Recorded: April 28, 2023 Duration: 0:35:48



Sorry guys for all these Twitter mis-happening and a pranava, I request you to be a speaker and this space now seems stable.
and cosmos for humanity. Okay, I will ask you to co-host
So let's stabilize the space.
Now we have a second co-host, Branava, Camonstage.
Can you speak pronounble? Can you hear me? Yes, I can. Okay, so you can take the lead here. Just everybody, let's just share this space as much as possible.
Let me just share that meanwhile we wait at a people join this is the emergency plan we are applying we were just discussing this morning inside the guild how to make
the coordination better for this grid can radio. So we are fine tuning it and surely Twitter is not helping when the space is like this but now we have a stable space.
Let's do our best.
Yes, I'm just sharing. How do you feel? How do you give grants a look for you?
Well, it is busy. It is buzzing. I have spent a good part of my morning just looking at different projects, especially in the Web 3 education round. And I am amazed by the amount of good work and the promising
projects that are listed out there. Pretty early, a lot of them are just just getting off the ground, but I see a lot of projects in Latam, a lot of projects in Africa, very few in fact to be honest from India, there's just a couple, there's just I think one from Japan,
Singapore and Malaysia and Indonesia. Australia, I don't think I saw anyone out there and I did spend some time. So yeah, I think there's a lot of ground to cover but I think it's really promising. I funded a bunch of them today again. Essentially, and frankly, this is just like
me knocking at their doors and saying, "Hey, I love the work that you're doing. I'm more interested to learn more and would want to have a conversation." So that's like, my way of starting that conversation is to contribute to their work and then just spend time with them and learn what they're doing. So really enthusiastic about it. I think
about 204 odd projects in the Web 3 climate Web 3 community and I think there is about 100 in the climate round. So yes, things are interesting, the dashboards are still not up, so we do not really know, you know, what is the number of folks who have really contributed to our projects, at least I
I couldn't see anything on mine. So I have no clue on in terms of numbers and how many people are really looking at lower laps. So I don't have much visibility on that, but I can tell you for sure there's been a lot of love. Just to share, I've crossed 5,000 followers just like a day back.
It's good. I've got a bunch of people who followed me and I'm just sort of following them back and just checking out the Twitter profiles and wanting to set up conversations with them. So in that sense, huge great start, plenty of good folks doing great work and I'm really keen on engaging
with them. Yeah, that's for me, but I would love to know about the good coin radio stuff, you know, and how it's start being happening since yesterday. Yeah, let me then I think we have Jimmy coming, so we'll leave him to what he thought about
that and first of all let's talk about GitCongrounds and this is actually this is our base soul speaking and we have a couple of projects in the GitCongrounds we have a soul band nomads that is a four-round in the climate solution round and a multiple founder of
a cat in it that is in the well-tree education. And my feeling is that well it's very good because I'm a big fan of GitCongrounds of the energy of the positive vibes that are in the community and so on this point of view it's amazing. We have been very
very very busy with GitConradio with this crazy coordination challenge and yeah and I hope that June will not be open this year because I feel better if I don't know how I'm going and how the other people are going so I feel the less competitive
even the bites are more pure, let's say, but I'm afraid that in a couple of very maximum June will be up and so we'll all see how it's going and it will be more challenging. But in another space this morning I said, oh, why don't we don't just share? Let's do our best, everybody will do its best and we'll
know just after the end of the round, how was the round? What do you think, Pranav? Perfect, I completely endorse that, you know, and I'm letting out on a little internal secret talk, so internally and I'm not quoting anybody, but internally we have had these reservations of
these rounds becoming like beauty contests and we are like you know that's not the way it was intended what what we really intended and what the original Gidcoin thought has been about building community rather than looking good so Gido exactly what you're saying just love that thought frankly it shouldn't even be up there we should just use this opportunity
opportunity to build community, reach out and make new friends, share about our work, about our progress and we get what we get which is fine. Absolutely. Love that. Yeah, because also in this way, I think we'll take care more of the mental health of everybody and we also
We also need to build a different world. So let's be less competitive and less focused about money. And I think also that the bigger gifts of GitConcrans are the connection. Are really people you know better? You know better? They will be under stress. So you will know better people.
