Gitcoin Radio #GitcoinBeta community

Recorded: May 4, 2023 Duration: 1:01:09



hey kitty nice to meet you would you
like to jump on the stage and talk about
AI and all the Metacrisis stuff
AI software development blah blah blah blah
big O notation, complexity
anyway oh amazing
yeah hey just a second
doing great doing great a bit tired like
I think everyone is tired on the eighth
day doing great how it's on your side our
grant got stuck for about two weeks and
it just got approved yesterday so now
we're like what do we do but it's good I
think yeah it's such a big project that
whoever was reviewing it just didn't
know what to think of it so it's
completely okay
Lunko yeah by the way my name is Rod I'll
try to a bit later I'll let my personal
account here I just want to say that
everyone in this in a quiet the same
situation Lunko joined to get going on
GR 15 like a year ago exactly like it
was last last June and I've jumped with
Lunko on the last two days of the GR 15
because like it was really painful to
get approved and then on GR 15 there
were there were a lot of like mess at
the beginning and it took a lot of
efforts to to push but that time I knew
that I have to push really hard so
Lunko was approved like on the second
day of the GR 15 so it's completely okay
everyone had that everyone managed with
that and also I'm really I feel quite
sorry for this round because this round
is really different we are in the middle
of a gas apocalypse is so like it's not
possible to donate to a lot of projects
so this round is really different I'm
really happy that you're here I'm really
hope that you won't be disappointed by
the get going but this particular round
because it sucks really sucks for
everyone and that you'll be on the next
next round will be on an L2 I do not
know what exact and it should be
different but happy that you're here
and you've managed to do it this time
and next time it'll be much easier and
you have to keep in mind that like
it's really hard to review all the
projects all the projects are fancy so
it's just it's just the processes so it's
it's completely normal and everyone had
faced with the same issues
hey Jimmy would you like to jump on the
actually I have a question to you Katie
your system sounds really similar to
prologue I believe that logic language
that that you know can can derive
certain relationships based I had no
experience with prologue I just know how
it works so it would be great to hear
the difference and we have Jimmy on
stage so yeah I'm happy to talk to Katie
but let's let's give Jimmy some time
hey Jimmy
okay so I'm assuming Jimmy you're sorry
fam I was eating my breakfast what's
going on what's going on Katie welcome
welcome sorry to hear you're grand only
just got improved that's annoying that
happened to me the first time you are
14 it was like midway and unfortunately
you lose momentum you've got to do the
best you can and fortunately there's a
radio station that's here for you
get corn radio that 24 7 and so you can
come up and you can show anytime the
peak hours are around like like noon 1
p.m. EST 2 p.m. EST those are pretty peak
peak hours on the radio station so you
definitely want to come back then as
well but it's come up every hour pin
your stuff speak from your heart and
you'll probably get some donations you
know fortunately for you a lot of
people have been putting off their
donations until gas prices go down so
that's a little blessing in disguise for
you because there's a lot of people who
have not donated yet and want to so
there you go that's it that's a plus
for you I guess because you know then
maybe they can pick yours so you just
got to put you put your name out there
and yeah that's the luck with it Katie
one thing to that around 1 p.m. from 1
p.m. UTC to 16 or 1700 UTC that's like
that's the most active hours in UTC not
in ET like I'm I'm a utility guy I'm
come from space and I really I believe
that UTC is the the best time zone in
the world just because it doesn't
change and it's like it's it's universal
oh I'm a huge fan of UTC and if you
travel a lot thinking you need to see
really helps because every time zone
basically if you open any like any
calendar like it shows like UTC plus X
ours so it's a really convenient Oh
single monkey nice to see you here if
you would like to jump on the stage
and have a conversation you know what
and actually I'm eager to talk about your
project Katie like I'm really eager to
know to learn more by trade like my I
have a degree in math and computer
science and that degree like my first
diploma was genetic algorithm applied to
neural network training but it was mostly
about neat algorithm and I'm happy like
please show your project tell more about
and go into feel free to go into deep
technical details the stages yours thank
you Linco um so it's not like prologue
in that it models causal relationships
of information so it doesn't have the
reduction problems that something like
prologue would have it's not reductionist
like that um I wasn't really prepared to
speak on it but do you have any specific
questions other than how is it like
prologue I just you know like how it
like feel free to explain how it works
I'm really interested in that type of
AI so just to explain how you feel it
should be explained such systems are
really needed and AI that could if you
could really be sure in the AI response
without health donations that's a huge
deal okay so um right now we're in
alpha testing of the Proteus engine and
we've also designed like an app around
it that's distributed so in the in the
Proteus testing right now we're trying to
get a Rubik's Cube model working so once
the Rubik's Cube is working the engine
will be able to solve the Rubik's Cube
so that's our first toy example and then
um it's also like the the slipstream app
is the app designed around it and it's
designed to take projects and break them
down into lots of little pieces and then
it can help distribute those pieces of
the project amongst lots of different
people and help coordinate um you know
the different pieces of the project
yeah like how to build the base of the
model right it's it's there's a lot of
work to get it there to that point
because first we're gonna have to model
physics and then we're gonna have to
