Gobernanza en Optimism y Meta Pool

Recorded: Jan. 31, 2024 Duration: 0:55:12



All a lot of those rounds are on minutetone okay, and I was a mess and simple sir
There is space is number. They have a connector minutes before game
But I didn't miss a window less toy. Los premises para sera speakers ten minute
No, I don't have the opportunity to do this.
I don't know if this is the case with you,
like you said, with me and you,
and it's been a long time.
It's been a long time.
I'm a bit of the one.
I'm a bit of the one.
It's a good thing that I'm here today.
It's a good thing.
I'm going to do this.
I'm going to do it.
No, not really.
I'm going to do it in three weeks.
I have two families, there's two,
I have two children and I have three children.
It's been a long time.
I'm going to work on the internet.
I just have to appear on the internet.
Alan, do you want to speak?
Alan, what do you think of Victoria?
At the moment, I don't know if she has found the space or not.
I would like to start with one more question for the speaker.
But what if we were to ask her to speak with us?
Well, we are going to invite you to come with us.
What do you think of the question?
We have to ask her to be a co-host.
I would like to ask you to leave the room.
I would like to ask you to leave the room.
And, bueno, sí quieren initiamos, con esse tu reespeices, vamos holarso prego ornanza,
por cia una un visto el titula, y en esta ocación, yo ser el ajos.
¡Vas cito, prarir es de especes, de esta de esta de esta de esta de esta de esta de esta
tresu de mígico y buen, me precento.
Yo soy brití, yo soy día de optimizón, también, muy b Jimenez, day-to-day volunteer parío
tría ftez, y a cuichaelmente también tengue un cargo de anti-capture commission lead
y de governor.
Te fón programa que salllo a hación púcito.
Entonces estoy muy a muy a muelte en la parte de governanza y también soy cofóndadora de
bienvenir de finances entonces vasigamente mí tiempo esta de esta manera estructurada.
Y me gusta realtarles la vienvenida o y nos a compañan personas de metapul.
Metapul, yo los voy a contarque el estengo, un cariño especial porque fueron de los primeros
que creerón en un nosotros para tíru mejico dos miluen titres.
Cuando tui, mos esta idea das restevento, la verdad es que muchos creeron que estamos
me de lo quitos, y gusta me también metapul fuer, fuer de los primeros en creer, y eso
la verdad es que la verdad en el corazón.
Entonces, les toil a bienvenida, y me ame mucho gusto tan el esperaca, les invito a introducios
en una místo.
Te quematin o matinos especialmos.
Use es y me especial no mi.
¿ Disculpe en preque?
Sí dese esque chando.
¿brécido ?
¿Don't be afraid.
I am coming out to show you how to make the video, but I am going to make the video and
we are going to get the video.
But it is not a video.
It is not a video, but it is a video about how to make videos.
And that is not a video, it is very simple.
It is not a video, it is not a video.
It is not a video.
It is not a video, it is a video.
I just means.
I'm very very very interested.
I'm very very present.
I'm so excited that you're here.
It's a very good time.
My name is Mate,
I'm from Teresa,
como mate, so I actually went back to Metapul, and I actually
mentioned that I had a communication with the ICP Hub
LATAM, which is the hub of the application of the protocol
on the internet computer for all of Latin America.
So, I started working in Metapul for the first time in the
month of 2013, and it was different.
I had a lot of questions about it,
and it was nice to see that we had a great time
and we had a great time.
Muchas gracias.
Muchas gracias.
And I just want to say that I'm very happy
with the question, and I'm very happy with your question.
I'm very happy with the question,
because I have a lot of questions for you,
because I don't know if you are familiar with Metapul
or if it's the second or the second,
but I'd like to ask you a question about Metapul.
Can you tell us a little bit about the method?
Yes, I can tell you.
The method is a protocol of liquid staking.
It is used for Ethereum, Aurora, near protocol, Kublok chain,
and, for example, Solana.
In this case, it is a metapool.
In Europe, it is used for liquid staking.
