Gods and Geckos ๐Ÿšจ

Recorded: May 25, 2023 Duration: 0:54:24



That is what we call a typical Web 3 rug.
I'm so so sorry. It's no problem. Let me recently link to a trap in Sterling, what's that? Let's push this out. Okay, we're we're flying against the current here.
say if everyone could please we tweet this out leaving our
Okay, we will be fighting against the current here. If everyone can please retreat this out leave a comment. Let's try to get some more people in there. So sorry about that one.
Okay, they're back.
Okay, yeah, I think Trappin's sterling on back in the audience. I don't know if they requested. Right, yeah, sorry about that. I have such bad luck with spaces honestly. I called it before I did the TV
I was like, yeah, guaranteed this is gonna rock. But I mean, is it even a bang a space? Oh, yeah, exactly. Exactly. Now we're good to go, man. That was a pregame.
Good say good say sorry man it's not as feces unless you get a rod yeah right yeah we go through a rod we come back
stronger and now we're going to have to face them. It was a it was appropriate time to to rug as well. Rado was up right as I was talking about the run. 100%
Space has a coated sense of humor.
Okay. Oh, I might have to leave and come back. I think it's rugged me. I'll be back.
All right.
Alright, trap. Can you hear me, OK?
Yeah, sorry about that. Yeah, so obviously I'm forcing you to relive some very traumatizing memories and you were just about to dive in. Yeah, I mean, it was a crazy time, I think, you know, as I mentioned earlier, Geckos came out of the gate harden, there was a lot of expectations and you know,
One of the top projects at the time that really ran hard, as one of the first projects out of the gate. Obviously the community was popping and energy was electric and activity was crazy and lucky alluded to. We got some really hype stuff that came out of the gate from the way of
more crystal drops and concordians and all these these sub collections that at the time kind of seemed really fun and exciting and really played into what pushed our price right up to a little over 10 grand USD at the time for Gecko which is pretty wild to think now.
It didn't take long for the community to kind of piece together towards the end of 2021 that there were some things going on that didn't sit right. People started questioning a lot about what the team was doing, what the team was spending their money on. Obviously, you spoke to the party.
It was a nice place. Correct. The infinite spending that happened that was very, I guess, with ball markets and young founders making bank really quickly. And we saw a pretty steep downhill just sitting there.
We were having a crazy time. We were collecting geckos, we were vibing on traits, we were getting to Twitter, having a bunch of fun, and what we didn't realize was behind the scenes that the money
just getting spent the the the idea and plans that were you know in place were kind of empty and and you know there was really no intention to you know to carry them out and to make you know to make anything of them for the community and it wasn't until probably you know Christmas 2021 where
We started demanding answers and they brought a few of us into the inner sanctums of the team charts and it was a fucking ghost town band, but honestly we stepped into these teams and we know the things have been in private DMs and stuff but this was the core team charts and
messages were days apart and the activity was just gone and we found out pretty quickly that one of the key core founders had stepped away with some issues of some description and we kind of said at that point enough and the community stood up and it was kind of staggering at the
time, I think the team actually turned around to us and said, well, if you're not happy with it, maybe we just hand the project over to the community and to us it was kind of like that revelation was kind of just staggering. We had obviously invested a bunch of money which a lot of the community had, but
We really thought we had something special. We had all the pieces there. The community, like I said, almost gassed left themselves to an extent because we were just having fun. We kind of chose not to worry too much because the prices were still acceptable and still fine and the energy was high.
I don't think you were wrong to do so. This is the era of 3 legged pixels, Solomonas raising millions and even Goblin Laboratory which I think was done by your eyes as well raising
dollars at the time. It was absolutely obscene behaviour going on at the time. So I think you were right to do that. Obviously such a shame in the way it was handled. But I think that really does go to slight, that is an attestment to how, I don't want to call it a revival because I wouldn't ever consider Geckos is quote unquote dying.
