📢GITCOIN RADIO #GitcoinBeta Community

Recorded: April 30, 2023 Duration: 1:07:51



Gem was happy this is Guido can you hear me? Yes, well out and clear how are you doing today my friends?
Very well, I was listening to you actually in the quadratic friend space, but then I had to rush here because now I'm in my three hours, lots of it can reduce your rate and maybe I go back there after three hours. Let's see.
Yeah, that's the problem with time songs and time slots. Sometimes you are enjoying the combo, but you have to eat somewhere else or get into a meeting. It happens to the best of us every day.
Yeah, but it's okay that's the good kind of craziness. So we are enjoying the vibe and yeah, let's say positive and full of energy and I think this is the era the energy we need to change this world or to build a better one. Just the technical in
I will leave this space 5 minutes before the end of it and open the airbase tool.
space and there we will talk about building a syllabite future for a tropical island in southern Thailand. So all of you are more than welcome to join me there and we will play with this idea and you can bring your coconut experience
your tree planting experience, your cool experience, and let's just vibe together and see how we can build something new. And back to you, what's up, my friend? Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome.
I was reading something about that. I was in the space, but yeah, I'm dying to hear a little bit more about that island. Everything island, I'm sunny, I love it. Has my approval already. So, let's read.
the room so we can get a few more people on the wagon the topic of the day besides shelling your grant it is why what three why are you
building in the web3 space why not just go to the web2 world and build your solution there so why web3 why why are you using web3 at all and not the the regular
Time test solutions that everyone else has already like oh, yeah, that works because we know because we know about it Web 3 doesn't work because we don't know about it like why Web 3 come on who's gonna go first?
Go ye me, Yugare.
All right, so Web 3 is first of all a phenomenal community building technology, right? And to create substantial change in the world, we need to grow a movement of people to catalyze change. So first of all,
It's an phenomenal community building technology. I mean, NFTs, for example, everyone's kind of incentivized to grow the community and we've seen really strong bonds formed in this space. So that's one of the reasons it's a community building technology.
also a scalable technology, it gives you something that is more transparent as well. So there are so many different reasons. There are the open ledger to consider additional layers of transparency, additional incentives to build community
and form around different identities and around technology. We can all gather around the virtual campfire and make a positive impact together and that's another thing. It's also a very impact. I could talk about this forever, guys. I guess I'll pass the mic to someone else, but those are some of the top things.
Awesome awesome awesome yeah and for the project that you're building being able to bring that data on Shane like there is so many money Legos and value Legos that you can build on top of that data Go Quido
On my side, I would say that I'm building in Web Tree for two reasons. The first one that this place is full of changemaker, of crazy people, of visionaries, and I've never found in my life such an identity.
city of change maker. So this is the place for me and I try here every day. I'm so happy to meet so many people that are really doing something to build a different work. So that's the reason number one. The reason number two is speed.
because building in these space is so fast so you can have an idea today presented tomorrow and maybe go into a GitKengarance in a couple of weeks and start building and speed is everything now because we know that
how challenging is the situation of our planet, how challenging is the degradation of biodiversity, how challenging is climate change, so we need speed and we need to scale, so speed and scalability are the two reasons why I'm building in Web Tree, and I'll
We never been able to do what we did in just 12 months in another environment. In other environments you need three, four, six months just to have an answer from a foundation. So, just sleeping, we are not back to you.
Awesome awesome. Yeah, I totally agree with you like the fast moving pace of what three like is amazing when you are able to to leverage that in a really good way and before we go to the next person
the request to speak. I'm going to tell you something funny about that question and coconut. At the very beginning, I didn't knew nothing about our web3 community, I didn't knew about that many
amazing people and builders, dreamers, so much brilliant people that was out there building the web tree. I didn't know about that. I didn't knew that I was able to get into rooms and be part of the conversation. So for us, coming into the blockchain and using
blockchain technology was just at the very beginning was just to raise money and phone account implantation. That was the reason, like the above, once I discovered the web3 communities was like, oh,
Okay, that was the aha for me. Like I was just looking at what three like from the money side and the funding needed but once I discovered what was behind that work I was like okay
This is the way to go. Web 3 for us is everything. It's governance, it's wisdom, it's having the centralized things making of everything. Web 3 for us is like every
Every aspect and every part of Coconut is trying to use Web3 for the better of everything. Either funding, either oversight, either a source of truth, like Web3 for us.
