Recorded: Oct. 31, 2022 Duration: 0:29:15
Space Recording

Full Transcription

(sad music)
(upbeat music)
How's it going? I can't actually speak right now. I apologize. I'm trying to get it short to sleep but mesmerized by whatever music that just looks. I'll go ahead and play it again. So yeah, all good. I appreciate you coming.
coming out so this is just a chill hour for us. So no worries, no stress, no, no, we're all groovy. When we put that back on again because that was really cool. - I know that, but honestly he will be out soon so as soon as I get that. - There you go.
(chewing) (upbeat music)
(crickets chirping) (crickets chirping)
(crickets chirping)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
(chill music)
(gentle music)
(soft music)
(phone ringing)
(crickets chirping)
(birds chirping)
(soft music)
(crickets chirping)
was that real stuff everyone we're just gonna have some show music here for a little bit because I'm really digging this right now.
(keyboard clicking) (keyboard clicking) (keyboard clicking) (keyboard clicking) (keyboard clicking)
(crickets chirping)
[Birds chirping]
(crickets chirping)
(birds chirping)
What's going on everybody? That was just chill, low five beats. That was perfect. Just put me in a great mood. Obviously today just been a little bit exuberant and excited and just all of the stuff that comes with
everything working up towards a big day, where things go public. So very, very excited. Everything has been going smooth with with everyone on their whitelistments and had a couple of people who went and snatched a couple extra passes because they're members of
multiple communities, so that's something just to make sure to let everyone know that if they're members of multiple communities that are part of our founder network or our partner network, then they have the ability to get whitelist for the one-sole minting.
in as many communities as they are a part of. So that's something that somebody took advantage of today and wanted to make sure to communicate that out to you.
So hopefully Sophie got a kid out of sleep, but how? Absolutely not. He's scrammed to bed and is now walking out with a rim towards the puppies. So. Ah, okay. Well, we tried.
I'm sorry, I was zoned out of responding to some discord stuff. Don't worry buddy, how you do it.
good. I'm not even sure if you were talking to me and general or us but it seemed like that kind of edge. Yeah yeah I know worries I know it's how we mean and a lot of people are out with their kiddos and I'd be doing the same thing. We all
our house where she knocked on the different doors and we had her say trick or treat and gave the experience even though we can't go out it's raining like crazy today or so it really is that they really want to go out that's the northwest for you I know you're going to be
you know. I know it's just like it doesn't matter how long you go with that ring. Garen did to have it on Halloween. Yeah, did you guys get a little bit today? Yeah, it's still pretty wet right now. Little it looks like it could be good for the evening. But I will see. Yeah.
We got a lot of it in the morning as well too. I'm very, very excited about the partnership with Bobby Rabbits. They are our full development team and that pivot was the best decision
for the Dow and for the future. He's been amazing to work with and he's just, he's an amazing guy and I really, really helped to make sure that I understand what's going on and I
He's just, he's on it. And the beautiful thing is a lot of the things that we were, or that we are planning on developing and for our specific needs, he already has the code and the framework built.
because everything that's on his side he built. So it's a really it's just a great it was great timing for for him to come through last week and we got everything up and rolling, minting of found
passes again and whitelist happening and already have the passes staked and earning our token which is going to be the token of our entire ecosystem. So that's already live.
Yeah, go for it.
I just want to say what I'm about to say is completely irrelevant to everything you've just said. So, with that warning, I don't know, I can't hear it. It'll become dark.
Enough of her is when stop any good I Enjoy it Well, I've just like I was about to order some food because like my kids and you know trick-or-treaters meant I wasn't able to like cook and I've just checked you know my Uber Eats
And yeah, we've got door dash now. I mean, okay. I mean they've got wings up We've got five guys now, which we didn't use to have so I don't know when they just open these up like near me, but I now have options
I've never been to wingskot or five guys so you stay is better. Five guys is not really Boris song. It's cracked up to be in my book.
I haven't really enjoyed my experiences there a couple of times that I've gone there. Wingstop, I always have a good time. They always have some new flavor that's usually pretty fire and you can get any type of flavor like whether you're going like with like a native
Asian or Asian heat or more traditional buffalo or like I'm trying to think of one of the ones that they had that like that blew me away. Okay question. Like the wings stop over talking about
Yes. Yeah, especially if you're getting door dash, I have to tend to do like Taco Bell or Mickey D's or any of those places, but Wingstop will travel well.
Okay, okay. Well, thank you very much for giving me an internet. I feel like that was very much needed because I am now about to spend a bunch of money on a bunch of food and yeah, thank you. You can go back to me.
So I've really been utilizing the Raven platform just to help get with exposure out there and the beauty of the model of this of this Dow is
of all of the framework, all of the partnerships, everything that I've already put in place is already in place. So we move forward with both our in real life products of the vodka and coffee, as well as the e-commerce with our
existing members and that 20% that is based off the total membership cards and ownership is going to mean that all of us get a larger share here at the beginning of what we do and I really think proof is in the pudding there as we
I know that you guys are believing this vision because you're here with me. I think that they're really going to see it in action because action speak.
Alright, so it's hard to know when I'm gonna end up cutting you off. You get on the roll. I had no worries, dude. Yeah, I'm a little tired today. It was just a
long weekend, I'm not feeling super great and what you do what you gotta do. Feeling great today, I think all of the excitement and everything my adrenaline was going nuts for a good part of the day today just because so I'm glad that there's this
nice chill part to the day and I'll hop it on with Jim to do storytellers at five that's just gonna be a nice chat so I'm looking forward to doing that and that's how I'm gonna wrap up my day. I was literally just about to ask you about that and