I always thought they'd have had an amount of buzz there, but to really come out of all of that is positive and as aggressive as they has is really being quite incredible to see. And it's like the follow up question behind that last thing was like, did you really start from like a clean slate or did like the team leave you anything? Did they leave you developers? Did they leave you funding?
anything else. Nothing. Nothing man. So look I think you know that whole process and I think I touched on Christmas and New Year 2021, 2022 that the first three months of 2022 you know without no word of a lie was literally you know a handful of us day
day out, seven days a week, grinding in dams with the founding team, with anybody from the teams, you know, extended bench that would talk to us and try and come up with a solution for the project. It was honestly aggrined like we, you know, I think, I think probably that
two month period was where a few of us in particular really bonded the most in really that common theme of we've got to get this project back. We were left with nothing. Part of the negotiations was really just trying not to nuke the project.
the founding team really were doing everything in their power to make our life difficult to somewhat dissolve the project and walk away as much money as they could. They asked us for an excessive $5 or $6 million for the project and we just kind of laughed at them and said,
ridiculous. The project is nothing without the community. It was honestly genuine article, it's not IP now, I'm not sure if he is listening or not, but it was honestly him, man, throwing everybody on his back, taking it forward and making it happen. It got to a period where no one would speak to me, no one would
would speak to Trader Cause who was also running point at the time. We were just losing patience and getting frustrated but genuine articles kept cool. Honestly the coolest and most level headed person I've ever met in my life just made it happen. Took a bus day in day out both from these guys and made it happen.
But now we started we started clean we have to pay we're actually you know buy the project out and from from there We've just invested a bunch of our own money to make it happen. So I guess you could call it a revival, you know we You know at a lot of points people thought that we were dead somewhat. You know the core community Always believed we always believed
And that's what it took. It just took some strong leadership to say, "No, there's something special here and we need to make this happen because everything is too important. We've been through too much and the community deserve this." And honestly, it was a rough time and we had a mental health channel at the time in the Gecko doubt discordant and it was people
We're talking people market people throwing in a lot of money into this stuff at times, irresponsibly money that they couldn't afford to lose and that's just the reality of it and it was a rough time for everybody. Not that it was out of duty to do it but we felt that as kind of like life
and larger holders and core community members. And I guess people that saw the vision and saw the potential, I guess we did see it as our duty to do what we could to make this happen. And it's been going up and up ever since.
It's fun. Oh, go on. Sorry. It's kind of interesting when I think back upon it, it really did feel like like a civil war basically to me. That's what I call it is the gecko civil war. I mean, we we were up against a maker break point a number of times and I don't think there's anybody I've ever met in my life
life that could have gotten that deal done other than genuine articles. The amount of crap he went through just just like emotional punishment from one of the couple of the really toxic team members on the original team was just it was incredible and his ability to keep his cool and just
be a leader was unlike anything I've ever seen. There was like a handful of us, I don't know, maybe a dozen or so that were trying to attack us on multiple fronts. We were trying to create a Dow, get everybody in the community like excited about taking the project over
But necessarily putting enough pressure on the team to make them want to give favorable terms on the buyout because they were being pretty ridiculous. So it was like how do we put pressure on this, get terms that we can actually still have a viable project financially moving forward.
that we can build in the image that we all believed it could be built in without breaking it, without completely breaking it and going to zero. And it was a difficult thing to navigate and it really took a whole, just herd of people that believed in each other.
And it really being in the fox hole with each other and just loving. I mean, we all fell in love with our geckos and the story and the whole bit, their warriors, their racers. Like, we had so much fun that like emotionally we were connected to the brand.
And through the whole like warring process of trying to like not lose the project, not lose all our bags, but still like keep the essence of what we wanted. We bond it together as a family man. And I think it's become our greatest strength.
