GM NFTFY: Game Day🥳

Recorded: Dec. 9, 2022 Duration: 0:33:49



Hey guys, Jam Jam, hey Query, how you feeling? Go up here
Just feel free I will invite you as co-host.
I'm sorry that for a little bit I was getting rich into my to my headphone here. No problem.
It's an important day for Brazil because today's game day, actually you're going to be right after our spaces like we'll have one hour span but yes it is.
It's already elementary phase, so Brazil can go home or can go through the semifinals. So yeah, it's for the ones that are following the work
Cup, the FIFA World Cup is something huge today, it's a game day. How are you feeling today, how are your vibes? Game day, change anything in your routine?
Yeah, yeah actually no like my mother's in here. It's basically this in every day like work to I to really late but the cool thing is I actually did some live training with Jean has in from scholar crypto like some
days ago and he lives in Spain and I asked him like how is game day for the people in Spain and he said basically man it's just just an honor just one other day like there he doesn't stop the country and I told him like man like
Here in Brazil nothing works when Brazil is playing. So basically today it is like a holiday here. It's interesting to see how different locations, like how different locations
or not praise their football or their soccer teams around the world. So it's interesting to see if I go to... I don't even bother his own. So if I go to the streets today, if I go to some kind of store, everyone here is using the Brazilian shirt of Shoei.
Yeah, exactly. And the thing is, we have some things here that are emerging with the work of the very interesting collections, actions, games. They are enjoying the time of
the workup to create directions. CooKats did that, right? We have artists here in Brazil. We are part of the show, the official of that, the president of the collection that did that.
the FIFA, they themselves, they did a collection in our grant. So it's pretty interesting how the World Cup there is a major, the major actually sports event, merged with
to culture and what to dynamics and tech. So it's amazing to see this merging of the traditional and the mediatic and mainstream world and at the same time what I'm saying it's pretty beautiful to see.
Just stepping into other collections. Yesterday we were talking, we're tapping into something and but the time was running out and we decided to postpone to this one. So, Query, if you want to go to this topic, what they
Yeah, so I imagine that everyone knows or at least heard somewhere the hooking Pharisees like he's the author of the vocalist work for hours a week. He's basically a huge entrepreneur. He's
basically have a from kind of college university in the United States. He's a huge deal in entrepreneurs and he basically launched an NFT collection. I think it was just like two days ago. It was some some some interesting collection
I did see a lot of hate regarding to the collection a lot of people saying that they were hyper that they got right this day but basically teamfare is larger than collection and if the collection it's on OpenC you can search for the legend of cock punch it's basically some
collection that aims to bring basically a collection focus on storytelling in a fairy tale world that's put in that way and I don't know like did you did you get the chance to
take a look at the collection friend I saw that the price basically just dropped it down a lot from yesterday to today I think yesterday it was like basically one and a half if and today it's less than if but at the end of the day
It's a cool thing to see that lefties are not just for artists are not just for people that are into a tree and to the red path through an owner tree. Yeah, that's it. Do you have anything to comment on that friend? Yeah, it's all the team ferris collection. I know he's
a huge deal for some non-dish-to-normad people and entrepreneurs. At the same time, web trip people in general, because web trip people, most of them are these kind of entrepreneurs in nomad live people. Yes, I never
and read anything about Ting Faris like book or something that was written by him. But at the same time I didn't look at so deep in the collection so I can't give a crit season that is meaningful. What I can
And say is that it's interesting to have this kind of personality. Tempying into wipe tree. A lot of people were excited indeed. I saw a lot of people excited because they were fans of teen fairies.
was something that they wanted. They didn't know what to expect but they wanted. And I think that this is something to us to reflect on it. Maybe a project have a lot of things, a lot of benefits, a lot of
details and most of them doesn't matter you know the thing is if you have if you are a person that that have been nurtured respect that if you launch something people will trust that you
you bring something out of value, I think you need to learn something, you need to do it. Because in other way will be untapped or unreleased potential. And yes, I'm not saying to create them projects as
many do. No, I just saying that if you are a person that is known by creating value to your audience, you can't do it. You can just do it on FTE of membership or on FTE to start telling something to sell a book if we're
or something like that or pre-saleable or something like that, you could tap into NFTs without needing to have one in a thousand utilities. I might say. That's my lesson from it.
