GM! What’s happening in web3?

Recorded: March 22, 2023 Duration: 0:30:30



I have a very huge mistake. What did you do? I didn't call polygon aside chain.
What it called at L2? Not a pilot chain at all. It was like a brain bug, you know?
Yeah, it's difficult, you know when you discuss with devs they usually have some some trouble to define body or no, it's not just you Yeah, yeah, but but I know it is a side chain, you know, I know it was like
The official name that they call themselves is Komit Chang. But if you ask most of us, most of us will say that this is
charming word just to describe a sidechain. So yeah I like what polygon is building. I like what polygon is building despite this
infrastructure discussion I'll say that it's better than most than most EVMs probably come what they are doing to scaling Ethereum I think it's very great, but yeah it's a common mistake don't be don't be bad about it
And just, just, we are talking about if Bill Gradle, Bill Grade a little minutes ago because you were invited, personally invited for it, for it's year and Bill Grade. Tell
I think it would be funny to tell all the guys. Yeah, it was cool actually. I published about it then for the consolidated my visa and
people from Ithulbillgrad replied my tweet asking me to be a speaker and then they just DM me and said very nice things.
They send me, you're involved in great projects. It would be awesome to have you as a speaker here. And they send me the link and I just confirm it is the official profile from Bill Grad.
That's awesome. That's awesome. It's not like eat them for that. I apply it to be a speaker. I just got invited to be one. You know, you're just going to get invited to be. And I don't think you need to visit to go to Serbia. Yeah. Is I'm not wrong?
I'm just a little bit afraid because you know, he's a problem but yeah, I'm going to to write a crop on Brazil asking for point four or point 45 ethers to fund yeah, at least like
60% of this trip because yeah I'll try to. God it we have Serbia it is seems like an amazing place a lot of awesome people come from there that's
It was very close about this Ethiopian event outside of Brazil or America because it's kind of spreading, you know, we have it
see it that is in Paris and we have a Barcelona that has an amazing design. We agree on that. And these events, they're spreading in Europe, they're spreading other parts of the world and I'm just wondering what changes, you know, what cultural stuff
They can bring what the what the butters there are building and I'm just very curious about it how it works. Yeah, yeah Pretty pretty amazing. She I would be very very curious about it Yeah
Yeah, I think Hermes is trying to get up here. Let's see if the bug has been solved. If the leader lags, Hermes speak. Yeah, I think Elon Musk doesn't like him. He's in the Blacklist.
Probably he is yet in the blacklist because he's connecting. What the work is happening with his account bro. Yeah. I'm so sorry about it. No. No he has just. Yeah.
Okay, wait for your friend. But meanwhile, meanwhile we have Nifty Fire here. Who is behalf Nifty Fire? I think we're kidding. GMGM friends, I think Hermes is not able to connect because he's using Android. Somebody told me yesterday that Android's are
having some under eyes are having problems connecting on Twitter spaces. But hey, we miss you here. That's so sad. Try to update your under eye version. Maybe it's that because Hermes did at all. Did like the install and reinstall
Twitter again and the same stuff happening again. So yeah, need to try everything. How do you do? How is your morning jam? Yeah, so like my morning didn't start the best way as possible. I'm writing an email discussing with booking some problems that we
had on our treat friend and I'm kind of pissed at man I'm probably going to sue them because I can't stand explaining the same situation or more. You saw the way that I write my emails and I'm not going to know I'm very pissed at right now I'm like
I'm right now, I'm not the web3 guy, I'm the lawyer, writing things about laws and about stuff. And yeah, I mean, like that sucks, that sucks for me, but hey, in the worst case scenario, I'm going to sue then for
like a lot of stuff that I really hope to like accomplish something and like that's the situation stress me off yeah that's my gym you know that lawyer always find turbo know always find some fight too yeah man but that's so
I wish to solve this in a best way. I tried to solve four or five tags and I'm still getting the same answer and they tried to say that they are trying to charge me some kind of text that I did not agree and I said to them like hey you need to reimburse me this and it says
no this is a federal federal tax and I'm I'm peace right now like I'm saying man come on like we are not discussing if the federal it's a municipal or etc it's causing that you charge me and I'm not going to pay it so yeah I'm peace it man but you know wait wait what what happened I didn't get it
We had some troubles on hotels constantly. Like they were closed because over booking and this cousin was over booking and they're doing some major
You're a modeling of the hotel and did you wanted us there? So we got the consults and created another booking for us and they are still charging us for two booking
That does happen. Yeah, but what is a trip without this kind of stuff? No, it isn't it isn't trip. It is an easy not a trip a fun trip. It doesn't have this this kind of stuff though. And a lot of things happen. Isn't it good?
