GM! What’s happening with Shapella?👀

Recorded: April 12, 2023 Duration: 0:32:27




I will have Shapela. What is the best title for this?
For this, this is Shopella. Yeah. Coming. Shopella is coming. Oh my god.
Hermes I would say is chapel is paying you know like Jim Jim my friend Hermes morning morning guys what is the best title for this space is here it's Hermes birthday
It's the most important event today in the... No, never heard of it. It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It#
She is so blessed because the 12 is the best number. I think that Chapella is not enough. You have to change it to something like Chapella will
fail, Chapella is missing or anything like that. What is Chapella next to you know Hermes and Catarina birthday exactly nothing not important at all. Hermes if you don't mind how old
38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38. 38.#
Yeah, I made a promise yesterday that I will post a video doing a backflip in my 40s anniversary because I never did that before and I had a friend in the UCC who is already making
back flips and he is 38 just like me. So I told him that I will make a back flip in my 40 birthday vigil. So you guys can wait for it. In two years you will see me both doing something spectacular or
broken other part of my body. It's going man. It's a pain in the ass to be mobilized but it doesn't hurt it doesn't bother me that much. I went to the hospital last last Saturday because it was making me
crazy. I don't know the word for Jesus in English but it was in direct contact with my skin and it was like killing me because I don't know I have a very sensible skin you know and it was pissing me off a lot so I
went there and they removed everything and made it again. This time they use it a different material, something different. Now it's better, it doesn't bother. Yes, except that I can't move my hand.
Yeah, yeah, thank you. It's not being a huge problem. Just an anxiety issue. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it takes a little time. You train your patients. Wow. Exactly. Yeah, and I deserve that, you know, I was. I was.
missing some education on dealing with my angry, my emotions. It's a learning about control yourself and hold when you are in a
In your your worst mood, so I'm learning from it certainly. I'm never doing this again Yeah, I'm so much for it and hope so but yeah good recovery my friend and Just just one thing do know that
Hermes is not turning 38 actually Thiago is turning 38 Hermes is another person. Exactly. Hermes is two is this two a baby?
Yeah, it is so fresh and so new into the world. So yes, Hermes is a baby.
Yeah, so about Chapella what yeah, use your guesses my friends
Well, first of all, I need you to read a lot about that, but I didn't read enough to understand what is sharp.
It belongs to the Ethereum foundation or anything like that. It's an autonomous organization. What is Shapela?
Nice nice. So let's go back a little bit. We are in Chappella first of all it is named made up of two names because we have this updates on the theorem that is the have names and they have names for
So we have the execution layer updates and the execution layer updates they are called in names of cities. So these are the cities that happened the DevCon in the past. So Shanghai was one of them.
So there you go, the Shenhai update is an update of execution layer. And then we have the consensus layer updates. There are received names of stars. So there you have Capella.
is the name of a star. Yeah the biggest one of the constellation of Ariga. Hmm, that I do you know I do not know that. Yeah the biggest one, um yeah, Shanghai the location of the Papyrus Devcorn. Yeah.
Yeah, let me pick my tweet here because I was talking about it on Twitter right now. So this update is a combination of updates on execution and processes later because we had the previous one was
I forgot the name, the merge, we had the merge. So as we had the merge, we have Chapella because it is the same as the updates on the execution and consensus layer. So we have
Okay, so that's why it has two names like Shanghai and stuff. Oh, I got it. Oh, got it. Yeah, okay. Yeah. No, now I
understand. And yeah, about that, oh sorry. It is scheduled to happen 10 hours from now, moreover. And yeah, we are very anxious about it because we will enable it is one of the
the things is withdrawal of your stake. So people that have stake on that is that have if you stake it will have the possibility of unstake. That means that people that stake now can un-stake as well.
Jagu is here, shout out to Jagu. We have people that don't stay because they don't want to hold on to much or they want to sell whatever they, when they please.
The idea is that a lot of people can stake, can get it out of circulation because of this liberation of withdrawals. It is a thesis, we don't know what will happen, this is not a financial advice, but it's something that keeps in mind.
