πŸ“’GITCOIN RADIO #GitcoinBeta Community

Recorded: April 27, 2023 Duration: 1:06:00



Good morning, Manu.
Hey, how are you? How are you doing? I'm doing really great. So how your future space is going? How many spaces you want to take? It's great, man. No, no, I mean, how
many spaces he attended today or he went to attend today. So I was shooting on spaces for the last 3-5 hours. Yeah, today was a little hectic because the whole day
You know, we needed to get things straight. I also organized our events for Friday. I also, you know, we also were in touch with Greenport Global because, you know, maybe you, you might heard about that, but all the refi-dial, local chapters, all the regions United, local
chapters and all the green pearl, green local chapters were rejected for all the get coined grants rounds except our proposal for the meta crisis round. So this is the reason why we are now also organizing a lot of other events around so maybe one kick off.
than a debrief for all the rejected chapters all along the globe. So this was mainly the reason why I was not able to attend our other shooting sessions here. But I'm really happy to see so many people joining our session today. And yeah,
I think I'm going to just start off with a small interest. So, working towards with the space/stream today, focusing on D5. We have invited some amazing people, projects in here, feel free to jump on stage anytime. The doors are always open for you.
to discuss ReFi and how we can develop this whole ecosystem together. I think the whole financial modeling and how to incentivize communities in our core and throughout this live stream we'll be discussing how to create translate Web3Punk into real-life solutions by educating
creating awareness for ReFi. So today, yeah, we got to invite everyone here in the audience to jump on stage, present your project for the Gitcoin bed around. Don't forget to retweet and share it quote this space, comment your, your donation link for the
get kind better in our common section in here. And now I'm happy to give you the stage, Yoshua. Please feel free to moderate this. Make me a co-host so I can also invite all the other folks in here. And then we are good to go.
So I invited you as a co-host. So please everybody feel free to get on stage today. We are trying to get funded. So everybody, you are welcome to share your Gitcoin ground handle here in the chat.
we can all see what you're doing and maybe check you out on Github. So yeah, what are we doing? We are starting a Greenfield chapter here in Germany. It's all about Re-Fi and Regen, especially so what we're trying right now is building a
community spreading awareness about what this whole movement is doing and hopefully hopefully making temperatures for the better and scaling and growing together. So this is essentially what all of this, this part of Web 3 is about spreading love and helping out
because if you help me I help you and if I have you you help me and this is like the core of exponential growth so yeah let's get on get on stage if you want to okay I'm seeing a request from Juan from Colombia I I I
uh... here you go
Hey, I just wanted to maybe pose the question. Manuel was speaking about how a lot of the local or a lot of the refi downloads got rejected, which I would like to hear if you guys receive
done a rational for the rejection. And furthermore, I guess, you know, kind of how we can discuss, you know, how to deal with rejection, for sure, because it happens a lot in this space, but then also more so on how to kind of
You don't look for other avenues of QF outside maybe just each Gitcoin round or maybe how we can now start our own round. And so with the Gitcoin round manager, just open questions and would love to learn more on what are the next steps forward.
Yes, so your first question was why the local notes were rejected, right? Yes, yeah, the thing was because you know it was all like under one umbrella sound
people that decided to collectively reject all the local nodes. I'm also kind of disappointed by this decision because if you really live by the Web3 ethos, it's a living decentralization.
And I can't believe that even if we focus on these principles that some people decided to put us all into one basket, so this was mainly the reason why so many local chapters were rejected. So based on what I've read,
And then the other thing was how to how can we create like our own round? I see you know a lot of potential in the other protocol in the GitCon Grandstag that GitCon is just opening up their dev silos and you know I also see a lot of
prototypes where it comes to crowdfunding these matching pools. So, you know, I think if we can't think about doing, for example, outreach together for sponsorships, winning huge partners in the refi and climate and carbon markets altogether to win them for this
idea of funding public goods through this quadratic funding means. I believe that we can really create a lot of additional impact beside what we do one way or another. So this is my, these are my thoughts to your question, Kula.
I'm sorry to hear that, but it's great that the attitude you guys have going forward, I think, ultimately. It's an inspiration to a lot of other projects. You know that maybe also got
But also kind of the one thing I got accepted to understand, you know, that this is not the end all be all and just because we're here right now shilling, you know, that doesn't mean it stops after the round end, you know. Yeah, thank you for sharing.
And speaking of oh go ahead. I was just going to actually add on to the answer or at least the question that Kula had and specifically about like why seems like most of the green pill chapters and local nodes got rejected. Apparently was something to do with like consistent branding.
across all of the organizations despite all of them kind of having unique founding teams distinct geographical locations unique wallet addresses it seems like just they've grouped them all under one umbrella and just kind of like a go against any type of manipulation so to speak
I understand that it may have been more effort to do the due diligence than just to, you know, reject.
