GM FRIDAY: what’s happening in web3? Feat. @rodcacioli

Recorded: Feb. 17, 2023 Duration: 0:57:19



to see for the first time in a long time to see my money grow, no? I'll invite Rodi. Oh, let me just join with my personal account here. I'm just donating.
I might be a spy call here. How are you doing my friend? How are you doing, Drugs? Hello guys. How are you doing? I'm fine here. I'm fine. It's perfect to have you here. Thank you for accepting the invitation.
You are actually the second cast that we bring in these spaces. Yeah, the first one was La Lodraja and you are the second one. Not too important.
Yeah, that's a pleasure guys. You should do more of that for sure Thank you for the invitation can you hear me well? I think it's quite a windy here Yeah, just
Just starting here, Jim Nifty-Five with Nalz Brasil, today we have Rod as a special guest. And how are you seeing the markets nowadays? How are you seeing today the markets?
What give me some personal I think that as we've all been seeing the last few years Marcus is being ruled by narratives so
in the last few weeks we've seen this this road narrative of Bitcoin at least which is actually not real at least they're not known fungled tokens they are fungled tokens but people found a creative way to make it kind of non-fungled
by tracking when that the Satoshi was mine and because of that point according to when that Satoshi was mine that would give its its its its when they are let me find another spot here because I can
I can't hear myself here. I can hear myself here. Yes, it's a little bit more.
then, then, normal. Just a second guys, I think my cats are destroying my house. No problem, no problem, Danny. In this meanwhile, I will invite Query to end this stage as well.
inviting him. If you want to join, yeah. When you can speak, wrote just... Yeah, I'm trying to walk here and find a better spot. No, bro.
I guess I'm the only one that's not having some kind of problem today morning. I mean, I mean, hauls, I'm into the house, like in house and I don't have cats so no problem.
is a life without problems. Yeah. Don't talk about my pets. Problem. They're not. No, no, cats are definitely not problems. Sometimes. Yeah, because you know, they start running like midnight. They look at me and I think sometimes
run very fast. Yeah, they're four. Start running midnight every night. It's like the play time is yeah midnight. I can't stand it. I think it's better now here. Yeah, no, it's absolutely fine.
So as I was saying, there's this narrative of Bitcoin and if it is now, people found this creative way to trek when Satoshi's were mine and based on that give them different narratives. So basically, for example, it's the first Satoshi of the first
block after a halving that will be more valuable than ordinary regular stoshy and because of that this might have a different better so once stoshy my worth I don't know five six bitcoins that's what happened with Bitcoin punks right now and we saw that with freemium
that started last year, then we had the low supply, I have the collections to make the collection more scarce and consequently make it easier to sell up. So we kind of get into this flows of narratives and that's what I see right now. But it
speaking for myself I'm not sure if I'm really into it there's this Bitcoin narrative there's Bitcoin FDs because I like to think on Bitcoin and there's more philosophical way of why it
was created, the financial crisis, a response to the traditional market that we have and all this kind of stuff as a protection, as a reserve currency, a store of value and all this kind of stuff. So speaking for myself, I don't like this Bitcoin empty scenario.
I understand why he came up and to be honest I'm not so sure that is this short-term hype. I think that for sure Bitcoin blockchain is not going to be used for net use that's not what was built for but I think that we will continue to have some
Let's say collections that are going to start to be born on Bitcoin. We were seeing D-gots on Solana, they shifted to Polygon and now they are creating a block of 535 D-gots on Bitcoin block.
We have this ordinal punks. I think that Pudge of Penguins is creating something on Bitcoin network right now. So I'm not sure if this is a very short term hype that is going to go waste in like a week or two from now. I think it's here to stay because people found this way of creating
this narrative. But yeah, that's what I'm seeing the market in the last few weeks. But what do you guys think of all of that as well? Well, I think that just commenting a little bit about what's happening in Bitcoin. This teaches us a little bit about
how infrastructure is less important than culture in network effect. People are going to Bitcoin because of the narratives and because it is a breakthrough, a technology called breakthrough, but at the end of the day, people
running into okay this is the narrative this is the thesis I'm going to bat on this a lot of collections are doing it but at the end of the day we don't have the infrastructure yet we don't have marketplaces we don't have anything to back this so it is kind of that network in fact it's
Okay, it is a technological, it's market, it starts with a technological breakthrough, but you don't actually need infrastructure so well maintained or so well prepared. You have a lot of people in
attitude. This is just a thesis. A lot of people are jumping into it. So at least my point of view, culture is more important than thesis and culture. Storytelling is more important for a network effect sometimes than technology.
