Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 3:23:45



Let me put you up
I'm trying to animate this piece
Hey, bubba, sup, sup
She said that weird so I've called you here today
Actually to tell you the truth 16 of 33 of these have sold
Do kind of want to try and push it a little this week, but I know
Wench wasn't doing anything
Figured I try and come on and just chill for a little while
My kids yeah, anyway
Let me try the
Space this kind of my dog has a
fucking wig right now that looks like orphan Annie's hair and
It actually was orphan Annie's hair from like the play or something that I think my daughter was in
He's going nuts with it. Like he thinks it's like a rag doll
It's so funny
He's snorting and shit he's like carrying on anyway, I
Don't know. I was gonna write
some other stuff in here like
Don't know
Instead of lunches face
Yeah, kind of yeah, I was gonna say maybe um
I'm glad I saw the invite or else. I might have missed it
Yeah, I just figured maybe how are you Jay?
Could how are you doing?
Your Wheaties
Do you smoke chair
Dude I'm such a no like I'll put it this way if somebody gave me an
eighth of
Flower it would last me probably two years
I'm gonna wait and I do
It got soaked. So just one time I was watching
beer grillers and he was in the in the rainforest and this tribe gave him something to chew on that made him start tripping and
hallucinating and
I accidentally hit the bowl too many times
I had friends over and I started crying because I didn't know how he was gonna get out of the rainforest
That night like I gave away the rest of my weed and fucking quit for like a year
Yeah, I'm just a lightweight man shit. So potent these days was that 2023
Yeah, you know, it's funny that was happening to me when I turned 30
Sort of I mean I had real paranoia issues with
When I would smoke and
You know, I know people who take
Fucking meds, you know, like take meds to the end smoke weed basically to smoke weed
and it's like I didn't want to do that shit, so I kind of stopped for
like a month and
Then I realized I just had to figure out
What was going on like I had to do but see here's the thing now
Now it's like the other way where I could basically
You're anything you got like I'll take to the head and it's not gonna do more. It's gonna do
Something but not really
You know what I mean? Like I need a very high
2866 percent whatever
Let me see what is this Christ?
I would literally start crying if I hit that more than twice
This is flour. I don't smoke anything else either. That's the other thing
Bro CBD like I was one of the first people I was in the CBD industry years ago
I was one of the first people to bring hemp flour into Texas and bro that shit used to get me high as fuck
That's why I was surprised that you didn't smoke cuz you kind of sound like you do enough though
I remember you sold gummies and the like so
How did how did it do that? How did it do that?
You know, it's got other cannabinoids in it, you know, and it had a little bit of but I mean
That was before from handling it
Well, no, I would smoke it but it would like I would get high from something that you know
Most people shouldn't be able to get I from good at beer
You know what though dude, I don't know about that anymore because those THC strains, I mean those CBD strains
You know, they're the same amount of money
They're the same amount of money as it's a ball game. They're treating it right with Delta 8 and Delta 10
So this was before we started synthesizing Delta 8 like we like has been done
So these days it's a whole different ballgame, man. They're treating it after the fact with cannabinoids. Do you know who invented that process?
Technically no, I mean, I know who kind of started selling all of it back in the day, but was it a
Was he an NFT guy? I
Don't know did he become one he might have not that I I'm not aware of him here in this space
So or anybody like that
Yeah, I think I know who it is or who claims there's a lot of crossover
I will say and that's one of the things like this whole space
Reminds me of the beginning of the vape and then the beginning of the CBD and hemp space so much
So it's very similar personality. So it wouldn't surprise me
Yeah, because well the only difference now is there's actual gangsters involved
That are able to say they were gangsters
And now they're legit like, you know, it's kind of different than
That's the only thing I think is different than a lot of other shit
There's like sketchy ass
There's sketchy people involved still
That are like legit, you know
It's like I don't know. I remember my boy was living in California, right?
He was living in
Fucking Laguna Beach like Laguna Beach whatever that Oh San Clemente and
He was involved in the weed
industry out there early like I don't know 15 years ago or something 12 years ago and like
He would go to the farm and I went with him
It was like in a different spot and you could look out and there was like fucking
cartel grow
like operations
like there was this other operation like down into the valley you could see and
Everybody was growing weed. It was like fucking amazing
Isn't it big in Oregon, too?
Yeah, but I mean I don't know about the that's all like I'm just talking like strictly like
Like or I don't know how it all goes, but I just think there's like mad sketch
When you see a k-47s in California outside, it's like, okay
It's even I'm like, okay
You know, I mean we were probably we were with the property owner. So it's not like they're you know, we're cool
What's always a trip for me was
Going somewhere like that to meet like a pretty hippie guy a hippie, you know white. Yeah. Yeah
Listens to the dead but then you know realizing he's got like you don't saying fully decked out fucking
Bulletproof vest and shit in his kitchen. You don't say like damn. This dude's kind of a gangster
You know, I saw this one meme that was like the weed industry, you know being legal really ruined this guy's life
And it was David the know
like running with like a
And I was like shit that is true kind of
That's like kush kush was that guy
Well, he's going for his he's gonna have to start doing citizenship fucking quiz soon
Yeah, well it's pretty hard
Good presidents were there before George Washington? Oh my god
You gotta say like you gotta say coffee the right way or they say get the fuck out of here coffee
That's how you say it get close
Apparently I say coffee Kathy here and everyone else. Yeah, that's weird
Stop trying to sound so different
Where are you from? I'm from a place that says Kathy Kathy Kathy. Oh
That's right
Hold on let me get your boyfriend up here poor for one. Oh hash. Yeah
I'm sure he does
Oh, that's right
Silly me, I'm just fucking here doing my art shit and there's beef. It needs to be attended to
Who's in yeah, doesn't you know about drilling fucking drilling
Who's that one I didn't hear that
Those hashes eggs Allison, what was that Allison? Damn? She was a keeper. I don't think it was out
I think it was on a work trip. What are you doing? They're not coming up here fine. You're real cool
Stay as a listener
Anyway, everybody we're gathered here today to celebrate the life of
Hash bastards, I don't want to talk about anything did I don't want to I don't want to hear it
I don't want to
What are you talking talk some shit, bro?
Why aren't you co-host
Kush I made you come because this is busy. I know cuz she's real busy body lately
Am recording this so I have good clips right there. That is excellent
Thank you
That goes right up there with my mom's a dirty bitch
I'm so glad I recorded that that night by the way
There's no other way that anyone would have that recording if it weren't for me. So you're welcome. Oh, did you record?
That was you. Yeah
Where's the rest of that shit then?
It wasn't all recorded. I thought you had a bunch of shit cut up there. I do from that
So, what are you doing? What are we like waiting fucking ten years and hand it over?
We're doing it now
Once Kush accepts co-host. We're in reunified
Why wouldn't you do that? What is that?
Cush it's the three amigos. Yeah, that's weird
Is there something going on here that I don't know about
I feel like there is some kind of something. I'm not a breast of
Yeah, no, you've never had a breath bro, I feel like chicken breast
You know who I talked to I talked to you I talked to goos baby mama. That's my wife was but
Why were you talking to that's creepy well, he made an ass out of himself
He was saying dumb shit to my six-year-old, okay, elephant ears heard it
Kids and then after I make a mistake
So we were yelling at each other
I know that's what I said to them upstairs. I was like this is our business
Did say because my my six-year-old said daddy I was like hey fucking yelling dude stop yelling
I know I couldn't help it black cloud triggered me but but but I have to get it in with him every so often
It's like two
Goats, you know like on the side of the fucking the mountain
to fucking
Sparring horns, but but uh, my six-year-old came running down and said daddy
You should be spending your time with people who actually like you and I'm like
Of all the times that I could be talking to you you pick the one time
Where I'm like, oh the adderall still kicking and I'm I'm I've been requested to go into like
managerial organization mode
Okay, which if anybody has ever talked to you, you know, it's like
That's just you focus. It's you let me just ask jay gray how hard that is go ahead
No, I think the jay gray fluently. He does. I think he comes to me at certain times, but I do
Geez, what's going on tonight? I know I cushion to want to co-host now now I get it
Go to Ohio glory hole calm anyway
Yeah, it's getting bold, huh? Oh, I'm getting bulge. Oh
See that's real rich, you know what mr. Emoji. This is something interesting
I get I get the
Beefing up here
North coast south coast mid-coast I think the disturbance in the AI it's to mid coasts fighting. I don't know who I'm gonna pick
For seems to get a little simp energy in it. Oh
Don't do your incel
Are you an end cell bro, don't
He never puts bro, he's not an insult Cush
He's not an insult and he's not a simp because he never puts pussy over profit, bro
Look at my wallet. I look at my wallet every day. That's fucking straight profit straight catch homie
Make coach you guys a little bit here. We're trying to sell our tonight
I just didn't know our fucking on-chain show
Well, we know we know that there are a couple on-chain chodes around
On here, what do you use for that celebration? I've literally used the same emojis the entire time. I've been in any of these
Okay, all right, hold on
Don't even fucking wait a second
Wait, I have a special I have a special I have a special release I could do
Chemical fire except for them
So so it's tomorrow is the one-year anniversary. Oh, maybe I'll make this
They said that Biden is gonna actually come for the first time to Palestine dude. He's never come to book
She never is gonna get lost
He never showed up here before
Hold on guys, but he's gonna do some pain. He thinks he has plate play train time on his schedule for tomorrow
He said play him with you
It's choo-choo time
Yeah, I love choo-choo time
It's choo-choo time
You know, I need you to pay attention to the to the jumbotron and when it updates, you know, just take it away
Should I write East Palestine or Ohio chemical fire? I don't know what to call it
But everybody that you know, let's let what are you talking about? Hey, listen, listen
I've never gotten that emoji and I bought a lot of your pieces. Oh, oh, I see what he's made
Yeah, no one out. No one else get that emoji, bro
I got that you gave me that emoji before
Well, oh my god, dude you the flow
Man I don't know where to get in on this. I'm like all torn apart here. What's what about the kids?
It's like a divorce. I don't know what to do. No, bro. It's not in the kid
This is like we have a new fucking mom. I'm the little baby. She's not I'm not calling her mom, dude
She can't be on speaker then anymore. Sorry can't be by you gotta go
That's tough, all right, you're cool you're doing good right now, let's let's see if
Let's see if you can get through this brimstone. I fucking hate your bio. I knew it was coming
He's wound up
Cuz she's gonna get mad real mad actually
Cush is fucking, you know busting it down on some American twas
This is a good time to bring this up
Cush, I wanted to ask you. I know you never really answered me here, but maybe I'll ask cranky cranky. Did you?
Fly yourself in there or was a Senor
Mommy mommy offensive right now. That's not offensive. That's this is a very straight question
Flown into Canada or were you?
Thank you
That's very nice Cush, you're that wasn't that's impressive very nice
So I was gonna say I mean, you know
Destroyed half of our audience did the fact these often mark. I know the secret weapon. They thought he was gay
They thought he was gay for like two years. So they were like, oh, we'll just play along
They're like the cultural revolution is here. Wow. Look at these guys again. No, I thought it was a Canadian thing
Damn, so once it has find out exactly today
Did he put
Someone pointed out to him. Well
Kind of been pointing it out
What did he find out?
The real motherfuckers are now
I was the first one to know none of us knew and we sit here like jerk offs unbelievable. Like we did
We look like jerk offs
He was marching on one of our fucking female right now
Not to mention
It's like, you know, he's fine. He's having women flown in and then he's not telling us about it
So I'm happy that I was able to meet her
What are you talking about
Make so much this dude. Oh cuz why are you still on mute? Oh cuz why aren't you participating in this space?
Or punanar did because the punanar always takes precedent. What is
said like a true version
Don't make me explode with laughter
Well, I know you just had a kid but if you really want to completely just shatter a million pieces go to Canada and see
Was first in line for that's the problem. That's true. You waited you did wait for him
Sorry, sorry guys, it's because I can't I can't I cannot
Imagine either of you speaking right? Let me get a wrangle on this here. Hey
Yeah, let's go
Thanks a lot. Go ahead. Go ahead slow
Hey, I was muted but
You don't have to bring that up
Go ahead come on dude, stop playing these little childish games. Let's go
Get what do you think? I am fucking mature. No
Okay, first of all
You jabroni's have had an open invite come up to Canada any fucking time you want
Free weed
Open open invite bro. You've had it. Oh, we're gonna come in springtime
First of all
Hash is too nervous to make me
Love Morgan hash. I'm just I'd love to come to Canada, but that's too much paper when you make it when you meet hash
You got a real hard
Bear hug him
Any like hugs you back, but he knows I go fuck I'm not gonna fuck with this guy. I'm sorry. Listen hash
I'm sorry that you're jealous, but cranky's the fucking chair. She just came out here
You know, are you so jealous jealousy is not a good
What can a possibly bang that was a banger damn I didn't hear it cuz his head gets me all confused
He's like a flacker Nate. He's like a fracker Nate whatever like this shit just
He's both fucking frat is a frag
Can you say it again sloppy by any chance with the same amount of ghost
Please I don't even remember what I said to be honest
This is just a real thing. Oh everyone everyone you have
My god you guys are like a little sewing circle when you scamps get together
Yeah, you little fucking astrological fucking peanut gallery
Logical peanut gallery is a banger that's gotta go as the title now fuck that is a good one
Astrological, I really am looking towards a black cloud. Wait, wait, wait
What was it?
Astrological was it you think my feelings are jealousy
Astrological, what was it?
You got a friend to me buddy
That was today it's still 10 o'clock, oh, was that yesterday. Yeah, that wasn't yesterday
Cuz you're getting a fucking green card, you know, I had no idea really hell. Yeah, we're all be Americans then
What do you think about that?
It does really it's truly a disgrace to the system
Excuse me. No, no, you're good. You're a good immigrant. Yeah, you're you're good. It's just like yeah
We just don't want any your kind following you right there
What don't you don't you start?
If you do that you're done, okay, I'm telling you right now if it's just you it's cool, bro
But don't you start?
Three Canadian Kiwi and you it let me tell you what that's cool
Lay it on me anyway
I'll tell you did just in case I forget now
Now we and now dude, it's a fucking package. I know that's part of this thing
It is that person just go meet kush dude. We have to go meet kush and it's fucking ball and chain
To Canada, I didn't even get to meet kush before he fucking became a
Jig I got mad and upset and left
This guy he was so eager to be co-host. I should have made him go
So silly. I forgot I meant to make him
What about what if we go up there like for we make a short film about kush
The windows closed dude, there's no time. No, the window the invite is
It is the funniest of all of this is that by mileage hash you definitely live the no I was
Yeah, yeah, it's about the same to hash and goo
Oh, yeah from my place. What is it like an hour? What are we gonna do get a couple pounds?
