☀️GM NFTFYY - ETH Denver: what's happening?

Recorded: March 1, 2023 Duration: 0:30:50





GM! GM, my friend. How are you doing? I cannot listen to you.
What? You are not listening?
Hello? Hello, oh, okay now now. Oh, you scared me. How are you doing friend? I'm very tired, but I will survive.
You are not sleeping, I already know that. Why not? If I was in a position I would be sleeping all day.
day, every day forever. I need to sleep like a month straight to getting track with all the sleep that I lost in the last years.
Goddamn, I'm just preparing classes, working a lot. So, well.
What did you see? Yes, they was the crypto. Nice. Morning half. Thank you for joining.
Morning. Yeah, so last night I slept very well, but I feel like my body, you know, what wants to sleep more and yeah, it makes sense.
So we need help because our correspondence that the ether damper are not here. The type of our space is ether damper what's happening.
So, what is happening? I don't know, these guys gotta tell us. We need them to tell us what is happening there. We're gonna need to find other stuff to talk about here.
Yeah, I'm missing the boys Yeah, but but probably tomorrow they are going to to bring us more info about eat them for someone happy I will I really want to know what's happening there
Well, I just realized that I cannot see the twere that I was planning to approach here because it is in my Twitter, not in if it's in Twitter.
There's a girl from the Azuk community who is making an awesome wrap-up of, yes, every day. So I'm following this action.
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. She's amazing. She's nice. She's amazing. Exactly. I was thinking about commenting on her tweet yesterday because the one for today is probably not ready yet.
But I cannot see that here. Maybe I can search her. I have probably can. Let me see if I can find her.
with two A's each.
Let me see it.
Let me see here. I will...
Yeah, I should have sent message to everyone. Yeah, her. Thank you. Yeah, I should have sent message to everyone, like inviting for this space.
But I couldn't because I don't know how to tag everyone at once. In the message I never did that.
So I think that's why when you start in the space, you know, it asks you if you want a tool to invite people to message.
Yes, I don't know how to do it as well. Yeah, and I would have need to select one by one. I don't know how to I should have tried like everyone or stuff like that, but I couldn't because I was almost delayed.
Oh super puma is revealing today. They did it. What's it? It's the collection from Puma the brand. So it's today. Yeah, the reviews day. Yeah, I'm glad to wear it.
of uh... branding collection so yeah i don't like too much yeah i mean neither but it's interesting to see right how they are to look like i'm curious to see that
Yeah. Yeah, I'm curious to see the next days of this collection. I really hope it's a, it was survived, but I don't believe.
I haven't checked them in a while to see how they are doing. I don't know if they are for floor prices.
Yeah, I already wrote it. Let's see. Oh, but it's cool because Puma. It's... Oh, how nice. It's a one-three brand because they use Puma.if on... Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Their official Twitter is Puma.if.
Yeah, therefore, their floor prices is standing not that much. The last time I checked it was like 0.24. Now it is 0.2. So not that bad, but not that great too. Their volume is consistent.
number of unique owners is also nice considering that it's a 10k collection. Yeah, looking forward to see the art of that they have chosen. I don't know if it will be like cloths of
or oh I'm already seeing them they are revealed yeah they are revealed they look like she does you know they look cute I like it I like it yeah nothing against them
I like it it. Cool cat.
Let me check out OpenC.
Nice to see Fumo with ANS on Twitter. That's great. Yeah, they're trying hard, right?
And it is their official account. So they probably change that they have changed that for the release of the collection, right? Just just to like give it a pump probably.
And she's commenting on the seniors and saints for a collection. I joined it that one. I was there. I was one that has joined this collection. Made a few books there.