That's something that this situation teaches. But just it's difficult to pronounce it your name in English because I would say it out but doesn't make any sense.
Tell me your background to let people there listen a little bit about where you and what you do in the web3? Sure. I was talking to a guy from Canada today. The way he said was
Roger Ego like that. It's super super weird because they were really well like Roger Ego Yeah, but my background I graduated in administration 2017 so it's being a while now and I was working in
and traditional companies I worked in from a silico company that telecommunications company and agriculture company, three companies. I was having this regular life of 99% of people creating a career in this kind of stuff but that wiped it
work well because I found out quite too early that I was not meant to be to be working in companies so I was like yeah fuck off and I left it all and I started creating content back in 2020 actually in the
middle of the pandemics like April or May 2020 but I started with stocks and fixed income and traditional investments in general. I was studying quite a lot that by the time Primo Vigil, Primo Rico, Rio Brasil and some other big ice here, the greatest kind of content.
And I actually got three started by then and started this channel in 2020. Then I also certified myself as an investment specialist. Also, no, that wasn't in 2021.
in a market regulator in Brazil called Dombima. So I got this certification and still today I really like this background. Of course that today I don't have quite time to keep tracking what's happening in the traditional markets to keep looking at balance sheets and
and quarter results and this kind of stuff. But I used to do that quite a lot like two years ago. And then I was introduced to Accent Fidgeting in 2021, a friend of mine told me about this game. And I saw an opportunity on YouTube, by that time there was almost no one doing that
kind of content here Brazil. So I started and that worked pretty well. I grew my channels and etc. But then we had all that that burst on game 5 with those games that were not actually games and that was something that we all learned from that. But yeah, here
hand still from from those days creating content but now speaking about what we're doing a more broader way like thinking on technology thinking on usability as seeing what companies are doing and I'm seeing a lot of shit and we are seeing a lot of shit around there but we see good things
as well and trying to bring this education to people and I'm also trying to go back a little bit more on this initial purpose that brought me to this space that brought me to this idea of creating content which is how people have a better financial education, have better possibilities.
I really try to say out loud that I'm super bullish on my three. I think there's huge opportunities for everyone here. But I also say that Web three is not everything. People are not seeing that you have cycles in no markets. They would have opportunities in no markets and stock markets.
in real estate market and fixed income market in other countries, in emerging markets, in all this kind of stuff. So my purpose here and the way I'm trying to develop my content from now on is to try to help people on their financial education and
with a little bit more focus on what we for sure because that's what I'm living in daily in the last two years so yeah that's that's quite of what I've been doing nice nice it's it's great to know a little bit about
your background because most people know you about like from gangs or gaming mostly and you are actually in other you have a background that is a lot more than just games or I would say more you have more these backgrounds are
financial and business modeling analysis then just then games this is this is the their reality and the theme that I want to to bring here in the gym Friday it is mostly to talk about business modeling in vibedry because
I think most projects don't have this clarity of what they're doing. To be honest, I think that most projects collect and have to collections that pump it. That's all doubt. That did so doubt or stuff like that. Most of them didn't know what to do next. They just
Know how to how to do a minting and just that and Some of them actually I don't see a problem that just we are coming to our wave of open editions for example, and I don't think that each collection needs a
But most of them needs some business modeling because they are promising something. So how do you see business modeling in our tree and what is the gap that we have? Why we have so much projects that don't work?
Oh my god wait. Yeah. I just want to point out that that's a great press, great question. I really want to hear the answer.
Great, let me just, I think is it better here now or? No, it's okay, it's okay. That's a good question. Let me see how it can start. What I see,
My vision of our market right now is that we are still pretty immature. So I think that almost everyone who is here today is still here because of speculation. So we saw a blur dropping some hundreds of
$1 million in the air drops for degenerates in the last few days. And I'm pretty sure that people are using blur, of course, that there are some good points there, some better user experience for traders and all this kind of stuff. But still, 9% of more people who were using blur was just because of the air drop. Just to get some free
cash, some free money. Bort Abe, Dougles, Moonbirds, all these kinds of collections that were born in 2021 or 2022, they created this very big hype because of the momentum, which was we were in the bull run by that time.
