☀️GM NFTFY- ETH Denver: what's happening?

Recorded: March 2, 2023 Duration: 0:33:18
Space Recording

Full Transcription

GM I was talking to you, but I didn't request to speak Oh God Morning, friend. Morning, huh? Thank you for joining
Do you think that we should make a tweet? Since we don't know how to tag everyone to send a message to everyone.
Yeah, I'm doing it right now as well. May I write it? It can be something like, hey, come to. Okay, let me think.
I'm sitting here on the door.
I will share the following
Game web 3. Join us in this daily 30 minutes space about what is happening in the ecosystem. Perfect. Amazing. Sharing.
Hey dude, where's my token?
I'm super happy because I won. I won a space hide there yesterday. It's best reference. Markets reference.
Did you heard what I said? I wanted a space hider, right there yesterday in a raffle. Yeah.
in the raffle. Yeah.
but nothing related to... - Nothing related to... - Yeah, maybe... Maybe you are winning and learning something... - The way out is coming. - The weird way, yes.
I don't know if I was ready for revenge because I won the Raffle yesterday at the Unkeny Marketplace in one space rather. So it's my turn to be accused.
I don't think that they used chain link via f so
that it was a real wrathful, I don't know, but okay, morning dude, what dude was here is not anymore why? He flew, he flew, he is afraid of us probably.
Come back here buddy. Oh, he's back. He's rugged.
Oh man. Why every time we are together and something doesn't work? It's uncanny.
Why don't you quit and get back? We will make you a speaker again. Man, I can't hear you guys. I've seen something.
Yes, we are. You gotta, you gotta let me try to do something here to see what happens. Maybe this can help.
Hello, hello, dude, I'm fresh. Now you're here.
Hold him, Molly.
(laughs) - Yeah. - Where'd you still ragging, buddy?
I don't know what's happening. I don't think I'm speaking over you guys.
So go on, go on. We don't need. I just mean the audience. Sorry. No problem. No problem, mate.
- All right, it can hear. GM Maddy.
Well, let's talk a little about some NFTs alphas. We'll have some alphas.
I love Eric. I love Eric's tweet. He's writing threats like summarizing the day just like Elina just
like the, the, the, which we are reading yesterday. And he is crushing it. And today he, he mentioned that chain link on that.
So you're probably happy with him. Maybe we can do the same that we did yesterday, but today we fabricated what you think.
Great, amazing. Let's do it. I'll open here.
The first news is that Silvergate stocks are sinking due to a delay in the delivery of a report.
where there is smoke, there is fire, right? The lady like that always means something. That life, you know, the noise that the background is such a bad life.
I'm trying to run from the kids because whenever I am they want to be around me but they are too noisy for a GM space.
I'm happy that the Polingwads launched the Pagol idea officially. I remember that when Fabriz, when the dev guys from Liftify was on, was worse. Well, they were worse. They were in the Rakaton.
Yes, they used polygamy tea. Yeah, remember that.
Yeah, do you remember? Yeah, it was nice. It was a election product focused on it and it was funny because it was at the same time at elections in Brazil. So yeah, we got some hype from media, from some new space.
papers and journals. It was great. So they created a document using Polygon ID so you can cast your vote on elections. It was an amazing project.
I don't think this project will work in a big scenario like president elections, but I think this project can run in small elections or-- - Dolls and stuff. - Yes.
And what is the functions, functions stuff from from chaining? Oh great question, I need to learn about it as well. But yeah, I need to learn about it as well. I was treating yesterday
about sharing functions. And what I got is that tuning in now can connect with some APIs from big projects, big companies. So it's another way to bring this centralization to web2.
Interesting. Yeah, yeah, so we are we are you know stepping into Into this this data and API is world from web 2 and well, this is amazing
I think training is a great bridge between Web 2 World and Web 3. Yeah, yeah. Training is to me the only one who connects these two worlds effectively.
And the next news is that the abstraction of accounts from the eaters up is live, but I think this is in the testnet, isn't it?
