GM NFTFY: What’s happening in web3?

Recorded: Nov. 29, 2022 Duration: 0:32:40
Space Recording



Full Transcription

Hey guys, GM GM. If you want to go up here, just feel free to go up here. Marcos, if you want to go up here, go to my friends and have a good morning.
Today we will tap into some some wipe to news some stuff that are going into the space and I want you to Understand a little bit about it. What are you guys feeling in the markets?
And I have a big question as well. Hey, could you hurry to do my friend?
Hey friend can you hear me? Twitter is kind of... Yeah, do you know that the yesterday we did? Yeah, no it's for everyone
It's for everyone that's hugging and being with all day long or week long. Do you know that yesterday we did QGF spaces at the same time?
Yeah, yeah, I heard that the first action was the first time that I heard that like how is that even possible? No, it isn't wasn't wasn't possible like wasn't it
It is something really really really really to happen. I think it's not possible but I don't know. Delete, Twitter is bugging so stuff like that happens a lot.
Yesterday we had a
A big day, a lot of things happened. We have discussions in our GM-Nifty-Fi after that have the Brazilian game for those that don't follow football or soccer or football.
Brazil won, won 2-0 from Switzerland. And after that, we had some governance talks in the NiftyFi discord, where we had some
some discussions in the community about the Dowgoaverness, how to approach it, how to create guilds, how to vote, how the voting system would be, stuff like that was a
very good one. I think we have we tapped into a lot of themes and discussions and it was pretty great. And then we had our spaces in part of these
at night was about IRL events and about the events in Brazil in Belo Horizonte was decentralized. We talked a little bit about
and was really great to see community building in real life. So yeah, this was only in if T-PiWad happened yesterday. But yes, how was your day going so far yesterday?
Yeah, so this past few days and also today are kind of freaky to me. I have a lot of things to do. I'm searching for an apartment. I have to reveal my
Final work for college until like basically two o'clock today So a lot of things happening not on that tree related but real life problems Let's put it that way But at the same time they creep to universe doesn't stop
So yesterday we saw that BlockFi fired in Chapter 11 for bankruptcy. I think it's a huge thing, like BlockFi, it's a big deal into crypto.
and I'm looking forward to here. What genesis we'll bring to us if they're going to be grab see or what to plead for, or they are going to be taken as with more vc investments.
Yeah, BlockFi was a huge one that we we we faced it, but I think was predictable in a way because they were having problems for a time now and the important
The important thing is that the market is not surprised for this. So I think for this the market didn't react so badly. It is pumping right now. I don't know the specifics about
but I know that we didn't get as affected as it could be by Block Fry being corrupted. And talking about
What is in your radar? What kind of niches and spaces are you thinking will grow in the next year?
2022 and most of the time now will be spent on holidays and vacations and I think that even for a while, three this time of the year, I have passed it once and it
It is kind of slow compared to the other parts of what happened, what other parts of the year. So what are your expectations for the next year? What things are in your reader?
Now your microphone is not open before talking. Oh, I think he is now. That's 8 wait some moments to quit his back.
friend, I just got broken so no no bro did you listen to my question and not at all like I started talking because like you just just stopped talking here for
for me and I think like I was having some tournaments shoes so please, please repeat them sorry for that. No problem. The question is basically what do you are expectations for the next year since we are
already is we are leaving to 2022 and besides the expectations what niches of NFTs or DeFi and your radar right now.
Yes, so that's kind of that's kind of an interesting question because like there's a lot a lot of things to say and there's a lot of things to explore so I'm gonna start with with what I'm gonna start in in a way and if you want to we can
change the way that this conversation is going. So like we've already got into the whole ecosystem, I think like next year is not going to be like some bullish market, even though I do believe that we're going to see a lot of interesting prices going up, but not as
as we saw in the past, because I don't think the macro condition, macro condition are in a good way right now, a good path right now. But I'm really, really excited for what crypto is going to bring the next year, because we saw this year, we
seen this year, a lot of companies started to build projects like into blockchains. Like, one of the different blockchains, like Polygon is the one that basically do partnerships with every other huge company but not only on Polygon we are seeing that on other blockchains too. And I think
We are going to see a lot of these products being built next year and like being released to the public and their customers. So I think that's going to be interesting. And I really don't think that next year we are going to see a lot of growth on this ecosystem because
So we are seeing, as I talk a lot of companies and a lot of people starting to look into crypto not only from a financial perspective but from a beautiful perspective. So a lot of companies, a lot of people are going to get into the ecosystem trying to basically be free from their government.
especially people from South America and other countries that are passing through some hard financial times. I think they are basically going to see why we need crypto here. I am one of these people that really think that living in Brazil, we need
We need crypto to be free from inflation and from the government's hands. So I think like 2020, which year? Like we are at like 22 or 23. I'm really lost here. It's the right to do right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I think like 2023 we are going to see a lot of people coming into the ecosystem to try to understand what we are viewing and at the same time I think that's hard mission because in the end of the day a lot of like most people want to come to crypto towards
money. So we need to show them that that's not the only way that this ecosystem works. We need to build, we need to like do a lot of things work a lot. And I like I really like that phrase that Dave Hoffman said like I don't know if it was only on a podcast or on a
tweet also but he said basically that crypto isn't here to make a reach but like basically to set you free and that really stick on my mind and I hope that next year we can spread this message to more people. But hey if you want I can go moist
more specifically, I just take more general so because if we are going to talk about NFTs, DAOs, DeFi and companies building on blockchains, we are going to need to modern now to talk about this Holocaust system, the whole thing. Go ahead, no problem.