It is used for crypto money, for example, near, no?
The protocol is near.
And the protocol is near.
The metapool is made of a token that is near, no?
And with this, I have an annual percentage.
I don't know what the percentage is, but it is near.
It is a total.
With this, I have 10 years and I have a lot of money.
I am going to permit you to make 10 years
and you will also have a lot of money in the system.
This is the metapool.
And I don't know if you can compliment me on that.
Do you have a good time?
Yes, I have.
Do you have a good time?
Yes, because I think that there are many ways
in Latin America to make a metapool.
There are many ways to make a specific
the situation that we have with the protocol.
There are a lot of people who live in other parts of our development,
in Europe, but the majority is in Latin America,
or in the North, because they live in Latin America.
In Turkey, in Baccadores, because of this, we live in other countries,
we live in a whole different world.
We live here in many of our countries, in Africa, in Latin,
in conservation countries, in the protocols,
and we have also found that we have a better understanding of our communities.
Thank you very much.
We have a lot of Latin people in the project,
and we have a lot of people who live in Latin.
The people who live in this country are many American builders,
who have been able to take photos of them for the first time.
We have a lot of people who live in this country,
and how do we know?
We have a lot of people who live in the government,
and we have a lot of people who live in structures,
and we have a lot of people who live in structures,
and we have a lot of people who have been in control,
like coordination.
In the last decade, we have been on the blockchain,
and we have been on decentralization.
It's been complicated, and we have been in control of coordination
since the last two years.
We have been there, and we have been there for a long time.
But we have a lot of people who live in structures,
and we have a lot of people who live in structures.
How do you confirm your organization?
I would like to talk about the concept of the Metapul.
It is a simple idea to create an organization
that is autonomous and centralised,
that is why I am here today.
I would like to ask you,
because you are an adult and not a president,
how do you feel that you have access to this situation,
and how do you feel that you have access to this situation?
I think it is a significant part of your organization,
but I think it is important to consider
how you have access to this situation.
One of the things that we have in our organization
is centralisation.
It does not depend on the actor.
If you compare it with the impressionist,
it does not depend on the general director,
or the director-general,
or the impressionist,
that you have access to this situation,
and that you have access to this situation.
It does not depend on the experience of the community.
I would like to ask you,
how do you feel about the difference
between the people who have surrendered
to the community,
and how do you feel that you have access to this horizontal structure?
In the end, all of the actors in our organization
are going to be able to provide access to this structure
and specific resources in this type of environment.
It is important for the people who have been in the government
to understand this topic and to understand it.
One of the things that the person is doing
is controlling this topic.
It is a very different mechanism
for the first time in the first place.
We are primarily talking about the situation
where the people who have been in the city
are going to be talking to people in the government.
We have a lot of different activities, like when we are in the colonia,
because we know that we have to look at the colonia.
It depends on whether you are in the colonia or not in the colonia.
We know that because of this responsibility,
we have to look at the colonia.
It is very similar to what we have to look at.
Thank you very much.
It is a compliment to the people who are here.
The truth is, as I said before,
that we are part of the protocol of the disease.
The protocol of 1.7% of the botanists
is the best way to look at the colonia.
I think that, as I said before,
we have to look at the
We do not have to look at the results of the disease,
because we have to look at the results of the metapool.
We have to look at the botanists and look at the majority.
There are many things that are not the best,
but the best in the metapool.
It is something that I think is interesting,
and something that I think is going to be very interesting.
It is interesting.
I am going to talk a little bit about this story,
when I am going to talk about Harkon Grief,
Harkon Grief Green.
I am going to talk about Harkon,
a stablecoin, from the United States of America.
I am going to talk a little bit about it,
because this stablecoin is not one of them.
It is the organization of trust that is not one of them.
It is a shock, a shock.
How do you know that stablecoin is not one of them?
It is an increase.
I think it is very important for me to take part in the network.
When we are working on projects from blockchain,
and when we are talking about the philosophy of trust,
the centralization, the resistance, the censure,
how do you know that it is going to be like a structure,
and the combined, like what we have seen,
how do you know that it is going to be?
