📢GITCOIN RADIO #GitcoinBeta Community

Recorded: May 4, 2023 Duration: 0:30:51



Jim, Jim, can you guys hear me? Oh yeah! Oh yeah, what's up Jimmy? Loud and clear fam, I finally stayed awake long enough to make it to cool space! Yes sir! Let's go!
We gotta yeah, bam. I'm pushing myself tonight It is 5 a.m. Over in Australia, but we are pushing We're pushing and in two hours. We've got Kevin a walkie comment to get
coin radio and uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh i learned the co-hosting just in case i get right of course fam of course that's what i do send me those co-hosting vats
Oh yeah, oh I got you man. Yeah, I beg you. Here we go. There we go. Kroki fine. Kroki, I don't know how to stop you. Alright. Third income. We are coming out. Alright.
We're gonna I should have played this I should have only played this here, but while we wait for people to join huh? Oh, no, I was just gonna say I think Ben's gonna join but not him for sure. Oh, we'll see Ben West. Okay, cool Let's grow Ben West is coming home
Yeah, all right, let's go. Yeah, okay, it's time for the intro ready? It's gonna be I you know I can still it on guilty. He got your cover. Oh walkie. Ben West.
Let's go! What do you want to do? Can you see it? Let me know! Cause we gotta keep going, yeah! Let's go! What do you want to do? Can you see it? Let me know! Cause we gotta keep going, yeah! Let's go! What fun come get fun!
All right
Alright, that was the intro. We got this. Alright. How are we feeling fam? Let's retweet out the room. Have you retweeted from solo pong guild yet? I'm the only one who retweeted this thing. Come on fam. Let's retweet it. I just pinned it up to the jumbo. Make it nice and easy for ya. Alright.
Now, solo pun, guild time to retweet from the guild fam. We the guild. All right, boom, okay, great, it's in the guild. Happy days, get one beta. Beta, beta.
All right.
Egg Cilantro.
I'm tweeted some tapes here.
"See no...get in here."
So Bruno, you had it over. That means this, oh wait, oh no, it was in fact, Tokyo, we're running the other space, so anyway, go ahead, cool, that was up. - Not much, man, not much. I just wanted to, you know, share some gratitude.
You know, I love how you know the consistency with your morning kind of routine. You know, it's I was really like on this path where I was like, you know, this my morning routine. You know, there's no really like and
more discovery when it comes to it but wow you changed my fucking mind I like mixing it up usually I'll just like my own is gone whatever do my own kind of workout with my own kind of setting and time but
You know it's always good to mix it up and you kind of show me that bro. I appreciate that Awesome fam. I'm glad. I'm glad Yeah, man, you can do a routine whenever you want obviously it's better to do first thing in the morning Bruno or Bannocka. Do you guys have a morning routine? What does that look like for you to?
My morning routine is really shrily at the moment. It looks like yelling at your alarm or I mean sometimes I don't use an alarm and then I go on my phone. So I really should fix that.
Yeah, that is not. So you start up yelling at the alarm and then you go straight to what social media I'm guessing, huh?
Yeah, I tried to avoid it, but no, usually not even social media I just like my phone gets flooded with notifications and then like there's kind of like you need to look at it, but also like it's not the project of work. How about you, Sino, you got a morning routine?
Sinouais, sinois. - Yeah, I'm not even going to go in my phone, dropped, because I was laughing about the question. Because, yeah, what's the first thing I do in the morning? I don't really think you want to know what's the first thing I do in the morning, you know?
Sorry, I've been for the computer for the wait What do you do? I was gonna say like first thing in the morning masturbation then Twitter then Wow first thing in the
morning like wow takes it number three first thing in the morning. Wow. No, for real for real first thing I do in the morning, it depends usually I will just open my eyes and then just meditate on my chair, my meditation chair. That's what I like to do. I like to do Vipassana. I do a
15 minutes we pass on a meditation. I wake up in general at 5.36 so I wake up at 5.30 and I open my eyes till 6 because I like to think and then at 6 I'm on the chair and then I take a shower. That's what I do. So it's opening my eyes and then meditation.
Nice, Matt. Do you say you think after meditation? No, I think before like you know I wake up I just look at the I just look at the ceiling because my room gives to the to the stars and in general
Belgium it's already very nice it's like night so I look at the stars and I just wake up and then I get on my chair and meditate oh wow that's cool man see you guys we get that pretty early then
Wow. It's by 17 for me and I am not going to sleep for another few hours. Go ahead, Urbanaca.
Well, when I wake up, I go to my office and then I meditate there. I give thanks to all the people that have supported me and that have given me a lesson in my life. I try to remember their faces and
a blessing for them. It takes me about five minutes this session of gratefulness. So it's all the people that that's a fit in these five minutes. And then I review the things that I need to do for the day, which I brought the day off the
than I before and I start working. I think I need to improve that but I already had a very, yeah, a ritual but I lost it. It's very difficult to continue on rituals when you change of city, when
change of house the environments help a lot in making the rituals because before my rituals were based on different locations of my home and now in this home it's like weird but yes I need to improve on that too.
Okay, yeah, so you also meditate good here and then gratitude Very great thing to do being grateful for other people and other things in your life and then sending positive energy to those people like wishing well upon others is actually really good for us really good for our our mental so just so you guys know what we do
in mass space, which is noon Australia time, probably way too later early in Europe. Wait, what time would it be? Actually, I think it'd be like when you guys are waking up early in the morning. Let me look this up.
