GM NFTFY: What’s happening in web3?

Recorded: Nov. 22, 2022 Duration: 0:30:10
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hey my friends, how is my sound doing? It's great actually. Okay, then clear.
Sorry, didn't how are you guys doing today? Oh, fine. You're things it's raining out out here. So it's kind of cozy. That's nice to hear. I'm really excited.
How about you? I'm excited today. I don't know why I woke up like this but I already started my day early and doing a lot of things. Right now it's, yeah, I started to get a little slower because the SSC's current is trolling me with my
my data. So I'm kind of working on that right now.
but it's good, it's good.
I'm jam, jam, jam.
Jam Jam morning mate. How are you guys doing doing great, man? All right, it's it's kind of funny because Today Argentina lost the first game. Did you saw that? Yeah, they got hurt
I was gonna say anything but Argentina wasn't the only one who got getting a rugged today. Who else?
I just bought some NFTs, some shady NFTs collection that was training on OpenC and I'm probably gonna get rugged man.
I did my research after buying. So yeah, I'm probably going to get regular about this. But hey, it's a monkey collection and it's raining on open sea. So there's still a chance that I get like
Which one? Yut? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, crazy man You're so crazy Exactly man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm glad I'm always here to hear that as well Yeah, but yeah Shit happens
I don't know, I was like I need to do my final work to finish college and yesterday I was doing it and I was like man this shit is boring so I started to search OpenC and I like found this collection and like what the hell
why I shouldn't I buy some NFTs. That's my story man, do your own research. That's that's that's that's nice to hear I think everyone here right now has has gone it some time in their their path so we're together.
So if you the old the old way of doing this type of if we're boring don't don't drink don't don't be drunk now the new advice is if we're boring don't open up and see yeah because she will happen yeah and
And I almost bought another one, another shitty collection. But I don't know, something came on my mind and I decided that I needed to focus on my work. So that was my story for yesterday night.
Yeah, yeah, we are seeing some stuff going out and Interestingly we have a
one of the most mysterious tweets of YouTube and Polyon at the same time. Well you guys see this coming
You saw that? Yeah, yeah, I definitely saw that. It's just some kind of speculation. We can assure anything, but for me, things that YouTube is going to make some NFT collection. I don't
know why but I was scrolling down to either last night at the same time and I should be doing my work and I found some girl that do some daily spaces saying that YouTube and Polyvue YouTube has already released it some quite a while but
that he had to create some NFT collection. So I think that's it man. And at the same time I think it would be awesome because YouTube, every year YouTube does like the, I think it's like rewind, it's called rewind like,
a mashup like basically with the most viral videos of the year and I don't know I think they are probably going to launch some youtube real-wide on NFTs so that the community can buy and they can like earn my earn my money but that's my quest
Yeah, I think they will, they are inspired by what happened with Reddit. Or this is something old or they are working in this for quite a while.
I don't know man, my polygon just doesn't stop so amazed me like all these all these companies that they are playing into a tree and but I think it's likely they're
Probably Planet this because it's YouTube is a huge huge brand and it's coming to a lot of worse like couldn't be anything like that couldn't be an agent play it should be like some well well planets
Well, well, something that it's very well planned. So I think this is in the backlog life for quite a while. And at the same time, I was reading something that one of the directors of gaming, one of the YouTubers, directors of GameU,
is now a days on Polygon. I forgot his name. So I think that their relationship is like it's already strong and they're probably going to launch something like today. I was scrolling on Twitter like after midnight to see if they
say something but I don't think they published anything yet right? Yeah they didn't. And the thing is that's one of the things that I think that we were chatting for a while
some for some days now how polygon can create these partnerships and you just said something that's very interesting in the polygon team there is a lot of people that were sea levels or huge
players in Web2 companies, big tax, and they immigrated to or Polygon or doing stuff in general and using Polygon. So I think that if you look back, the partnerships are
are kind of natural because if people that are worked in Web2, are entering Web3, they have connections in Web2 as well. So I think that this can be a way of thinking why, how the VG team
of Poland is getting a lot of support in this world with brands all around the world and with different niches as well. So I think this kind of may answer this.
And it's a totally of thought of thinking. Another thing is the collections for the FIFA World Cup. What about the Reddit ones? Did you bought some, Kuri?
Yeah, of course my friend I'm become like a food agent after yeah, I thought it was a lot But yeah, yeah, but I like I live in a boat because I like the art and I like red it I didn't but by like expecting to gain
some money from it, like the collection was less than a dollar so for me it's something that just it's just here my wallet is not for anything and it's probably not going to be worth like anything in the future either but
I'm seeing a lot of collections regarding support and FD collections. I'm not a huge fan of football or sports. I'm a huge fan of crypto and that's basically my life so I didn't follow too much.
of these collections, but at the same time I think it's a very well played strategy because a lot of people like football and sports, so it would be a very well way to people who enter NFTs.