Okay, so I see you're your hand is up, so maybe you want to add something here of your project? No, I just wanted to definitely it's a really tough situation. I mean I know what happened with the local
and it's interesting to reflect what it means. But from my perspective, so from one side, of course, different teams all over the world, like that's one side. But on the other,
and it's way to, it's kind of a meta-sybil attack because following that logic you can split your project like for example like a longka design, a longka something, a longka something, so it's a way just
you know to flood the system because if that way will be opened then everyone would make a lot of subprojects of their projects. So yeah, I think it's kind of not a civil attack and definitely it has to
be addressed in the proper way, but I have no idea what the proper way, but for sure if a lot of projects under the same umbrella would be allowed, then we will see a lot of projects just a lot of some projects of projects that are there.
Yes, that definitely makes sense and it's quite difficult to understand how we're going to resolve that. Well, I can basically tell that Greenfield Germany is well, yeah, we are connected to the Greenfield chapters, but it's still its own project. So we've got our unique
culture here in Germany, it's a unique effort. And even the projects that are going to result are from Greenfield Germany are going to be uniquely German. So if it's going to be a tree planting project or whatever project it's going to be Germany based, it's going to be a Greenfield chapter
Yes, but it's going to be basically me and my people starting a project here and we don't get that much help from Greenville Global at all. But I do see that point. I do see that point. It's difficult.
I just want to add something here. I mean, I see Ben joined us on stage here. Hey, Ben, the OG get coin OG. What's up? What brings you here? Happy to have you. I just got it. Come check out the vibe. Jimmy invited me. So here I am. How you guys doing?
And I would say I'm like, I don't know, what's in between an OG and a new, but I've worked at Getcoin for a while. But definitely in the scale of zero to a walkie, I'm like maybe a tenth of an a walkie, if you measure things in a walkie.
So yeah, I would love to answer questions, be helpful in whatever way I can, just here to be a resource to the community. So folks have questions, or if there's anything I could share that's useful to you, consider me here at your disposal for the next 25-ish minutes.
Yeah, you're awesome. I just referred to my current state. So for me, you're already a no-g-ben. Don't try to discredit yourself. You're a great man. You did great thing. Thank you.
I appreciate the kind words. Hey Ben, do you have a project to show? Well, there's this project called Gitcoin. You might have heard it. I did actually onboard a couple of different projects way back in GR12 that are still kicking around. There's one called Elephant Rim.
which is a communications entity that does climate communications. It's in the climate round. You may have seen it in past climate rounds. We've been doing a bunch of work with the Ethereum Foundation doing interviews with various different climate projects and helping to define different use cases within the blockchain enabled climate solution space. So that's a project
that like all of us wear a variety of hats I play a role in. I always feel like I need to have some credible neutrality and not like, you know, "shill the projects that I would personally benefit from in any way." All the funding from that particular project goes to an old friend of mine who I green-pilled and brought into the space, a climate organizer activist
screenwriter, amazing human being. So yeah, I'll show that project. Also a portion of the funds from that project go towards helping indigenous legal defense and some fights with the government of Canada around climate policy. So yeah, a cool project. Lots of other ones.
that I have a lot of love for and I have definitely helped in supported many projects but really my personal real main project is GITCOIN. Maybe the thing I will show is GITCOIN Passport. You know GITCOIN has this amazing passport tool that could be useful to a lot of projects outside of GITCOIN. It has already been
adopted by snapshots. You can now have a passport gated snapshot vote and we're working on some customization features so you'd be able to add impact certificates and other types of attestations and things so you could actually determine what the trust scores are and how those are calculated. But I would definitely encourage you
you if you could benefit for something like that on your project, consider using GetcoinPassport. We've got a developer relations guy, Zach, who some of you might know from CabinDow, super dope guy, and it's basically his whole job just to help people figure out how to build on top of the aloe protocol, which is
the protocol that is underneath our grant stack and that includes helping people with Bitcoin passport integration. So if you are interested, you know, shoot me a DM, I could connect you to the right people or even just jump into our discord and poke around. But yeah, I see several hands. I'll stop talking.
I want to add here, you know, you mentioned get coin, and I think this is like our shed cause why we're all come together today. So you know, if you got your project, you want to share feel free to jump on stage, retweet the space comment like, make screen shots.
and reach out to interesting folks that you find along the sideline and please do not forget to put your donation link also in here so that we can also identify who is pushing this forward as a collective. But yeah, really like what you just said.
I also see your hands up maybe you want to continue? Yes, sorry if you hear strange noises by cooking dinner and I don't want to shoot my project I showed already too many times today but I want to remind everybody that we are on GitCon radio that
is a crazy space and is a crazy idea of the solar bungalow and actually by Jimmy and the idea is to have a Twitter space that we go on for basically holds the Github's grand duration. So it will be 264
single Twitter spaces that will be connected one by one. And I have a question for Ben. Have you ever seen something similar? What do you think about telling 26, 264, 30 spaces all together? Ben.