After they got very huge valuations and they were funded by DCs and all this kind of stuff, I see that now they have a lot of cash and they are asking themselves, "Alright, so what are you going to do?" They just created the collection, it worked so well, people made a lot of money and now they're trying to do something. So Bart Ape is going for a like creating
and a metaverse, this more like creating a game and an IP around that. Do those, I think, is going more for creating IP for media, maybe TV shows and all this kind of stuff, maybe games as well. But what I mean is that
And we have already talked a lot about that, right? Victor, my prince, which is the gap I see now is that these native projects that were born here in WebTree and they now are full of cash, they lack this understanding of Web2.
business model of creating real solutions and solving real people's real problems and they're just kind of wasting money or not managing all of this money in a proper way. And the other side of that, the other side of this coin is we see Web2 companies doing a lot
of shit because they know the Web2 model but they don't know the Web3 culture. They don't understand this in realization. They don't understand that people have a much more active voice, much more participation in everything. They were talking about community, they were talking about this
that we have here and we share here today, that we laugh of each other and they lack of being here to understand that kind of culture. So there's a gap between these two mindsets, the native one and the guy who is fully Web 2. And I think that the best
business models are the ones who are very good entrepreneurs and they know how to develop real business and solve real people's problems and they are going to do that powered by the blockchain technology using NFTs and using other tools to make a better experience.
and kind of boost what he can provide to their community. One very good example that I see right now, I'm studying that day in the last few days, is he started a YouTube channel like two years ago, but he has a very good track record on real estate on the United States. It's a guy called Ryan Pineda.
Let me see if I can find a tweet of him. Does anyone here know Ryan or have ever heard of him? No actually I don't know. Is this guy here? So if you see YouTube channel
He talks a lot about real estate, like rewards, not metaverse and this kind of stuff. But he's bringing all his expertise of buying real estate and making it more valuable and flipping this real estate in a future moment or leasing the spades or
creating value in the space and sharing that he has a fund where people can invest with him in real estate. And yeah, he's a very great track record and now he's boosting his experience by creating an NFT community. So he has these types
and FD Collection, which is a mastermind for people interested in real estate, especially on the United States. So that will grant people access to the most important events, access to close relationship with him, mentorships, this kind of stuff. And besides that, he has tight coin, which is
a token on blockchain as well with a marketplace and people have lots of options to buy things from this marketplace using tycoin. So he's attaching rear utility and bringing people new options and empowered by the
blockchain technology using tokens and and and at least what he's done also is that from day one from day zero actually before he released the neptical action he bought a house on Miami if I'm not sure like one million dollars house with his own money he
created like an amazing space and now whoever owns, whoever holds one of these tights NFTs can, well I forgot the word in English, Lee's, Aluga, rent, whoever holds the NFTs can rent that house
for a period of time. And say like an Airbnb and some sort of solution like that. So this is the kind of business model that I'm most built bullish. And after all, he released two collections so far. We're in a brand market and both of his collections were released in
markets and they are sold like water like minutes they were not cheap the less one who released was like 2,000 and 105 2,000 2,500 dollars each and it's sold like water and that's what we see when we see real things being built real problems being solved
empowered by NFTs and tokens etc. That's gonna sell out. And I see the most bullish people and solutions that I see are bridging this gap between natives and between fully webQ companies that are doing a lot of shit like Warner and some other
But yes, like here from you guys, well, what do you think? And you have any other games to share? No, I didn't know this case of Ryan Pineda. I sure will study afterwards because it seemed very
interesting your real estate and things like that feel like a community that we didn't entered yet or like not with the strength that we can enter and it is a really big niche
I'll just ask, what is the difference from what part should be? Because part is very recognizable brands, very great.
They did a lot of people, everyone knows Portia. They did a lot here with the bots, the ENS, Portia. If the static source were very good, I think the strength of Portia is always
designing, the design was very good, but at the end of the day they were a major flop and a lot of people didn't like it and actually I saw a thread from Betty from that fellace and she was dismantling the whole, the whole parser minting.
What was the difference? Because you said that Pineda wasn't like was price it? High and Portia one of the main critics was the pricing What we've run with Portia and what work it with Pineda?
