📢GITCOIN RADIO #GitcoinBeta Community

Recorded: May 3, 2023 Duration: 1:09:09



Hello. Hey, this is Utkashia from the Guilds account now. It's my shift. How's it going?
It's been good. Just got up saw bunch of like meals and then checked on the ground and then I saw the new dashboard that get going launched and yeah, I think it's same old same old gas towers everywhere nothing
much. Oh, yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, what's out of the weather in India? Is it that again? What's the weather like in India right now? Yeah, it's boiling. Yeah.
Yeah, it's boiling. It's bad. It's advice to stay indoors and yeah, I guess there is also, I mean, very weirdly like there have been two days when it's rained in the middle of all this.
So, I think everyone is kind of losing the plot a little bit because this is totally not expected. It's pretty much like starting to be peak summer and we had two days like
of nowhere. So yeah, I guess this is coping. What's happening with you? We are met in Australia. It's very cold. It's about 10 degrees actually. And I've been reading pretty much
since last night. So what season is it supposed to be right now? Are we going into winter? Yeah. Yeah, I talk about that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not interesting that the whole planet doesn't go into winter. Something to do with the axes and the rotation and I mean, yeah, there is. So how are you?
How you finding the course of fire I mean you said you they launched a new dashboard Yeah, what's the difference between the dashboard is telling you total number of contribution to the amount contributed which round has got how many contributions then there is a breakdown
So if you go to climate solutions, it will give you a rundown on which projects have got how many votes and they have raised how much etc. So yeah, I think it's just a lot more organized than what we were seeing with Dune last time.
[keyboard clicking]
Thanks you then. Yeah, good to hear me.
Oh yeah, so you're saying that it's a lot more organized than the one previously. Correct. So it's, I mean it's got everything in basically, you know, like
It's got all the rounds and in each round you can see each project and you can see the stats and then you can also see the contributions over time. Let me just get it and let me pin it up so that everyone else can also have access to it. Just give me a sec.
Nah, don't race it on.
Morning, morning, Kennedy and my wife as well. Morning. Where you at?
or afternoon.
Whoa, wow, that's actually pretty nice
Are you checking? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it's quite streamlined and yeah, it gives a very clear picture of what's happening.
But why don't you also just pin the tweet with the space so that like I can do my job of asking everyone to read
But it's just a five of us but nonetheless like just put it up so that we can get that also going No worries at all to that right now
So what it in terms of the good coin radio seem to be going smoothly. What is how is it going on your side like a simple really
I think it's become like a well oil machine in the last five six days. I think the transitions are become smooth, the timings are become predictable, like everyone knows when to pitch in, when to bounce and yeah, I mean this flux of
At times there are very few listeners, at times there are a lot and I think that's totally fine and I think it's when people are plugging in. I think mostly there are from Europe and US so I think that's why maybe those times are working
But yeah, I think overall it's all thanks to the Treeshen Jimmy here. He's ensured that all the heavy lifting that he's done in the first few days is now paying off. And I think a few more days and we might go into automobiles doing this. Who knows?
It's a pretty good idea. It was definitely a pretty good idea from Jimmy and all the people at SolarPunk to work on it and made it possible for sure. Yeah, so it's pretty really awesome. Welcome Jimmy, welcome
welcome for joining us on stage. Oh you on stage awesome. How you doing? I'm doing good. I'm doing good. Respect for holding down the fort on the retreat the room. Everybody do the same. We got how many more days left? Six days left?
Six days more to come. I think today I saw a post saying that we are halfway through. Oh, now we're halfway. Okay. Yeah, now we're halfway through. So, yeah, I think we're maxing out at like 50 contributions maybe per grand this time.