At the beginning was just funding, but now it's everything. I believe that you can create a project like using Web2 system, but it's just another private company coming into
into the market. Like there is no joy in building a private company that is just money. Like you don't get to make friends along the way. In the way that it is when you are building the webtoon.
Yeah, so the nine is actually a G so it's green pounds, but anyway, I love what you said and I am today where you said you were a little while ago where you had absolutely no idea
idea what Web 3 was and how it could build a new world so to speak. So yeah, so one of the main things that I like about Web 3 is the security. Of course, you can build community and there's of course like Guido said, the speed
with so many possibilities of making new friends. But the most important thing is the possibility of finding new kinds of money that is crypto. That's only possible because it's Web 3. I suppose everything that's being done on Web 3 can be done on Web 2 as well, but the difference is
that Web3 allows you to use the security of blockchain, blockchain being in network of thousands of computers, storing information and validating at the same time. So that is something that Web2 cannot offer you. That would be one of the reasons
reasons why you would say yes to web 3 and no to web 2 because if you're looking at security that's the way to go. If you have other perspectives as to why not web 2 as what you asked a little while ago, it would be my pleasure to listen to that as well.
The second thing is about making friends with the second thing is to come into Web 3 without having any background in Web 2. It is possible. You may have never built a Web site but it is possible that you can take your idea, convert it into a project, talk to people and live
entered the Web 3 arena. That wasn't possible with Web 2. You had to have a company and then you have a website and your products and basically it's our everyday internet. Web 3, it's still not easy for people to picture what Web 3 is going to look like on the screen.
And what what its possibilities are it's not something that's mainstream yet. It's still niche and it's still within a network of people. Of course there are thousands of people there, but it's still not mainstream. Crypto is in mainstream and so many other applications that people are
using WebPriPlappforms for like for example, you know, geomapping of environmental projects using satellite technology, using AI, all of that is being linked to WebPri and that's how people are trying to change the world in a way that it's verified
It's transparent so yeah so many advantages But yeah, the thing is if all of this can be done in web 2 why are we not using web 2 why web 3 I said I have said the aspect about security Do you have any other perspectives to add I'd love to hear them
Well, like as of the wise, yeah, but you can't have security in Web 2 to like security like most of the Web
three apps and products that we use every day at our host at Amazon Web Services. So basically, for example, for us,
Why Web 3? Like when you're trying to build
network without borders you need to be in the web3 you need to have a vow you need to be using public players because that's the only way that you gonna be able to build a network that doesn't rely on local
diction, doesn't realize, okay, you are from Venezuela, you are not allowed in our services. Oh, you are from wherever country. That's the idea of the why we're using WebTree for governance. And we don't have the crowd. Like I dream of
like the governance of cocoon being composed by people like you are like everyone in here is an expert or something. It can be a planning events, it can be whatever you like
Yeah, I mean whatever skill set you come with, if you speak well, you can talk to people and get them, you can spread your ideas and share your ideas with them. So that's a big plus point. People need dows and groups are going to need people who can speak well.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's that's when it comes to to but if you talk about funding, I believe that the level of security that brings about to address where where you have 100 plus signer to even
sign for a dollar. That's crazy because if you want to get in bed with a BC investor or whatever corporation, like you bring that to the table. Like, hey, my organization has 100 plus signers.
Like for us to execute whatever proposal we are going to execute it has to be we have 100 plus people signing on the decision like the levels of security and stability that
having this type of governance in our organization is this wise. It's above everything else out there in the Web2. Yeah, it's unparalleled. There's nothing like it in Web2, so that's a big plus point.