It's not like, uh, living in the main ad yet. Is it? I don't know about it. Uh, as I said, friend. Yeah, I heard it too. Yeah. I'm working too hard that I don't have time to follow all the news.
I follow the news. I feel you from distance through web through GM, and also through of course Eric. But I think maybe Eric if you are free
I'm going to come up here to be a pleasure to hear from you. But I heard that it will be live, February 28th, in the testnet for developers only.
and like probably in a couple of weeks it just come into the main, the main act with the Shanghai update being alive. That's what I heard that I'm not sure. Please correct me.
- So, if it's here, I want some news from Denver. - Hey, come on.
Let's invite him as a cohost.
Hey guys, how are you doing? Jim Jim the man itself. How are you doing? Hermes are doing Danny? I'm great. You know seeing from news from eat the inverse so Wow, what a pleasure
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. It's a pleasure to be here. It's all talking to NGM through you guys. It's always a pleasure. In singing Hermes as host, it's the most amazing thing. Hermes is exactly the same.
Thank you buddy. What time is it there? It is 6.40 am. Holy man. You were four hours earlier than us. But it's kind of easy week.
I'm not feeling that it's 6am, I'm feeling that it's 10am or even. Because of that's like. Yeah, yesterday was like 1 o'clock, 1pm clock and it was feeling like
was the end of the Diaperno. It was like we were just having lunch. It was Joe's man, very, very tired. It was the end of Blue Hour, and it was almost midday.
And is it as cold as you guys imagine it? There or is it in its iPad? It is cold, but I think cold is cold, no everywhere you go. It's not that different. The ordinary cold. Below freezing is everything.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can be colder than the nice, right? Yeah, exactly. And the thing is, um, code is defined by it's if it is is winding or not, you know. Oh, yeah, yeah, it makes sense. Certainly. Certain times.
appeared to me more cold because what what what what's knowing and all the sky was like very very cloudy and and white like the photo I would say okay this this this is very
very cold but it wasn't because of wasn't windy you know was like steady so it doesn't feel that cold it's like the sensation is what matters right more than the more than the degrees that that their selves yeah
yeah I was like with the nose red and stuff like that and blushed but that's it I wasn't like trembling or something like that I wasn't like freaking out I was just like that but at the same time yesterday we did go to the
street and was very very windy in the in the in the in downtown and wasn't with is knowing but and was a little bit sunny not so much but a little bit you could see the sun but it was
very, very windy. So I was shaking and freaking out. Yeah, the wind passed through the clothes and take all the harm off your body. It's the worst sensation you can get by.
So how was the first day at Eter Denver? Yeah, we did get to the registration room, but unfortunately we opened just today. Was open just for the Hakatoon yesterday.
And we did go to the main event part. We'll be a curiosity factor. We'll be in a rodeo arena. Arena. Interesting. But without cause.
Yeah, and no cows there though. Yeah, but they weren't giving registration in in in that place. They were just stuff were just a same way stuff and preparing stuff for today. So we did go
to the bankless side event and then we met some cool people. So you were in. You didn't have the ticket. So how do you manage to do it? I mean, it was at the end of the day. It was free.
And then the day they, "Okay, if you want to drop you here, even Vinnie, I called Vinnie and said, "Man, it's three. You can enter and it's permissionless." And he joined, he and Fabricio joined the settlement.
It was very great. I have to complain here. I'm missing a while tagging if to find. But it was great. A lot of people who only know in Twitter, no.
you know the faces but you never saw it person like in real person it's very funny and yet we talked about with people from bankless now and from bankless HQ as well and other people that
met in an after-in-a-way scene that we met again yesterday. And one thing is curious about is that Kuri and Gelfi was like stars there because apparently there is a lot of people that watch
Brazil, Bankless Brazil podcast to train Portuguese because people like enjoy traveling to Brazil and knowing Portuguese and they just watch the Bankless and it's not an isolated case like the like three or four people
Stopped them to like to congratulate them super cool. Yeah, exactly that I'm watching the English because I like Brazil like the culture and and I I Passed like one month in Florida one month in in in in Kultiva in one month in Rio
And I really like the language and I watch you guys because it is a joy and all factor, you know, like the language and the content. And yeah, this is the beauty of the internet because sometimes you have no idea how you touch other people's life. Exactly. But you do, right?
