📣GITCOIN RADIO - #Gitcoinbeta $Earth May 3

Recorded: May 3, 2023 Duration: 1:05:58



And here we go get coin beer. Let's go. LFG. We have solar punk dow. Do you have actual website dow like a governance voting and stuff? Or is it in plenty?
that voting is far off we are yet to launch the product. I mean it's been a long journey. Do you want to make tests on let's say like on some test nets with with practicing using decentralized
governance and utilizing DAOS that work in production. So yeah I mean me personally I've been a part of a bunch of DAOS where like I've been actor member and I have participated in the activities. So we can
get into this yeah it's a it's a really interesting conversation that has been going on yeah and like I've been to people just just to get thoughts you know on like how does one bootstrap yeah because there are many ways to do this and then
I say there are like often of chain web 3,000 and there are really completely completely no code solution based DAUS that are completely on chain with multi signature with on chain governance with everything
what you need, where you have really like your dow treasury as a contract, you have your you have the members, you have the governance token that is worth something, you have NFTs, if you have this NFTs then you have permission rights to create proposals or vote on it and so on
and so forth, these things exist already in production can be used on Ethereum, EVM and Cosmos very advanced and I'm like since 2018, inside this development space and followed this and contributed there so I know all about this.
So I would love to help if you have questions.
I was really interested in what I was saying was that in the last 2-3 years I have seen a host of doubt, tooling and solutions being built and a lot of niche use cases also being developed for
I think my concern right now is maybe I feel like technically we do have a lot of things available that can be used but more around the social incentives and the social values and how do you bootstrap something like that because
You know, at least in my personal experience up until now it's...
Most of the dolls that have been a part of are like a combination of one which are extractive characters and one which are regenerative like value add characters right and how does one optimize for the ones that are actually going to like have long term alignment and are therefore for the mission
that they're now working towards. There's other tools for engagement, POE contracts and governance space on that growth of engagement systems like that. There's a chain called T-grade that has proof of engagement for
things like this. It's also interesting. And if you never, so yeah. I would want to run this by you, right? Like I think since we are in a space and we can have this discussion, like what my current thoughts have been in terms of how to like A,
At least on board people that are willing to contribute and willing to add value to the whole space and to the project. But also like at the same time. So basically just some context like the DAO is building the first product which is Earth coin which is a currency that is
to be backed by Clavid solutions and we are trying to like use crypto economics to raise dollars and funnel them into on-ground projects. That's what we are building and there are going to be a wide variety of contributors that are going to be required
from community builders to credit risk management to compliance to project sourcing to keeping tracks on projects, smart contract building, etc. etc.
If we have two choices right now, it's that either we focus on like fundraising and getting some pre-seed seed capital in, build a team that's building everything out, like, you know, doing all the work right now.
or then like, you know, we launch earth, which I think we should be by the end of next month and then just in a few months, like launch what we are going to
calling the governance mining program where you can do proof of work and governance tokens for that. So that's how we're able to bootstrap contributors and also get people
disbursing the out and stokens to the ones who only work. So that's something that like, I mean, we've been internally like contemplating how to like proceed, how to like figure that out. And yeah, I would love to know what you think about it. Yeah, I would say just
use the it's better to have like even it's just on the test net yeah or even if it's in the main net on some low low fee blockchain it
it doesn't hurt. Yeah, if you go for example on what's an enterprise.money or dow dow dow dow zone, yeah, it's like you just click click create your parameters you put your threshold for the governance to the core
room percentage, your council, you can just create it and it's automatically also creating your token for your DAO. And then you can say how many tokens are in the treasury, how many what wallet
should have what amount and you can everyone that is staking, then tokens inside your DAO can create text signaling proposals and everyone can vote on it using the tokens
based on the amount of tokens you have, you have like more weight in your votes for example and then you have tokens and you can also put them into decentralized exchanges and that's also a way to run for fundraising.
So can you give you what's the name of this project? So one I'm personally working on is called enterprise.money. Yeah, okay And other one is doubt. Sorry. Can you pin something?
up from there. There's a tweet, something so that we can just share it across. So you say that until I would want to launch it on the mainnet, it's possible to also run on the net and start experimenting right now.
And also the feed for example are so low it doesn't even hurt to be on the main net. I can give you the view. Do you not have it on polygon or on the other head do's? There we have I know we have what I was looking at
was especially due to the law-compliant stuff. There is a group called LexDow and Carly.GG. So K-A-L-I dot GG.
And both Nuke and Vector will work for Web 3 compliance. So, and then you go to app.carly.gg. Yeah. That's pretty simple to me. Yeah. And there is like a fully formed governance stack for your own community. Lock in.
