Basically, we'll have a conversation and try to talk it through and figure out what the best round is for you.
But you know, definitely ideal if you just pick one round and apply to one round because that'll just speed up the process for everybody and ensure that you actually have a chance of getting your grant up on the platform before the round starts. Oh, that's actually a good opportunity just to say one thing about the timeline and deadlines.
For all the core rounds, the cutoff for applications is on the 21st at midnight basically UTC 2359 UTC to be exact. If you want to ensure that your project goes live on the day that the round starts, we're asking that you try to get your proposal in the
by no later than the 19th. You will have until the 21st, but that is getting pretty close to the start of the round on the 25th, because the 21st is a Friday. We're asking you to please try to get your proposal in by the 19th. They are all open now. You could go do it right now.
for the core rounds. The featured rounds probably will also have the same timelines, but some of them might be slightly different. They might not open until tomorrow or Friday in some cases. We're trying to support all the featured rounds getting added as quickly as possible, but sometimes things just take a little time. But yeah, just want to
to highlight that. Are we answering all your questions? I was in 100% clear if I caught everything there. Yes, saw it thumbs up. Okay, great. I'm not sure who was next. I see Desiree and Disruption Joe. Desiree, you got your hand up. So if you wanted to jump in, feel free.
Okay, hello everyone GM. Hello, actually, the name is desire not the zero. No problem. Well, um, well this day I'm not a build actually but I want to act so I'm gonna be able to song one.
the digit's going ground a bit since I feel like it's somehow new to me so I don't know if there is a requirement for someone that wants to apply for the betar round like requirement and again those the network or blockchain does they have any effects in the application?
I fully understood your question, but if tell me if I got this right, you're asking if it's required which blockchain you're on or if you're a developer to apply to the upcoming grants round. Is that right? Yes. So the grant
Hence, Round itself will be run on Ethereum mainnet. So, anybody applying will need to be connecting their wallet to Ethereum mainnet. You don't have to be building on a specific chain to apply to most of the rounds, other than the Ethereum core infrastructure round is pretty specifically for stuff
being built that's kind of core infrastructure and Ethereum. Each round has its own eligibility criteria and if you go to that link above,, you'll see all the eligibility criteria if you click around, you'll be able to figure out sort of what is required for each of the different rounds. The open source software round, you know,
Clearly, very much about developers. You don't have to be a developer yourself, but your team needs to be actually writing code and committing it to GitHub or somewhere else and doing so in an open source fashion. But the big part of the reason why we also have the Web3 community round is that's there for things like podcasts and events.
Parts of the Web 3 community that don't fit neatly into an open-source software room. Because many of our community members are doing things to support the community more broadly but aren't necessarily writing code themselves. There are some general rules about the kinds of things that can be promoted as a grant.
So for example, we ask that people don't use the grants round to sell an NFT project. You can have NFTs that are associated with your project or that act as a utility for your project, like for example with a lot of impacts certificates or carbon offset
certifications, there are ways that NFTs are used in that context. But we avoid what's called quid pro quo, like we ask that you're not offering a giveaway of some kind in exchange for participating or for donating to your grant and you're genuinely putting
a grant proposal for the building of a project as opposed to really just as a way to promote or sell something like an NFT. Did I cover the answer to your question? I think that was the gist of what you were getting at. Yeah, I got to answer the question. Thank you very much.
to have you up here. Thanks for asking. One other new thing that I'll share that's actually new from even from the alpha round is you know you've heard me talk about how we have both builder and explorer builder is where you actually create your grant proposal and you'll be and you really you'll take that grant proposal with you between different grants rounds so like you could
You know that will be what you update in between rounds as you apply to rounds in the next quarterly GIC and grants round or any of the independent rounds that will run kind of on their own schedule between grants rounds. When you create your grant and builder, I can't remember if I mentioned this already this morning, I don't think I did, you will have the option to
create your grant either on Optimism, Phantom or EathMainNet. These are the three chains that we've actually built out functionality for currently. There's definitely more to come. But basically just because we've made deals to run rounds with those folks, those were the first implementations we did. If you want to
create your grant on optimism in builder. You can do so and still apply to our grant rounds in Explorer on eith mainnet, which will save you some gaspies if you already have some funds on optimism. If you don't, you might end up spending the same amount of money bridging funds back and forth.
