☀️GM NFTFYY - What’s happening in web3?

Recorded: March 6, 2023 Duration: 0:27:58




Morning, morning. GM, GM, Berniga, Bdella. GM, GM. How are you doing, friends?
Another week, another drama. Everyone's doing...
couldn't be better swinging in the hammock as usual
Twitter is is Ruggings Gabudela is coming up here yeah as soon as Twitter let me
Good, good morning Abdelah, thank you for coming up here. See that you have a new profile picture. Awesome new guys are collecting
Now we are in F2. Jim, Jim, Jim. Jim, Jim. Jim, Jim, have a... I was here with us.
Well, let me see if the guys at the infer will join us today, you know, like it would be nice if they're doing. Let me see.
I don't think so because today they are heading up to Miami so I don't know. Oh they stay for how long in Miami.
I think about today's... Oh, good. Yeah. That's nice. Miami has a great NFT community. Like Miami last year, Miami. I don't remember the name of the event, but it was an NFT
I remember that Mariana who used to work with us went to this event. She said that she was very nice, a lot of community, a lot of communities, not a dev ecosystem. Talking about devs, I saw a tweet
for a guy saying that at it Denver he saw just devs, a lot of devs but a little bit of designers or community managers or market
teams, he's saw a lot of devs. And this is a problem to me because a lot of people want to talk about Web 3, they think that they need to code to join this ecosystem.
I will try to be more present in the event, even though I don't have too much money to do it for now, but I will try, you know, represent marketing because the marketing part of Web3 is really, really hard. Gabriela knows it is
It's hard, it's not like traditional marketing, it's different, you need to do it formal, you need to deal with some specific words, it's kind of weird yet, we are trying to discover it. What do you think everyone?
My experience says that the hardest part of working with marketing in Web 3 companies is that the
the development is always behind the announcements. And this is stuff to deal with because it's basically, as I said, formal. So we leave out of promises. It's our, you know, how
few what keeps the industry growing is promises. And most of the time they are like they are trustable promises, they are reasonable promises, but even then they are too
promises and sometimes they will fail. Everyone understands that but also the bad outcomes of it always come and community and marketing are always in the aim of the users and the community.
Yeah, I think the event was my Yemi Beizo, I think something like that, no? But I don't remember to. Yes, exactly. And it's funny about the marketing community and all
other people present beyond like depth. The fun thing is that I mean, Ethereum Denver is like the one of the biggest events there was like around like 10-10
And the people there, 90% was like babes. But that's it, the ecosystem is full of babes. But also a full of communities.
I mean, Benchless Brazil was there, so that was very nice. It was the only like Newspaper Brazilian newspaper there. So yeah, I think we should go then.
I can't imagine you and me on Denver doing things and talking to people I love going to the event and I
I never went to an international event, but it's my dream, it's my goal for this year. Because I love to talk with people, you know, I love to create new use cases. And I think Gabi knows how to do it very well as well.
And yes, I want to go so hard. Can you please add me into this dream? Of course, let's do it for it.
I'm just you know I'm just protecting my my area first but okay let's go
But this kind of dev thing, it's a problem to me because I know it's not our situation right now because the boys went to the event by
by themselves, but I know that some companies just, you know, communicate with devs to go to these events. So they, normally the companies,
Don't think about the marketing team, don't think about the community team. You can see DAUS doing it, you can see NFTs communities doing it, but you cannot see companies doing it because the company is first remembers of DAUS. I'm kind of jealous, of course, but
That's the situation. Yeah, but I think it's because of the context like Hakaton and other things. I think they really want to work more prestige, I think about it. So I think this is the reason that they send more devs than
other teams members. I think so, but I don't know. Or we are just overestimate. No, underestimate. Yeah, I agree with you. It's because of the hackathons. It's because companies like to see MVCs as well, like
to see devs, what are they doing if the company is trustable? Well, that's crazy. I think we need some community market on events to do some business developments and stuff.
Hey, I was scrolling to either looking for stuff to talk about. I don't know if you guys saw that, but the CO of the ChatGib T company.
has said that Shadji Pichi will break the capitalist.
have broke or will break the capitalism is in the way to. What do you guys think about that? I'm very interested in what you guys have to say about that because I am a creative writer and I know you guys are too.