but in positive and negative ways and this is always important than to decide and to choose the people you want to to build with. So yeah, let's see. Maybe we will bring this discussion inside the GitGoin community. Love that. And if I can ask you
I mean in terms of you know the other projects the solar punk no mad right is I saw the tweet of Marco and maybe Marco is the right person to answer this but are you putting out a journey this year I mean in terms of just like a root or some stuff or is that is that going to happen this this year?
Yes, we are building step by step, so with the Githecoyne Alpha round, we propose to build some solar bank vehicle and some other vehicles. And we are building now. One is the
electric took took together with Atlantis now in Bangalore and the other one is an electric camper bike that we are building here in Italy and we will start to do the first expedition this summer with in the from southern Europe let's say from northern
to central Europe to the Netherlands. And because we want to introduce this concept that is the expedition, so using ourself for this vehicle later on inviting other people to come on this expedition and start into the sky roots. I mean, roots because we see
future where nomadic changemaker will keep moving, probably on seasonal basis, trying to escape the heat of the sky with climate change, but also this route will help to connect projects and people on the ground. So we are starting this concept of the
So the Panama droods and yeah, we are starting it with an expedition this summer. I confirm that. Love that. Love that. That's that's really heartening to hear. There's a friend of mine who's also
doing something from India to Europe on what he is calling the Silk root and that essentially is just making sure that all the travel that he is doing he is staying at places or finding places which are regenerative in nature. So, avoiding
travel going by road looking up and connecting the people who are working in the regenerative space. So yeah, I just that has echoes you know across the world. Yeah, I, I, I, at the charter with this gentleman I can remember his name. He's from out of it, isn't it? He's a Dutch guy living
in our field. Yes, we have to send Marco there. So I think they have to have a chat and to see how we can collaborate because our approach is starting really to have a low profile to work with anyone that really want to
build this concept and we want to keep this concept as decentralized as possible. So it would be more than glad just to see them. I think it's amazing. A route that will connect Asia with Europe by road, I think it's amazing.
I want to go on that route. Absolutely. Love that. But I just want to take this opportunity and shift gears a little here and I'm putting my hat off being part of the Gidcon working group on the climate round specifically and this is something that I just highlight to the community and I know all
the people who are in this space are actually leaders in their own right. Each of the people out here run communities and have their voices very strong across and a lot of people follow them and listen to them. So I want to bring to all of you out here the fact that when this particular round get coin beta round
was being put together, there was actually a vote put out. There was a community governance vote wherein we had asked people to vote on the fact as to which rounds should be core rounds and which rounds should be like you know focused on. And surprisingly enough there was not enough participatory
patient right and that is just like a huge signal and also I would say one of the worrying trends in this space which is that people do engage with get coin during you know every three months when the round is open but the real work actually happens you know after the round gets over and before the next
that's when money is being raised, that's when the governance is happening in terms of how much money do we raise, what are the rounds that we want to do, and what are the entry levels that we want to keep at, and the fact that the community does not engage in that governance is
is like you know is a question and is a challenge. So I just only use this opportunity to bring this to all all of you out here who have such a good and strong voice in the space is that every time we are working or we are you know talking about gitcoin the climate round we must also actively engage and ask the people to participate in the
the GITCOIN community itself to really come in their visit and spend time in the community and help make this decision because you know GITCOIN is not this fountain that we come to drink from every three months. GITCOIN is what we are building together you know it's a platform which as we have the possibility and this has been discussed at LATUS I see out here in the space and we
been discussing, he's been discussing specifically, you know, building something around the micro-grants and specific, you know, ground-grounds for specific regions, which could potentially use the reals of Gitcoin to do all of this. And that can't happen if people are not participating in the Gitcoin governance itself. So, I would love
to have your thoughts on this, your comments, Gido and also folks who want to just jump on to have a voice here or speak something please feel free to raise your hands. I unfortunately don't have the co-host, Gido can bring you the host, co-host or cosmos can do that. Yeah, yeah, I will answer
So you and then leave the floor to cosmos for humanity. But first to answer your question, I totally agree with your vision and I think it's somehow natural because the coordination is the
people will not self coordinate. So people coordinate only during it congrats. This is why, for example, was one of the reasons why we build the solar panguials because we really felt that being active only two weeks every three months was
not enough. And so we build it a coordination group. So something that we can simply do on our side is to bring all the solar panguels inside the GitCon community. This I can do that and I think it's fair and it's needed. So we have about 60 but probably 70 big
because we have a lot in the waiting room now. And about 70 builders, very bright and open-hearted. And I can help to bring them and to be more active in the Gitcoin community. Yeah, it's a great advice, Paranav. And I will work on that. So thank you so much.