I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, this is definitely amazing. I continue to be totally blown away and inspired by this community. I was just saying on another space I was on literally right before this, which by the way I said, sorry guys, I gotta fork myself and go hang out with Jimmy because I'm supposed to be on another space. So I actually left the get coin Twitter space to come hang out with you.
you guys are in the Bitcoin radio Twitter space. Definitely have not seen this kind of level of ambition and coordination. To me, it just speaks to the interoperability and composability not only of open-star software, but of this community, of the people that are
like really living and breathing the decentralization that is so important to all of us. So so cool to see something popping up like this. I noticed somebody posting this morning, I forget who it was, it was probably one of you on this call about all the different Twitter spaces that are happening. And I was actually thrilled that the Gidcoin one wasn't even
of them. Like to me, that was just a sign of how we're succeeding in making Gikwain less necessary at the center of Gikwain grants rams. Our goal is to really decentralize the grants platform to make these tools available to everybody, to use however they see fit. Not only using the grant stack, just as like an open source available
tool but also the underlying protocol that can be forked and built upon in whatever way you see fit. I think we're going to see amazing innovation popping up in the months ahead as that code continues to roll out and people start building their own tools. But in the grand scheme of things, yeah, no, I have not seen anything of this level of
We've seen 24 hour show spaces. That's pretty wild. We've seen like a lot of different show spaces happening, but a whole bunch of regions coming together to, you know, create a new virtual radio station. Y'all are my heroes much love. Thank you so much and just to be clear,
is not ambition is just craziness. So whenever we start to go into the GitConcrime mood, somebody come up with some strange idea and everybody will say yes let's do that. So Jimmy, feel guilty for that. Feel guilty.
back to you. You know, I think it's a fine line between ambition and insanity and you have to be a little bit kind of outside, you know, quote unquote normal to try to make big change and I applaud it. I'm a big fan. Normal is boring. Y'all are way more fun than that.
Let's do it here. Maybe we can do other space
together. Like I said, it's going for 11 days. So anytime you have a free moment, then just come through get coin radio and, um, and yeah, we always love to have you here with it with so much, uh, wealth of knowledge and information and your passion to make get coin rounds what it is. Go ahead, Fighters Gang. Yeah. Hello. Um, Ben.
There is a rock happening during the Gidcon space and everyone seems inside this speaker what I was in the listeners and I was recently requesting to speak. I just want to say so sorry about the rock it was not my side.
Oh, you don't have to be sorry. I felt bad. I was like, he's fighting his way to the stage. He's trying to help him. Please somebody give that mental out. Let's get him up here. I and I was actually really happy to see that you're up here speaking because I I was bummed that you weren't able to come to the stage. If you listen to the recording later, you'll you'll hear me talking about#
how it would be cool to hear what you had to say. And Jimmy, that's super funny. I didn't even -- I wasn't even sure if I was in the right space. I just clicked on your profile and saw that you were in a space and just joined that one. So here we are. But, you know, the membrane walls between all these various different spaces and all our different projects and really between all of us as human beings, we're all#
energy. So yeah. A little bit sleep-deplyved here, Ben. It's crazy. And we're only a few days in. It's by the end of it. We're just going to be a rack, but it's going to be so worth it. And the connections that are forming these spaces are like no other. So look, I've given a few people a couple
about the rules because I know we've had previous space before where there are some do's and don'ts of get coin and I know there's a lot of people I was talking about. It's their first time doing the rounds right so they may not be familiar with all of the rules right so any kind of tit for tat I know is not allowed you can't say hey if you donate this I'll give you that or we'll donate if you donate or something.#
But where's the line there like let's get really specific because you know what if someone were to do like say a giveaway Promotion and it's like someone can win something if you share a whole bunch of stuff But it's not like if you donate it's if you do activities that leads to that could that be okay or what about if someone like advertise
Is that okay? Where's the line to be really granular just so it's super clear for people? I feel like my job now is to like bang the table and say this is forbidden. You may not pass. One of the things I'm actually really excited about about the decentralization of get-coin is like seeing rounds happen that
have all kinds of different rules. I'll talk about what the existing Gickuin rules are and how we interpret them. Honestly, it's usually people pushing on those limits that help us define and refine those rules. It's not always cut and dry and it's usually an ongoing conversation and an iterative process to really define those rules.