So rainbow wallet suck and You can just hit create it's creating your ESC or whatever Train you it's available there You can create your token you click next you select what kind of you want LSE in Delaware or
switch for iron or whatever structure and just go ahead there they really have like rolled out some proper frameworks there and I'm impressed yeah but my favorites of course are the non-
Let's say the interchange ones that are also going cross interchange to EVM, polygon, Ethereum, whatever, which is a dow, dow, like two times dow, and then dot zone, yeah, for example.
And enterprise.money that's from Terra form labs and where I'm also developing and that's my favorite Why because it's just so simple the user interface is amazing, but you need like
Terror Station wallet for it, not Meta Mask. And then it says like what type of dial would you like to create? Multi-signature wallet and if the community dial took community token dial. You click Next and then you make a description logo, bam it works.
Is this Terra meaning one of the cosmos chains or is it the Terra Luna chain? Which is the second version like it's not old one not with DoFone It's the re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-#
the decentralized people took over and created the version 2 and I'm active there and I was working for Terraform Labs before. Let's say like this. And now I'm like... Oh, so how long have you been there?
I mean like as community developer and community moderator and stuff maybe two years or something. Okay. So in cosmos and then the X-Tera crashed, my network was burned and turned into D-U-S-T into dust.
Refy zone. There's a refy now. How do you shit? Once I okay, okay, so I have to wait I can just comment on here I guess check this you can comment or you could just like I think since you're the speaker you go
I am going to put it up on the jump button also. I post this on this thing and then I am going to yeah you click on the share button and you can share this would be the top most option. Yeah and I click share and click here okay.
And then you can see like a coalition of ReFi NFT projects who are coming into supporting real-world impact, ReFi stuff and they have like 3.5 thousand US dollars in treasury value and you can send in like even a rap material
and stuff using the interblock system's treasury and NFTs. You can send NFTs into the DAO. You can send USDC in there and then you can make proposals with the members of the token holders.
This is now down zone right yeah, yeah, and that's based on the Juno blockchain but all connected to the cosmos ecosystem so I can send to my USTC from Juno to Terra from Terra to Polygonia because they are all cosmos scenes right but you do the osmosis
I'm seeing Riefa is so near
Exactly, I shared straight the link. There's a ReFi. One second, let me close the door. ReFi is also a NFT project, I think. We have a coalition of ReFi NFT projects.
you scroll down you see the proposals okay, adrock funding plug yeah and you can see okay the dow treasury spending to this address and you can see the votes yeah and you can even mint an fd straight from the dow into the dow or two members or whatever yeah
a lot of possibilities and then you can just hit create, you can create your DAO, you can say an FT DAO token based or multi-setum. So it's very, very advanced, long, long time working on this. Yeah, it looks like I think it's a product
very much fully built out product. Yeah. And the same for enterprise.money where there's I don't know if there's a refi on it. Let's check it out because it's pretty new. Nope. Not yet. So that would be in niche. Loom.
pangs but we kind of made a meme the owl called lion dau which is completely green crazy.
50,000 Luna were transferred into the Dow from the main governance. So you stuck around the transition, no? That means once they're all collapsed and then you build new like you stuck around to build the new. And then for example,
If you want to know, I can recommend for example, which one was it? Squitt router. If you go squitt router on Google, it's like, yeah, it's closing the gap between
between all the chains. So I can say okay from Ethereum to Arbitrum but I can also say from Arbitrum to Osmosis to Terra to Juno or to Region Network which is to refile chain and cost most and you can
So, Sahir, I just have a question. Do you see like Dow's doing cross-chain development in the government?
examples also also just I mean tree jeans Jimmy and Attak are you there can you listen what's happening because I think I've been trying to invite you guys but I don't know if it's going through can you give me a thumbs up or something
I don't know if they are here. Sasha, I might try to just make you co-host so that I can exit and enter back. Yeah, okay, okay. Because I don't know if this is a polar. I think my mic.
So we can see some images of what we can see. Yeah, of course, we can not see Jimmy. Attack. We try better. I think we are talking with ourself. Yes.
I can see them. I can see them though. I can see like people coming in. I don't know if they're able to listen or what's happening. Did you get co-host in white? I don't know what second.
You have to check this. Your rules. I freaking have no idea. Switch to this name. Because... Just settings.
Are you speaking from the computer session? Not really, not yet. I want to try and actually try to do that. I'm reversing engineering the fucking protocol using analytic tools and decompiling the
and then finding the endpoints that I can stream from OBS or like from my computer because I have a good well well well like podcast setup streaming setup and then I'm sitting here with my stupid phone and I feel like so dumb
I think we have Priyanka in the house. Priyanka is that you behind the handle? Yes, that's correct. Hi guys. Good, good, all good. So I'm able to very clearly hear everything that you guys have. I don't know what that is.