Let's go deep. If you want to go to specific, we will talk about it. Because of next year's mobile, all I'm saying is it's just mobile. Because next year we aren't going to see huge spike in prices.
in the NFT system, I really, really hope that we start to see more use cases of like regarding to NFTs and real life like on movies like on movie tickets, on concerts, but not regarding like but not with some kind of like the exchange like I
I think Coach LR tomorrow indeed with FTX, but more on the decentralized ecosystem. So I really hope that NFTs start to get more on mainstream. We have a hard mission to do that, like starting to understand what Reddit did, how can we replicate that?
but I really hope that in the next year or two I can start to buy movie tickets with NFTs that would be really awesome. So that's for me. I really hope that we pass this phase from PSP's NFTs not that I don't
like it but I don't think an FT should be only that. And I think in the fight like we are already seeing what's happening after FTX and all these centralized players affecting the marketing so we are seeing a lot of growth into the fight, into the
centralize that exchange and ecosystem, the digitalize ecosystem as a whole. So I think that next year we're going to see that getting bigger and bigger and people starting to learn and developing what they already learned, like how and the importance that we should
have our own cost city of our assets. So I hope that more people start to buy lagers and browsers or order code wallets, start using more wallets, start understanding why a Metamask or order wallet that you use are so important to us here into the grid code ecosystem.
Yeah, I believe that you said you said you right a lot of things a lot of these things that we speculated and we said how it will be the future Now will be the present and we'll be in your north
daily basis and it will be useful, I think, as tools, as things to promote loyalty in a coffee shop, for example, or to improve a club, or to create communities, or to create
nichet art or to promote artists in the beginning or their start point in their career, kick start point of their career. So I think that this
kind of applications will happen and it will happen in the basic levels as you can notice and will not be such a spectacular increase in
huge number of human figures in tokens being to the sky or to the moon as it was in the last summer. So yeah, I really believe that and I consider this being the gold age
because it's the age of applicability and use cases. And I think that this is most important for our industry as a whole. Our web to revolutions, it's only our revolution if it's applicable.
people really use it more than the speculated about it. And yeah, that is something that I really believe in. Talking a little bit about it, one thing that I
I've been thinking about it and I listened to a podcast that said something about it and read something about it as well. It is the concept of how social media is
for it itself again. People ask for the web to arrive three games, better, but social media is from itself, it's a game, you get rewards for it, you get likes, it's a social game.
recently to it it's about social dolls being being again we have in in Gus says that dolls are like big brother so if you if you imagine stuff
like that it is a game. What do you think could you do think we will have indeed web3 games that have like fantasy stuff or do you think that will be embedded in social dolls or communities.
I don't mind like, Beauty and I always isn't an easy thing like quite the opposite actually and I also think that Beauty and I are a game
me. Thank someone just called me. Can you guys hear me? No problem. Happened to me. Oh, it's not. Yeah, but you're hearing me, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So, yeah, so we're not that easy.
create a game, I do not think it is also, it isn't easy because like we have a lot of things related to mechanics and like the game being a great thing for players and also like for this whole new concept of play to work but I saw you are
your tweets like this morning and I don't like the future I don't know how the future is going to be but I think like we need to evolve into developer lots regarding to the game exist and like the gaming game fly a consistent because
Because we are like seeing a lot of improvement right now, I know that we are in the bar market, but I think like we need to develop a lot to this ecosystem be something that we really need to pay attention to at the same time.
I think like the darker system it's roaming a lot in this bear market. Even though we are in a bear market, I said that those aren't easy to build but I see a lot of builders here in the crypto access system that really wants this whole new concept of those to like
something huge, something that we showed the world that pretty to large, just some crazy people organizing the community on this card and doing things. So I don't know, like the future, it's hard to predict the future, but right now I
do prefer the double system that we are building because it seems that even though we are the bear market there are more people construct like you need there are more people contributing to it than to the game X system the game FIQ system let's put in
in that way. But I am also really bullish on this game, like this, on the tiptoe games that's put in the way, because I really to think in a few years we are going to see huge things with games and blockchain. Like I really really really do think I don't know if everyone saw but a few
days I go I think like some CS goal game the game CS goal skeamed I think weapon scheme was like who didn't put it on sale for I think it was more than 400 dollars I didn't recall like the exact number which was like a huge amount
amount of money. So I really don't think that all these concepts are going to crypto and blockchain. So in a few years I think the game fight system is going to be big but not right now.
