GM NFTFY + NounsBR: what’s happening in web3?

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2023 Duration: 0:34:40



That's awesome from Glad to have you here with us
How are you doing my friends? How is this week? This week seems like an eternity because a lot of things happened in Monday and yesterday and now a lot of things are
happened for me and what's happening this week is kind of meaning more no more more things happening how is this week for you guys
Crazy, crazy wake actually. Yeah, a lot of things to do. I am just thinking about Swippin Flip lounge and he wants her partner shapes.
Yeah, that's my life. Okay, we are plenty some stuff. Me, Danny, Liu and Vinnie for some time now. And we're in this kind of crossroads that, okay, which path we go? These are that.
We know that we have options, but we are going like we need to choose. It's the time to jump. It's this kind of moment that we are right now.
But yeah, how about you, Green? How are you doing this week? Yeah, so this week was kind of rough to me, but it ended up like getting very like so much better. And like right now, I'm happy just the time here, the weather here.
here is not helping me in helping me in helping Dhani. Another rainy day here in Belgrade Zone but hey I'm great, I'm a high-pitched and I'm actually very excited because
In one month I will be going to his day in the year, so I'm very excited. The countdown has begun, so I'm happy about that. I'm very, very excited and very polished for this year in general.
Yeah, I mean the people there will be with you there will be awesome It will be the best people I have my doubts about that but hey, it is what it is right you you do not choose your friends You actually do
But okay, going... I want you to enter a subject here that I've been thinking for a long time. I just tweeted this in personal accounts and it's now the name of...
Space is important. It's actually called Brazilian storm. And I told Danny about the expression behind Brazilian storms because we have four word chamber championships.
one by person in at the time from Medina, one from Italy and one from Toledo. And we had a lot of people talking about this generation, this surfing generation in Brazil.
Brazil really went in the in the go effect they they breakthrough in the the world scenario and serve when this happened a lot a lot of other industries a lot of other sports people tried to compare his no generations with Brazil
Brazil people breaking through and now going forward forward and and and going successful in some in some achievements. We had for example in the Silicon Valley some Brazilians doing a lot of amazing stuff. One of the controllers of
Facebook as Brazilian. We serve somebody, for example, and we have other Brazilian start, Brazinas that started startups in the Silicon Valley in the last like eight to five years. They did really well.
So they started calling their like in Silicon Valley at the same time like we have here the same president storm and oh And I I'm comparing the movements that we have with now is Brazil with bank was Brazil with it and I'm some about with us here
with pods, fundings and other guys. What they're doing, I really believe it's huge because it narrows as well. We have a lot of Brazilians in ours, Juice Box, Balancer, man, a lot of
projects here in the factory you have Brazilians contributing in Brazilians in really in the in the in the foundation of it. So it's pretty amazing to see that. We know, no guys, but we have we are not we're not we don't live in that country that is too
adventures to create a tech project because of the limitations that we have here mainly capital but after all we are making it we are scaling it we are going global we're making some noise
because of that I called President Storm. How do you see that guys? How do you see that Danny and Gudi do you really see this what I'm seeing? Yeah, I think Brazil is huge on building and I think that some
projects from some international projects don't see as like great builders you know what do you think about it I feel it I already work in a company that
that didn't say that they are Brazilians just because international companies don't look like with a great eyes to us.
Yeah, I see that but I thought that with like Indian companies as well for a long time and now like the engines are dominating everything so we need to sometimes show off our
are strange, you know. A lot of communities have been shown a lot of strength here in Brazil and they have been made in the most powerful activations here down in Brazil. So a lot of we
For example, we did an event you participated in in the event in Belorizonge from Bancliffe, Brazil and was sponsored by Zapper.
did a meetup and was everything fine, everything okay and Zapper did in the main account they published the meetup so here in Brazil we get things done and this is amazing to see
If it's up, I want to do a mid-top. We do a mid-top, you know, and then do it an amazing way. We have like you guys in Brazil, did NALs week and do a lot of activations as well. You know that
RL is very difficult to do it and you guys do it at any way. So, these kind of activations are amazing to see and most of them are happily in Brazil. That, this kind of acting execution
It is nice to see here and I believe that more and more we will have more movement that you can say that Brazilian teams can be more effective in some ways.