50 you think yeah I did a poll like have you already given or are you gonna give and like most people said they're gonna give as opposed to have given yeah and I saw that and I also responded in that same bracket saying that yeah
Everything is added to card right now and I'm going to just ship it whenever the time like whenever gas allows me to but yeah, hello It's doubled from when we were crying, you know we were crying on Friday Saturday it was it
it was half of what it is right now. So I mean what the fuck happens if it doesn't like drop down in the next 5-6 days. I don't know if it's taking seriously enough but I guess everyone's in the same boat so we find out
Jimmy you said yes Jimmy you said yesterday that it wouldn't really matter how even though the threshold thing because we've been discussing about the threshold. So does that mean that it wouldn't really matter how many contributions the climate drown God that
there would still another the total amount or will it be reduced against my question. Yeah, now there's no reduction. They're definitely giving out the full 350K in the climate round. I think it's the same for the other core rounds. So you're good, man. It's just a vote. It's just a vote.
Realistically, the vast majority of the funding anyway is the matching, right? It's not the actual initial contribution and it's not going to be like three months until you get the funding either. It's like two or so, two, three weeks. So yeah, just get your votes in fact. Every vote counts. Makes a big difference.
Yeah, it does and but also it's like I don't know man, we figure this at the end but
in these cases like it's you don't know how the matching turns out and maybe somebody with lesser
votes but maybe higher contribution in terms of the dollar amount could also end up getting benefited because like let's just give a hypothetical $100 contribution probably
gets matched at if say 10x and a $1 gets matched at 100x that $100 is also taking like $1000 in matching whereas that $1 taking like $100 in matching. So I don't know how it plays out on
Also, we don't know how many people that have contributed to the grant have a eligible passport. So that because last time, like the way it panned out, just I was just doing an analysis after we got the matching amounts and
I am talking very personally and this is not from solar pung guild, this is for solar pung dao, where we had good unique contributors, like roughly 340, 350. But the matching amount that we had gotten was
lesser than people with 250 unique contributors also. So that was just telling me that maybe the ones who did end up contributing to our grant were not eligible for the matching and hence it didn't make any difference. But yeah,
Yeah, I think that's another like, that's another gray black hole where like, you know, we don't know what's happening and who's giving and whether it's going to get matched or no. So yeah, it's, it's a little out and about, but I guess we find out in good time.
Yeah, so that like that new get going tool you might have seen shows how all the grants are doing. Is it the contribution? Sorry. You're on the top. Yeah, three gens are rocking, but we're only in one round, right? So you guys are in like four or five rounds or something crazy.
is the one. I mean, I mean, to be honest, I think even that was not clear, you know, I think I heard someone speak of this yesterday also and I had asked on the telegram group and it was a very clear indication that you can be part of one core round.
which is the climate solution round. But I was not aware that you could apply to a n number of feature drums, which is this Metacrisis and DSI and DEI and greater
China and stuff like that. Like apparently there is no limit to the number of smaller rounds you could apply to. And yeah, I think I do know people who are in two, three, three, four rounds also. So I guess it works out in some way or the other, but yeah, let's hope.
I'm curious to know at the end of this how it turns out if it's a wise decision to go from multiple rounds because you might get a few less in the core round because of that, right? Because some people will just give to another one. But at the same time, you'll bring in a bunch of funds from the other ones, so you might end up being better off, but it's kind of up in the air, right?
I think from whatever I have seen whoever's applied to multiple rounds has always benefited at the end because these lesser known rounds usually tend to have lesser projects and then the matching just skyrockets. So when DSI had originally came out
like I know a bunch of MRV protocols that were very well off because of that DCI round and not as much because of the climate round because DCI had just lesser projects and higher matching. So that kind of work talk but you know I think I mean whatever it's not so much experience but the last two three rounds have
We have done like each unpredictable. I mean it's hard to gauge. You can just think the best method is to be best prepared and take it as it comes. Like each round has its surprises and something or the other comes up and yeah, I think that's what keeps it exciting also.
It's definitely an exciting journey. We'll see how it pans out. The final push. We're only halfway. It got down. Okay.
Can't slow down gotta keep pushing Yeah But like I mean still still I don't know it's
I'm probably just voicing concerns but yeah man like what happens if this continues and what happens if I am only not able to like give a dollar to the projects that I want to like that's and
It's a funny spot. But I guess, I mean, if this continues to the very end, like irrespective of the gas, I might end up just giving it and biting this pill. And yeah, let's see.
