📢GITCOIN RADIO #GitcoinBeta Community Marathon

Recorded: May 8, 2023 Duration: 1:08:09



Put up put up all right retweetin Welcome back welcome back first regular day We gotta get one one under belts all right
So, let me send some co-host invites who wants to co-host? You're supposed to be interviewing
certain person but let's see here um but um bum bum let me retweet
retweets. All right. How you doing, Juan?
Was the happenin okay great I've already retweeted
Oh no, that one's...
this is the one I must retweet. Okay, so now we pin the other one.
Welcome Bruno so we just got rug which means we all got some
to retweet to revive this thing.
Hello. Okay, key around was suggesting to that only one person should be on the silver bank of the account at the time. So now you can keep it open as long as you can and then maybe when you are too tired to have
open you we just reach off the space and start the new one there's the most safely a safe way to do that because probably we we got racked because Nastya and Kiran they were not synchronizing again the space went down so probably
Well, maybe maybe when we can't take it anymore and we got to pass out then then we then and only then we do the risky transitions, right? As opposed to shutting it down because you know it might work
and then if it does great it doesn't then it's the same. Yeah, okay, so all right all right let's all retweet
The question from Switch isn't it, but now Switch is not here.
Bruno how about you this morning?
I'm very good. Thank you for asking. Actually, I'm taking a walk right now. In that sense, these stutter spaces are making my life better because I was like, "Okay, let's go on a stutter space."
but what do I do in the meantime? And now I'm seeing grass and I'm on this little track where I used to run and that's some part of the season. You see actually the little rabbits pass by so it's super amazing.
Are you doing Gino? I'm doing very fine. I will have my walk in a couple of hours and normally try to have the lunch break instead of having lunch at a walk in the woods.
with my dog and there's always the best moment of my day because I really read around. Yeah, so I mean, little bit gin of view, but it's also anticipating the pleasure I will have in a couple of hours. So thank you for sharing.
It's amazing.
And today is a bit weird day, we are waiting for Ben, so we plan to have the hot seat within Patakalem
me with the study to do that here in the solar pan guild. But yeah, but banded and show up. So probably I think I wish you
calculate the time right because you know it's like four in the morning for him.
I asked twice but Kiran was sure and that he wanted to go at that time and so we say okay.
So I did check the DMs that he had sent me. So he is the one who suggested the time and then he told me it's 9.30 am, I think CET if I'm not wrong.
Yeah, so I'm not sure where the Confucian is even I was figuring out like I said it like a very weird time for him but then I was like okay fine
Maybe you meant to say central time instead of CET maybe you meant to say like CT But what's 330 EST then? It's the same rate. Oh, he said 3/3 AM EST
Yeah, first he said, yes, he and then he said, wow, no worries. We are very professional in handling the free flow. Who cares?
100% they'll come through when they come through and even the good coin account said that they're gonna pop back again as well yesterday So that's another silver lining of us rugged them after an hour They probably would have done a little bit more but they're like, oh, we'll just come back another time so great now. You get hopefully another hour slot of
the main page in here that will get a big boost to people. So that will be good. Let's maybe message Matilda be like, hey, come back. What's going on? Maybe when we get Ben West in here, maybe we time that right. So we get both pages that could be nice. But I think we do. There is
a slight chance that he would have got confused at his send itself and he meant 330 PM CET I mean EST I'm sorry I'm a bit yeah so if it is 330 PM EST then it works
as a good time for him it is 1 a.m. IST. So let's hopefully he'll be my tour. I think that as soon as he wake up and see all the messages, we think we send him a thousand messages. He will say, "Oh, what's
it's going on and we'll find a new time and we'll have time to plan it with Cloudio because we need Cloudio and we need both of Ben and Cloudio to do the Ratsi. So let's flow, let's see.
Absolutely. So how's everyone doing? Sorry, I'm a bit late to the conversation, but I had a late night coordinating to set this up. But yeah, back here will be here.
for the next few hours online itself. So yeah, in case anyone wants any support, any help, do reach out, we are online for the rest of the night.
Legends yeah, let's all just let's all just revive the space everybody retweet down triple quadruple nine self-hunked out impact Academy green digital guardians switch quan Jimmy. Oh, that's me Bruno. I already found a good girl.
and Kirin, here's the let's all retweet the room. Alright, so far we only got a shameful seven retweets, five retweets and two quote tweets. And so let's all do it. I'm a retweet, your quote tweets. Boom boom boom, first rug of the day. I love it.