or if you've got access to Coinbase, say you could just go directly on to Optimism by some ethon Optimism and pay for gas fees that way. But it is one way to save a little bit of money in terms of how you create, deploy your grants round at the builder phase. So just want to let you know that we now have that kind of cross-chain
functionality where if you create your grant in Builder, you can still apply to a round that's being run on ETH mainnet. And basically when you go to apply, you'll just, once you connect your wallet, you'll just see all the projects that you've created in Builder, regardless of which chain you put it on, and then click on that and use that to apply. It should be super
straightforward when you actually see it but just wanted to highlight that change. Joe, you're up on stage. How are you doing, sir? What's on your mind? I was just coming up to back you up. Oh nice. Well, thank you. Glad to have you. You were going in and out. I was here and what they were asking. Wait. Did I
miss anything anything you want to add from you know from what was being discussed? No you switch your phones and we learned a little something about you and now you sound great. Well I got to say as a Android Maxi I'm pretty happy that it's my Android phone that's working instead of the iPhone although that is not a consistent
experience. I actually got this little iPhone mini just as a like I can't participate in Twitter spaces effectively so I need to switch over to iPhone and then I shook my hand at the you know Starlink satellites above me and said Elon but here we are. So anyway
Androids working for me today. Glad it's working. I just want to throw some more show notes into the audience just as I'm seeing a bunch of amazing past grantees that are with us. Ibrahim, a big fan of what you are doing with your projects. I'm glad to see you with us and hope you join us in this upcoming round.
We've been in so many Twitter spaces together. Great to have you with us today. Atlantis, I already gave you guys a shout out earlier. Thanks for helping to spread the word. Great to have you with us.
actually punk I know that's good too and I think you got to register another Twitter handle now sorry about that. Yeah so many so many friends in the audience. He's daily cool to have you here. Suzy Kavanaugh you know a tireless advocate for diversity in the space and so much more
Hi, there's the Kyla love who's doing all kinds of cool stuff. Nice to see you Kyla. Still saving whales and whatnot. Great to hear about a whale being brought back to the west coast. I would bet you you maybe had something to do with that. I don't know. Okay, let's see. What else can I tell you that is happening?
that is different in this round that you may not be familiar with. So if you were in the, not in the alpha round, but you were in a previous get going grants round in like, you are 15 or before, probably the biggest difference is just the fact that everything is on chain. If you're in the alpha round, this would be clear, but if not,
you this may be a little bit of a surprise and you know you did hear me talking about the fact that there's going to be gas fees when you're actually creating your project in builder. There's going to be two different steps you know and I'm just going to keep saying this because it might be a little bit confusing so I just want to make sure everybody understands the first step is creating your grant in
builder, which is just, and the second step is actually applying to the grants rounds, which happens on Explorer. The reason why we created this landing page is just to make it easy to find all of the different grants rounds that are running during the grant program or quarterly grants
So if you go to Grants.Gekwondoco and you haven't created your grant already and you click on one of those rounds it'll just redirect you to Builder basically and you'll go through that first step you'll have to pay gas fees there. Like I said you can pick whichever chain you want so basically you can switch to Optimism you'd like and actually create your grant that way.
if that's convenient for you and saves you some gas fees. You do want to maybe think about sort of just like when gas fees are higher or lower. If you go to create your grant and you're noticing the gas fees are really high, you can always wait until later in the evening, see if maybe that works a little better or even sometimes over the weekend.
Definitely don't leave it to the last minute because, you know, like I was saying, the sooner you get your proposal in, you know, the better the chances are that we actually get you up on the platform the day the round goes live. That day, again, is the 25th. I see your hand-calling. You're probably thinking of something important to remind people that I'm not thinking of. I will stop talking and let you talk.
Oh my gosh, that's so funny. I just wanted to say that we have all of these onboarding resources on the Grantee Portal. So all the things that Ben is talking about, you can find in the
on the source guide for the beta rounds. There's also a loom video if you want to walk through it on the loom video. Thank you, Madison, for giving me the template that I used to update for the beta round.
Anyways, you can find that at and maybe you from here might post that link for us, but just check out the Grantee Portal, lots of events, lots of resources, lots of tips and tricks.
How did I forget to grant that portal? That is like the massive amount of work that Colleen and others have done to make that a reality. Also, I just give a shout out to Madison for the runbook that Madison created to help all the grant-round operators.
There are these amazing notion pages that have been created that walk a person who wants to run around through every little detail and every little step, which is super useful for us right now for the round that's happening, but will be even more important, I would say, as we get to
this kind of self-serve mode where people can run their own rounds. Having all that documentation there in one place could not be more important. And Colleen did a fabulous job making this new Loom video that just walks you step by step through creating a grant as on Builder. So yeah,
Thank you for doing that Colleen. Thank you to Madison for all the work you did on the runbooks. Please do go check out that link which look at for me or getting this all up so quickly. Gotta love all this coordination and real time just happening right in front of our eyes. Love it. I also want to give a shout out to
our friends from the MMM workstream means merchant marketing, which Vermeer is a part of as well as a ton of other people. You may have noticed some really slick looking sort of new variations of our logo, even the logo that you're seeing on
up in the world and as a big fan of mycelial networks and sort of ecological thinking, it's so cool to see how ingrained that really is in what we're sort of visually presenting to the world. So stay tuned for more from that, but yeah, more unsung heroes at there that are worth recognizing with
within our community and our team who are making every little piece of this work come together. It really does take a village to raise a grants round or something. However you want to describe it, it takes a lot of us to do this work. Okay, we've got like five minutes
It's left in the time that we set for this call. Is there any other questions, thoughts that people want to share? Is there anything that I forgot to mention that any of my compatriots here on this call think is important that we make sure we get
out on the table for people to think about as they're going into apply. What advice do we have for potential grantees who are just about to go to apply? Is there anything that you want to share, Colleen or Madison just in our last few minutes here?