model chemistry and biology and all the
you know the core sciences
Lomka would do that for you sorry for interruption but like maybe you
would be able to use a Lomka model
that's one of the main goal is to make
an environment that would be that would
have a decent realistic physics and
possibilities to extend this models sorry
for interruption but you said I had to
show my project so what's gonna be
really cool about it is um when when
Bruce designed Proteus he was thinking
about you know making a computer
language but what's real so for example
um the the only elements in the the
Proteus language are numbers strings and
streaming lists and he thought you know
these are the only items that are real
and then he was able to for example make
abstraction as part of a list so like if
it's a function list the first item in
the list is the parameters and then the
last item in the list could be the
return value um there's a lot of it
actually I haven't seen yet it's really
hard to follow the language too because
it's just so completely different from
anything I've ever seen but because you
know it's getting down to like what are
these real elements I think it's going
to be really interesting to see how
physics responds to it and to see if
we're going to be able to make new
progress in physics with the new tool
it really depends on the scale. By the way
a long code help with the with the
daily life physics I'd say like not
super super low but there is a really
interesting video by SpaceX it was made
like five six seven years ago so it's
quite old video basically they explained
and I'm happy to share I really love that
video it's about modeling the full
combustion chamber of the of the rocket
and they use really interesting
algorithms based on fractals I forgot the
exact name like something like a piano
curve I think it's like that to model
to model what happens at engine at
different levels starting from a
molecular level and you know like
basically they started to model
atoms and molecules but like not using
a standard theory more more on a higher
level of when more on the chemistry
level more on a group level because when
you burn actually when you burn methane
I try to remember how it's called I
remember its formula but I forgot the
name of the something so when you burn
methane and oxygen actually there are
around 3,000 intermediate reactions that
are happening I'm sorry 300 intermediate
reactions that are happening and they
were not the variable to model like the
engine at different scales and they
even like an interesting effects like
sound waves emerged from their
simulation so really amazing video
really amazing approach I'm thinking of
how to apply it too long and make it
into computed computing in a
distributed way so maybe it'll be
interesting for you to take a look at
how we did and it was quite a long time
ago so give me a second I will post it
to Jambertron
and feel free to add anything that you
want to add or ask also when you said
about this it started to sound like like
a bit least or like a common list
something like that but I'm not good
neither at prologue nor at least I'm like
a c++ Python script guy and a bit
functional programming using Haskell
but that they really really like I
just know the basics and I think I
already forgot Haskell
I haven't used any of the functional
languages um Bruce has said that
Proteus looks a little bit like Haskell
so functional languages they're really
different from from a regular one and I
really like certain applications they're
really amazing because you know with the
regular functions you are working like
on if you talk about the sets theory
with the regular you're working more
on on an element basis and with the
functional like okay if you want to for
example to I don't know to modify every
element of a set then we have to
iterate over all every element and
modify every element of the set and with
the functional it sounds more like okay
we have to apply we want to model okay
let's apply function to every element of
the set so it's more it's called the
to mask and sometimes it's really it's
really amazing to use it like if
especially if you can change functions
then you can make a really huge huge
things mostly I'm referring to
JavaScript libraries like underscore like
low dash that allow you to change
functions and that fires all the basic
things that you need of course it's not
to pure pure functional language like
like like Haskell or like a elixir
elixir is not the language it's a
framework I forgot the name of the
language Erlang I had experience with
Erlang as well like you know all that
recursion tell recursion but yeah yeah if
you have no experience I would suggest to
take a look my mind was blowing for a
while but then when I started to understand
I like get used to it it's useful in
some cases like that's not every time
but you know as a result like I like
the idea in young like you need all
at the same time and like functional
programming is it's amazing and let me
find the link to the video I was
referring to
so I'm trying to get um Bruce to take
some time and come in and promote the
project what would be a good time for
him to do that you think in the
afternoon in US time
sorry oh I'm trying to figure out when
would be a good time for Bruce to look
for calls Twitter spaces to attend to
speak and promote the project it's
really depends on average the most
active time in the around 1500 etc like
3 p.m. UTC two hours before that and
two hours after because that that time
interval on average covers us the like
America's Europe and Asia so the most
active the most active the most important
events on average are hold around that
time and we have okay oh I didn't hear
what time zone you were saying UTC
like I'm trying to say UTC so 1500 UTC
3 p.m. UTC around that time okay and
actually I found oh it's already there
yeah so in terms of where to shill we
have a 24-7 get coin radio that happens
right now at any point in time you can
find someone is talking about like
starting from today we see a decreased
like we already did it however all the
events in the evenings are in the
evening are quite active also I would
suggest to go tomorrow at 1600 UTC by
the way like should I what is more
comfortable for you to say like 4 p.m.
