Gitcoins Alpha round with Climte heros πŸš€

Recorded: Jan. 20, 2023 Duration: 0:57:06



Hello guys, I hope you can hear me. Hi, hello, I can hear you but there's a bit of a buzzing sound.
Oh, is it? Are you still hearing it, mate? Yes, it seems like coming from your mic. My people, all of that, just can hear it.
Is it okay now?
Yes, now is. Thank you. Yes, yes. Hello guys. Welcome to our Twitter space where we've got a lot of GR 16 projects with us and we're expecting a lot of speakers to join us.
And I think we will start our space right now. And so welcome all and the solar punked out they had requested to go first because they got another me to attend. So guys, so this is how the
the Twitter space will flow. Please give an introduction about yourself and your company and please state why we should support you and if you got any follow-up questions, we will open it toward a listener. So, let's go over to you.
Hi, Clantrek. I actually don't know your name, but hi. Hi, Colton. Hi, Vanara. Hi, everybody. It's been quite hectic and it's been that hectic that I feel like put a space doesn't get tacked to the calendar and the calendar is this own entry.
and like an hour and a half back I realized that oh my god both of them are happening at the same time. So yeah thank you for letting me go first. Basically we add sort of down building earth coin as a currency to be backed by climate solutions, climate solutions that also
So address humanity's core needs in terms of energy food, water and that's what we are trying to build to be able to address the primary climate finance gap and be also to be able to redesign
modernity systems to a certain extent by creating climate solutions as a viable collateral, live climate solutions as a viable collateral to be able to take this forward. And yeah, it's a we have kind of been only surviving on some level
level we are getting going ground so it's been insanely helpful. Last get going ground was really generous and that kind of helped us to like you know build out our tokenomics and get our contracts tested and yeah we are now on we've been testing on polygon test therefore quite some time and we're looking
to go live in the minute and there is ground in some sense is critical to keep us going further for a few months till we can do some POC and then take this forward. So yeah do check us out the link is in the bio and every dollar counts so yeah thank you so much.
Thank you very much for joining us and listen to us. Do you have any questions for or or
or speak right now or also love to know if you have any questions or questions you can give me a request and I can open you up.
All right then, so thank you, thank you very much for joining us. And I think now it's over to Justin. Justin, please give an introduction about Climetech and why people should support a project over to you.
Hey, sure. Thank you so much everyone for joining in and you know coming as a guest here. We are so delighted to actually host this place. So yeah, as a mother of two, I really want to leave the world a better place for them, the climate emergency that we are
As we all know, it's a cure that the reason we are all in, contributing and building. We strongly feel the series and companies are expected and they should lead the decarbonization because of the scale of the emissions that they have created in the first place.
We have created Climbedec as a platform where in cities and businesses use a platform to collaborate with their communities and real life and where in the communities can take action on climate change across transportation, energy and waste. These are our three main areas. We help
the overall cities specifically to reduce their emissions by 30 to 40%. We also have peace wherein the climate financing and something that the audience speak attached upon. The climate action in theory it sounds
But we do know that there are, it needs to be funded. There are certain private actions, especially in the individual space that can be taken easily. They don't require upfront funding. However, there are certain actions which does require
funding and we help cities manage various rebates, provide various funding options resources to the communities. We also manage the verification of the action to ensure that the fund are reaching the right place we have
appropriate algorithm to do that. And in the long term, we do feel cities can also be a supplier for the carbon credit. And that's where we are part of the carbon market's bundle.
And then we are working to understand the existing methodologies that can be utilized for giving credits for various actions that series are taking. And we need these funds to basically work with the verification consultants who can help us create the initial models that we can
So that's why this grant run is extremely important for us. Procrete, if you have not pinned the carbon markets bundling yet, please do so so that people do have an opportunity to understand various other parts of the world.
participants who are in the Spundle and do check our link out. So I appreciate everybody's patience in soliciting me through. If there are any questions, feel free to tell, feel free to
a send a request to our host and give you a chance to share your comment. Otherwise, our DMs are open, my DM is open. And as a founder, I would love to hear if there are any comments specifically for Climbedec.