So, and I've seen these bots doing like I would say a reasonably good job writing stuff.
even though I don't feel like threatened at all because I think that we used to like above them. I don't think that they beat us just yet but I believe that a lot of
companies don't see as we see because
As you guys might know most of the people don't know how to write lately mainly, you know
like the the youngers are being getting worse and worse in that because they don't really need to. All the communication is getting like
more flexible in terms of
transmitting the information. I don't know if I can put that in words, but the thing is that people don't seem to care that much for the quality of the test is lately. That's how I feel at least. And what do you guys think about that?
I agree with you, but I agree as well that the text part of technology is kind of tired because we have lost the
have loads of space to podcasts and YouTube and that's not bad. I like it. It's a fast generation, it's a rush generation so we need to opt to
time. So now we can, you know, do the dishes while we listen to a podcast, but we cannot read doing it. So I think it's a consequence. What do you think?
Yeah, I don't know. I have a different opinion for some things related to AI. I think I don't know if I get the question, Hermes, but about the system.
and about the technology be disruptive. I don't think AI is going to... and capitalism. I just think for now I see more like for example
For example, Shadjipiti, I still think that they just replicate the prejudices that there are in our society. So I don't know. I think the AI is amazing. The technology is wonderful.
But I still think that they don't create anything really new about the system, like the capitalism and other things that will leave daily. So I don't know.
I still relate AI with technology in low. There is a lot of problems. I don't know if I am making sense.
Oh yeah, yeah, totally you're making sense and I feel like the same I think we are in the same page here I mean it will be as written and mostly for the let's say the the average writers people that were already like using
technology in mischievous way to create content and stuff like that. But see off, you made a comparison that I found very interesting. He said that when the photography was created, people said the artist, the painters got crazy because they thought that the
the profession would be killed because back then when the photography was created one of the main sources of income for paintings were to to paint people to make portraits you know that was where the money was back there so
All the painters, at least the ones that were making more money there were afraid that their jobs would be over and it ended up creating a whole new era for art, you know, where the true artist gains
And they space to spread their vision, because people are no longer interested in portraits. It was like something that everyone
then have in their houses. So they were looking for other types of paintings and then a lot of creators that are already creating, that were already creating more innovative and new stuff.
They were gifted by the attention of the people with money. So I think that we will see something close to this happening right now. And I also think that technology is awesome. I love to choose the idea that having
like Jarvis, like I'm the Iron Man, you know, and I can just tell it to, I don't know, organize this, this grocery list for me and if you're doing a snap of a fingers, it will be like arranged in a more
clever way, you know. It's awesome to think that we will have such great technology and for free it seems because a lot of new AIs are being released day after day. Microsoft has one now that the being right
that seems to be disruptive to compared to Shabji T. Shabji T is already awesome. I think I was like shocked by it to be very honest. And when we think about the curve of new technologies and how
hard and how fast AI are reaching us. I mean, I can't even imagine where we will be like five years from now or even less, you know. So I am excited. I think that
Maybe it will be even a way to incentivize the development of creation in some aspect as I made this, not I made, I shared this comparison that C-Offie made.
I think that great times are coming for those who are really creative, you know, for those who have a creative mind and have the basis for it and they're interested, of course, the sensitivity and what do girls think?
I don't think that the chapter is as the photography. It's a great product of the capitalism.
will not broke the capital. Photographies and pictures change the point of view about the art. And I think that should be to change our point of view about technology.
things can be easier and that's it. We're not broke the capital is, but of course for sure it is a great product from capitalism.
Yeah, I'm filled with hope to be honest because what I always want to make I was to write
creative stuff, you know.
And I think that...
Shachipi chicken can kill the tyrosome and barring jobs, but also open a lot of space for truly creative stuff. So that's my hope, that's my positive way to see him to looking at it.
I'm counting on that because that's what I want to do now with my life. I want to write creative stuff, fictional stuff. I am already seeing more people interested in that.
And we are getting early, you know? Like, if you think about...
artificial intelligence. A lot of people are not using it. You already are. I already have my first contact with this technology. I already won money with this, earned money with this. You know, I wrote a
I have earned it money with this. I already know how to monetize it. I got earlier. I'm not afraid of this technology like
everyone else is, I'm okay with this, okay, I know how to deal with it, I know how to use it, I'm a creative person, you know, I know how to write good texts, but I know how to create good and creative prompt to use it.
Yeah, since I was here, my dream was to become a writer.
And I always had this vision in my mind that to be a great writer, I would need to live, you know, to have experiences.
And that, if I was able to write a real book by the age of, I don't know, 50, 60 years old, it would be more than happy.
I'm working towards this goal. And we seem to be in a turning point right now in the human history.
