GM NFTFY: What’s happening in web3?

Recorded: Dec. 15, 2022 Duration: 0:29:49



Hey, then, my friend. How are you? If you want to go up here, just let me know.
How are we doing friends? Yeah, I'm great. Thank you. Jam Jam. Have you see you happy, my friends? Oh, thank you. I'm great right now like well, I cannot speak too much because
I have, I don't know the name, the things, you know, to close. - Or things, or things. Let me know, let me know. - Let me search the name.
You go peer my friend. How are you doing my friend? Hey guys good morning. I'm doing fine. How about you guys? Thank you. I'm great. I'm great. Is that so true? You know to close my skin? It's a what?
Sorry. It's not they spot the dots, the thread, you know, they skin to close the skin.
speak so much but I cannot do it. Yeah that's what I said you could end up bursting these stitches. Yeah I get it. How is the project that you are helping running then I saw them
Binkler's Brazil is... oh sorry Binkler's Brazil is doing some stuff there. How was going there? Whoa! It was very nice. It was not my idea the launch but I helped it to promote to write the posts.
But the travel idea was an idea of Jotapim. He is amazing. He has a lot of great ideas. Mainly network effect idea.
This is amazing. Well, now Brazil is not... doesn't depend off nows right now. We are a doubt. So, well, the fork
was successful. And now I'm trying to be in my now BR, my now May. But I'm waiting because I want on specific one. Do you already have one?
No, I have not, but I'm looking to buy one because I saw recently, so yesterday, I sure. Oh great, the launch was amazing, the fork was very versatile.
But I want a specific now, with a specific trait, it is a three-pin plug.
Sorry, I didn't heard that there is a machine here to cut grass and I wasn't listening to you. But what kind of trait? Three-ping-plug.
This is very very Brazilian
Bink, Bink, Bleg.
Okay, okay, okay, okay It's Brazilian just just Brazilian is this yes like click yeah But once dude to it's a tall gold boy friend
I like to ask you guys, I saw the fork yesterday as well and I didn't have the took the time to look it up yet. So how does this auction work? It's like an ounce, it's like
like NARS like little nouns like little nouns every 15 minutes yeah so fix it starting sale price right yes 0.01 yeah that's nice thank you Danny
You're welcome. Let's be let's become a whale. Do you want that is right now? It is what?
Let me see.
Yep. Whoa, it's a crocodile.
Really? Yeah. Black, Cork, Cervador. Yeah. Look the number 34.
is it is a propodial with dinosaur t-shirt.
And guess who is Dauner?

FAQ on GM NFTFY: What’s happening in web3? | Twitter Space Recording

What is the podcast episode about?
The text is a recording of a podcast episode.
How are the speakers doing?
The speakers are doing well and happy.
What caution does one of the speakers advise regarding stitches?
One speaker advises caution about bursting stitches.
What was the project that 'Binkler's Brazil' was working on?
'Binkler's Brazil' was working on a launch project.
Who came up with the travel idea?
Jotapim came up with the travel idea.
What kind of idea is Jotapim known for?
Jotapim is known for network effect ideas.
Was the fork successful?
Yes, the fork was successful.
What specific type of 'now' is the speaker waiting to buy?
The speaker is waiting to buy a specific 'now' with a three-pin plug trait.
What is the speaker's goal when it comes to the auction?
The speaker wants to become a whale.
What item is being auctioned off?
A dinosaur T-shirt with a crocodile on it is being auctioned off.