But I don't know because nobody is giving like an emoji reaction also. So I'm concerned. No, no, no. Honestly, I'm concerned because I'm not seeing emojis. Yeah. No more. That's that's that's that's it. I'll fill it. I'll fill it with emojis now.
But yeah, because all of these are very high on emoji people. So I'm just like also wondering if they're there not there like what's happening, but yeah, I guess. Because yeah, but okay go on Priyanka how's it go over there. I see one more. It's cool. I think that's all right. So what's happening Priyanka?
Tell me a little more about what is this new project that you've initiated? Is it in the round? Yeah, so firstly introducing myself. So most people know me as Priyank from MREV Foundation and MREV Foundation has been a previous Gitcoin grantee with very huge success in GR
15 with the name MRV 101 and in that in the foundation we have been trying to solve for small scale MRV and that is when I have been speaking to a lot of grassroots organizations who are working in the regenerative agricultural sector and you know trying to figure out where MRV
and the Mavi Foundation can be fit for them to collaborate. And that is where I came across this foundation called Navo Mesh. So it's called Navo Mesh. Navo Mesh, it's spelled as Navo Mesh, but it's Hindi. So it's called Navo Mesh and it means innovation in Hindi.
So they are from back in my village in rural, Bihar in India. So I am based in London but my extended family still lives in that village. So I had reached out to them and figured out that there's this set of people who are trying to do some
something in reducing emissions in the farm sector. So, and they were struggling with funds. They were applying for government grants and you know, figuring out where all they can get funding from. And that is when I pitched in that, you know, there is this thing called Gitcoin which was
very new to them. Web 3 is also very new to them. So crypto is something scary for them. But I pitch that why don't you guys try and create an application. I'll walk you through everything. I'll be the face of it for you guys. So that's how it is. So now I'm not sure.
So what are they doing? So no one may start trying to basically solve four problems to reduce the emissions in that district, which is a boxer district in Bihar. So the first problem is that the adoption of regenerative agriculture in their region. So they
these guys have their own lands and they are willing to put some amount, some like acres of land to experiment with the regenerative agriculture practices. The person behind us has been reading on it and talking to agriculture university,
and government officials about how to implement it for a few months now, so I think 9 or 10 months now and he is also very politically connected in the current government. So first is the implementation of the alternative agriculture. So once they are able to do that pilot project
in their own land, they intend to create something which is called a FPO, farmer producers organization, which is like a collective of farmers coming together and basically using the collective benefits of supply and
also carbon farming and all that. So that's the end goal, that first the pilot project in region and agriculture and then later on an FPO which focuses on that with the larger set of farmers bringing them in. The second thing that they want to focus on is reviving the local water bodies. So they were
lakes and a lot of ponds in that area which has dried up over the many years and because of encroachment you know people have kind of just put garbage on on those water bodies and then you know this silting has you know sand sand has just
occupied the whole space. So they want to work with the government body and then there are these government programs like Manarega, it's M&R, EGA, which gives some incentive labor, incentive and all that. So they want to work with that program to be
basically revive the water bodies, local water bodies and then the third thing that they want to focus on is the local forest cover. So there was a huge forest which is again depleting now and the local university professor and the dean of the
diversity has been coordinating with them on how to revive the local forest cover, what was there, what kind of trees were there, how to go about it, getting the lysening in the state government to get approval and all that. So, forest
basically for his base project and the fort is a much much bigger project wherein there was a river which was a perennial river which came from you know a nearby mountain but then that has kind of been encroached and the water flow has stopped so that's a
much bigger project that can actually somebody revive a whole river that is something that they are trying to do but they say that it is like the most ambitious part of our project like five years six years timeline but then they would want to have a go at it as well. So yeah these are the four elements that they are focusing on and I on the
What did them do? I took their whatever they are doing and created their Gitcoin, grant application and helping them a little bit with their Twitter and everything. Yeah. That's all right. So a lot of questions, but first thing first, I will also request you to
put the grant tweet on the Jumbo Tron upstairs so that we have everyone here has access to it and I will also ask you to retweet the radio tweet which is the first one. So that like people know that you're here and it's also sort of mandatory.
to do that for whoever is hanging in the space. We don't enforce it but it is recommended. I don't know where is your tree. Yeah, I'm discussing all the ingredients. Have you put it in your tree?