For me, the main difference that a Pineda, he lived the space before he released his inepticolation. So if you check his YouTube channels, he was creating content on NFTs. He was onboarding new people like how to create your metamass, what is an NFT, what are the possibilities in all this kind of stuff. So a few months before he was
already into the space, educating people. He was participating in spaces, he did some collabs with some other people who were fully web-free like Brett Malinowski, it's a very good person to follow on YouTube as well. So they recorded a video together saying about real estate and how that will be boosted by
took anization and walked shame it's kind of stuff so the main difference that I see here actually our first one is he lived to kill the culture and he really understood that this kind of community and stuff civilization and people being powered by this community and so
The second thing that I saw is that he was focused on a specific target audience. So if I'm not mistaken, like almost all of his nephews were sold because of his speeches. He has real life events, these real life events already
happened four or four years to come in the last few years. He used to do that as a... All this strange speaker, as a speaker of big events. And on these events, he would educate people and show the potential of the parties and all this kind of stuff in the real estate business. And he would
He would also mention what he was building in the net space, which is his collection. So he was straightforward talking to the right audience who would buy his netties, which is people interested in real estate and people interested in technologies and who understood the power that this new technology could
bring to the real estate market. So he really focused on that target audience and that's why I think that it's sold out like water. So these two points. And when we were talking about Porsche, they didn't do any of that. They created this Ford server.
November, less here, they released the collection like a month ago or something. So in three or four months, since they started their their discord channel, they released like three or four announcements. These three or four announcements were fully of specifics of the minting, how was going
the process be, the price and all this kind of stuff. They didn't even have a chat channel where people could get together and talk and ask questions and this kind of stuff. So I think it's those kind of strategies that you just create some
You don't communicate well, you don't try to understand who are you trying to reach with that solution, what problems are you trying to solve and make it clear for that audience to understand what they can get from that. And you just throw it down into people's throats, jog a gola bash.
You make people swallow it down what you're trying to bring and that might not be a real problem for them and might not be a real solution for them so they just don't understand what they're buying and they're buying for speculation. So I'm pretty sure that almost everyone who bought
this Porsche and FT, it's because they thought that the price would go up and they would sell it afterwards for a profit. Like that was the profile of people who bought it in a Porsche and FT's. That was pretty clear to me. And if you see Ryan's audience, very few people bought his and FT after
thinking on profits, thinking on making some cash on it. Like almost everyone who bought that are people who are interested in real estate and are people who understood how real estate will be leveraged by blockchain. And those in FTs would bring them this solution and this opportunity.
and today like 80% of tights and if this are steak, so people are not interested in selling it because they want to get tight coin to use on solutions and because of the dry end and his community and this kind of stuff. So I'm not sure if I made myself clear but those are the main difference that I saw.
- No, it's totally. If Danny wants to bring some question or some topic that she wants to make, feel free, friend. - Oh, not actually. I'm enjoying you guys. Okay, yeah. - Okay, okay.
One thing that I want to discuss a little bit is how to say that without being a boring person. It's very usual.
to have proposals to do some NFTs or metaverse projects for artists or for celebrities. I would say not artists as a whole and not diminishing
We have a lot of celebrities that are interested in entering the directory space. For example, we have Trump, for example, we have Trump entering the NFT space. And we have other celebrities.
are doing the same thing, they have the name, they think that because they have the name they will sold out. Most of them do sold out and they have, they raise some cash for them. But my main question for
How do you see these celebrities and fts? How do you maintain? How do you? Okay, you sold out this is this is effect not it can be good particle here are back for the community because the celebrity can now
never look at it again. Okay, so that would then, okay, never mind. I'm doing other other stuff. How do you see that? Larities and FTs and how to maintain a project after the sold out? How to create more value?
I think that not only celebrities but whoever is releasing an Neptune project, I think that the ideas must be on table clear why you're going to provide what you're going to do.