At the very peak of the bull market when when when NFTs were just at their their peak we kind of had our bear market because of the rug So once the bear market started we were already down to like nothing I mean we were we were down what two three Solana and You know coming from bless
Yeah, coming from 50 year without a once was a big change. So from our standpoint, it was like, okay, we've got the IP now. We've got the family. Now we have control. Now let's just make this into what it always should have been. And everybody body
into that. And the people who didn't buy it, buy it and they waited themselves out. But the people that were left over after everybody kind of waited themselves out that just weren't in it to win it created this bond that people can feel man. When you come in the garage, people can feel it. So I think we took that like and just turned
it into our greatest strength, which is why I don't know all through the bear market. We've done really well because we've kind of just been on a different trajectory of having a good time, meaning our way through the bear market. And our charge has just been up only, and it's because the vibe and the community
has just been focused and it's been a family and we love it man it's our home. I mean you touched on quite a key individual man it's someone that I really I've had some really good conversations I've already enjoyed Joy's company who is just genuine well the only thing I really know about Joy
is he has a very good car collection. That is about it. Do you have any background about this guy? What did he come from? What's his skill sets? Who is this elusive character? I think you might be referring to my car collection. Is it yours?
I just got a crazy collector's mind man. I tell you I just I just love collecting shit. It's from from old nostalgic collect, you know,
I'm a bit of a pro-comon card collectibles to cars, to heritage number plates, to anything. Anything that I can collect that's got some kind of provenance and value. It's a collectible and I'm obsessed. - Favorite card you've ever owned. - I can buy it. It has to be the 68-2 ADSL.
Is that the is that the banner? Yep, it's mine. It's it's it's our it's our baby. That is an absolute beauty restored from scratch. Jeez. Just like Geko's a restored from scratch. Just like
But yeah, please, I want to learn about genuine. I don't want to say too much about him. I wish he was up here. He could say a bit about himself. But I've never met a person, honestly, like genuine articles. It's something that's almost like a bit of a meme in clichรฉ at this point, but it's true, I think.
The dude is is built different on another level. He's got, you know, he's got an insane, you know, web tube background that I don't want to touch on too much for, you know, all speak out of line on but he is just built different man work ethic like nobody else I've ever met and we're going and bad for
you and grind for you like his family member honestly. The kind of person that you would just bet your house on and and and again. So I'm you know super proud to be in the process with him and and guys like Stirl and Marry and Fudds but yeah, I guess who no genuine articles could be called
pieces is just on another level. A true leader, a true gentleman, and we love to go in a battle every day with him. One of the things that I do know is that he is relentless on the Swiss. Loki is inspiring. His ability to just shield non-stop
is inspiring. It sounds silly but it does honestly hard to do. Hard to do an organic and non-spammy way. Like it is a talent. He doesn't leave his computer. He's got a serious work ethic issue but it's like the reverse issue.
can't stop working. He sits at his computer like 20 hours a day, doing geckos things full time, like for free for the last year and a half just just grinds geckos that sees job and and honestly we we wouldn't be here without him. I mean look I think we would be you know I think we talk about this often you know you know and I think it's an interesting discussion piece of
about leadership and stuff and obviously leaders make a project and people love to support a figurehead and leader and pace genuine articles is definitely that. The community is obviously crazy strong but pace, myself, still, funds, we pride
cells on being out would galvanize that but but led from the talk you know led from the talk from from PIC he is honestly you know how laid off and and we love him for it yeah it's just absolutely everything that you'd ever want to bet on you know like in a human being the guy works harder than anybody that I know he's
incredibly generous. Like the amount of like time and money that he's just like freely given at his own detriment is his wild. It's just really wild. He's passionate man. He's literally obsessed with Gecko's. He doesn't need to work another day in his life. He's been
extremely successful building a web to businesses to where he doesn't need to be doing this. He does this because this is just what he's chosen to do. He fell in love with it. And it's like his life mission now to bring this to to its peak, to Vohal and bring everybody
with him and you know he's not doing it alone everybody's you know working their their brains off trapped here is an is an absolute monster in his own right. I just I don't know there's something different about genuine that like things that would break normal people just don't break this guy.
He's able to handle things and has a capacity for things that I just... It's kind of hard to wrap your mind around a little bit. When you get to know him really, really well, God, he just seems like he's good at everything. I know that just sounds like a super fanboy, but
It's just a truth man. I mean, he seems...