I am going to talk about my background.
I am a little curious.
I am going to the studio.
I am going to send you an assignment.
You see, I am going to the studio for you.
I am going to the studio for you.
I am going to the space station.
I am going to participate in the process of electoral,
political, democratic, and civil spaces.
To be honest, this is a reality,
and we have never seen this in much of a sense.
When we study this reality and learn it,
I am told in the form of an article
that how to find a political system
is the most important part.
I think the final Wi-Fi version,
which I have found a heart-wearing in today,
I think that we have to organize the whole thing
for a problem that has a much as close as not so there's a coordination area
there's a severe recursors there's a a a sean system of reconnaissance in the
sector is tell us an opportunity or an organization you told us a lot in Manera
Publica no so I suppose here come on a the last part is not interested as a
part is como estamos bien de las cozas en hacer no se oiamente curita por gendro
por cierpersona tino por electro onico y sala esa superfacet le miero correo oh
tienen a un access point in su casa dandes access point no malleplico le
pico un botonos con unco de ocuerde y le permite conectaros internet no pero
sí esa lo piences a se quince años no era si de fancy no se tenor interneto
casera algo bastante complejo algo de un parte de personas y que lo era como que
a tienes que configuar a irrut a irrut y a parte de el rotar con el tienes que
configuar tu computable y a tu computable y tesca la dírición es para qué entre.
Y ticar que estamos en esa momento y tres que esas bien de la mósion que yo es es
personas cuando y van evolucionando en como te lizel internment no estos como
estamos ovolucionando en crear vovernazos por mejor el gamentas de centralizadas.
¿Tres cambes que vienos que puedemos tenor projectos que estamos entre grando
grandes que las comunías en el grando cosas que no está en pasando el feedback
del ou fes en consurigendo de que de vomate y a la mósionaba de que la
gente reciver recompensas por estor ponces pombre tivamente en la
mósionaba de que eso le smotiva a seguir participando en la gamente.
¿Y a no selamente? ¿Cómo estos? ¿Só lo tambien con?
¿Cómo esmento que me cos nauseamper..?
¿Piero? ¿Y ottir que mamos bien?
¿Y pueda llama se el mico en lo cientes hacer.
¿Dejo que ha gregarar al uesta cu use de es doubt.
Y es que estoy estados de no lo saben, y u participate en una candidator
en dependiente?
I want to thank you for continuing with us today, and I hope you don't miss the incident.
And I think that this election is very important to me, as a child, as a child, as a child.
And when I was three years old, I became curious about the governance.
And that's all that's going on.
I think that for me, it's an optimism.
The structure of governance is very important.
We have a token house, which is a political system,
a citizens' house, which is a reputation system, which is a person.
And so, as you know, there are many spaces.
And if you are curious, there are more people than there are spaces.
And if you participate, you can see that there are many iterations.
The idea of governance and optimism is very experimental.
And so, simply because of feedback, there are many problems that can be solved in the future.
It's very important for us.
And so, I hope that you will be able to participate in governance,
as well as to make better decisions, because it's necessary.
And you should be able to do the work of the governance of optimism.
And for me, it's a city like the apprentice,
that needs different things to participate.
So, let's see if we can get started.
Well, I think that's all for today.
But I would like to say that I'm in charge of the governance of the meta pool,
but I would like to say that I'm in charge of the meta pool,
as well as the MPO grants.
I would like to say that, in the process,
it's very transparent.
You have to go to the page,
and you have to be in charge, like you said,
and you have to be in charge,
and you have to be in charge,
because you don't have to be in charge.
You don't have to be in charge.
And I think that, as a person,
that you have to be in charge,
is a big difference.
I don't think that, for example, you have to be in charge.
It's two hours, and we don't know what to do.
We don't have to be in charge.
It's very difficult.
If you're in charge, you have to be in charge.
So, in this type of governance,
you have to be in charge,
but you have to be in charge, like you said.
I think that, as you said,
you have to be in charge of the path.