Yeah, man, it was fun like the trip was amazing man. I'm just trying to solve the things here That happened that was like out of our powers, but like we we had nothing to do with all this and I'm trying to see here friend if our beloved
company is out of all the mess that they created. Oh, friend, Colombia just approved one hour ago. The merge of Viva Air and a Vianca. I'm happy with it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
One freaking hour ago That's the merge that we expected yeah, man. Yeah, man. I think Danny post something about the merge. This is the merge that we want to do. Yeah, we don't care about the But yeah, yeah, my day just got a little better so yeah
Yeah, we have someone to charge. Just talking about events. I was talking about events with a friend that got into South by Southwest is the event that occurs in South Austin, Texas. He's a big one.
one of the biggest ones in the cultural aspect and innovation. A little bit more cultural stuff, cinema, music is a festival. But once in a while, some innovation happens there, some new products, new ways to do things.
presented to the public there. I was wondering where the collections would do activations and my bad were Southwest because it is a place that is more cultural driven than innovation driven.
I think that NFT collections are becoming more aware that they need to be a cultural brand, more than a tech brand sometimes. And I saw that when the whole DoDo stuff happened. Remember that when the DoDo
One of the doodles founders I think was poopy Send announcement on the their discord saying that They weren't an NFT company. They are they are not an NFT project. They are a cultural brand there. Okay, and a lot of memes on
God of death, you know, means like, oh, this is not an NFT project and this was a Dejane project that they meant it was a degenerated doodles, like a Mutant Doodles. You know, a lot of people made fun of that, okay, you work a thing
And I know what he did in that announcement. And I kind of agree that most NFT projects, most of the PFB are identical.
in cultural brands, not just NFT, not just the tech. I didn't fight with that, but I understand the direction of the community as well. It is a mathematical, the expression.
you are not an NFT project and you are an NFT project. That's why I was betting on South by Southwest as the main festival or event for activations from NFT collections.
I was talking about that with my friend that did go to the South Basel West and he is a well-dragied guy and he told me that he didn't saw any of these activations. So what is happening with the collections? It is the collection saving money to
I know passing the bear market, what is happening with the collections? What do you guys think? Is there any ear elevations they will do at this year? Or no, they will pass in blank this year, 2020 review and not be a year of
Spending a lot of money maybe next year. What do you guys feel? I collect a friend from a cover What happened and probably they are trying through hard save money because probably they they learned something from 2022 I saw these happening on all
ecosystem and yeah people were trying to make some props to manage some defytos you know to put some some money of the treasure on the defy and stop to funding ideas or social or party ideas
So maybe collections are trying to raise a company, you know, just to be not only a collection, but also a more sustainable thing. But I think this is not the path. Like, oh dude, you know,
So like the doodles case, I really trying to raise a company here, like that's not the point. I know that we got some, we had some desperate times, but that's not the way, man.
Yeah, totally got it. Good. What do you have to talk about it? You have any, any opinion on that? But it's tough because you're seeing a lot of great collections struggle right now. And like, let's put it that way, I'm not going to say that we are on the boom market.
But we are some kind of on a interesting path right now regarding prices. But I think we already discussed this on, I don't know if it was on an NGM or on a different spaces, but we discussed
Because right now we are so fast because all the holders are expecting that the companies behind their NFTs become companies, not just NFT projects or innovating in a way that they are not released just NFTs.
like parties or merch or swag or like a lot of other things are not a collection etc etc and it's hard man because as we saw with doodles man they are they just they release the collection they like did what they said they they would do
And that's okay, right? They can go to different paths. They can do other things, but I don't know many. It's hard because I think if I were to those holders, I would be peaceed right now. It's tough, man. It's tough. I hope that
Some of these collections find their path right now, but I do not think so, man. I think we are going to see a few NFT collections continue growing and a lot of them that emerged on the last boom market.
on a last NFT hype end up like disappointment or like being exclusively community driven because founders just want to do their things that their promises and make men they can go away they are not like they
They cannot just work with this collection, etc. So I think we are on a hard path right now, but at the same time, that means that with the NFT market itself is getting more mature. And that's something that's interesting. So that's my take on that friend.