I don't know. There's nobody else that I've ever met, especially in Web 3, that I would be more comfortable betting the house on like Trapset. And for a lot of us, we go
We got our bets pretty heavy in genuine articles camp and I know It's definitely gonna stay there so
Well, I mean, I'm immediately feeling impossibly underexposed and I'm already pretty exposed to GACO's already said. I mean, he's definitely doing something right. Well, one thing I'll be curious as well. So maybe kind of just zooming out a bit specifically here, but more sort of ecosystem
I talk. What's kind of your thoughts and feelings on the ecosystem at the moment? Because obviously there's been quite a amount of destruction lately. And one thing that we saw in there was almost like a second leg of Salano NFTs and it was around all the speculation around OpenC. And one of the
things that was really interesting there was that people in the, it was something that we experienced as well, it's like a lot of people had various different investments in various different projects which they assumed had provenance here, but instead of the OG collections running as hard as everyone anticipated, people just kind of moved on to like the new shiny
anything. And it's something that's really interesting about this bear market as well is that you look at the things that are minting out and doing really well with the exception of mad labs, but I would say that is kind of a unique project in its own world with its wallet, but then like you look at things that have done well being like the heist and asset dash and the tip
projects that you used to do well just aren't really leaving the gates at the moment. How do you see, I guess this is a two parts question, what kind of ecosystem do you imagine seeing in about a year from now? What does that really mean for the quote-unquote OG projects like ourselves?
I mean, look, I think the markets obviously is pretty crazy at the moment. I think trying to understand what's happening in a couple of weeks is almost impossible as to understand what's happened a few weeks ago and things are just changing so much and so quickly.
We're kind of identified, at least from our perspective, the things that are kind of working, the things that aren't working, and don't have the same juice that they used to. It's a very high touch environment and market at the moment where we're finding, obviously, relationships and connections are key, like anything in an
and collectibles, I think that the biggest thing for us is keeping on the ground and being in the thick of it, I think, having those relationships as at the forefront and getting into DMs and connecting with people seems to have the most success right now. I think putting out content and
putting things into the when we're we're you know engagements down people have mostly checked out new shiny things are getting attention you know typical ways of engaging with with the wider audience just aren't working right now or don't seem to be you know and it's hard because we're we're up against you know some some power
of the market that you're in. Now, what that looks like in 12 months is, is anyone's guess, I think, you know, we're going to
continue doing what we're doing, building out our content, you know, currently, you know, a big part of BigGecko vision and ecosystem is bringing the excitement back to our storytelling and lore and of course our art and expanding that content and bringing Gecko's to life is a big part of that. So, you know, with
that's going to get a lot of juice into the future. No, we obviously saw the big push and hype around branding and licensing with Pujipenguins and we honestly think from day one even that Gecko's have some of the highest IP potential in not just Salana but across all ecosystem. So we're going to be exploring that and do
including on that into the future. But in terms of what's working, you know, matters are changing constantly and it's about how teams can adapt to that. I think, you know, it'll be interesting also, interesting to hear your take too. I think, you know, getting together as leaders and teams and trying to work this out is part of the fun as well.
I think it's going to be really interesting. Like he said, it is kind of anybody's guess to an extent. I do feel like we are going to see less of the quote unquote, like culture plays. I do think we're going to see less and less of the community plays because I think people will kind of find their homes. But again, I think it's going to be really difficult to stop people
just going towards the new shiny thing. I mean, our high level strategy for the fracture is always just being expanding on the bedrock fan base, just making sure you're taking care of the people that care about this project beyond just trading it, like always prioritizing them at the absolute most because you're always going to get people speculating and you're always going to get people trading, but they're the people that come and go.