Okay, so three tails from a stage tell you something about why you are using Web3 for your project. Great, it's a great question. First of all, just
Say hello guys, good morning from Brazil. It's the amazing to be here with all of you. And coconut awesome project. I was checking here. I have a lot of questions to make to you.
just to answer your question. I feel that today the web tree should be more like a philosophical concept than the technical
acknowledge itself. And why I'm saying this? Because the technology itself, like the blockchain, the high gas fees, this is not working, the way we need it, you know, most of those
solutions can be done by the Amazon server centralized and will be more efficient, you know, because to make a transaction to donate here in Brazil, like we have the PIX transaction system, I don't pay up
to do a transaction, but to donate to get going around, I need to pay more than $20 just to make a donation. So it's not working the way we need it to reach the people we want, because when
And I'm talking about this technology. I need to see it as a revolutionary means of using it. Because if we don't want to actually disrupt how society works,
We just keep doing things as everybody is doing. So if we are engaging with Web3, we want to change something. But to do this change, we actually have two major
a lot of this technology. And I think that we definitely need to talk more about the philosophy and the social impact that the choices we are making to the technology is
actually enabling. So when I see a voting system that you need to have like a token and you need to pay for this token and need to be on boarded in the web treasonry, this is very restrictive.
I can't...
actually make someone be part of the governance of our group.
If this person is not bombarded in a web tree technology and don't have the dollars to pay for it, so this is very restrictive. I'm talking from a perspective of a real materialistic point of view.
talking about real things. So the person will buy food or donate to our projects spend like three hours to be able to actually use their git
the coin passport? No, they will prefer to buy food. So, and not engage with the initiatives that we have, because in the end the technology should enable the vision that we are pursuing.
And the debt vision should be able to be emulated without the technology itself. So governance systems and ways of sharing responsibility, transparent,
and governance, this exists for all the time that the human itself exists, so how we can actually bring
the philosophical aspect to actually coordinate how the technology is being developed. So how I can create a governance system where
people don't have barriers to be part of this governance, but they do have the accountability and the responsibility and the transparency they need to be part of it. So let's try to answer this question without paying gas fees.
is what I think.
Yeah, I agree with you. One of the solutions that I see in the near term is we need to bring everyone to the table. And that's exactly why we have deployed our dial, our government
in a blockchain like Gnosis chain. With one dollar you can make more than one thousand transactions in Gnosis chain with just one dollar. It is one of the only stable chains.
out there like because the fees are paid in die. So it's really really cheap and for us to be able to follow through with the business we need it. We need a blockchain that
I still have my initial fee $1 that I am using $1 since one year ago in Nocyche.
And I approve with you and one of the solutions is building for the community and try to bring everyone to the table. So we can have a different perspective of everything like sometimes the developers they are like like everyone says.
the white guy from Germany. Let's say they don't know like the nigs of the people of Brazil or of the nigs of Latin. That's why we need to build for everyone and bring everyone to the table so everyone can have a voice and we are building
on top of that philosophy. That's why
If you analyze what we do, everything has to do with the community at the beginning and at the end everything is around people. I wish to have just like one member, one share, one boat, so I can have 60,000 members for the first
This way we have a really global network of people and the centralized governance to execute whatever one. But yeah, I totally agree with you. Go on, Widow. I wanted to say
something similar what you said that there are solutions that are very cheap, there are blockchains that are very cheap and if you are thinking about Git, can we have this discussion at the time today and yesterday and I think all the
the GITCOM environment will allow us to make all two transactions. As they did before, now we have a new platform. But with all two transactions, the gaspies will be very low and very accessible to everyone.
positive on that. I think they will come very soon and yeah but I agree that is a big problem now with the actual gas fees is really it's really crazy and yeah and also I agree with you was happy that we have to import as many
people as possible and there is much learning to share and the more we are the better will be for everybody and there will be more democratic and we'll give more opportunity to everyone and yeah back to you was that it
Yeah, everything is part of the process of migrating to decentralized protocol and I get it. They got to protect the treasury, they got to protect the machine call. Yeah, it's something is better
than nothing. It was either running on Ethereum Mainnet or not running at all. So yeah, I have faith in Geekcoin. I believe that Geekcoin, all we need is more
like we need to keep proving everyone the climate solutions, everything that we're doing is going to be worth in the future and we need to convey them to contributors
like they do to open source like they do to a team in front. The free-door sprite that's why we need to build organizations focused on the community because the community is going to be able to return all of that value back to to the people.
the technology will keep going. I see a lot of things happening and getting better. But just to go to like a positive aspect of all of this, I was wondering how
how you are managing the governance of your projects. So if you could change, everybody could change how you are managing the governance of your projects, how people can interact, how they can
start being part of the governance of your projects and what they are required to do in order to maintain that status. So in a broader view,
what is governance in the daily life of your projects.