Thank you, just in case you have any questions or just to us.
And if you are any part of a bundle or if you are a solo project and you want your Gitcoins link to be pinned to our space right now, you can send it to me and I can do it over here.
Alright guys and thank you very much, just been thank you and I think we'll move on to the next speaker. I think Arbhanika is here so over to you Arbhanika.
Hello, hello. Thank you for having us here. I'm really excited to talk with all these beautiful people. And also, hello again, because we talked back maybe two weeks ago and it was a great talk about climate
planning for urban development or when planning in general. Yeah, thank you for that. It's great to see you here. I would also love, as an I know we spoke I think maybe a few weeks back and it was amazing to hear the five-year journey that you're planning to take.
would love to hear more about it and feel free to share the project. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, well, now for deep coin, we are participating in two bundles, the Creative Works, which I see some people here in Creative Works and also we are participating in the Emerging Economy
and indigenous communities bundles. And these two bundles are part of the SolarPong Guild collection, which is a give-eth and SolarPong Guild alliance that we have in curating projects and the projects that we have in curated are
this collection so we really suggest you to look into them I will share you after I finish speaking the link so that we can put it we can pin it but as well this is something that I did I recommend everybody to
to also try to fund or contribute or support as many projects as you can or as many bundles as you can because that's the way to maximize your your donation and to support many projects are maybe small but they are making a lot of impact and so shout out to all the
bundles. And well the solar pond guild is a space, a group where people with the solar pond mindset or climate solution related mindset has gathered after Gidcon grant 15 to
to keep this momentum going and this is the next round we are participating and very happy to be here. And about the UrbΓ‘nica strip we are going into a five year long trip from Mexico to Argentina and then up to Brazil.
And we are creating a portfolio of sustainable, regenerative, climate positive technologies and methodologies because we are knocking the doors of municipal councils and chambers of commerce and we want
to present them all these portfolios, all these technologies within this portfolio so that they know that these technologies and mythologies exist so that they can take them into account when they make their urban planning and when they need to achieve sustainable development
goals that they are by law now for many countries. So they know where to buy them and the page we are building is for knowing them and buying them directly there, not just knowing that, oh, electrical buses exist. But here you can buy it directly from the link or
or provider that we are giving you. Sorry, I just ate a cookie and I feel my mouth like I'm very difficult to speak. But yes, so this is what we are doing and I am going to put a new tweet
about our new website so that all the tweets that we are having or we are writing are easier to navigate because Urvanica also produces educational content about post-capitalism cybernetics solar punk narratives so that you
can understand them and train yourself in these different mindset. As we in the Web3 ecosystem, I see a lot of people talking about public goods, but actually what we are building are not public goods but comments, but this is the lack of knowledge that we have.
And this is something that for me is very new also I have been in the post-capitalism theme for maybe eight months and these eight months have been blowing my mind every time I read a new book about it and understanding that we need to have a different understanding
a different framework of understanding the world in order to build a brighter, fairer, and a life futures, and we need to have these different terminologies. So I really, really recommend you to go into Arvanicus,
website that I'm going to tweet about and start learning is free and the videos are one minute long so it won't take you that much time and we are also launching some Twitter threads about books so that you can learn by just reading a Twitter thread and we can upskill ourselves
every time we go into Twitter for example. So yes, please support the solar punk guild collection, the creative works and indigenous communities, bundles and all of them. In fact, support everyone please. Thank you very much.
