GM NFTFY: What’s happening in web3?

Recorded: Dec. 19, 2022 Duration: 0:30:30
Space Recording

Full Transcription

I actually like this new feature of music.
How you doing my friend?
Hey friend GM GM I was actually going to ask you how to do that like I got some some notification here saying that I should click here or there to put music but I definitely don't know how to do
I like this a lot because music in the if you try to put your own music here it's a shitty sound because it's basically a good limitation for
how the mic will work. So it really catches only the small portion of location around your mic and if you try to put some other sounds it gets a little bit
noisy and yeah, shitty, shitty sound. And this new feature of music is good because when you start this space nobody is already it's good to have a time that okay I'm weighing your
Okay, okay, people are young, stuff like that. It's a little bit good, but it starts for itself. It's self-started. I can see the future here music, and I can see when it's playing and when it's not.
It's the future, sorry feature, but I can Click in the in the music feature and can see everything every music that can Can be played, okay? Okay, but at the end I have finalized and I was thinking that I was trying to I was ending this
The music and the music was in the spaces. I was in this world. I don't think the musical option appears to me yet, but that's cool and that definitely is something cool. I've always wanted some music playing when he was
We're not talking yet, like we were radiused for someone from people to join us. Not only here, but on every space that I join. So that's definitely a cool feature. Let's just hope that Elon Musk did not end up to this space again just because of some silly thing.
Yeah, if they brought spaces back need to be with something new. So my friend, Jim, Jim, how was your weekend?
how you are expecting the next week ahead. We know that we are at the end of the end of the year, so not a lot of things happen, but what are your expectations could
Yes, so GMF friend my weekend was kind of tough moving from one apartment to another so the whole weekend was like moving boxes and like we saw when I tried to solve some problems here but things are
Things are going great. And like yeah, in this end of the year, I don't think a lot of things will happen, but I'm not sure certain of that. We talk like always, always surprises me with new things.
And I think one of them just happened yesterday. We should definitely talk more about this later, but Elon Musk posted yesterday just posted a poll asking their followers, his followers, if he should or if he should not
step down and see of Twitter. I think that was some bold move and definitely need to talk more about it. But I do not expect a lot of things happening in the year. Everyone is tired, everyone is exhausted from all the crazy
thing that's happened. We are also exhausted from all this, but I really, really would expect some okay times, like everyone's, I wrote some holidays and everyone's resting and things like that. But in the end of the day,
We are always going to be here, like trying to follow up with everything is happening and that's it. I really do hope that we know bad things are not as easy as it is. But the bad things for next year, we already had enough this year.
Yeah, of course you have this this we had a lot of ups and downs but a lot of downs this year Just to recap we have we have been doing this for a while but what are your
First recap of the year. Some of them now how you can categorize how 2022 was. Do you want me to respond like a split-to-market or something personal? What's happening to
or what's happened with me yeah yeah crypto market for so first bad things are good things first you choose my friend okay so let's start with okay let's just start with good things like I really really
We see that this year was great. We got to crypto in real life events. We had a lot of them, a lot of them was completely filled. We had a big event that came in Brazil with the real. I think it was February of March. We had a lot of big events.
like around the world, we have NFT, New York, we had like that problem. And a lot of Ethereum is global, Ethereum is like fairies, Ethereum, etc. Like a lot of events happen this year and I think that's great.
We are in a bear market and a lot of them work with these three food as a set So so that was definitely a great point for me and I really hope that next year we're going to be even better But at the same time we saw a lot of centralized players
and funds going down like we had South Seas Network, we had like 3 Aaron's capital, we had Luna and Terra blockchain, so a lot of things, a lot of big players going down, we had of course FTX
or recently. So like a lot of things to remember and the thing is like we always try to remember the most the things that happen but we also need to remember that a lot of good things like these
This was the year of the merge. We saw a lot of increase on usage of layer 2s and polygons and a lot of things. The business development team of polygons
going to be an amazing job. Like, all year we had a lot of things happening and I think for me these things that I just said were the biggest ones but I'm definitely forgotten a lot of things. We also saw a lot during the Gash, we also saw a lot of
draft software regulation that's coming to crypto and I'm not saying that's good or bad, that definitely could be a depend on how things are created. Yeah, I think this is the biggest points to me, I don't know if I'm forgetting anything.
