GM NFTFY: What’s happening in web3?

Recorded: Nov. 28, 2022 Duration: 0:32:19
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hey guys, Jam Jam nice to be here with you today. Hermes, dad, if you want to go up here, feel free, my friends. Feel totally, totally free. It's a free space.
I did you I invited you almost as a co-host if you want to go up here. Yeah as I do want. Good morning guys. Oh
What a beautiful, beautiful voice, my friends. It's a voice of a storyteller. Goodie, how are you doing, my friends?
GM friends I was kind of rugged like Twitter wasn't Refreshing the page so I didn't knew this places had our started so sorry that I'm a few minutes late but GM Jim as Always Trader is always rugged and
and making stuff unbelievable like lagging and stuff like that and things will be better I hope so in the future they will be better someone said to me that this Twitter space is a feature that is in better so
I don't know I don't know about that, but it's something that I heard about it So guys, how are you doing today for those that don't know today's? Work-up game and for those that don't know everything like everything from coffee
shops to the mail to stores to everything stops in Brazil when you have games. So a World Cup game. So today it's like it seemed like a holiday here in Brazil. How are you doing guys?
Yeah, doing great, man. In the last game, in the last game, I drove my kid to the school and I told my wife that I will complain about them like shutting down the school in the middle of the evening because of the game because this is unreasonable.
and that I will make a complaint about it. But when I dropped my key there, I just let it go because I didn't have the time then to start a conversation with the people from this school. And when I got to pick
up to to bring him home before the game. My wife, Toto, wait, I'll go with you. So I was in the car waiting, then she comes with dress, you know, with the yellow shirt and my baby with a yellow shirt too and horns in.
And I showed to my older boys and I was like, "Hey, I'm happy that I didn't make a complaint because you are about to make me, you would make me seem ridiculous, right? You are all dressed up for the game."
but it's like that man we just can't avoid this this is how Brazil is and there's no point in trying to fight that it's a losing game. As I said everything stops so yeah you
to accept the reality of things and I really enjoyed that. Sometimes we are kind of envy of stuff that the foreign world have or the mainly the United States have some traditions that we don't
And we don't value enough or own traditions that we have here. So this is one that I think is pretty beautiful. It's like what America have of soup of something like super bon, we have but bigger and really
something that is in our tainting, in our culture notes, it's really attached to our culture. So just to quickly reveal Web 3 news, what are you guys seeing about anything related Web 3 in this
this start of week Monday what do I see I don't know if you guys are following along but I'm seeing a lot of she's related to SBSM and SBF and FTX a lot of things to remember but like
Some youtubers, some influential people here on Twitter are trying to go to Bahamas to interview the same or to get him arrested. I don't know yet what they are doing but I saw that bit boy. I think he
the one with the YouTube channel regarding to crypto already on Bahamas and he's like posting to eaters posting a lot of shit regarding to his investigation on sbs and I saw just yesterday that Gabriel heinus is
also going to Bahamas he started some broad funding I think like on Saturday or less Friday and he got the funds to go to Bahamas so probably today or tomorrow he is going to there to I don't know if they are going there to
get arrested to interview him to just try to investigate what's happening but I'm seeing a lot of people going there to talk with SBF and the most interesting fact is that BitBoy got some number trying to call
him try to reach to him and a lot of people are speculating that midpoint may be arrested for stalking them so it would be like a good or bad plot twist that's going to happen in all this story, all this SPF and FTX story.
I'm just going to bring this one down later. I can bring other ones but like Belgium said last week that a Syrian is not going to be considered a security so it's a huge win for us even though that Belgium
is a huge and important regarding the whole European Union. But it's a cool thing to say that Belgium said that Ethereum is not going to be considered a security. So we are waiting for us.
I know if you know guys, but Belgium is really used as a benchmark for the whole Europe because People say that Belgium is not a real country to do ever heard about that or don't But they say that Belgium is not a real country because
It is a mixture of different nations, mostly flunders and the phlegmish part and the other part that I forgot the name. I mean this, I will try later but they have two big
regions that are pretty different, culturally speaking, one most influenced by France or another by Germany and another little bit part influenced by Netherlands. So when they decide something, they may have
banks, bank market, with other countries in Europe. Because they are the main stage of European affairs when they are talking about the European Union or the EU or stuff like that or the central bank.
of Europe, all these institutions are there. So I think that can be a huge decision, not because Belgium is a small country that lost tomorrow, but yeah, it's important news, good.
Definitely, but I would like to see your point of view regarding all this investigation. Not policy people investigating SBF. What do you see? Do you see anything useful? Resolving from that or just some people trying to waste money and wasting their time on Bahamas?