UTC or 1600 UTC I either way either way
I'm trying to figure out what my offset
from UTC is is that like Greenwich
time so right now it's not Greenwich
because Greenwich Greenwich time has
days like saving time and like it
changes during the during the year and
UTC doesn't change I believe right now
there is a one hour difference between
between Greenwich time and UTC time okay
so it's going to be pretty close to
Western Europe okay so be afternoon
Western Europe so where I am that's
going to be like first thing in the
morning yeah okay tomorrow like I'm a
member of we have like every Friday at
1600 UTC we are conducting a shilling
session and I think a lot of people
there would be happy to hear about your
project because because like it's
interesting it related to like a lot of
our discussions so welcome so I would
strongly suggest to join tomorrow like
tomorrow we would have starting from
1300 UTC till 1700 UTC we will have
several events dedicated to space
exploration and I think the biggest one
would be at 1600 UTC on mondow Twitter
also at any time feel free to jump on
one of a get coin radios we have quite
a lot of people in the union at the
time and show your project so 1500 UTC
and all the spaces around 1500 UTC are
the most active one are the most
interesting one but there is a downside
actually on those active events there
is a chance that you'll be you you'll
have no time to shield to talk to
communicate so frankly speaking I'd
suggest to attend as many events as
as humanly possible for your and on
such events like we have right now
like we have three people here and I
think Jimmy having the rest because like
he doesn't sleep in there at all but
we have an opportunity to talk to each
other and on the bigger events you have
to show you you can show your project to
a lot of people and after all both works
really well in the combination like you
catch people on big events they start
to hear about you like it happened with
us and then on a smaller event you talk
personally like you know you you're
getting known people with their projects
etc etc etc so I would suggest during
get coin thanks for the only during
get coin to be super active and attend
as many events as humanly possible
because you don't know what will work
and when you'll find a huge things
yesterday a couple of days ago I'm a huge
fan of a lunar exploration and a couple
of days ago guys reached me and they
serious they know how to decrease the
temperature of Earth to prey industrial
levels in a matter of years you then
you're doing lunar death so I'm here for
DC connections for such opportunities
and like it blown my mind and those guys
are serious like they know what they
are doing and like now especially it
about lunar exploration I can say that
hey guys like in the worst case we have
a plan B how to deal with the climate
crisis we do not want to use that we
have to do everything that we can to
prevent it but in the worst case we have
an opportunity to save everything and
it could only be done if we explore
the moon so that's for me it's a huge
deal and for me this get coin is super
successful just because those guys
reached me and actually we have Jimmy
here he is like he said that he is a
mangrove magazine so those guys after all
connected to to to Lunka thanks to Jimmy
thanks to they get known in Kenya they
had like they had I don't know like they
were in Kenya planting mangroves I
don't know how they were connected but
basically yeah huge thanks to Jimmy and
nobody knew like it's a it's a it's a
serendipity I'd say like it just happened
and because of that it's I would
suggest to attend as many events as
possible you you do not know when when
you'll have those events okay thank
you also like I'm headed to tell you
about my personal experience about
Monday about lunar exploration about
long ago if you're interested or we can
listen to music we've been doing that
for a couple of days because we're quite
tired of talking to each other you've
been over all this stuff before yes
like every day at this time I'm on the
radio till the get going runs and
actually on average I'm spending like 10
hours a day on Twitter oh wow just for
the the grants just hearing it going
and I'm doing that just because of all
the possible connections are that that
could be made here so it's really
exhausting but it pays off for example
yesterday right now I'm leaving in
Thailand and I haven't been there till
September so I'm thinking where what to
do next and yesterday I realized that my
friends from from Urbanica projects
from Mexico they are planning to have a
huge trip over Central and Southern
America promoting promoting region let's
say and I was thinking of making kind
of a trip around Latin America to figure
out the difference between countries and
maybe find the country where to stay
in and yesterday I realized okay but
that's exactly what I want to do so in
September I'm thinking to go into
Mexico and then like for during the next
year it seems like we'll be traveling all
around all around the Central and
Southern America and it's all possible
due to Twitter spaces like there are a
lot of amazing people here and yet you
just do not know when it will happen