Okay amazing boom retweeted all right happy days Also in the comments section drop your favorite emojis drop us give us a green heart give us coffee emoji give us a salute
You guys your favorite emoji it will boost the algo and that more people know about this recently revived Twitter space go ahead Bruno
I'm wondering like since since you and we've been on like so many Twitter spaces like I mean you more than me I'm like wondering like are you gonna miss it after this? Marathon or like what are your next plans? But I already go live six days
week man. This shit's kind of normal for me. I mean, I've been like not just doing my space and attending everyone's space pretty much if I can. So I am going to kind of miss that like having so much, you know, so many conversations with Regents. I do very deeply love conversations.
with good people who are trying to make a positive impact in the world and I love it. I feel like we've all really become friends through this in a much deeper level. I know there are so many places I can go to in the world now and I got someone to call and yeah, so yeah, it's and you know, there's been some talk of like
Soleponk guilds doing some things in the offseason, you know, it could be like solo punk radio or something like that but But you know could be good if we could if we could figure out some methodology, but anyway, I won't go into too many side tangents go ahead Greedo had not just a
gonna miss this you can like thank god that's over no no gonna miss the good turn around for a very fast so much to my never too much nervous so I want to grind I was spending a lot of
I will grant for you all, but surely you will miss these spaces and eventually I will not miss it because we will figure out together something to keep the magic going and I think every round give us a lot of gifts and one of the gifts
of the Git combator was this community that's really coming together in a perfect not perfect and perfect decentralized way but still very working very well let's say so let's honor this gift and build on that back to you
Yeah, I mean, I would definitely miss the spaces like you said like there's a lot of, you know, conversation that was happening all through this entire weekend. It was really lovely like having these new projects come up and, you know, introduce themselves and their project and we got to meet a lot of new faces.
So like Gudo said, yes, we all need a decompressing grounding session after the Gitcoin round ends. That's always the case. It's a hectic two weeks for every team if I'm not wrong. And yeah, like I would miss certain aspects of it, but exactly like Gudo said, yes, I need the break as well.
What are you guys gonna do after this? Gonna have many like long weekends in the middle of the week or I did many holiday, what are you doing? Like for me personally like I have something going on at my end. I think windows are there of this. I basically have to go
me the my partners family and stuff so our marriage is gonna get confirmed and stuff so that's happening on the my personal side so immediately after the get going round this when I plan to go make the visit because in between not possible so that's happening for me but the rest of the team yeah everyone
going to decompress for a week like we may be joined back to base after week after the deadline. That's usually the how everything and on force because the entire team is working hard on this. So yeah. Did you say that there's a marriage or I miss here that? No, no.
No, it's happening only next year. But then, yeah, wait, is it is here to in is here to in your shot? See what's near. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'm going to go pick up getting married and now but, yeah, mine is the next year. But then the process is a bit long because my
My family is from the southern part of India and her family is from the central part of India. So there's a huge, what do you say? There's a bit of a cultural excuse that happens even between the North and South. It's not that easy to get married. Yeah, it's insane when I say it out loud, but that's the reality we live in.
So my poor kids give my cheer. Yeah, yeah, I mean next year. But yeah, I mean she speaks a different language, our family speaks a different language so that bit is also there. So it's gonna be a fun weekend but yeah, looking forward to it.
Well, that's more like two.
Now it was actually a bit stressful but then it all went smoothly like I spoke to her family and everything went well.
And that's a good part, like if you can speak someone else's language then you're saved. She can't speak my language but I manage to speak her. So that way I can at least communicate with them.
So, man, well, we got to fly back to India 3 guys a bachelor party or something Is that a big in India? No, it was pretty big in India, but then yeah, I'm
I'm not looking to do a Basla party to that extent but then yeah. We'll be fun to have you guys down here. It'll be really fun. Yeah, we got you. You don't have to find anything but it is kind of crazy.
I think we have two requests for speakers one I think Bruno got drugged I'm just gonna accept you both Oh there you go it's 9 made it yeah what's happening Phoenix I was just
about to post the meditation links and stuff in the previous marathon space but we got rugs so I'll post it in this one. Something has to be done about these rocks but yeah I appreciate it thank you feel like you guys never sleep
Yeah, yeah, there's always a gilder awake at any point in time And we kind of covering each other's backs when we need to and making it work so the gilders never sleep. We always awake
Welcome, Chris, when we're just starting up this new recently rugs space after getting reached the right thing previous base so everybody please retweet in the bottom right handle you'll see a nice little purple button comment section and while you're there give us a retweet chuck is the heart throw an emoji in the comments
Let me know what your favorite emoji is or let me know where you're tuning in from. I'd love to learn how internationally spaces are. I know we got Indian to house, we got Australia, we got different parts of Europe, we got West Africa and the house. We got, I'm sure many different locations. Are you in
England or Ireland? Where are you, Phoenix? Yeah, correct. England, my co-founders from Ireland. So yeah, great guesses all around. I nailed it. There's a lot of people, some people think by accents Australian.
I've had Australian and South African quite a lot. South African, there you go. I think
Matilda the marketing person of of good coin. She's from South Africa, right? I'm pretty sure that was a South African accent. Go ahead, reflamidine. I think I'm gonna leave. I'm gonna board the plane. No!