nice I can see your tweet here alright now getting on to the project I think it's I'm really glad that like first of all hats off on boarding is not an easy task and yeah we've been having a bunch of discussions on this to you know
see how we can do it and I'm glad that you've taken up the mantle of doing this for them. It seems to me that it's an ongoing experiment for them to see how like the transition would take place with the pilot that you're running within their land and then yeah other
plans to then like extrapolated to whatever else that they're doing? Yeah, so I mean, so the poor things that I mentioned will be worked upon simultaneously. So it's not a linear thing that if this does not get done, the other will not get done. It's like simultaneous attribution of all. So the land
project is wherein they plan to first experiment and see whether you know regenerative agriculture is possible in the economic sense you know what what economics are there and all that and it makes sense for that region then they can then bring in other farmers and tell them that you know this
is the way and maybe if you want further help we can create a organization to collective organization together to implement these solutions. So it's like a open source you can think of a grassroots open source model that they want to create and bring in other farmers later on if things succeed for their
for these guys in the pilot project. Wow. So I think just to add a couple of things, I have observed this as a behavior, right? Like I think in a lot of these micro regions, people have realized that they do want to shift. But
they don't know the exact economics of how it pans out once they're transitioned and always there are a few like I think less than 5% or 2% farmers who take the plunge and if those ones succeed like the others feel a lot
more confident in doing so and all the areas where this has been able to spread has only been able to spread because of this like pilots in that area succeeding. Because I think each area has its different challenges and you would not know how it reacts when you are trying to transition.
it is something where you need a lot of hand-holding also and you need some stomach to be able to bear like like short-term losses correct and then these guys have no clue about carbon credits and you know is there something like you can monetize these things as well in a different fashion they have no
So I have to like on board them or about what what carbon markets are as well. So yeah, it's a totally new game for them. Is this pre-hung, is this also somewhere you're trying to do like a pilot for MRV? Not specifically, but you know, so I mean it's something which you can be
possible but we don't want to club two experiments together. So let them do whatever they are doing. I got interested in their work because they come from my village and I wanted to just help them set up things, I mean get some funding. So they were struggling with funds, they had a lot of
good ideas, they had studied, they had networked and they had some will to experiment and all that but then they lacked fun. So I was like, okay, let me help you with that. This is really, I mean on a very personal level also this is quite interesting because this is
One of the sectors that we are keenly focusing on is to enable the transition from industrial chemical to regenerative practices. And you understand that it comes with its own set of challenges and it's not very predictable when you start, but it's necessary that it happens.
So, is there any like ballpark estimations is to like what exactly is it going to cost them to do this transition and maybe some estimates on what is the loss of yield that is expected and how can that
be compensated or is it too early? It's too early but then in terms of the loss of yield it's too early but then the rough financials is there in our Gitcoin application so they have kind of laid out how much money they would need for each of the steps and then some data that you know all the forward
will require this much money. So if you go to the get coin application, you will see the financial break up step wise. But in terms of the other aspect as to what will the end of the year and how much it will get affected for how many years that is something that if you don't do it then you don't know.
Yeah. And also is this entire project like the whole experiment? Are they trying to like run it only on grant money or also they're going to try and raise some other forms of capital? Yeah, so they're trying to raise other forms of capital and
also trying to make it self sustainable if they get some bit of starting money. So there are two ways to in that they are looking at. So one is that when they do the regenerative agriculture project also they will buy cattle and you know cattle's help in regenerative agriculture as well and then you know cattle's have other things
the data industry that they can tap into. So maybe that becomes sustainable in itself. This whole thing becomes sustainable and then they don't need that much grant money later on. Or maybe if that does not become sustainable then they go out to other like government grants and you know other web to web
were with the grant organizations but it's like a five-year project right now for them so they've kind of made the financial model for five years at this much money we would need and for the five years the estimate is you know four hundred thousand dollars the last bit which is like reviving
the perennial river is taking the most of the money because that's the most ambitious project. The first three steps are very small in terms of monetary requirements. If you have to experiment with regenerative activity, I don't call that number that
they had put in but then it's intense tens of thousands that's it like 25 or 30,000 I believe that's that's what it is what is required totally for them and then they would try to make itself sustainable that's the first goal if not then are the grant value yeah so okay I think and
is it? I don't know if this is also something that I would like to explore to see if
We are doing a bunch of pilots now and one is happening in India and one is happening in Costa Rica where it's an existing regenerative agriculture farm but they're trying to expand and buy some amenities to keep it going.
Is this something that we can explore, Priyanka for this? But like for us, like the way we have been trying to do it is that maybe the structure is different, but it's still seen as either an investment into some separate entity which is doing to control this or as a loan.