when those serendipity events will
happen that's really cool yeah that's
like that's that's the most intense
networking I've ever had in my life I'm
talking about all the activities that
happens around get going cool yeah I
need to get Bruce into these spaces
but any point yeah I just want to say
like definitely get him in and we'll
have a nice conversation we have a lot
to discuss we have a lot of amazing
people and like with the really diverse
experience I'm the guy who is like I'm
the moon guy here and we have a lot of
guys who are on the ground we have a
lot of farmers from Africa and that's
another huge huge huge benefit of being
here you can talk to a lot of different
people with a lot of different
backgrounds so the diversity here like
it's it's a huge deal so you have you
can get feedback from a lot of a lot of
people that like that's that's another
huge deal and also you'll get your
you're getting used to promoting your
project you're receiving a lot of
feedback for example for a long time I
was I was promoting lunka at a full
cycle open source space mission plan
into nobody did understand all the
snow and you'd understand what it was
about and like it was like only a
couple of people got feedback back thanks
to a good coin thanks to Guido now I
position one as an open source platform
for industrial and robotics engineering
focused on knowledge share knowledge
sharing and it did a huge deal because
now a lot of people who works like a
lot of engineers they started to to
understand what it's about and they
started to be interested in the project
and yesterday I had a call with a guy
or maybe the day two days ago and like
the conversation was okay I'm an
engineer I understand what your project is
about I need to try it now where can I
download it
amazing when you hear from people that I
need your project like right now please
please give me right right right now
that's cool yeah so at any point in time
if you have any questions so feel free to
reach me or Jimmy or any member of a
solar panel you or actually anyone on
get going we have like we are the
things that drives me in that a lot of
people here at some point in time on
get going the 15 I had no idea like how
to raise money like how to raise the
nations and I've jumped on a random
Twitter spaces and I've heard a guy
sharing his experience and it was like
he he just you know he just put his
hand in my brain extracted all the
information and explained exactly what I
would really exactly like everything
that happened and like that's the
huge deal like people here they
really don't understand you know I mean
just everyone being in the same situation
everyone had issues I've been approved to
the round everyone has issues getting
donations it's like it's really hard is
this round harder getting donations than
other rounds yes it's completely
different like totally different the
main issue in the guest piece right now
to make a donation like $1 donation you
have to pay around 20 USD it's happened
for the first time like previously it
was totally different on get going 15
they had a centralized platform and it
was possible to donate on polygon so
like the fear the guest fees like
neglect we're neglectable and Lunko were
the receiving on average like 10 15
donations per day this round Lunko
received in total 15 donations so it's
drop up to 15 oh sorry up to 19% and
that's all because of the guest fees
next time it'll be different because the
most probably the round would be on
polygons so it's really disencouraging
this time not to receive the nation's
like no one no one even huge project
huge project like received five things
the nation's never happened so it's
really a different round and that's why
like please please don't think that
it's going to be like that actually on
get going you're as much more money and
just in donations like on the alpha
round it was on mainnet but what the
nation was around one dollar Lunko raised
around two thousand dollars just from
the nation's and actually six oh just
commenting thank you um I guess we've
got one dollar in donations already so
that was kind of cool yeah that's
amazing and again it's it should be like
that it should be really different you
should raise like one hundred dollars or
maybe I'd okay maybe not one hundred but
like twenty thirty dollars in donations
even if you get approved like not so
long time ago but that's what happened
on other rounds not on this one this
one is awful okay gosh I think um the
the fees to even like enter it or maybe
twenty dollars so it cost us twenty
dollars to get into the round yes same
same for me but on average it's not a
big issue because you know you just you
just get much more money from the
nation's from from matching fund
everyone expect no no one did expect
pepper to raise and skyrocket the fees
on them on the mainnet lessons on fuck
mainnet I don't want to use it anymore
I'm okay with bridging network so I'm
disappointed okay I don't know a lot
about crypto even so I guess I was
reading this is set up through maybe a
Dow and that's why there's the gas fees
on so I'm happy to I know a bit about
how crypto works and if you have any