Yeah, you were definitely right when you're talking about your in real life events. I think that we didn't have this chance or opportunity to have this
before because of the pandemic so that was something different that was something that only 2022 had and was very special a lot of people
meeting in real life. Meaning more bones being created, more business being fostered, and yeah partnerships in general. And this ecosystem is ecosystem that only goes up
with collaboration and cooperation. Competition always drives the bad of us when it happens. So in real life events are something that really bloomed this year and I think
that we all boost a lot of the ecosystem in the future. Already boosted, we had some pretty amazing partnerships being made, but at the same time I think that we this can contribute to a long run.
benefit to our industry as a whole. So I think this is something really good that you pointed out and most people are not paying attention that is huge. Yeah and I'm just going to say something else that I just remembered that. That's not something
big but that's something important. For those of you who say that NFTs do not have any utility, the 2022 was the year of NFTs bringing people to the moon, bringing people to a space, sorry, and that's definitely something
worth remembering and that for me that's something cool because the guy that went from Brazil is from the same city that I'm leaving right now so when I really do I actually just I actually met I had to work with his sister so
That's definitely something, Paul. I'm not going to bring up any Trump NFTs kind of shit, but like men. You had the opportunity to go to space if you had a bug, NFTs, so that's really awesome for me.
Yeah, that's something that's something really game changing. This is can be treated as a So our highlight of this year as well. Tapping into tornado cash. We had some some things some updates
The first government proposed the past before the end of the day.
things are happening there. How you how the synchronized organization can happen after so much sanctioned and so much people try
trying people in institutions trying to break down the organization. How resilience are they? These are the questions that we can make here.
After all of that happened, there are kind of unstoppable. So this was the proposal at the beginning, censorship, censorship resistors. But now it's being tested and proved with a higher level fire, I would say.
Can you see this movement? Do you see with good eyes? Okay, tornado, tornado Tao is real really creating or in perpetuating the tornado cache protocol or don't you? I think it's just a theater and this will end up in nothing.
Yes, so that's definitely something for me very very important and I don't know if you guys already follow everything that's happened that happened in Toyota Gash but I think that this decision this doubt decision was very important because it basically I bring bad
and one of the things that I found interesting about this is that one of the biggest, the biggest holder of token that's the token, the governor's token after the cash, voted on this discussion in hip-like buttons
some kind of note. Free Alexip himself, he does not control anything the people you and for those of you that had already participated on the house, you guys know that that's true. Like one single person cannot
control everything that a doubt do or else there is no doubt. So I think that's definitely something worth remembering and I really hope that to get a new cash like come back to life and not ignore everything that's happening because like there's a
and arrested because of everything. But try to move on and try to basically say that they are evolving, they continue growing and they are much much bigger than just Alex Aperts, they are a centralized protocol.
Yeah, we think we hope that's not an evercashkin survival of this oppression.
Hopefully, hopefully, will be through a resilient doll. And that's what's the beauty of a doll. It's like a hydra. If you get to one's head, a lot of others happen.
to appear. So this is the kind of thing that is happening with Burnator down. Yes, it's sad too that Alexey Prishavits, it's in jail. But at the same time, it doesn't depend on
him anymore so that's the beauty of those but let's see what happened this is really pressure really government and a lot of people a lot of countries really presiding these to go down so let's see
what happens and I hope we can do it visually and in a civilized way something that is not happening right now. Let's go to we had an article here from
I would like to discuss with you guys that 5 classic brands nailing are come back with NFTs. I kind of doubt that the usage of the word "nailing" because "nailing" means like
you did great some of the this brands I don't think that did great I think that they did okay but we had some of them one of them that I would like to we have some nickname this is kind of brands that were like
not as, but they were traditional and it's now on the NFT sides. We have Raider Shack, we have Nikolodio and one of them wants to bring it out because we talked a lot about it in the community.
was meeting is a 3x the launch itself is stranger things like a poster
something like the 80s and one thing that is Surprised me is that the artist is butcher beam. There is a Brazilian artist and they generated 200
So it was kind of interesting. I think was something new posters.
was familiar with the aesthetics was very great advice for someone that likes Atari is something that really comes back to the beginnings of it.