Thank you so much and we would really appreciate it if you can link your bundle in the comments below. And this is to all the speakers and also listeners. If your project is a part of Gidcoin's grant, please add your link below so that it will be helpful for everybody to contribute and to
Thank you very much, Arbhanika. I think we'll go to the next speaker that is Earth-based soul. I'm very sorry for that. So over to you guys. You can introduce about yourself, your project and why we should support you. Thank you so much for having me and great introduction of Oomba.
the friends also co-founder with me and other four people of the solar pan guild. Okay, our project is called solar pan nomad. I'm one of the two co-founder. The other one is Marco Bair and the dissolved my son and we started building
this concept of solar pan nomadism about nine months ago that there is a lifestyle for a nomadic changemaker using let's say zero emission vehicle this is the ideal and recharge by solar partner solar
So, solar power and these changemaker will really help in our opinion to share the vision of solar punk society. So, in the last nine months we've been defining the concept as collectively as possible.
talking with hundreds of people. We started to build a community and on this court and we really shared a lot about these contents, these ideas, over 500,000 views on our Twitter. So we are a serial
and we participated to the first Bitcoin engine because we had a big success for us, we had a small project and then we did another one in September, it was pretty good and then these highlights of the last few months
where an expedition of two months together with West Dow to identify potential areas to build solar bank safe places in the western Alps. It took us two months to do that. And the foundation of the solar bank yield.
And also the introduction and I'm very proud and very happy of this. We started to German a new concept that we call proxy solar punk. So that is everything solar panda can be built in the next 10 years. And this because much of the image of
the narrative about around Sulapanca is very far away in the future. So we see very futuristic things and that is great but we are we are coming from northern Italy and we have a culture of building things and being
We like to see things happening. So we decided to focus on everything solar pan can be built in the next 10 years. We build the space inside the solar panca, nomad discord that is called solar panca fan.
every Monday and we tried to put together builders, founders, artists, the writers and we jam around what we can build in the next 10 years. This is a lot of fun, very creative space. It just started a month ago but everybody here in this audience is
Welcome to join us and start to imaging but also building a new solar panc work and this is basically what we are doing We are now on the gift going grant alpha We are one of the top 40 projects and if you want to support us This will be great because we will help us to enter in the new
And we are building a van, a solar-ponomic van, together with our partner Atlantis now. This will be used and built and used in southern India.
an electric bike or a power by the sun that we will keep somewhere in central Europe. So support us, we'll be great and DME and if you need to actually be energized if you want to get into Git congruence, just DME we are always very helpful. Thank you for the time.
Thank you very much for joining us and please don't forget to drop your link in the comments so that we can all contribute to you. And thank you so much to our speakers and listeners who are joined once again and to reiterate we are Climeptick. We help cities and businesses use up
platform to collaborate with their communities to take action on climate change across transportation, energy and waste. Climate tech helps them reduce emissions by 30 to 40% and manage rebates for climate action through tracking and verification features.
In the long run, in the long term, Climetech will help cities and businesses not only reduce their emissions, but also monetize their efforts through carbon credits. We are part of the carbon markets bundle and we are about 15 projects made and our bundle link is given in the comments. And please do
look into it and please do contribute to us. It will help us a lot. And yes, we will move on to the next speakers over to Indeed tokens over to you guys. Please introduce yourself and the project you're representing and why people should support your project.
Thank you very much for this space. Can you hear me?
Okay, yes, okay, okay, because I don't see the things sparkling when you when you talk, but it's okay Thank you for inviting me to this space. My name is Ignacio. I'm co-founder of a danger tokens. We've been around this space for like one year
We started in Gitcoin GR 12 in 2021 with our first Gitcoin round. And we've gone through all four rounds until now. Gitcoin Alpha is so honored to be one of the 40 projects selected for this experimental round.
What I want to talk about is about incentives. First of all, all the projects here are very initiatives. I love to see familiar people talking here, promoting solar punk communities. I love that. We are also part of solar punk yield.
that style of life, we try to promote it as well. But what we're trying to promote is also the protection and the revalurization of biodiversity. And how are we focusing our efforts on how are we focusing our mission? Okay, we started
recognizing a very specific problem that is landowners who own land with endangered trees within their land and then your trees that hold entire endangered ecosystems most of the time do not have very significant incentives to protect them.
why? Because it doesn't produce significant revenue in this extractivist industry and system we have created for ourselves. So even if the government is forbidding
the people who have this land to cut down in the injured trees, they find a way sometimes the incentives go towards they want to farm the land or they want to build a house in the land and they cannot be done because of the endangered trees.