Love that, love that, Gido. So absolutely, as soon as the round gets over, let's set up a call with Ben yourself and let's have this solar punk guild come in as an important contributor and pillar of the guild coin community. That's amazing. Thank you so much for bringing it on. Cosmos for humanity, tell us.
Yeah, yes, I share your feeling about the lack of coordination because for this beta round and previously for the Alpharmon, there is no coordination from the Rithaidel. During the previous rounds, there was the founders
cycles and I think it was a very interesting opportunity to new projects to new e-travel. And if I'm saying that, it's because yes, when we look at the participants, the participants here, we already know each other from the GF 15.
mostly because of the refide-out but today on the clay maturation rounds there is 500 projects and most of them actually we don't know them and refide-out yes I know they have a lot of job to do now because of the local notes okay but I think it was very cool to
to meet each other before and previously the round. So just the first part of my remark in the second part is yes, but the fact is that when if we want to help get corn between two rounds, how do we proceed?
Yeah, a short comment on Refight Out and I'm a big fan of Refight Out. I joined to Fander Circo last summer when I was left
by year two and the other one by Akshay and both now good friends and we cooperate as much as possible so it would all the four
Can you hear me for an hour?
Are you speaking over me? Yeah, I think I got
I cannot hear you. I'm Iraq.
No, no, where can you hear you? Solo punk.
So, if you're right, maybe you can get out and come in.
Can I can you hear me? No, I can. You were just speaking with me.
Yeah, awesome awesome. So let me let me film.
So let me finish my thought about to refide out. So I'm a big fan and I think the funder's here, Colari, great tool, a coordination tool. I really enjoyed joining two of them and yeah and I am also
So I wear that are busy doing many things and that now they are busy building the notes. So I know, personally, I'm a big fan of loose coordination like the one we are doing with the solar panel guild. So there is no
Nobody on the top and it's really the community that is self organizing. For example, this idea of the GitCon radio team from one of our member, Jimmy, and I was a bit, I'm a say, I was a bit,
skeptical about that because it's really a high level of coordination, but Jimmy proved me wrong that when the community is really, I say willing to do something and really willing to device up to devote some of their time
And this coordination we are coordinating to add in a 64 hours of tutorspace and nobody in the Sala Pangil is paid for that. We are just self organizing volunteer based groups. So I think that in this world we have to
more imagination and to find new ways of coordination. But again, I'm a big fan of ReFide out and really look forward to see the next development in that. So, back to you. Yes, so I can. Thank you so much. Can you hear me?
Loud and clear.
So just a little alpha on that I believe there would be some developments happening on that front in terms of just groups, organized groups coming out of ReFide out.