I think at the end of the day will be pointless and more open to irony. As you said, most of these people will be mostly of them arrested by the Bahamas Palace with like
felony of stalking or something like that or even violence if they try something. So I think that this will open more window to irony in this space because of that and not will be something that will end up
I would say that is totally waste of time. But before going ahead and trying things, I think I told this before and I would say again but I don't think that SBF will be in jail. I think that he is
protected enough from from this kind of charges and They have powerful connections with powerful people so I think that for Ugly as it seems will not happen. I think that
Turned out to cash, DaV and Ra Zulbrish have been arrested and SBF not is something really troubling and worrying but it's what it is. It's the reality of our legal system.
Yeah, but that's my, that's only my personal take.
Go in and who you have any other news, I have stuff like this here. But if I have any, let me just check my phone here. I also saw some people saying
that is Ethereum, Ethereum, Ethereum or else GALF is going to enter here and kills me. - You enter just to say if it is an asset, Ethereum is network and goes out. - Yeah, yeah, definitely.
Yeah, but like Ether is selling six times more value than Bitcoin. So it's something to keep in mind. Like with all these things and protocols and companies building on Ether Ethereum and other layer tools and
side chains. It's very interesting to see where the whole Ethereum ecosystem is going. I just saw yesterday graphics pointing out all the companies that are building on polygon and what they are building and then it
really amazes me like to see all these huge companies, all these huge brands creating some things related to blockchain or webtree. So let's see what the future brings us. But that's it for now Victor. I'm going to check my other phones and I get back later.
One thing that surprised me today to read is two articles that launch into main places. One of them is that is a huge use for people that trade in the United States or
want to take news from commodities or stuff in the macro markets. The financial world, like the whole financial world, they have news about it and they have an article that launched two hours ago.
And the title is how every resolve, resolve fundamental problems in Web2. And they mentioned data ownership, data security, affairs and censorship, financial freedom, transparency, automation, and creates
or economy. So I think that this kind of article is really surprising to me. They have they partner with a coin telegraph to do this, but this is kind of amazing to see this tapping into this timing because at this timing most of the
financial threat to the platform is scared of us, of our sector. They are not considered really risky. And this kind of article is really good to be appearing in the mainstream financial world.
Other thing that is really mainstream about the economic part of the traditional economic system is the world economic forum. They are basically the
The place that most cities have the commerce association or stuff like that that join the people that do commerce on the companies and the owners of it small and big to see it and take conversations.
I'm a foreign is the same thing but the world is related to the world so they also launched today a minute ago other article said that the title is how we have trees program programable
commerce layer will transform the global economy. I don't know about you guys but this kind of stuff is pretty pretty pretty bullish for me because they have titles they have subtitles like digital economy is built on trust and
they like they end to understand the pretty basics of what is our dream and they achieved this kind of goals.
make the web tree arguments right they do other subterranean final phase of connectedness so they create more the approach of interoperability and they said that this is what
But we commerce and other stuff about digitalization of the global economy needs. So for them, Web Tree is inoutable. And that's it's huge coming from the world economic firm. How do you guys think that this kind
of articles can be by the market received. They think that they will change the minds of the traditional market or it is already changed or we have a lot of way to go before that.
I think it's not the matter of the article. It's just the reality. I mentioned it another day when we were talking about trusting the WebTree to be the future. It's an after
because it's the coolest thing that we have around. The government and the countries are certainly moved to digital coins in some points in the next couple of years because no one wants to carry
paper money anymore. It doesn't make any sense just for those interested in laundry and things like that and stuff like that because there's no reason to care like paper money around. So we are moving
to a digital platform economically speaking. And I believe that crypto will not be like automatically accepted in this scenario. I believe that our
the coins that we hold will not be like the main string for a long time. But it's inevitable. Our economic platform is inevitable. It's already happening even here in Brazil.
in the third world and everywhere around the world it will be like that. I have said many times the confidence that I have in the web tree and crypto market, you guys already know that. There's no other
place to be then or then all other way yet. I will be concerned or we'll start to think twice when other a more complex
and comprehensive technology appears. And I don't see that coming in the next year. So we just have to wait, lay down and wait.
Yeah, that's something that's really happening guys. It's happening for us over ice. Could you have anything to comment on that?
Yeah, I think I actually do like the question was like if this article with this like big media it is help you up to basically like that's the that was the question yeah, basically yeah, I definitely think that that's a fact I actually did record some
some video that I'm going to post this week that taught me exactly about that like how this movement of huge companies and huge brands coming to a tree are really beneficial for the helical system because it really brings crypto and blockchain to a lot of people that
aren't like cryptonitives so are just normies as we say so at the same time like a lot of things worries me because like most of the times when I see like the the media talking about crypto blockchain they are talking about
prices they are talking about like how can Bitcoin fail? Why Bitcoin will fail? So I always try to read article and see if there is some trustable information there because I'll have to
people are just talking about crypto and basically telling these information to the people. That's something that really works me. But hey, we are here to educate so in the end of the day it's something positive in my way, even though that a lot of
times these articles aren't the best way to learn crypto it can be like the first step and the next step could be like participating in a space is learning some on some more more trustable place yeah this is not only for crypto man this is how media work people only
It's just quick bait, you know. The tragedy sell much more than the good news. I mean, people don't wouldn't click in an article writing which the caption is like, "Oh, everything is doing great in the webtree and crypto."