Sometimes some tragedies happens and they burn the forest or cut down the trees without telling anyone that they have them so they can have some revenue from the land. So with that problem in sight, we started
working in Chile with the species Gomorte Gakeule that is a very rare species only 4,000 specimens alive in the world, very beautiful tree and in the same time we were working on it with a landowner we were also there was this big
NFT hype, you know, the board age, you know, and crypto punks. And we thought, you know, if a monkey online can be sold by $4 million, why not collectible and danger tree in which you become the godfather of the tree online, and you have a traceable
asset that can then be improved over time. How valuable should that be? So that's when we started the Endangered Tokens. Our focus is to tokenize geo-reference and danger trees and add more digital value so the token can go up in value
So it's not longer about donating to arts conservation, but rather investing in biodiversity, investing in conservation, not only because of the value that can give for the planet to hold those ecosystems, but also for the investor to have maybe a
can sell it after for a higher price it's gonna be very very rare collectible and what we are trying to build on top of that we're actually building right now we have been developing 3d models in Unreal Engine 5 of these trees to make them because
digital assets that can be used in video games that can be used in a rented reality and we are developing a virtual reality tour with an enhanced experience of the endangered forest not only in Unreal Engine 5 all the qualities of the actual tree where you can
experiment, Gomor tega Keulek tree anywhere in the world without having to travel thousands of miles to the only place in the world where it exists, but you can experience it in virtual reality and also hear the music that the tree has. How are we doing that? There is a device
that can register the frequencies that the trees communicate with the environment. It's like every living being has their own frequency and the trees has one as well. And you can register that and convert that into music and then put it in this virtual experience as a
enhance their total reality experience for anyone in the world to experience it. And now we can drive further funding, continues funding towards the protection of these beings. That's the approach we are trying to take in order to also attract the gents, right? It's because, okay,
Okay, if we only focus on the people that's taking care of the environment, maybe it's going to be difficult to maybe drive so much funds towards protection. But if we can build the same mechanisms that other collections, other projects are building to attract the degen to the environment,
environment, then we can use this technology for good and all this maybe greed can be transformed and transmuted to something that will be good for everyone. And that's like a summary of what we are trying to accomplish. We are also
have been doing collaboration with artists. So we launched our first artist collaboration collection of pixel art trees, it's a 10,000 NFT collection as well.
But that's not important for this conversation. The important thing now is the Gitcoin round and how all the amazing projects that are now participating in this Gitcoin round should be supported. Please, everyone who's listening, go there, go to verify your Gitcoin passport.
and go to the Grants page explorer and find all the grants that you think that can change the world for good. If there are any questions regarding what we are doing with Endangered tokens, I would be more than happy to answer them. Thank you very much for this pace and I hope that you follow us.
because we will be showing a little bit of our work of this 3D modeling of the music of the trees that we're developing soon, soon, these products are going to be launching soon so please stay put and thank you very much. Let's continue with the next speaker.
Thank you very much for joining us and yes I think we'll move to the next speaker and we will go to Colton Art. Those speakers already present so over to you. Please give us a brief introduction about yourself, your project and why we should contribute to you. Over to you. Hey, thank you. Yeah, great to be sure.
So I'm Colton Art. I worked at Getcoin for about a year on different art fundraisers. And my first real thing with them was this greatest art project, which I still bump into people all the time.
who were just getting into Web 3 around that time as well. And that has kind of been this similar template that I've followed throughout my Web 3 journey. So it was back then we were creating these ART NFTs. We were selling them through this sort of gamified fundraiser.