It's always a problem that people have to be in charge
of the central agenda.
I think that we don't have to be in charge
for the people, for the participants,
for the participants,
but I think that you have to be in charge.
And, in fact, I think that,
you have to be in charge,
because you have to be in charge.
I think that the person is in charge of the feedback,
of the feedback, of the quality of the protocol
that is very interesting for the people
who are super, super valuable.
And I think that we have to be in charge
of the governance of the meta pool.
When we have to be in charge,
but there's a lot of attention to the number of people.
What are we doing?
The basic method that we have to be in charge
is to prepare the best practices
for the process of governance
that we have to enter into the meta pool.
The first method that we have to be in charge
of is how to be in charge of the rules
that we have to be in charge of.
But I think that we have to be in charge
because, as I said before,
we have to be in charge of the discussion
of how to be in charge of the consults
to see how to be able to do that.
We can still do that.
And we have to be in charge,
because we have to be in charge of the incentives
of the people that are in charge
of participating in the management process.
If you want to be in charge of the things
that are in charge of participating in the management process,
how do we help them get the same incentives
Incentivos de tras de reciviras dos Incentivos es como se van aplicar como su llevar se gimiento
Hola mi me tapa en mícilen la que estamos en general, todo el estamos de buen anso ver tres.
Un rónde como el míos mucho de se gimiento de que las cosas su se han como espera. No
elementas a miir que las cosas vana pasar porque están el scripto, no?
Ay que mucho estar, ay, en channel un ojo, estamos en channel ojo, las personos que las
temos a la oran, y estamos en channel ojos a las personos que estan proponiendo nuevo llegranz.
Estamos bien do las porpo estas que están, y vando se como una votación. Tambiendo otrulado
en cargamos de verque en eso no sectore de relevantes en tran nadao, se alguientiene
muchos botos en tran nadao, hacer carnos, yo que le llamos en el mundo tracional, el cabile deo,
no se a hoy, y vamos hacer esto, vamos hacer el otro que remos hacer. Estas cosas,
no sinteresa tener topignon, no sinteresa que participes, y carfinal,
en construyamos entre polo, los estamos. Estamos esvasica, mi la bores, si, dar los
y miento todos los puedes devotacion pero de esa manera, y ese lecho de poder estar
a segudando, se que seguiven de buena movidad, no? Roque, yo se que no siempre va ser perfecto,
se que tal bevabar en el lumen, el cambos entonar, en contrabes commentados porque es parte
de la natura, la es un mano, el que no espanza no cíbal. Pero, sí puedemos hir toman do todo
la sponsieraciones para poder con sure esusmente de buvernazorita. Todavia, de hemos devolucionar,
lo que apendos llamos seis mesas que nos liberado, la majoria de las actividades de las ramientas,
de nos ragovernazor, vamos estamos aspasando por un tema de uno recetio de toque estamos bien do
como va functionar, no estro de recetio para que functione oreno, oreno, oreno, mútica de ena,
y aízon de tambieno por ocreto, no? Yo tenemos aíoplática de como tenemos una de las
ramientas de enlogicas como tenemos una resulturar las para que functione, y otras porces que tambienos
asafalta, que no es tisto todavia para coelorar, que está vuernas a multica enas effectivea, y
sobre todo pues que se a butil, no? Ose que verdaramente, no salamente de si tenemos,
no se, tenemos una machinar y múrre finada por canada a la se puperár, no? Ose tenemos una machinar
que se para la comunidad que se mi facil de para para ellos, para que estamieno yo de
a incentivar su participación, no? ¿Canses un poco de todos, pero pues y hace gurar de que los
eso que esos de gud la nanceta en la zito, no rank te estos méses and esto sáinos, h hasta
momento me pares que llamos vién. Tod al f
fifth la que esta mien, muy bien bien venido. Pero, bamos vién y convince ses a mejorar
en el futur.
I would like to ask you about the chance of experimenting, the chance of improving,
the opportunity to think that you are different from the material material.