I have a lot of time between planes so I can connect in the other airports. Actually, you were asking about the like this compression week.
So it's kind of a looky because I was planning to go to Etoubloral in Lisbon and I bought the plant just one way to Lisbon.
My sister has the surprise that she is going to get married in Paris because she has the boyfriends from France. So my parents are going to travel to Italy. So we
We changed the plans today. I brought a ticket from Lisbon to France. So I'm going to stay with them around Italy.
I'm from so he's like a kind of family travel so it's hopefully is gonna be super fun so this is like my the compression after
after Gconcland but I never planned this by like a coincidence but it's great, great coincidence.
So by I'm gonna eat something like for breakfast I'll put again I'm gonna board the plane Okay, but a sick travels where in Italy are you going?
Where in Italy would you go?
I'm not sure because it was my parents plan, I am just joining. I'm going to try to lose, I think my sister picked up me at the lose.
from the movies I think we are traveling by park to to lean and and and I don't know really I don't know
I'm just joining the trip. All right, brother. Well, if you go to northern Italy, you've got to hit up Guido or Marco. Marco, you're still in India. How long are you in India for, Marco? Shaman up here. Don't be shy.
Quick chillin' and listener, shim mo' up. Okay, bye, Ethan and Dean. Yeah, and come to, if you come to the north, I'm not of Milan, just be a me and we'll meet and do something together. I can bring you to the mountains.
And I love to bring friends to the mountain and actually I will have Claudio from Interse Academy coming to Italy late May. So we'll spend sometimes a hiking together and so you're more than I say welcome to join us.
You're also more than welcome to Pass by Brussels. It's basically a discount Paris. So hit me up on your routes.
Amazing, amazing. Yeah, this is what we have to do. It's to come together and to really, we meet in life, but then I know that when we meet in real life, we really bond better and we can
I have much deeper conversation and I'm seeing that in our team is Marco that is really doing a lot of connection in real life but it's amazing the job is doing so Marco come and say don't be shy and doing like Jimmy
Guys, just one second I'll be back, I'm getting a call on this device.
Oh good. Yeah, no worries. Oh good. Sorry, Jimmy. I think we had the switch before our crit swing friend was asking a question that we got right. You still have that question for us, friend?
Hello everyone, good morning. So my question was regarding the recent trend across many of the web train networks on Italy and on the Bitcoin network to each
It's becoming very obvious that a lot of DJs are increasingly active on the networks. And I was thinking, what's our strategy particularly for Greenfield in most of these OGDGens? Across these networks such that there are activities on the network that doesn't begin to
negative impacts what the regions are doing on the crypto space as well. Well that's a great question. I think first I think we have to defend ourselves. We need to make the system more stable and
resilient and I think it's already thinking about that. Let's not forget that we are on a new platform that's still under testing. So I'm 100% sure that next time we will be on L2. Being on L2 we will avoid this
huge problem we had this time. So, Dan is that how to transform the genuine regions? I don't know, I have no idea because I don't really know much that culture. But maybe Jimmy had something to say on that.
on the culture of DGENZ. So, could you repeat the question? Yeah, he was asking how we can prevent that next time we will not be again find ourselves in this problem where a lot of DGENZ with these papers stuff they just high say they
the really create a lot of problems in the region area. My theory is really the question. Of course. Okay, so what I was asking particularly is how we could align our motivations for region
the planet and doing public goods with their own motivation of shilling, meme coins and maybe having fun with block space and spamming the network with a lot of transactions. So is there a way of actually like converting these activities towards
the region space where they actually continue to be there, they still continue to meme, but in this case, which probably goods in mind or something that has positive impact burden, no impact or negative impact. Yes, absolutely.
Absolutely. I mean, this is what tree gents are trying to do, right? We're trying to convert D-Gents into tree gents. We want to bring as many people as humanly possible out of D-Genning, whether that be in D-Fire and Shitcoins or whatever it may be, and into Regenning. And how are we going to do that? Well, realistically,
lot of the people who are degenerating or thinking about potential upside, right? How can they benefit as well as make a positive impact? I'm sure different people care about different things. And, you know, obviously philanthropy already exists. People are already contributing to good causes. And, you know, that's going to take us so far.
And we're definitely tapping into those people and I think that our first initial target audience is actually the regents for this tree-gen organization because you have to build a really strong foundation of the community before you invite the masses into it. But what our plan is to both exponentially reverse the effects of climate change.
change and to reward the tree gents, such that we can convert the d-gents into refying instead of d-gending, is through the wonders of carbon forwards, right? So if we plan to treat today, it's going to take 25 years to fully sequester about 308 kilograms of carbon, and this also happens according to
a bell curve. So the first five years there's not very much carbon sequestration. And really in my eyes, I see the whole point of carbon credits should really be to reinvest the funds that you're able to generate on the market back into planting more trees, right? Back into the regenerative efforts and these projects that generated those carbon credits in the first place.