And then all of the funds were going into the matching pool that so many of us are now receiving grants from. And that was, so that was the greatest lark after that. I did something for the last Getcoin grants round where I made all these different
and other really great grant projects are out there and many of them were just focused on the whole climate solutions grantees as well. And you can jump out of the, doing good profile. If people are curious just to see what those images look like.
My focus as an artist has just continued to be how do we raise as much money as possible for these important causes and how do we meme about these important missions that we're all on. Money and memes really rule everything around us and this
It's amazing technology that we have isn't enough to just change the world. We have to actually have this amazing story. And that's really where the creative projects come in. So while I am talking just about Colton Art right now, I'm actually in the creative bundle along with Veronica and Sonera.
I see on stage right now many I think there's 11 other projects that we have and We're all part of the creative works bundle and I Actually, I'm just gonna talk a minute about what it's like to be in one of these bundles because it sounds like a lot of these projects have been in like the top 40 categories
And that's amazing fantastic for being in those spots, but I've got to tell you it's so cool and special to be in one of these bundles because what I hadn't realized was how much closer it can really bring you to these other amazing
and people and projects that are out there. So a lot of the projects in this crew have worked bundle are usually smaller teams and they are just having these outsized impacts on these really meaningful projects. And in the past, what we've all maybe shared Twitter
spaces together. Now we are truly coordinating as well as we possibly can to make this happen. And it's really, really been fun and meaningful. And I think these relationships will just continue to build over the next
years and stages of crypto and our unique journeys. So this Alfa Rans is definitely, well it's been sad to see like how permissioned it is in some ways. It's also been a real amazing filter both for the bundles and for the other 40 projects that are out there.
is it was camped through Otoken and like if you throw a token you'll hit an amazing project and these bumbles are just little index funds on really really cool projects that are out there. So just shift them back again to supporting Colton Art
My recent focus has been since I'm no longer with Gitcoin full-time. I am now a freelancer and as a freelancer, you know, as an artist, you're still up to figure out ways to pay the bills and it's not always easy.
Put simply the more that I get through getcoin grants the less the fewer projects that I have to take on from private companies and the more I can actually continue to focus on public goods art So I'm really excited next week to be dropping some pieces from this project that I've been
on for the last couple of months and that is very much focused on public goods and in particular the infinite to garden meme that many people may have heard from Ayameyaguchi, the Meetor the Ethereum Foundation and the infinite garden has really become my
my core focus because of how I think it brings together a lot of the stories that we tend to talk about and a lot of the real events that are happening that just layers on beautiful imagery and a bit of fiction that weaves together all of the things that bring us together.
So thank you everyone for listening to me. Sheldos this bundle of my work for a little bit would love to receive your tokens and what's all continue to support creative projects and best of luck to everybody. Ensure your grants around you guys.
Sure, we will definitely support you and I think we have hand raised your base soul has a question for you, I guess. Yes, and it's good to be here because we as a solar bank guild we are about
35 founders and two of the I said most success for now project inside the Alpha round are two members of the guild that is the solar pannomads my project and Atlantis now so we are going good we don't know why
But people are supporting us a lot so we would like to share the love and we really would love to let's say adopt The your bundle the creative works bundle supporting you in the communication Shilling about you every day. So how we can make it into
happen now. How can we do that? Because I think I'm about to already propose that. But we really would like to have green light on that to share all the love and our shielding power and to support you to have a big success in this round. How?
Yeah, thank you so much for offering that. Um, uh, Obranto did mention this and I am 100% on board. Um, so I think we should just continue to
coordinate that and we can offline it from this chat. But I think this is also just a special moment for us all to revel in as people can coordinate right in these spaces.
Amazing, so we will coordinate maybe with DM and then maybe from tomorrow we'll start to give you our full support.
I just mean, may I request you or any person that is co-host to pin the messages that we put in the chat so that other people are able to see them and
the price can she'll better their projects please. So yes, we'll do that. We'll do that. So we were just coordinating between the speakers and we will do that right now. Thank you. Thank you for pointing it out.