Yeah, let me suggest something here What about a lounge call on nifty fight discord so we can we can we can be eight eight out eight of the night here in Brazil Yeah, yeah, I'm done
I'm down even though it's the worst time for me I will be there I will not be able to to say anything before like 10 to 2 Brazilian time but I'm down to you. Okay, okay, we can do that. I remember that on the number
And if you will be there,
New Year's Eve, but for me, right? It is it is because it is a kind of even that can change your life because we have too much it you know exactly exactly and well talking about that
I think sorry, then have you finished it? Yes. Yeah. Okay, I don't mean to interrupt. What I think about that is that this is bigger than people being able to unstake. This is actually like the consolidation of the proof of stake in
need to, right? Because of course that anyone had that many doubts that they would be able to do that. It's very unlikely that Ethereum would fail in that. But one thing is to expect to
believe and another thing is to see is to actually see stuff. So we will see that happening, we will see the full circle of proof of stake closing. So I think this is big deal, this is big deal for
the web tree in general this is big deal for the other holders and for the blockchain and everything. I think it's a very important day. People have been kind of skeptical about the update like people will, you know,
I'm not a sketchcar about that. I think that it will be great to the ecosystem, as I said. I think we will see great stuff happening in the upcoming days, because, of course, considering that the update will be a success one.
I believe with all my heart. So let's see man. I think it will be awesome. I think we are in a very nice place right now in crypto, you know, Beachquines pumping and all the ecosystems seems to be
getting ready for something, you know, as we already mentioned it here before, it seems like something is being cooked and I don't know man, I have a good
feeling about the Shanghai update. I think this will be important to us. I think people will be much more confident.
meter in the whole ecosystem, once this, the whole circle of proof of stake is done, you know.
Yeah, your mission is something that is very important is that this is not just about unstaking it. This is about proving the concept of perfect state in Ethereum because as we
take for granted that the merge all things gets right because actually this is a thing that it is very difficult to accomplish the the size of the network the risk that they could have in the
the merge, something could get wrong and it still can get wrong but at the same time is a proof of concept that is being made on a scale that is pretty giant and it is happening now and it is working.
So it is kind of all things were theorized that were enthesis, but right now they are working in the R&B and executed. And that's the most interesting thing because we
We do have a worry of, okay, if things will go right, if the preferred stake will fulfill the expectations of the thesis of the people that are working on these updates.
And we hope so, but we are in an experimentation phase yet. And all things appearing to be going right. If Shopella goes right, we have one more wing, and there's ecosystem. We have one more wing for plucking.
We have more wind for web tree and for the whole ecosystem. So yeah, I think that we hope that everything goes okay. We a lot of good people are in it. Are working very hard to make this possible. But yeah,
is a great time to be alive to see all that. And if it goes right, it's not a minor happening. It is a major one. It is an episode that will, as you said, Herbans will allow more trust in the
is proof our stake model with your own proof of stake model. Yeah, it is very, very important. So we don't, we don't, we think that all things are easy and simple like that. This is not OOS update.
This is an update of an entire network that is very, very hard to work out and to make all things sync based on consensus. It is wonderful to see that happening.
And thank you for the thread. I think it would be very useful. There's no thread. It's just a treat. Just trying to get some engagement because we have a deal. Remember? Well, okay, no, it's not a deal.
Yeah, we have a bet. We have a bet. We have a bet. Yeah, we don't know when when happens. Yeah, you're gonna know. Of course, I'm going to win, but yeah, you're almost there. Yeah. Right, I what you're doing is it's
I did competition. I said at the beginning. Yeah, I was. Yeah. Yeah. I was loose, but I went. I went to it. It's different stuff. So going, going ahead, I want to alert people is that.
Between the Dishapel update don't just Don't get into third don't do anything that you don't you don't do the wouldn't do we usually For pre-couch and don't do so much transactions maybe can be risked to
To do central section because of gas fees the gas the gas was was low yesterday already I think people are already already holding Yeah, probably would be normal The gas fees, but maybe not know if get some for get get spread
You can get a lot of protection from the banding and noise. Take care, slow down, it is a big update. Don't do anything for a fashion, everything is planned.
Yeah, just this is his work for remembering, you know? You're a decommissioned to something else. No, no, I agree. I think today will be a day to be writing our history, you know?
Yeah, and yeah, it's a don't you history is is everything is market and register. So yeah, it's it's cool to be part of it. We maybe have we have some NFT free minties and and the in the moment.
of the updates. I don't know. The last time we had the merge, NFT made from consensus consensus, the NFT and what was the agreement. And I actually got that
nice when I got the 1, 2, 3, 4, NFTs. So it was very pretty cool. Let's see if people who have NFTs for this one, it is good to mark your presence on the update.
a couple of
Yeah, we covered this for a long time ago. This cellphone stuff from Salon. Do you guys have any new?
And you'll be knowing that and any other take on that on solo note, building hardware, smartphone.
I don't know what you're making about Solomon. Yeah. And so, Lela is already pumping. I don't think if I don't know if it's related to that, but probably yes. I think this is nice, man.