And though you don't realize that I find it like delightful, it's great to be able to connect to people like that, right? Even though you have no idea, maybe you never saw this person reacting to anything related to you, but somehow you
this person lives. So this is beautiful and it's talk to know there is just the beginning they have already received so cool attention from from people there great to hear them. Yeah there was there was very very impressive
and amazing. And we did a little bit of conversation with David as well, David Hoffman. And he said like one one quote that I really enjoyed is you guys are everywhere, every
even that I go you guys are there. I think it's brazil so it's a nice to have this that impression that you are everywhere. Nice. Yeah nice nice but I think that maybe people down there don't hear when I hear about your impressions how is
event looking like, do you think it was like well-built, the organization and stuff? Do you feel like it will be a cool event? Any complaints so far? Not really. People will discover the main event today, like the
distance, all the panels and stuff like that. But at the same time, for the little time that we spent here, we saw that the city itself is like, is an event that all the city is knowing that
that is happening because there is outdoors, there is like one outdoor that is GMD Gens, just that it's a huge outdoor, it's a huge outdoor, cold GMD Gens and that's it. More than enough right? Yeah, yeah. Only the GM would be enough. Exactly.
That's it and there are other things we have in from people that will be in Denver all the way to here so in the airport in the in the plane we had some people that will go to to Denver as well when we walk around the
the main event venue there's a lot of side events going on at the same time like yesterday Dau Dau Dainver was happening if I'm not wrong an FT Dainver was happening as well so I
a lot of real operating districts and you see a lot of places like side events happening and Gelfi told me that they went to like a study to understand how much money ETH from the Avery brings
to the city of Denver and it is almost $100 million. So in plain tickets, like direct accommodation, food and beverage and all the structure that they even
have it's a hundred million dollars that the events bring to the city so it's something it's something that is an event that this whole city knows about and it is it is like very very impressive to see that
Funny things happened as well. One of the guys that were coming to the end of the game in the plane that was with us with me and Kuri. My am today, the plane, my am today. He was with the
FTX US T-shirt and was very very brave a guy He's trying to prove something like he might be he might be out
a very tall guy a very strong one a jack-and-off guy right? It wasn't yeah a little bit taller but a normal random guy with that jack's he sure it was very definitely very funny yeah they irony they irony
If we're talking your mutants, hear me. No, no, no, sorry. I thought it was myself, or I was like, oh my god, what happened? Didn't you see some, you know, nounish or coupcats, people?
there like not yet how how's my fam not yet actually but I can't blame them because we were just in the bankless side event and we did saw some other side events to go in on in the
area in Delta area but just like we didn't get to see all of this stuff no so I know that NARS and NARS are doing some activations here and there and it's very great to see that but I saw it online I did
didn't stop in person. But I hope today I will find some and I will take some pictures for you guys and meet some people and talk that I know the end. And people that are doing Niles Brazil here
Today is the opening of the main event. So when the stuff really begins, right? Yeah, today is the, I think it's the last day of Biddlewick is the Harkathon and the first day of the main event.
How long will you guys be there? I will be into the 6th, 16th March, 16th. So for days. Great.
will be, I hope to enjoy every bit of second there and talk to you a lot of people, see what's happening, what they are building and how they schedule look like. Do you have like a full day of
stuff or is it like more like a couple of events? How is the schedule? Yeah, we will get into registration, like in some couple minutes from now, we will get to registration in the main event.
getting by there we will just see around see how the event is I am so sad that the ticket just you know arrived with on my mail box I'm like yeah yeah yeah and see around
see what's going on. See how is the structure of the event? What is the... No, no. What a meant was in the event, as gender, you know? How is the... Is that they feel it with like panels and stuff or is more like free time?