But like you know where we are not very strict on what the return is but as long as there is no loss of principle then it's fine. Is that something that we could explore like is there going to be an entity for this or is part of the bigger farm only? So there is an entity which is
under expression which is the foundation which is an NGO. So now I don't know whether you guys will be willing to fund an NGO or do you want to fund a private limited or like what is the corporate structure that you guys are looking at to fund for and then I mean obviously open to experimenting and
looking at what you guys are doing and then is there a synergy in terms of mutual benefits and all that. So we can have a separate conversation on that and try to figure out synergies definitely. Yeah, I think this is Warren's one because it's
is quite aligned in terms of what we are looking to fund but maybe we need to figure out the mechanics of it. So yeah, let's take this outside eventually but more on the project this you only are you got into the climate round-off assuming not anything else. Yeah, so yeah, so I mean I applied
for the climate round on 19 before the deadline and the application got approved yesterday only which is kind of sucks because I paid the whole gas fees and then to make sure that I am before the 19 deadline so that the review happens before 25 but you know what ever it is in God's
approved yesterday and as they say it's okay it's fine because you know better late than never so at least we are in the round in the climate round I did not apply to any of the other rounds but then we had in the application we had filled in this thing that you know it's a diverse diverse set of founders
So all from all people of color one woman in the court team and all that so maybe we might get into the D.E. round as well. I don't know that's that's something that needs to be seen. Yeah, let me tell you I don't think you missed out on much.
It's been a rather slow week and we're cruising along though. I feel it's a side to behold but one week in I think everyone is ranging between 15 and 30 unique votes and
Yeah, I mean you've done a few rounds before and you know the flow and yeah, I've been seeing yesterday I looked at the dashboard which was live yesterday and I was like oh my god, such low numbers this time I'm too glad MRV wasn't there this time. Yeah, yeah, I
It's I think it's just about ethereum gas fees that's what the bottle like has been and then plus it's been broken up into so many rounds with you know you're asking people to fund three different rounds you know instead of just one so all that is just friction so yeah it's friction and it's more transactions like you have on
to give to any project in two rounds like I will do two transactions before we just had to do one. But I do understand that with this flexible with this like separate rounds a lot of flexibility is also come about where you can have different eligibility and different like dispersal rules for different rounds.
So yeah, I think that's definitely a plus, but it's not helping with the current situation. That's not that. But like, yeah, it's something that we've been trying to figure out. And let's see how the next five, six, seven days go.
I would also definitely just ask everyone here to go check it out and it seems like a really interesting project. It's an on-ground project which is a lot more important for climate solutions and thanks Priyam for setting it up for them. I think it's once in I think it's going to be a constant stream of a
some support going forward. So yeah, it's the difficult task is getting them on and then I think it kind of starts flowing slowly. And yeah, so one of the reasons also was that, you know, I was reading through a re-fight Twitter and there were conversations about the fact that, you know, the climate
Twitter, the ReFight Twitter and the ReFight Faces filled with finance based projects that are then grassroots based project. There was this whole conversation and controversy around this. There are no grassroots projects, only people talking about tokens and finances and all that. It's funding and all that.
carbon financing and all that. So that is when I thought, okay, I mean this is this is a grassroots organization working in the climate space. Why can't I bring in bring them into REFI and get coin climate and all that. So yeah, that's what my plan has to do.
I don't think there have been any tokens yet. I would love to have some tokens out there. But I have no tokens yet. That's a long way. But definitely, I think there have been a bunch of on-ground projects from Africa. I think Ioveca has one. Kavap Kumbha is another one.
So I think it's it's set the tone in some ways that you know it will just make it a little more frictionless to now start like onboarding on ground projects in I think it helps them also create like some trust and history by being in the space and
by being active in Twitter a little bit so that people know about it and it's just I think this is the starting point for. Am I going to say this? No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one mesh. No one#
So, now we'll miss. Now we'll miss. Alright. I want other people to have a day at that word, let me see. But... Now we'll miss. Now we'll miss. Now we'll miss. So, this is your first time on the radio, Priyaam. Who's that?
Yeah, this time. So I wanted to be away from all that Gitcoin, you know, Chita Chatter, but you know, it is what it is. So I had to, I had to, you know, help them. So yeah. One way or the other we get you, bro. Yeah. Yeah. There's no missing Gitcoin season, man.
it gets you the fever is strong and it gets you one way or the other and yeah this has been a unique one just to give you some context I think it's day six today or day seven I don't know what it is but yeah somehow we managed to keep it going where it's been passing on
from one host to another and there's been somebody sturdying and yeah it's building a unique momentum of its own and he's been fun a lot of different types of conversations going on in the day and also providing some very easy
access to a public space whenever a conversation needs to be had. So that's that's brought about its own like beauty in its way. But yeah, here we are. I think today I feel the attempt was before we got with the Dow talk and now with Naomi
was to just probably like get an understanding from all the projects and people here. What's their brief understanding when they talk of Reefi? You know, because there have been a lot of conversations about where we are headed and what's happening and is this really Reefi and what are the
what are the values that we are going to align ourselves with. And since your your prion, can you been your like in the space you've been observing, acting everything for a bit. What's your like, what comes to your mind? Like what's the larger vision that like when anyone's talking about refile, like what do you picture?