Yes, and guys, any more questions? Any more thing that you guys want to address?
Okay, right. Hi, I see it's none. So thank you very much. You guys have speakers who have gone so far. Thank you very much. And we just like to reiterate that cities and businesses use Climetek to collaborate with a community across three major areas, which is mobility, energy and waste, climate action and a GCP.
platform offers carbon quantified climate action tracking that can be verified and supported with climate options or beta is ready but we need funds to work with the verification consultants for the methodology. So please contribute to our market bundle and follow us on Twitter and support climate tech with your contributions.
Moving on to next speaker, it's Vanara and I hope Vanara you can access the speaker option. Yes, yes, I can. Yes, this amazing. The floor is yours. Please give an introduction about yourself. You are a product and switch in your project and yes.
Go ahead.
speakers, first of all I need to say this. I am Mora from Vanara Project. I get involved in the web tree space, in the re-file space around seven, six months ago and I immediately liked all the projects and
all the concepts around here. At the moment I am working for both artistile and Wanara. In Wanara we are working with hemp to produce textile goods, clothing accessories, pet toys and some apparel kind of different
production lines. Actually one error has a couple of different missions. The first is to spread the word of hemp, this ancient plant that benefits all ecosystem starting from the soil, starting from the air by capturing
carbon dioxide by nurturing the soil and reaching the soil. This is why we want to make the world remember this ancient plant because we used to be using hemp for so many goods that we are using like raw
like clothing, the bags, it's the most durable fiber in the world actually. But now that we are using fast fashion, the plastics, the synthetic material that degrades so easily, that we forgot that kind of
raw materials actually. So we are producing physical goods with hemp. That fiber is processed also without machinery with hands to turn into a yarn that can be workable to produce
some goods. Then afterwards we are working with women, economically disadvantaged women in Anatolia, the countryside in Turkey, and they are making the goods with their hands, actually their handmade crafts. So it makes them unique.
makes them valuable. For this project, our mission is actually to support that women because they are kind of forced to work in other areas that they are not experts of because of the industrialization. They sometimes had to
live their villages, live their small towns and move into cities. And we thought that this whole regeneration mind is about giving the right value to the right value we are putting out there in the world and producing goods with our hands
the goods that we are using for us, for our bodies like clothing. It's a very great value that we are faced to forget, right? This is why we are planning to create funds to support that local artisan women
also our artist collective that makes our design works that has created an NFT project that we are preparing to launch and that's another part of the project. We want to spare some funds to actually to be able
to pay our part time or full time contributors so that we can produce more digital art and in real life products. And with the digital art we are planning to create some utilities so that people can contribute to our cause, contribute to our cause of making
making the world remember hemp and making the word remember to use slow fashion products, the products that are prepared with hand so that we can remember our connection with earth and with soil again.
Thank you very much, Anand. I think we'll move to the next speaker. We have Regents tonight and then I think we have Jeremy and Corrina. I think I'm spelling it correctly.
I think we have two speakers from Regency Knight, guys over to you and let us keep it brief because we got a lot of speakers joining the space too. So yes, guys, over to you now.
Well, I'll kick off. My name is Jeremy with Regents United. Thank you, guys, so much. Climate Tech for hosting this wonderful space with delightful souls. I'm so happy to hear about support for our artists and creative spaces that we can tell better stories.
Regents unite is we are going directly at this representation problem that we seem to be having in many big parts of Web 3. We got a bunch of nerds, we got a bunch of DGens, we got a bunch of guys, basically create
creating games as I see it that will come to define the future of human civilization. And if all of the rest of us normal people, as I consider myself, only have the choices to pick from that are created by
technophiles and de-gins, then I think the world slips into a dystopian direction faster than not. So we are bringing the spirit of regeneration and the wider world of regeneration, hoping them bring them into the context of Web 3 and regenerative finance.
I hope to bring all different types of people doing regenerative work, whether that be of the individual spirit, the sense of community, the biosphere, the technosphere as well into one big happy circle. And, Kourin, do you want to talk a little bit more about how exactly we're doing that?