Did you bought your diploma? No, no, Seners and Saints, the one she's mentioning that we're above. It pumped yesterday from 0.02 to 0.05, almost 0.06. It was a 3x, a 3x
pump so it was nice before we start on their coaching their floor. It was a free means so it was quite impressive they had a great day yesterday. Wow that's nice nice to flip. Yeah the floor price now is .04. Are you considering
buy superpool? I don't think so for me it's too expensive right now I have other priorities in this price range and I'm trying to buy some stuff and I also need to have liquidity because I need to
to make more flips, I don't want to commit to anything like too much right now, I prefer to have the eatery in my wallet because the market is not doing bad at all lately. There's a lot of stuff bumping lately. Yeah, I'm not considering, but well, school.
I don't think if I buy a flip, you know, I think they will have great ideas then. I think they, as I said before, they sold out. I said that I believe in Puma because they do stuff
like in a very intelligent way. And I'm pretty sure that they will offer like, nice stuff for the ones holding there. I'm not a brand guy when talking about clothes, you know. I'm like, I'm pretty much like Zuckerberg.
I only buy basic t-shirts and jeans. I never was attached to brand stuff. I don't really care about boom or jitters or whatever. But there's a lot of people there who are devoted to brands like that. I met a girl last
week who only wears agidas she doesn't wear anything from from any other brands I found it funny yeah but she was from the US of course yeah there's a lot of people like that out there yeah if it was if she was Brazilian she would need
to be like the princes of Brazil or something like that right? Yeah yeah or Chinese, Chinese chrubs. I wear it, you know, but from where? I don't know.
Let's see what else what else she's talking about. Disadding all this stuff. Go ahead. I'm a big fan of hers.
Certainly, and it will make a lot of success because a lot of people is fans. I love them too. I like their aesthetic.
Yeah, I love that. Yeah, all the culture. Yeah, all the culture. Yeah, I really want to see. Yeah, I'm here on those websites trying to buy another. I have, you know, I have 16 pair of
16. What?
So you're a collector. You don't really wear a dance. You just buy and save them for the future.
aware than the same girl that I said that only uses agidas a gd disclosed she is also a flipper and a collector of in real-life stuff so
She's a flipper of shoes, she's a flipper of memoria beade like Star Wars stuff, you know, Lego stuff. She flips everything, she flips from shoes to Lego's to
She's a very interesting. We had a long conversation about that and she told me how she buys stuff from companies that is, is shutting down and then resell it.
like televisions and tables and stuff like that shares. I found it very interesting. It's also how you can flip almost everything, right? It's interesting.
It's crazy man. Crazy. Well, what about original? You were about to say. Yeah, I have this feeling that I'm missing out on it that I should have been. I should have been
like giving more attention to that but I just don't have time for this. I don't have time to dive in this another rabbit hole right now to understand
that to create a wallet to be in the discord and stuff. I'm not ready to do that. I think it will give me a lot of anxiety to follow on that. I'm too small in money to spread my money over
I don't feel like it will be a great move for me considering my... Yeah, in a long term, it will not survive at all. Okay, it's a hype. That's what I feel.
Yeah, I have the same thing as we were talking yesterday. There's not an ecosystem there, right? It's just like memorabilia. It's just collectible stuff that people are hoping for it to be something
in the future, but I don't know, we already have eaters, so why would you need that? Right? There are no one likes it, that's up the people trying to make money. The Maxis from Bitcoin are piece it off because of that, the Maxis from eaters
don't give a shit and they don't really care about that. So I'm also not impressed at all. I think that, "Oh, okay, people are making money and this is interesting, but I don't think that I want to spend my time trying to
to learn that. I think that my time will be much more well used if you use it here. In either like keeping improving my my my outreach note keeping building here. That's how my time will be more well used.
Yeah, I agree with you. We are the same boat. I don't want to stop my life to learn about it. It's not my goal. Yeah. Well, I'm always impressed at how people have time to that. I simply don't understand how people like La
You know how these guys can be everywhere. I can't understand. It's crazy. I spend all my day working. Exactly. Not even close, you know, to have time for that. How did you do it?
It's crazy. I cannot deal with it. It's impossible to me. This people must have some AI helping then. It's impossible that they do that by themselves. It's savage.