Yeah, like do you have a game plan for what you're gonna speak about? I'm very jealous because I feel like the slots we was asked to come on very early on and I felt like I really fumbled, you know, the space I think I was asked to be like the first or the second person on there and I was
so I'm prepared but like it's a really good space. Yeah, I have an idea I've listened to a couple of them so I know sort of what types of questions and I think this is a great
opportunity for introducing people to the Dow to me of what led me to want to set up a Dow in this way and what my real mission is, which is to share more and get people sharing more.
I feel prepared. I'm usually pretty quick on my feet with stuff when it comes to this too.
But I understand being the first one going and just being like, okay, not really knowing what to expect. I've listened to a couple, so I feel a little bit differently than you would have in that circumstance.
It's like, "Nightman's having some shitty internet, but all good."
So we'll chill for a few minutes more and then I'm down to dip. I got another one I'm hopping in at five and I actually, my wife made this amazing
It was a grilled cheese with Canadian bacon and blueberry jam.
on sweet Hawaiian bread.
And it was absolutely fire. It was so good. She got this book, I don't know when she got it, but it was asking, it's sort of a madlibs for recipes and you put in different things to help make it.
your own recipe and I wanted to try something I hadn't done before and having jam on a sandwich like that. I haven't really done a done like bacon jam or like a pepper jam but not like a fruit jam on a sort of sandwich like that and it was amazing.
Lots of good stuff.
And everybody's out with their kids and doing Halloween stuff. This was definitely timing wise. It makes sense. It's about a 645 Eastern right now. So that's prime time, Halloween time.
Right now it's 11pm so like all the kids are inside but this is the adult time and obviously you know they celebrate over the weekend but there are plenty of parties and fireworks and stuff going on here so I'm really
really not expecting much of a turnout and like considering like this is prime time when people would be out your end as well. Do I mean like this is when the kids are out and then adults still have to do their thing so
It's just an unfortunate day, I suppose. It can't be helped. And you know what? The people who are here and will show up like they came because they came to listen to regardless of how many listeners there are.
there are people listening, do you know what I mean? Yeah, for sure. For sure. So awesome. I'm just going to go ahead and call it. I know you got to a kid of know that you want to try to get to sleep and it's late. I really appreciate you coming out and I look forward to supporting you through
your mint and what we can do to help make that a success for you as well. That's part of what the Dow does. It supports all of its founders and members and the things that they're doing of how we can make that successful for you. So just keep that in mind of what
I can do what we can do to help your success, if you're successful or successful. It all goes around. Well, my father, as you've mentioned that, well, this is the point that we're coming to, whether it's love or not going to lie.
Zim is making a headway on the Genship Collection. I will drop you a couple of sneak peeks, but this has to stay between us. But I got those for you today for the next task of our bases. And we plan to potentially launch mid-December. So, you know,
with the puppies just starting to leave, you know, to have them to slough this weekend and, you know, my plate kind of, you know, falling, getting up less and, you know, lessening, it will be full steam ahead over like the next month and a half. So I just started to be in bed with me a week or two max and
Sophie will be back with a vengeance and we'll be going crazy. So I will be appreciate all help that you know we could possibly get. Yeah of course of course yeah I'm definitely there so glad to hear puppies all healthy everything going well with them getting finding some good homes.
I think you're muted. There we go. I realized too late, I realized, but I realized the same way. It's been hard. I've had a lot of people mess me around saying, "Oh, I'm going to come down. They want to come for viewing."
not showing up despite checking in how many times they're going to come in. We've got people say, "Oh, they're raised down, they're positive after extensive conversations over a couple of days." Then they take my bank details and then you never have to come again.
And I turned you a pocket, you know, you kind of expect to get something back after so long. So it was really driving my pockets and my main thing was finding good homes and I started to find them good times and hopefully you know it stays this way you know it is a big healthy pubs even bigger and healthier than
the last minute. I'm glad to hear that you've been climbing them some homes and getting through that. I know that that's just very stressful time.
And just there's a lot of stuff to be done. So that's awesome. I'm glad to hear the things have gone well and are I going to be grabbing up for you so you can pivot a bit. And I hope things have been good.
your own family wise as well. I know you know you're being a web-series a lot and you know I'm typing at your takers and typing out to you know look after yourself. Yeah I need to after this week certainly this upcoming weekend I'm going to because I really
haven't been in the last few weeks leading up to this and even the time that I said that I was going to take I just didn't believe in the house so I need to. One of the drawbacks of living in a small town is it's very easy to just say you want to stay home.
for sure for sure why appreciate that I appreciate you checking on me thank you no father we have to we have to we have to we're connected in this space and you know family's family
family with Godless so sure but go ahead go for her enjoy the rest of you they yeah we'll speak to you soon alright sounds good bye


What kind of music was playing at the beginning of the podcast?
Chill, low-fi beats.
What was the purpose of the podcast?
To have a chill hour and discuss various topics.
Did the host successfully put their kid to sleep?
No, the kid was still awake and playing with the puppies.
Did the host experience rain on Halloween?
Yes, it was raining heavily in their area.
What partnership is the host excited about?
The partnership with Bobby Rabbits, who are their full development team.
What percentage of membership cards and ownership is based off the total?
What does the host hope to achieve with the dow?
To share more and get people sharing more.
What is the host's plan for the end of the day?
To join Jim for storytellers at 5 PM.
What platform is the host using for exposure?
The Raven platform.
What food options does the host have through Door Dash?
Wingstop and Five Guys.