Learn AEST and UCT. Okay, yeah, no, it's pretty. It's like 2 a.m. Okay, so basically what we do is the Saver's routine. You guys can do this at any point. Okay, you can check out the Morning Miracle book, by the way.
TFT does really good book summaries now chat TFT for amazing book summaries You can go into as much as little deaf as you want and really take with key concepts But it's this the as stands for silence so meditation check you get a lot of you guys nailed that separate now. You got to get on that fam. Um, both of you to full one of my recommendations type that into YouTube
B-O-H-O beautifully. I want to write that down. She's phenomenal at guided meditations. If you're happy with your pasta, I'm happy. The A is affirmations. So speaking a certain word, changing your thought patterns can be really good. If you go to SoundCloud and type in success affirmations, there are some really good ones that are based on learnings as well.
you're like reinforcing them. Visualizations for this, I type in and you might want to write this down. Definitely write this down. Tony Robbins gratitude. Similarly, what you're saying, Arbanaika of meditation and gratitude and then wishing well upon others, all of that is a part of this. It's guys
But there's different versions. Some involve breathing, breathing and movement. So emotion is created by emotion. So by moving your body in a certain way, so you lift your arms up and then breathe in a certain way, it can help kickstart your day and help you move. And then there's different parts of that too.
of like one of them where you're supposed to like yell at you top of the lung at the end but like it's really positive. And then that's visualization. Oh yeah. And then once you get in that state, then you think of three things that you want to have happen in their day or your goals that you want to work towards. And so like visualize, imagine those are
done. Right? Once you're in that state, allows you to see what's possible. And that's a really cool ritual. And then E is exercise. So if you can go to a gym or go for a run, whatever, maybe it is great. If you don't have that much time, the seven minute workout is really good. So you just go to YouTube, type in seven minute workouts, literally all it is, seven minutes, nine with the breaks#
And then R is reading. So if you got a book happy days if you like I said chat GPT Does amazing book summaries in like 30 45 minutes? You can comprehend a book and And it's really good you can go into more depth out like give examples outline give the tips like actually
Yeah, it's phenomenal and I've been going through like literally a new book every time I go through this Space that really good time for you guys and then the last one is scribing so writing you could actually write down things that you're grateful for you can write down thoughts you've been having in journal But another thing that I like to do is prioritize so write down everything you absolutely need
must get done in the day no matter what you're not going to. Oh, it's not that Dan the man with the plan here. Welcome Dan. I'd love to learn a little bit more about gas hawk and how we can minimize gas during the gaspocalypse. But I was just saying the last part of this ritual, savers is this scribing. So I write must and then
and time prioritize, you can go further with by writing numbers next to their individual to do. So that's routine S is silence meditation, A affirmation, V visualization, E exercise, R reading, S describing which is writing down on the paper. What's up, Dan?
Yeah, yeah, what's going on guys? Gigi the M my friend What's going on? This is like this has been like a great promotional time for gaspaw, okay? Like everyone's talking about it now because of the gaspaw clips Yeah, yeah the last uh
Last few weeks, gas rights have been pretty crazy. We are a fellow project on Gekkoim trying to seek our own support. So it's been interesting to see the amount of community feedback and support of other projects using gas stock. Donuts that are using gas stock to be able to
donate to avoid high gas fees and still trying to convey that into actual support for Gas Talk on the Github and Grand as well so we can continue to build the project. We are here to help and happy to chat with everyone.
Okay, so you're actually on the client actually know that we are yeah, so tell me then mm-hmm sweet Yeah, feel free to pin stuff up here make really some support So in the Metamask Advanced settings. I've done the the low option which kind of
puts through the transaction a bit slower at a bit of a better gas rate. How does gas hawk differ to the built-in functionality within Metamask? Then?
Oh, I can't hear you, everybody. Oh, yeah, now I hear you. Yeah. Sorry, sorry. I was trying to find my recent tweet. I think I've pinned it. But for some, I'm on mobile and some reason it's not showing up.
enough you see it at the top. But yeah, so the i by bitcoin whenever politicians do dumb shit that's pinned. No, no, no, that's I think that's there should be pinned on my profile but I uh oh you know gas off
Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Issue the ninth and 10-3 embarrassment that one? No, no, no, no, no, on the space that we're on. You know, at the top, how it has like the... Oh.

FAQ on 📢GITCOIN RADIO #GitcoinBeta Community | Twitter Space Recording

What time is it in Australia when the podcast is recorded?
It is 5 a.m.
Who are the people talking in the podcast?
Jim and Jimmy, along with other guests.
What is the topic of conversation in the podcast?
Morning routines and gratitude practices.
Do the speakers recommend having a morning routine?
Yes, they do.
What is the S in the SAVERS routine?
Silence (meditation).
What is the A in the SAVERS routine?
Affirmations (speaking certain words to change thought patterns).
What is the V in the SAVERS routine?
Visualizations (imagining a desired outcome).
What is the E in the SAVERS routine?
Exercise (physical activity).
Are there any book recommendations given in the podcast?
Yes, the 'Morning Miracle' book is recommended.
Where can listeners find good success affirmations?
On Soundcloud.