I'm not sure. It's like nine hours drive or something. No
Here we go, I thought you were into this she's basically Canadian that's a scotchaw on
What'd you say
Did you just say a Canadian word
Well, you started smoking that reefer, you know, what happens you can't remember your last name. I remember my first joint
Not your memory, it's just your ram got your ram
You know, it's your human ram as if it gets cleared quick your cache is clear
Here's the deal
How is it four and a half hours four and a half hours from Vegas? Yeah, it's four and a half hours
They're all in a straight line guys
Jersey Vegas
Fucking hash throws. It's all a straight line Columbus. Whatever think about it. It's all the same axis
It's not gonna be that much further to go
Never you mean hash it's gonna be like when the Sun
Start acting like you caught the fucking Cupid bug dude. This is this is not if you meet hash
Everybody's in control. They're fucking shit. This is a business enterprise. We're trying to run here. Okay, I'm good, bro. I've been manifested
He's good, he sounds like he's good man, he's got it down lately
I'll tell you what he's like Michael Scott lately. I love it. He's like we gotta get the shit in order
Yeah, he told me something ten times. I said hash. I don't give a fuck about that topic anymore
That's when I got mad cuz it was like I don't care. I said it like ten times
I don't care like like passing Lee like I don't care
Passively and he kept bringing it up and finally that black cloud chimes in and I'm like, are you guys fucking deaf?
Like like I go nuts and then they just sit there and take it like fucking three students. It's like
People hear us on the phone they do even my six-year-old is like what is with these fucking retards like it's like
I'm like, yeah, I know. I mean, it's me too, but I know
And then you do, you know who Ron Swanson is. Yeah, he's that
Gay carpenter, right?
What absolutely definitely not he's absolutely a hundred and what why would you he's a hundred percent gay?
Why I mean, it's cool. He's great craftsman
That's not answering the question. I mean, apparently he's a good woodworker
In more ways than one I guess
Yes, no he has a crazy ex-wife that turned him gay what do you mean from the show
Not show we're talking reasons from
Talking about the real guy Oden Field or whatever his name is. What's his name? Oh
Yeah, that guy Nick Nick, oh, yeah offerman he's he's gay he's a gay carpenter
He's in factor he's one
What I thought he was married to that lady from
Will and grace or no, that was the guy the guy was gay. I'm telling you it was a guy
Will agrees that's his like crazy ex from the show, but yeah, that's talking about who's married to Will
Yeah from Will and Grace
Fuckin retarded not that hard to figure out
Flights from Columbus to Ottawa
Nick Offerman's the only 35 year old gay carpenter that's moved out
Banger that was a banger fucking hammer fist
I just think that was a house from here 240 bucks. It was so offensive on every level
Hash is crying. He's in his he's in his Jergens mode
Let me have a fucking light. Jeez
You know you said the other day in the heat of a passionate moment when you were fighting with somebody you said me
Yeah, you said what did you say? I was with a lady last week. Oh
Dude, I think about that
When I think about it, bro, it's funny. It's shit. No
Get that out of my head for for like it for weeks
I'm like thinking like what
He said no and he called her a lady
Why wouldn't you tell me about this you guys are fucked up all of you?
You guys are sketchy fuck I'm done
Right, how about having your fucking friendship? Well, that's what I'm thinking right now. This guy's getting laid over here
Bro if that don't hit those of us that way it's weird because crank
Figured it out. No, you fucking dumb. I'm the one
He's a wizard and then I asked sloppy and she said
And I said I said I know
It was like she was shaking an eight ball like what will it say?
Was like I know I was saying
That was like a week ago you fucking dumb dumb
Dude, I text you that picture and said we got a flame this guy to know how to like I have I
I said that and then I was like all over
No, I don't know I think so
There's a lot of there's a lot of ops right now and I have nothing but time
Bro talking through a
No, it's a battery-powered Nissan
No, no, not even
It's a diesel that's a
You have a diesel car that's cool
Kidding me
Okay, that's a big deal
Yeah, but you give your cousin what you give your cousin one every time you guys go out
Clearly an inanimate object that I will take to
Guys give him some space. He just needs a little space. He's a little overstimulated
Wish I was over friendship. I remember the one day
Remember the day I was doing like the late-night show rounds and I felt like I was like a famous celebrity
The one night we were talking about hash
We were talking about hash in New York getting drunk at the club and losing his phone
It was like my favorite shit ever just to hear the bask in that story
I was like goddamn
I didn't get to see that but I love this shit so much and then I got to tell my stories about hash
It was like fucking great man. You're like a legend. I was like
It's so good though
I never met I never had a friend growing up that I would be like here take these drugs like here do this here do
Like I don't want exactly that print. Yeah
But I don't want you to get hurt or arrested like I had friends like friends going cool like that
It would be like, all right, whatever the fuck happens to that guy like get rid of him whatever but not with you
Like that's not what it is. It's like baby care, but I want to watch it. It's also like how it's like I want to
It's like the Americans remember that old guy who grew Captain America or whatever in that show that's who I am with you
My friends that went to Clinton
Would always you know test like test chemicals. Oh, yeah, I'm a big fan. I figured out why they called them test chemicals
It's good. They're not called somebody else. They're not called has chemicals. They're called research chemicals is first of all, but that's cool
Yeah, that was a recent hell yeah, hell it's fucking yeah, they're like, okay
So does it taste bitter on your tongue? I'm like, what is bitter taste? Wow. What did you were you really testing cams?
That's a pretty cool. No, well, they would get like who's that?
They would have like their their acid like my friends. They were like order acid. They'd be like, well, we're not really sure
How much acid have you taken in your life? I've taken well, not that much
But did you get zapped off it?
Let me tell what supplements
Why did you pin this bullshit by the way get this off my stage I want my
Can you listen to me in focus for fucking one goddamn second
Let me ask you no, I'm
Many missiles were flying in
Do you have a speech in petriment speaking from speaking English what language
He's gonna have to take the fucking he's gonna have to take the exam on the Revolutionary War
You know a fucking border wall around Canada. No. Yeah to keep you keep you fuckers
Well, we'll see what we want. You know what I'm saying, bro
If we want it we'll come get it, you know, you guys can chill
First of all, cush my closet I have more guns and ammunition than your whole country does so I don't want to talk about that
I don't even own a gun and strap hash right up and get them in there. No problem. I doubt that bro. Hey
You're gonna be just like
You're gonna be not good with the pistol but probably great with the AR 15 again, it's almost as if I got a strap on
Yeah, yeah my dick's gotta fucking my fucking Glocks got a dick
Right back down
An SMG Wow, where's he getting that from James Bond's fucking side bin?
Submachine gun man in 1985. Oh like the gun. Okay. I thought that's what they killed predator with
Get to the chopper. I got an SMG
Yeah, I like that SMG
Yeah, that's what I got an FN 503
It's in my
It's called an equalizer for a reason bro
Okay, it's for people like you to equalize
people like me
Just kidding
I'm talking to you guys pinky
What do you know about I come out to 350 5a? I think that's a cool gun. I
Was walking through my fucking doors. There's all loud. Did you ever see the new that new I want to disturb you with all those
The 503 I could fit in my fifth pocket
How crazy right
You guys know what I come out to 350 5a is what's your horny idiot? No, I don't know but it's a cool word
That's a saw
He has a mirror he has a
They're already talking about pump and dump in crypto once on the timeline
Fucking in front of everyone's face
Talking about dude, we just don't want any pump and dump around here. Okay, we don't
Congratulations to the pumper
Hashkin pumped on the timeline by three
Book and it's like
Would have just said why didn't you just say
Why don't you just say the famous meme like oh cool or I'm really sorry or no, is that good news? Okay
Yeah, I don't read anything man, I can't read no I got three guys notifications on
I really can't read that's how I saw that I
Can only read my own handwriting it's so weird and my own thoughts, I don't know the fuck
If anything comes and it says hash I can't even read it it's like Chinese it just turns it to fucking a little
Turns into windings
Block it hasn't said a word that means he's doing
Gonna do give us a social
What do you got there?
Okay, what do you expect like when exactly do you can I can anybody chime? Well, if you're a shooter, you're gonna shoot
Okay, back to you below okay, well, I know he is he's getting it's everybody's every time you go to talk
You just get talked over. I'm just gonna sit back and listen to eight people. Damn. He's killing us all
I'm you know, and then people get mad when you talk. It's like hey
Guys, it's our show
Yeah, just kidding block a sloppy, please you blame us
Yeah, please
Tell us about the frogs how they hang in my friend. Do you need the intro music?
Yeah, let me see what I can cook up for you here a little book intro. I want like Stone Cold
What hand do you roll up with intro music that's the hand I love that fucking love that
Intro music I want
I want to give you my hand in marriage
No, I want to do hashes intro it's the mommy's little internet troll did you wake up wait, I had it down
Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls
You know them you love them. It's hash bastards the Thomas pain hurry hurry step right?
Wait, I had it. I had it. It needs to be like the crusty. No, I had it. I had it good
It's his mom crystals for Christmas. I got it. Trusty the crown. Trusty. The clown was definitely the Thomas pain of the blockchain
hash bastards
Now we like
Doing good
We're having some
This guy's such an insult not even funny about maybe it got to be my new friend
This all started
I got a new hash
I got long here. What are you talking about?
He has female friends they knock on his door at midnight and say hey
You were the you were the
He says hey
Hey lady, you want to come on in the third wheel the whole time you didn't even know I'm gonna rock your world
Next time you have a baby and like get bursa. I won't care. How about that?
I won't probably be your baby though. So you probably should you're gonna say something
I will be like a non-friend and not ask you about how you're fucking not
So much get a fucking package of tissues and shut the fuck up
Killing this is the show is just be quiet. Let's get back to basics. Okay, I got a thread guy now
Do we all forget?
He is the original piss boy. Now
Why didn't anyone hit him with the piss boy? I don't know this because he is the OG piss boy
He's for oaks piss boy
And that needs to be a little you know, that needs to be common knowledge. I think
I'm gonna tell anybody in here who's holding a Lord Keck
You're gonna get a print the first 16. I'm gonna do no matter what
but everybody else
Let's mint it out because then
I'll get all of them made and they'll be
Hand-numbered and all that shit and be cool
But they're really nice and though, I don't know the shit is really cool
Yeah, I bought one of those. No, I mean the print
No, I mean the Lord Keck. Oh, yeah. Hell yeah, you're gonna go
You're gonna get one. I'm gonna make like a special DM thing for everybody who holds it and then we'll do
One massive message and then everyone can DM me separately their address, I guess and I'll fucking send out
Everything I I'm like a fucking retard. I don't know why I said anything like I don't even think about shit
I'm like, yeah, I'll just pay for everything. Hi, I told him I said, dude, I was excited the one day
I'm like, don't worry. Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm gonna just pay for it. Fuck it
Whatever then I start getting quotes and I'm like what 600 bucks for fucking half of these
It's like bro, I'm not even gonna make 1200 off the fucking mint I'm like just like
So I'm just cool like that. I guess right? I don't know
I told Maddie that my dad was retired
Grandfather is retired fireman and she goes but he's okay now though, right?
She's one smart cookie
Dude, I laugh so goddamn hard and I was like she was serious. She's like, but he's normal now though, right? I love that
Retired that she rocks she makes me happy
We're not losing it
Okay. Oh, I'm hash had an announcement this week. Actually, I don't know if he tweeted about it
It's pretty little it I don't know if I don't know what it is, but I'm sure it's slid
I'm also dating a bunch of NFT chicks which ones Wendy
No, no, he's dating the chick from dead dead fellas. What's her name Betty? They're secretly in a romance
She buys him clothes
She buys him designer clothes like here hash I bought you this man bag and these slacks right Gucci
Betty wears like her fucking triple XL leopard skin fucking
Thousand thousands of dollars fucking jacket and hash has this little Gucci zip up on they go out
They're like, let's go to Sotheby's and bid on NFTs tonight. Yeah, she's like she's like you're the Richard Hart of NFTs
Yeah, you're the Richard Hart of life
That's pretty crazy they're pretty edgy guy
Tell you that much. She's like she's like the reverse pull it. She's like the reverse cowgirl
That sucks that sounds like it sucks I
Got a sugar momma now, does that suck for you or something? What do you gotta do?
So like once we broke his brain tonight and I love it I'm picking up what he's putting down I ask you
What do you got to do for rent?
Do you have to do anything who hash with that chick
What are you talking about? Oh my god, I usually
Ruined my whole joke
You're not you're not doing that listen to me did three guy pawn you because I'm getting a weird consensus here
Don't tell me how to talk if three guy pawned you and that's just the fucking listed
Did in cell boy did piss boy call you an in-cell boy?
Wasn't all all my friends in cell tonight, but red guy hasn't so what does that say?
I tried to find me
You for this hash
We prepared you for this day
We can't guide you through everything but we prepared you can't call people in cells are dating hot hot third floor lawyer bitches
That's right. That's really that's not saying it. I literally took a break from a lawyer to date a politician
You guys want to call a break from what what what is going on?
Would you like to know
Yeah, that's that's for the privilege to know only
He's been keeping this little private escapades very silent. I keep things close to my chest kind of like you guys
Do us a favor lose that routine right now before you get started with that
Sorry, dude
It's so crazy because ever since I got that one day I was like feeling it now he didn't do another one
It's like fucking
It's like yeah, bro. You wrapped for like five minutes, right? That's crazy. I'm ready to go. Was it good
Yeah, man, it was pretty good. Yeah. Well
Because there's a lot of cringe things he thinks is good. So dude just take it easy
You might you're about to get smacked
You know you gotta let him climb up a few stairs
Yeah, can I talk for a second Jesus so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go up there in springtime
Obviously, we're not gonna go up there in this fucking god-forsaken snow, but
I'm gonna come to you. I think and then then we'll go there together
And then or you could come to man. We can go there either way. It doesn't matter careful
I guess it does matter right because I'm saying this free weed and
Coffee every day
I'm in there with that. Why wouldn't we use both? Yeah, I don't trust you to don't trust you to do that
You'll say yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and then not do it. I just got fucking clear dude
Just like black cloud. Oh, yeah, come to California. Yeah. Yeah, and then where's his little buddy ash roaming around California?
Bro, no excuse. Hash was at a actually doing a different thing. He was part of a different scene when he went to
Hi, I've been animating this thing that I'm doing with iteration and I can't I don't think it's
I don't know if I'm doing it good. It's how many frames do you know?
it's just like it's just words and I'm trying to get it to be like a lot like like typing like
like captain's log like that is it like and I can't get it that effect that just I
Have it go here. I'm gonna post it so you guys could see
What do you say?
Are you like not talented or it could be that actually but?
It's probably that I just respect the truth. Hey, are you gonna tell us about your announcement or what?