I would like to ask you about the importance that you have,
what you have in your perspective, how you are, how you are American, how you exist,
but you don't have to be fascinated with what you are doing.
You have to be ready, but I don't know what you think,
what you have to do with this perspective.
And now, I would like to ask you,
I think that what you have to do with this method of evolution
is a multi-color multi-color.
In this vision, we don't have a material material,
but we don't have a material material.
And I would like to ask you what you think about this material,
how it is a protocol.
So, what is the purpose of this project?
We have to look at the solutions that we have,
and then we have to optimize an option for the next year.
We have to interact with each other.
I would like to ask you, in your partnership,
that we have a bell room.
In the bell room, we have a pool that is permitted to help.
It is the swap of them for MPF.
We have a command that is monitored by the people in the pool,
and in the manner that we are participating in.
And I would like to ask you,
if you are interested in participating in this protocol,
do you want to involve in the process of interning this protocol?
I would like to ask you,
do you have a question in the next column,
do you want to involve in the process
that you have in the column
that you have the opportunity to do the process?
We have an optimism,
and we have to collaborate with each other
to understand what is in the process
and to find the way we do this.
I would like to ask you,
do you have a question in the first column,
and do you want to involve in the process
that you have developed in the next session?
I would like to ask you,
do you have any other questions
that you would like to ask us?
and the research that we have received from our grantees,
from the MPD grants,
we received a grant of retractives from the Fundament Optimism.
We are very happy to have you here,
because we are very happy to have you here.
I think it's difficult for me to say that I'm very curious as to how this came about.
And I think that we're going to have a lot of fun and I think it's going to be great.
What do you think?
What do you think is going to be a great experience in the future?
Well, in the future, I think it's going to be a lot of fun.
Yes, it is.
And I think it's going to be a great decision.
I think it's going to be a great opportunity for people to come to the community.
I'm going to let you know.
But I think it's going to be a great experience for people who are not really interested in it.
I don't think it will be.
I think it's going to be a great experience for people who are talking about the liquid-staking.
I think it's going to be a great opportunity for people who are not interested in the liquid-staking.
And I think it's going to be a great experience for people who are not interested in the liquid-staking.
There's a need, there's a theory, there's a role, there's a network, or there's a culture of these things.
So I think it's going to be a great experience for people who are interested in it.
What's your question?
I'm very curious.
I think it's going to be a great experience for people who are not interested in the liquid-staking.
And I think that there are three pillars for the liquid-staking and the liquid-staking.
The first is, this is a place where the option of finance is being used in the ecosystem.
The second is, if you want to contribute, you have to go to the metapol.
And the third is, increment the product.
We're going to have workshops, events, and even in Brazil.
We don't have the number, but we're going to have the metaperson.
And I think it's a great question that you have to explore,
and you're going to apply it to the centralization.
It's very important. It's a form of finance.
I think it's important for people to be able to present it for you,
but we don't have to. We don't have to.
We don't have to.
And, as I said, the limit is the same.
So it's going to be a good experience.
Well, no, it's not going to be a good experience.
It's going to be a good experience.
And it's going to be a good compliment.
I'd like to ask you about Claudia,
the photo of Optimism.
It's the one that's on the link.
A mission that makes Optimism a primary home of liquid steak.
It's a number of things that represent Claudia,
but it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
It's the possible opportunity to participate,
to be able to make more of the mission.
It's going to be part of the goal of the token house.
In terms of what we're going to do in the process,
the mission process is going to be to provide feedback and approval.
In terms of what we're going to do,
it's going to be easier for people to participate.
And I think it's going to be very active in this process,
and it's going to be like this.
It's going to be a mission process.
It's going to be a big recommendation that we're going to do
to provide feedback and approval for the next mission.
It's going to be a very important process.
It's going to be very important that we contribute to the other communities.
And we're going to do a minute or two.
We're going to go through the public,
and we're going to do a minute.
We're going to do a minute.
We're going to do a minute.
We're going to do a minute.
Okay, I don't know if we're going to start with the last one,
but it's going to be a minute.
