GM! Meme Rug Pulls 🤔 and Coinbase suing SEC 🤯

Recorded: April 25, 2023 Duration: 0:31:39
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Oh, you know, of course yesterday I published about it and then watch a crazy dates of your Brazilian like yeah, the pictures happen. Yeah, I that's my main question. What the
How happened? Yeah, exactly. I will just pin it here when one thing about it. But the interesting thing is that it is actually a guy that created
The guy that is behind the scam is behind Nazaria Marga. He is a meme page. Not a good one. That's the worst one.
Man, that's very interesting because he has... Basically, this story is a little bit like that. His soul's math from mathematics, the token math,
He raised 68 in a jail, mainly among Nakameegos holders, mainly in their community. He deactivates his Twitter.
Actually, he also promoted the Mamicoi in the Nazarena Marga profile. It is a giant one. It is something like 4 million.
followers on Twitter, they have more followers on Instagram and actually they trace down
The guy who created the Nasar-e-Amarga, his name is Gabriel. He is the same guy that he actually, the story is very
because all things point to him the wallets that make made the hug it is tattooed, and his back
his body and it is the same all that did the hug. At the same time he uses the Nakami kuzde the wallet have in the SPFP. He deactivated his reader but on his IG
account it is still there with with Nakamegos as a spfb Nakamegos that day he used to scam scam all people and at the end of the day he activated the the math coin
account, just to apologize to people because they found out who he was. And he essentially promised to give it back.
the scam, the money that went to him in jail. And actually he did double transactions. So he lost a 10k in dollars because
of it because he sends no call transactions. Well, well, because the wrong comes back around. Why? It is not the craziest story that can happen in one day.
Yeah, like I have us Twitter thread where I put some praises stuff that happen on the market like You know social swap marketing campaign or I don't know now's down buying
by a frog's name but now like a Brazilian bad meme page being woven in this cam this is crazy man and also I remember when guys used to scammed with all being done
and we doubt being discovered like Brazil doesn't have a great great you know reputation in a lot of ecosystem million internet million web 3 now come on it's so it's so sad this guy this guy
But it's so sexy, it's so spectacular to see him losing almost an educate for pure dumbness. I need to agree with you. Jamie Goodie, how are you doing my friend?
GM friends. I'm good. I'm good. I just want to say that he's not the only one. I was tracking someone, let's see, yesterday and I found out, I found out someone who is basically creating new tokens, new pairs and rugged them.
I find a wallet that did that basically more than five times just yesterday. So like that the market is floated with people like this right now. And it's very weird man because it's so easy to create a token and to get liquidity, get some liquidity and like with
all these meme coin hype, everyone's buying like everything we've all doing in any research. So yeah we're seeing a lot of people follow the same path as this fellow Brazilian. Yeah like a lot of people is an equity. Yeah I'm saying this because
I just got to record three times yesterday by the same guy. I end up following his story. Do you guys know what is the best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best#
The best lore of this space, I will send you here. This is the comparison between breaking bad and creating a DJN NFT project. But I think we can change NFT DJN project for main coin founder.
But it's kind of the same, you can say at the end of the day, "I don't fear a hug. I am the hug."
He is by him and in some moments he will create his own name and he can say that.
sometimes on ZX, XBTC, Twitter, we had two or three months from now and I'm just worried you guys don't be afraid. I'm good, I'm living in Bahamas if that's the case.
Yeah, my fellow is my side. It's a nice place for nice people.
Morning if you fly doing great I was I was here trying to follow up on all this mess I was in the Twitter while you guys are talking and really
the thread that opposed it. Holy man. This is just like embarrassing. I can't find out that the poor... How am I supposed to explain to my mom that I work in this ecosystem? Like it's my real job, but I pay bills.
doing it I don't know how to do it so much money right so much money being tossed I used fear in there what sorry I said that so much money being tossed here and there like it was
Nothing, you know, some people will work their whole lives and wouldn't be able to raise like 60k dollars and then some dumb, you know, reach your reach boy, go there and do a dumb move like that.
Yeah, I mean it's kind of times are crazy now, but yeah, stay safe One thing that I want to say is that it is it's not just funny and it is it is a little bit embarrassing because he is a positive But then of the day it is very interesting to this job
happens. Because we don't actually know all of people there in the ecosystem. This guy, he tattooed the walled dress. He was very dumb because he didn't know the basics of how crypto works.