Yeah, I think that one concept that is very used in ventures evaluates the market and how they understand percentage of equity of a company.
is capital and money as is literally what's capital is and work or the team that is behind operate operating operating the company and they have the
In countries or in ecosystems that the capital is scarce work is less valuable and we have more people more companies in this Giving more of their equity
because they need money, they need money to grow to sustain operations. When they are in ecosystems or in markets or in countries that the capital is a very abundant and very
very easy to access the percentage of the equity that is negotiated is fewer and it's lower and the work of the entrepreneurs and people that are building the company or operating the company is
more valued. Why I brought this up? It is that we spend a lot of time in the DeFi summer, in the NFT summer driving liquidity to our ecosystem in spec
leaders gain more money in the whole. But now we have the opposite. We have a lot of liquidity inside the companies or inside the people hands in the ecosystem because of the summers.
And now the work is more valuable than the capital for itself. So I think we needed this change now. And the most important thing is I don't think that I think we resonate in that. It is not far-speak leader.
the next summer. It is that for people that are working, they are contributing and they are part of the ecosystem. Like a really player of the ecosystem. We resonate on that, Cody, what do you think?
Sorry friend, we repeat the last phrase. The twitter isn't helping me today friend. No problem, no problem at all. It is that I think that the next, the next
summer I would say we'll drive more, we'll value more work than capital for itself. More the people that are contributing then if speculators
Oh perfect perfect. I really hope that that's a thing because I don't know if you agree with me but I see a lot of people that are basically famous on Twitter just because they have a certain number of punks or certain number of apes or did something
basically they are famous because they entered crypto in our early states. I'm not saying that that isn't like some cool thing but I don't think we should like respect people only because of that. I really think that we should like be
They praise people because what they are building and because what they are working more than because they entered Bitcoin or in 2013 or because they have like 50 apes. So I did not think that the next stage is we are going to see a lot of people being praised because
because they are contributing a lot with this ecosystem. But I don't know man, that's hard to say. You're not only in the direct hole because in this crypto universe as a whole, like marketing,
I'm going to say the influencer way, influential way that I produce videos. I see a lot of people that are like crazy because they have some kind of NFT or because they pretend to know something but they in the end they
don't know shit about crypto, about what this ecosystem means. So I'm really hoping for that phase where we get more recognition because we are building things and not only because we have some social status.
exactly. Just tapping to something related to what's happening in the space, we are having the art basil mayami event right now. And we
have people there, if I'm not wrong, three people there from Nifty Fight. And the thing is a lot of things are happening and I saw the defined
article talking about how the loyalty and FTs will drive the next bull run and they have an example of how this kind I really appreciate if you guys read it it's a very good one
And friends with benefits, FWB, it's creating, it's teaming up with Hennessy. Hennessy, it's a drink label.
I believe it's... I don't remember which drink label was. I don't remember which one was. But they produce
I'll call base it three. It seems a lot of time since they are very very old and now they are launching NFTs based on my OT with FWB and will be 1765 NFTs. I think
case the date of their foundation and this kind of thing of what you're emerging with traditional brands this one is a very very very old and traditional brand it is kind of interesting
interesting. It's how things evolve. What do you think could be? Do you think this is the future of just stuff that will not be talked in the future?
Let me just take a step back here. I knew that it was going to be an event on Miami. But I don't know what's going to happen on these events.
saw anything on Twitter and where did this came from? I saw some cool people regarding to NFTs going to Miami this week but like where did what did where did I have some troubles to talk today? Where did all this came from?
like it is the first time that art basil happens or am I really off this kind of event? No art basil really is a traditional art event. It is in Miami it is
a very traditional one. It can happen in Miami, it can happen in Hong Kong, it can happen in Bezos, in Paris, Bezos is in Switzerland. So it is rocking
But in Rock and Reel is bull or rock and you stuff like that. It is a show of art. They have fashion most most of it is about fashion are art in general plastic art basically in NFTs is going huge
in the last year, in this year they are huge in NFTs, in NFTR, and stuff like that. So Art Basel, it's really being hijacked, I would say, by NFT lovers.
Yeah, our basil, it's very traditional, fair, art fair, you know, stuff like that. So it is becoming really NFT-centred in the last few editions.
because NFT brings a fresh air to all of this. I really enjoyed some of the art based showruns in my M last year was one of the visual blue that at the time recently
was passed away so it was a very beautiful one. And yeah, a lot of good stuff, spectacles happened in the art piece. But we can talk a little bit more in the next jam.
What about that?
and you can get back on it tomorrow. Great, great, great guys, thank you for you being here, thank you for being in our gym.
to say again with us and to be turned into the news of our web3 space. Thank you guys see you tomorrow. Bye. Thank you. Bye.