The governance is happening in the Dal House, the blockchain we use is genoses chain. For you to be part of the governance, you just need one share. One share is
one boat and the rate of one share for Cocona B1 is $20. And this is a sold-bound share to your wallet. There is no secondary market, there is no way to transfer this share to someone else. You are at that
lifetime down member as long as you are holding this doucher. How the government looks? Well, since we building something very that humans already know how to do it like, we're building a plantation
So everyone knows the process behind planting trees and behind planting whatever crop. So there is no surprises for the Dal member in what to expect when it comes to funding proposal or any sort of work plan.
that we might propose to them to approve the budget. So the governance is very simple. Everything is a day-body for chairs, for funding, for whatever decision they allow is a day-body period. We barely
make any funding proposal. These early membership proposal because tends to get connected. We don't need to be using downloads to keep developing the project and the research papers that we're building. That's going to be like the instruction manual. But yeah, the couple of downloads are
very simple concept of it's a call-up machine basically. So every member I only have one boat. So every member has the same rights no matter how many boats you have. The only difference is the weight of your boats.
Amazing, amazing, I'm also planting trees here in Brazil. I'm a farmer here, we are doing agro forest. Your project is one of the projects
that I wanted to find because in the beginning we were thinking exactly like the idea of coconut enabling people to plant
And the part of this huge community. But we realized that that was that were projects like coconut and agro forest down that are doing this.
like their main reason, you know. But in the end, I'm also a game designer and a product manager. So I thought, hmm, why not
a build a game that will correlate with this experience of planting trees, but in the end we'll drive resources to plant even more trees.
definitely want to be part of coconut dow as well and help spread those those beautiful gardens and let's do it.
It's amazing to know that people are trying to...
to help the planet by planting food, trees and bring a new perspective of how can I say that it's like
We are guaranteeing that the world will have food for everybody. And if you have food, just the basic food water, good climate conditions, you don't need
anything else, you know, you can live as a human by just these things. And people in the cities, they forgot those
those knowledge that it's essential to survive.
helping them plant food trees and regenerate the world is the way to go. It's the way of doing a revolution. So yeah, let's connect.
Thank you, thank you. Like it's my pleasure. Like that's something that I enjoy on daily basis about the trees being able to connect with new people every day. Like mine that people that
Like not everyone understands what we do and what we do like even friends and family questions why are we? Are we doing what we doing but it's like I said it's gonna be worth because
For example, for the Dominican Republic, we have a perfect OGR around the weather. You can grow whatever you want. OGR around, you don't have to worry about what ever season is coming. No, that doesn't apply in the air. We have a really cool weather.
guess what? We have systematic problems and that's what we're trying to solve with cutting out. What we're doing with cutting out by partnering with underserved people that don't have access to the regular financial system, that's going to open up and unlock so much
value for the people and the planet because basically when you deploy a current plantation you are preserving, conserving, improving, normally the soil, normally the local communities but you create so many value.
jobs, so many new stuff that is going to be able to enable people to make a living. So basically, yeah, that's why I feel like it's an offering to
the power of coordination of a doubt. The local community is that the traditional systems don't want to be with them. So it's great for you to be a landowner and you don't have money to eat and you don't need and you don't know what to do.
Christmas is going to do, but I own so much land that they end up making taking back the decisions because they don't have the education or the knowledge on what to do or even the means.
Who's next? Who's coming next to stage? I need someone coming to the stage and telling us about their project, about why they are using what we, why we need to go to the Geek Point site and contribute to their project.