give the holders. Of course, you might have new ideas in the future, so you leave that open. We're doing this and this and that, but we're also open for new things to come in the future, whoever knows. But I'm not bullish on people who just release an empty project. And, you know, yeah, it's just that. Just taking that card and
and do whatever you want and nobody knows what's happening after that. So I think that must be some kind of real utility to that. And I'm not saying to this cliche that we hear, but I mean, real utility and I see that
What we most have are projects that are not solving real problems. That's the thing. Most projects are doing the same or what they're doing is not a real problem for their audience. So let's take Trump as an example. I'm not taking any
political opinion here so don't give a fuck if I like or I don't like Trump or you two guys like or not just this less think as rational people right Trump had like 49 50% of the last election on USA so let's say that
At least 150 million people, I don't know if the USA has like 300 million people or something like that. So let's say that 150 million people at least they like and they support Trump. And he released 45,000 NFTs and these 45,000
would give according to the rarity of the neti, you could play golf with with trump or have a dinner with him etc. So you might not like trump but there are a hundred and fifteen million people who support trump for forty five thousand empties who could give you the possibility of playing golf with trump. So of course that he targeted
an audience and of course that would sell out real quickly because there are a lot of people willing to play to buy that card that I have to have the possibility to play with Trump and whatever and that was clear since day one so when people bought that cards more
Most people bought for speculation because they knew that was a very popular celebrity and they would make some profit for sure. But also I'm pretty sure that a lot of people saw value that because it was clear since they won what they would get with that NFT.
millions of people, school, for sure would pay a lot of money to be closed to Donald Trump. So that's the, so that's what I think. I think that things need to be clear since from day zero. And after the project is launched, I think that a keyword is
over delivery. So maybe if you promise X, how can you deliver X plus Y? How can you deliver more than your promise? That will be because we're talking about user experience or a whole other experience, let's say like that. So maybe Trump now, let's suppose,
He's going to bring now a new idea of whoever holds 5 of his and FTs are going to have a special dinner or whatever. But he can create new stuff because that's what you're talking here about in the end of the day. That's what Ryan did as well. If you have 5 of his and FTs
you're going to have some plus and plus and plus stuff like real meetings with him to get mentorship on real estate and all this kind of stuff. And I think that word, one of the most important words after the NFT collection is launches over deliveries.
So do more than what was promised and we will deliver value to that kind of people and those interests and those problems that those people have as well. But I think I could think of some things else but I mean just
of the straight out of the gate that's what I would think here. Yeah, I would say that of course you can give a lot of this type of utilities like meeting grid stuff but I think it's so select NFT's are so
So easy to sell and so hard to give utility to know because of course you have these things that you mentioned about but Trump can't meet with 200,000 people.
it is impossible, human impossible. So yes, you can do some utility, but this is very, very scary, I'll say, the possibilities at some point, you need to be creative, that's the point. And just go
going to another topic here and it's something that is straining for a little bit while now and maybe similar what maybe like the metro path to what we are talking about it is open editions. How do you open
A lot of people see in good eyes, a lot of people see this is just a fair, a fair, these people some people see this as totally wrong stuff. How do you see open editions and how this can evolve in the future?
What I like most about open editions is that you kind of remove so much of this speculative mindset that we're talking so far and I think that our mark is still floated with speculation. I think almost all we have are still
strongly attached to speculation. So when you create open conditions, you remove so much of this noise because people are not buying it. If people know that certain NFT collection is going to have 5,000 of supply or 2,000 or 1,000, of course they know there is a limited supply so based on demand that can
that price could go higher and higher and higher and I can make some profit. When you don't have clear what's going to be the supply of that collection that could go for like 50,000 or 100,000 so you don't have a cap for for the supply that could go on and on and on. They removed that kind of speculation I think that it might bring to the table new people
that are going to buy just for the art or just the support or just for the culture or for the for the memes and all this kind of stuff and that's what I see as the the strongest point here also I think that it would be a great idea for for celebrities as well
well because let's say what's the name of the Taylor Swift, I don't know, whatever, a very popular singer or etc. Let's say she releases 1000 empty pieces for
community to get in touch with her, have some special benefits, accesses, etc. And then this 1000 empty pieces go into the hands of spec layers who doesn't even know one song by Thorestip and don't give a shit about her, just want to make some some cash. That would make her fans really, really angry, right? Because
They didn't have the opportunity to buy those FTs. So open conditions might be a good option for example for Taylor Swift to release for an FTC. And then people just start buying with really low prices. Let's say 10 bucks, 20 bucks just to be part of her community. And then inside that community he could