So, RIFI is a much bigger umbrella, you know, compared to what it is being portrayed right now. I mean, generally right now RIFI is about carbon projects, but in my understanding, you know, there are a lot of things that can be regenerative, apart from just
carbon for rich and my vision is that all those, if I want to list it out, there are so many things that can be regenerative but then they are not currently considered or they don't operate under the umbrella of free fire. I think there is no stopping for them to
and join the Refi movement, they don't know whether this is for them or not. But if they want to be regenerative in any format, please come in, adopt Web 3 and then... So that's my vision that if anybody wants to
think about a regenerative project and they want some support in the community support and all that they can simply tap into the RIFI ecosystem, the crypto RIFI ecosystem and get some help. The main problem right now is the UX issue and the term terminology issue
So, you know, with this grassroot project also had to explain a lot of terms and, you know, they are not up to the speed with the UX also. So, they don't know how to use Metamask and all that. So, I had to create these projects, the grant application for them. So, the larger vision also here is
that the UX needs to be much better for these grassroots people to understand that it's much easier for them to come in and do something which is regenerative in nature. I think to that it's also more important that they understand how to use it and be why.
beyond all of this, like for them, I feel like the amount of intellectual curiosity we have about these things and the kinds of change we want to see, I think at that level it's just pure utility because they're like, okay, if I'm going to engage with this, like what's the clear, like what's the clear take and how
How is it going to help me with my project? Otherwise, it's tough to sell them something else. Because their priorities are quite different. And I guess to your point, maybe they would plug into the ReFi ecosystem to have access to different kinds of finance and then also engage with different MR
we players to create credits or all the things that they're doing which is not limited to carbon and find some value for the kind of impact that they're creating. I think that's one bit for sure and I think everyone is building their tools out now. I think it's
And I hope that the next rounds are on L2 to make it easy for people to do these projects to participate and donors to participate. Otherwise it just gaspies and gaspies and gaspies. I've been trying to donate
to optimize the time for reducing my gas fees but I have not been able to do it in this round because the gas fees have been high. So yeah, I mean it also has to be inclusive with use of other blockchain layer to use like polygon or whatever.
No, but I mean that I feel like we are pretty sure of the amount that everyone has been shouting gas, gas, gas, gas, gas this time, all the time. I think the message has been received very loud and clear and it was probably on the books anyway.
Anyways, I think it's just going to move up the ladder now. But yeah, I would not be, I mean, pretty sure like optimism and polygon will be in the mix the next time. Or whoever is hosting their rounds will get the choice to decide at least where do they want to host their co-arounds and
the featured rounds and yeah yeah make sense yeah but that's that's it's it's it's a unique situation this time we're making the most of it yeah yeah right so fighters gang we try better sanny it what is it
Any other questions or comments, please share your thoughts and thoughts on what's the perception of Reefight.
Yo, Pinsay, what's happening? Hey, like I finally arrived, I guess like I'm on the like I could have a lunch somewhere right now. They're not letting me in, I guess. I've gone for it. I've gone for an IRL event right now.
Yeah, yeah, definitely like a message to the friend and he got me like some free tickets They're not letting you in I mean like partially Dude with these parts
It's always you can just act normal, just act very casual and walk like you already in and just hope that they don't notice. This is not official advice in any way but I'm just saying.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,#
Are you not hosting the next space brother? What's happening? Yeah, definitely like I'm hosting the next space as well. Yeah, yeah, definitely like I hope I hope like some of the people will like
Just take this place and ask everybody and like, "Yo, tune in, tune in brother, tune in to this place." Let's go. Let's go. One video is on. Yeah, just at the event.
and you know get all the attendants to the food and fish. Yeah, that's it. And then get the fish and make and then voting event. Come on. Yeah. Yeah. Nothing better than like life force to ask them to like add a add grants to their card, you know.
Absolutely, and I have to name your projects to make them things like you have to add this project into your card. You have to add fighters again, right?
Yeah. Yeah. All projects are there also. I feel like just list them on the jumbo turn and then ask them to go click happy.
But I'm sure all of these people are like plugged in. I don't think you would need that much effort. They would all have like decent on-chain histories and like all identities secure and getting passports scores and all would not be a challenger. I'm guessing.