You know, the traceability that he make all these things is just dumb. But in the end of the day, we don't actually know everyone that is here. A lot of people, they are Brazilians and they are consistent with things. You think that we know everyone, but they did
guy we didn't know knew it every year not not anything about it and one thing that is I heard some guy saying is that he could do so much good stuff so much well good
projects with the rich that he has. Like the outreach that the page has and he has, he could create some good projects. He's a meme project but he chose to reg and ended up with a loss.
So yeah, it's sad, it is funny, and it's ironic. But yeah, talking about irony, we had like the most Chad move from the exchange for a long time.
We're talking about Coinbase, Swing, nothing more, nothing less than SEC. I don't know nothing about this subject today. So yeah, I'm counting on you guys.
you guys saw basically the non-statement on Gare Gensler in the American Congress. Basically he didn't clarify either if his security or the commodity and is very difficult to work in the situation
because there is no clarity. Even though that Gary Gansler in MIT lecture did said that it is not security, in this time as a head chairman of SEC, he didn't speak spoke
about it, about what class of asset it is either. And because of that, I think Coinbase is so annoyed with that, not just that, but I think this was a bridge that can
can attack but Coinbase is being annoyed by the SEC for a long time ago. It is not from yesterday. It is from a long time SEC has been in the... really paying for Coinbase.
And now the dog I don't remember the motor anymore but yeah the things are upside down. How do you guys see that? I want to see the take off of Cudi if we have some.
Yeah, so as someone that graduated from low school, I find that move from Coinbase basically awesome because man, I've worked with similar players not with Coinbase, not with an exchange, but someone that needs clarity from regulation and to get to the point
point where you have to pursue someone, pursue some governance, some governance thing as SEC because they are not responding to your questions about pluridian regulation, man. That's not like something that we see every day basically
the opposite. They get to a point where they could not stand anymore how long it was took into SEC to respond their questions and doubts about Prito that they needed to sue them. I think Hermes will
be more familiar with me but man they get to that point where they could not stand anymore as you see man and that's very very awesome because they I don't know if you guys read their their notes about everything but they are not demanding that as you see like give them some
approval or anything. They are basically asking for some revelation clarity and asking like, hey, NFTs are securities. Hey, like we need intimidate some of these web tree market. And man, it's awesome. And like it's awesome to see they get into that point.
and they face it up as you see because a lot of the time you end up with these questions for SEC or for CDM and you end up waiting for them to respond. You wait like a month or maybe two months and they end up responding.
I already passed it more than 6 months and nothing from SEC so that's a shame, that's really really shame for my personal opinion and I really do want, I really do hope that Coinbase ended up winning this one because I don't know that I really do not think that they will win with SEC
but they said that they are willing to take this to the court if their questions will end up being negative. So I think Coinbase will get some really tense legal battle for the next month and I do not know how the outcome will
I know that Coinbase is ready for both ways because they are already trying to develop some company in other places that are not with US regulation. But I find that very very awesome. I don't know if Hermes will follow the same path with me.
but men, it's incredible to see Coinbase get to the point where they basically are ahead of SEC and SEC are trying to take some time because they do not want or they do not want or they do not have their answers that Coinbase wanted.
I was about to say that what is happening in the US is mirror that in the rest of the world. It's a shame.
the oldest and strongest, allegedly democracy in the world. Too much fake shit happening there. I mean, this sack for Suits is just super fake. They are not even trying to
to hide it. And I agree 100% with crypto needs. I think that they are. Sack is being used as as a manipulative tool, you know. They have done things like very poorly designed, you know. And all the
They are being defied by Coinbase and of course that we are all in Coinbase side because it is a free country and they have laws like I'm not I'm a lawyer here in Brazil of course I don't know much
about the American law, but I'm pretty sure that they have some free, don't have initial tips on their constitution, stuff like that. If you have a legitimate business and you are doing stuff like in a transparent and home
honest to you, you have nothing to worry about. That should be like that. And we all know that there's a lot of scammers and rug pullers in this market. But I don't think that we really need to explain to SAC that
There are a lot of true stuff being built in here. Most of the people, the common people have acknowledged at this point that crypto is real. So I have no idea what is missing to SAC2.
So they can like recognize the importance and the meaning of crypto market for the world right now. But I said that before, man, I think that they are bluffing. I think it is all part of a
a bigger picture, you know, I think that we are going to demirregulate it, markets soon up and these will trigger the biggest boom we have ever seen.