questions I'm happy to to help you to
figure out what it's about and what
how things works yeah I started
attending the blockchain meetups that
are locally here I'm just near Boulder
Colorado do you know about Boulder that's
where get coin started it's Denver it's
basically Denver so if you ever go to
eat Denver I live right by there I know
about Colorado School of Mining because
there are lots of people working on
the ISR you in city resources
utilization for space exploration so I
know about it I heard about Denver
Colorado and actually long cave and
sponsor decide on bow Denver event but
I've never been there I've been only in
the Michigan in a unique image sorry
okay so regarding crypto like there is
an Ethereum Ethereum had their own
virtual machines machine with their set
of instructions and there is like I think
called mainnet mainnet is the main
Ethereum network that uses Ethereum but
on top of that a lot of other network we
are created and they had much they use
slightly different consensus algorithms
and that allows other other network to
have much much smaller fees maybe
maybe they're not so protected not sorry
not so secure of the mainnet but they're
decent and they're fast the cheaper so
it's completely okay for most
applications to use other networks like
optimism like polygon noisiest like
there are maybe five or six different
networks and on some of them a
transaction could cost you less than
one tenth of a cent or even one
hundredth of cents and you can do
bridging bridging between network
basically you can send the money from
one network to another it's quite cost
it's quite expensive operation but when
you did the bridging it's really cheap
also it's expensive when you do bridging
between mainnet and layer two solutions
and by the way yeah mainnet there is
like I think like L1 solution that's
like the first generation of a
blockchain L2 solutions that's
basically the second generation of
blockchain it's much harder but it's
just you know L2 solution that means
much less less transaction cost so the
next Bitcoin would be run on the L2
solutions so the cost of a transaction
would be neglectable there'll be an
issue to onboard people and explain
that there are tons of different
networks you can breach your your
tokens between a network but it's a
different level of a complexity you'll
have to explain a lot but still it'll
take your money it'll take your time not
not money and with current fees it just
makes no sense to make donations matching
fund won't cover it at all so it's
just better if you better to donate
directly or maybe on give us okay
do you think um that the actual
amounts of people are donating is less
this round and or are they making like
fewer donations but bigger donations do
you know it's hard to say like we have
last rounds long received on average 10
15 donations per day they were
different starting from $1 like on
average from $1 to $20 this round long
received like in total 15 donations so
it's really I can't say like how much
money people donate in one batch
because like there are not enough
information that's enough data yeah
overall donations are like 90% down 90%
less which means if you got a really
core community you could maybe you know
push through and and get a good that
might be a blessing in disguise for you
Katie right because everyone is a lot
slower so if you got like 15 people
ready to go and you can get those
donations in then you know you can
still make it back and have a fighting
chance at raising a good amount right
it's really going to come down to the
matching funds I don't know if I heard
incorrectly rod but assembly you're
saying it wasn't worth it to donate
because of the gas fees but the
matching is gonna be way more than the
gas fees bro it really depends on a lot
of things I'm just let's wait I'm
waiting for the gas fees to go down and
if they won't go down then for sure I'll
ask all my friends to make the nation
right now they're waiting yeah but
think about it like they're gonna
allocate the matching funds right no
matter what which means even at low
contribution numbers they're gonna
allocate the entire matching funds
which means the matching for everyone will
be more than normal oh that makes sense
yeah so you could you know speak with
the yeah I guess it also depends on how
many they don't have the forecasted
matching feature this round but you
can kind of maybe speak with some of
the ground once you get some donations
in and kind of be like what do you
think it's gonna look like blah blah blah
and then be like yeah it's gonna be way
more matching and the lady so that's
another incentive I've been you know I
think that's a good thing to tell
people like hey donations are down a
lot I know those high gas fees but
hey you can minimize gas fees by the
advanced features of metamask right
right before you click transact there
is a little advanced gear icon click
low and you can reduce your gas fees
by like 50% almost 30 to 50% it just
puts the transaction through when it
gets low you could also use gas hawk
and the matching will be more than the
gas I think you can almost guarantee
that unless you have like one donation
I don't know right but if you have a