Like are you just gonna sit on that? Yeah, well
Got his little spinners
He's got his box of fidget spinners out. So let him get it's okay. I
had a cool thing happen to my life and you know, one of the first
Now I'm realizing that it's not a two-way street. So past no one messages me at all
That's what's so crazy about this. I'm finding out. That's great. I messaged you the same fucking thing, dude
Okay privately
We've a fucking
Yeah, I was sleeping though, I'm sorry I did wake up to see you guys are
Credit communication. We are when it counts. I'll tell you that much
When it's go time
When it's go time it's go time now she understands that you're not
Everyone yes, everyone was happy hash except for you. You were the only one who's crying bro crying all the time
I'm because three I got pawned you I can't even why do you that shit?
Pawned me
Fuck is going on in this world right now. How is that guy gonna pawn you? I can't go you mean pawn me
I mean, this is just a block me last week is what everyone's saying. That's can't be
You got to clear it up
That's what the meta is that hash got bested by thread guy. I
Heard him in in leap space bragging to like I killed that little yeah, fuck. Yeah, dude
Opened up with you aren't blocked which was only true
Then he said you aren't docked bitch, yes, I am all of my friends make fun of my face
NFT NYC twice on stage people had taken fucking screenshots of that. Oh, you're fat like fucking Bandle
Wait, can I tell you?
When you're fighting when you're fighting with this guy type these type of guys
You can't go into autistic facts mode. You have to just go into fucking spastic crazy guy mode
I do both. Yeah, but those facts like the fact finder the fact finder dude is always gonna get fucking pawned
I hate to tell you no one gives a block anymore either
Yeah, because they're gonna pawn you with these facts. I'm telling you you got to go for blood
You have to just go for fucking throats period. There's no facts fuck fuck them. He's gay, dude
Yeah, just say you're gay. You're fucking gay motherfucker
Yeah, I'm outside like my neighbors like who's he talking to I'm like you're a gay motherfucker
They think I'm talking to my dog gay little motherfucker come on let's go take a shit
Good thing dogs can't oh, I just saw a dog dude. I just saw a husky speaking with an Italian accent
Yeah, this is crazy
Telling you no, it was on a reels. I was being shown
Bro, yeah, wait, wait, wait, wait. How was that butter bro? You were on another planet that butter was good. It was mellow
until like
Motherfucker sounded like ADHD the first time you spoke
Well, I'll tell you what it was like if if I got cooking like it amplified
But like if I was mellow it was amplifying the mellow. It was cool. I don't know it's weird
You know you said you were gonna fuck somebody in her eyeball
That's an old-school
In the eyeball I'll fuck him in his eyeball
That's what oh by the way, that's the anniversary mint
It's of mine and cushions collab of that famous tweet that got me banned and got the AI kicked off Twitter
And everything else because of me saying that and then the dog shit chemical fire
thing about open sea and
Me and Chris have collab a lot. I made a little video of it
Cool fires, bro. I made a video of it with that song that we that I play all the time diverse
And I got like a train I got a train
My tweets and like bro that was so crazy cuz it was like a tweet
AI bar and it would give you four pictures of your tweet if you tagged the
And it was like open see is a flaming pile of shit like traveling on a train
It was right after this shit happened I was like it's it's open seas like a dog shit chemical fire
That was a killer and then I made a little video of it
But black cloud told me it was too long. So I never fucking posted it. He's a fucking he doesn't where does he know?
Where's he I don't know
I was going for like an epic fucking I thought it was funny to be epic with this shit like with the tweets and the
Train you see I have the train traveling
So you don't know what's gonna happen and then when the song goes bump bump
I like it goes perfectly it blows up into this fire and then it's sick like but I thought but black cloud said no
So if mr. Fucking content, you know, I gotta go by what he says
Content police over there. He's always right apparently
So those two love each other if you didn't know they're dating
That the next secret they are just morally and ethically sound but I mean I guess you know me and black
I can be the only ones all I know is you guys love each other and you like think you're decoding each other's bullshit
But I just let it happen, but that's it's changing. I'll tell you that much right now
Bro you're buttering my biscuits lately, all right
Literally my entire job is okay. What the fuck is you talking about? Okay this maybe
Run with and I was right and I've always been sucks
It's not being such an incommunicado. You need to learn
Python you need to go back to school and major in communications. I know I majored in you know, I majored in digital art in
That crazy
You see the stroke also unblock cool
All right, I'm a legend in this fucking shit. In other words
You gonna collab with I don't know but I think that would be lit a collab
You should post the paper house broke the ego and then just tag a minute now that you're unblocked
Hey, yeah program. I just wanted to show you this it's you with a fucking dildo on your face. Oh
You made it bitch. No, no. No, I'm talking about
Jay tunes. I thought I followed that
What's up, well, I like your work fucking bus bro, come on just tunes, bro. I know it's weird actually that I
Never saw this account before. Did you change your account or something? No, I don't know
Do we never follow each other?
Sorry, I just put you up because we have eight people and we need to look like we're busy or else we're gonna fail
One of my first and if these was J tunes, I have a Michael Myers piece by him. Oh, it's what it's either
No, it's not Michael Myers. It's Jason. Yeah. Yep that one. Fuck. Yeah
Everybody doing all right. Hell. Yeah, bro. I'm not better
Hash is just getting to the bottom of a couple of long things long threads in his life
Seems to be coming to grips with right now
This is a kind of fucking long corn. I don't like in front of everyone this long corn. You gotta swallow it down
Well, you're like a you're like a fucking little you should start a reddit
You fit right in Lord read it. Yeah, I did start a reddit
Read it's actually killer but okay
Well, yeah, but for NFTs it is stupid they advertised the dumbest shit on her for NFTs
But the ethereum alpha on there is a one like you could ask
The craziest questions and you get responses in the hundreds of like
You know like code and shit like it's sick what they do in that in that community
Then you got an eth trader
That's another good one for alpha
Yeah, that's fucking
Traitor trade or
Well, we can't win them all right buddy
Don't get pawned by kush and
Hash that you're single
We can still be friends
Using me and my platform to court women getting killed
You know he does
Can I tell you something about this guy that you probably already know
He will tell you good idea
you're the best all that kind of shit right and then when he knows you can't talk because you
Fucked up your mic or whatever. You're not even in the space. Maybe then he'll take credit for all that shit. Oh
God crazy. I hear it now. It's cool. I think I'm using my jokes on the timeline. It's fine
Yeah, that's just he's like a recycling bin, you know
Well, you're in the fold you write for
Just listen so you can make it all well just write in your bio I write for hash bastards
Yeah, go straight take all your fucking mid
Yeah, I'm gonna it's basically like using a sample it is that's
That's you know what dude you sound like Carlos Mencia. That's what he said. He said the same shit. I'm like a sampler
But he what he is is he's a fucking fat chode and I
He said the same shit
I'm like a comedian mixtape. I just take their bad shit and I put out good shit of theirs and
The funniest thing ever is that fucking South Park made a joke about that fucker that
He wasn't a no-name he wasn't a no-name comedian he had a show on
Rogan took him out
Yeah, he called on stage. He went on stage took him out and told him that he would fucking yeah
Side Ari Shafir was yelling at him and shit
All right, you guys know you guys know about the war. I know the war
I've been around the lore. I was in the RW BB for
All the fucking you don't maybe should pay attention bro. I told you about turn off right you know Chris. It's like here's the thing dude
Yeah, you knew well. What's the guy's name his name? I knew I knew what you knew exactly
The fuck's top line dude come on up you knew
That I was I was out of the game so to speak dude. I was what do you mean?
Game okay, sir, no bitch remember
Read between the lines you you know what I'm saying is blurred mind
Obviously wasn't on Twitter as much as usual due to
What you knew what
Did kind of but that's cool no I didn't post that Oh cranky did it
This private account shit, it's on the internet
I didn't think you needed to know that
This is a problem. That's a problem. That is mine, too
Breaks my heart to remember that
Have a dog like a fucking chat
Don't bring that up. That's sore. This is a sore topic
I thought you just had mommy issues, but you have mommy and daddy issues
I know it's really heavy
Oh, I thought your name was just hash, but it's actually
Lost my train of thought I was trying to inject like ten minutes ago this babbling nonsense
Ash it's cool, bro. We can still be friends. I want to tell you though
Cool, though. I just figured you know we'd be you know friends like tell each other stuff. That would be cool
Wait a second we did send each other all those CB radios, I mean
I'm learning that
There is that's my guy right there
Listen where I heard J tunes in time for you. We're airing it out tonight. All right, no problem
It's a special don't be upset, bro. Yes, there'll be other fish in the sea. There's other cushion to see
For a particular energy my
Don't police those ins
How do you please
That was wild I don't know what you said there
You're like the art is flat something
I like when you get nervous like that. I say nothing
Oh my god, yeah, I was totally blindsided, which is you know, that's ableist language
What is your is your fucking uncle a famous fucking senator from New York
I knew something uncle's a full Pelosi, huh? I called the poppy
Yeah, I got hit with uncle Paul's hammer. Oh, it was not a good sight. I woke up three days later
my answer
But I will say that was that's a true story
Finally this fucking guy can chime in
I can't honestly dude. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy he's gonna hammer you I bet I have a funny feeling you're gonna be
Black cloud is indiscriminate dude. It's like a carpet. It is sort of like we're all targets
No, no black cloud and I have an understanding yeah
He goes he goes he definitely goes hard at first to see what you'll go back at him with and then he just you know
the guy I
Nuclear bomb him every time he talks
I feel like your space is kind of drifting like the NFT matter right now. Well, this is a show
We have a storyline. What's happening?
How do you how funny would it be to have hash with you to go do that again at Gucci
That would be the most viral video of all time
Can you believe you can believe this?
This is why I'm so depressed tonight, I thought it was gonna be over tomorrow
It's not they're still pushing. I've you I'm spending spending so much money on this. It's like
Somebody out there wants to punish me for this Google apps. I don't know who it is
Probably you go labs
Or thing I'm looking at this fascism they come into America and here little old me
He's I feel like it's just like I don't know. I feel like I'm being a martyr or something. Well, you know
How are they or hear me out? You fucked with some rich people? Yeah, that's true
You did fuck with my match people, you know
You fucked with some rich people who have no other thing going in their life and they want to stay rich and relevant
So you're actually fucking
You're fucking with a very volatile
Mixture there, you know because it's Hollywood people who suck who no one can remember who no one thinks is good at anything
And yet now they're all banded together against Todd, you know what I'm saying? It's fucking bullshit. Yeah, it is bullshit
I'm totally a hundred percent on your side. No matter what you did there
No matter what you did there and shit. I could listen certain things, you know, whatever it is
Yeah, it's fucking nuts at this point it's like let him pay for the damages no one got hurt and fucking go on your way
What are you doing? It's already a year plus
I want to get through soup on the motor. We're trying to give me a fella. I know that's fucking talk about that
Wait, yeah, but that felony carries like five years in Chicago, bro
Right. Well, it's not even that
Yeah, I'm not too worried about the sense, but it's just the you know, it's having a felony is a big deal. Oh, there goes
They won't hold you back
We can't vote you can't vote
Well, maybe if you didn't get in trouble would be a full billion there buddy
Even it's not the end of the world and the people that think it is like I think it holds them back
Felonies. Oh, yeah, I need to get out of it. I guess what is bothering me the most is just how
Cash bro, you know, I wonder if it mattered, you know, I feel like it mattered. But well, here's the thing
It's up to pretty much whoever thinks it matters to keep it in the meta
That's true. Because you've done your part. Yeah
That's kind of why I want NFTs not to die. So people don't just like forget. I'll tell they're not gonna die
I don't think they are gonna die. That's why I'm glad to see people like you around cuz it's
Testimony that like there's something happening Todd your whole thing
Your your whole thing could be
You know, did he say that's better. You understand what I'm saying, right? No. Yeah. Yeah
It was cranky laughed at what you said and I was like, no, I'm trying what I've just I've stated I kind of
Basically, it he's a beacon in the NFT world really
There has to be you know, if people want to say NFTs had some value you
You know years later we're gonna have to say there was some narrative. There was some continuity. There was a scene. Absolutely
There was a culture it wasn't just fucking pumping dumb bullshit hash is the see man. There's a lot to it. There's a lot to it
All right, I was I'm thinking about you're breaking up buddy
Yeah, right now you got that jail phone going
What do you think
I don't know. I was gonna buy some oh the coin
Well, I'm just so I'm kind of angry at Paul, you know, I feel Polly betrayed me, you know, I'm probably did you Paul
He did you dirty?
Those two fucks did you dirty as well watching these zombies like lick up everything he shits out. It's just
You know what Todd, you know who else fucking treated you dirty dog to you fucking Omaka say to
Why well kind of I mean he was for me he was more entertainment
Well, wait a second. He was front-running you as this whole thing with
You know, he was with those two fuckheads with all that shit. Well, so basically he was
No, he got into Pepe dog he was in Pepe early, no, he was not that early I remember the space when yeah
That's all bullshit. He was saying it was so stupid and he's like five five
Let me let me tell you that guy whatever he said publicly it was a week
at least earlier was when he made his move and
Whatever. He said publicly was when he was getting ready to dump number two
He had an inside shit coin that he was
DM bag selling to all his like favorite followers that were very close to him that he was trying to dump on them with
Love love coin. Well, then love came out of all this shit
Was sad because that was kind of ruined his show, you know, because he had these faces
I thought they were funny and interesting. But once you shit show a shit going that hard. It's hard to
Yeah, that guy is just you know, he was funny to be with I think for a little while
I liked I liked it too actually but then it's like I realized he's just so full of fucking garbage hot air
I can't deal with it right? I just can't like you can't deal with somebody who's a spy as well as like a
machine learning expert as well as a
Weapons expert as well as a drug trafficker
It's like fucking alright dog
You're a master hacker, you know, it's like what the fuck? Yeah, I just don't but you know what?
Good you were gonna buy pork you said I was yeah, I think I probably will just because why not
It's not like I'm going heavy in
If anything I buy shit with $50, bro, you know, and then it's like whatever because
That's the fun of it. You could wake up and you could have five six hundred a thousand maybe and like right
It's all good. You don't take it too serious. No, not with that stuff, but I have made a lot a lot of money on
crazy crypto plays like that, but
What happened was I've become more?
Like focused on my art and culture shit where it's a little bit different in my head for trading
You know, it's like I'm not interested in it really
But I am now actually I'm starting to again get back
Get back in the swing
Because if you're leveraging today how this I've never seen a more boring I know
You know like I've been around for two years I was writing about stuff
You know NFTs for the first year shit coins for the second and I'm not looking around right now
I've there's nothing there's nothing notable. Well, you know what?