I just realized I could have donated to all you sew upon guilders in the other rounds. But I gave to you in the same round so I was like, whatever. Climate round.
is definitely a fun one. It's good to see the guilders doing really well overall, right? Whatever happened to having a collection of all the guilders? Yeah, that option doesn't exist anymore. I think they were. Yeah, but we were going to put one together. That I think it was putting out a collection today.
He's putting out a notion dog with everyone's grants in it.
So like a one-page with all the grant links so that like yeah makes it relatively easy I guess
Yeah, that'd be great. Yeah, that'd be great.
Jimmy you didn't mention yesterday that I'm like about your Guinness World Record. I was curious why why why you breaking it in America why not like in Australia since you're here. Yeah, I know well June 5th my
I might not have the, so first of all, it's towards the end of the year where New South Wales has mangrove propagules that are in season. And so June 5th is what I want to do it. And in Queensland, they're currently in season, but either like Crocodile and Fasted Waters and
they might not still be in June 5th because it's around April May. So yeah, not really ideal. But in the States, I can meet my partners at BlueSphere Carbon. They've got great media connects. Some cool, really cool networking opportunities when I get there.
Yeah, there's a couple of reasons. I'm still in between actually doing it in the States or in Malaysia. Malaysia, we also have the carbon rights to the mangroves over there that we would plant. And that's kind of like the main bottleneck. And once we do our first carbon forward deal, oh shit.
Oh, I'm back. Okay, sorry. Something came up. I thought I ruged. Once we do our first carbon forward deal, then I think that we can really scale, right? Like 100,000 mangroves is only eight carbon forward deals away from five trillion trees, which is insane. So,
Our goal, until we get to that point, is really to just reinvest back in regeneration, back in regeneration as much as we possibly can scale the thing out. And then, yeah, but until then, we're going to try to get some kind of impact investment because we have both a Dow and we have a limited liability partner.
So the Dow is where 50% of the mince of tree gens and are basically our proceeds go towards a Dow where every member gets to vote on how the Dow Treasury is allocated. And then the other food percent goes straight towards trees from the tree gens DSS.
And, yeah, tree tokens is obviously just for trees. But yeah, so that's kind of the way that that works. But then we also have this other company, which is dealing with the carbon-forward stuff, right? Getting impact investors to buy carbon-forward and really scale the regenerative work.
And so yeah, what do you guys think about carbon forwards as shambha because you know for the for the farmers Maybe they could tap into that kind of thing right? I know so world dials coming up with the platform to D risk it for investors There's a few kind of carbon forward platforms going to be coming out. What do you guys think about that?
I'm not entirely sure. I will write Kennedy to come and if he's available, he can speak more onto it. But he mentioned crocodile. Like, what is the, how many is there a lot of crocodiles in the water? Like, is it too much? Yeah.
Yeah, there's a lot. So basically they call it crocodile country in Queensland, Northern Queensland, right? Northern Australia is Bill Crox. So I'd have to summon my inner Steve Irwin, I'm gonna have a rattle. I sold crocs and yeah. So.
You, and you, can you guess who said that every three months a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in Northern in Northern Queensland? She really who said that Bobcara Bobcara I thought you might have known him
down. He's a politician. Not too into politics. He's one of those. He has a very interesting character. He would make a joke and then literally turn into seriousness.
Like you know, um, yeah, it's very very funny guy That's actually that's actually a strategy for your points to be nailed home. Do you know who less brown is the motivational guy? Yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yep So let's brown actually teaches this I took his power voice
course and I had a bunch of Zoom calls with Les Brown and basically he teaches that like can you tell a joke? People laugh it like opens up their heart and then you like deliver your point home and it like definitely sinks in when you're trying to make a point. So that might be a strategy.