It's impossible to me. I just just can't like of course I don't have time to flip even on on Exactly exactly I'm supposed to learn everything about about Bitcoin. No, no, of course, no. I miss this this train this
in these centers and centers collection yesterday. Not miss it but I could have sold mine for as my friends did but I wasn't watching. I ended up selling it for
But I could have made more money on that. But I don't have time for that. We were hosting a space and I was in the space. There was my space later, the same day, talking with other people about other stuff, about our collaboration that we are setting.
talking in the voice chat and people do that all together. They do that at home. I don't understand how. Because I'm watching like looking at this Atlanta girl's Twitter, Twitch right now. If you start following this, if
you click enough of these links, there's a there's a wrap to hold here, right? You can easily make like two hours research on anything that she has. Yes. Shared here. So I don't understand how I just don't understand how people I think I think that I need to improve my Twitter game because
because I think most of what these guys do are just follow the right people. You know? The algorithm is well prepared. You just open it, you really learn some new information. Yeah, I agree with that. Right, you have this like Eliott's guide from the...
Mr. Robert, people that are crazy and never sleep and that stares the monitors all day long. And you can just leverage the suffering to get rich. I just don't have learned how yet. I need to find this
crazy they generate people that give their whole life to to internet and like follow them because that must be the only possible way to be on track of everything happening. I have all set like this this guy's do. It's crazy it's crazy.
Oh well, when Vans collection, that's my question right now. And then you have all of them. You will be standing right now,
buying another lens. I find them pretty but I don't actually wear them because I find they're pretty flat for me. I prefer to be
comfortable lately. I never thought that I would be wearing the shoes that I used lately. I always found then like, ridiculous, these running shoes, you know? I always was like a street wear shoe
Yeah, I remember that just the nerds on school went to the school with running shoes, you know.
Yeah, but lately I don't really care about aesthetics, you know. I just use what is comfortable and what will be nice to my knees because
I have all four knees, so I got to protect them. It's how getting old look like then. You start caring about the appearance and start caring much more about being comfortable.
I hear a lot about aesthetics. Yeah and this is good. I wish I was more like there.
is good to care about that because it helps to like yourself and this is the first step in life, you know? - Yeah.
Yeah, friends. Well, uh, do you know Kura? Ah, the festival here. Yeah, I have heard of that. Yeah, they paint some big buildings on, on,
Some of my friends are engaged there. Yes, so connect me with them because I really want to put nouns there. Yeah, I mean I have a friend who is a she is a climber. She's a
a very good climber like top tier climber and she works every every year she works with them like making the actual paintings she is not an artist but she does the hard work you know and also know the guys that
like cover it with the media part like the films and photography. At least they always do. I'm not sure if they are doing that this year of course, but I can try to connect you with somebody.
I was trying to to pass a proposal on that. Yes, I just want to see you know nouns on the big buildings here.
That's my goal.
I don't know if they are still time for that. I think they already have their artwork selected.
for these, you know, they should have, they probably do that in advance, like in a lot of months before they actually start to paint in it. But it works to try certain
and maybe they can just add it and try to find other buildings to do so certainly worth the try. It was an interesting move by you.
I can try to connect you. How far are you from them? Have you spoke to anyone already?
No, not for now, but I just want to interview this prop with Gideeba. And yeah, it's because I want to see now is on the festival, you know, explain it and, yeah, painted, you know, everyone posting pictures of Noggo
Yeah, that's my goal. Do you think that might be a problem? Because they do that as a form of art. I'm not sure if they ever do something like marketing there. If there are brands there,
or stuff like that. Do you think that it could be a problem to like to present a brand there? Is that the centralized brand? Yeah, it's different, right? Yes. And it's only the goggles, so most of the people don't even
know. Yes, and the people who love to talk about now and take pictures, yeah, it will be amazing. I certainly will be certainly a nice conversation with the creators and creators there.
I wonder if they are familiarized with Web 3 and stuff.
Yeah, well, that doesn't make it for this year. Spread now's here. Nice, nice. Are you, are you, do you have a flu or cold or whatever?