Besides this pork thing, which is like we're gonna replay Pepe again. That's true. Yeah. Well, that's what I'm saying
And then there's something on Solana that like people are freaking out about
Which one is that
What's it called shop or something like I don't even know
God you're breaking up
Hmm jump, I don't know
But if you're leveraged trading right now like a little bit on
A little bit on a little bit off it's not a bad
Not a bad market
Hash is there any meta?
Is there even a meta right now? That's one of my questions. Is this the end of
no, I mean, I think what it is is it's like it's we're at that tipping point where
There's like a couple like groups right now, right it's like
Most of the influencers have either died off or you know fucking pivoted to something else like NFT god
He's fucking like rebranded his shit. You know what I'm saying? Or like a uh, who the fuck was the kevin rose?
Kevin rose. Thank you
Yeah, yeah
So like it's like that's like one thing and then it's like the people that are still around trying to act like it's two years ago
Like red guy and feroc and then it's like you're doing scams out in the open
Yeah, exactly
um, and then it's
Sort of just a replay of like old salana stuff, but mostly on that new fucking network
Sei whatever the fuck, you know, and it's like you've got beanie who's like, oh, yeah, i'm like a reformed fucking
Scammer blah blah blah. Is he a scammer?
He's not a scammer. He would he wasn't even like I wouldn't even call him a scam. He's not a
He's not a scammer. He's a fucking crowd salesman. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, that's why like you're right. I shouldn't have said you're right. First of all, there would be no bull market
There would be no bull market without beanie. I say it every single day. I know you're right
He like he invented utility all this shit
But also it's like, you know, he's popping off right now and like people in the drug yard trying to fucking
You know suck his goots because he's he's he's getting engagement. Oh because he's being honest
And he has like the because he's talking like us
perspective exactly
Well that too, but it's like, you know, i'm not gonna say that because that's the hack to not have ai tweets
Yeah, so like the meta in my mind like going forward. It's like, okay
What is what people try to do on ordinals it's gonna happen on inscriptions
And it's like there's gonna be like a bum rush for all these fucking idiots that are fucking out on all these other chains
Like they always have like once he starts popping off again
And like, you know, they remember. Oh, that's where the money is. Oh, that's where all the big
They'll come back. The next biggest thing is gonna be each descriptions and then you know
I don't like the nft thing will never die. And I think like the quickness of the meta
was always
That was always at the behest of these fucking influencers who
Every single day could wake up and like make more money. They can't do that shit anymore. So it's like
The meta will inherently be slower
Which is like i'm thinking myself like oh like daily bastards is wrapping up at the perfect time because like
this like people are
Are going to figure it out? It's like
now the job is like
New people that come in make sure that upper oak and the thread guy can't run the same fucking scams
That they did two years ago. We've all we've all fucking seen it. Todd knows all fucking about so
I mean they're gonna retry the same meta that's always happened
Like you're seeing right fucking now is gonna fade off and then it's like, okay
What's the next thing that actually has staying power? I think it's e-scriptions, but we'll see
Escriptions is the only way to use ethereum
All the bullshit that you got sold on ethereum as a technology and as a network
It was all bullshit because you have to do a smart contract
Interaction to do anything in a transaction that costs
A bag of money and to launch a contract. It's a bag of money and everything
That was all fail failure. It was all pump and dump as it would be
with e-scriptions
They have it dialed into
It being the culture center of the entire planet. It could be it's an uncensorable
Totally unowned say the word say the word dude
Uh protocol and it's open source
The only and you can still do see people are too
And we're gonna run that whole bitch by the way, people are too quick and too dumb also
They don't know what they're talking about because a lot of people here really have no clue
And not here, but I just mean like in to nfts. They're just very layman or they never use
People a lot of people like never even used a phone before I remember and they were minting fucking all this shit
And they were on all these communities and the discord, you know, and then they get hacked
Fucking quote unquote. But anyway, uh
this you know
Everybody thinks they know everything with with e-scriptions and them running a virtual machine
It opens up the door to making ethereum sega genesis like and e-scriptions is like
The fucking add-on like the 32x
it's literally uh
I guarantee you that's where the next wiki links will go that kind of shit. Definitely plus also chipping off mainnet collections
so basically you can interact with
Mainnet collections so you can interact with smart contracts through
The facet protocol like once it's all up and running
It's going to be mind-blowing what people
Are going to be able to do with it and they're doing stuff every collection
Has a different you know what?
It's almost like this is where the technology is checking up with like what we thought it could be two years ago
And that's why it's going to be cool for the next two years, especially like bitcoin happening
Ethereum ETFs are going to pop up
Well ethereum isn't bitcoin and like they're not the same shit like bitcoin isn't
A smart contract is in a virtual machine environment. Like it's not the same shit
Like it's a fucking currency ethereum is different because it's literally programmable
valuable and liquid all in one
Hey hello, hello, dude, do I have an idea?
Oh my god, we're having a real conversation
Dude, I have a real conversation for you
Um, I have an idea about web 3 and like releasing all this shit
What if hash started a website called gingy leaks?
I like it
I like it, but I I hate to say it, but I like gossip goo
Better than well. I mean here's the thing dude. That's like that's like going up against fucking just do it
What the fuck you know, that's true. You just get the xoxo. It's just perfect
Um, I don't know. I like that kind of ginger leaks
It's funny
Ginger leaks is funny
I thought about ginger leaks, but it's wicki leak. So why wouldn't it be gingy leaks? Oh gingy
Yeah, you still get those
He must be backed up
You gotta get that lawyer gotta get that lawyer down there
Whatever you do you find that lawyer and you marry her you're leaving what sloppy's leaving dude
It might be the beanie back to you
So see you later schlump
Um, oh I got something to do it. She sent me a picture today that I gotta put it
Music too. It's sick
She's doing like some
You guys doing another collab? I don't know. It's just kind of I mean we've been trying to but it's very hard
Which one the one of enjoy your days is a special one only an experimental hazard and myself
And she did the uh, william
Willi shatter too. Yeah
That one was fucking sick. I got that one
I have a bunch of other ones that she did too like that
But this isn't pepe. This is
This is like her her art that i'm putting
music to and shit or
Oh fuck. Yeah, that'd be cool. We're trying to match it up
But I change everything all the time. So
It's kind of hard. That's awesome
Both of you guys are so fun to uh collaborate with so this collab's gonna be fucking awesome. It's funny because yeah
We're not fun like it's
When I collaborate with her it's like uh
It's like the ideas are like either fully done
And we bring them together
you motherfuckers better remember where you came from real quick or
Or we don't even do it because it takes it's just
All right, I can mute you now that's all I wanted in life
I've achieved my goals. You mean you have to mute the woman
I've been muted so many times by you. I'm the woman
Well good
This won't be that pain. This is a cute act, but i'll tell you
Not a co-host right now. You're you're you're pasting yourself into a public sim persona. I don't know if you want to do that
He's trying to be cute and funny but
He's gonna come off to women as a fucking pussy i'm just telling you
Still waiting for us to stop
Check your dm from me
That's what i'm up to. Yeah, right from days ago
Nothing in there yeah, there is chicken right now
Um, how many followers does he have?
More than 10
I was trying to hit you up about it on uh, saturday
How many yeah, how long has he's been going down now?
What a couple weeks ago. It's like what do you mean?
What do you i'm just saying are you retarded?
Like you were just trying to cram me in at the last minute before I went public. Are you literally fucking retarded, bro?
Yeah, dude, don't use that fucking language. Do you listen to me when I talk to you?
Oh my god on the cartman boys
I know it's so crazy. Yeah, this guy's so busy you guys take singing your fucking sewing circle about it
That's right
We have the future of gmg fy to handle so it is a little bit of a sewing circle every single fucking thought
What are you talking about? You said it becomes what do you mean?
It's gmg fly uncancellable, bro. It's not about cancel. We're talking about future trajectories
Yeah, future trajectory i'll become an american future trajectory gmg fy american. All right. I like the international though
I told you when I show people when I show people the show or whatever and they hear you when they hear you they're like
They're like, oh, that's cool. You got that guy from australia
And I always say no he's canadian from new zealand. We fucking go dude. I've been waiting for this forever
Oh your boyfriend's here
Hi, black cloud. Go ahead black cloud. We've been waiting for you
Oh black cloud
I sent the funniest picture on planet earth of black cloud to ash for four
Uh, I suppose if a black cloud will murder me he'll fly here and kill me overnight. Ash was that not the funniest shit
Yeah, you can't do that. That's your bro. Come on. Was that not the funniest?
No, it is
Absolutely. Nobody will be able to I know it's just too good though. It's a dog with a
Uh a certain hairstyle looks like bar's profile pic
It's kind of funny
Hey black cloud, what's good man? You want us to just decimate you now because you can't talk
He's trying to eat then what get out of your prayer circle
They're talking about our sewing circle
That's like real that's real touchy subject
Why is black cloud doing this dub shit bro, don't touch me come up here and talk or
I'm not the touchy one. Apparently
Okay, yeah, yeah really um
Is the difference between fucking gay and professional dude, but whatever
Did you use your boss of us? You're gonna get your professional gay, bro
All right
Fucking empire risk kush think of the fucking absolutely not bro
I'm here for the i'm here for the art bro. I'm here for the vibe. I like to
Keep it strong
Like look at my fucking account bro. It's odd only I don't talk about anything else. He doesn't talk about family business
behind the scenes, bro
What happened to the knights what happened to the knights templar they opened it up
Charge and that was it the banking empire of the world. What the fuck are you talking about goo and black cloud both married?
This is what happened in the night simpler
Well, that is true what are you talking about I would say he does have a point with that shit married guys
Don't talk about anything like about anything like that, you know, i'm married. What are you talking about?
He talks about
I know but he's like fucking weird about it. I don't know
He was hash no god bless you it is being your family and also with you brother kush. Thank you
Why is black a ripping us too, what's up? Why is black cloud up here not fucking ripping you?
What's block a ripping me? He's like hey people just talking nonsense over me and I can't even buy my mind
He's an old man, dude, he was he was being cranky
Black cloud doesn't want to smoke bro. He doesn't want any smoke. He knows
He was trying to get loud with me the other day. I think he knows dude
I think he knows and he's ready. I love when we plan when we're like in planning mode
We just yell at each other for fucking hours like impassioned yells like no you're fucking wrong
That won't work like fucking crazy
It's funny and hash is just like
Let me let me back it up. Hold up
I'm gonna ask you the same question again until you freak the fuck out on me
right hash
I'm gonna ask you the same question 20 times till you freak out on every single person in your house your fucking family me
black cloud
Oh, is that is that what you think I was doing yesterday? Yeah, you get my ptsd. Just fucking rocking
I have to do the same question 20 times because you can't give me the fucking answer
Should be ever jerked off on the phone
One time over and over again the first time
Do you think I enjoy what I have to do you do enjoy don't you rub yourself? I hate it anyway
You fucking liar dude
Listen you make me become the exact person in my company that I hate
Listen in my company. Everybody's gonna be able to do what they fucking want because we're gonna be winning
Anybody can get chubbed at goos company hash negative energy, bro. Yeah, I can't deal with it
It's just you I let hash build me all the way into an enrichment and then black cloud said something funny and I went
As I had a crisp and while I was yelling at everyone the infant everybody the dog
Bro goo was yelling at me while he was holding his fucking baby, dude
And he was like yelling in the baby's ear. I was like goo. Wait, like the baby was like goo kaka kaka kaka
She says goo goo. It's okay. It's how she falls asleep. I was like, okay, the baby said
Ashes dust. Yeah
Dude, what did your daughter say to me? She said some shit like you can't say that i'm six
Yeah, she's like you can't talk to me like that i'm six and then she came downstairs and was like
I don't like you talking to my daddy like that. You fucking lose her. She said some shit. I'm like, get out of here
Bro, have you ever heard your fucking father try to make a point because it's pain me make a point
Telling you the whole illustration. It's like a fucking tapestry
Gu is like who tries to tell you seven things at once and he's like what what's up? Yeah, bro
Just tune into it bro, dude
And they're all right. It's on the money. Hey
Now imagine imagine that your task is to take those seven things
And fucking organize them and tell them like succinctly
Yeah, go ahead kush. Yeah, so hey
Sometimes you just got to stop speaking and listen
He won't even let me he won't even let me unmute sorry everybody else go ahead kush
The floor is yours hash is always talking all the time. So he's never listening to you, bro. I get it. That is true
He's trying to make his points. It's like dude
It's like really he caught me at six o'clock at night. You want me to get into this?
You know and then he winds me up into a frenzy
He asking me the same question the same way by the way. He doesn't even do it a different way
It's the same question the same time
Every three dudes are trying to make meatballs first. I'm wiring up outlets in my basement. I got my infant on my shoulder
He's fucking
He's like what's up?
Go ahead. Hey
Actually, I was wiring up I was wiring up outlets live while i'm talking to them just fucking
Dude, I was
Somebody asked you cuz you're right. Well, i'm talking. I'm you're a blackout. Fuck you
You fucking don't know what you're fucking talking about. No
You're right. I asked the same question
I asked the same question the exact same way probably 20 times every single time I asked that question the exact same time
How many different answers you think I know and I said it doesn't matter a hundred times
The answer I lost my goddamn mind
the 20th answer
Was finally like, okay. Yeah. Yep. That's the plan
I said that was the plan after we the plan was the plan. We're talking about my little inroads somebody who claims gaslight, dude, bro
Finish my sentence dude
For somebody who claims gaslight
Bro, you're like a fucking dashboard confessional song
All right, that's what you remind me
I want to hear what blacklight after that. I know this buildup is killing me. He's just being a fucking nugganic
What am I dude? You're fucking full of shit, dude. I'll tell you that much. Here he goes
What did goose say that was off basis on this i'm
Being you sound like a cranky. Thank you. It's butter. What do you sound like when you say that?
Oh, you sound like the cop in supertroopers you're out of line. Yeah, you sound like what's his name with the mustache powerful mustache
Go ahead. What happened to todd? Where'd he go? He got spooked. I don't know he was on his fucking he's robbing a
He was reading his mail off a screen. They gave him a couple minutes to use the old celly from some agents followed him in here, bro
I don't know, but he was saying we are paying a lot of money. What does that mean? Are you married? What do you mean?
Bro, you're the one in there doing all the damage. I I didn't want to get into it with him
Yeah, I know because i'm like fucking mr. Adam curry
You know i'm saying
Fucking buzzkill i'm a buzzkill
How am I a buzz? What do you want to say bro?
Because you can't handle the truth
Is that why? Oh, you speak you speak the truth
What do you mean black cloud you fucking said that you were gonna handle something and you didn't handle it
So I handled it
And then you got all panty twisted and I said fine and I had to make amends and do a whole thing
like a jacket
I didn't make amends. I just hid myself. I hid my my
Hey my attack business right now
So it's not pleasurable i'll tell you that much
Black cloud you're wrong
So this is your space now
It is i'm taking over. Yeah, it's the pep a house out space bro. And don't you know
Time slot this is yeah, it did
We just I told you about I told you about how why didn't he come in here when he's doing one of mine on sundays and then
Last year and then bits about me doing a space during he asked somebody to do it or something
Oh black cloud you had about the time slot
That was like how I got uh jaggery that one time
And hash actually that was before hash knew I was the troll
And I would I got mad that they switched their time spot
What they're like we have listeners holy shit
I was like, how are you gonna switch the time spot?