They have panels. Actually, they have the rodeo parts and they have two main places. They are, aside by side, but there are two main places. And one of them will be filled with panels and stuff like that and talks and the other with our
and then projects and the people there are for a network and I will be just seeing the place and I will actually sit with Kuri and talk with him about speakers because
he is the one that knows like every panel that is happening. So I want to see some of them but I don't know where and which time they will occur so I will sit with him and have this schedule passed.
Yeah, but in the first day I think it's a more recognition day is snow the area and the like Going around doing at 360. No, I think this is the most important thing Maybe in the in the Friday Friday
they will be into a side event from an FT goal probably. But that did for today, it just took 360 views of the place and knowing what's going on.
Yeah, please if you get tired of the t-shirt gifts my my size is XL, okay, and please keep all the the things and the the notebooks everything there's you are being given
with because I want some. I think you can share some with your colleagues. I think we... Sorry, sorry, go ahead. Maybe we can because we are
I think you were thinking of having more more bag. So this one more bag can be full. Yeah, you shoot man. You shoot it there. Yeah, it's probably worth it. There will be a lot of cool stuff. You guys don't want to like miss any opportunity.
So I think we're ready to wrap up here. It's already the schedule time for the space. Thank you, Siop, for this straight news from the ender, from the ender. We will be covering the event up
whole week because we have these two great people there like our correspondence there in Eter Denver so make sure to to to stay tuned guys
Yeah, we have one human in fact. For fact is that Kuri is not sleeping because he pulled up in the door a couple minutes ago. So it's not. The the actual agitation him. Yeah, he's not that's why it's not he's lazy to not be here, but that one.
Great, so guys, everyone down there, please make sure to follow up to stay tuned to our GMs. We are here every day, not every day from Monday to Friday, from 8 to 8.30 AM AST. Am I right, guys?
Is it is that a fc? A Friday is from 8 to 9. Exactly. So make sure to stay tuned. We will give all the we will share news about straight from from Denver and try to keep you guys on track in first hand of what is happening there.
Great from the Emperor and Straitform for Eric. Exactly. So stay tuned and thank you guys for being here. Much love to see you off and Dunny. And see you guys tomorrow. Bye guys. Bye guys. GM have a good day. GM family. See you all tomorrow. Bye.

FAQ on ☀️GM NFTFY- ETH Denver: what's happening? | Twitter Space Recording

What is the proposed tweet discussed in the recording?
The proposed tweet discussed in the recording is about inviting people to join a 30-minute daily space to discuss what is happening in the ecosystem.
What is the significance of Chainlink in the discussion?
Chainlink is discussed as a means to bring decentralization to the web2 world and API connections.
What is the purpose of the PolyGolly idea launched by PolynWads?
The PolyGolly idea is a voting product that uses Polygon ID to cast votes on small elections or dolls.
What is the news announcement regarding the Etherscan update?
The news announcement is about the live abstraction of accounts from Etherscan in the testnet for developers only, to be fully launched on February 28th.
What is the venue for the Ether Denver event?
The venue for Ether Denver event is a rodeo arena.
What was the experience of the Ether Denver event registration?
The registration room was closed on the first day, but they were able to explore the main event part, which was in the rodeo arena without cows.
Who is Eric mentioned in the recording?
Eric is mentioned in the recording as someone who tweets about summarizing the day and including Chainlink in the discussion.
What is the topic of discussion in the daily 30-minute space?
The daily 30-minute space discusses what is happening in the ecosystem.
What is the reaction of the speaker to the delay in the delivery of the report on Silvergate stocks?
The speaker finds that there may be a fire causing the smoke due to the delay in the delivery of the report on Silvergate stocks.
What is the implication of windy conditions in the cold weather?
Windy conditions in the cold weather give a worse sensation by passing through clothes and taking all heat off the body.