she could create tears or like a little bit more expensive NFTs or not specifically NFTs but could be a token as well a fun boat token or this kind of stuff so people could directly the her most her the people
who like her most, her more expressive fans could kind of get those upgrades and go up in these tiers and they are willing to pay more for that because they want to be closer to Taylor Swift and have a closer relationship at just events, shows, concerts and etc. But yeah the main base of
could be like an open edition because it's low price, it's accessible for everyone and that's not going to be in the hands of speculators of monkey-peak-cher guys who just want to make some profit, you know, and not her offense. So yeah, I like
open editions because of those points but let me hear I think Jio is up here as well maybe you just want to share something with us yeah I just wanted to to like contribute with what I learned like I'm not an artist so I don't know a lot about art my thing is more like math and numbers but I probably like
this whole check-scraze. I was out there since like the very beginning so I kind of like got exposed to a lot of content about open editions and more like art stuff, more peer art. And I think that like I agree with with with way of said like open editions I think are very good like they give the opportunity for people to like
to have artists that they like to have pieces from artists that they like at like an entry course you know because a lot of these guys now any piece that they release is like 10-E 20-E. So for people like who like their work but don't really have that much money it's an opportunity for them to have
a piece of the artist. It's like not a unique piece, but that's what you get for a very low cost. So I think it's fair. And that also like expands the community for these artists, right? A lot of them, since it's too expensive, they're only known by a very, very, very small group of people who have the money and who understand
art. When you do like an open edition, you can sell like 100,000. So before you had a hundred one of ones and now you have 100,000. So like your community just expanded like greatly. And I think people who criticize, they talk more about like the try to profit
kind of like trend because of people think that open editions now is the meta so whenever there is an open edition just mint a hundred and then sell it for twice but I think that it's not really about the high for two flip I don't think open editions are good to flip this is just like a low
price for you to get access to an artist and to let the market decide. So it can mint zero or it can mint 100K. So that's that's a little bit of what I think. Yeah just just one thing that I also remember here is that there are some cases here and we need to pay attention to that. Some people are
using this open edition narrative to create like an extrusion horse. Let's say for example, it's an open edition so you can buy as many pieces as you want, etc. and you have a cap supply. Okay. But then in the roadmap, that project says, oh, sometime in the future, you're going to burn 20 of
NFTs or 10 if you get this very special NFTs. So by the end of the day, they're planning to have a cap supply limited. They're just using the open-edition narrative to bring people in, but then that would act as a Trojan horse.
initial narrative to bring people but then by the end of the day you're going to have a limited supply and people are buying that thinking on that limited supply and that they're going to make money right they're going to make some profit and etc so need to pay attention to that but those projects that are open edition the way that it should be
I'm bullish on that because as I said I'm bullish on projects that are bridging web 2 with web 3GEPs like Ryan real solutions, so be real people's problems and I'm bullish on solutions that are onboarding new people and removing a big part of this speculative
mindset that we have and I think open conditions might be pretty good to that. Like we're doing, like Reddit is doing with free and empty is just bombarding millions of people. Open conditions might be very good for artists as as Joe said and this kind of stuff. So I'm going to show them on the solutions.
Nice, this one of the Tertian horse. It's very interesting. Very, very interesting, I'd say. Very creative. Yeah, exactly. It's a very creative, I would say.
So I think that's it. I would like to have two hours of your time to talk a little bit more about that. I know that you have awesome projects that you analyze in the past that I wanted to hear a lot about the metaverse programs.
that you some of them you you you had some good critic on it and some of them You had like suggestions and I very very much like this this analysis of yours, but unfortunately we don't have we don't have the time because I
that will be 15-15 minutes but if you want to do some commenting oh Hermes is going up here do I have my friend? GMGM? GMGM guys, GM Roth, how are you doing guys?
and totally find my friends.
I would love to hear your, I was listening to you guys and I would love to hear your opinions on what I'm about to say. I had a conversation with a friend yesterday about this.
this whole NFTs market and I think there are the NFT market and that there are the WebTree. I think that we had WebTree spoilt mainly in this bear market with this utility meta.
in which NFTs have to provide utility to their holders. And for me this is a big lie. You know, this is nothing feasible at all because I will give you an example like the, the, the, I keep calling
at least which was one of the most well-suced NFTs collections lately. They have raised among minting and the royalties so far something close to $2 million. And they are promising awesome stuff to their holders but
What can you do with $2 million? What kind of money is that? What kind of move you can make with $2 million? What kind of gain you can create with $2 million? Consider it paying the cost of the operation, the team and everything.