I know that I work on it has awesome project as well that should be visited so I love are you weka is one of my favorite projects are you weka I'm and I'm the one of
from Okie Chidi. They like I love those projects that involve the young ones like I believe that the future of everyone in the planet.
I was wondering here, could you share an example of voting process that you had with the community and you know,
share what you learn it and things like that because we in three tales we are you know developing hard the game and
We all organize ourselves in a decentralized way. So we don't have a hierarchy inside the team itself. So everybody just get what they know that they can do better.
or they have any interest in doing so it's a more organic approach we do have a plan and a roadmap but it's more organic how we go but
I really...
struggle on how to actually
Open the doors for people to come and join in their governance of our daily life and our routine.
I even told people, you know, you know, come here and start working with us, be part of it, it's just joined the group, you know. But I feel that somehow people don't get involved mainly.
Even people from different projects, but that have the same purpose. So they don't really engage in the governance of three tiers, although it's open. So I feel that this is
something that's very powerful to the web tree. The idea that is, you know, every
and each one of us can be a member of each one's project in the governance aspect.
Same for my point of view here in Brazil, each project acts like isolated, isolated, that
in some moments connect with the other but you know it's not really really rooted in governance aspect.
So yeah, I feel you. I'm like engagement is a problem now. It's at every level. Social governance engagement is a problem.
In Coconut, this is an internal point of view of how Coconut works. You have the dial, the dial handles the
What is the governance? Like is the treasury, is the amount of chairs in the valve, is the funding proposal? So basically
things we do as courting everything in house is very rare for us to need outside help or if we need something from the outside we have focus on having down members that can provide some sort of services
for free to the doubt. For example, we have a doubt member that is a US-partial engineer. And basically, if we need something that has to do with maps and mapping the terrain or whatever, he's going to do it for free. We don't need to open a governance proposal. We don't need to open a funding proposal. Because the doubt
So, like I said, hand the treasury. So, if you are going to do something inside Coconut Dau or Coconut Network Dau, those are neat treasury, it doesn't affect the vouchers, for example, and the kicking of the Coconut Deep Sessions Podcast. Since I don't need money from the
I don't need to go to the DAO like hey, can I do this for the network? Can I provide this value? I don't need to because this is something that is going positive. It doesn't require money from the DAO.
use the governance for stuff that has to do with money or with chairs, either voting or loot chairs. So for example, the last funding proposal that we sent to the Dow was back in December for some catering and drinks for
for the visit from the Department of Agriculture. They were coming down to the, they were coming to the town where we deployed the first plantation. They were like, okay, we like the project, we go in there so we can scout the land, we can meet with the farmers, we can meet with the community. And this
This was the last Fond de Proposal that we made back in December. And the process is very simple. We go to the dashboard, we open a Fond de Proposal and we state what is this about. We need XM out of money and this is the outcome.
the plan and this goes to a eight days voting period where if the down member if they want to vote they do but in all of those if you don't vote is because you agree let's say that you don't vote yes in a proposal you still are
You're boring, yes, indirectly. But if you go to the dashboard and you both know, okay, it's a no that you have bought. It's a lazy cover analysis and where if you don't want to engage, you don't need to. Every proposal, saying
notifications, a notification to the Discord server with "Hey, a new proposal just coming to the dashboard" and "In proposal when into voting" is very transparent when it comes to the governance notification and the whole Dow voting process.
Thank you.
Welcome you welcome you welcome. Okay, so who wants to come to the stage? I have some speaker. I have some speaker requests but
people is shy today, Sunday. Subguido.
Oh yeah, I'm listening to the conversation. Very interested on that and I just want to say that I decided to join your DAO. So after all these craziness of Git combata, please let's have a chat.
because a really good love to join your project and to see how I can support you because you know that I'm a big fan of yours and yeah if I can give you any kind of supporter will be more than glad that to help you and let's build back to you.
Thank you so much, you will ask that means the world for me like like I said having sold van shares it has the ex-conz but the pros is that you get the the the greatest and the
most thoughtful members. It's like when you have this idea and you want a BC, you don't want a BC that just provides money. That's the design of government like the fact that
that we have solve one shares, it is because it's not only money that we want for you, we want support and any kind of support that the members can provide to the coconut idea is amazing.