Yeah, that's interesting. I saw that we had a project in an NFT project in Algrant with FIFA. How is going this project? Do we have any news?
Yeah, so I bought this collection I bought some of these of the collection and As I recall it I bought their first launch it was called like Janice collection. It was like the
the supply was huge but if you collect it all the there was like some kind of tears like the common common moments they like uncommon there were everyone's and the at once if you collected all the all the NFTs in the same time
like the other adquants you want something like you want another NFT or another thing and I know that they already did this their second drop I don't know what is what is called but the same things that
I said with Reddit what kind of NFTs I'm gonna say about these drops because even though it's a crew concept they're supply it's really really really huge so we cannot expect anything
money wise from this. It's basically like if you love football you can collect some cool football moments that happen around like every word cup and that's the concept. My basically isn't like earning money from NFTs or flipping them.
Well, that's very interesting because Wordcups are a big huge event in one of the biggest of all. And it's kind of interesting because it's always attached to something collectible.
because it creates memories. You create memories of things that happened, things that you were happy about, or things that were historically, or things that we don't like it, but I start anyway. So these kind of
of are very present in word cups. Collectability is something very present. And it's interesting because it's a mixture of worlds now. We have this tradition of word cups.
being kind of memorabilia, we have objects, we have tapes, we have added some things like that. Every word cup we have that because people like to remember things. And now we are
Interacting for the first time and that's very beautiful to see. And yeah, we are getting more lamps going on sports yet.
are getting more lampsy what swish will be and Nike it's it's playing to launch a marketplace and a marketplace that will pay royalties to stylish to distill its stylists and
and people that draw the designs. So it's not going the way that I thought would be swish. But let's see, we guys have anything to add in swish or things that you want to see.
No, I actually I don't actually I'm seeing right now some some image of all the companies that are like doing some kind of predictions to go through to a free there are creating a polygon I'm trying
to share it with you guys. But man, there's a lot of companies here. I just sent you via DM. But like, it's amazing, like all the companies that are creating something on Portugal.
It's really something out of my mind here and at the same time as we are talking yesterday with her it's It's really weird because like we don't see a lot of companies making partnerships with other blockchains like Bitcoin in Syria
like Barcelona, Avalanche and other ones. So at the same time that I'm really bullish it's really weird because like no water block chain have or other companies have all this
Web2 companies create anything on blockchain. It's weird. Yeah, yeah, yeah, this image is right now. It's out of the curve. It's impressive. Talking about sports yet, I think that's
a kind of niche that will be very frequent and going forward. But I have a project that I really like personally that I think that Samuka and Yukuori as well like.
I just flipped it on Mars yesterday and it's falling due to advice. So some people want to talk a little bit about what is Gnar's for free.
And ours is a sub-dow of the NONS project. And the main goal, as I see it, is that the community wants to
make the radical sports events drive. So basically all the propositions in the prop house of NARS is for something related to sports. So skate, surf, football, or there's Americans like to say soccer.
and anything that's related to skydiving and kite surfing, basically the project wants to help out athletes and sponsors and kinds of events that brings
people and makes it gets bigger and more relatable and people get comfort around it. So I believe in the project because of the main water we're looking for. So that's why I'm bullish and I'm keep buying
some more instead of just leaping and looking at the money I can get from the project it's amazing man I don't think I don't know if I will answer your question right so if you want to know anything else just ask okay yeah just for
We always say that, but it's not enough. This is not financial advice, but what I really like about Mars is that they propose to be a Red Bull inventory without selling sugar drinks.
It's very interesting. They are not bringing any products in the medium. They are just straight away financing. They create NFTs, they finance.
the sports and the athletes and the ways they do the sport, the means of doing the sport and just that, it's that, they self-financial themselves. So it's straight away simple and I think that this simplicity is what it's
really interesting. Going down the header hole of this part, I think that this is a good way of demonstrating in every aspect of how a sport skin merge with NFTs, with
We have Trin General, but we had the Azuki and Red Bull partnership Red Bull Hayes Racing, so it's a Formula One if you like it. But things are not that sponsoring, Azuki is not sponsoring
Red Bull. Red Bull Racing bought Azuki 8494. So it's Red Bull appreciating the Azuki IP or our intellectual property.
and merging with the cars to create some more value or drive more attention of the web tree community. How we will guys see this merge of IP and sports and do you think that other teams will do the same?