how much would be left and we are talking about like a collection has been trending for weeks now and in the top of OpenC HECK. So I think that utility in collections are the only utility that it has to
put the right people together at the same place around the same cause with people with the same taste, some references in common, trying to build something together. And this for me is where three, no matter how Porsche has acted when they had the chance to win their collection,
It will never be a web tree because they are a huge brand. They are big on their hands, they can do whatever they want. This is not building together. That's my opinion. We have already had a conversation about what is and what is not web tree. So I'm curious to see what you guys think about it.
go ahead and run this is for you. I think Jio open his mic. I don't know, he's not here for me anymore in this stage. Oh, for me here's speaker here. Yeah, for me he's not anywhere
Yeah, that's a very good discussion. I think that if we start that we're going to be here for like one more hour because in general I agree with what you pointed out, Ervis. One example that I'm going to give is Pokemon, TCG,
Pokemon trading card games. People spend billions of dollars for these cards because they want to play the game and not only that they have this kind of think of that as collectibles but that they besides that it doesn't bring anything new to the
table. Nintendo is just getting value from the community by selling TCG cards and people are buying that freely and spending amounts of money, billions of dollars just because they see value that because they're collectibles and because of course the IP brand. Let's say for example the first share is art released in 19
$18.98. That car today has value something, as well as something like $100,000. Cherry's art car. So people buy this kind of stuff. We have collectible markets here in the reward for many things on night sneakers. People collect
Hot Wheels and many other stuff, car games and this kind of stuff. And if we bring that to NFTs, that could work as well. Now we have Iced Car City, now we have limited supply on the digital word. That's a difference from now that we have blockchain. And that's the question that we have.
If Pokemon releases ATCG as NFTs, that might not have a real utility like community and this kind of web free culture that we have. But that would absolutely be successful because we're taking this collectible mindset to the digital world and for sure because of the IP as well.
There would be millions and millions of people willing to buy those things just because they're collectibles just to sit and watch just to sit and see that they have those special cards that were released in collections etc. And they can keep them for their kids 20 years from now 30 years from now and
bring this car to the car.
something, create utility, but they don't know real problems, they don't know what they're gonna build for those people and it's kind of stuff. But yeah, I think we could be here for like an hour having this kind of conversation which is super great as well. And I don't know if you'll be able to agree with me or just want to add something else.
No, certainly. As I said, there is the web tree and then there is the NFT market. Both of them have their qualities and the reasons for people to join. We just need to know
where to draw the line and where to choose and we learned we need to learn to understand to separate stuff because they are different in their roots in their accents, you know, and there's nothing wrong.
Rehrikanah or table Swift or anyone releasing NFTs with a lot of utility. This is the NFT market and this is awesome for us because it makes NFTs popular and gives power to all the collections together. And then there is the Web Tree.
in which regular people are trying to face big companies and to face the billionaires rule the world and what we see and what we are offering in the internet and in the world. So I think this is the
the difference and this is where the line is you know but I totally agree that NFTs can have a lot of cheaty chees and this is awesome and also wet 3 collection skin offer a lot of cheaty chees eventually when they are successful
That's cool enough and of course, utility is something very personal, right? Like for me having a community that offers me a voice check, feel it with people that I love almost every day, have enough utility to know what I mean.
Nice, nice, is this the way that we will end our DM Friday? Thank you Hermit for being here. Thank you Rod for giving you a little bit of your time to discuss a little bit about
about NFT road with us. Thank you, Danny, for being here as well. Thank you guys. Have a nice great day. Have a nice weekend. Yeah, good carnival for those who want to go to.
to the carnival. And thanks everyone that listened to us here that joined you as well and have a great day you guys. Jam Jam. Yeah, bye. Thank you my loved ones. Bye bye. Bye everyone. Much love.

FAQ on GM FRIDAY: what’s happening in web3? Feat. @rodcacioli | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the special guest in the podcast?
What is the topic of discussion in the podcast?
The current state of the markets
What is the current trend in the market according to the guest?
The market is being ruled by narratives
What is the example given by the guest to illustrate the current trend in the market?
The narrative of Bitcoin
What is the guest's personal opinion about the Bitcoin hype?
He is not sure if it is a short-term hype or here to stay
What does the guest believe is more important for network effect?
Culture and storytelling
What is the guest's background?
He graduated in Administration and worked in traditional companies before starting a career in web3 content creation
What type of content did the guest create before transitioning to web3?
Content related to stocks, fixed income, and traditional investments
What game did the guest start creating content on in 2021?
Axie Infinity
What is the guest's goal in creating content?
To provide better financial education and opportunities for people