There has been conversation I very early stage I don't know to at what point those conversations have developed, but I have had I'm aware of such conversations and such developments. So keep keep a lookout for that.
there's definitely a lot of things brewing at Reefide out. The local node is high up on the agenda but that being said Edward who's the co-founder of John Ellison, sorry Darrell, yeah Darrell Edward who's the co-founder of John Ellison, he's looking he's working on
this and you can expect updates there. Personally, I am also a big fan of all the good work that RIFID out does. I have been fortunate to have volunteered and work with them specifically around RIFID podcast, just helping with community. So yeah, I am really
keen on seeing how that all of that plays out.
that's something that I have been, you know, just toying around with a couple of friends in terms of just putting together some working groups specifically on that, especially around onboarding. So maybe that's something that, you know,
Yeah, let's keep our fingers crossed on our ad welps. But I would love to just, you know, stop now and have Gorang and then Shamba and then Gorang atak and then Utkarsh come in that order. Gorang, all your
Hello, I'm Alipra now. Thank you for letting me up. Hello, fellow friends and for small. So everyone in this space. Right. Just wanted to stay my story on, you know, how I got interested in, you know, public works and started exploring get points. Very long ago. I mean, God in
to the Web 3 ecosystem, 3.5 years back started working with Nephi and Daos and whatnot. And then eventually after that, got into this NFC marketplace company called as doing the word, which was more into bridging the gap between the creator economy and the giving economy.
economy right and then love so this marketplace was where a lot of artists come over you know they partnered up with a lot of you know impact organizations and you know race funds to buy a fine and a piece and what not right what
I mean, that is where I literally got exposed to get going started understanding what it is, why it is meant and what not and then started listening to a walkie and few others, a different green and all of these people in terms of understanding why in
impact is important and how Web 3 can actually do a lot of things in terms of public goods and supporting them and whatnot. One thing I have also noticed that, I mean, as you mentioned that there are not many people in India, only one or two projects and whatnot
and also a part, you know, people come during when the grants are live and whatnot and after that they vanish, right. Recently I've seen recently get coin get coin launched their NFTs via, you know, by OpenC and started minting it and whatnot.
And what happened during that time, I was doing a close watch, is that a lot of the students and NFT ninjas were there, right? They thought that this was a, this was a official NFT by Weta Lake and you know it's gone a pump up and what not.
but then eventually they ended up knowing what's the motive behind it and what not. Literally, and then I had to go on a space by one of the which is done by a big influencer, right, go and literally shout out them, you know, saying that guys, this is not
meant to pump up and whatnot. This is meant to do good, right? I mean, you have you have raised the floors and whatnot and you know, I mean, I felt really bad because I knew that they're gonna pump it up for two days or three days max and then it is gonna come down to
you know, whatever the flow price was and whatnot, right? One thing what I understand is that, you know, there is lack of education. I mean, there is a lot of content there, a lot of, you know, all the big OGs from the public good space and even Vitalik as well, speaks a lot about it, but then
In a way where the audience right now doesn't have a narrative or probably in a way that why they should be part of the coin. Probably I feel that we need to empower more people in terms of educating why public goods
are super important in a way, right? Because they bring a lot of things in, you know, and it actually, it's actually meant to be, you know, in a way, it includes everything like the creator economy, decentralization, and the whole motive of what Web 3 is doing and what's not.
Love that. Thank you so much. But you know, before I jump into that, I would love to have atak in here. Atak all your service.
Yes, yes. The question is how we got started with the question.
Yeah, in terms of getting more community participation in the Gitcoin actual process, we've also spoken about the challenge that grants have faced projects have faced in
specifically onboarding Gitcoin. You know, something that referred to us to help with, but this time around has not been there to do that. But yeah, feel free to talk about yourself, about your work, your project, how has Gitcoin been for you?
Yeah, okay, that's really interesting. I think I think there's been I've been seeing them and I think was a Web 3 beach as well. He's he is onboarding people and hoping you know projects and financially as well to apply for the good coin.
So there seem to be like some community support with people like that in the community. In terms of overall, how do you get participation, voice, the good coin? It's quite hard. I guess it could be quite
a little bit challenging in terms of how to encourage that. But I think you could essentially start off with the projects that are supported by Bitcoin and the team members. Because those people are going to have a lot more incentive to
actually do give some solid feedback or any voicing in terms of resolutions or things like that community engagement. So I think they are starting off with those people, projects and their team that they currently work with.