It's worth also saying that those rules are subject to decisions from our stewards and from input from our community. So I wouldn't say that the rules are like hard and fast. It's kind of more the intention behind them that I ask people to think about. And really what we're trying to do is make the quadratic funding tool be an indication of what
people support because of the ideas behind the project. The quidpro quo rule like that tit for tat rule, and maybe we should call it tit for tat, that sounds better than quidpro quo to me, although then I'd have to stop typing qpq, which is kind of fun. But the tit for tat rule, let's call it that for today, is
is basically intended to just like make sure that you're getting donations because people actually like the project not because they're trying to get something in return for their donation. So I'm all for retroactive public goods. I'm all for like, you know, after grant rounds, people like, you know, engaging more with the people who supported them and sort of seeing that
as an indication of where their community is. I think having the ability to, you know, connect people to their supporters is super important. And it's actually one of the things that I really miss from our old platform right now is that right now we don't have a way to like reach out and communicate with your supporters from the past ground or the existing round. I think that definitely is something that will
be on the roadmap for upcoming iterations of the platform. Also really excited to see what people might just build that does that better than we have done already. Heck, maybe somebody will just get coin will have, I don't know, sushi get coin or something and then not do just a future. And they'll be all kinds of new features. But I think it would be very interesting to see what would
in a way that we didn't have that quick-grow-quo rule. I think everything is a big experiment. We're trying these tools out in a variety of ways. I'm not sure if I answered your question specifically enough though. Let me try to go back and get right into the weeds of it. Can you hear me? >> Yeah, you did great on the
areas, like, well, what if we're doing like a giveaway and we give away to people not who donate, but to people who promote, maybe they retweet something, right? So it's kind of like rewarding people for promotion as opposed to rewarding people for donating. That seems a little bit of a great area to me. Is that okay?
>> Good question. I don't think that sort of an affiliate model, I guess would be a way to describe it, has really been tested in our rules, and it's not entirely up to me. I think it would be one approach to this could be to actually just create a governance post on Gikwyn's forum and ask the community what they think.
I'd say it's always a good idea just to post something in a discussion if it feels like a grayer and you're not sure. That would be my two cents. I know that's not a perfect answer, but if your question is how would I interpret that as one of the people who weighs in on these things and has some ability to have an effect on outcomes?
I would say that it's kind of walking right up to the line. Generally speaking, I think the kinds of rewards that are best are like if they're across an entire round and not specific to an individual grantee, that being said, we see a lot, like I always say there's a fine line between coordination and collusion.
I'm an organizer personally, so anything that is like communities coming together and supporting each other, I think is great. I would say if there was a financial reward for helping to support a grant, it's kind of like right in that same ballpark of like, you know,
doing things that could be perceived by some as a violation of the rules. And it really just comes down to a sort of a sniff test. You know, like I think, you know, the question you have to ask yourself is like, how are other people in the round going to feel about this? Are people going to feel like this is unfair or puts them in a unfair situation or they would have to do the same thing to come
I would say the best case scenario is that people are really just sharing each other's projects because they want to and the more that those relationships build up, the more that people just have benefits and get deeper into each other's communities. But maybe not as much of a sort of transactional, like if you do this, I will give you this. That still kind of feels tit for tat.
Honestly, that's just my opinion. I would have to kind of see it to really have a stronger feeling about it. I think a lot really depends on how things are framed and presented and rolled out. Definitely happy to look at, like, you know, if it's something specific that you or others are thinking about doing, I'd be happy to, like, look at it and, you know, give you my honest two cents. But yeah, I would definitely#
I'm definitely suggest making the discussion public, building public. I love that you're asking it here. I bring it to the governance channel, gov.getcoin.co. Anybody can create an account and post there. I think that would be an interesting conversation to have and I'll definitely weigh in and help share it around if that's a conversation you want to have. >> Super cool.
I don't think I'm going to do that, but I want to know where that line is, but maybe it'd be good to bring up on the other channel. See what people think. Generally, the vibe of it needs to be right. It can't be some... Yeah, even if Gekoyne is cool, if the community is like, "Ah, it's kind of meant." What about advertising? I feel like that's also kind of on#
maybe to promote something. I don't know. Is that not allowed? Personally, I think everybody should do more of it, although how effective those tools really are and what whether platforms will even let you advertise things related to crypto is always a bit of a question. But I mean, like I said, I'm an organizer by trade and I've spent many years
in my life running like multi-hundred thousand dollar advertising campaigns. So, you know, it always actually kind of shocked me that this was all happening organically when I first arrived at Gekkoin. I was, I actually pushed for us to do more advertising directly through Gekkoin and I think quite rightly, you know, my coworkers were like, "We really don't need
to do that. Our community is like our best voice and really the voice should be coming from the community. That being said, if community members want to advertise, I'd be interested if anybody had a problem with it. I personally don't. I think that's kind of different than a quid pro quo. I guess you're giving Elon Musk some money and he's
giving you more reach. But then you could say the same thing about the verified checkmark, right? Like we're all paying for some additional reach because of that checkmark, which actually makes sense as an economic model to me. I'd rather that than, you know, having my personal data harvested and, you know, the algorithm weaponized or whatever.
You know, so that's my two cents. I mean, a whole other conversation to be added about that fair-fived checkmark thing. And I was rolled out and you know, I, you know, I definitely have some concerns about that too. But long story short, like I think I don't see a reason why that would be a problem. I personally don't think so. Although, you know, another interesting thing for conversation. Hey, Ben,#
And one thing you missed from the past rounds was the ability to communicate with donors. Have you seen people using block scan chat to wallet messaging any of this happening?