But it's so authentic though, that's a thing. It's so authentic that it's amazing. And so I feel like people then laugh at him like, you know, at the
at what he's at the joke that he's also saying. But it's so interesting. The guy is very charismatic in that regard.
Yeah, man.
Yeah, it's got to be authentic, right? You can't be an authentic. You know, that's
That's what people resonate with. If you're just talking out of your ass, so you're just trying to say something for the sake of saying something, it's not going to resonate. So just speak from the heart always.
Totally, totally. Yeah, not a total demand.
I was like when we came, we're like writing out a sub to talk about. I was like, "So yeah, do me." Okay, I got the question. Why?
Why does Web 3 open source software around? Why do they have so much contributors, particularly, and they seem to have massive, massive, massive community compared to the rest? Yeah. What do you think, with gosh.
Yeah, well, it's because it's because there's so much money involved right a lot of people benefit from that open first
Technology and read profits from it and so they're willing to support that because they build on top of it, right? And that's also kind of how get hub how get coin was born out of get hub, right? So
You know, that's the culture.
- Look at talks.
Okay, okay, another sphere that's where I thought it was more like it because they are knee going public in a way and so the community supporting them so that they can become a
public project and buy into the tokens and what have you but it makes sense that the development aspect of it as well.
Yeah, most staff most staff go ahead with cash. What do you think about this? Why do you think open sources so?
or for the Lunations.
Yeah, like the web 3 open source like why did they have so much contributors? So I mean like I just like same right I was just going to bring that up and I think Ben was speaking about this yesterday that the ones
who contribute to these projects, like a lot of the projects in this round are quite old. So they have an established community, I think even Jimmy you were there on the call at yesterday, a refied house space. They have
an existing community, a lot of them have a product out. So like if you see, I think in Web 3 open source, this also comes in that lens.
Right and lens protocol is that social media which has been done by like our way steam. So all those projects have like
a banking product that product is in itself like an ecosystem and all the projects building on top of lens and defile
Lama and ZSWOP and all of those. I can just see in the top funds right in Web 3 open source and they have like 3000 unique contributors.
3000 since the round started and
weird like hanging a 30.
Right, so I think it's like we're doing like 1% of what like these projects are doing. And even if you see the amount that has been given like Lensster has raised 17,000
Just bye.
Donations, not the matching. So I'm sure that they are going to be capped. They will not get more than 10% of whatever the round has.
I do think that whatever they get by direct donations could be as much as they would get from the matching.
So I think that makes a big difference because the products are famous, the products are being used that and they have a dedicated community behind the products and all of them are highly highly of a three native like they are in the depths of things.
So it's not like there is a need trouble onboarding them or like making sure that they have like five die and like $10 worth of ease to make that goddamn transaction. And all of these people are in
And some ways OG's because they have seen the bull run, they have seen gas prices during the bull run. So I think their stomaching capacity is just higher. So like it's not bothering them at $5.7.
I mean it doesn't it it hurts but it doesn't pinch that bad you know to them I think because they have most of them have like a good amount of eat lying in their wallet which is just going to be there so like it doesn't it doesn't like bite that much
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. It makes a lot of sense. And they're doing well. Reflects Artubs? It's hard. And mostly, Reflects Artubs support each other. I'm sure there's other people who are supporting the rounds. But yeah, we got it tough. We got it tough.
a little bit. They got a bunch of profits sitting there like you said and they're ready to invest them. And I think a lot of people that want to build on top of the software, right? If you really want to build on top of software, people are proposing they want to build and make open source. And it's actually a lot
more affordable for you to allocate a bunch of money towards a grant to make sure that that technology is developed for you than like trying to develop it yourself. Right? So I think in that sense they got a bit of an advantage. Well, it just makes economical sense to do it too, right?
fun like also I mean all these things high burn if you're if you're doing something which is
new in D5, the developers are really expensive and then like getting those audits are also incredibly expensive. So it's not like you know they're going to have a lot of money to play with, I think it just keeps them going and then
That's why the community also rallies behind it so that it can keep going because everyone's using it or building on top. So yeah, I think there is I think a good amount of like you were saying, right? Sentimentalignment is pretty well well done in some sense.