That should really be the purpose. I mean, I'm sure some people are going to make a living through it, happy days, whatever. But really, this is how this tool should be leveraged to fight climate change, to make a positive impact, right? But there's a pretty long delay there to actually achieve that. And so what Treetge ends is doing.
And we formed a partnership with Blue Spirit Carbon. We've had Shadown on here, first successful person in the in the web three space and also in the carbon markets now. So they call Blue Spirit Carbon is basically to line up impact investors who will buy the future value of those carbon credits before they actually become carbon credits. Right. So it's called the carbon forward because they're
buying it in the short term. After we plant it, our goal is within a six month period to do a carbon-forward deal and to generate funds. And that's going to be an order of magnitude more funds, even though it's a reduced rate compared to what an actual carbon credit is worth. It's going to be an order of magnitude more funds, which we can reinvest back
into regeneration, which will rinse and repeat until we're in the trillions of trees. And also included in that is we can take a portion of that carbon forward deal and we can, you know, air drop it back to the holders in the form of more tree tokens, which will be on a like market, so back in liquidity pools, etc. So
Long story short, we want to try to convert the DGNs into tree gins by giving them something for their agenda of efforts and as we exponentially scale the trees those carbon-forward deals will exponentially be going up as well which means that the returns should also be going up as well for these folks and so we want to make people really both
on regeneration. We want to make the bullish on making positive impacts. And yeah, by not being on L1, we can avoid gas in that kind of model. But then there's also a broader problem here, which is something called front running bots. I don't know if you've heard of front running bots, but it's pretty serious.
problem. That's a big reason why we have the gas fees that we do. It's not just Pepe. So front running bots basically will see a huge transaction come through. Say it's for $10 million or something like that, right? And while it's processing and they're not paying to expedite the transaction,
These are like, I'm talking about market moving transactions, right? Market moving the price by a little bit, but significant amounts. What these bots will do is they will pay higher gas fees to frontrun, to put their transaction in before them, with the information knowing that that transaction is about to come through.
So, what they've done is they've taken advantage of the current price, knowing that the price is about to go up, and they're making significant amounts of money doing this front-running business. But what the negative externality of that is is they're driving up the gas prices because they're paying to drive it up.
Those bots are really popping off right now, and that's another big problem with why we see what we see. So how can we avoid that? Well, I think layer two's that don't even have the gas issue from the get go. There's only so far that it can go. That said, even with polygon, I think it is possible for gas to get significant. So I don't know. Maybe you need layer three. What do you guys think?#
Another one. How many layers can we grow? Okay, I think your explanation was quite interesting. But...
Let me see. I have been thinking of this. I've been having this question to hear of my colleague as well of maybe having more of the region community members becoming or starting to validate on some of these blockchain networks. So we plan to start doing that on
I think maybe using the funds that we hear it from validating transactions to support the region community, we are planning to start something like a DAO for people that own solar installations and their rooftop and distribute
putting these funds to those community members as a society for making the transition and then incentivizing more people to do the same. I think it kind of has the same game mechanics as what the DJs are doing. You still reward people
for doing stuff, but in this case it's kind of hardening post-event path. So more transactions on the network means the validators begin to end more transaction fees. So imagine having the validator on the Ethereum network or any of the other polygons, for instance. And a lot of the ginsers are in the
trading the, you benefit from it as a 3GN and as well take that financial benefit to incentivize more people to be country gens as well. So this is basically one of the rough ideas I have. I don't know if anyone can expand on it. You see what can come up with.
