GM: what’s happening in web3?

Recorded: April 3, 2023 Duration: 0:29:49
Space Recording

Full Transcription

GM Jim Herman's, how you doing my friend? GM brother, good in the better, how about you, how was your weekend? Well, was a little bit hard, you know, because what's to be, I tend to be chilling on the weekend
weekends but in this weekend I did a terrible thing I joined Hakaton at the last minute. I saw it what was it about? It was the it's number Hakaton it was allowed like to people
to participate online. Is it somebody like the the event or is it the platform the company or whatever? It was like a side event from
He turned heel? No, was was our other event in the same week, but other events is just is just the same schedule Yeah, no they were they had just if you're real don't have Oh, God, yeah
But I have no idea you were able to code. No, because I don't. No, it is but it isn't. Now I understand why you were so busy because you're trying
trying to learn solitude you know weekend so yeah it makes sense it should be very hard to do no it is about coding but we had two devs in the team yeah I'm kidding I got it you got to have an
idea and then someone can code yeah it's not like a raw code right yeah yeah exactly and we had two lawyers and I was like a designer and the idea folk like oh it was
awesome and it was like your team and there was other teams you guys are competing to each other is it yeah to multiple prizes you know what would this a lot of critics won a lot of stuff so and did you guys want something yeah we won a taming prize
Nice, nice. Yeah, because actually what you were exclusive of Qing Ling, the project, you know, we did all based on Qing Ling. It is
Well, the project was very interesting because joined a lot of knowledge from the lawyer part, the law part and the coding part at the same time. And we could be able to enjoy our team better, you know.
Yeah, I'm very curious about how the lawyers were helping you guys The thing was the project it's called posterity wallet posterity wallet so the main stuff is creating wallet that is
on a counter-instruction basis and you can direct funds to errors so you can have successors to that wallet and once you do you create this errors the errors just need
you set up with your ID, like your real world ID, and once you pass the way or stuff like that, you get a death certificate and you're in the death certificate
will be registered your ID. Now I see where the lawyers are we're doing that. You know guys are we're talking about succession. Yeah. Got it. So we had that and we had actually the like
other documents that prove that you are dad's no and this was validated through Chinylin Quarrelpus. So yeah that is very interesting. Yeah that is that that once you die air can
It's like you have a vault like you have some yeah, and you are leaving some savings for your beloved ones. Exactly. Nice. They're great. That's the idea. How are you doing, buddy? Jam Jam my friend.
Hey friends Nice to see nice to hear you guys nice to be here. I'm great friend trying to get back on my roof my daily routine Are you in finally?
Yeah, I had some problems yesterday coming back to nice my city, but right now I am so finally her back home friends. How was it in person?
It was awesome and it was really awesome. It was actually one of the best events that I got to go. The event itself wasn't big, it wasn't like a huge venue, but the people there were the ones that marked me and were the ones that made it all work.
There was a lot of Latin America people, such as ourselves, but it was awesome to see a different event because if they were talking a lot about English and talk a lot about English and at it's time
I need to improve my Spanish because I got to know a lot of amazing people from like Argentina, Honduras, etc. And now I really want to be able to speak with them in Spanish. That's very interesting.
that a lot of Latinos go to the... got to the it's them but I'm very happy for that because you know this connection we miss this connection you know even though we are here in Brazil that is very close to them we are very
part of them in the ecosystem at the same time. Yeah, I mean we owe so much to this to this like objective. Kudi probably knows that if you check our constitution is written there that one of the other
of our state is to create like a community of Latino American nations, you know. This is written there is one of our objectives of our goals and for us as Brazilians is very hard to communicate with our Brazilians.
from the Latin America here. I mean, when I went to Chile and to Argentina, it was so much harder to talk to people than it was in English, you know. And we seem to have a huge barrier. And we got to, we got to,
overcommit because we need to pursue this goal, to be closer to our brothers and sisters from the Latin America. This is very important for us, not only like as individuals but also as a nation.
Yeah, and we have a lot of they have a lot of to get on it and we have because the Argentina and even Uruguay Chile they are very very great ecosystems there so a lot of
good projects, a lot of good people, Colombia hosted the last its global events that come. So it is awesome to see what's happening in this ecosystem. So we are not like
helping them, you know, you're not doing like something bad for us and helping them. No, we are just communicating, you know, and that's wonderful because they have a lot of amazing things they're creating.