I've definitely seen some people trying. I haven't seen it be super successful to be honest. I think probably the most common thing is people are just like defaulting to going back to the old platform if they were in GR 15 or before and trying to use our old tools to stay in touch with their supporters from
you know, what's increasingly a long time ago and in crypto years, feels like two days ago was like a year and a half ago at the moment to me. So, you know, but that being said, I definitely have since some people trying and I definitely see people like using, you know, lens protocol and like other tools to try to find ways to connect with people based on wall of
addresses and EMS, sandals and that sort of thing. I think this is a space that is very ripe for innovation. Like, you know, to me, email has never gone out of style. Like it's a decentralized, federated protocol. You know, it's super useful and still a big part of all of our daily, daily lives. But that being said, you know, I
I think there is a big gap right now in the how do you communicate with people without email and not just depend on social media. So, you know, by all means if anybody has solutions to this, I've seen people, you know, pitching us on partnerships and ideas. And definitely I know that there's some folks out there who are looking to, you know, build on
top of a VALA protocol with some tools like that. Please do reach out to our developer relations folks to talk about that if that's something people are interested in. Zach's awesome. Yeah. Long story short, yes, I have seen some people trying so far. I don't think we've really nailed it. Awesome. Thank you for the--
So Ben, you've you're in the with a green party and environmental NGOs. It's quite different to web three world. What made you want to make the switch and you know come to get coin and make that transition in your life?
I love telling this story, thanks for the invite. So I was organizing a rally against a big oil pipeline project in British Columbia in 2014 and I was looking at different venues. One of them was a yoga studio that a friend of mine owned and operated in sort of an industrial area.
in East Vancouver. And I went and checked at his space and he wanted to show me in the back of his space how he was using the waste heat from his PC to dehydrate fruit. I know this is the weirdest how to get involved in crypto story and that's why I love telling it. And long story short, that was my friend's mining rig for Bitcoin back in 2014.
He was trying to show me this like dehydrator that he'd open source license because knowing me as an environmentalist he thought I'd be interested in that I was but I you know I'd heard a bit about Bitcoin at that point it was pretty early days 2013-14 but you know I'd sort of been aware of it and to me it was like a front to the big
banks who I saw as the enemy of progress on climate change. I was just interested in counter-culture movements towards local currencies, involved in some local currency stuff, any spank-over over the years, commercial drive-dollar and farmers market-dollars and things like that. I was just really interested in Bitcoin.
the idiot that I am, I did not take him up on his offer to convert my video editing computer into a Bitcoin mining rig. That friend of mine is now an angel investor who has helped fund many projects and actually introduced me to a bunch of projects. My first job in crypto was in 2017. I worked for a project called
Holochain, which is still around doing cool stuff. That's a whole other conversation. But I worked there for a while doing communications. I then worked at a company that was in the digital democracy space called Atholo. Also a really cool project. We did surveys for, or I should say like public opinion discussion decisions
making processes for local governments and indigenous communities at the city, state and federal level in Canada. Some of the United States, I actually just helped with one of the side of the side of my desk in Cambridge, Massachusetts the other day that my friend Tara I was mentioning before with Elephant Room was working on. So yeah, and I helped bring that project
in the mid-st of their transition to Web 3. In the process of doing that, I was pitching Ethel O. as a tool to Gikcoin, which ended up being used in the fraud detection and defense team for a while. One thing led to another and I went deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. I had been a fan of Gikcoin for a while.
you know, just as somebody who was a supporter of open source software, that same friend I mentioned before also got me on Ubuntu way back in the early days, like I think it was like Ubuntu 3 or something because I'm that old. But yeah, that's how I got here. I actually spoke at a blockchain conference in 2015 about renewable energy and crypto current
and wrote an article for Huffington Post about it way back when Charlie Schrum was going to jail if anybody remembers that, that's a mold history. I have a crazy blog that you could check out where you could see that article. I think it's BenWest.blog. I have an updated in ages, but feel free to check it out. But yeah, that's how I got involved.
I've always seen crypto as part of a counter-culture movement. I've been interested for a really long time and really it was when the Dow space started blowing up and I saw these decentralized orgs popping up as well as the NFT space bringing some art culture into the space that I really like jump back in head first and just seeing all
amazing stuff get coin was doing I was just addicted I had to get involved and you know started by doing volunteer coordination a showing point you know and then helping with the climate round and then next you know I was running the cause rounds and and now I'm like totally blessed and privileged to be the the program lead for for the grants program which is super cool really an honor and and
And unfortunately after I just spent way too long talking about myself, which is an awkward thing for Canadian to do, but I appreciate it. The opportunity to tell the story. I now need to jump to another meeting. But I will definitely come back for more Gikwain radio. Much love to all you guys. Keep showing your projects. Feel free to all keep looking at Gikwain Beta hashtag and try to
If you have any questions or there's any way I can be of service, you know, there is that little intercom link, the chat box on the side of the page if you're finding bugs and need to report it to the devs. That's the best way to do that. But if there's anything else I can help with, my DMs are open, feel free to drop me a line and I'll try to get back to this quick as I#
Yeah, in the metaverse. Yeah, Ben, you're your killer man. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Everybody in here just reach out to Ben. If you have more questions, if you want to get involved, awesome. Awesome. Thanks, Ben. Thanks for coming through, my man. All the best. Much love. Appreciate it.