Yeah, and having them avoid I think that would be nice and After the get coin has ended in terms of their communities and and their in the community followers and the people who voted or who donated that might be a little bit challenging challenging but I'm
sure there could be definitely ways to improve it, but setting off those two I think would be pretty good. But in terms of Bitcoin, I think the passport has definitely improved a lot, which is really, really, really cool to see. The passport is really doing really well.
I think the only thing is the gas fees and I think in a way I feel like the gas fees can intimidate people from actually donating I feel like when I did my donating the other day I remember you know it was like 35
dollars, I had to wait and I think the best I got was $19 for gas fees and that was to 14 projects I think. So I don't know maybe because I was donating to a lot of projects so that maybe that's why the gas fees were high. But I feel like
Yeah, if the guys fees are lower or having multiple options, different cryptocurrencies to be able to pay, that would help. But at the same time, that is not good in a way in terms of get coin, like how they match and all these things.
So on the side of Gitcoin, that could also be a convocation aspect of it. But I also saw that Gitcoin did also add a Bitcoin base as well as a verification method. It is really, really cool. In terms of, for us as a shambah, we know we've been to
So right now we are developing AI.
Yeah, make our processes much cheaper and more accessible to more people and to more developers as well. So yeah, that's pretty much a little bit about Shamba in that regard. Awesome, awesome. Thanks for
So much Ataq, it's right now just 5 minutes to the next space. I'm going to use this opportunity to quickly reset the space. Thank you so much for being here. This has been multiple times, rug the space and we have come back to it. Love you for you guys for doing that. Thank you so
for being here. We will continue this conversation tomorrow. Same time on the check-fit handle. Definitely hope to catch you there to continue the conversation. But coming up next and you will be going to Uttkarsha space which is Earth's dollar Earth
solar punk tower and his link to the space is up there in the jumbo drone you can see that. So add about in about another maybe couple of minutes we will all hop over to a karsh space and we hope we wish we pray it does not get rugged
and we are able to stay the entire time. I for one personally would enjoy that and just enjoy the space. Thank you so much Gido for being such a great support and just rustling up another space quickly while you know there was this I was struggling across two phones so really appreciate your backup and help. SolarPungid you chard out.
Cosmos, thank you so much, lots of love to you. Gorang, I absolutely hear you in terms of the lot of work that needs to be done. You know, we've never really actually spoken since quite some time I believe. So yeah, we haven't spoken actually Gorang or happy. I don't know. There's a little confusion in my mind, but I would welcome a conversation to chat up with you to see how
we can work on that and work towards that. Are you chartered to all the people who are part of this space? I can see Jimmy, I can see they want Atlantis fighters, Ayurveda, thank you so much. Guido, would you like to speak? Yes, can you can you hear me? Okay. I'm
Now the right link in the Jumbo Trone. So wait a second. So please check the last link shared in the Jumbo Trone. Go there.
is already open. I will stay here until everybody will transition there in case the space will be right as for the extraction I will open another space here. So let's go let's continue our conversation and thank you so much for now for being such a good host.
Thank you so much, Guido. It was an honor and I'll see you in the other space. I'm transitioning over to. Yeah, see you there.
So everybody just follow the link shared in the Jamba drone and go to the other space and we'll continue our conversation there. I will stay here for another few minutes in order to be sure that the other space will be stable and working.
So Atlantis now you can move to the new space, Gaurang.
Jimmy moves there
Ayaweka friends, move to the new space please.
and saniatry gem dream also moved to the other space we are closing this one, L. eddy also you can move there we will close the space in a couple of minutes
And thank you so much for joining GoodConradio and I remind you everybody that this is an experiment and we are doing our best to run 264 Twitter spaces all change together
for 11 days during Git-Congrams and we want to be a safe space for everybody to share their feelings about Git-Congrams and to share about their projects and to us support and to give support.
So thank you so much for having joined this space and now we go to the next page that is Shambhanectual that is already on and working. So how we close this space?