Just one more thing, I'm leaving now because I need 10 calmer minutes to ground before the next space. I've already been in a new space that will be
mind and so keep on going with your conversation and see you later if somebody wants to join my space it's coming in 50 minutes it's already been in the jumbo tour thank you so much everybody and stay well
Thank you, thank you, Gretel, thank you, thank you. Hey, Jimmy, welcome back. T.M. Brada, thank you, thank you, thank you. Always good to be here with the coconut fam. You're a great facilitator, brother. I love how you have themes for each day. It's a great thing that you're doing here. Hold it down there.
the board of the radio. I'm excited. We've got John from Getcoin coming in at 1 p.m. EST. Now, it was going to do a Max Impact episode, but I figured on Sunday since there's a little bit less people that we'm just going to bring him to the radio. So he's going to come through urbanica space later. Pretty
sure because I'm swapping it over. So yeah, I'm pumped. It's been a nice intimate day with with the solar punk guilders and all the git coiners coming through learning about everyone's projects. We've had some very, very thoughtful ideations and discussions and it's been a good time, man. How's your weekend, Ben, brother?
It's been great so far. I'm thinking about what I'm gonna have for breakfast after I'm done with my slot. I love it. It's sunny. I have to turn on the AC very early today because it's very sunny. It's very
I'm jealous bruh I'm jealous it's bloody cold over here my body got acclimatized to living in Africa and stuff and then I came to this like colder part of Australia
and I'm just like wearing two pairs of pants and two sweaters and a jacket. I'm so kind of cold. It's crazy. But yeah, man, I missed that part of the world. I'm excited to get back. I don't know exactly where I'm going after this. I might be going to Malaysia to kickstart a new tree planting project there or back to East Africa,
most of our tree planting projects are. We'd love to come to the Caribbean at some point though bro. I was in Anguila a while ago. That was like a long time ago when I was little and that's like pretty much the only part of the Caribbean that I've experienced but where exactly are you? The Money Car Publix.
right yeah it's a mini-con public. I love the whole Caribbean like syrup of the tiny islands the big islands like it's crazy you still have a bullet and sail to the Caribbean.
Oh, beautiful, beautiful. Well, as you got tree tails up here, ayahuaca, Uganda, much love, regenerators. How we doing tree tails?
Awesome. We were heading in on awesome talk here before you arrived. But now that you arrived, I remember about the question that I would like to also make
to coconut down. So when I was thinking about the planting trees aspect of three tails, the play to plant concept that we
have in the beginning we thought about one three one talking the same thing that you guys are doing but I was
thinking to myself that when you point a tree, it's not guaranteed that the tree is going to live. Something can happen mainly when we don't use poison to control natural
natural species that can harm that plant or you know maybe a wildfire can happen and the plants can die. So if we attach it when talking to one tree this could mean that that talking would lose
the value instantly if the tree died. So with that in mind I started thinking about not considering one token one tree but one piece of land with a bunch of trees one token
And this makes a lot of sense with the agroforest system because you have different food trees and even trees that are for the long term like to hand-produce native species to places that were degradation.
So what do you guys think about this issue that I'm talking about and if this already occurred to you guys and how you could solve it?
even if it's not a problem at all, if I'm thinking by the wrong way. But I do feel that attaching a token directly to a single tree could be
would be uncertain of the future of the value of that token. What do you guys think about that? Yeah, that's a great question.
where it makes sense that we have solvent shares. It's a percentage of the value of the property. So for example,
If a few coconuts trees decide to die, it doesn't matter because it means that from 60,000 trees, let's say that we have 500 trees that they end up being dead.
you the same value in percentage is going to the down, trace of it to the down member regardless of how many trees end up being dying in the process because it's chance. It's not like it's a liquid talking that you can actually that you are attaching
to these trees. It's chairs from the total value of the plantation. So let's say that we forecasting that the value that the tree is going to produce is $1. But the plantation
Thanks to partnerships, thanks to many carbon credits, whatever, we end up getting $5 of value from each tree. If we keep using the same formula of one tree, one talking, so
So the value is not going to flow back to the community. But if you use a rate like a percentage of the total value of the plantation as a metric, this is where Solvan shares make sense because there is no secondary market that
or the value is dropping. The value of the vouchers, they never drop. Like we have a cup of 60,000 shares for the first plant plantation. So no matter if you got the last, the last chair of the plantation,
You're gonna pay the same $20 as the person that got the first one. Because there is not a secondary market like the shares. They come from the Dow dashboard. They come from the member voting on, yeah, we want to create these new shares.