and blockchain universe. People like it's not bad, we like it. It's inevitable. We are guided by the fear lately and it's the same with crypto. I mean, I have
I've said it once here, the second biggest exchange in the world just got vanished, you know, and we went down how much, like, 10%, 15%. I mean, this is, we are not going anywhere. We are here.
you just stay and you don't matter if buy or whatever. You don't matter what happened. Crypto and blockchains are inevitable. That's how I see it. And I understand the Euroconcern and it's said that we live in this in a world like that but it is what it is.
We are addicted to the fear. No one will be manipulated by the media because of our fear. Because the life is getting harder and harder. But we will overcome. Better days are coming for sure to all of us.
Let me in this five last last minutes. Let me just tap into two other topics. There were news last week, but I would very enjoy your comments about
One of them is the AV attack. I don't know how they say in every place, but I say AV because Dunny said this is how it's pronounced in Finnish. So the protocol
had an attacker but didn't succeed. A lot of people talked about trade about this. How are your thoughts about what happened in this in this last week about half?
I actually didn't follow this thing that's happening. I know that a lot of people posted that are there something related to what happened, but I didn't follow like what exactly happened and why did it happen? Do you know better that you can explain to me for?
Yeah, I will not have any enough time to go into the tales. But the main thing is it was a Wales war and between the same guy that exported Mungo.
Most of this exploit was because of the CRV there was in collateral. The server is the curve talking. There was in collateral in Avy. And basically it was a series of liquidations that happened.
and the ability of RV to do these liquidations and to create this to really, I would say, execute what the protocol is needed to do,
made totally was workable and at the end of the day the attacker got liquidated and was in worst hands so if you want to read the full story out
I can take some threads here that talked about it. This thread here I will share with you guys here. It is shared here in
this in the studio spaces. And yeah, the end of the game was the the locker was liquidated in this whale's war. And at the end of the day the protocol worked fine, but I have that to to fill. So it's
to 1.6 million that will be covered by the doubt treasury probably or other mechanisms they have, the safety model and the ecosystem reserves. So they
have this kind of protections in this case but yeah the firework at fine I would say I was attacked and defy and obviously but defy as a whole and being stronger yeah it was a
good case to study and to know more. I will not enter in the tables because we don't have enough time here but yeah if you guys want to go down in this have a hole it's pretty pretty good. It was pretty nice to see. The other news that I want you to go is
Double BTC being the pact, 2% the pact from the BTC. What I thought guys about what happened in the last week, they said was Black Friday discounts.
Yeah, so like regarding the book with rapid Bitcoin I tried to follow some some some things alone but in the end of the day that was a lot of fun a lot of rumors and I didn't quite go to understand everything but I was
I was saying that there was something related to Alameda Research that was one of the biggest or even the biggest double rapid bit coin holder but I don't know if this stands I know that a lot of people are
kind of joking regarding to Rapid Ether because the smart contracts created for Rapid Ether is totally different than the one created for Rapid Bitcoin. So I don't know man, I wouldn't be holding Rapid Bitcoin right now.
but that's my personal take because I know that markets are crazy right now and I wouldn't like risk my money with it. If I would want to hold Bitcoin, I would hold like native Bitcoin not rapid, like rapid. It's kind of
Not a good idea to me right now, even though I don't fully understand what's happening. I could be totally wrong and like nothing related to all the research is happening right now. But it's something like to be careful in the end of the day because a lot of things happening like this past
your mouth and I don't know we are not totally sure that we've seen it all a lot of things can still happen like not only if Janice and other exchanges I know that that some exchanges like this and this weekend like stop with dwarves and some bit some some not big and
exchange some minor exchanges but in the same way it's important to keep that in mind and let's see that's what I've been following. I wouldn't be holding rapid bit coin right now but hey that's not and that never will be any finding short
lives it's something that I'm personally saying for myself. Yeah of course and yeah I think your analysis is good a lot of what really happened in this episode and people talking things that were in
true not even close so I would say that I will not and I don't hold the Babitji because it's I think the have an important role in in defy yes but I think
As a starter, USDT has been rolling defied nowadays, but I don't hold it. I think it's too much exposure to central point of failures. But that's it guys. I think that's it for our
I think you guys will have a good day today. I really like you to enjoy the game today if you guys are watching the World Cup.
Here in Brazil we are stopping everything to watch it and Yeah, guys, thank you for your presence today. Thank you for St. James with us and have a good day. Thank you. Thank you guys. Thank you friends. Let's go Brazil. Let's go