But I think we need to do more I feel like as a space you know I think we keep on doing regions and refi but I do believe and I mean we are going to do this for our project for sure that we need to get them in dude we need to get
the regions in otherwise there is no money and there is no risk appetite basically. Risk appetite is extremely critical for projects to succeed at this stage when you're just starting out and that's why they have
called regions. They're not called regions because they would just want to ape into anything. They're called regions because they have an insanely high risk appetite. And because of their risk appetite, it's like a lot of projects which could have never succeeded. Got some like earlier
doctors from these regions and then they have made it out. I mean of course I think 90% of it is a lot of vaping in and vaping out but it's the ones who are in a position to say that yeah okay I mean I'm willing to like give you some money to run
this experiment. Let's see if it goes well. Like you make money, I make money if it doesn't, it's down. But if you don't have people which are in a position to do that, then it's tough to bootstrap community and it's tough to bootstrap initial
We're going to play with your product and like, yeah, I think we need them. We definitely need them. That's what Regents is trying to do, right? We're trying to bring them in. We're trying to bring those MFers into refi right?
We got to make it rewarding for them, right? Because these D-Gens, they want the bucks. And so what we want to do is we want to plant trees. We want to 18x, 18 to 19x. What it costs to plant trees, supposed to what we can get for the carbon-fawed revenue. Put 10x of that back to the trees.
put a significant portion of that to making this a safe investment, tree insurance, sustainability, etc. But then also back more tree tokens in a liquid market to reward those de-gens that support a tree in the first place. If people can securely earn more than not crazy D5, but like
some of the less risky D5 they get a little bit more than that doing re-fi why the hell would they stay with degenerate? It makes the economical sense for them to come to re-fi like they will come and they'll be bullish and they'll double down and they'll tell their friends and we'll
We'll get all those D-Gens into becoming Regens and Trees Gens. Trees Gens are Regens. We're a form of the regenerative movement. The Regenna Sons, baby. It's the Regenna Sons. We're going to launch a Regenna Sons over here. That's what's up. Salam Anca. Welcome, Ferran.
me. Let's all retweet this room. This room is a beautiful room and let's get a little lonely sometimes. So retweet it, retweet it, tap the chat in the bottom right and tap that beautiful arrow that's pointing to itself in a circle rectangle. Retweet please. And let's let the
Genes know that the regents are here and we're not going anywhere We are not going anywhere. I will give up on regeneration when I die All right, I hope that's not too soon. That's why we got a build tree planting robots so that the alligator's don't eat Jimmy sometimes because I almost but I can plan to do the alligator
I really did. I was like, I'm so determined to break this world record with Guinness on Earth Day. I was gonna go to Northern Queensland, right? And could it go a bit? But now we got robots to do that. Well, we don't have them yet, but we're putting the plans forward to do a hackathon for tree planting robots.
All thanks to get coin radio the idea was generated here and people have already taken action to get the sponsors to make it happen Lungco I just donated to Lungco today. I made my 12th contribution and I Minimize my gas fees guys. You can minimize your gas. Here's how you do it when you're about to do the trends
action like literally in Metamask you put through the transaction that it up before you hit sign there's a little gear icon that says advanced and actually made a video on this I'll post it soon you click the advance button right and you click low low gas and it will put it through right away it'll wait until it gets
Because you might think on this other app, "Well, how do you know when it gets to low gas?" "Well, how do I know I can make my wallet?" "Is this really safe?" Just do it and hit a mask. Right? Click low. And when it gets to that point, it's like 50% less than the current. Right? And then I'll put it through. So you can minimize your gas. Go ahead.