As long as it works well, it will be nice to see that happening. I'm looking forward to see if the cell phone and the network itself will
Like, work together in a good way. I'm curious about that. I want to see that. They are starting, you know. They are trying at least, as always, also.
Yeah, let's see how things go and yeah, they are taking a long time to make this. They're taking the time. I don't mean that it is not just for the hype now because if it was just for the hype they would like to all think
to rush it, but they are taking the time to do it. Some people see the same way that they see like the 12 fold of other side of 12 fold from UGLABS. They see this as a
distraction, you know, because other updates are not going on, they are making stuff to distract people. Maybe can't be that, I don't know, but it is a very interesting experimentation at least.
Yeah. And another news is that we have another bunch of news here, just the Hong Kong banks. They are starting to receive institutions that are related to crypto, so exchanges and stuff.
This is very interesting because Hong Kong is part of China. China is very restricted on crypto at all. It's very interesting this acceptance of Hong Kong banks to crypto stations.
In the NBA Top Shot, they are creating a collection called Redemption. For those that don't know, NBA Top Shot was a collection. There was one of the first ones that released with a big mainstream appeal.
And it is made on a side chander remember it was flow blockchain maybe probably it is flow blockchain but it is moments of the NBA history so you can buy a moment of the NBA history
I remember when I didn't know even though what NFTs were like for real I remember my father saying to me about any day top shots. Oh they are doing NFTs with moments of basketball.
That's interesting. I saw something about people but I didn't know that they could the moments of games. But yeah, they were breed pioneers and now they are doing another collection called Redemption. We don't have two
details but it's pretty interesting because they were very pioneers and seen then coming back and doing another stuff. Let's go. This habit is planning to do supporting the
development of CBDCs. So the G7 is helping other countries, is disposable to support and help other countries to develop their own CBDCs. That's very interesting.
Did they publish our beverage just interesting? Yeah, that's that's one bunch of other news that happened today For those news do you guys want to comment on something Danny or her but actually
I'm kind of sick of these movements like Hong Kong is accepting crypto and not anymore.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,#
Colorado has support in Denver, USA, it's crazy now. - Yeah. And as I said, at the same country, staking is considered a crime. - Yeah, they don't know what they're doing.
Yeah, exactly. Do you remember any B.A. at PubShots? Do you remember? Yeah. Any of her members do remember any B.A. PubShots? Any B.A. what? No, no, I don't. It was a
collection. Yeah. Yeah. You're also collection of moments of games. No, no, no. I don't remember that. It is it. How long ago it was released? Oh, more than two years. Right. Yeah. When people blow blow up, you know,
Right after, right after that, 2021.
Yeah, with part Apes and other stuff as well. But they weren't in Ethereum. They were in a site chain. If I'm not remembered wrong, they weren't flow blockchain.
Yeah, it is cool man. It is it is they are pretty OG, you know if you consider the timeline They're creating a new collection of now-herms Yeah, they're there
Yeah, yeah, NBA, they are OGs. That's that's interesting to say. Sorry, I'm right in the balcony. Please repeat the then any day moments.
And they are releasing a collection now called Redemption. Redemption song.
Yeah. Let's see how things go. I wish they could do this on Ethereum or on player 2 Ethereum but yeah. They probably will continue
do on other side chains. That is one thing that I don't like, but the rest I like of the activation and they were pretty good as use case at the time.
It's great to see the old geez around. Yeah, it is. I miss crypto keys, you know, they used to be a thing. But I, if I'm not wrong, I need to see that more and deep, deep dive is
that is the reddit and fts they have something related to like some inspiration the crypto kiddies and it's to see that better but yeah i miss that i miss crypto kiddies but maybe they can you know you can fork it you can you can did they rugged no did they did
because they were infinite supply you know that was okay okay yeah it was a game and was infinite supply with a bunch of inflation yeah thank you thank you
I'm not going to talk to you tomorrow. I will have my surgery, but okay, you'll liquor. I'll count on you guys to interview Zanzo on Friday very very well because I will not. Okay, okay, perfect. We'll be gentle. I promise. Thank you guys.
Nice boy and today nice boy today you have the town hall as well. Yeah today we have the town hall at 9 p.m. You just yeah, is there a okay? Thank you guys for today of course No, I will just wish then he luck in
his surgery because I hate dentist. I know how this is dissolvable. So yeah, terrible. I wish you a good luck in there and hopefully you won't feel pain or whatever will be everything.
Thank you. Thank you. Just a quick announcement. Just a quick quick one. We have the leader of the leaderboard on Zilli needs to pay attention to surprises. This week, the beginning of the month. Okay. Bye.
Thank you. Bye guys. Let's go. Bye.