It's exciting. It's a great time to be alive. There's a saying that goes, "Neither our worst fears or hopes will realize."
with everything bad always comes something good I think the the world is all about balancing you know and as huge as as huge as threat as AI can be and
the bad that it can make is there's an opposite energy being created to I'm looking forward to it looking forward to more creative stuff being
being made by us in the coming years. But let's see what else is happening. This guy is very bullish on his product.
Bro, the captain is bro. What do you think you are? Hold your horses. Hold your horses. Oh, hold your horses. They're not called marks, dude. Come on.
We are... yeah. I wish his brother was that good. But we are not there yet.
She turned the microphone on.
Gabi seems to be working for me because she is now a listener. She is not a speaker anymore.
as I'm seeing here. Yeah, now she's getting back. She's getting back. She asked again. She was working. Yeah, she was coming. Guys, I'm sorry. Yes, I'm heading up to airports.
Twitter is writing hearts. So my internet is not that good but I send DM I think every time we are doing spaces I am like sending what's up message.
Yeah, she was just like, "Oh, all the communists are lying."
And you are not just you, Gabi. Twitter is awful lately in terms of the spaces. Every day I have issues like starting this space and trying to do anything into it. It's not your fault.
And even if your internet was super cool, you still have some problems here because there are some mystical stuff happening to either right now. And people keep saying that Elon is a genius, so let's see.
Let's see what he will do to fix that because it's kind of disappointing how people love the spaces. Everyone seems to love the spaces lately, but we are not seeing much development in the opposite.
you know they got worse since Elon started so I don't know I'm missing you. Yeah especially when we are using like computer instead of smartphones it's like it's awful. I hate it.
Yeah, I want to see spaces getting better, new features and stuff. We are walking back, I can't understand that, we are not, we are not seeing anything new, anything.
to like improve our experience here in the opposite. Our experience got worse and it's been mops, so it's kind of disappointing because I don't know about you guys, but I love to hear your spaces. I never thought that I would say that because I'm not a social guy.
I don't like the socials. I don't use them very often. I don't like my Instagram and all the other socials. I'm not very active there. But I never thought that I would like to either because I have tried to join Twitter many times before, before Web3.
and I always was like, "Okay, I don't need that. I don't want to be here." But since I found that we're space, it changed it because I spend a lot of time here. I join YCapsule to brand on space and have conversations with people about
the most brand on subjects you can think of. And I love that. I love Twitter space. I hope this is keeping proven and that we have better, better tools and better features here. It seems like we made through this half hour in this Monday.
What do you say? Yeah, let's say goodbye and thank you and staff. Great. Thank you guys. It was incredible. Thank you Gabi. Thank you. Thank you for having me.
Absolutely. Please do so. Please do always come here. Much love. Thank you, Danny. Thank you, Haf, as always. Thank you for joining. Have a great day. Have a great week. And we see you tomorrow. Bye, guys.

FAQ on ☀️GM NFTFYY - What’s happening in web3? | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the podcast?
The topic of the podcast is about the challenges surrounding marketing in web 3 companies.
How do the speakers feel about web 3 marketing?
The speakers feel that web 3 marketing is hard and different from traditional marketing, and that promises are what keeps the industry growing.
What is the issue with companies sending only developers to events?
The issue is that companies often fail to consider the marketing and community teams when sending only developers to events, leading to a lack of business development opportunities.
What is the opinion on AI's potential to break capitalism?
The speakers do not believe AI has the potential to break capitalism, and that it may simply replicate existing prejudices and inequalities in society.
What is the co of Chatgib T company's statement about AI?
The co of Chatgib T company has stated that Shadjipiti (an AI) will break capitalism.
How do the speakers feel about AI and technology in creating something new in the system?
The speakers feel that AI and technology do not necessarily create anything new in the system, and may simply perpetuate existing issues in society.
What event did the speakers mention taking place in Miami?
The speakers mentioned an NFT event called MiamiBeizo.
What is the speakers' opinion on the use of podcasts and Youtube as an alternative to reading?
The speakers feel that podcasts and Youtube are a consequence of the rush generation and a lack of space for reading, but also see it as a positive development.
What is the analogy made between the invention of photography and AI?
The analogy is that just as the invention of photography did not end painting but created new opportunities for artists, AI may not necessarily end certain professions but create new opportunities and developments.
What is the speakers' opinion on the role of text in technology?
The speakers feel that text in technology is becoming tired and losing space to podcasts and Youtube due to modern lifestyles and the desire for faster forms of communication.