Yeah, I think it's Gas Hawk does something similar and I've also done it through Meta Mask right now, but where it creates a problem is my transaction to get the die approved with the GitCon contract is now
now stuck since 3 days and that's because I had put it on low and I cannot even low I've been playing around with the way depending on what the ethos can is showing for quite some time now it's refusing to go through and because
that like I am not able to do any other transaction which is where I think it's a little problematic you know I am down to just keeping it and like letting it be and whenever gas comes to that way it gets through but now that that has happened like if I want to
Now do another round or if I want to add a bunch of new projects like I have to wait for that to go through then this goes through and yeah, it's I think just a shitty experience right now, but this is at least better than not doing anything so yeah
Yeah, I think crypto overall, I think there's need to be a lot of improvement. I don't see how, you know, these tools can become well adopted and we use in everyday transaction to be a competitor to the U$ or any currency.
because there's so much there's so much that is this Native improvement like the fees and etc. But just going back to something, Lens Protocol, I think the parent organization
of their project is heavy. So they raise like 50, all plus of 50 million dollars. So is getcoin just a community mobilization or what is their purpose? Because I'm sure it's not because of they're not doing getcoin.
because of funding. What would be the reason why they are doing Bitcoin? Is it because of the communities, it's because of awareness within the developers in Gitcoin? What do you guys think is the reason why they do Gitcoin?
I don't think Lens has raised any money. It's the same team that is working but I think the initial team was the same. They have hired a bunch of new people to run Lens because it's a
massive undertaking in itself and from what I am sensing because I have two profiles there, I'm not being able to be as active as I should be but there is an
intense battle for the lens profile NFT. I kid you not like all through the bear market. That's the only space where I've seen like NFT activity happen.
And hello, each of those lens profiles are being sold for like north of $60-70 right now.
I am getting bids on my like my my peaceful progress dot lens handle and the bid started at $56 when I initially got it and right now I'm getting codes of $1890 for that NFT and
And I am assuming that that is happening because the community is sensing that there is going to be governance token, a drop depending on who has used how much at some point.
And they're trying to gather as many like NFTs to maximize their ad drop and yeah, I think it's quite active in that sense, but no, I don't think they've raised money at a company
now it's it's the team is the same but they've been getting good support from I am assuming polygon because it's the biggest contract on polygon and it's the biggest source of transactions over there.
And yeah, I think they're very well networked and they are using a bunch of other tools. So I'm sure they've been getting grants and donations from those other tools also. And to that previous point, no, you're seeing the too many like UX issues. I think the next thing that's going to happen, I mean,
I have been speaking to a few tool providers who are doing this where there's a decent level of account abstraction that will happen. So essentially, a user comes in and you can just how you do sign in with Gmail and sign
with Facebook like you'll be able to click on that and you just plug in your Gmail ID and it creates the whole account in the back and your password and your entry and your gatekeeping is done through your email account and yeah I feel like that
that is going to absorb the whole loading metamas, your password and your remembering your 12 phrases and seeing how to make that transaction and how to swap everything is just embedded in this.
the demos that I have seen, I think they are now decent enough to onboard my parents at least. I think it's come to that stage where I can just send this product to whoever and it
it's fairly smooth, it's fairly straightforward, everyone understands signing in with email now and that's all you need to do, I think and with that email, I think it also addresses this, forgot password bit because that's a nasty one, I think no one has an habit
of keeping those 12 words down and ensuring that they don't forget it and it's not something that can scale. I don't think that can scale. So I think there needs to be something which lets you say that, "Okay, forgot password and what can we do next?" Yeah, go ahead, Salaman.
Oh, hey guys, man. I was listening to everything you guys were saying. I do all my crypto on Algorand. I don't know if you guys know Algorand. But they did a deal with FIFA and they did the World Cup soccer NFTs.
And there's a new phrase, there's a new phrase that somebody's coined. They call it Web 2.5 and not Web 3, which basically means this exactly what you're saying is, you know, you're logging with your credit card and your email address.
and you do your transaction on a layer in between Web 2 and Web 3 and then all the transactions run in the backend. So you've got a website that runs these things. The NFTs on there.
