GM NFTFY: What’s happening in web3?

Recorded: Dec. 23, 2022 Duration: 0:30:28
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Okay, he's saying that he's gonna answer here But just saying how filters lab went we Are now ended the the builders lab like the version zero and was very great to
have projects that we could help and give feedbacks in the last class. I was very happy, very, very happy. The class was ended almost midnight and was amazing.
One of the things that I most like about it is the different projects that presented, you know, had some projects like Kazanash did, that you presented to us, that is amazing, amazing project here in the United States.
It is a great project. It preserves the memories of old houses. I think the project is amazing. Yeah, it transforms something that is ephemeral in something on-chain and permanent.
that's something really interesting to see. When I saw the project and I read the article called the "Onshain Era" from the magazine, Zara, I saw a
relationship between you know preservation and on-chain things this creating things on-chain is already a present you know is it's right now is happening is not a
I think that we propose to do in the future, know is something that is happening is the utility that we have right now and will be there for a long, long time. How are you doing, my friends? Goody.
I think I'm not listening to you.
Your mic is muted.
I think he has been a little bit of issues to connect. But okay, we have some people here guys, Haifa, Duz, as well, fun to go up here, my friends. Feel free to do so. It's always a free
space. So then how was yesterday and how is today morning? Some of the happens something that you are watching the markets, watching the ecosystem that is interesting? Well
I don't read nothing about the international scenario, but today I'm going to have a live on YouTube with my previous crypto. And I will talk about Chen Ling with Kavish and Chen. It will be very, very nice.
The life will happen at 6pm, him 3-3, Brazilian timezone. It will be very, very nice. Yesterday I read about Caroline, the SPFX girlfriend.
And I read that like him, she will wait for the judgment in US. I don't think so. She will be imprisoned anymore.
Yeah, we had the big news yesterday was SPF bailing himself out of prison without a fee of more than $200 million.
something that is quite expensive. And I would say that most people were worried or pissed off because this is actually not his money. That's something that really
get people passionate about it. I will invite Quidiasco Hostas, because I have a feeling that Quidy wants to talk about it. But how do you feel about it, Danny?
How about SBA F, Valiant self-out with the money of users? The third biggest payment. No, I didn't know that. Yeah, the third biggest payment.
to not be in prison. There's this illegal to me because this money that he's paying is not, he's not, he's money, you know. So everything is
wrong to me. I think that the judge needs to look at the situation and think, "Okay, I'm receiving this payment, but this money is not a he's money."
But the justice isn't always fair. But for me, the situation is wrong. Could it speak better about the situation?
Yeah, GM, GM, you guys hear me? Yeah, yeah, GM, GM, my friend. Yeah, I must have some some troubles here. But yeah, I saw this SPF thing and it's really, it's really weird. He just like he did an interview some time ago.
He only had like 100k money and like one day like I don't know why two two three weeks passed that he basically bailed out with 250 million. It's really really weird. I saw that a lot of this money came from here
parents but like that's not like that's not plausible like that's a lot of money and that's really points out to me they have a legendary hacker that stole sdf that stole ftx funds because man that's a lot of money they
He basically could not pay that if he was broke. So that really surprises me and I'm not feeling happy about being free right now.
that there isn't like the finitive like he can't come back to jail after the after his trial but man like I really don't want us to be free man he basically rugged a lot of people and he deserves to like pay for that and he's a he's a risk to like
be clear of everything that's happening, not like trying to say that he wasn't duty and he didn't knew what was happening in FTX. So that's strange to me. And I always point out this but I really want to say it again that
Influen, power is everything. He donated them a lot of money to both sides of the United States. And Rao Zulvich, the guy who created Silk Road in 2013, is still in jail, like, paying with two life centers.
justice isn't the same for everyone, like, justice have, especially United States, justice have its own like, privileged people because that's not like some fair situation. So that's really, it gets me thinking like where we are heading with these, like we can buy power, we can buy, buy money,
by justice with money and that's not the same fare. So at the same time I'll see that once again, SBF is free but Alexey Pate said he's arrested and Rose Ubich is arrested like completing two life centers so that's not fair man.