But not just talking about the tidy, but all these traditional brands, old brands that really played the role in some generations were a general
The generational brands, like Nikkelo, really was the brand of the 90s, the 80s and other like they created their fruit prints.
in the in the in the in the era in the decades in the generation. How do you see that? Goodie. Happening. This brings bridge bridge into two up three and how else how so they are tied and have to go with
Yeah, so like part of me wants to be very happy and I think that's something very very cool. And I'm starting to agree with this part. But
At the same time, our other companies just bringing things to our tree. I have company that believe, you know, I just company that want to earn money from this. And that may be not wrong, but it's Web Tree.
Like Webtrees is still something that a lot of people can come there and say that that's just some financial bubble that's just some some kind of fraud and We do not need like some companies come here like trying to earn money and get out like when it's open is to believe in everything that's being done
here and companies that like gets the same mindset that we have here not all of them should be this way but I really do think that we need to move in this matter by far example Tiffany Langezson and
like some very, very expensive NFTs for those, for those that had picked up once maybe I don't call them exactly. But man, that was it, that just some in the collection, that was very expensive, they gave lots of NFTs and they've gone with. I haven't heard of the NFTs in a lot of
So that's something that makes me think. But being completely honest, companies being built, creating things in that area, it's something important. We need a lot of...
and this couple is the easiest way to do that for a regular like especially when you are on a regular market so that's something cool and I got to say I was following the Atari collection I basically followed them until they were there to meet but I
I didn't follow it to like I do not know what they are doing right now. I still follow them between there. I always post something like they're posts and everything. But I got to say I'm not really following
a long time. I want to take a look at OpenC, how the collection goes and the price of it. It's actually very cheap comparing to the mint.
We are not very much, a lot of collections, I'm like setting up a lot of collections, I'm suffering. It's just cool to know that I really, I really big grant. That's a part that was in that easy part of our art of course.
like play their games and like that. Like join their ecosystem like so their own lives have the opportunity to still have a tiring life comes right now. But I really do think that companies need to improve a lot when they come to our country.
Yeah, they need to prove their way into the factory world yet. I think this will come with smart utility. And yeah, I think what the purpose of the brand, what that brand brings to their fans or to their community that
really enjoying what they did in the past. And now I want to see they doing the same thing in Reptree. Not just memorabilia. I think that's something okay memorabilia is great but not everything. You know, GIFT over memorabilia.
included because you can't really touch on it so you can have this kind of feeling of okay I have this and that's mine if you have a poster as well it's great digital post but if you can't yet
some utility and create a ecosystem around it. I think it's it's our paradise. It's okay. You are not you are not curious anymore. You are not a brand that is free around here. You are actually a settler and you are beauty stuff here. So this is this is the path
This is a different pathway that you can have. It's the one that will bring you to both success. Just that being a two what is the upcoming things that can happen
happened in the next year. We had a lot of collections and stuff like that that people are talking about. But what are your expectations about next year? And Kuri, we need to talk about this. What is your new PSP reference?