It's not on a wallet, per se, on the front end, but it's on a wallet in the back end. And then you've got access to all your stuff. You know, I had this website. The market's on the website as well. And so, you know, there's no having to know
the dirty operating system, you can go to the Facebook and that kind of thing, it's called Web 2.5 they call it now. And they also signed up a airline just recently in South America. So they selling these airlines
NFTs which is basically your airline ticket and then you know again there's a web 2.5 layer in between and you what you do is buy a ticket and you can actually resell your ticket. If you go on to the
Aggregators and you can have a look at algorithms aggregators. You'll see these NFTs just being created. These are Atlantic NFTs being created. But they're not being sold on the NFT market. They're sold predominantly on this web 2.0.
5 things. You know, Algarans also that your carbon neutral blockchain and I think Attack was saying that, you know, this stuff, you know, there's a lot of things that need to happen in crypto. You guys need to look at Algar.
The transaction fees on Algo, there's no gas fees for one. The transaction fees on Algo is 0.001 Algo ran, which is a fraction of a penny for the sale of an NFT. And then obviously on the NFT markets you
a bit of markup because you know the NFT market needs to make a bit of money and obviously there is things written into the contract with creators of getting some money but we are doing frictionless transactions over there man. I think they are doing 30,000
transactions per second now which is and the and the algorithm system is never never shut down. It's not like XRP or like you know I don't know one of these cardanas or something like that. It's never had a shutdown. Yeah obviously the coin is not pumping
But that doesn't matter. At the end of the day, the guys are doing all kinds of things. They've got liquidity pools for Pepe coin. Just because the transactions are low, it's easy to buy Pepe and then put it into a liquidity pool in there. And then it's easy to go buy Pepe
because you're not buying these gas fees. So that is actually the future. That similar crypto chains like that. There's another one because it's open source crypto chain as well. There's another one that somebody's currently building called Voi Network, Voi Network. And you need to
follow these guys as well and listen to them on space as my these guys are talking about what the future is going to be about. I don't know how Ethereum is going to last for exactly that reason that gas users killing people. You can't be waiting for five days with your money stuck in there to try and get an NFT sold and
the prices go up and down what are you going to do? Same with Bitcoin happened to me years ago with Bitcoin and now I just decided to fact that I'm never doing transactions on there again. It is ancient. It's like driving bicycles while people are driving Ferrari.
I think on the tree and on that thing, the guys are, there's some NFTs there that I've got some big money into spending money on trees and so they planting trees where the dozens might because NFTs
are just they've got so much money in the NFTs that they spill over and they just spend money on planting trees. They've got these tree planting NFTs as well. Anyway, shilling, shilling alga ran but guys need to go and have a look at alga ran and just try and follow them and listen to a few of the
the spaces they're not too many. The community is small but I think that's maybe one of the things that are shitty is you don't have that much action on the NFTs. The guys are a little bit down in the press at this moment but I think it's happening everywhere. There's this bear market killing everybody. Nobody wants
buy any fees anymore. But there's a lot of development on Alder and that's because there's no gas fees and developing on
a pie teal which is like yeah anyway it's a platform that's easy enough they got a good kid app and it's easy to write contracts on algorithm they got a good kid app and they've got a like a thing called Alga kit if you want to do development on algorithm
Go read up on the Olga kit, they got videos on the YouTube heart to write your first smart contract, it's too easy. It's too easy but anyway, I'm about to go to dinner, thanks for letting me show the other end. I don't know any questions.
I mean, just to add, you know, I feel like this ETH being layer one and all the other layers, I mean, for like doing transactions, I feel like we have way passed that narrative and that conversation because it's an understood fact nobody uses ETH for anything anymore other than
and like to settle stuff. But it was just an unfortunate situation that Gidcoin has decided to do the pilot beat around on ETH. I think when we're saying that they did have a choice that they could deploy on optimism.
which would have been in hindsight a lot better but I think the decision was that then people would have to bridge to optimism which also incurs a cost. But I think it would have been a one time cost and then everyone could have just contributed to all the grants that they wanted quite
smoothly and quite inexpensively. But that's that I feel like we're here. And yeah, I mean, now there are a host of solutions. Algorand is a fantastic one. But all the layer 2s that have been built on ETH, Optimism, Arbitram, ZK Singh, Polygon, Sello.