Yeah, we have Ross Rulbrisch, we have Alex Seppner, chef, we have a lot of cases that this happened. People cross it in front of some shady rules and God's arrested to
made example and if his node didn't run to abroad he would be in the same situation and the thing is
Even worse or even has exactly and the thing is that a person that needs to follow tics that can hide money that can
Yeah. He...
He delivered a lot of money and a lot of codeon code gifts to a lot of people in this couple of years. And this is something that has power afterwards. So yeah.
It's sad to see this reality, this harsh reality in front of us, but we hope that the justice will be the end goal of all days. We hope, we just hope.
at this point. Yeah. Good. We were tapping into another topic today when we were talking private early today. And do you want to bring this up or should I?
Yeah, I think we can talk about that. I want to ask, like, money and you, like, "Are that just for money?" And like, "Are that just a money thing?" Like, "Why are we creating doubts for everything?" I want to understand because I was
See a lot of people talking about me though as just a money thing and like from someone that that's into it like from I'm not saying that I am on OG if you understand me But I'm saying that I'm already fall down the habraved hole and I will want to understand like what what's the vision that
that people that are like joining crypto, joining what three gets from those because if those are just among things like why they are different from every single other company that we already exist. So that's my question here, like to start this discussion.
Yeah, I would like to then go first if he if she wants.
Sorry, I was lost. What's the question? The woman that are looking for my visa to go to Denver just called me right now and I'm kind of... Oh, that's great news, my friend. Great, great news.
So I am, you know, with my fingers crossed here. Big old friend. I was talking to Victor before the space is started and we are talking about the house and the
culture because I see a lot of people just joining web3 and running crypto to make money and to be a money thing and like from someone that's already that's already that already fall for the webtole like do you think that those are just for money
why no what's the difference between gals and other like other companies like uh... like every single company that already exist the politics
It's a bit clear to politics. Well, it's because we are boring creatures and we want to have some stress, you know.
Yeah, I think that Douse and the members of some Douse, besides the money, wants to learn, you don't go to work in a company
and seek to learn and seek to make connections and seek to make some networks. So I think that's besides money, but including money, you can make connections
you can learn about the whole ecosystem. In a company as well, you are not always able to make props to do something different.
a defied out or a media out or now you can make props to change the world to do something new and in that traditional company you cannot do it. You have a business model and you have to follow this business model and that's it. You need to
work to produce, yeah that's it. You are not able to create always. So the difference to me is creation, the creativity, the network, and the learning.
Yeah, for me it is more cultural aspects as well. I would say that Danny actually did like a more detailed way because culture is a little bit generical but yeah
people go for the culture and believe and the money is something that is is full natural if the if the Dow it's a Dow that helps and create products and create a better ecosystem if they create even they are if they are public
good they will have money and they will have money to distribute among their contributors. So yeah, I believe that if you bring a plus on the ecosystem, even if you are public goods that you don't try people,
to create these such things. You can receive grants, you can receive other types of revenues. And yeah, I believe that those are a form of a coordination. We have people that are there for money, but I think
I think that people that will last in this form of coordination is that they've lived in our horizontal culture, in a culture that you can learn with people and can teach at the same time. It's a place that has a maximum network effect because
Everything most dolls are open to the public. You can be a voting member but you can be a member that have no vote power because you have to have such token or NF2 stuff like that. But you can participate, you can have your vote wise heard.
So yeah, you can contribute. Most of those are in that way permission is in open. And I believe that people go there because of that, because of these characteristics. If we have only companies in the crypto space, everyone will be left
out. Only a few people will be employed and the other rest will be like, yeah, we are just all just right now. I think that will make you get your hands dirty and do the work while participating in the economy.
Uh... Goodie, yo.
on Q or U or Dome.