Yeah, but I want to ask you something that I don't have a clear opinion yet, but it's something that really is stuck on my mind like this past few days.
especially regarding to famous people on Juneteers, I did some video about it and not for my channel for a company channel and it's interesting because like
Why do these people have power in web3? I understand that he is very huge and we are going to interview him. But for example, like Neymar, Neymar launched a collection of
I'm not saying it's not dog because it's all the cause of the meds thing, but a lot of famous people, like webtoon people launching NFTs couldn't be something that we need to worry about
because like these people are are think on web to not on web tree and if we that are into crypto are praising their collections or their entities or they're talking so much aren't we wrong
I don't know, it is something that I reflect a lot because I don't know, I don't think we should give that much power to these people. They are huge football players, that's also
I love the way Nymar plays soccer. Why do him have respect on my tree? Why should we respect him?
I think that like a lot of people, I'm not saying that about affairs, I know that it isn't too quick, but I do think that a lot of these people that are launching things on a pre-agess here trying to earn some money.
I think that my mobile someone was calling me. Just to finish like
I don't think we should give that much power or influence to people that didn't build a thing on Web3R just here trying to explore and earn so much money. Don't you think like what do you think about all this?
Yeah, I think that name are doing things or other celebrities, celebrities. I think this is the differentiation of people that have
are celebrities but they have been having a fan base that they have been nurtured. They have been
doing things to create value is one and other celebrities doing other stuff just because they are celebrities are different things because teamfaries have this
approach the disfamble base that they did and did defy really with him. I'm not saying that they murdered him, but if they murdered him, they might have two levels, I would say. Just analyzing the Kings.
Nimae has the international football star that he is, that it's like 200 million people that follow him and like him.
But this is not the audience that will have the same feeling that the audience of Team Ferris have. These are not the kind of people. The kind of people that really, really, really, really like Namar
are the ones that watch docs, are the ones that help support the Institute of Neymar Juner. He have a brand. So these kind of people that are more core to
to name more and there are more fans of name more. I know what he do and the institute that he have the personal life, the documentary of his life, these kind of people, these really car fans. I think these are the ones that
would benefit from such a project or an NFT project or digital asset project, I'll say. So if we have this kind of project in the space that
that's a better plan than just stepping something for the external fans that are only more good players.
that NFTs are more about meaningful relations and how I can certify things in digital way because we are in the digitalization process of life than just yeah
He is famous, I will speculate in the NFT of Namer. I think that we have two ways and two levels of interactions. I don't know if I was clear in them, but this is my briefly thought.
Yeah, yeah, I don't think like we should have some some opinion right right on here. It's just something that we should always keep in mind because like we know that Web 3 is full of people that are just trying to earn some money. I can like I can say a little more about it.
because I'm trying to follow more NFT ecosystem, but not the boot you can have these ecosystem like the NFT ecosystem as a whole. And I'm trying to follow more trending collections and hope and see some more like different collections, not only PFBs. And I
bought yesterday and NFT just because it was like I thought it was the art was cool and the audio collection that supposed it was the artist was the collection is named like basically abstraction by by Anon
So we don't know who created the art, we don't have any info and supposedly this artist released another collections. But the collection is pretty like I like the art, it is not just on TFP, it is some geometrical forms, some LEGO
And when I started to research more, I found that the collection that I just bought was not from the first artist. And we have a lot of people that are trying to just get and earn some money and get out of crypto as a rich people.
We don't like we to praise people that do that. We need to be better than that. I see a lot of football players, soccer players, not going to this debate today. But I see a lot of people that play sports promoting some
bad platforms and that's not cool because even though they are earning a lot of money from this they are basically saying that they don't care about their fans because like I don't know what like bad platforms are not just regulated in Brazil are
I've seen a lot of people complain that they cannot withdraw their money from these platforms. I don't want Crypto to be the next platform for people that play soccer, Lesley Mar, Vinny Jr., and a lot of other ones.
but just something to keep in mind. I don't know if I have any other topics, but I just want to bring some cool things that I found yesterday. I don't know if you are following it. But apparently, at the hour, we're trying to buy the US Constitution again. Have you ever seen anything about it, friend?