Yeah, I mean in a nutshell the concept of Regents Unite was born because we had some initial contributors in the Dow that recognized the lack of conversation around regenerative systems building in the web 3 space.
There have been individual, I mean there are communities that have been working on regeneration for many decades. And the idea, and then you also have like the tech sphere of, you know, you have like traditional Web2 tech working on climate solutions, you have now Web3 and crypto looking at it in terms of like
Re-Fi, also DSI, and then you have the traditional climate movement that's been working on this for quite a long time. So really the idea behind Regen's Unite is to bring all of these different communities together under one roof to start building relationships and start to
We can collaboratively build regenerative systems because the only way that we're going to be able to accomplish creating regenerative solutions for communities and for the planet is if we work together and no single entity is going to create those solutions on their own. It's only going to come through that web of collaboration.
collaboration and community and solution design. So, and the way that we're just to keep this brief but getting to the point, the way that we're looking to bring people together is multifaceted. One way is through in real life events. So we hosted four events over the past year in Amsterdam, Brussels,
Berlin and also we were a hub within Bogota, DevCon. Bringing people together on the ground with facilitated programs that really hone in on conversations, not on top-down presentations, but actually on
those interactive pieces to kind of like break down the barriers, the stigmas and get people talking from their different perspectives. And the next component that we're also working on now is an educational media arm, you know, to sort of to make sure that we can provide like a single source for
regenerative thinkers and builders to see where they can meet each other in the future. So upcoming events all over the world and also start sharing information with each other in a single place. And then the third component that we're working
on is actually providing these services to other groups because we do have a core team of experienced facilitators and regenerative thinkers. And we'd like to offer that to other groups that are looking to do events where we can help to curate their programs, you know, help to transition events away from
hyper networking, like top down presentation style, and to more of a community focused, also locally grounded events set up. So yeah, that's what we're aiming for right now, and that's also what we're raising.
for is the implementation of these next series of events and to set up that media arm and we will be offering these services. Spread facilitation throughout the wider world of regenerative finance of Web 3 so that we can get more participatory spaces to increase the surface area
of different types of people participating in this great space. I mean, we have extraordinary regions in this space and throughout the ecosystem. How can we enable other people that don't speak the Web3Lingo to still be able to participate in the conversation? Thank you guys so much.
Thank you guys for participating too and I think this is the last speaker of 4D and we have Richard who is representing SolarRove or Richard over to you now.
Well, thank you. And I will try to be brief, but you know, when I'm listening to all the speakers, I just don't want to stop. I mean, the knowledge we're downloading here, the collaboration is so exciting. What I am, I'm
an artist of a different type which we could call inventor. And so I bring tech to the contribute to the work that we see everyone engaging in. And you know tech is often
You know, difficulty where we see it's going in the wrong direction, so to speak, what do we mean by wrong direction? We need our innovations and our technology to connect us more with nature, right? More with life.
to enliven our cities, to our villages, and to also, as we say, localize. We need tech that localizes. We need our food to be produced even in our homes, right, in our built environment, and what we see around
is billions of hectares being mechanized, soil destroyed, so called to produce food, what we're really producing is commodity, right? And these commodities benefit the elite, the power
in our economic system, which we know we need to reform, we need to rebuild, we need to regenerate. So, you know, my technology has offered its open source. I've been at this for many decades. The technology is ready for people to adopt.
and to adapt and to propagate. And we believe in hubs and creating decentralized and distributed capabilities, capabilities for manufacture. For the know-how,
that is required in every community that can be propagated that way throughout the world. So that is, I've recently now I'm associated with the home dow. You know, home dow is not maybe very active in these spaces.