Because of the conditions here and maybe because we are more like we know how to do some stuff. And yeah, it's more attractive. Web tree in general is more attractive for people here, I believe.
But yeah, a lot of people, a lot of projects there are present is they don't want to show off their prisoners because they are some afraid of prejudice some of them. Yeah, I really see that as well. But how do you see that clearly?
Yeah, so I agree with you guys like it's tough actually like to talk with some protocols and to explain to them that Brazil exists and there is people building here. I think that there It is starting a shift on that like we saw some some
Great moves happening here like lanes for example, did an event in some power legs left last week and I really do think that we need more More protocols looking for Brazil like it's quite funny because it is it is like it is one of the two ways like
Or the protocol doesn't care about Brazil, basically ignores the existence or the protocol is focused only on Brazil and that's also tough because man like you cannot just focus on one place at least in my opinion. But in general it's very sad as the
Then he said to talk with some protocols talk with some people on the crypto world and they basically like no enough number zero does not have any interest and I'm not saying that everyone should should be interested like Brazil and other countries but men come on if you're a lot in a protocol you're developing
something cool if you are trying to do something for a ecosystem you should at least be aware that there is other markets, other relevant markets. I don't know if you guys saw but yesterday I was probably going on Twitter and I saw both talking basically about three different houghts.
different countries react to three different crypto segments such as DeFi and FDs and what tree I don't know I don't know exactly what the terms were but remember the war like was like basically two of these lists so it's not on any really relevant market we have a lot of people
people here, a lot of people interested in crypto. At the end of the day, we are seeing completely different moves about crypto. We are not seeing the first word countries adopt crypto and these kind of things. We are seeing quite the opposite. The countries that I need
the most some some solutions some help are starting to a dot crypto like we saw like as a tutorial we are seeing like a lot of people in Argentina talking about crypto actually I remember it I just saw yesterday a post about links protocol saying that lemon cash that there is
I think it's a crude talks change that's very famous on Argentina. Basically it's going to give away some lens handles or it has something to do with lens and like we need people to focus more here. It's kind of funny because like I don't know if you guys follow but Buenos Aires and Argentina
in general has a big ecosystem regarding to crypto and a lot of the times people prefer to do something on Argentina than Brazil. It's very tough. We just saw Boca Dot getting wood teaching on Argentina. We saw this year Vitalik spending time with the
president there so it's very fun. Some people try to understand, try to learn more what's happening in South America but at the same time there is people that basically do not know the country in the continent axis so it's very tough.
Yeah, that was the post. It was not Lane's protocol. It was all the yeah, sorry guys
Yeah, and this is we have a lot of builders here as well. It wasn't there. Like wasn't so evident some months ago I would say for me at least. For like
when it started and buildings doing stuff in 2021. I didn't see a lot of this happening, a lot of communities, a lot of activations and a lot of people projects building things to go global.
I didn't saw a lot of them. I saw some of them, but more of speculative, I would say, with a speculative approach. And now we have a lot of people beauty. I was some house capital about
lemon app have been heard in the interior in real last year that lemon app was like everywhere in in Argentina was like a new bank or or a mecha du pao or stuff like that that was everywhere
every corner will see someone using and paying stuff with with lemon app and crypto and usdc and stuff like that and I but I didn't saw this as somehow true I was a little bit okay the
This is kind of exageration. I spelled this wrongly, but you'll get it. But I have a friend there in Argentina that I was just talking to him about the like the word cup, how was there, how was Bruno
side is like going crazy because of the workup and just talking to him and at the end of the conversation I was just okay let me just ask something do you know what lemon app is and so okay
I know what Lemo app is. I use a Lemo app to do some stuff, to earn some crypto, and pay some stuff. You mainly need credit cards because they are cash-based economy. They don't have a lot of credit cards. Lemo app can provide some features that
are kind of similar off credit card can use mainly subscriptions and okay okay oh that's that's great and I was I have a bucket hat in of Lemo app old send out picture for him and like that at
to explain how I know them I am and he actually sent me a picture of some stickers that he has of lemon so this guy very interesting this is really Stuff that impressed me a lot but could you do you have any news from today?
