GM! NFT NYC and ZK Free money🔥👀

Recorded: April 17, 2023 Duration: 0:31:49



Jam Jam my friends. I'm pretty well. Thank you. What about you? Yeah, it's awesome. I've been all it's
awesome this weekend was awesome a lot of time to do some DJ moves do some stuff like that no you have published a pictures of your city yesterday and yeah pretty cool place actually yeah I mean like myself
It's not too giant, it's not too tiny, it is half way, it is very great. But I was talking about the moves. I was asking about it.
DJ moves. A lot of different stuff but mainly, you know, air drops, farmy summer drops. Yeah and if Kuri wants to and the Hermes wants to join us here to talk a little bit about
about air drops. We have some some ZK players that they made very clear that they will do some air drop in the future. So the main one is ZK sync.
So because of that I created this title, the K3 money. Because at the end of the day it is the same thing that what happened with Arbitron, everyone was expecting Ardrops for a lot of time by now.
And it happened exactly the way the people thought would be. And people are waiting now for the casing, the casing era, actually, the alpha main ads and scroll as well.
that it is zk evm as well and yeah people are hoping for some adrops are you on zk sync already then how is your adrop forming situation right now? yeah in zk sync but no
Nobody told me how difficult it was to do some things using Madamask. So yeah, I have some money there but... But for me, what was kind of easy? What was your... your... like barrier? Like kind of...
I have money there, but I don't know where and for what yet so I I Need to watch some YouTube tutorials if I guy already told me he has he had the same problem because yeah, it is tough to do something there
I just read the good threads in Portuguese about how to do the farm some ZK.
And I was pretty okay, let's do it and I passed like yesterday all day long mostly all day long Just exploring just doing some volume
trying to not be scammed by fake ZK sync profiles. But how is your situation of air drops farming air drop service included?
It's been great friend. It's been great GM to everyone. Nice to start a new week. Just making myself some coffee here. And yeah, like I'm excited with the KC not only with the KC and Rob itself, but
other protocols like we have outreach finance that's a very interesting bridge we have sync swap have means square we have a lot of protocols there that does not have a token yet and I think it's a great opportunity to explore like as we saw we

FAQ on GM! NFT NYC and ZK Free money🔥👀 | Twitter Space Recording

What did the speaker do during the weekend?
The speaker had time to do some DJ moves and other activities.
What kind of air drops are people waiting for?
People are waiting for air drops from protocols such as zk sync, casing, alpha main ads, and scroll.
What did the speaker find difficult while using Madamask?
The speaker found it difficult to locate their money and figure out what they can use it for.
What did the speaker spend most of their time doing in zk sync?
The speaker spent most of their time exploring and trying not to be scammed by fake zk sync profiles.
What other protocols besides the KC and Rob does the speaker find interesting?
The speaker finds protocols such as Outreach Finance, Sync Swap, and Mean Square interesting.
What did the speaker post pictures of?
The speaker posted pictures of their city.
What kind of DJ moves did the speaker do?
The speaker did mainly air drops and farmy summer drops as DJ moves.
What did the speaker name their title about air drops?
The speaker named their title the K3 Money.
What did the speaker say about their city?
The speaker described their city as not too giant, not too tiny, and halfway between the two.
What did the speaker say about people waiting for ardrops?
People are waiting for ardrops for a lot of time and they are hoping for some from the KC, Rob, and other protocols.