But I'm also happy to be connecting with so many people here who are speaking and you know, please just do connect and and let us help one of the areas of course is climate the right architecture is necessary for us to
make the progress that we need in climate. Yes, we need force and force cool the planet. Well, when we bring nature into our homes, plants that are growing our food can actually cool our built environment. And so we're
ready to demonstrate these developments and not just demonstrate but have others practice, put into practice. So that's looking forward to this year anticipating quite a few physical demonstrations actually. So this
is exciting. Thank you very much. Thank you, friends. Thank you so much for joining us with Climbed Tech. And thank you so much for sharing experience and all that. We love, we really enjoy hosting you. I think I'm giving it over to our founder, Jasmin, for the closing comments.
Yeah, I think before we close I just wanted to make sure that you know we have not left anyone who wanted to talk about their project and you know really share the lovely work that they are doing so if we have accidentally left anyone please you know
We still have a few moments to raise your hand and we could just have you in talk about your project because that's what I think Web 3 is. When we started interacting with other Web 3 founders, I just felt the
space is very different from the other industries that have been in because those spaces are very competitive right I mean they hardly any support from peers but that's that's very unlike here I think from day one we have been really open
well with a lot of support that we have got so far and we plan to do the same for our other peers as well in the community because like I think somebody was saying just before you know the speaker saying that you know it's not one person or one venture or one
business or one project which is going to turn this thing around. So it needs a village and I believe we are in this village together. So I'm so happy that you know we got the support in the last round. We are hoping
We get the same support from everyone here and we also support each other because that's how we are going to land the ship together. So again, I'm sorry, before we end, I wanted to make sure there are no speaker requests.
I'd just like to say again thank you so much for hosting this space and making it possible for us to spread the word and enjoy these good vibes. Yep you're most welcome. I think we will be hosting another space as well. Maybe one or two more spaces next week and again regarding
of you know, get coin or not get coin. We continue to have our client text faces very regularly. So we do reach out to other members as well. So this collaboration I believe is not just limited to the grants. We do want to make sure we support each other.
and we really give our resources we have, we are open to sharing with others, whatever we have learned. I think like Procrete has talked about our project as well. We are working with cities
specifically focus on the East Coast and West Coast cities in the US where we are working with them in real life to work with their communities to reduce emissions. Our beta is ready. We are planning to roll it out to the cities who have expressed interest
But as start of founders we need money and we need funds for the things we have hoped to achieve. So feel free to check our link out. It's pinned to the space. And again, before we end, I just want
to make sure there are no others who would want to kind of just come on stage and talk about the project. If there is, I'll just see if we'll give a moment and see if there's any rays of hands otherwise we'll just end the space.
Okay, I don't see a raise of hand but again I think thank you so much for joining in. Have a good rest of the day and we will be hosting another space.
next week as well so stay tuned and you know we'll meet hopefully next week as well thank you so much thank you very much have a nice one yeah you're right
Safe travels on, Regent Unite.

FAQ on Gitcoins Alpha round with Climte heros πŸš€ | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the Twitter space?
To introduce and promote various climate change projects.
Who spoke first in the Twitter space?
Solar Punked Out.
What is Down Building Earth Coin?
It is a currency backed by climate solutions that address humanity's core needs.
What does Climetech do?
They provide a platform for cities and businesses to collaborate with their communities to take action on climate change and reduce emissions.
What is the overall goal of Climetech?
To help cities reduce their emissions by 30 to 40% and manage various rebates, funding options, and resources for communities to take action on climate change.
What is the importance of grant runs for Climetech?
Grant runs are important for funding verification consultants to help create initial models for managing carbon credits.
What is the SolarPunk Guild Collection?
It is a collection curated by SolarPunk Guild Alliance to support various climate change projects in different bundles.
What is the goal of UrbΓ‘nica's five-year journey?
To create a portfolio of sustainable, regenerative, climate positive technologies and methodologies to present to municipal councils and chambers of commerce for sustainable urban planning.
Why is it important to support multiple climate change projects?
To maximize donations and support smaller projects that may make a big impact.
What can listeners do to support the climate change projects mentioned in the Twitter space?
Check out the given links and contribute to the projects/bundles.