No, I'm just allergic and smoking. I'm just allergic and I have seven cats and I smoke all day.
They care, they care, you are not made of steel. Stop pretending. Yeah, yeah, I'm trying to stop for a long time. I'm really trying. Yeah.
I'm going to the gym, I'm trying to be healthier, difficult to train your brain to do it every single day, but I'm just, you know, getting it. Tell me about it. I can even like,
I'm still laying my dad for a year and I haven't had time to make it so far. How can I judge? Do you smoke? No, I quit smoking one year and probably almost two years now.
because of my son, because of asthma. Even though I never smoke in front of him, I always smoke like outside the house. But people say that the smell stays in your clothes and your hair and stuff and that is bad to
them. So as soon as he had his first crisis, I was feeling guilty. I tossed the cigars in the lighter from my car window, but after all passes, the
need of it, hit it, hit me so hard, you know, because I was nervous and Anx shows about he being sick. So I got back smoking for a couple of weeks and then I started a treatment, I started like taking not a treatment about the
The bubble gun and these cheeks and it helped me a lot. It was very hard for me because I smoked a lot. I started smoking when I was like 15 years old and I never really... I mean I quit twice in the first time I quit for 5 years.
years and the second time it was for almost two years. But almost from my 15 years old to this last time that I stopped I was a smoker. I used to smoke cotton, the white filter.
But then it was a long ago when I was 18, my 20s. And then I changed to the paleros. Yes, the devil.
Yeah, yeah, and mainly because I love to smoke it mix it with wheat. It was how how I used to smoke wheat. I mean almost all day every day just just mixing a little in this garden. Yeah, I miss that. I'm not. Yeah.
I miss that. But after that after my keep get sick, I just quit. I always smoke weed, but it's been a long time since I was able to buy it. I hate to buy it. I hate to go to awkward places to buy it.
I hate to have to talk to strangers to buy it. I hate all the buy it stuff. So I have been lazy to do that. I used to have a guy who just dropped it in my mailbox and I sent him a peeks.
He was probably arrested because he's not answering my message for weeks now. It's probably a month or so since I last smoked. We don't cause that, the dependent CS, Cigars do.
If I have a smoke, but if I have a adjust on it, I don't really care. I miss it because I like it. I understand. It's more about the culture, not about the things. It's not like suffering. We deserve a theological thing.
Yeah, certainly, certainly. You summarize it very well. It's almost a religious stuff to be honest. It's like my religion. I have said that many times before, like I'm agnostic, but I would say that my weight is my religion, probably.
So I think that friend we made it. Yeah, we made it through this this half hour Thank you for being here. Take care. Have some rest. Yeah, of course. I'm trying Great. Have a great day friend. Bye. You too. Bye. Bye. Thank you for joining friend.

FAQ on ☀️GM NFTFYY - ETH Denver: what's happening? | Twitter Space Recording

What is the podcast about?
The text is a recording of a podcast.
Who are the speakers in the podcast?
The speakers are not specified in the text.
What is the topic of conversation in the podcast?
The conversation covers various topics such as crypto, a Puma branding collection, and a girl's experience with flipping and collecting items.
What is the name of the girl who was mentioned in the podcast?
The girl is not named in the text.
What is Super Puma?
Super Puma is a branding collection from the brand Puma.
Are the speakers interested in buying the Super Puma collection?
One of the speakers is not interested in buying the Super Puma collection, while the other speaker is curious to see what the collection looks like and what it offers.
What is Seners and Saints?
Seners and Saints is a collection that experienced a 3x pump and is being monitored by one of the speakers.
What is the speaker's opinion on branded clothing?
One of the speakers is not attached to brand names when it comes to clothing, while the other speaker mentions meeting someone who only wears Adidas.
What does the speaker think of Original?
One of the speakers has a feeling of missing out on Original, but doesn't have time to dive into it and is not sure it would be a great move for them financially.
What does the speaker think about the Ether Damper?
The speaker mentions needing help with the Ether Damper and waiting for more information about it.