Yeah, of course I have some news. So I actually I didn't get this news yet, but I think it's worth mentioning that do do is on fire right now. They posted yesterday some kind of teaser about about basically
seeing this funny and vibe that it passes. And I just love the teaser. I'm excited for their bringing. It's funny because if we talk it last week, I would probably say that, you know, it was that and they were not developing anything.
They already talked about it like they delivered in their NFT collection. We should not expect the word from them. But they are doing some turn around and developing stuff. They are basically going to buy golden walls that we already covered this.
But right now they are teasing some new stuff. I'm starting to get bullish on them again. I don't know if you guys saw this merch or swag teaser. But man, I'm excited. I'm very, very excited for what's to come for doodles. I think they are going to bring some
some good things this year and maybe turn around like I'm getting some some feeling that those going to like surprise a lot of people this year like maybe trying to suppress this yoga I don't know like this is pure speculation but I really hope that they bring some some cool
things to the ecosystem. I love the art, I love the concept. I just think that the last year they did not have the last year. But hey, things changed, years changed, and maybe they come back stronger. I think this is worth mentioning here first. Do those things on fire right now? What do you guys think?
So we have Hermes and Uncle here. Jam, Jam guys. How are you doing? Hey, Jam. Fine. You guys.
Jim, Jim, welcome to this space. Thank you. You guys talked about Lemon app and I remembered of a topic that I find fascinating and I want to share with you guys. Well, I knew Lemon app
from Satscon, they were one of the companies doing stand there. I think they were sponsors. But anyway, I talked to a guy that works there and he showed me
and you can buy things using USDC. And for me this was some kind of shocking thing because I started thinking like well if you can use a
dollar USDC USDT this kind of currency why would you use your local currency like PessoArgentino or or Reyes here in Brazil like if you can have a currency stronger
then your local currency, why would you use that? And I don't know this
This realization got me thinking, you know, like I think he's stable coins. We'll have an important mission in, I don't know, spreading, you know,
Spreading the culture the tech What do you guys think about it?
Yeah, I definitely think that somehow it's way better to do things daily with USDC than your own field currency or some like
or just crypto in general because if you and other currencies are very volatile yet, so I would not use them to daily stuff. But I would last not in real life.
And for real life, yes, I would do things with Savoq. It's just a matter of if they won't or other apps are available to people that are in the merchants, the people that are in stores or stuff like that, if they accept
and invest in serious stuff like that but definitely I will not trade in rise anymore. I was talking with Cuisum another day about the difficulty in doing some stable point to
feet and stable coin to like feet feet like banking feet like doing this bridge all of a lot of times it's very difficult and very takes a lot of time takes a lot of risks and stuff like that so
Yes, doing things in stablecoin, daily basis would be so much better. And I think it's way better to hold a cash that will not devalue it as quickly as you are on
But I think we have something to say or herms. Hey GM guys. GM GM. How are you guys doing? Yeah, I was listening to you and we got to remember that stable coins are also variable.
There are just a stable in relation to dollar, right? And dollar can also lose their its value. So there's risky everywhere. And I believe that we already solutions that allows you to pay for all
almost everything that you need for using crypto such as prepaid credit cards and stuff like that and you can make transactions in P2P and stuff but what I'm looking
Looking forward to is more more convenient, I would say. That's what we are missing because the solutions are there, but they are not that convenient or like user friendly, you know.
Yeah, we definitely need to work on that a little bit user-friendly wallet and user-friendly directions. I personally like Rainbow and Mink. I'm trying to use them more
often because I'm a more mobile person than a desktop or PC person. I'm a more mobile person so I can spend my own my day with a mobile. Yes.
Compure it's good for some situations but for most situations I prefer mobile and I don't like like metamask in in the mobile it's kind of Not good in UX but I
I actually think that this is one of the big space points of our ecosystem right now. Talking a little bit about Duda as well, something that Kuri just talked about.
I think we will not be based on the video. I think we will not be something in real life. I believe they will bring this to virtual world or stuff like that.