decent amount matching will be way
more than gas it really depends on the
round and on the competition in the
round and I have a feeling that under
certain circumstances is just actually
direct donations would result in the
same funds but that's my feeling I need
to sit down and do an accurate modeling
but yeah after all I'm really upset by
the situation because you know in my main
round this round we have around 70
project there and the total matching fund
around in around 85 K so it really
depends like I don't know how it will
turn out and I have a feeling that in
certain cases like just if it'll cost
$35 to donate maybe direct donations
would would give more money to look at
least too long so it really depends on
a lot of factors I still not sure what
is the right way to approach the
situation and I wouldn't approach you
like that man I wouldn't approach like
that because also the more that you
get the more the matching will be so
if you have that kind of mindset it's
going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy
it might end up being true but if you
if you keep pushing I I really don't
think that you're right that there are
many variables and check them all out
what are all the variables affecting this
but I just clarify like on your own
climate solutions and on average like
there are 350 K and around 100 projects
so on average every project would
receive 3.5 K but it's different in in
this I in this I on average you will
receive around 1 K and that's what
worries me that's why why I'm thinking
of it so it's just slightly different
situation however I'm still not sure I
am still be pushing donations it really
depends on the guest cost if they if
they go up and if they go around like
50 USD per donation then I'm not sure
like but with the 20 donations and like
50 USD per donation it'll turn out
that people would have to pay like
1,000 USD in guest fees but that's the
average amount of money that that
project can get from from from from the
round of course it depends because of
the quadratic funding so it really
depends on the situation in the round
and that's that's my main idea I I do
like I know about self self self
prophecies but I'm also a mathematician
and like I have a feeling that there
is a chance that just direct donations
would would would give you the same
amount of money that you'll give that
you'll get from from from the round but
on the in that case for sure I'll raise
less money in the round but still it
will be other people would be able to
raise more and Alonco would still raise
almost the same amount of money but
directly from people that's my concern
that my thoughts I'm not sure like I'm
trying to figure out what the best way
and that it's one of the ways still not
clear for me okay thank you but anyway I
want to say that those discussions about
the gas fee about gas apocalypses they
really exhaust and they distract from
what actually matters and the actually
on git coin there is only one thing
that matters to get in touch with the
like-minded people with the like-minded
projects and do the most intensive
networking ever it's the most intensive
networking I've ever had in my life so
I would strongly suggest to get in touch
with every project you like you're in
the meta crisis so today today I'll spend
most of the day reviewing the projects
it's a shame that I had no time to deal
with it but I was in a bike accident so
most of my like a huge person of my day
during the last week I spent in a
hospital yesterday my teachers so very
most now I do not need to go to
hospital every day so today I hope
finally I'll have enough time to go
deep into all the projects and to
review at least like my plan is to
start with this around then meta crisis
around and then then climate solutions
around and then all the rest of the
rounds okay so yeah to summarize just
open all the projects and DM to every
project that you like and there is a
huge chance that people on the other
side they they they're lovely they
would be lovely right yeah okay I'm like
looking at the Explorer right now also I
want to add that we are almost on top
of the hour so we have to move to the
next Twitter spaces in each start like
in six minutes so I'll let me in the
link to the next Twitter spaces it
hasn't started yet so we have to wait
for around like five or ten minutes and
then we'll have to move to the next
Twitter spaces okay thank you it's
gross yeah Rod you're you're an amazing
networker this round man you're great
partnerships and I'm happy fun we can
lunch I'm learning from you and a lot of
people actually learning from you
you're like let's grow let's do it and
all of the things but that's amazing
like you've made a huge impact on the
community and everyone praised Jimmy
for being super active and for
organizing get going radio 24 7 at any
point in time there is at least one
host from solar pond guild hosting
anyone so you can jump and ask
questions 24 7 you're in get going it's
crazy we are exhausted like started
from yesterday everyone became really
exhausted if you started like we stop
talking and we started to listen to music
because we already know all the projects