Go ahead, Kash. Yeah, this is a very interesting question and it's been like something that has started maybe since the advent of Klima and for all the pros and cons about the project like I would have to agree that they did a pretty stellar fantastic job of getting the degen
to start getting concerned about carbon credits and the environment and so on and so forth. I was in that discord from day one. I did not participate because I was understanding that it was highly inflated but the environment that they created, I mean so
many people who would have never looked at carbon credits were now suddenly interested in carbon credits and sweeping the floor and making environmental impact and so on and so forth. And Jimmy's way what he's attempting to do is one significant way of addressing this in some ways what
we are trying to do is also quite in a way similar where we are saying that come purge your petrodollars get a coin in return and then we would use those petrodollars to like build infrastructure that's addressing climate change directly. All of this said and done like my understanding
from all the deejent discords that I have been in is very clear that a) the culture and the community make some massive difference but the only way to get like masses involved there is no there is no shortcut to this and there is no other way to it because we
live in a world where a return on investment is probably the paramount decision maker. And unless and until we are not able to come up with mechanisms where we are able to satiate that need, it is going to be difficult
No matter the narrative and that's how Klima was able to get them in because I mean yeah, they were using ponzinomics from home and whatever whatever whatever but they did get that funnel going for sure and It's something that we have to look at and we have to see how we can do it of course like what
we have done is going to be a way of doing it where we are also using crypto economics as a tool to see how we can create higher returns than what the projects in itself could offer and it's not just arbitrary like we are trying to create mechanisms where we can
can price the positive externalities that all these projects create and thereby in a way trying to re-value how these assets are currently priced. And it's a long-drawn process. If we like as a collective, once we're able to start measuring and start valuing all these
positive externalities in terms of right now the only one that's getting max priority is maybe carbon sequestration but according to me there is that's in a way a carbon tunnel vision where there are like hundred other things that need to be taken into account in terms of the overall ecology and we will
get there step by step. I think I'm seeing a lot of awareness about soil health being raised now. Air has become a big concern. Biodiversity as we all know like there is widespread consensus that it's collapsing and we collectively at least on a nation state basis there is some amount of agreement that actually needs to be
taken, how it's taken, where it's taken is still being discussed. But all of these are environmental issues that like we put in a basket and we try to see how environmental well being in general can be valued. And yeah, that's our attempt. And I feel like the way we are looking at it is
If as a collective, we are able to, I mean, for the lack of a better expression, be able to value all of these positive externalities. Only then can we start like offering returns which are over and above what the current markets offer. And in a way, I mean, it is going to be essential
because at the end of the day, most people who are not that in tune with the space will only look at the space in terms of what returns they're able to get. And there we need to be in a position that we're able to offer them something to bite. And yeah, I'm
hoping to see a lot more approaches come into this front because yeah that funnel that funnel that that pull of the funnel only can come if you're able to like make some massive shifts yeah go ahead as your bunch of hands raised I think Bruno a a God and earth best cofer
Yeah, I want to bring another perspective from converting regions into regions because I've been running local crypto meetups for over a year now and So I talk I talk with these people and this is like a nut I haven't fully cracked is like what
What motivates them? What are their stories? What do you want to get rich? I hear one line of thought of what I heard in the previous conversations was.
Yeah, let's play their game search that Let's play their game search that like they get interested in our game. I guess that's one strategy I'm a bit skeptical though like on it, you know, shouldn't we just? Change the game
and make the game more interesting and really work on a personal level of what do you care about? Is it because you live in an individualistic society and everybody's conditioned to fan for themselves and not work together with other people?
like is that the thing that we want to propagate or do we actually want to move like more capital from like individuals from from from from private capital basically to capital in the comments I'll stop here and pass it to somebody else
Go ahead, great, I have a call, she can just unmute. I think we had before I got Jesus before the meeting.
Yeah, okay cool. So get coin right? So I get I think of GitHub and One thing that I've been talking a lot about in Twitter spaces is the movie Star Wars
And the movie Star Wars there's a intergalactic Cryptocurrency where if there was aliens in another galaxy they would have their own currency right and so how would us on earth trade with it?
really into another galaxy, you know, and so that movie, that idea, it's like, well, maybe blockchain cryptocurrency, like Doge-Lon Mars or something, like Mars cryptocurrency.
could be in exchange. So that's kind of like, okay, well, the Fiat currencies that are on a national level, we have Bitcoin, which is a decentralized finance, which is like
pretty much for everybody in the world, but people don't like that is decentralized. So how can we make a intergalactic coin
for the universe.
Oh, that's a very interesting point of view and I think we should ask Elon, which kind of coin is planning to have on his Mars station, but I'm bringing a more simple
point of view on this debate and it's aligned more with what Bruno was saying and personally I don't think this is the way to go. I still transform the gens into regents because that the point
The point of the value of someone who is on this space mainly for speculating and getting rich soon, I think is very difficult. Is very different from where we start as regions.
different the need, the deep need we have. So personally, I think we have to invest in more time since we are talking about small number. Regents are a few thousand in a word, the giants are a few hundred of thousand in the world. So still
very, very tiny numbers, but we have millions of people who are already involved in regeneration in social public goods projects. We have a ton of people in the comparative movements, so I think we have to invest
our time to let them in, to train them, to come in these spaces and to bring their culture to us. And because they are ready, their goal, their drive is very similar already.
to our region right. So I'm a very big fan of in Patopia what they are doing and I think we have to invest our energy there so making de-gents a minority in the sector and yeah that's my point of view.