Hi, my name is Amcira.
This is Rapia, because I don't know how to do it,
but we're going to do a minute,
and we're going to participate in the next mission.
Hi, it's a very good question.
I'm in the party, as you know,
in the party of the token house,
which is a political system,
in the world of the world,
the world of the world that we live in.
The people that come to me,
that are not in the country,
are in the world of the token house.
If they are in the country,
they are in the collective control
for the complete control of the world,
and they are in the right place.
But I think that the whole time,
I'm going to do a minute.
Because we're going to do a minute,
and we're going to do a minute,
and we're going to participate,
and we're going to do a minute,
and I'm going to ask you,
Yes, that's right,
and I'm going to do a minute,
and it's going to be a minute,
and we're going to do a minute,
and we're going to do a minute,
a limit, or so, como da efina?
No, es un processo un poco más comprejo que eso.
Vácica mensos por ejemplos a toros estamimos una vorza,
en esta caso, por cambrego, y que mil dolares, no?
Noces, todos nos dices cuanto, y naros nocetas.
Estoy, eso, estoy, yo necesito,
dos mil dolares para semí por pues,
cetera, apéra ti, que conseiras por la menos,
el por sentaje de votos que representen la volsa que tú necesitos,
y la parte la volsa que tú necesitos.
Despítas, sí habiente mil dolares,
tú necesitos, conseiras por la menos,
el días por siento, los motos.
Sí, no conseiras, el días por siento, los volsas.
Nocetas, sí pídieras, por ejemplo,
días mil dolares, y os a nóte la consejaría,
tú necesitarias, sí, cuanta por siento, los volsas.
Sí, necesitarias, sí, cuamentas,
el tivar, apéra, el viente sin co-presente,
los volsas, no?
¿Qué es norman en te quiero,
porjambo, nos el primaío de prólo sino,
vie a sí, los teleno pasal,
desetesientos, se tenta dolares.
Desa manera, es, era lo que,
y la gente el cansaba por la vatación.
Sí, llamos atel própostas,
que se fundiar un como zinero,
y a una própostas de que tuy a mucho inero,
pero el relevante lo que pase esquí.
Nocetas, pero amo por el estan pídieno,
un una rão parte el prósopuesto, no?
¿Nocetas, mejor pieden a lo que se relista?
Nocetas, yo vamos a sera sá projection,
que pueden tenené rectifanos a sus.
Y por aqué en los commentarios,
nos pone carlos,
como de legar en amos e co-systemas.
¿Y a la bordada de repento soy me llama para vender?
¿A mi misma como de legada?
¿A sí quieles de con mi link por aqua?
¿Sí tieno pí?
Estoy buscando más de legación.
¿Y ustedes cuentan me?
¿A ilo oportunidad de poder de legar en metapul?
¿La guerreres que?
¿Nó, hoy?
¿Qué que un bota por su puenta?
¿No, no, no, no, no, no.
Un de legado un intermedialión.
¿A la gente va?
¿Blo que hacos, vistocans,
vistocans, vistocans,
vistocans, con sigue botos.
Entre más tiempo,
lo que esus,
es más botos,
tieno que hación,
and the people who are participating in this event.
We are finally at the annual event.
We are going to be at the annual event
where we will be able to do this.
But this is because
if you are a person
It's a good decision because I think it's going to be difficult.
I think this is going to be a good decision because it's going to be difficult to get the job done.
We don't know if we can get a better answer.
Do you think it's going to be a good decision to give it back to Rondo?
I think it's going to be a good decision.
So, I would like to say thank you very much to all of you for your respect and for all your support.
And thank you for all the work you've done for us today.
Thank you for all the work you've done for us today.
Thank you so much for your support.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you very much.
Thank you so much.
And I'm glad to be with you today.
Thank you very much.
I look forward to hearing your feedback.
Thank you very much.
So, thank you very much for being with us today.
I'm from Mexico.
This is the first time I've ever been to Mexico.
I've been with various members of the team.
We are very happy to be here.
Thank you, Sadie.