Okay, we're thinking. We're thinking. I'm thinking probably the best thing as soon as you can apply, please do. I think Ben did mention this, but I just want to reiterate, you'll have the best chance of the
and then you can move on and start planning your outreach for the rounds and seeing what Twitter spaces you can join and how you can work together with other grantees to kind of cross-promote
each other and I think that's the best advice I've ever heard is that you know just find your community and help each other and then everyone ends up being more successful. There will be some tips on the grantee portal for
marketing and there's also a grantee wait. Let me make sure it's up. It's a guide to promoting your project under the upcoming round resources and the great folks at M&M just updated that. So check that out. Once you have everything ready to go
you've applied, you've been reviewed, or maybe even when you're waiting for your review, you can start thinking about your marketing and planning the round so you don't get too exhausted. I think that's those are my top tips anyway then.
Those are great tips. Thank you. And I keep apologizing for putting you on the spot and then just doing it again. But you're just keeping knocking it out of the park, Colleen. So what can I say? You know, I'll give a shout out to Kirin for something yesterday when we were working on creating these rounds and we were creating the required
requirements for one round. He sort of jokingly said, maybe we should make one of the requirements to have fun, which I don't think we actually added that as a requirement, but I thought it was something that should be required of everybody to participate in these rounds, although easier said than done. But I guess
I guess the further to what you were saying about finding your community calling, we do have that telegram group that is like an open group for anybody who is participating in the beta round overall. It just created one big group basically that anybody can join who wants to be part of the conversation of the round.
It's a great place to ask questions, get peer support, find your community. We definitely encourage you to create your own subgroups to meet with people that are doing similar projects, to coordinate and collaborate together to help promote your grants. Take a look at #QuadraticFriends for
Like a real amazing example of what a coordinated self-organized community looks like in the midst of one of these grants rounds with people supporting each other, promoting each other, hosting spaces together, supporting people with onboarding, creating their own blogs. Like there really is a lot you can do to support each other and especially
if you're new to these grants rounds and you're not quite sure how to navigate your way through it, there is a ton of really friendly supportive people. I would argue that if you just show up in that telegram thread and say, "Hey, I'm new here. Does anybody want to talk about how we could do this together? I bet you you'll find people who are open to having
that conversation and doing some peer support. It's really one of the coolest things about Bitcoin grants rounds, as our friend Pranov says, people come for the funding and they stick around for the community. And I really think that's true. And also, if this is one of your first grants rounds, just remember that they're quarterly. And as Madison was saying right at the beginning, it feels like
not long after the last one ended, the next one is starting. Definitely try not to burn yourself out. It can be a lot of fun to do a ton of stuff in the middle of this. Definitely touch water, drink grass, hug your friends, pet your dog, go in the sunshine, all that stuff is important. Don't spend all your time staring at a screen. I think you'll have a better experience
overall if you can do that. But also just remember that you can build on top of your success from one round to the next. Think about it as a series of quarterly opportunities that last a couple of weeks throughout the year, not just you have to put everything into this one moment. Because we do see a lot grow.
happen and change between rounds. And think about part of what you're trying to accomplish is actually building your network at the same time as trying to raise money. A lot of the coolest stuff I've seen happen in Gitcoin grants rounds is actually the new cross-pollination and partnerships, new entities that are created, new
coalitions, that stuff is really where the magic happens as far as I'm concerned. So try to think about the different types of value you can bring into your grants around just through being part of the grants around as a participant. As much as the matching funds are great and the individual donations are great,
So, anyway, with all that, I think we're at the end of time. I am raising my hands to all of you. So much appreciation to everybody for showing up, being part of this call. Please don't hesitate to hop into the telegram. Also, you'll find that there's a new nifty
little support chat bot or like chat thingy dingy. What do you call it? Little chat guy in the bottom of the in the bottom right hand corner of our Explorer pages and I think on passport as well soon. So if you're having any kind of a problem or a question you can put it in there.
The bot will direct you to any knowledge-based articles that are related to it, but you can also connect directly to a human being. Our support team is now living along in the chat directly on the pages. So you no longer have to go to our discord into the support channels if you need help. You can do that directly on the webpage while you're standing there.
there. I don't know if you stand in front of your desk or not, but you know, whatever you're doing, somebody will be there to try to help. And it'll create a ticket for you if there isn't somebody there right in that moment. You know, so just leave your question and you'll get some follow up if somebody doesn't show up right in the moment. But often I've seen where I've been testing it, often our support folks#
come on down. Let's see your applications. I couldn't be much more excited to see what this round has in store for all of you. And with all that, I will say GM, GM, wherever you are, have a lovely time. Cheers. Bye, thank you. Bye, everyone.