But this is when things merge here. I think that we increase the mobile experience. And we have, well, it's that we can see and drag more with your NFTs.
these niches of an FTs can grow. I see a lot of potential in other industries using an FTs in order to grow their ecosystem. Games, we actually talk a lot about games, but if you
If you have a development of games, you have a development of the NFT ecosystem. More collections can do more with less tech, with less resources, and can engage in and deliver more. If we are talking about a wallet that has
More properties, they are more ways to interact with the RNFTs. Collections can bring more things to the RNFTs, you know. And yeah, I think if we have improvement on UX of mobile apps, we can have better developments of like
for virtual avatars and view for avatars and general and stuff like that so it's a matter now of other tools to develop in my view to collections to increase as well but what do you guys think? does this make any sense or am just dripping here?
No, no, makes a lot of sense. I think we are in a early moment of the market and Well, I think it's a
matter of time to to UX UI gets better and like it stops being about the tech and
be more like, I don't know, Instagram, like you don't talk about the system in the back of Instagram, you know. And well, I think
It's just a matter of off time as I said. Sorry.
Yeah, I think that imagine if you have a mobile app mobile wallet they have an interface to show your avatar and you
can choose the NFT that will be your avatar and your avatar can be animated and you can put clothes on it and the clothes will be extra NFTs or these NFTs will be charted with things inside this NFT that have
properties and you can do this with a lot of text there are disposable today so you can have properties in the NFT increase the properties of that so this can you can have a change the cause of disaster you interact with them this after canter
with in games as well and this can all be interoperable and you can do this on Instagram, for example you can post it on Instagram and it made it avatar for example. We have some paths on Instagram going forward with
with NFTs, for example, we have digital collect both, very, very fine. This is a good step. It's a wonderful access step in front industry. And for sure, we will have more to go forward.
Yeah, sure, that will be sick. I see more and more companies connecting with Web3, you know? So, well, when like, I don't know, half of the companies are
Or I don't know, next to it adopt Web 3. This whole interoperable thing will be possible and accessible for anyone. And that will be incredible.
Yeah, and the most I believe the most interesting part is that all of us I said is something that we expect we imagine can be possible But I the things get they got me more excited is the the things that I don't know that will be possible, no things that will be created
it upon that and I really don't have any idea that will happen but will happen you know. Yeah yeah like the whole utility of NFTs I think got this way you know like I didn't expect
it will be possible to use NFT as a tool of social construction like community. I don't know when I got into 65, 29 Twitter
And I read it all. I got shocked as fuck, you know? This whole ocean of possibilities. You got me excited. Pacara, you know?
Yeah, I know that. So that's it guys. That's our GM Nifty 5 with NOS Brazil. It's a half an hour. Just say, "Jayme, will you guys discuss some news?"
Some interesting things are happening. Just say you have two guys. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you#
for this space guys. Jim. Jim. Jim, you're always welcome on home. Nice to see you here. Bye guys. Jim, Jim guys have a good day. Bye.

FAQ on GM NFTFY + NounsBR: what’s happening in web3? | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of discussion on the podcast?
The podcast discusses the emergence of Brazil in various industries and how the country is making an impact globally.
What is the name of the podcast episode?
The name of the podcast episode is 'Brazilian storm'.
What is 'Brazilian storm' referring to?
'Brazilian storm' is referring to the emergence of Brazil in various industries and how the country is making an impact globally.
What industry is the podcast specifically referencing?
The podcast is referencing the tech industry.
What are some examples of successful Brazilians in the tech industry?
Some examples of successful Brazilians in the tech industry include those who started startups in Silicon Valley and a few Brazilians who work for Facebook.
What challenges do Brazilians face in the tech industry?
Brazilians face challenges in the tech industry due to limited capital and prejudice from international companies.
What are the hosts' opinions on Brazil's potential in the tech industry?
The hosts believe that Brazil has a lot of potential in the tech industry and that more and more protocols should be looking into Brazil. However, the hosts also acknowledge the challenges that Brazilians face in the tech industry.
What is the hosts' view on international protocols' awareness of Brazil?
The hosts believe that it is sad that some international protocols do not care or have any interest in Brazil despite its potential and relevance in the crypto market.
What is the example cited in the podcast about the adoption of crypto in different countries?
The example cited in the podcast is that countries that need the most solutions and help are starting to adopt crypto such as Argentina.
What is the main message of the podcast episode?
The main message of the podcast episode is that Brazil has a lot of potential in various industries including tech and the hosts believe that more and more protocols should be aware of this potential and look into Brazil despite the challenges that Brazilians face.