Alright, I think it's time for... -Shilla Clark! -Shilla Clark, man! Elevator pitch! -Ageumi, we have 10 minutes left, right? So let's do like a 2020, at least 20.
We're only 30 minutes in. Yeah, around 50. I'm thinking about it because we have one other GitCon radio session afterwards. I thought we're going to start 10 minutes before and we're going to stay here for 50 minutes. Let's take the time.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, so let's do yeah since we don't have too much time let's do kind of elevator pitch style So imagine you're an elevator you going up to the 69th floor and I'm the mark Cuban event packed investing you just stepped into the floor. You know You're going up
Oh, it's my turn right now. Damn, Jimmy. You make it hard. All right. I have one minute. Okay. So basically, imagine yourself being in a world where you don't understand absolute shit. Well, that's the 99% of the world when they listen about crypto because
were a bunch of nerds. And so what we did is after having built regions unite in meetings so many people in different organization, we realized that it was important to create a space for collectives to unite and also to be able to learn about this new web through technology and how it can
help them in their own organizations. So, in Pactopia is trying to give this platform to bring collectives into the Dow world and vice versa. And doing so, we will create an event in Belgium,
the capital of Europe, the capital of where the regulators hang out and drink beer together, the home of most European institutions. And we're going to make a statement that crypto is not only speculation, and that it's also about
community and we're going to create all of these safe spaces or we're going to try in the place where the euro was minted or if you want to call it the shit coin and you guys are going to hang out there and all of you I hope will come if you have a Dow if you're in a collective you have a cooperative or
if you own an open source software. And you know, it's something I want to just say a little story. So I work with one of the biggest open source software in the world for ERPs. For those who don't know what an ERP is, is enterprise resources planning. So think about all these big platforms that
We'll make any businesses digital so we go from accounting to manufacturing all of these hard processes. So I've been working with the largest open source software in the world and now this open source software of course because they have investors and they have 8 million users they are
going for enterprise. So what does it mean? It just means you become a bit proprietary, but the majority or the nucleus is open source. And the open source community feels a bit fucked over because they're like, oh, we've built so much. And now you're just profiting, just for your, for your, for your foreign investors.
And what I'm realizing is I was talking to some people who work in this ecosystem and I was telling them about that was I was telling them how they can unite together and they can create other systems that can permit them to be rewarded to be motivated to continue on working on the versions on the prior versions that they actually built.
This is just an example, right? I think there's a lot of things with the Dow world that can be done. And we think that onboarding all of these cooperatives and these collectives altogether is going to be great for the ecosystem because cooperatives are decentralized as well, my friends. And we have a lot to learn from them.
And a lot of these cooperatives are still alive today. And if you guys have read the book, "Entre Fragia" by Nasim Nikolastaleb, who I know is a bit of a crypto-hater, but doesn't matter, he does say interesting things in some of his books. He says that, you know, the longer things survive, it's for a reason, right? We should study about it.
And that was our new and it's very risky. So we should also learn what these decentralized organizations are doing well. And we are already working with people from Sociocracy for all because you need to have the right governance. And there's a lot of people who we're talking to that will be at this event so that we can introduce
to them and so that you can learn more about them. It's a very ambitious project so all the dye that you give to this project is going to help us build that. But money is not the most important things. We need talents. We need people that can do tech. We need people that can do designs and we want this to be open source and we highly motivate people who are not
necessarily from Web 3 to join us because it's a great way of onboarding them as they're learning with us. So just so you know, half of the team actually comes from the cooperative world and they had no clue about Gitcoin. They learn about Gitcoin and they've been spreading the world. And Kelly today who's going to host
this GITCoin radio show at 8 p.m., CET 6 p.m., UCT. She will tell you about her experience, you know, and she's fascinated by it. She loves it. She's learning so much, right? But I'm sure that if you guys listen
into her story, you're going to want to listen to some stuff that she can teach you as well, right? Working in her industry. So yeah, guys, this is a bit what I'm working on with in Pactopia. Always Regions United, of course, you guys can definitely put a couple dies there. We're going to make more events this year, but Regions United is has
You know, it's a great team. It's bigger. So I'm not going to spend too much time on that. But yes, absolutely download the handbook. If you want to do a Rio de Janeiro in your city, you can call me. We can work on it anywhere in the world. Love you all. That was not an elevator pitch at all. But yeah, you know, I was just--
We went to the 6,900th floor fam. It's okay. Okay, so we got 13 more minutes. So how many more people we got to speak here? Quite a few. So let's actually try to keep this to a minute. All right. Who wants to go next?