I don't know, usually I really have hackathons and boundies for builders. For those kind of people it's very easy to like, to like onboard and to get going.
Okay, it's more like a sort of web-to conference and it's just like I don't like these people But like I got I got the free ticket so like I've nothing to complain
You're in Spain, brother. Where are you? You said Spain, right? Yeah, like in Barcelona. Yo dude, we were just talking. So I had planned like my trip to come for East Bar.
and eat paris and eat paris, eat bazaar is full on solar punk and I think it's all about public goods and I think it's been giving some killer vibes for a while.
but it seems like visas are going to be a bit of a trouble so yeah I'm figuring but I think I've also applied for a talk at Ithbas on building the solar pond world. Let's see. Yeah yeah definitely like I think they've hosted
the eat Barcelona, like in the East Paris, like a year ago, at the same kind of date, so like you could probably, like, apply in advance for like a next conference. And I think that they're going to be a bunch of conferences in like October and November. So like,
Yeah, like I've tried to apply like a year ago, right? And I was declines like my all my visas as well. So like don't like don't really worry about it. Like I played I played like on your before forward.
for like US visa and decline. No, man. For Indians, it's a whole different ball game. It's a three years four years back when I did end up when I was going to Europe for like a month
So like I legit had like a stack as thick as a book in terms of the documents that I had to submit. So it's a whole different like ball game, but yeah, I mean, I think it's probably going to be next year for me because I was just sharing in the previous space.
that I tried to go book visa appointments and the next available visa slot is all the way in on July 7th. So, some technical difficulties there, let's see, let's see if I can get some
urgent category visa done or something like that but have you been to East Basa? I'm not sure if you're asking me but probably some other people have been there like I have not
Yeah, like I was really busy kind of coding coding things and Yeah, like I've spent like the past year just coding an application and not going anywhere Yeah, is that is that like Pinsil?
I mean, I can probably just go to any hackathon and just build an application within a day or two and we will get actually a bounty.
It's just building your scale I guess. I am one of those bounty hunters.
They are going from grants to grants building products, taking like mountains from three projects at the same hackathon and then having enough to the next hackathon and then building something and then going to the next hackathon.
Yeah, that's exactly like that's exactly my case. Yeah, yeah. That's killer dude. That's killer dude. That's a good way to be I feel you know it's building you're getting some money.
And then you can keep on building and you're doing what you want. You're working on the project you want and yeah, you're getting paid for it. So yeah, nothing like it. I think it's all based on the tools you end up integrating, right? Like I think it's based the Bounties you earn.
Absolutely, like most of the cases you just have to integrate the technology of the sponsor, right? But you can abstract away from that to a framework or a language
And like most of the applications are built with like JavaScript, Solidarity, and for like just usefulness, like you're gonna use like TypeScript. Yeah. Yeah.
has any of the product or any of the project that you worked on these hackathons like is is pin save one of them and have you taken anything further after the hackathon? Yeah, so like with the with the project that you are building during the hackathons you can
You can apply for further grants if the conditions are essentially met for the grants, right? Yeah. And for me personally, yeah. Go on, go on.
Yeah, like for me personally, like I've been to like Thailand for three weeks, like a couple days ago, and like I'm pretty sure like I've helped a lot of people just like with like a simple device on what to build, where to apply,
And like, yeah, yeah, just giving them like some, sometimes to kind of to do what they actually want to do, you know, I just noticed like if you ask a person like was like just a simple question like what would you like to
to build, right? Instead of focusing on sponsors and things like that, people actually learn something and they learn how to code and now they can actually, yeah, just build what they actually want, yeah.
Yeah, I think that's what I meant. It's a pretty nice alignment that you can build what you want and get some grand money and then continue doing it.
Yeah, I've met a bunch of them here in India and it was, I was quite fascinated with how this was the thing and the only thing that they did, I kind of assumed that they were doing something else on the side but it apparently pays enough to just do this so that's pretty kick ass you know in its own way.
Absolutely, but it also you know it pays in other ways like networking and having really great relationships with other people that are not focused on corporate culture which is incredibly toxic, it's impossible to work like in a company
and have great relationships with people. And like in this case, you kind of, you're building the same thing, right? And sometimes you compete against one another, but overall it improves like the quality of the like applicable
for everybody. And like this is just like an alignment of incentives, right? This is like this is a really beautiful thing. You're meeting like-minded people, right? You're jamming with them, like they're all pretty much on the same wavelength and they're
all working towards very similar stuff and it's just a lot better to be hanging around these people to expand and enjoy working and yeah I think it's that environment where everyone's doing something interesting and you're learning from what
another and also meeting so many new people in the same field and like yeah if not now in the future something or the other comes up where you can like jam and work on it together again and I think yeah like you said it's pretty like
It's quite resourceful in terms of finding people, building relationships and then also seeing how they blossom out. Also Priyanka, just to get your
you on this like what's what's it looking like for you in terms of you going to be attending any re 5 events or you're just going to be put up in London and
is there some real local refi activity happening there?