Those two knuckleheads were like answering seriously. Well, well actually the bro
When hash and jaggery get together, it's the best ever. I wish we never
I wish we never blew that up
That could have been years of entertainment
digital box
God damn, we need like a new hash. We we need like a new jaggery. You guys bullied him off my fucking show
Because he he started doing solo bastard shows
We just we didn't know how to handle him at first. I think he was too much at once and then now you're his biggest fan
Who was right he's great man
The new show that jager is I don't know he does some of those and and like I was ruining a lot of those for him
too like I was traveling around ruining his life like
He would just pop up on all these different accounts and he'd be like, this is me just
You know remember that remember that chick emily
Oh, what wait what he tried to scam that humanity troll from the other day. Yeah, dude, so funny and jager is like
Download him up. He's a troll
He was trying to always answer me like politely and on point and I would be like, yeah, yeah
I know he's ready. He's ready for combat. He keeps hitting me up. Like let's do a space zone
Like he's trained. He's a trained fucking warrior. He's a warrior monk. He's ready
He's like a fucking he just wants to fight. I think on the thing like verbally
I'm like, yeah, he came to the right place. We could get that cooking. He's like he's like listen, uh
I'm gonna be going after the guy who started rarible
They hired what did he tell me they hired this he said they hired this guy. He's a social media guy
Yeah, I don't like that guy. I've always had a problem with him and uh, we're gonna be going after him
So he said I was like, all right
That sounds good to me. My son spirit, dude. I like this. I'm like, yeah, sign me up
Just make sure you tell me when shit's going on because I don't see anything. I'm like insulated
Make sure you know you're an insider. I'm an insular man
So all I know is I heard thread guy paul non do
And all right, be honest with me. What did you hear? Dude? No
I heard that the meta is that thread guy?
Fucking be honest with me. Be honest me right now. He basically ate your lunch is what I heard
Are you being honest? I heard that he said a fucking paragraph that was so well formatted through ai
And his own little injections that he totally fucked you up the real world's writer hash
Everybody is so what would be a good? Um, what would be a good?
Uh song to play over a continuous scroll. Everybody hurts
Do that song we were talking about the other night from uh, um cruel intentions, oh what song was that right? What song was that?
Something below six below
What what is it or the verb? Yeah the verb. Yeah bittersweet symphony
Let's just use that song for everything we do
It's a bittersweet
Symphony thread guys piss boy
Yeah, yeah
thread guys a bitter piss
For looks face. So
Wait, I gotta get there. I gotta get the lyrics down
Yeah, thread guy shit. What song should it be? It should be
What's the sarah mclaughlin song? Uh, in the arms of an angel
Send me an angel
Do that one that's a good one
I need a sad song though. Do it makes it seem like he he just lost his father in excess
Do the in excess song uh, my personal jesus
Dude, come on, bro. Don't let's let's be serious. That is
That's just so sad tonight personal, uh, jesus
disappointed here is
Why is the man the myth the legend tune pain to everybody?
We're looking at the old collab we did up here
If anybody wants to grab one they are available better person than I am what are you talking? There's only a few
There's only a few left. Uh, if they mint out we're gonna do everybody's gonna get a beautiful duck
canvas, uh
print 300 tpi
hand numbered and
certified yapper just from
Minting you don't have to you may I have to work out. You might have to pay like a couple bucks
just for shipping and ship but
Because it is like a lot it's all individual addresses and blah blah blah
So I need like I gotta fucking I can't pay for the shipping. Honestly guys, like it's it's bullshit
So you don't I made that mistake, uh international at least do not do well kush is my only international property. So
Used to be actually no I have some international
Packing up a package for fucking kush in here. Here's here's my thanks. No, I have some canadians. I got some canadians actually
But anyway
And mexicans too. I'm a north american kind of guy
So yeah, that's right. I don't believe in that partnership though
America should be somewhere east coast. Not like spike. Ohio east coast guys. I don't consider Toronto east coast, but still
All right, go fucking stop bro
Do you guys come to Toronto and see bro
Do you call it that you guys call it Toronto's east coast
Do you? Uh, no, no, we actually don't like that. No, it's kosher and shit. It's our uh,
Is that where the treasure is buried?
That is exactly where it is. Are they ever gonna find that goddamn treasure?
No, is that probably not really?
I think so too man. I mean, yeah, I think it's real. Yeah that knight's templar shit is not
I don't think that's made up the rock with the x on it all that shit
You know, yeah, do you know how they found that by the way how that whole story started? Do you know?
No, it started from a fucking book
Some guy took out of the library and he read about it as a fantastic journey like some kind of fucking
Story like in this book, right? But there was a map that was hand drawn
And fucking dude, this guy spent his whole life. Actually, it was that guy on that show the guy who was like 90
Dan Blankenship or whatever that fucking
That has like the
Fucking alone socks any old man that wears socks like that in public is a fucking pervert. I don't give a fuck
He's got something wrong. It's like it's varicose veins my ass. It's fucking something which does
I can't deal with those socks. What are they doing? Like get those fucking things off. They'll wear pants. Like what are you doing?
anyway, that guy
Dan Blankenship cuz he's 95 years old
He fucking how dare you he fucking found that book
And he is the one who started this whole thing
Dude, go ahead
Who's playing music? Yeah, she's trying to
Let's get let's go ahead
We got some jonas brothers coming up on gmpfi radio. Hell. Yeah jonas hits hit you hard on the jonas front
What's new on the jonas front?
Said no one ever
Said no one but
What's new on the jonas beat
You fucking got pawned by the jonas the jonas number one fan
Fucking he gets his haircut like nick jonas and he pawns hash passes the number one fan. I can't believe it
How what is this world coming to you have to stop saying that or it's going to drive me insane?
It's like that time when this collection had my name in it and you kept saying it even though i'm on stage with you
And then you say it about in reference
I was literally just saying your name and that was projection by in reference to a man smelling his own semen
And it's very highly offensive. It just so happened that that's what I I had to say those things to get my point across
Yeah, me too, bro. I know
Hey black cloud, can I tell you I don't know what i'm full of shit about but can you tell me if i'm full of shit
about this
Answer honestly did thread guy own hash or not?
And not just what you think what the meta is because
He got in some group and fucking they they mowed him down
They got in the group and they lit him up, dude. Yeah, they lit him up like me
Yeah, they coordinated a carbon bomb on it coordinated attack
It definitely was the old raid
You thought you could go on your own
This is what i'm saying about you dude, like we have we have already unified the forces already
You can't break the force apart. You know what i'm saying? It takes a certain amount
You can't go after these fuckers without a without a fucking game plan. Like we used to yeah, bro
You need to you need a green light. You need a green light. You definitely do you can't just go like willy nilly
You can't just go after someone like that
You need to talk about it bro, yeah get a game plan right
That's what I was trying to tell you about that spasdic fucking research shit
You can't do that either
You just gotta we gotta get in the writer's room and be like here's all the good jokes and just hammer him
That's what we do. And then i'll make some dildo art for him and we'll kill him and that's how we do, bro
I haven't had so many good jokes for you about
First of all piss boy is threat guy. I mean that's a fucking whole meta. I mean come on
You know how I am with the metas
I mean think about mark beta. I mean I basically made that happen
Okay, that guy's dancing on that guy's dancing on kick for dollar bills with no shirt on because I said that
Okay, I said that a year before that happened and then he's doing it. So get out of here
Don't make me say the wrong thing is what i'm trying to say. All right
next time
Bro, how are you gonna leave us out of that too? You guys are all little secret keepers now. I see how it is
Bro, what do you mean? I just take a little time for myself. I need to recharge sometimes
I'm trying to get back in the game you guys. What's up?
I needed a little refresher
And I see that well, this was not the time to take it and i've had some starting wars and shit on the time
Really he's like the he's like that little king in uh game of thrones. I got poisoned. What's his name?
Like someone else told me about free. Um, shit. I was like, what are you talking about?
Me too, and I was so
overwhelmed with
goddamn anger
I was so pissed when I heard it from a goddamn. No one I even talked to it's just so bizarre
What did you hear that you're beefing with red guy now?
And it's like what and I said the same thing what?
Okay, don't want the big guys. That's cool. You guys can't be here. Okay, like he framed it so crazy
He's like, oh you tagged me in more tweets than I fucking tweeted
I I put out was an exposed like him and his fucking honorary node monk and then a week later
I fucking did a tweet about him fucking trying to ride these coattails. That was it
I think also look at the fucking tweet
And I put
Singing her sad song over the word count and a long bro. You're really filling up my fucking screen here
All right
What is this? Just go everybody fucking go look at that tweet like it retweet it because you're right. I got fucking
Thread cucked, you know, I got fucking circle jerked on like i'm what
This is funny with this song it is funny
It is good i'll tell you
Oh, it's funny
Dude the word count stays in the same spot. It is it is good. Oh, you made that quick
Where's the gmg fy tag? Oh, I don't see one
Right. That's what i'm getting at
You always have some feedback it's like what we talk about but there's no action
That's the thing like i'm trying to get action out of what we talk
Because you don't say shit
Would you say if you ever said that I would say man good job, buddy
Black out. Did I not say that? Yes, you did. Oh, I missed it. You guys didn't even tell me. Yeah, you didn't fucking listen
He doesn't listen to shit he's too busy
You know what dude you can't ever say why
I'm catching you live gaslighting, dude. Dude. I'm not gaslighting. I'm not live
I just got my gas to live at the other day
What's the look of mine
You know that everybody else I was literally gonna say 800 black out here by default
What is that in american money though? And get your fucking hearts out of here. You fucking about 600. That's actually a good price
Yeah, I got a couple of tanks I think I got uh, even 150 sorry guys we're just talking about guy stuff propane propane accessories
Indeed actually i'll tell you something I did this I call myself dude something crazy
And I did it so ha ha
I don't know. I guess i'll reveal it. I made myself a fake id
And what it is is of a fireman in some little town and now i'm a first responder
So I get a 22 off discount at the dispensary
And that was why I did it. It's called stolen valor for weed
Is that sick is that kind of like a reply is that not the sickest or what?
No, really if it's a fire are they gonna?
I mean if I was around I don't I don't have the little box like I won't get
How many knock amigos do you have as a first responder
Oh, I almost did the baby today. Holy fuck again, which notifications do you have long dude?
Oh my god, I almost had a scary thing happen. Oh, let's not talk about it
Fucking hd is gonna have a fuck. It was it was scary flashback. I mean, I don't know
Did she choke on a piece of like a toy?
Because that's what it almost happened and I fucking was like what's in her mouth
And it didn't look because she does her little cheeks
like the chipmunk cheeks and shit and
I'm like, no, I don't think anything's in her mouth. And then I look again
Because like i'm with her all day. So at this point it's like later in the day i've had it like it's like
All right, crawl around and fucking do something, you know, like i'm like, what am I gonna do?
I'm holding her all day and doing stuff. It's like by the end of the day. I'm like
Yeah, just play with this and fucking sit here like you know, so she fucking had
She has toys that you have to watch her with she doesn't really put shit in her mouth
But she did she put this little tea kettle it was like a little tea kettle plastic and fucking
Bro, if I saw a little piece of yellow
I saw a little piece of yellow stick out of her mouth
Just quick like a lizard tongue and I fucking grabbed her and flipped her upside down
It was crazy what I did there
She was crying and I got that thing out because I was like freaking out already like I could feel the freak out
Happening and I just couldn't
I don't know
Did you do the high? I was gonna because like I you can't do cpr you have to do the heimlich
It's up. You got to turn them upside down
You don't want to breathe it no
And usually it's just like it's like slimy. So it'll come right back up if it's like a pasta or like a piece of food
You know what I mean?
How do you do a heimlich on a baby though?
Yeah, you shake them and you actually can do a little compression if you need to but
Yeah for cpr you can do a compression with two fingers
at the bottom of their rib cage in the middle
Typically if they're choking you just shake them up. Yeah
Yeah, right. Yep
Never shake a baby except for in that situation if they're joking
That is exactly what I did. I turned her upside down and I I put my finger in her mouth too
You can really hurt them if you like do like a full impression on them
You just gotta like you don't compress. Yeah, you you don't compress you you don't blow in
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like you could I said only two fingers. That's like the very that's if they drown
That's if they drown
If they're choking you shake them upside down, bro
It was that toy that toy was like what the fuck do they make this toy for?
Like who's playing my six-year-old? It's my six-year-old's toy. She doesn't go
Oh, let me make tea in this little plastic kettle. She fucking throws it
On the goddamn floor and plays with the barbies like she doesn't give a fuck about this little tea kettle
Who's making this shit like like why does the barbie come with a tea kettle and a fucking other little sharp plastic thing?
That's perfectly sized. It's stupid as fuck
It's either perfectly sized to kill babies or it's perfectly sized to put you in the hospital. It's like a really purple fucking toe
Remember that happened to me
Remember that when I stepped on the lego
I don't know was I it was that yeah, I was on the shit. That was like the first year I was doing
I think I stepped on the lego and I had to go to the hospital
My whole leg turned purple
Yeah, I stepped I
I stepped on a lego and I let it go. It was the summer
I let it go a couple days because I was like, it's a lego
All of a sudden my leg just started turning
And I went to urgent care and they're like you got to go to the fucking emergency room, bro
Right now like it's not even a question. Like you got to go right now drive yourself and i'm like what so
This was like a war-torn russian lady who was like the doctor I knew she was meant business
Like I know she's seen some shit. So I was like
She was she was like she was she had like
Anyway, she was like a triage like on the front line and the ukraine, but she fucking
She scared the fuck out of me. So I go there holding a pair of hot dog
So I go there I go to the hospital
By myself you ever go to the hospital by yourself and get admitted and then sit and go into the room and the whole thing
It's crazy. Yep. It's crazy. Yeah, so like
I'm freaking out like I don't I'm freaking out. So like now
They do they catch it in time and they like inject me with some shit and
Every catch what there was an infection on a leg. Yeah, it was staph infection really is what it was
That's what happens. Like, you know, so basically from my I could have had my knee down amputated if I would have waited
like a couple days
Yeah, it was like literally everyone was freaking out like everybody after urgent care. What is bugging kinds of shit happening?
You got because I live
I don't sit in a fucking shed with the zipper up, you know, i'm trying to say it out
Anything anything to come back with that I don't think so
I thought this was like different than real life
See, I guess not
Can I have some seeds? You didn't even answer me back. So I didn't expect
You fucking jerk off
Mean you didn't say anything back. So it's like what are you on the lookout for the feds? How much seeds are you?