Yeah, I think that we need more criteria to what we do here. Yeah, there is a lot of people, famous people that just are here to earn some money. And the basic things about how
you can relate with people they are buying things from you is they are earning more than you the buying relation is something like that you buy something because the money that you are spending
is lower than the value that you are getting.
because most of the time is subjective, value is subjective. If this is happening, if everyone is happy with this relationship, I don't see a problem. But with celebrity,
this don't happen most of the time they sell something and it's frustrating because people don't get the value that they wanted so yeah I took a
If you want to just set the money, just be a parasite or something like that.
And I think that people like like these ones will not last longer here and They want that once you provide value once they receive the money I believe that
that we are in a stress mode right now that you receive first and you bring value after. It's not something healthy. People are incentivized to not create value.
after workers. After work, because they already received the money, they need to trust them to build something. I'm more into free mince. If you're free mince, you are creating
value, the mean the NFT will go up, the whole to you and stuff like that. So I prefer that way because you provide the value to the secondary market so much that you receive the whole
So yeah, this is my thoughts. I believe that you bring value first and then you can be paid.
This is where I'm more healthy relationship, I would say.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but like let changing topics here like I'm gonna step into a constitution where I really thought like when when Constitution now like just started I thought it was amazing and I don't follow I'm not following it's like very
close but people are saying that this time they're going to buy the constitution for real, like for real for real. And what's happening let's put some context to the story. I don't know if it was this year or last year I'm completely lost on the track of time as you
I don't know which year we are at. And basically there is a museum, a collector that had two original copies of the US Constitution, one is called
the gold one that is already sold, that it was from the constitution now story that happened already. And they ended up lost in the auction, but it was amazing to see that uncentralized autonomous organization could
like raise that much amount of money in a short period of time to buy the constitution like from people all around the world and that was really awesome to see but they ended up losing the option for some huge I don't know if it's in the city
if it is an entrepreneur but for some millionaire that bought it for basically more than 30 million dollars but the collection has had another constitution with them that's a little bit cheaper but cheaper like 20 million dollars
not the super for us humans and they're going to do an auction with it and the people have just created the constitution doubt to to try to buy it and as I I was seen yesterday they are very
confident that this time they will win the auction because they will be able to provide some donations some some private donations so the other part will not be able to see like the amount of money that they have they are like basically auctioning
for the Constitution. I don't know, I find these types of initiatives very, very cool. I don't know if it is legit, but I found some mark on the script, so I'm going to film with this. And I really do hope that they succeed. It's going to be awesome to see a doubt by copyrighted Constitution.
Yeah, that's interesting and that's something that it's the power of a single collector, traditional way of doing things and the other is Dowing. It's a Dow more powerful
than a single individual. It's something that is a historical battle, the tower and the square, something like that. Just stepping too quickly into
Starbucks, Starbucks, Longchit, the Battle Tast of the loyalty program that they have Starbucks, obviously. The way they are doing it's partnering with Polygon and
And the same number of IT that you have in your normal LLT program that they have, the clip that they have can be the same log in in
In this program, Starbucks odds a, so we need to be a frequent Starbucks client and then, yeah, and then if we are a customer, you can go and enter this program and then enter, I'll say.
It's something interesting because it's maybe the first time that a company is not the first time but one of the first times that this kind of brand like Starbucks is a usual
is doing this to their customer base. They are doing this to their customer base and not to do every day in the speculative market. They are not going to bring life
like I would say they don't want to get out with the money of the ecosystem. They are wanting to implement utility in the program that already exists. What are your thoughts about it, Quidditch?