That's what I'm expecting so happy, you know, I'm expecting this you know, there's this this build We would call that a law project. They call it view. There's this build to be approved about the stable points that have some poor display
But there's also cool stuff there. I mean the simple, the simple willing to approve a view like that is something remarkable, right? Because it will let a mark in the real world.
a very important one. These will open doors, you know. That's how I see it. I think they are bluffing. I think that SAC is trying to press here and there and to be meaningful and to serve the interests of
powerful people but soon enough we'll find a common ground that will push crypto for another level that's what I'm expecting and of course going based side in this fight for sure
Yes, this is absolutely crazy and it is very interesting to see that. It is an end of the day. It is not a battle. I don't see it like that. I personally see this as just people finding a way to create
coordination between things because I don't believe that SEC really wants to ban crypto or something like that. They just want to see how the industry, how the industry responds in certain ways if they do certain stuff. So if they act like
If the act is like one thing, what the industry would do, I think the Coinbase Act is like it is a react actually of how the SEC is testing the market and the industry itself. And it is very interesting because I don't think that neither of them have
the intention to go and fight at the last minute, say, between them. What I think is that they are trying to reach and as a service that is kind of left, trying to reach a coordination
I just want to point out something that
was on the note the press released that coin-based post on publishing on their website because I imagine if I were them, they are basically one of the biggest players on US, the biggest crypto player in US, they are publicly
company and they do not have clarity on what they are doing on their operations. So they basically have a staking program where they don't know if they can offer that or not. They basically offer some tokens or some crypto on their exchange that they do not know if they can do or not.
The thing is, in the situation that we are right now, basically SEC can sue them and can basically do a lot of things to the coinbase even if there is nothing on the law saying that they cannot do that. Just because SEC have this government
power and everything that we always see with government. And man, I keep imagine if I was bringing Armstrong, I would be so pissed because he's trying to build his business on U.S. and he's taking some efforts, his company's
public, he's doing a lot of things, he's talking with a lot of congressmen and etc. But he did not have clarity on the Coinbase products man and that's very weird because for example we saw that crack in, stop that they're taking services like some quite a while
And Coinbase is like, "Man, it's very weird because we do not have any clarity on regulation." And I think that's a fact in crypto business in the most negative way possible. And I do not like what I'm about to say, but, "Man, I'm 100% with Brian Armstrong on this slide."
I'm not advocating for centralized players, but if we have centralized players, we need to have some clarity. They could not work on all these uncertainties that we are seeing right now. I would not work. If I was Brainham Strong, I would probably be out of China at the States right now.
And I really, really just think that if they were not a public company, they would have already begun from the US. So I think Brian is trying to keep there, to still be on the United States and to keep there because it's in the end of the day.
He went to some other place. He was losing a lot of contact, a lot of power. I'm really, really praying and really advocating on this with Brian, on this one. It's crazy because they're huge.
People use Coinbase, people are using too much. Their big on social networks, their big as a product, their big as a company, people are still using. And the government just doesn't know what it is, what is a
about. Or they do know, but I think that government sometimes plays the down rule to not face this kind of regulations, to not face this kind of things. That's my POV here.
Yeah, guys, I think that we'll see that one of the biggest legal dramas going forward in the crypto history. Let's see how things will work out and if we...
Today we are hoping for mass adoption and how people can safely, legally safely, legally in a safe way, not just in the engineering way being safe from being with crypto.
It's very hard to advocate for a misadaption when the United States government is RSEC as the embodiment of that. It is always pushing us down.
I don't see this lawsuit itself going that far. I think it was more to create some to embarrass SAC. I think that was the true goal because you know, lawsuits in
the US are almost impossible to be finished. It's just burning money. I think they are sending a message. I think that Coinbase is sending a message and it's trying to like to create some some embarrassment to the SEC. So they
game more spacing in the news and stuff like that because SAC was being celebrated and like was having too much attention and I think that Coinbase wants to balance
this fight, you know, I think that they did great. It will not certainly be cheap for them to pursue this lawsuit, but it was necessary. Someone needed to tell SAC to calm down, you know.
Yeah, it doesn't make sense. I think it is just that. It is not just that. It is that. It is a way to show embarrassment to SEC. And it is very expensive indeed, but yeah. It is how things work. And Coinbase, it is becoming a
protagonist, a main character doing that. Guys, I just want to finish this space with a GM to you guys, I have a great, great day, but I want you to listen
a little bit on the the now's music because I thank you yeah my single I wrote with so much love exactly it is amazing first of all thank you kuddy thank you her
Thank you very much for being here guys, it is always awesome to have you here. Great stories today, great thermals. Thank you Danny also. And yeah, let's listen to the looking Noggle.
Hey, let's make it now! We've got an idea that's real hungry, but don't open up ether. Well, we've got the cash. Don't stop wanting your cash. I'll see. We've seen it all. So come on, we'll have a ball.