So in London, there's not much, honestly, which happens in terms of RIFI. We have a RIFI UK group by RIFI Spring and we have been trying to get some meetups happen and all that. So there was a meetup which was a very small set of people in a pub.
That's the activity that I know of that happened and there was one in Bristol which was the V5 Bristol by Monty, organized by Monty from V5 Dow but that was in Bristol and not in London so it was a very small event again. So I want to
attend local events here as much as possible rather than travel all across the world and basically leave my carbon footprint traveling just for e5 events. So I just want to avoid that. I've seen people do that activity a lot.
in crypto especially and also in 35 where they just travel across the world to attend all the refinements. I want to avoid that, I've been avoiding that so far and I just want to attend as many events in UK but not as many are happening so I'm just also thinking of organizing one here in London.
So that's but then just a thought here and I don't know how this ends. Nice. I think it's a it's a must. I feel like whatever we've been able to do in Bangkok has been a lot of fun. Yeah. Getting new people in and also just jamming with the people working
in the space it's yeah it helps but also just wanted to know I'm new I'm sure you know of this project called Varaha right like the base and end yeah I just recently seen there
me the mean guy I'm forgetting his name but they were in London to figure out like quality carbon credit buyers and like in volume so is that something that's is that like a market that's there in London and is there
And then like demand or some sorts or their brokers over there who are sourcing high quality carbon credits to then like funnel them elsewhere. What do you know of anything? Yeah, yeah, I know I know with the market. So I have a I have friends who who are in that supply and in the demand side of things and they basically
They are doing this consulting to corporate. And they are doing pretty well in terms of the work that the client base that they have. So there is definitely a demand UK wants to be net zero, the government wants to be net zero also. So also a push from the government.
This is just a talk, people say that this is just a talk, you're just saying, you don't not doing anything. But yeah, I mean, this certainly certainly a sentiment towards it. And many of the companies also want to do net zero. So certainly a demand. And I would say more
demand than India because I feel that the West is the West demand side is much bigger than the Indian demand side right now that is probably why they are exploring all the locations in West they might have also gone to US and other locations I
know but there's definitely a demand and I mean how big is the market here I don't know but I have a friend who is doing pretty well working with the demand side. So it's mostly native demand like for London and UK and all over there. Oh that's interesting and it's basically
because the government is pushed for net zero in the next 10-15 years. Yeah, correct, correct. Nice, nice, nice. Alright, guys, I think we are up on the hour. The next space has been pinned. It's on the extreme left. I'm going to drop this.
I see you there. Let's go. I don't know. I thought you and I talked about there but not there and then like we have been kind of like now. I just had some dinner. I'm gonna go get some lunch now. Do I couldn't get it before you still there?
I'll see you in 15-20 minutes. Alright brother, see you soon. Alright, see you, Priyanka. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you. See#

FAQ on 📣GITCOIN RADIO - #Gitcoinbeta $Earth May 3 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the currency that the DAO is building?
The DAO is building a currency called EarthCoin that is to be backed by Clavid solutions.
What is the DAO's goal with EarthCoin?
The DAO's goal with EarthCoin is to use crypto economics to raise funds and funnel them into on-ground projects.
What are the types of contributors required for the DAO's project?
The DAO requires a wide variety of contributors, including community builders, credit risk managers, compliance experts, project sourcers, smart contract developers, etc.
What are the two choices the DAO has right now regarding its project?
The two choices the DAO has right now are to focus on fundraising and building the project with a dedicated team, or to launch EarthCoin and start a governance mining program to bootstrap contributors by providing proof of work and governance tokens.
What is Rainbow Wallet?
Rainbow Wallet is a wallet that is deemed to be unreliable.
What is Carly.gg?
Carly.gg is a web3 compliance platform.
What are some of the solutions for DAO tooling that have been built?
Some of the solutions for DAO tooling that have been built include Enterprise.money, DAO, and dot.zone.
What is LexDAO?
LexDAO is a group that provides legal assistance for DAOs.
What is Terraform Labs?
Terraform Labs is a company behind the decentralized Terra blockchain that provides an easy-to-use DAO interface called Enterprise.money.
What is the speaker's experience with DAOs?
The speaker has been actively involved in the DAO development space since 2018, contributing to several DAOs as an actor member.