I wanted to add and share my experience. So my boyfriend, he's a DJ and really DJ and he works in Web 3 in Data Storage. And even for me,
trying to influence him like 24/7. I mean not 24/7 but like he sees like how passionate I am about this region worth that I do and how like how much I like suffer and cry like every time like something bad happens with the ecosystem like
And like even that is not enough for like convert him into a region. And so I do a resignation with bold points of views. Like yes, we do need to maybe get ourselves like a beat outside of
are like region bubble and like maybe do some like marketing research type of of of processes with regions and with other regions and like like let's see how we can appeal for them also as for example
like Jimmy's project is doing, which I think it has all the key elements that are going to reach a lot of regions. And yeah, like massive support to Jimmy and to the three regions, because it's a very, very thoughtful and very important
experiment and we all should be helping. But I also love what Guiro is saying about like, "Hey, we have this bunch of cooperatives and associations and people and communities that are already working in
in climate, in social projects that also need the tools and the technology. But I do believe there's a sweet spot in the middle because the appeal of degen is like, hey, they might be able to make tons of money.
by flipping an NFT or by investing $100,000 in this main coin. So yeah, I do feel that this value of making money should be present in whatever region tools we create.
maybe not with the same drive that the agencies created hundreds of returns in my main coin, but we do need to take that approach into account.
actually possible to live out of work 3, you know, it's actually possible to live a good life and a meaningful life also. So yeah, I think there's a sweet spot in the middle. But yeah,
converting regions in the regions is hard. It's hard and also like you don't want this space to be filled of people asking and pressuring
These returns that they are expecting in the DGM world because I have been in some, for example, in some group chats and in, for example, in some points and in this DGM world and it's like rudeless, like it's
It seems to say, like the pressure that's in this community is to like, hey, I need my NFT to get 100 times value, no matter what happens, how it happens, like it has to be like, you know, that insane return that's gonna make me like super rich. So it's like, do we really want that pressure?
and that like not so hell divides in our community, maybe not fully, you know? So again, like I think there's like good points in each side of the region and yeah it's a matter of finding like a sweet spot in the middle. So yeah, go ahead guys.
I agree with a lot of what you said and especially like, yeah, if we, like, no matter what we're building, if we cannot make a living out of it, that's not
something that's going to exist for a long time. And then with the, with examples that you brought up for DGENs, like I have like
a hunch that people do this because there's a certain voice there trying to fill. Just a hunch. But maybe that's like a voice that we could like.
How can we help people in our environment, channel the energy in something that's
more constructive long term and constructive for more people than just the trader. And then I also had like another question like about your boyfriend specifically because he said he you consider him a dejan and he works on
like storage in Web Tree if I got that correctly. I wouldn't really consider that a DJ per se because to me it just sounds like he's building infrastructure that we all like piggyback on so I think that's a really great thing to do.
Okay, so the reason I'm raising this consent is because of recent, I've been watching what has been happening on the Bitcoin network. So for quite a while, the Bitcoin max is hard to see and control over how the
the netokos being developed and what the netokos is and being used for. So, for recent, the degenz, although I would have said that Bitcoin was mostly degenz from the beginning, but right now we need to see that Bitcoin actually has
a float of the genes that are entering the nettle right now. And they are creating all these ordinals and BRC22 on the Bitcoin network. And the result of that is that they basically broke the nettle over the past few days. Transaction fees on Bitcoin has been extremely high.
And even the lightning protocol that Bitcoin uses to avoid high fees is now for coming into question because if the fees are so high on the Bitcoin coin corner talk, then the transactions going on on the L2 which is the lightning network is based on
crossed because it may not really settle against the high fees on the main network when you want it to settle there. So you basically crossed in that at certain points in time this transaction you're making with Luffy's gets settled on the main chain. So that's a very big problem for them right now.
And the have no way of putting this genupt back in the bottle. The entire network is going crazy with all these new tokens that are coming out. They float of them over the past week. There has been a flood of these tokens being made and people are just
going crazy with them. And my concern is that this could happen to any network if incentives are not aligned. So I don't know, the incentive of the DGNs that are doing this to the Bitcoin network is not aligned with every other person's incentive. And now it's making it difficult for anyone at all to begin to use the network.
I don't know whether they are actually doing it for profit because they are spending quite a lot of money to do this. They are out competing, everyone are passing their strategy, they are going to talk by paying such high fees. Some countries like El Salvador, where Bitcoin is like legal tender,
And it's very difficult to maybe go about your day and process transactions. These are regions, basically, they just want to use Bitcoin as money. But right now, because of what the regions are doing on their network, they have this huge problem that they can't transact with Bitcoin anymore. They have to move to a totally different network.
So my whole idea, my whole question was how to design incentives such that the regions don't ruin everything for everybody. You know, they can't take turns to the extreme and I'm looking at ways we could actually design such that when they do what they do, it actually has a positive impact rather than a negative one.
Thank you for sharing, brother. Oh, go ahead.