It's not like the crypto market is going to dictate the price of the governance chairs of coconut. This doesn't happen to us with the actual governance structure that we have.
Oh, thank you. So this helps a lot. I think we need to deepen this conversation because I'm in the game design aspect of the
process and I definitely want to understand more the capabilities of so-bound tokens and research. But I feel that it's something that can help develop one thing that we always wanted with the project.
That is people that play the game, they will have their tokens attached with that amount of trees that I said before. But we also want to bring like
in real life benefits to those players. So if someone's playing three tales, she has like a talking from three tales.
And wanted to have a nice experience in the Agroforest in the net of Agroforest Dull by the weekend. They can travel and
receive a discount because they are players of three teams. They can buy chocolate from very, very natural in Brazil or
something like that. So the idea is to connect at these things and add value to what the person has at their disposal. And I think that maybe this so bound tokens
and help us reaching this because it could be the thing that will tie every project in the sense of sharing the community benefits.
Yeah, I'm like for us governance.
It has to be sold by them. Because as a project, you might suffer a governance attack in a bear market. Because your governance power is for sale in the market. So anyone can go to the market and
And be like, OK, let me get an X amount of power, an X project, and I'm going to exploit it. I'm going to pass on my issues proposal because I have a bunch of books now. We don't have a liquid token because we want the Dow member
be the one proposing, okay, let's create a liquid token based on the coconuts that we're collecting. So we collect X amount of tokens, I mean we collect X amount of coconuts
We made an ex-amount of this liquid talking, but we wanted to design the tokenomics, everything to come from the down members. We wanted people to get the money. We are past governance, we are about to harvest.
Let's work on the liquid talking that we need now for the next phase of covenant. Because the phase where we are right now is governance phase. The governance is going to bring the funds
to develop the first plantations. So it's an only one solution. We got the governance, we got the phones, and we got the whistle of the crowd.
A bunch of members that they care about what we're doing and they're going to vote with their wallet to the proposals that appear to them. That's the idea.
I'm waiting for Guido to start the next phase so we can all go there next and we can continue with the conversation there. But yeah, three tails, we need to connect, we need to
keep I'm always hoping to have a chat like I don't have time limits I'm very flexible when it comes to connecting and networking so yeah let's after the round let's get on the meeting and have a chat
Hey, hey You're here me No, I didn't hear you. You say something
I can't hear you. If you're talking, I'm not getting anything.
Hey, you may send me your speaker request. I'm waiting for Guido to start the next one.
Okay, we don't have a new space. I'm gonna pin it up right now so we can go there. Okay
is pink. Look for it. The last one. Shared by Coconut.
Go there to the next page of eEarthMaseSource.
Come on, come on people, let's go to the next place. It's been in the Twitter thread in the top and in the comments.
Section 2.

FAQ on 📢GITCOIN RADIO #GitcoinBeta Community | Twitter Space Recording

Who is Gem talking to in the recording?
What is the topic of discussion in the recording?
Web3 technology and why use it
What is the first reason Yugare gives for using Web3?
Community building technology
What is the second reason Guido gives for using Web3?
Speed and scalability
What is the significance of NFTs in Web3 according to Yugare?
Incentives to grow the community
What is the main advantage of using blockchain technology in Web3?
According to Gem, how is Web3 different from Web2 in terms of building projects?
Web3 allows you to enter the arena without any background in Web2
What is the main focus of Coconut, the project being discussed in the recording?
Using Web3 for governance and decentralization
What tropical island in southern Thailand is being discussed in the recording?
No specific name is mentioned
What is the attitude of the speakers towards Web3?
Positive and energized