Then why don't you say? Yeah, buddy. No problem
Because I can't take you seriously. I'm seriously why what do you mean? Are you fucking talking about black cloud? I'm gonna
You got fucking kids running around up and down the stairs and you can't even get
Five minutes to yourself and yet I hold on this dude's basement and yet I
Can't even yeah, you can't even talk on the phone
That's right. And yet
Gu what do you think? Oh, yes, that's right. Gu. What do you think about this? Yes, that's correct black cloud. Yes continue
That's all you need to hear from me. Anyway, buddy, you got all the right ideas
You just call me up. What do you think about this? It sounds good my friend
Black cloud you didn't tell me it was your he that's right. I'm the idea guy. They're all my black clouds
The come on the chauffeur of my ideas to hash and then hash chauffeurs that
Furs my ideas to the rest of the world and it's really cool
Stolen baller dude
Parking spots
Volunteer fire man. No, I'm actually a purple
He probably is dude
You put kipsey ball of armor. I'm a volunteer fireman for farmingdale, new york
And uh, yeah, it's old ladder number seven there black cloud i'd like to hear your thoughts on kush today. Oh
He's coming right out
No, no, not wow. I've been way. I've told you i've been i don't know if he has any thoughts. He's been very quiet
I would like to hear them if he does
He does I do because the only person I wanted black cloud
Be very careful with you. No, dude. Look at this threatening guy
Yeah, black cloud supporting me the threats are flying he caught that threat too i'm just saying
I don't get it
Here can you weigh in on this hash? Can you weigh in on this?
We need to know what threat guy would do. I don't if he I don't weigh anything dude
Oh, he's depressed that we said that listen, buddy. You got him
Can everybody go comment on you'll find another cushion single hash
But actually you see he did get down about
You see hash did get down about what I was saying because he made that little banger
Out of the blue the whole space he took to take oh, let me see sarah mclaughlin like, you know
And then it's funny. It is good
But that's why he did that because he had to get the upper hand even though he probably
Could have left it. He could have let a sleeping dog's lie as they say hash. Did this start when you were a child?
I was I was I was shaking when I was did you choke on a teakettle?
I know you're I know you probably did
No, my dad was watching me and I didn't did that happen. Did you retired it?
Did that happen?
Did you hit your head hard?
Yeah, I blacked out dude, how old are you?
Wow, well we can chalk this up to ct I got hit
I was like nine. I got hit in the fucking eye with a baseball
Right by my dad
A fastball too right in the fucking kisser right in the eye
Do you ever put the baseball on the rope and like your dad spins it no
We we're we're champs over here. We're fucking
Literally, it's like a battle
What do you do with your dad
You uh drill a hole in the baseball you put a rope through it and your dad like spins
And then you shake your hole you can hit it
And it just spins the other way and then he spins it back around and then you hit it
It's a bad practice thing
That's why jose can say it was so good
My dad was like let's do this and he like he like puts it all together
I hit a line drive directly into his balls and dropped a little backyard
Yeah, he was gonna fucking kill me god. Is that the worst bro?
Dude took his ankles up in the air
I can't even laugh at that because that happens to me like almost once a month
These little girls have no respect
Just fucking aim for it. I feel like they just like try and swing and throw
Fucking anything like anything and everything. It's like I get hit in the nuts. I go down
I'm like god. No
Dude when matt he ever does it to me. I just remember like hitting my dad. It is. That's a great memory. That's
Like dude, I remember him laying face first in the lawn
And me like grabbing him by the shoulder. You should have been like listen, bitch. I own you motherfucker. You got what i'm saying
Sure like listen
You look who did this to you you want to see?
Yeah, hash never had that moment with his dad like he I know
Still waiting. I never fought my dad, but I never really had to I did
Me and my old man used to play hockey against one another quite regularly. Oh my god, though. We recorded
That's kind of fun, I guess
And my mom would be in that makes you pretty tough though, that means you're a tough dude
It did because when I was 14, I was only like five foot three. I like didn't get my gross foot
What what year was you were 14 and you're five foot three
Yeah, and then when I turned 16 I grew to a little too you're like a little piss boy
I was with dread guys five foot three
Three guys five foot three and he wears pajama pants in public. I just don't like that trend. I don't know
It's my goal
Black cloud you wear pajama pants black cloud. So what i'm dealing with right dude. Look at those guys
No, I don't I don't wear pajama pants. No black. I remember the guys going into black cloud going into best buy
Oh, yeah black cloud man plate
Black cloud going into black cloud black cloud black cloud. He goes filming four dudes walking in the best
A huge joint in the parking lot laughing with my dog in the car like loud like look at these guys one looks like hash
You're howling. I was howling
Dude look at how these guys look at how these guys dress to go to best buy look at this one's hash
I was so stupid. I'm so stupid
It was like a day out back in where hash it wasn't the guy was like a linebacker. I mean he wasn't like a little chump
Yeah, they're big dudes. It was like so they're big dudes
But they saw ash. I want to meet you in real life. You don't
Yeah, you want to speak? Yeah, you guys live in the same area. I'm like three hours away. Really?
That's cool
Oh, wait a second. Uh, kush, hold on i'll be right back. Fuck me. Why did you stop me if you're leaving go then
Fucking guy. Um
Bro, actually
Hey girl, just interrupt me. I'm just waving right now. I used to have to tell people
I used to have to tell people like when I was doing like spaces like officially
I would say if you're leaving don't say anything. Just say wave like schloppy did like wave or whatever
and because it deflates the
Momentum of the space I would say or something likes fucking, you know
Like just just irish. Goodbye. You know what I mean?
Sorry, what were you? Yeah, I know
Tripped on my memory lane. Uh, i'm gonna be
in upstate new york in
The area called fuck what is it called now? It's like six hours away. I bet you i'm gonna be like very close to you
The biden compound you probably will be in february
So I gotta tell you
I'll link up. I'll link up there
That'll be
It'll be called. Yeah, and uh
You gotta do some uh big fire
Fire do you ski?
You want to you want to try?
I'm not i'm not great, but it'll be fun. No, I mean i've been no i've been skiing
So then wait, can you come to this place?
I don't have my passport yet, but I thought
When I do the board
What i'm saying though, isn't that border like lax or something? That's true
It is pretty lax but I just want to ask kids to die, you know by driving there instead of like flying into the u.s
No, not flying in I would say drive to my the house i'm going to because it's like a ski thing
You fucking ski it'll be sick. It's only gonna be no one there. It's gonna be no one
Wait, you want me to I mean, yeah if you want
It's literally right at it's probably like an hour drive for you to go probably probably save that what do you mean?
You don't like skiing
I mean I used to do when I was younger when I was uh
In school we used to take uh ski trips to mount doom and fucking lord of the ranks like that
in new zealand
Whoa, new zealand. Yeah, that's sick actually
It was sick dude, and it was like that's really freaking cool
How what is that like? Is that like is that like nice? Is it like springtime snowboarding in a t-shirt?
No, no, we have we have no, I know but i'm saying like in the spring like in march you could like
you like uh
It's in the opposite season. Oh you get winter there new zealand. Yeah, so like now now
Yeah, so now there'd be no snow on the mountain. Oh, but it gets cold because southern hemisphere
On the other side. I thought it was nice tropical like july is winter
It is uh, it does get kind of cold but nothing like yeah
Like it gets to freezing for like two weeks. Maybe it was pointlessly cold
It was what?
I can't deal with that. I really can't
The cold is like the worst fucking thing to me
It really especially when it makes your fucking ears hurt because you can't just like stop that like it was hypothermia
What was the temperature in fahrenheit?
What I got hypothermia
Yeah, that's what it is. It's just set not setting all the way in but that's what it feels like
Even in your fingertips and shit, too
Yeah, it fucking hurts. I have a black toe, sir
Just walking around
Go ahead hit my foot with the
Hit my foot with the poker. No, it was
It was funny like literally the coldest day of the year and cranked it in canada
What was it negative? Yeah
It was minus 24 south east which I don't know what that is. Um, uh,
What does that even mean? Yeah, it was it sounds like a math problem
It was chilly with the red lord go he ducked out
Oh, yeah, he said he was going somewhere. So black cloud
I want to know what do you think?
You're talking about with me being full of shit
That's like what I wanted to know because you started off
You started off real strong but you got nothing like usual because you just
Go at it. Are you trying to ramble? Are you trying to do me to me? You know how that works
It doesn't work
What do we think it was i'm gonna put up a draft
I think you're right goo. That's what I think. Yeah. Yeah. Whoa. What did I miss? Hey, vera
You missed a lot. We had a real yeah, well hash hash unraveling my vera that you missed actually
Anytime I ever mentioned we're going to columbus to hash he disappears
Yeah, kind of stuff bro. Yeah, dude. I don't think he really lives in columbus. Ohio. No
He moved to california. Dude. I lived like last three hours away from him and every week i'm like, hey man
He's never gonna do that
He's like oh man, you gotta get him on like a business trip dude
If I lived three hours away from goo, we'd be hanging out. He'll be skiing
I live two and a half hours away from you, but I can't go to your country
Well, there's yeah, you have you live like 12 hours for me
That I talk to every day to just live in la and like we don't hang out because they live on the other side of la
Like we're like nah, it's too far. Like we're good. We'll just hang out in space
Well, that's true for you. It's like easier
USA number one just so everyone knows
USA go fucking us. Do you get crazy from where you're from in la though? Like are you like i'm from anglewood really?
No, i'm from the valley
I come from compton, dude
Do you live in van ny's is that the valley no north hollywood used to live in the grime zone
That's cool. I like that area
Bar how did the last time I was there? I was so surprised at how at the at just that area like
The sunset's driven. Did you deliver?
Yeah, it's gotten worse bro, it's just like um
You gotta be careful in these homeless encampments, you know, like you don't want to be walking around because like
In one of them tents, there might be some
Absolutely or some shit, you know like for real
I like homeless people are so squirrely and so scary and so
They're my guys
You know, they have to pay rent to fucking cugs that run these streets. It's ridiculous, dude
Like I swear they're making money
You gotta pay the vig but anyway
Well, whoever's got the biggest stick, it's the biggest play out there
but anyway the fucking thing about you know when I went to la this one time with my
uh girlfriend at the time
I said i'll take you all over and show you some places, right?
I said let's go see this fucked up spot, right?
And it was by that hotel
I stayed in that hotel where the girl went in the water tank. I probably drank
Wait, I probably drank the water. I probably drank the water there when she was in there
What the hell was the name of that what the hell was the name of that hotel and I stayed at the other
the fucking uh
Not the wheel. I stayed at the wheel turn too and I stayed at the other shithole over there
The ceasel the ceasel hotel the scariest fucking place
The ceasel hotel or does that make you know the ceasel hotel that's right. I think that's that's correct. Yeah. No, that's
Yeah, yeah, that place was an open door, bro
That you could go anywhere in that whole place
fucking wild that
Yeah, you got tiktakers, you know, do you really
Oh, yeah people are fucking what are they doing? What are they doing? It's too
That's all that's left in hollywood. It's just like so so anyway, listen, I take I take her down to that area
And when I went down there originally I was alone
I fucking was hanging out with somebody and then I went downtown to stay for a couple nights just before I left
because I figured it was
compact or whatever
But so I took them
There and I said like let's just cruise around we were walking
so right away
Like i'm crossing we crossed the street into like
What's it called again into skid row like into that area?
There's like a fucking corner mall
Like i'm talking like a mall that's a jewelry store fucking, you know
Like a mall like a sky mall
with all stores
You walk in there right i'm like, let's go let's go in here and get something to eat
We walk in and all you smell is fucking blow
Just cooked up smoking crack. I just all you smell is this weird smell
This like tingle and like she's like, what is that? Yeah, there's no stores open
There's flies every fucking where like flies just zipping around
So we walk through all the stores that come out as soon as we come out the door
There's guys heckling her with like and i'm like getting all crazy, you know, i'm like
I'm about to get crazy like it's like shit's going bad
And we make a right turn and it's like literally it was like michael jackson like moonwalker. I mean like whatever thriller
on that street
It literally was like thriller like a line of fucking zombies
You turn the corner and you're just waiting there and they're like you got a dollar you got a cigarette
Right away, it's like I was like, oh shit, I thought it was like a mile in and i'm like, I guess I remembered it wrong
This is why
Moving out of fucking the valley and to vegas was a really good idea
Why are you talking to us? Like you're retarded. Hi
I'm really high. I'm like my second bowl like four o'clock. So why close?
Um, uh cranky smoke cranky smokes death now
What's what's that cool neighborhood, uh over there in l.a. Uh, florida. No, lord canyon
What do you want to say?
Something that I wanted to say, but hey, it's just coming out dude. Everybody be quiet
Hey, I just heard it gets a wench. I was gonna say i've known fucking
three years now
You're smoking some big ass shit
Yeah, bro, and I told you if you come up to canada I'll smoke you out with the most dang shit
I'll bring an apple
God yeah, can you hear me? All right. So that picture that you sent it looks like black cloud words
Is that not bar's profile picture from the last four weeks? I don't I don't remember. Yeah, it's 20 24
We love oh, it is kind of like the one it is
I'm about it. I'm about to fucking hire my boy or girlfriend did and she's gonna fucking sue you for defamation
Is she even qualified it or is she still at school?
I don't care, bro. It'll be a practice
So put that shit on a resume dude my first way i'm gonna send you chelsea's press release because I sent it to god damn it
HD congrats on uh, thanks. Thanks bro. Chelsea
Yeah, your lawyer's morning. What happened?
I'm pretty much gonna be a stay at home day. What happened? That's the latest how bro. Congrats already
Chelsea just got this certification that it took over a year
But she's the only the fourth attorney in ohio to get it. Oh, what is it for dude?