Yeah, I'm thinking for your point of view Chris with very very valuable and I wanted to answer to Bruno's question and so my boyfriend is He leads a marketing team in in one of these
with restoring edge. I don't know if you have heard about bundler. They are basically very similar to five coin, but in the RV ecosystem. And yeah, like he doesn't fully dedicate his
life to trading like full like Dejan, but you know like there's a huge broad spectrum of your Dejan levels. So yeah and what you were saying about like feeling avoid and
I think we should take this with a lot of empathy and also a lot of understanding of how the fact that you are able to produce money or to create these types of 10x your money, these
is fully transformational to many communities around the world, especially when you see how many regions are located in like, global south communities. So like, yeah, I think that there has
to be the sense of like, "Hey, for them, like producing this amount of money or being active in this trading, we used to be like so." Yeah, like before, like if you wanted to be a trader, you had to, like, I don't know, go to New York and be a trader there. So I think
this shift of power dynamics has really, really changed completely the life of many people. So, I think that there has to be a bit of empathy there and as
I was saying, like, yeah, we do have like this other amazing people that might not be like full digits, but like, do one and have the need of these tools. So yeah, go ahead, man.
I'm proud.
So, Clib, community.
especially, and for example, like Latin America or Africa or anywhere. What came to mind is that there's still like
to use our skills for that cost. That's still the speed-mesting of ones they make a good trade and they make the money. Do they keep themselves or do they give it to the community?
I was not able to listen to the first part of what you say, Bruno, I don't know if it was just me that I glitched or... No, I didn't hear that either. Yeah, you glitched for me too. We got non-fungible future in the building. How am I not following you from this
page yet. Oh right, I'm from SolarPunk, never mind. Welcome up here. Non-fungible future would love to hear your inputs as well. Go ahead, Guido. Yeah, I think Bruno did made a good point. Maybe he can repeat it because I listened, but maybe you not, that he was asking
That's an important thing is also to see if the money that the DJ and the make with speculation in their space how will it be used. I would also add something else. We need to be great.
We need to understand where Manik is coming from. Very often in a cryptoscanned, like Pipe, your money coming from other people's pocket. So you really want to get rich with other people's
money in this way. I don't want. This is why I love the Gitcoin Grand Space because I know that there is competition. Everybody is really doing its best to reach the top but there is also a
of compassion, a lot of solidarity and all the money that will be raised will be used for good, for public good. And very often I see that the more rich project, then they will donate some of the money to smaller projects. There is solidarity, there is a
money can be used in very different things and I don't know if I'm very interested to get the money or some d-gents that were let's say stolen or are coming from other people who lost their money on that. So I don't know, I just wanted to add this point of view.
Yeah, so times you got to call a spade of spade that that is what a lot of these pump and dump shits coins is right? It's like It's taking money from someone else someone else is losing. I don't see it as a long term project I might be wrong There's a small chance we're wrong about it, but it's a pretty small chance, right? It's it's pretty small
And the last couple days have been going down more than 10%. And yeah, we had this debate yesterday, right? Of like, debating these potential coins that are coming up and could it be like the next doge?
Elon was directly involved in Doge in helping the developer team. I see it is pretty different to Dogecoin. It has community, it has virality with the meme, but how long does that last? Eventually the meme isn't as popular.
people lose a lot of money. Unless there's a core foundation behind it of really smart, dedicated people building this for the long term, it's just not going to last. That's the way I see it. You're kind of rolling the dice. But they know they're rolling the dice. No one's thinking, "Oh, well, actually some people
or thinking different things, but the vast majority of people, that's why it's called DGen, right? It's degenerate to gamble, and that's what everyone is fully aware that they're doing. It's gambling. You could 100 X or you could go to zero. It's like same with the casino, you know? I don't know.
I'm sending cohosts advice to you, Kokodara. Let's go. It's good to have two cohosts. Make sure we don't get riggedy rugged. If you're able to accept, let me know. Otherwise, I'll set it to someone else.
Back to you, we even had a debate of whether or not Bitcoin is a shitcoin. It's people saying that Bitcoin is like failed and not reaching its vision of becoming money. What are your perspectives as regents or just as humans on Bitcoin itself? The granddaddy of them all.
I'm in the mood now. You want to check in here buddy with your perspective okay you go ahead. Sure I can go. I think one advantage that they coin has of course like first mover advantage but then also
that like it's an earthness that's
So people can rely on it on Bitcoin staying the same for better or for worse. And they can be both an advantage in this advantage. But when it comes to people's livelihoods, I think that's an advantage. And that's also like the appeal of script in general.
that like nobody in an office has like a lever to change the economics of what they've worked very hard for. But then in the end, I like to think
of it and also like with currencies I like to think of it as like fractals and I think there also diversity is good. Like currencies and communities for specific purposes and at specific scales.
Because then, yeah, I believe in choice. That's all I have to say about this.
Okay, Guita, you called Pepe a scam. What do you think about Bitcoin?
I don't know. It's surely given us a lot of value introducing the concept of cryptocurrencies and I'm less worried about Bitcoin even if I am not
really familiar with the details. But before when I was saying that paper is a scam but that was referring in general to high speculative assets and even yourself you say that the
Jan is like gambling and when I see money making and gambling I know that some few people get rich but most of the people get poor and some of them get desperate so I don't want to be part of this.
back to you.