Yeah, our constitution is from '88. Our legislators, they already know that the only way for us to stand against manipulations from bigger countries and to be stronger is to create
bond among us. We as Brazilians, we have a huge mission that because even though our country is probably the biggest, we still, not only I think that we have one more
or two more countries that speak Portuguese. I'm not sure to be very honest, but the language is a huge barrier. It is a huge barrier. I think it's the only barrier, but it's a very significant, significant one.
That's the big thing. One thing that I want to ask you is about the Jane radio is coming here.
GMGM, how are you doing?
GM guys. Oh, it is the fight guy. I didn't recognize you. No. How are you doing, friend? I'm doing well, man. Like, I see like, I miss and everybody's saying that I'm seeing the problem with Brazil.
in the South American community on Aster because, for example, they want to do like a specific hackathon or some project that needs a lot of the Latin community, but then they create like a telegram and it's
It's kind of difficult to talk with them because it's easy to listen in, but when you need to talk with the like Spanish and Latin America community, it's so difficult. There's this disconnection. It's pretty clear.
Yeah, man, when I was at Tars in China, I had so much trouble. I even the asking for a bottle of water, whatever, you know, everything was so much difficult. In my English wasn't even like, it's not that great right now, but it wasn't even
as good as it is right now. So I think that we have a responsibility on that. We need to understand our place in this continent, you know, and our whole in all of it. And also, as I said, pursue what is written in
our constitution, you know. I think it's the archival for if I'm not wrong, you guys can check it. The paragraph says that we are pursuing this goal. So we don't see much of
our government and stuff but I think this is important for us. We need to do that. I totally understand what Kuri was saying and I also think a lot about that. How is important for us to also learn Spanish, you know?
Yeah, it is important. I have a couple of friends here down here mining that are from Venezuela because of the immigration and stuff like that. So I see that they like
us like our culture and but we don't know nothing about their culture like most of the things that I know about Venezuela Venezuela that are not portrayed in Brazilian media it is just hurting from them so it is very very different
to listen to them and understand their culture from their point of view. And it's very, very, very unknown from our point of view. Yeah, that's
a big topic and I think that we need to discuss more of that. But one thing that I want to about the day and summer event that I want to ask, "How was to present our lecture and our talk in FTX T-shirt?"
It was actually great man. I'm gonna tell two things that happened at this day that you guys do not believe it. So, you Ben and I were doing a person... No, no, I already don't believe it. Why are you using an FTX to share?
For them meme and for the culture, we combined it to buy these two shirts. Mine was black and his was white. I don't know man, to the culture, for the culture of the event.
And it was awesome because a lot of people were starting to look at us like "Hey, I don't know what these guys are doing, what the f" but, and we did the presentation, like people saw us trying to explain the joke, but
The interesting thing is Nader, from Lane's Protocol, asked me for a picture in front of the Lane's booth because I was using the FTX teagard. And it was awesome to see someone asking for a shirt.
for a picture about that. I really hope that neither post it on links or on Twitter. And later the legend of the from E and S and the Ethereum history got to the event with his hope
family like he was with his kids, he's two kids and his wife and like when he's so much assured he passed by me hey man like your shirt is too short I love your shirt so I can say that I did a great job spreading the meme I think
I like how you describe the Alex, the guy from E&S and from Ethereum history. That was amazing.
Yeah, I'm talking about I was I think I yeah, I think I didn't get to say even his name but yeah, that's the one. But you you mentioned in this
tweet that you guys were talking about dolls there. There was something like disruptive, something new that you want to share that you guys find out there or heard there or learned there about dolls governance.
Yeah, so like we did to talk at real this time we did one on a polygon side event I think it was last Wednesday where we talked about How can decay improve privacy and how can how can privacy benefit doubts so we talked a lot about different tools that are
emerging that can help us with private voting etc. We get to know some examples of tools that are emerging right now even though that we do not have something consolidated regarding the use of zero knowledge and privacy but
And if the A/Sumbo, we talk a lot about how Douse can come from chaotic to organizations. And yeah, it was awesome to talk about Douse, I love it. And like different governance models, I love it to analyze it. And it was funny because
I met someone from Argentina that loves thousands of governors. It was awesome to connect and the yesterday they hosted a call about arbitrage improvement proposal number one. That's very controversial right now regarding everything that arbitrage
foundation did or didn't. I don't know if you guys saw but the Aboriginal postage. They are basically working right? Yeah they posted a tweet saying that they didn't sell they just I forgot the exact time I'm gonna find it because I retweeted some amazing meme that I found yeah yeah his
They thought that they didn't sold their art tokens, but they converted to fiat and dedicated towards operational costs. So basically they did the same thing in other words. And it was awesome to get these connections and to see people wanting to improve
I did get to understand a little bit and I really hope that I actually going to start doing Spanish classes again because I really hope that I can get to know more about the Spanish class.