Let's go Ron. All right. Thank you so much everyone. I will keep it to a brief. My name is Ron Rivers. I'm the author of Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis, a founding member of Spirit Dow. And we are working on a good coin grant to help spread pluralistic values for new frameworks of meaning and value.
by Cosmology and Physics. And the project is essentially to translate a 500-page nonfiction book into a 50-page graphic novel. We have a great artist partner. It is in the GITCoin Metacrisis round. And we do a lot of, I'm from the nonprofit space, like many people here, I've just been a last decade. So we do a
you know, Spirit Dow is a nonprofit membership community who's going to formalize in preparation. So anyway, in short, I really hope if you guys are open to supporting projects, you have checked us out. I do think that new frameworks of being evaluated kind of getting to the root of pluralism and spreading it is a great initiative and we hope you'll be a part of it. Thank you.
Yeah, very nice. That was an elevator pitch 69 flowers. Cree John your next How many flowers right? So all right, so elevator pitch. We just stepped in. Okay, so
So tree gins is solving two key problems and that is transparency in the impact sector and misaligned incentives. The way that we're solving transparency is through trees on shame, tokenized each mangoes 10 cents.
And we also send non-fungible updates to the holders of these tree tokens and tree gents. And in the few is basically we film every single tree with an AI tree counter which counts all the trees and we send that video with AI tree counter overlaid as an NFT update. And now in order to change the instance
We have a dynamic, bound tokens, the SST, where it can change in two different ways. The mind orb and the heart orb, trees you plant, trees that you fund, and that unlocks utility, the more that you fund or plant. And we're also leveraging carbon boards, which is a future
value of the carbon credits working with impact investors in order actually is token or hold us just send that back to them. So this is how we will be rewarding tree gens and transitioning the degen into tree gens. Thank you very much.
I'm going to pin some to the tippy top, check it out. Please add us to your card, much love.
Thank you so much. I'm running so fast. My name is Jonathan Alvin from the founder of the IWIC IWIC IWIC IWIC IWIC IWIC
We are working on environmental and social development. We are focusing on climate and environmental protection, where we promote agroforest training.
rural farmers and indigenous communities on regenerative agriculture and making organic manure planting, we trained them where they can plant fruit trees in the same
They can be like a double target. They get fruits under the crops yields. So they can either go to the market and sell them or
to pay use sample their families. We also run a climate awareness and education. Wetland and pitland restoration campaigns, plastic
We never stopped there. We also gave scholastic materials to the most vulnerable children, a trained young adolescent, girls and women, on how to make reusable central towers. Above all, our work is to empower
We also give every computer literacy lesson to the young generation like children. Thank you so much. If you want to support us, please just a die or it is enough for us to push us to the next.
have a long way to go to plant more more more more for crazy in schools health center and churches this year. Thank you so much. And that sounds really great. I believe next slide
was Katie. I'm not sure, but maybe go ahead Katie. Hi, can you hear me? Yes. Okay, thank you very much. What's the great projects I enjoy hearing about them? My name is Tiffany. I'm a compiler engineer working on
causal AI research. Cuzzle AI is a new paradigm of artificial intelligence that doesn't have the same problems that large language models and AI based on data science.
has. So we started with the question of how to solve computational ethics in a way that helps people get along with each other. And then this eventually led us to a new paradigm of artificial intelligence that simulates information via causal models.
We're currently beta testing and we hope to release this out in an app that's open source and we hope to release it with an app that helps coordinate people and for example we can
simulate two different supply chains and then determine which is more robust and less likely to fail. Also, causal models will help us simulate something like a 10-year vaccine trial within a matter of hours. If anybody there
at get coin can help get our grant approval unstock. We're still pending. That would be really helpful. We are out of Denver and Boulder, Colorado. And I don't know. That's all I have. Thanks. Okay. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you very much. You know, I think we have like five minutes left. So let's jump right to the next ones. I see Kula on here. Kula, you got one minute. One minute pitch. Let's go. Hey guys. So yeah, imagine if the world were like a giant colorful patchwork quilt, where
Each patch represents a unique community, culture and ecosystem. Now imagine if these patches were connected by strong threads of knowledge, empathy and shared purpose to create a more sustainable, regenerative future for everyone. That's what Kula is all about.
Coola is like a global matchmaking service. That brings together communities, change makers, and innovative solutions to tackle some of the most pressing environmental and social challenges of today. By using the power of art storytelling and regenerative
We're building bridges between communities, making sure that everyone has the tools and resources they need to thrive in harmony with the planet. Think of Kula as a gardener, nurturing the seeds of sustainable livelihoods and deep belonging in the rich soil
of cultural diversity and ecological wisdom. I think of it like we're cultivating a lush interconnected garden of community-led initiatives like Sabah, regenerative network, congregations and the Atlantic community gardens. That ultimately breathed life into local economies and
ecosystems. But we're not just growing this garden, isolation. Kula believes in the power of cross-pollination, allowing ideas, best practices, and ultimately success stories to be shared and adapted across borders and cultures. By weaving a global tapestry of knowledge and collaboration, we're making sure
that every community has a chance to learn from one another, creating a domino effect of positive change. Coolest vision is ultimately a world where every community is like a thriving interconnected patch on this beautiful quilt, diverse resilient and flourishing. And you know, by joining forces together,
We can stitch a more brighter and more regenerative future for generations to come. And yeah, thank you for having me here. Very cool, Cooler. Thank you. That sounds like some honest work. Down one minute, elevate to fit. Hey, okay. Hi, honest work is a very
three freelance marketplace. It's like enough work or fiber just for the three jobs. Of course, with crypto payments and a team membership that also enter a operable reputation so all of the jobs that you'll
you'll be doing on a work platform. We'll be on-chain so we can show you our application anywhere. So we just launched our MEP, our first version. We don't have many job listings for few answers yet, so I want to invite all of you
if you're interested in freelancing or looking for freelancers to come to Honestware can post a job or free the profile as a freelancer. And of course if you believe in depth 3, freelancing and having a platform only for that with crypto payments and industry.