The list is endless. I feel like now the bigger topic of discussion is who's going to design utilities for all these block space because there is an abundance of block space. But like what the hell are we going to do with it? You know, and that's like a bigger question that should
be that as a as a collective we try to like see what can we do with it and yeah I think ReFi is definitely one of the ecosystems that can lend some utility but it's still it's still emergent we are still trying to figure out like what
the exact role beyond finance that the blockchains would play with this and yeah we are here for that. I am seeing Naomi also in the audience. Naomi are you hanging in? Do you want to jump in? Tell us about what's happening or you're just listening.
Come up Naomi Randyo Salamanca Thanks to Shilan Algo man. I'll definitely check it out more I've heard some good things about Algo and It's good to know they got good regeneration on the blockchain. That's definitely something that that I care a lot about and is it something that you're into as well the trees
Yeah, sorry, my Mrs. Just asked me for a broth. So got some other things to come. Oh, all right. Why do you have the broth? Oh to buy one. She wants you to buy one.
Get your woman some bras salamanka she ain't got enough I Thought you like you're the one who's got all the bras that she like hey, you're gonna like bar one from you But I'm thank so much for sharing about I'll
It looks really interesting. One of the most interesting fact was the founder actually is MIT professor of computer science. So yeah, the project looks really, really interesting. And so I'm definitely going to be looking into it, for sure. Yeah, I just-- [INAUDIBLE]
I think if I'm not mistaken, even Gary Genslow was a part of that problem.
Gary Gensler as you see right now who is we're flashing most of the crypto projects I think
he was at some point and like there are a bunch of tweets showing him shilling algorithm and basically the latest is that he's also declared that algorithm has a security so long story short
Yeah, in the case against that exchange, they've noted that Algarand is a security. But it's also a signal to everybody that's currently based in the US.
Your coin is based in the US and I got an office in the US that's going to be declared a security. That's what it is. That's what I'm pushing for Bitcoin to be proof of work now as well because I want to declare that one as a security as well.
I think that's the only one that doesn't become one like ever because to be honest there isn't any foundation or a single party that can stop it but and I think even SEC has come out and said that according to them the only one that can't be tagged as a secure
is Bitcoin. I mean they are still building a case against ETH but I don't think they can do much. It's been now almost six, seven, eight years since ETH has launched and you can't go back in history and change it but it can set up precedence for
all the other layer one tokens that emerge post this. But yeah, I think on a very macro level most of the people that I know that are trying to do something with tokens have completely like
put America like on the side because it's just
it's insanely difficult to navigate that landscape and it's insanely expensive to navigate that landscape and I mean after seeing what they've been doing with Coinbase which according to me personally is one of the most regulated entities in the space and the way
that they've just been going after Coinbase left right in center. I don't think it sets a good precedence for like others that you know it's it's not a good precedence to like want to get yourself regulated. That's why Coinbase also now finally after all this while he's setting up office in an offshore jurisdiction also now.
Yo fam, it is that time. For those of you who don't know, this is a 24/7 radio show. We are live 24/7, but we rotate from space to space to space. So the next Getcoin radio for Getcoin beta community is none other than prana.
It was an absolute legend in the ReFi space. So everybody swipe right on the jumbo tron like you're trying to get a match and tap on front of space. All right, I'll see you in the next space. Sean, be keep it open till people transition and let's grow.
Yo this space went by pretty quick, huh? I took One conversation to another and then bam it's over
Sweet, thanks so much everyone. Let's move over to Pranav's space. It's in the link.
Let's move, let's move everyone, let's move Salamanka, Salapan, Treyjian, Gabrielle, Cosmos, Pinsave.
Yeah, let's move guys.
Great, we have a lot of people who move forward. Thanks so much everyone. See you guys tomorrow. See you guys tomorrow. And see you guys maybe in our turn off room right now actually. So bye bye.