I think this is, I mean, I've got a gut feeling that this is kind of a similar approach to how you've adopted it and it's why you don't see a lot of the sell pressure than many other really prestigious collections have had because other collections are not just there anybody under the bus. Do prioritise those kind of traders and those speculative moves to see that volume.
and learn the whole of what happens is the traders will then just move on to the next thing. There wasn't really a lot of emotional connection to a project, to a community, and that left a lot of people high and dry. So I think coming forward, I don't think we're going to see a lot of the culture community plays going forward. I mean, one thing that is interesting is
I do see the narrative for Salana building. I think we had a bit too much of an overly bearish sentiment on Salana with the whole FTX fallout and the price action. I think that was super negative, but I think as more time elapses, people are just realizing this is the most performant blockchain. So one thing I'd love to see is
is more ecosystem built out. I know gaming is obviously quite a clichรฉ vertical at this point. I would love to see games parallel being built in Salano. It's one of the things that Drip House is really good. It's one of the things that Backpack is really good. I'd just love to see more of that being built out.
think mass adoption comes from that one killer app. And as much as I love the collectibility side of things, digital assets, I think that to have a real onboarding experience, you just need that killer app that people are just addicted to, that people love to experiment with. So as long as we keep rewarding people
that are experimenting with new ideas, new projects, I think we find it because innovation is going to follow the path of least resistance which I do think is Salana. And I think that leaves us in a really interesting place, and hopefully the culture plays and community plays that exist now go alongside that and they play key parts and there's that almost
culture of composability between whatever is built out into the future. That's a kind of future that I hope for, but who knows who knows we might just be fucking trading shit coins until we all just go bankrupt and Salana could just fail. This is also 100% and also like let's not forget you know
The kind of bear market would be true. I mean, we talk about this. I've been in crypto since early 2017 and seen a few cycles now and it's the same narrative every bear market and that's proven wrong, every bull market. So maybe just another bull market, the new
a new inflow of fresh capital, some OG provenance, some new and emerging development. Maybe that kick-ass app or kick-ass game to kind of peak interest, but I think the projects that can survive and build out the community in state strong and keep their energy alive are going to be the ones that
It's a matter of staying relevant in a space that moves so quickly and there's always new and shiny things to distract the small amount of users I guess that are still here through the bear. It's finally our area, it's a bit of a controversial figure but
of my favour quotes from Franco on spaces was that just that NFTs are an infinite trajectory to zero and it's like our job as teams and founders to continuously battle that and I think that's as true in a bull market is especially true in a bear market so we just keep on keeping on and coach you know you don't have to put your hand up in here you are royalty around here my friend
You know I have to because I don't have not a co-host or a host role. I'm just a speaker and here's what I here's what I absolutely love. I think is we're talking communities. We've got two legendary communities. Oh boy, now I just got it. So now I won't put up my hand. But we've got two legendary communities in here. We're talking about
how things are going to be moving forward in the future. And I think it's done through the lens of the people that are in here. And what made me so, I just got back from lunch with my daughter celebrating her end of kindergarten at a half day. We took her to lunch, but like I'm coming in. And there's two comments in the room. And there's four retweets.
5 retweets and my thing is you're gonna play bulldog for that one you've up the spaces that we're sitting comfy at 16 comments a bunch of retweets well, but you know that's all the more reason because here's what I sit and think and here's what I understand so that's your call to action down there comment and retweets as I ramble Communities like this are what are gonna set the
tone for the future. And the more that we have the ability to link arms, share stage with legends that are building things differently, right? The fracture, the geckos, both doing things in parallel and doing things differently. This is how it grows. This and by getting more people in here and sharing these stories and understanding that look, we're all working towards the
same future and we're trying to create something really, really awesome. That's how we build it. That's what we do. I only see four comments down there. I got nine retweets, so I'll take it. That's how our social sentiment, anybody that's heard me talk, right? I think that's what Gekko's is doing really well right now, is from the social sentiment side of
things. You see people stake in their got goes for three 365 days and they're like people are just bullish on it. You've got the fracture fam that you show up when we've got the God fluencer campaigns and everything. These are the things that we need to kind of raise to the top and continue to elevate and learn from each other on. So just kind of my two cents. Thanks for getting those comments up and retweets up. I love you guys#
Yeah, I need to learn more about this 360 365 days staking period. What is that all about that is such a kid? I don't know if you saw still you better pin it or something. Yeah, I'll put that up. I mean so so mid last year we
We dropped a soft-staking solution for Gecko's. We were able to reward holders with. At the time, it was quite primitive and basic. It was a simple data-based system. People connected their wallets to the website, and they said, "Soft-stakes
their wallets and basically accumulate our non-liquid token holder award. At Christmas we overhauled that system, built out a custom platform and made it a little bit more dynamic and adaptable to what we wanted to see from cred in the future.