membership then support us on Getcoin brand. We are on open source software round. Thank you. Thank you so much. Okay, next to the line is Reefile Paro Maribo. Hey guys, this is thank you so much for the opportunity. This is daily from
and finetry, speaking for a re-fight par maribo, and we're in both the metacrisis round and the re-fight node round. And what we're trying to do is to address the aimlessness and co-operativeness, like the serename's tech industry, and we're trying to empower locals here to create like more sustainable and equitable
a more a couple of future together. It's part of a larger collective that are building like global regenerative economies rooted in local communities across the world and what the Reefai Parmarbo is located in Serenom for those who don't know. One of the only few carbon negative countries in the world and which is
to find the provider friendly environment on board talented people to Web 3 and showcase the opportunities available. It's also like finding ways to collaborate with everyone here. That's basically it. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Appreciate it.
Awesome. I think Fighter Skank, you are our closing boys. So let's go. Present your project fee free and then. Thank you so much, Manuel. We are Fighter Skank, a green NFT collection. Fighter Skank is
one of one NFT collection or handroom. You may ask why NFT because can act as a proof of impact and also it's 20 and fun these days. 50% of this collection will go to
to plant trees and reforestation. The cheapest and most effective way to fight climate change for this reason we partnered with 4 trees co-op, Jimmy Cohen, that do it in a most effective way, 10x more efficient by planting trees in
Tanzania, this collaboration will bring us a RIFI utility, the holders will receive a non-fungible updates, a video of AI3 counting, as NFTs sent to their ballots. Yeah, this is us FighterScan. Please
support us and join us in our Discord and the link is in the bio. Thank you so much Manuel again, people Germany. Awesome, awesome, yeah, and I think you know for us right now it's time, it's time to
out for scammers. Nobody of us will ask for it. So I think we can close it up. Thanks to everybody who joined us today. Thanks to the guests. Thanks to the audience. We're going to stay here in this space for a couple of more minutes. I'm going to post the link to our next Twitter space
from the getCoinRadio in the comment section right now. The next host will be Urbanika. Check it out. We as host and host, we're going to stay here for a couple of moments, 10 minutes or so. Then we're going to
join you as well with the Twitter space offer, or Bannika. So again, thanks to the guests, thanks to our audience, join the Twitter space, put in the ordination link, and yeah, have a great time. See you tomorrow, same day, same time.
Thank you so much everybody. Now get the fuck out of here. Go to Urbanica.
Love you all.
So there is nothing left to see here. You can all go over to the next Twitter round from Urbanity Technica, it's part of the GitKaradia.
Exactly check out the comments section of this Twitter space guys. We gonna Yes, I painted in the Jammotron the space of Urbanaca
So just go on the peanut treat, the first one and go straight to Urbanika.
Let's go! What put?
and you can find the link in the chat.
Okay guys, I think we can close this up. Again, if you just joined us, we're gonna funnel all of this into our next GitCon radio session. Have a look in the reply in the comment section here. The next Twitter space will be hosted by Uubanica.
as part of our Gitcoin radio and collaboration with SolarPunk Guild, Treescience and a lot of other promising and inspiring friends. So click on the link and see you in a minute. Thanks to everyone.
See you there. On good con radio.

FAQ on πŸ“’GITCOIN RADIO #GitcoinBeta Community | Twitter Space Recording

What is the viewpoint of the person who said it's a meta-sybil attack?
Creating subprojects of projects is a way to flood the system
Who is the person being addressed in the beginning of the podcast?
What is the topic of the podcast?
Refi and developing the ecosystem together
How long was the speaker shooting on spaces for?
3-5 hours
What was the reason for the speaker's busyness?
Organizing events for Friday and staying in touch with Greenport Global
What was the outcome of the Gitcoin grants round?
All the Green Pearl and local chapters were rejected except for the proposal for the meta-crisis round
What is the purpose of the events being organized?
To create awareness for Refi and incentivize communities
What is the ethos of web 3?
Living decentralization
What does the speaker believe can be done to address the issue of rejected local nodes?
Think about doing outreach together for sponsorships and winning huge partners in the Refi and climate and carbon markets altogether to fund public goods
What is the possible rationale behind the rejection of local nodes?
The need for consistent branding across all organizations