Yeah, and you can see it getting related to like, Narz in the example in the future because I think it's just this start even though right now the project is not.
doing real life stuff like a merge product and this kind of stuff I think in the future, we can as a community make some partnerships with, I don't know,
It's parts brands and anything like that to gain more
relevance in the system. So I don't think we can stop it. Right? What in what we're doing right now? And looking to the future, you can see a lot of things to prospect and keep growing.
It's something to keep in sight as the brand grows and it gets more
It gets bigger in the ecosystem so we can do things more efficiently even though it's in the IRL.
I think it's nice to think like that.
That's the way that I think that
things will interact with one day and another. I think that Web2 will bring valuable IP to you at 3 and Web3 will bring valuable IP to you at 2 or even if you're talking about
We're talking of racing. We're talking about one of the most watching championships of nowadays. So it's very interesting to see how things
are merging together. Kuddy, you want to do anything for these spaces? Yeah, definitely. I don't know if you guys recall our follow-up along, all the things that is happening with GameStop since the
last year, like Shardscrease, they were probably going bankrupt and then like the community basically saved them and like a lot of shit happened with GameStop in the best field year.
They did launch some NFT collections, GameStop NFT, it's a thing on Twitter right now. And just yesterday I found some really interesting news. First of all, I didn't know that they
they had a wallet, a crypto wallet. So, GameStop wallet is a thing. And just yesterday, they made this, they're all available on iOS, iOS.
And the thing that I'm into bring here, it's also related to that not just GameStop wallet but also like yesterday JP Morgan file some trademark for creating some kind of wallet. I don't know if the wallet is going to be available for the public or just like some
like cost study of their own assets, but you guys see this migration to Web 3 not only on banks on GameStop in a lot of companies trying to create something on Web 3 such as a wallet something like positive or negative or like need
What do you guys think about all this? I think that in this state where we are right now, I think that we need that. We need that people on Web 2, or on 2, tap into Web 3, and Web 3, trying to enter
I think that this is the way that we need to encourage to go forward. I think this is a way of going to end up in massive
adoption, I think, and onboarding the masses. And I think this is the way of usability and less speculation. I would say in more of this productivity, what things, what we are bringing to the people, what we are bringing to the
Common people not the earlier doctor. We're not talking about earlier doctor anymore. We are talking about general public now We are talking the big talk now. It's it's very interesting because This will not drive liquidity up such as the boom market date
This will be very basic adoption and will not be liquidity as such we saw liquidity entering everywhere in every project. Now the market will be more picky, I would say, more
this project yes this don't have much usability I will buy this because I need to enter this stuff or have access to this is this other stuff so the projects that create the best way to interact with this new world
is merging world, this mass adoption world, I think that they will drive the liquidity but the others that don't will not drive liquidity just by being there and such as did happen in the bull market and yeah I think this is the way coming forward what do guys think
Yeah, and just to say something in their app description they basically say wait for noobs and forward users alike GameStop wallets is your home base and part of the word of a Syrian connector all into the wider the system of a three a Syrian that's so I didn't try the wallets
But as this description, I basically think that they are aiming to onboard people because like Krypton natives doesn't need simple wallets. We already have like a lot of options. But people that aren't into Krypton need something simple so they can start their journey.
Of course, and you have a lot of other things that are really, really fine in creating such as Zapper. I like Zapper, how they are as a union, how they aggregate their experience. If you go to Poca. For example,
The difference between the old wallet and outtallism for example, it's huge. And in this it's things that really matter in the long run because of how people use it and how it's the experience.
experience. Nowadays we don't have this kind of good experience yet. Things are kind of not good at all for people that are not in the ecosystem and for people that are in the ecosystem, we are adaptable. We adapt to bad stuff.
really quickly and that's not good. If you want to onboard people in the good way, we don't need to come
with what we have now. We need to have better stuff and use better stuff. We need to move from or zone of comfort or comfort zone of safety.
Yeah, but yeah, that's a great I 100% agree with you and my and I just am here like Doing click on F like a fire like trying to refresh my page. So I see this polygon announcement Really anxious for that
I think their biggest like jigger chat mode would be doing something that like odd say and other video platforms already do like integrate all their videos on a blockchain but basically for in my opinion for YouTube to do that it would be basically
possible because there is like so much like hours long videos like being published every hour that I don't know if any blockchain would it wouldn't be able to handle that yet. Yeah I would say that that you I think that
This is the utimate goal if you are trying to create the YouTube web to YouTube, but yes, it's very difficult in the technical level. So that's it guys. We talked a lot about sports in our tree because of the World Cup of course.
But there is very ways of how WebTree will interact with our WebTree companies or WebTree projects. We will interact directly or indirectly with sports. And how WebTree's major brands
Sports brands are making their reign in Web Creek as well So thank you guys for being here today and spend our precious morning time here with us. Thank you guys. See you tomorrow Thanks guys