I you don't get a fucking half of the gazebo in a pond that you can't help
You can't tell them on a sport. Um, nft. It's uh
the supreme court
classified child law
Like uh, juvenile law 18 and under is like, uh area of specialization
So she got certified in that which is like a huge process
You're like a special child, too. It was probably
It was probably
No, did you have to get blood samples, too? Or yeah and baby it was probably very easy for her. Yeah, you're right
No, I had to watch maddie for months
Wait, did they do background checks on you? I bet they did. No, that sounds fire, dude
She's literally the fourth lawyer with this qualification in the whole state
I got so excited hash. All right. I'm gonna send you a dm. I know you don't fucking look at him
Well, you have a thousand followers first of all, no I did
Listen, I don't know
I'm so popular
No, you don't understand the hash won't look at your dm unless you have at least a thousand
You guys understand that is a confirmed line
You understand my dm the truth or a point of anxiety for me. Okay, it might be five thousand by now, dude
Yeah, you got you got yes, I understand bro. I don't like my dm either. Yeah, he doesn't look
The only thing I pay attention to is that fucking ADHD dm group because
I get kicked out of there by the way, and the other thing is
Listen to me fucking god damn it you guys I missed it again. I had one
Forget it fuck
Goddamn I was trying to get on
I forget man. There's time out time out. No, no, no time out, bro
Dude, come out. Please come out. Just real quick. Come out. Come out
Okay, listen, listen, you said mid-guided listen, listen mid grip mid grip
That's awesome
Please tell me you look at your dm. No, I got listen your name is
Me from time to time, but I never know when it's
I'm reading. Listen, all I'm saying is I saw a reply from coast and said mid guy and I was like
It gripped as if a mid-riff. I lost him
The adhd. You know, i'm i'm reading i'm reading right now. I'm reading. I lost him
Oh reading reading reading. No, you can read it out loud
Found it out buddy read it to the class read it out loud so we know you're actually looking
Bro, is this I don't want it to be like a belacé moment. I don't care. Uh, well, um
Dude just read the fucking thing. Would you?
first certified child welfare law specialist in
Blank county. I won't say that. Well look her up right now. She's only the fourth one chelsea. How many chelsea's are there?
Dude, relax. Dude. You said it in your head. Probably
Her linkedin's probably fired. Damn. So she's been in okay. She's been doing this for fucking almost. What is it?
These are seventh year days 10 almost at seven years
It's almost her 10th year being an attorney
Okay, so but like it's like the child's everything specifically is like she's been yeah
She has a doctorate
You're married to a ph dick. I've told you that before that an attorney can make you call them doctors
Because they have a doctor
Dr. Loet. You're married to a doctor
Yeah, they quoted her dude, this is cool. This is fucking sweet. Yeah, I was so proud of her, dude
Yeah, it's legendary bro. Congrats
Remember the night that I had that's during wenchie's space
That you what? Oh, yeah. Yeah with the birthday night birthday night. Yeah when chelsea wanted that that space
This is one of the reasons she was so pumped dude, no, that's fucking sweet like it's like
I mean, she's like a good good lawyer. That's crazy. She's like that's a lawyer. You know what I'm saying?
I've been telling you guys for fucking two years. Okay. I know it's just like can I ask you?
Okay, what?
What can she do for us?
If you have any divorce
Child custody any of that she can bro cuz she's gonna need her
She can be an expert witness
What about international prenups?
But she do gay divorces for her
She actually did uh
So have you ever heard of chase law?
Chase law case law like like yeah, like when it becomes a law a case that becomes a law
Uh a case that you try that's like the first of its kind right, right, right. Yeah, chelsea had
with a juvenile and uh
lesbian mothers that sounds saucy
And and she has a case that became case. What was the outcome of that bad boy?
They had a friend
He based her
One lesbian pregnant and then they argued that he wasn't technically the father
And that the lesbian mother had rights
God, it sounds like a video
Can I ask you uh, what was the outcome
Um, they ruled that the father still had there we go
Thank you. Yeah, isn't that like a
Legally born sounds like it
Wait, but what was the were the women legally married?
No, oh farah
There there there getting in the weeds getting in the weeds
Here i'm gonna distract the situation and also
You made a joke about that
We were walking back to the room after we got like coffee and I needed white cloth or whatever who was who was but no
How do you guys feel about abortion and kush whips his head back immediately and just goes fucking loving
Do it that's such a troll thing to say. What do you do? Hash bastards? No, they were these like
Yeah, they were these like protesters. They had like photos of dead babies and shit like on the street
Like i'm just trying to enjoy my morning fucking coffee with Frankie. You know what I mean? And then yeah
About abortion
Stay wrapped like make mondays, bro
He should have been like I spent about 10 bands on abortions, bitch
Oregon for talking shit about abortion. Oh my god
That is sick
Hash did I ever tell you what my uncle told my mom? No, no, I remember this story
Let's hear it. Um, my uncle was like this old house dude
He was in the club for four years
And uh, yeah
He goes to my mom. He's like, how did he meet that girl? My mom goes he met her online
He goes thank god that boy had a computer
He's like how did he meet that girl? My mom goes he met her online. He goes. Thank god that boy had a computer
Let's tell everyone about the other great story about when he gave you the crank to drink in the gator and
Yeah, yeah
He's like he's like you're not gonna like that too much there
Yeah, he's like he drank a little too much of that. It won't make you feel too good
I love I love when bikers tell you not to do something like the disclaimer. Yeah, and you don't understand they're like
Dude, i'm cool with structure
It's like the guy goo hired. Uh jimbo. He's like i'll drink that dude. He drank like yeah, that was an accident
That was accidental. That's what jimbo is
Dude that was one of the
My favorite spaces that you guys have ever done when you came out and talked about that
That's one of my favorite days of my life
It's so funny. That story is so ridiculous. I think tonight's been my favorite
I can't believe that shit, you know that I have a video of him getting impaled by the wheelbarrow that I sent you guys
The perfect name dude if I were to vote for a name, you know, you forget they're rolling on ecstasy
Yeah, they're fucking
Bro, I had people come and do a hundred square foot patio in the middle of before memorial day that weekend
In a stress-filled environment. They all took ecstasy came five hours late
One of them was poisoned and they fucking got the job done. It's like a fucking mona
It could come five hours early do tell them you're so gay
Tell them what happened
It wouldn't place like it is today
Yeah, he was
He was working off
Oh, yeah, I know it's tough out there
But he was working in the summer sun and he goes in the in the work van to grab a little arizona
It turns out they put degreaser in the arizona bottle because they were on the fly, you know
They had to do something quick and basically he drank that and then he took another big gulp of it
So he wasn't sure I guess the first sip tasted funny not bad
And then the second one killed him. So I don't know but he definitely
All right, yeah, please
There used to be there used to be a web
There used to be a website called dance
And you can get you can get test kits
And then you just like take a little chunk off of one of the pills and you could test it
You could tell if what it was in it
And that's what we used to do because we used to do a lot of ecstasy back in the day, man
I used to roll my ass off
This guy heard e and he was in
Yo, let's go
Arizona iced tea, would you have tested that?
I used to do the drink, the drink clover
We used to be the twin turbos, the Audi twin turbos
I used to do all that shit back in the day
Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi
Blue dolton
Blue dolton
Blue dolton
Blue dolton
Blue dolton
Blue dolton
Blue dolton
I never learned about all this bullshit like
Fitting all
All this stupid
No, I was
The one thing that we had to worry about back in the day
Just real quick, one more sentence
The only thing that we had to worry about back in the day was like cocaine cut with like baby laxatives
So you'd shit for like fucking 24 hours
Dude, I got a lazy bow
I would snort that
Isn't that crazy, bro, that that's true
That what you're saying is true that you would take anything and you wouldn't worry about it
It's like, like, drug use
I mean, obviously we were doing the wrong thing
Not really
But like, we're trying to kill people just so they can
Listen, first of all, if we're talking about the same time period
Then you're talking about
It is wild that Cranky's still hanging out, dude
It's been so sus for like
This is what I'm saying
No, absolutely not sus, bro
She's totally sus, dude
She actually did it
Hash is the most dumb motherfucker
The most dumb motherfucker
He said he had a...
He said he had a lazy bow
Yeah, can I get some?
Hash, I heard you do...
I heard you do fentanyl in the bath houses, bro
Do you inject that?
I probably told you that while I was doing fentanyl in the bath houses
Hash boosts fentanyl in lipsy so that you can lift his business
I don't know
Dude, I'm playing the vid, dude
My lawyers are fucking fourth of a black dude
You guys sound like virgins at everything
Do you know that?
It's impossible to do that
I'm not going to...
Easy to say for somebody who had fucking...
I can probably out-school everybody in this room
I'm not talking about you, sir
I'm talking about these guys, these...
Just pass
Virgins, dude
Hey, he says, I like fishing and guns in crypto, dude
This motherfucker, fuck!
You know it
I'm getting dead ass, by the way
No, I do, Matthew
You know my new bro
Didn't say you were a virgin
No, you're good
If you're in the 90s...
There is a difference
It is you right now
There is a difference
Stop trying to pick up on space, bro
If you're...
If you...
Wait, what is he performing?
I didn't even pick up on...
Yeah, he's setting on you, bro
I'm sorry
I'm gonna kill somebody
Wow, that was cool
How did you do that?
Nah, I just fucking want you, bro
This is the best space
You gotta keep up
How did you do that?
How did you do that noise?
I like that noise
Yeah, it's when things are going all right
I like it right
Nothing is going right right now
Things go awry, I like when they do
I want to know how Boris Katz do them
I saved his little life
He's doing great
He had his dinner
He had his salmon
And he's currently rammed in by the window
Hey, have you gone to the supermarket lately?
They have these little...
Like, you know those...
Like, what do they call them?
Like the little, little, little ones
The little pate things
But they now have them, like, in the half...
Just listen, just real quick
I'll be quick
The half and half
And then you can, like, break them apart
And it's, like, little...
He only eats, like, a quarter of that
And then I put a little, little thing over to put in the fridge
And I bring it out
Oh, she's so cute
Aw, cats are cool, man
I swear to God, I'm not gay
I love my cat, though
I love her
I love my cat, man
Dude, you're definitely gay for a cat, dude
Fella, do they gay to love her cats?
No, it's...
Man, I'm looking through this Gagaton wallet
I must have minted every scatter
Milady's derivative there ever was
On planet Earth
Just because, for the culture
Like, it's crazy
I love it
Anyway, 95 to 2005
That means you were taking actual drugs
That were made by the great one
Yeah, that was so awesome
And I also did liquidate
But you know who made all that shit, right?
Yeah, I actually met the chemist
And he lived in Fort Collins, Colorado
Yo, did you hang out, MB?
I swear to God, bro
We're talking about the...
Uh, we used to put it in...
I also took some liquid
And I looked at a cool concert at the Pepsi Center in Denver
And I saw him at the...
When they...
They stayed in Jombi
They opened up with Jombi
What is that?
What are you talking about?
Yeah, it's a display
Do you know who Alexander Shulgin is?
That's who you were talking about?
Oh, that's who I'm talking about
That's who made all that shit that we took back then
He's the one
I like the robotic twin turbos
Those are my favorites
Actually, the green clovers were pretty good
But they kind of gave me a...
They kind of had a DMT thing going on
Bro, you should check
I can't believe you don't know this guy
I'm gonna...
I can't believe you don't know who I am
Not me and you
I mean, this guy Shulgin
I can't believe it's not butter
You gotta look this up
I can't believe it's not yogurt
I'm gonna send you
I'm gonna send you a DM
Why is everyone yelling?
I can't believe it's not...
I'm gonna freak out
I'm getting like fucking trauma based soon
Nobody freak out, dude
Nobody get trauma
It's like I feel it tingling
I feel that shit tingling
Everybody calm down
Nobody tingle
Every night I find the perfect room
And tonight, this room is the perfect room for me
We're always popping up
Nobody get tangled
There's even some people in here
Lord Cat can't get any more
I can't believe it's here
I love it
I fucking love NFT
I got a ton of them
Dude, Lord Cat
What's the price?
It's like 0.017
You get it
I have a Lord Cat
We're gonna make some money
It's gonna be so stupid
And everyone's gonna go
I can't believe you bought those pictures online
Well, if you like to buy cool shit
Well, if her punks are gonna make me a fucking millionaire, dude
I already got made a millionaire by Sheva
Yeah, I know
Sheva's the best
Anyway, listen
Mint my shit
It's a great piece
You're gonna get a poster with it
That's made on Duck Canvas
And it's 300 TPI
Even if just by minting
You get that
You don't have to pay extra
That's the man
Say that again
That's the man
It's my friend
There's a hammer
So we're gonna do America style
And it's also gonna be hand-numbered
There's only gonna be 33 of them ever made
And they're also given out
By minting this whole project out
Look at you
You're fucking nuts if you do that
I'll send you five, too
I don't give a fuck
Oh, I'm fucking by five
How am I gonna do it, dude?
It's up top
Don't go nuts
It's at the top
You're the man, though
Whatever you want to do
You don't know what you'd want, dude
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
Let him do his five, dude
Don't talk shit
Let's see if he's for real
That's the man
Let the man press
Don't talk shit
Don't pressure
Don't pressure his strings
You're so full of shit
Actually, make two
And then also go buy a hash
Hash, what are you doing?
He said he said he was gonna
What was that?
I've had this space open
Because it's a really cool collab
Dude, I'm like Kanye West
Yeah, I see that
I've had this space open for three hours
I didn't say a word about it
That's like the games that you've ever said
In 20 minutes
I saw that fun with the video
It was Kanye West earlier
Okay, I'll do it
Stacking over his head
In public
And he was like telling off some fucking TMZ bitch
And he was like
Stop stalking me
Basically, you're some shit
And he was in this like
You could
It was opaque
You can't see through it
Like, stalking me
Like, he's in the maintenance of some shit
He's fucking bizarre, man
That is bizarre
I like that shit, man
It's like
I like it
I like it
I like it when Barra talks
And I also like it
Thank you, I love you
Good though
Good though, right?
Let me look
I'm hosting tonight
Tonight I'm hosting
Andrew Wang also likes me
Yes, he does
He likes me enough to put me in his collection
And name is Token after me
Ash, what do you like?
I like honesty, transparency
Oh my god
You're such a bitch
Dude, honestly
I really don't like the word bitch
We can start talking bitch
But we're gonna have to start talking about Barra's kitty again
You're an incel, hey?
I think we can all agree that like
Bitch is degrading to women
And it should never end so
Cush, relax
Yeah, I'm not saying it to a woman though, am I?
You're saying it to you
Yes, you are
And you're not gonna do anything about it
I'd go in for you guys, okay?
Guess what, you're not gonna do shit
Just like threat guy
Wait, me and my lawyer are gonna
Get me up
Hold on, my man's trying to speak
Alright, everybody quiet down
What are you showing up for?
I'm gonna speak to your manager
Excuse me, you don't have enough flair
Excuse me
I was offended by your space
And I need to talk to somebody
Excuse me, you don't have enough flair
Yeah, are you threat guy?
Everything I want to say is gonna get me kicked out
No, you're allowed to say whatever, my friend
Hash is an internet
We get it
They were pushing it
That actually did calm the room down a little bit
Yo, Dead Hills and Cynthia's Space
Cynthia's having a space right now too
Oh my god, I've never met Cynthia in my personal life
Except for my aunt
My aunt's name's Cynthia
This one looks like
It's an uncommon name
You know what I mean?
She's a mama's name's Cynthia
No, it isn't
Well, I don't know a lot of Mexicans
Oh, hell yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, play us out, bro
What is this?
Are you playing that?
Are you playing that song?