Yeah, so I got to confess that I didn't quite deep into Starbucks program. I saw some headlines about it, but I didn't quite get into it. I was hyper, but at the same time very skeptical that they
do something cool for crypto, I thought they would basically just create some kind of tokens or points for their own usage or their own money grab, but it's cool to see what you are saying to me that they are really trying to create something
And I really hope that this initiative succeeds because in the end of the day it makes a lot of sense to create some kind of real art program of point program and to block chain using web tree using crypt was in general that's what in that way and I
know like I wish I I live in USA to see more about that because in Brazil we personally I don't know if Victor knew this but the first Starbucks opened here in Belo Horizonte basically
we like less year we just get getting to know what Starbucks here is and yeah we're leaving we're leaving our farm here in the countryside but yeah yeah you knew about
is no right no no join will have yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm trying to be an open minded here like
and expect something good about all these companies building especially in polygon that have like all my heart and I really do hope that they succeed and create some cool things because if Starbucks succeed I could we're probably going to see like a lot of other festivals and a lot of other coffee
I don't know how to say it, but I don't know how to say it.
I really hope that they succeed too because it's cool to see people building on blockchain not only users like trading and do some DJing stuff like we need this technology to be used on a daily basis and most of the time people we will probably never understand what
blockchain is but they will still be using it so that's my take I'm gonna take definitely a better look about what startbooks are are bringing and I really hope that this may be the first big company initiative regarding to the points reward system
Yeah, that will be amazing to see As I said this is this is I'm pretty exciting because it's for their customer base and people really like enjoy Starbucks. I really like enjoy Starbucks. I'm a frequent in the last in the last in this year I was
some of the frequent customer. I started working on Starbox even though I started working on Starbox. I like their structure. It's always a good point in our parts to be in Starbox because I have a good structure,
a phone charger, Wi-Fi, good coffee, stuff like that. So it's also important to be around it. So yes, I'd say that people who love the brand and people, brands that are lovable have a large customer base and engage at one
And NFD's implemented to them, it's more important than to do your other side work. So thank you guys for being here. Have a good game, a good match. I'll say, I'm happy because today it's also had, it's also
also awesome to have this feeling of a game day of a workout. I will miss these days guys. It's always fun to talk with friends. It's also fun to see the memes. Brazilian people are, it's people that
There is fun and we have this in our culture really a satial and yeah it's awesome. It's a time to be with family as well so see you guys next next time hope that Brazil votes in
a bit Croatia and if we have some Croatian friends that are listening to this it's it's beating in a friendly way. Thank you guys for being here and see you Monday. See you bye bye bye friends.

FAQ on GM NFTFY: Game Day🥳 | Twitter Space Recording

What is an important day for Brazil according to the podcast?
Today is game day, which is an important day for Brazil because it's the FIFA World Cup game day and Brazil can either go home or go through the semifinals.
How do people in Spain treat game day compared to Brazil?
According to Jean Hasin, game day in Spain is just another day and doesn't stop the country compared to Brazil where everything shuts down when Brazil is playing.
What is the Legend of Cock Punch?
The Legend of Cock Punch is an NFT collection launched by Tim Ferris, which focuses on storytelling in a fairy tale world.
What was the reaction to the Tim Ferris NFT collection?
There was a lot of hate and criticism regarding the Tim Ferris NFT collection, but some fans of Tim Ferris were excited about it.
What is the lesson from the Tim Ferris NFT collection according to the podcast?
The lesson from the Tim Ferris NFT collection is that if you are a person that is known for creating value to your audience, you can tap into NFTs without needing to have a thousand utilities.
What is the concern discussed in the podcast regarding famous people launching NFTs?
The concern discussed in the podcast is why do these famous people have power in web3 and should we give them that much influence if they didn't build anything on web3 and are just trying to earn money?
Why does the podcaster question the power of famous people in web3?
The podcaster questions the power of famous people in web3 because they didn't build anything in web3 and are just exploring it to earn money, which may not align with the values of the web3 community.
What is the differentiation between celebrities who have a fan base and those who don't?
The differentiation between celebrities who have a fan base and those who don't is that the former has been creating value for their fans while the latter are just leveraging their celebrity status to explore web3 and potentially earn money.
What is the Legend of Cock Punch collection focused on?
The Legend of Cock Punch collection is focused on storytelling in a fairy tale world.
What is the merging discussed in the podcast regarding the FIFA World Cup?
The merging discussed in the podcast regarding the FIFA World Cup is the merging of the traditional and mediatic world with culture, dynamics, and tech, which is pretty beautiful to see.