Definitely it became more mature. I think this is maturity pain. When you are growing, you have this pain of growing. And I think one of them. We have a lot of collaterals. If the collection is spent too much,
on activities on parties on stuff like that people will judge people okay they are burning the treasury they are doing stuff there is a responsible and the other way around is also true
When people talk, okay, they are not doing activations, they are not doing parties, they are not doing work, they are not doing nothing new, maybe the founders are not interested in any more in the project, maybe the project is that, so it is kind of a
It is always a dilemma. We are talking about a market that is very difficult to understand. We are in a boom right now. We need to recognize that. We are not in the boom market. But we are in a boom run in an it's prices and token prices.
We are in that program. But at the same time, we don't know if this bull run will last for a week, for two weeks, for one, two, the whole year. We don't know that. We don't know if this bull run will become a boom market, maybe, maybe it will be. But the interesting thing is how
How you manage your collection, how you manage your ship, your battleship, imagine the collection as a battleship, you need to save fuel, you need to save resources, but you need to go and you need to fight for what your goal is. So yeah, we need to have
to deal with this. Founders and community have this for a back-and-forth communication and creating this trust between one another and solving, automating, automating, automating, solving this.
I told you. It happens in every project. If you see nouns, we are discussing some space to go about the parties that they have there.
You have the ones that want to just spread the meme and they want to use the treasury and the ones that want to save a little bit the treasury and every penny needs to be accountable, you know. We have this dilemma on every
single organization that is they have a community and they have founders working in a project. I think it's kind of normal. But let's see what happens. It's very difficult to find good collections, good projects, good founders, good community.
in the NFT space right now. I think it's the hardest moment that we have. I think we have we had a good good moments before now and I think we have great moments after like with a lot of projects doing stuff with a lot
of money but right now in this moment in this virtual moment I think most collections are very anxiety on what to do and they are doing nothing essentially and I think it's hard to see the collections that I do in something yeah but that I need I need
need to talk with some friends, to talk with some other guys that know a little bit more about the ecosystem and see what's happening. What you are is your source of information on NFTs essentially. When you need to know something.
Guys, you just want to say that I will upload a prop asking some money to go to it the Belgrade and you guys you guys have announced Brazil so upload me. I will definitely. Thank you.
The the pain points part is that I need to pay gas to do it. Oh, I can't refund you. Okay, then I will. We had a bribe right here.
But I will vote for your friend. I take my wallet here and I will vote for you. Do we have some news?
Yeah, I don't think so, but if you could, you want to put some new for us. Yeah. If we have any. Those times that, you know, when market, the market is not, you know, crazy. I like very weird to me because, you know, there's
There's nothing happening. Like, I'm not anxious. My money is there. My wallet. What is happening? Like, there's no collection going to zero. And not everything is on fire. What's going on?
This is not a crypto market. Yes, I remember when you know everything was Crazy good time. Yeah, oh, oh times good times Yeah, but
But since we don't have any news to just guess a little bit here, I will just mention our color here. This week is a special one. We have three events in a row. We have two
The traditional town hall that we do at Niptify, but we will not do at Niptify. We will do in the ship and flake discord if it didn't enter yet.
You can't. It is one of the tasks of Creel Tree. I added some other tasks here. And some of the tasks that we have here is one of them is joining the Discord. Other one is giving feedback.
on the platform, a general feedback, and the others, one, the other two, are from spreading the world about the work about the launch party that will happen tomorrow, Thursday,
Portuguese is it is 7 p.m. Brazilian time and the other one is on Friday 10 p.m. UTC is on the Lodanj Party on English so you have this this events on a roll. I'm excited for
Danny of course I am yeah I love launch parties I remember when when when we had Rockville Rockville on Friday was like yesterday, David always good things happen, you know
surprise instead of having them every single time. Yes, yes, that's crazy. The first one that I joined was Crownedpad and Crownedpad was good as well. A lot of people created CrownedFunny's there.
And one of them was from Bangladesh, Brazil. So it was the first one, the first that formation, the first stuff that we did on the Dow basically. And it was, it isn't on my heart, no? Yeah. Yeah. So I, I expect
you guys to be there and let's see that's how all things play out yeah I'm very happy actually you know things are are doing great yeah yeah and hope hope that you go to to be a great my friend
Yeah, me too, for a little bit of talk about nouns and you have to find it there. Yeah. Yeah. And send some photos if you go to that to Bill Gray. Of course.
awesome to see them of course for economy see you guys see you here today see you tomorrow bye bye
(dog barking)