Oh, play it again
Damn it, ABC
No, let's wrap this shit up, bro
I think we got more drinks
It's the funniest person in the room
More drinks?
What else do you got?
High five
There might be a high five
She's taking it, dude
Oh, that's not high five
Yeah, high five
Oh, wait, I'll sing the song
It's a push for Cranky
All right, play it again
Yeah, all right
Let's kiss
Let's kiss in the shower
Yeah, Cranky, Cranky
Every day
It's actually called Cranky
Every single day, bro
Sing the song
That works for us
For the police, right?
What do you got?
You got an easy
Come on, yes
What is that, even?
Bro, why are you so weird and
Bro, wait, are you mad at it?
Fuck you, Ron
Why did he go away?
You sounded like the gay dude on the Disney Channel, right?
Dude, I sounded like fucking
All right, so are you just
Why can't I get this to go, dude?
Why can't you just be cranking me?
And why has he got to be more cranky?
Because you haven't talked to her, dude
This part
Hey, you ain't ever heard bitch
Until you heard Cranky talk
How dare you, man?
Oh, my God
So, where's the line, now?
Yeah, you're the bitch
You're the bitch
He's good
How same do things for me?
He is good
When I run out of liquor
I still have six more beers in the fridge
16 ounces
Hell, yeah
Is this 1984, or is this still America?
We'll see
It's still America
I'm going with America
Just remember, dude, not all of us fucking
Oh, my God
I fucking love America
American number one
I'm going to be American
For fucking sake
I'm going to get Biden
And I'm going to get fucking
Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi
And they're going to fucking carpet bomb
Your entire region
No, they don't mean a reason
They don't mean a reason, dude
No, they're not
Don't worry about it, bro
I'll do it
Just look up at the moon
You're not a carpet
Just look up at the moon every night
And hum for yourself, bro
You guys fucking fight wars with two chicks, dude
I'm going to hang out with Nikki Haley
She seems like a bad bitch
You know what I'm saying?
I want to hang out with Nikki Minaj, too
I missed my old mom
And I slapped that shit around
Like, I'd be like, bam, bam, bam
Coach, I want to be honest, dude
That was legislation
She was fucked up, dude
And I fucked it up
I don't even like big butts
But I would totally get up on hers
There's something you're not so guilty about
I need to confess the curse
Boy, you're mad right now, bro
You're in the cell
You're mad
Like, bro
Look at the stars
And enjoy life
That's good advice
Okay, yeah
Honestly, dude, I won't say it
It's fine
Go ahead and say it, bro
Say it with your chest
What the fuck?
I don't think I should
What do you got?
What do you got?
I'll save that one
I don't want to
Hey, there's a tester in it, man
He is a little tester
Wait, why don't you show him like
If we're testing if Gu is a good host
Then I'm going to go with
Like, maybe not a host next time
Okay, thanks
Thank you
Going back
Constructive criticism is welcome
Coach, I just sent you that
I sent you that
Uh, yeah, I'm sending you something
What are you saying, dude?
That was good, yeah
Oh, my God
I love you, man
I welcome it all
All right, I'm only here for Varos, kitty
We should name the space that
That could be interpreted different ways
Hey, listen, I have to tell you guys
Looking at hot dogs down here in Black Cloud
It looks like Black Cloud is...
Who the fuck's typing?
Oh, sorry
Who's typing?
Like, what the fuck is typing?
I'm typing
That's Gu doing Gu stuff?
Yeah, why are you typing, dude?
Thank God, Coach, they got you on you
Uh, ADHD, what do you got?
Uh, Simple Man?
What is it, Simple Man?
Let's go!
Oh, yeah, keep this one going
Keep this one going
This is my...
This is on my video
This is my video
Who's playing my video?
Oh, those are his videos
That's the same song on my stupid video
With those five people
Let's go!
See, Laura gets it
You guys just keep up
Try to keep up
What are you doing?
Oh, you know what?
You know what?
This isn't my fault
I just realized
It's Cush's fault
Yeah, it's Cush's fault
Right here
Oh, you know what?
We are so far ahead of you, man
Come on, Cush's fault, dude
This is a pattern from Cush
This is a...
It's like some kind of Canadian...
All right, that's true
Yeah, so I put this...
This is crazy
Okay, Cush
Is that what I thought?
Is that not crazy?
That's crazy
That is crazy
I put this collab...
That's your level of crazy
Listen, so we can talk about this in private, all right?
That's what I said!
That's what I said!
They can't give you enough to play hockey against them
Oh, goodness
What is going on?
I missed this
Listen to me right now
I want to command the attention of Cush's
That's right, Cush
He's like, yes, yes, yes
Cush, shut the fuck up
I'm going to mute you
Cush, Cush, just fucking mute me, dude, come on
Listen, I put up this iteration collab that I'm in the middle of doing
And I want to see what you guys think of the letters
Like I said, the animation part
They penned it
Hey, can I just say something real quick?
Sure, anytime
So, you guys all know who Dane Cook is, right?
Dane Cook, the comedian
The shocker
Shut the fuck up
What's happening here?
I'm asking
Yeah, yeah
Dane Cook
He didn't rob by his cousin
The shocker
Dane Cook
Shut the fuck up, bro
He did get robbed by his brother
Dane Cook just liked my tweet
Look at you
Dude, shut the fuck up, bro
Let me see
What the fuck is this?
I'm going to put it up in the nasty fucker
Dude, why are you so thirsty to be angry?
I don't give a fuck what you have to say
Oh, Eddie Vedder?
Why are you so mad at me, dude?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what's the hostility for?
But this is not like
I don't know why he's mad
I mean, all I wanted to do is
I was so excited that I fucking, uh, Dane Cook just liked my tweet
I was pointing out ADHD to call me out on being a dick
But Dane Cook is fat, dude, is so fucking annoying tonight
Why are you bringing up a washed-up comedian?
Dane Cook's funny
Dane Cook's funny
Dane Cook's very beautiful
Then he inflated, like, 80 pounds and just became fat
Whoa, that's not-
Listen, Dane Cook's funny
But man, he's funny, dude
I mean, like-
Oh, he's funny
Better than you
No, he's not
Yes, he is
His showtime
He's on TikTok live
He's funny as fuck
He just got fucked over
It's so weird
No, the new showtime, especially, dude, was good as hell
Frankie, his, his, his, like, brother fucked him
I wasn't laughing at that, sir
Is that why he has a way here?
I don't know
They might just not have your cup of tea, but
I loved it when I was, like, 13
Also, Cush doesn't like Mac Miller, so it's questionable, you guys, your taste, I can see
Mac Miller is an American soldier, and we miss him
Thank you very much
Thank you, sir
Bro, I just don't relate to drug addicts, bro
No, I just don't relate to that, dude
Yeah, but you were adding, like, Juice WRLD
Juice WRLD did a lot of drugs
About drugs, man
Miles Davis did a lot of drugs
What are you talking about?
He's a shit
You know, he's a shit
A geek he's done that broke my heart
He killed him, bro
You know what I mean?
You guys coming straight from NAMM, bro
I like this guy, man
He's a straight shooter
Fuck, dude
Yeah, he's such a fucking straight shooter, dude
All right, I don't know, you got some
You got some good shit, bro
Dink could fool
He was in a movie
And he died
He's pretty cool, dude
Remember that song he did with M&M?
He said, I'll never die
And he died
Yeah, that's his favorite
On your face
Your face is pretty cool
You know, Juice WRLD is
I'm a sexy motherfucker, bitch
Juice WRLD is young doll's cousin
Yeah, I'm not your mom
Don't call me bitch
They died a year apart
I'll call you the other one, bro
You can't imagine
I'll give you my address
I'm good, bitch
Imagine that
My old mom went to the gas station
She never came back
You got a problem, dude
Okay, so did anyone see the picture?
You did like two inches
If you're calling people boy
Is the picture cool like that
Or should I make it slower
Or does the words not work?
Can you read the words?
It's probably a worse word
Than saying, okay, I won't
I think for the effect you mentioned earlier
It needs to go like letter by letter
Yeah, I know
It's so hard to do that
His dick is too short to do that, though, dude
So it's shitty, right?
Calm down, Jesus
Yeah, it looks...
Oh, what's going on?
I'm trying to hang out
I'm trying to have a good time, but not...
Dude, he's trying to hang out, dude
Y'all are fucking embracing
The dark side of Pepe tonight
I don't appreciate it, you know what I mean?
It's like all this projection
Being thrown around
Like, can we all just fucking have a good time?
We like to fight a little bit
Yeah, just a little
You know, until we figure out the pecking order
Till all the alcoholics get it out
Does anybody want to hear a joke?
I already got the pecking order figured out
You're the man, you stick around
Dude, dude, you're at the end
Dude, the pecking order is...
I've got the biggest pecker
He's so nervous
What is wrong with you, bro?
What are you gonna do?
He's not nervous for it
He's a human number one
Shop the shit down
Some ginger, dude, from the bottom of the set
I'm dipped under my beard
No way, dude, come on
I got six
I got six
No, you have six mutant decks, dude
You were in the train derailment
Dude, ADC literally has 16 decks, bro
Yeah, dude
Were you in the chemical burn, dude?
So, listen
There's two pounds, guys, okay?
Do you have 16 decks, dude?
16 decks, dude
I could get 16 decks if I wanted to
I'm rich as fuck
No, you have to freeze that
Wait, I'm a good point, you guys
I'm a good point
East Palestine is a good answer
Hold on, hold on, listen, listen
There are two Palestinians, right?
But there's only one genocide
There's two Palestinians
It's not in the Gaza Strip, dude
It's in fucking...
Ohio, bro
Eastern Ohio
I'm getting two kids about the Gaza Strip, dude
Just for the writers
The Gaza Strip, bro?
Yeah, fucking come at me, dude
Fuck the Gaza Strip
Yeah, listen
We're about East Palestine, Ohio, bro
It's being used as a political fucking bullshit
for American people
It's bullshit, dude
Don't get roped in
Hey, you breathe this, man
I'm not roped in
I'm fucking awesome
I know you are
Do you breathe this, folks?
Be good, dude
We're on your side
What was I gonna say?
Oh, you know what?
There's two East Palestinians
But there's only one Hamas
Yeah, let's fuck them all up
Before the army even got to them
We'd be fucking there
We'd be like, fuck you
What the fuck, man?
Dude, Bar, go buy Dogecoin
Ooh, buy Dogecoin
Go buy Dogecoin and shut the fuck up
I made myself a lieutenant, by the way, in my firemen
in my fake firemen career
I'm a lieutenant of a community of firemen
Good job, buddy
I made you lie down the phone
Think I would hate you, but I do
Well, here's the reason why, my friend
You hate me, dude?
Not Barra
I love Barra
She's got a cute cute face
No, me, me
Hash bastards is
Barra's number one, hash bastards loves you, dude
I'm number two
I hate me, not him
I'm not behind Barra, I'm just number two
Who cares who I hate?
Dude, I don't
I hate, I hate Joe Biden
He's just a ginger from Columbus, dude
I'm the asshole here
I hate Joe Biden
I'm just a brown hair from Missouri
I hate good cabins
Dude, I'm just a maintenance guy
Bro, I don't know
Are you into the, is the Ozarks
No, how dare you, how dare you, man, to be the key boss
Are the Ozarks a good show?
Fuck yeah, Ozarks are a cool place
I mean, if you just want to go somewhere fun
You should totally travel to the Ozarks
That's pretty cool
The Arkansas got them, and Missouri's got them
I love the show, Ozarks, dude
Fucking Jason Bateman's a god
You're a gay, dude
You're a gay, dude
You're a gay, dude
You're a gay, dude
Okay, hey, everybody settle down
Fucking goo could be over here
Worshiping James Cameron
But I can't say that I like fucking Jason Bateman
No, I'm not thinking Jason Bateman
That's just the way you say it
I'll never suck Jason Bateman
That's fine
You're a gay, dude
Yeah, I never suck some dick for Jason Bateman
I don't want them to do you
I love Jason Bateman
That's for Jason
I don't want to put your wiener in my mouth
I don't like this collaboration
Just the text a little bit
I don't know
It doesn't
It doesn't
It's not doing it
Can we end this now, or …?
It's not doing it
She keeps turning
It needs to go letter by letter
My last name is like the first
I'm gonna shut up after after I say one thing which is
Mint mint away everybody. Okay, go ahead
Good good. Now. I'm not gonna meet everybody cush
Key, I know you're you know, keep your fingers to yourself. Okay
No, I'll just I'll just decide I'm happy for you
Wow, that's really nice of you, but I really appreciate happy for 50% of your
Green card union
Thank you. Yes
Now I do also want to bring up that this is so it's uncanny. You are the second of my friends
To court a woman for a green card
And not the main goal here
It's a nice perk it's a perk of course if anybody's listening, especially
Immigration, it's only a great benefit. But what I'm saying is I grew up
You know, most people most people see me that I just white guy, you know, well now
This is a gender
My best man of my whole life on hell Akiyama Lopez. That's his name. I swear
The cool. Yes, whatever did I met him in sixth grade? We've been best friends. That's not my real name
I still talk to him every single day did on how I can look at me was more illegal than a motherfucker
Did he came from Bolivia? His mom was so illegal
He's he's still illegal by the way, he
Cindy tah
So funny by the way side story
Move down to South Carolina in second grade dude before on hell. I even didn't even know existed
I sat next to Cindy Todd dude. So what I
Swear to God where's that next to his future wife? Yes, dude. Yeah, that's crazy
Yes, we talked about the wedding we talked about it. I was like Cindy you remember this right? She's like I I do
That's crazy actually, but my whole thing is
Nobody saw that shit coming and he's also kind of like a little secret house like double life motherfucker
He's one of my bad. I love the guy still talk to him every day
He married that chick and he got a fucking green card
He was like
That was it
I remember that
He was happy he was celebrating
Thank you for that. Appreciate it. Yeah, listen, I will sacri
I will sacrifice the fact that it's true
Go ahead cranky I do want to point out that he's only moving here because
I don't want to move there
We can't let
Absolutely not that was never ever crossed my mind
Never have I ever wanted
Okay, New Jersey, bro, I would have moved to Jersey before, Ohio hundred percent. Yeah, that's definitely
better choice, I mean
What do you mean you got a chemical fire to deal with over there, so what are you talking about?
We offended mr. I hope not man
He's a noxious he's saying he's gonna buy five of my things
Was it a lie
I don't think it was a lie. Let's see. Did he mid five or not? I
Hope he didn't lie to me
He did lie he did lie
Yeah, I'm going to bed
Thank you
Tomorrow thank you hash. You tried to rip me three out and then came out in the last 10 minutes. Thank you
But go fucking do an airdrop about it bitch. I probably will you might get one cranky
Peace out tomorrow. See you guys tomorrow. I'm out of here