For me, he's kind of bugged. Yeah, I thought it was sceptical to be a co-host, but I don't know what happened.
He is already a co-host, but he is trying to speak kind of funny.
pretty bugging is not the first time but okay well because the wrong comes back around he just makes jokes jokes about your internet yeah yeah that's kind of funny isn't it Kuri
That's kind of... I'm aronic. He's a runnyk, he's an his my friend. That you are following the spaces and I can follow in the squad but the spaces are not your thing as well.
Okay, okay now we have now's Brazil and little Brazil. I just came back to the problem. I am not a problem. Problem is Twitter. So oh
I'm going to come back. I promise.
Do weight for Mr. Falling weekend. We can continue in this topic then.
Oh, it's really come back really quickly. Yeah, so I'm back. Thank you. Thank you for all our patience guys. I'm sorry for no problem is there yeah here for you. Yeah, but I really want to dive deep into these dolphins because like I don't know why
I see a lot of people trying to enter the crypto system just as a way to earn money. And I don't think that's the right approach for you to get on crypto. Like sooner or later you would discover everything that's happening under the mainstream media, not only Bitcoin price is going up or down, but really an existing rowing in
starting to realize that they are much bigger than we ever imagined. So, and I still see a lot of people trying to make these just some kind of alternative financial markets. And man, like these people could be not, like, could be, like, they are so wrong. I don't know the same
why they still do that. And it's said to see because a lot of the time I'm just new people because if you are new to the critical system it's okay like you were a learning. But I see a lot of people that call themselves OGs trying to say that like this is just money just another
other financial market let's put it in a way and it's so sad to see that because these people don't realize everything that we are building here at Tindyat that is being built not only like we are building but it's being built like NFT is dolls of the Web to Culture it's like so much bigger than like
Bitcoin price is going up for Dow, Ethereum going up for Dow. We are here to change the world not to make another financial market. It's really sad to me and it really gets me. I get really nervous when I connect to people like that because it's first a waste of time. I waste of their time to be thinking like that.
I really just think that we need to explain to these people what we are doing. But a lot of times they are not receptive to learn. They just want to say that they are specialists in defying those in a 3-S-O. And in the end of the day, they are like nobody.
It's especially in this market. We are all earning here. That's one of the things that's the most amazing things of all-purpose freedom. We are all still earning here, all cooperating with one another to get to know better, everything gets being built here. I'm sorry that I'm talking about today, but it's up to you guys. I just want to make that commentary.
No problem, all my friends, feel free. Yeah, definitely. It's kind of funny because I think most of this behavior came from where the people started. Where is the alma mater of his
line of thoughts. Most of these people are... I'm not saying that if you came from such place, you can't be... you can't change or simply that. But most of these people came from two places.
webtooth startups world that really webtooth indeed like social media stuff or social media tooling and stuff like that to grow and grow packing and stuff like that and a lot of people came from this world I came a little
bit from this road. And the other kind of people came from centralized exchanges. They have this line of thought. This line of thought that divides, quote unquote, "Ogies" in "pastons." And I don't see this quite with good eyes. I don't see at all with
the good guys. And we have other kind of people that came from DFI straight away DFI like Uniswap or Compound and saw these revolutions because these kinds of things are indeed revolutions. Nautz and other places that
came to create a revolution that is very, very different from everything else. And we have these two line of thoughts, all the time crashing out here. But I think it's okay. I think they have things that we need to learn.
but definitely definitely definitely I don't want to lose the culture that we created here not at all and yeah I think all depends on where people started to learn this world because sometimes they came with a whole
mentality of earning some money or creating some business and then exit with their equate, equate exit and stuff like that and yeah be rich for their whole life. What is not a big problem but
But in it you understand that it's not the right way, the right pathway here, or not the more usual way, I would say. We came from a different background, we came from Bankless. Bankless is our alma mater, so it's a whole different ecosystem.