Make sense? It makes sense. Coco, what do you thoughts on Bitcoin versus Pepe? Damn, I don't know.
honestly like such I'm very bad at this like this this degenerate activity like super bad at it but yeah I mean I don't know like
I think that Bitcoin was not for Bitcoin, probably we wouldn't be here using this tool. So yeah, I don't know.
Alright, so we got Kang coming up Kang Kang. By the way, who's the official host of this hour? It's not me. Is it you, Greedo?
Who is it? Are we picking up someone's slack right now? Is it Coco? No, you've already played your mixes, which I love. Kang, how are we doing? Kang, welcome to GidCon Radio. If you wanted you can share it, let me know. Because we got GidCon Radio. Let's go!
Sorry. Oh, marathon vibes. What's happening, Kang? Kang, Kang, Kang. Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang. We got babe coming up here with no profile picture. All right. That was a little bit questionable.
But uh, and you're just you're just posting links all day. I'm sorry. I don't know. Seems a little scammy. I want to let you up, but you got to put at least a profile pic. You followed us. That's nice of you. You're followed by green palms. All right. What do you think guys? We threw the dice on babe. Babe Wickeliff.
All right, let's let's dig in into the speaker position and roll the dice. Let's see what we get We get a troll or nice person it could go by the way. Whoa Is it just me or someone's pinning like crazy up here? Is someone just burning the pin? Yes
Great great I'm so glad we rolled the dice and move from speakers. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry guys. Don't look up. I'm gonna delete this. Oh great Why did I do that? I knew this was a
bad idea oh yeah oh my god they just spammed it the whole way really really oh well that's good I'm glad that you don't I'm glad you don't Gwido if you can help me just delete these
If they're even deletable, oh do we have to restart the space now? I'm sorry guys. Why did I let that person up? Jesus Okay, I need to restart nice one nice one babe
I was already up there. It was Kong that Kong busted. No, but you can't come up quick requesting Kong just rug their space. Sorry. Okay, we were talking about 3 gen AD Jams. It's inside.
again. Oh my god. I'm sorry guys. It was Kong. We're not letting Kong back like he's been blacklisted. All right. Unless you know someone they ain't coming up. Gotta look with you. Maybe if you ban him, ban the things go also on the space since you're like a host.
and bands people. Oh, I've been coming. You think that's going to work, but who the hell is what the, it comes gone now or the hell is Kong? Am I going to ban this babe person? I don't think it was babe because it was already up there the second they got up. There's no way they did that fast.
This con guy, what a guy. Oh, maybe I think I have him banned like blocked and that's why I oh you do, huh? Yeah, do you want know his uh, know his handle so I can block and post page? Probably not. I can get it.
Yes, he was messing with our spaces. What's his handle? Maybe I can block him. I'm trying to figure out how to see who you have. Although if I block him, I might just remove it from me.
Friday's gang is trying to come up here. Fortunately, it doesn't show me any of the sensitive content. It just says it might include sensitive content, so it doesn't show it to me.
Alright whatever I'm gonna restart the space, huh? Yep. Alright. Sorry guys. We got the DJ
It's came after us when we tried to convert them sub fighters gang I'm not the reset. Yeah, I love love
Yeah, this happened to us around three days ago. These guys are coming up and do this I can't see them because I blocked them and report them
I can see anything upstairs. But it still happens, eh?
Oh my god. Alright, I'm ending the space. Everyone go to the solo point guild in five seconds. See you soon. See you soon. Bye bye.

FAQ on 📢GITCOIN RADIO #GitcoinBeta Community Marathon | Twitter Space Recording

What are they doing in the Twitter Space?
They are reviving the Twitter Space and inviting others to join.
Who is supposed to be interviewed in the Twitter Space?
A certain person, but their arrival is uncertain.
What time did the person suggest for the interview?
9:30am CET.
What did they plan to do in the Twitter Space while waiting for the interviewee?
They plan to have a hot seat within Patakalemi with the study to do.
What did they suggest to do when passing out during the Twitter Space?
To reach off the space and start a new one instead of shutting it down.
What was the outcome when the Good Coin account got rugged after an hour?
They decided to come back another time, which gives the Twitter Space another hour slot on the main page.
What did Bruno say is making his life better?
The stutter spaces are making his life better because he can take a walk while listening to the Twitter Space.
What did Kian suggest to do when there's only one person on the Solar Pan Guild account?
To keep it open as long as possible and to transition when they're too tired to keep it open.
What did Greedo suggest to do after the marathon Twitter Space?
To figure out something together to keep the magic going and honor the gift of community created during the Git Combinator.
What did Juan ask everyone to do in the comments section?
To drop their favorite emojis to boost the algo and spread awareness of the revived Twitter Space.