I want to improve my English, my Spanish started and I actually decided, actually the people from if people convinced me and Gabi to go to Iflatam in October, so I need to improve my English until I've got Iflatam so I can get there and connect with everyone
Spanish. Well it's a big decision to go to it Latin this year because it is an indoor so it is for us Brazilians is a little bit hard to go there but that's awesome man. I want to tap
into the community side about who, like not about topics because I think that topics are pretty same nowadays in the last conferences. We heard a lot about ZK, a lot about Ethereum's
collectability about counter-extraction stuff like that. But about the people that you met. You have anything interesting in the Brazilian ecosystem or in the international stage that were there that you connected that you didn't know or stuff like that that you want to drink.
I think it's worth mentioning about if Kippu and their mission there goes. I remember that they were at if they were, but at the time like they even was huge, was packet and I didn't get the time to understand what they are trying to achieve. But at if December I was
I really want to be part of it. They are trying to basically get together the whole community. Every community is from Latin America so they are trying to get together if somebody, if they're wise, if they're not.
And like as we are talking before like we need this man like we actually need to help each other and to like Get this community together because we are not going to we are we are already so far that we are not on the United States but right now we have a huge opportunity because
Everyone is saying USA has a big head flag regarding regulation and the justice system. So we have like as we say Portuguese we have the knife and the cheese on hands. We just need to get together. I don't know man, I think that if the
community join forces we will be able to get really really that we will be able to achieve things faster you know and I talked to people guys in there basically doing that they have the same ratio like join the community give some kind of math
to people that want to invest here, incentivize education, incentivize people running their own full nodes. So I really like it to see them there and they are really really I blush on if if like time this year I talked to some guys that are from the phone and they were made
like they were one of the most receptive people that I knew there and it was awesome to see our folks from like all over Latin America excited to build on the theoretical system and create ERL events and that's why I'm so bullish right now and that's why I
I will be at Iflatam and I really want to get to know better the Latin America community as a whole like from our brothers and sisters from other countries here and like we need to get together man like we are just like we are not going to win if you are like everyone in their own place separated and etc.
If we're not like joint forces and like Make this community grow we I don't know I think that we'll be able to show the whole world what we are about like we have brilliant minds like America have people building amazing stuff But but most of the time these people don't have the opportunity. Don't have the knowledge
I'm really, really do want to be part of it because they are very excited that Brazil finally will be able to join them because they
Some Brazilians neglected it for a long time, but I think that right now we will be finally joining forces with East Kippo and other folks from Latino America to show that Brazil is also huge. Brazil is also important for us to grow their ecosystem.
Man, it's nice to hear that. I remember when Gus is nice to say, to see you saying that because this is one of the things that I'm bullish to. I remember that Gus said when
come back to the DEF CON in Bolota last year. He was talking a lot about that, about Latino American integration and how we can connect the systems and how they are so separated, separate and they don't need to be.
And I was okay, okay, but this is so you know, this is not This is not a giant problem, you know, it's not giant stuff. No, it's just some some a little yeah, we have we have a little barriers here and there, but it's not something huge and
But past the time, I recall this conversation and I understand the surge of gas to make this integration, and to connect the products, connect the teams, to pass this career. And I think that's really
can benefit a lot of the projects that are involved in both sides. And I think that it is very interesting to see what is being created right now because it's done by another
events like that, you can create this environment, this good environment to happen because starts like that starts communicating starts when going to the events of the other and when we
the parts that are together, we have developers that are in one project and projects that are like mixed, you know, between the teams have a lot of people from one part and other part and there we have a
system you know but I think that's it guys it is always good to say GM to you guys it is always good to start this week with some some bullish stuff thank you guys for being here thank you her
Thank you, Defi guys, thank you, Cody, and thank you, thank you, Gelfi, Hava and some more for being here. Thank you guys, have a great, great weekend. Have a great week guys, much love. Bye.