Yeah, I know I agree with you that that really matters a lot when you talk about free to like the people that surround you But like I get sad because like don't you don't you make me think a lot this is like about like what I am bush of like what I am bush for
for 2023. And like that there's so much stuff man, like so much stuff is happening like a lot of things growing like a lot of technologies being developed. And I think like why are these people still here? Because if I'm going to be very, very honest
If I were on crypto just about price just because of prices just because Bitcoin going up and out I probably not be here anymore like it's boring Why should I be on some some place that just focus on prices going up on or down like you you know
It was basically everything that's been built and it's really sad that there is so much stuff being built and so much things to be bullish on 2023 that you've got me thinking, how could these people still be here because it's a chart saying
and like, practice going up and out so boring. It's so boring. I couldn't stand like, be someone like that. And I really hope this people, like, one way you are noted, it's hard to realize that it's much more than the practices in the FAF. I'll add you to the financial market.
Yeah, then you want to add something? No, not right now. I would say that I need to go friends. I have a meeting now at 11. So I need to go right now. But thank you. I'm happy that I'm here.
I mean, I mean, I could hear things about new things, some things. So, well, that's it boys, I need to go. Bye. Thank you, Danny. Have a nice day. Bye bye.
Pretty I have a podcast for you if you want it's Jacob founder of Zora I posted in the governance chat chat and nifty fight. It's Jacob from Zora in
the CD Club podcast, building at the edge. It's really interesting, the line of thoughts. And I know that you will love it. You will love it, especially you.
Yeah, I really I saw the the the podcast that you sent to our government chat, but I didn't had the opportunity to to hear is yeah
but it's definitely on my list here. It's Friday so I will probably hear it today or tomorrow and maybe we can talk about it like next Monday.
Yeah, definitely. Definitely. We will have to bring the objects for us to bring to Monday talks, Monday jam.
Perfect perfect. Thank you guys. Thank you everyone that helped us to create this amazing Gemini Ft. Bye. Thank you all. Thank you. Then you then you
is not in here anymore but it is at the 40 records thank you guys see you Monday bye bye

FAQ on GM NFTFY: What’s happening in web3? | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the podcast recording?
The podcast recording is discussing various topics related to the crypto industry, such as recent events and the purpose of the industry.
Can you provide an overview of the Builders Lab discussed in the recording?
The Builders Lab is a project presentation where participants can offer feedback. According to the speaker, it was a great experience that ended around midnight.
What was one project presented in the Builders Lab that stood out to the speaker?
The speaker specifically mentioned the kazanash project, which he described as being a great project that preserves old house memories and transforms ephemeral things into permanent ones on the blockchain.
What event was the speaker planning to attend later that day?
The speaker mentioned that they were planning to attend a live YouTube session with their previous crypto, discussing Chen Ling with Kavish and Chen.
What event are the other speakers discussing that took place the day before?
The other speakers were discussing the recent news about SBF bailing himself out of prison, which caused controversy due to concerns about the money belonging to users.
Why does the speaker feel that justice is not being served in regards to SBF's situation?
The speaker feels that justice is not being served because SBF was able to pay his way out of prison, despite concerns about the source of the money. They also mention other cases where people were not given the same privilege, such as Ross Ulbricht and Alexie Pate.
What question did one of the speakers ask about the purpose of web3?
One of the speakers asked: 'why are we creating doubts for everything?' and 'why are people joining crypto just for money?'. They wanted to understand what the vision is for people who join web3 and what sets it apart from other companies.
What reasons did one speaker give for why some people join web3 besides making money?
The speaker said that some people join web3 to make connections, learn about the ecosystem, and make networks.
What was the speaker's opinion on why some people may join web3 solely for the purpose of making money?
The speaker joked that it's because humans are 'boring creatures' who want to alleviate stress. However, they also mentioned that making money and learning can go hand in hand in web3.
What was the speaker looking forward to that day?
The speaker was hopeful and anticipating news of their visa being approved to travel to Denver.