we even had activities so when I like I
usually other projects and I can show
you Jimmy project right now because I
heard it so many times and I can show
you a lot of other projects and that's
that's really amazing it's really fun
and interesting absolutely man thank you
go ahead Katie oh I was just gonna say
that sounds great that sounds like great
fun so it is a good time obviously now
we're on the off hours most people are
asleep in the Americas and Europe but
but it's it's still a vibe and we can
co-work together we can jam out
together and yeah alright continuity that
what matters like we're on the trade or
24 7 and that's what matters it was
expected that frankly speaking most of
the Twitter spaces won't have a lot of
people on them and I even picked the
time we keep it in mind that at this
time there'll be not so many people but
I'm not the best the best Twitter host
I've learned a lot for me for me like
it's the felt like I used I had a
couple of Twitter spaces before this
round but this time it was really
intense now I have skills and next time
I'll take more more more active times
but I've learned a lot and still we have
that continuity and that's what matters
I believe like we can do that it's a
really great exercise in in the
coordination so from a certain
perspective obviously in Moloch with our
Bitcoin radio let's grow let's grow oh
I know what to what to say actually just
give me give me a minute please we got
you we got you so Katie sorry I was kind
of multitasking earlier give me the run
down of your what you're building we're
building a new paradigm of artificial
intelligence that's based on causal
modeling so it's like causal science
rather than data science and the models
are hand built by people rather than
trained by onto the machines and the
models are human readable and basically
it models the causal relationships
between objects so like if you think
about if you were on a billiards table or
you were playing pool you could see the
energy transfer like if about one ball
hits the other the energy transfer there
is the the causal relationship between the
balls hitting each other see I hope that
means I'm not the best to describe it
and that's why I'm trying to get Bruce
in here yeah let's get in here in the
next one which time Bruce he's with me
and Denver but I think he's already gone
to bed it's almost yeah there's also
an Adderall shortage here so he's really
not up to full speed okay does he have
ADD or just a fan of that yeah no he has
ADD okay got it really hard work too you
know focusing and um I'm actually not
that smart I cannot do this code without
him you know so I'm pretty you know I'm
drawing a lot of his his mental abilities
too but I'm doing the work so and it's
fun I enjoy it yeah you should be
probably so if you're doing the work
you must be pretty switch time yeah it's
just really really hard code he said it's
the hardest code he's ever seen so yeah
I'm sure I don't have the whole algorithm
in my head though I mostly like track
bugs down and I get a story of what's
going wrong and then he'll have to come
up with the fix for it so that's just
what we're doing these days machine
learning stuff no not at all there's no
data science in it at all it's modeling
so I don't know how to describe this um
I have a file that I'm making right now
over Rubik's cube and it has like things
to find like what is a cube so it'll
have a position pardon I just want to
say that actually a Rubik's cube in the
group I don't remember the exact group
group theory yeah that's why um the
Proteus math is similar to group theory
apparently Bruce was coming up with the
Proteus math and then realized it's
really really similar to group theory
um so I know you like you probably have a
lot to talk about yeah I'm happy to talk
also about category theory I've been
learning it for a long time still I'm
not good at it but yeah love love love
that conversations and love that
hardcore math and like univalent theory
of everything budget so it's not a
discussion and how it's related to
category theory so I think I'm happy to
like get Bruce to our Twitter spaces
ASAP we really need him I am trying to get him
here to meet you guys release a blog
today have I retweet I don't know that
I've retweeted it yet I haven't even
read it yet that's right I got a call in
the middle of reading it um but it's
about security um I'll link it but again
I haven't read it yet and also want to
remind that we are on top of the hour
the next call the next space is we'll
start soon I believe and at the end I
have a song thanks to Jimmy I Jimmy I
want to say I want to say like can you
say please just a second just a second
something happened whoa yes can you say
let's grow all right three two one let's
go so let's move to the next spaces it
will start it a second and at the end of
the spaces let's listen to to this
amazing track it will take like two or
three minutes
let's get it for the murderer and the
killer and the dog they'll be fucking
up the ball and the deals and the
hustlers get me coming at you both in
the V I'm a brush it's a stop on
so the next radio is starting let's let's
move to the next Twitter all right see
you in the next one