Yeah, so like next year crypto so crazy that I don't want to bring anything right now right I do really to hope that next year I I want to I'm gonna quest right now to this side when they are not I believe that
We are going to be a bull market here or a brand market here. We need a lot of trying to speculate on anything. We have so many things happening right now. We have so many successful systems.
a lot of companies bringing value to a tree and a lot of them are just expecting money. But some of them are bringing value to a tree and I'm trying not to be just bullish and ignore all the macro facts in all the great
the things that have been happening to the world right now. But I really do expect that 2020 to be better for ecosystem as a whole than 2022. I really do think that we suffered a lot these years. Our image from outside the, have breadth-hold.
is not good. There's a lot of crazy things happening nowadays. Trump's NFT is selling for more than 15 if it's not something worth celebrating. It's not good, man.
is the pinnacle of the original. We didn't do that, not only money going out and going down, we needed that value to increase it on the medical system. And I really hope that 2022 brings that for the whole week.
We are seeing a lot of great things happening, like following on new address of daily users. We just saw as that network getting more than 100 million.
really check facts here yeah as tech like raises more than 100 million with like a 16d being one of the biggest one biggest investors there so I really do
I really think that 20-23 is going to be good. Because Ikeiro loves this going to be a... even you, but I think I really am really bullish on this way of working. So I'm definitely going to be bullish in general. I really just think that we can
It's better to have a better life. You think that we've got some closure with all these XBX contamination? I really want Genis to give some kind of public announcement that they are still solving and they are still working. I'm actually a fan-flery of the ball genesis.
I haven't heard anything from them. I think I'm on so I really hope they are okay and they're not going to announce like on day 23, just before a performance that they are going to make sure. But yeah, 23, 23, 23,
going to be a great year and I really do hope that I could get better and I'm not talking about prices here. I know that prices are important but we need more value in that system. That's much more important than that crisis.
In your best be my friend, those questions are so darling. Yeah, so I've been following along with my friends for quite a while and I participated in some two
I actually promised to myself that I would not go to buy more NFTs this year, but that's happened. I really like the collection that I've been doing some kind of hook stuff in the beginning of next year.
And I really like that song CD but I really like that the collection has friends in its name. That's something for me that's very cool. And I hope to have them with the collection whole order.
We need friends, so I really appreciate a lot like friends in my tree and I really do say this word a lot. So I know that's a wee bit, that what's definitely something that made my attention go up in this collection.
So that's it guys. I love the alien friend. I know that you are very fan of it. I'm very happy for you. So that's it guys. That is for jam 95
Thank you for hanging in here, how to do this. I think this will be a good day. I say to you my friends, Jam Jam, and see you.
tomorrow see you bye bye my friends bye bye

FAQ on GM NFTFY: What’s happening in web3? | Twitter Space Recording

What is the new feature of music that the speaker mentions?
The speaker likes the new feature of music in which music plays in the background when no one is speaking in a space.
Why does the speaker like the new music feature?
The speaker likes the new music feature because when someone tries to put their own music in a space, it has a low-quality sound due to microphone limitations.
What event did the speaker mention happened in Brazil in February or March?
The speaker mentioned a big event that happened in Brazil with the real in February or March.
What happened in the crypto market that the speaker considers a good thing?
The speaker considers the increase in usage of layer 2s and Polygon, as well as the year of the merge, to be a good thing that happened in the crypto market.
What are some of the centralized players and funds that the speaker mentioned went down?
Some of the centralized players and funds that the speaker mentioned went down include South Seas network, 3 Arrows Capital, Luna and Terra blockchain, and recently, FTX.
What was the year of nfts according to the speaker?
The speaker considers 2022 to be the year of NFTs, as they brought people to space and had utility beyond just being collectibles.
What was the highlight of the year according to the speaker?
The highlight of the year according to the speaker was tapping into Tornado Cash, as well as the passing of the first government proposal.
Why does the speaker consider in real life events to be a good thing for the ecosystem?
The speaker considers in real life events to be a good thing for the ecosystem because they allow for more collaboration, business partnerships, and bone creation.
What did Elon Musk ask his followers in a recent poll?
Elon Musk asked his followers in a recent poll if he should step down and sell Twitter.
What questions does the speaker have about synchronized organizations after so much criticism and sanctions?
The speaker wonders how resilient synchronized organizations are after facing criticism and sanctions, and how they can continue to function in the face of adversity.