and we had some no lock options, we had some lock options so people could basically show some commitment for opt to sort of three or four months where they could lock up their gecko's, get the maximum amount of credit reward for that lock up and honestly man, they're overwhelming
support for long journeys. So it was wild. We couldn't believe it. So we put out a poll probably six months ago now, or maybe a little bit earlier. And the overwhelming response was we want one year staking or more. And we were kind of like, oh, look
people aren't going to take that up. It's a little bit of an ask to have people lock up, but if people want to commit and people want to ride with us, see the vision and basically show their support through this social push. Go for it. So we released that, must have been among
And honestly, 20% of the collection, sorry, I should say 80% of people that are 80% plus of people that restake their geckos chose 365 day journeys. It's just wild. Sorry, not 80%. Those numbers are off.
We locked up for a long period of time and 20% of the collection is locked up for one year which is just crazy to us. Honestly overwhelming and it goes up every day. We saw over the last couple of days the social push for that and seeing some really big holders lock up their full bags of 100 plus get goes for one year.
It's wild and it's just been I guess a testament to the community strength and what would be now would have built there and it's yeah, it's we're super proud Yeah, it's blowing the doors off I've been collecting like everybody's tweets and comments and screenshots from from people saying hey man, here's my I'm locking up my gacos for
I had a tweet thread that was about 60 tweets long saved and typed fully that I had been waiting for the right time to launch out and I went to go and send that yesterday and I did an inventory of
everybody who had at least tweeted or screen shot at something about, you know, with some proof. And did I spent all day yesterday the tweet thread and I missed a ton, I'm sure, but the tweet thread ended, I caught it off at 115. So if you look at the pen tweet or
or the one in the comments, it's a thread from my account just showing everybody's that I could find tweets and comments and discord about locking up for a year and like man when we released this thing I knew people some people would be
super excited about it, but to have just the overwhelming response be like, "Hell yeah, we are down for the next year has just been incredibly like heartwarming first of all. It's just been like incredible, but it's made I think every
everybody just realized like, okay, we know we have something really special. We've all we've known. We have something really special, but man, like we got to prove I can't, I don't know if anybody has ever done this. In the thread, I say, "I present to you the greatest commitment to an
project by a community on block team ever and I really think that that's true man. Yeah to me what's interesting is it what it does is it takes almost the pressure off the project and I mean that the best way possible because again you've got people that are committed you've got 20
percent of these people that are doing it for the long haul and at that point in time, right? Like, you know, they don't care if floor price go up. Now you just get to go ahead and build. Now you just get to do, you get to build the community, you get to continue what makes Gecko's unique and sets them apart. And I think that that's one of the coolest things that is my takeaway, right? Like, you#
It adds pressure, but it's like staking with the fracture with the gods, right? Like, just you stake and you set it and forget it. And then it's like, okay, then we keep building. We're not worried about for price to go up. We're looking for the towards the future. And I think that that's like that social sentiment that is being explored and kind of put all across the timeline is amazing for y'all.
I think it also speaks to the maturity of the people within the community as well because I mean you don't often I'm in Hall of the Chat every single day and night and let me tell you something. Flo Price talk is not common in Gekudau. We talk about everything under the sun and
you know, just our community, they're willing to bet on us, which means so, so, so much. They just understand the vision, they get it, they understand that, you know, you're not going to make a million dollars in two weeks, right? You can't just buy a guy going to expect to, you know, you can't just buy a guy go for $800 and expect to sell it for like 5 million, right?
you need to allow us to build and you know these things take time and they get that. They understand that we're not here for short-term gains, we're here for the long run and I think that is just incredible especially during a time where you know we're seeing marketplaces heated to traders, we're seeing a lot of you know
people just upset, you know, really, really terrible sentiment in the market and then you look and get go down, you look and I'll hold the chat and it's just, it's different. It's different, it's positive, you know, we celebrate each other with each other, you know, it's just, it's a different type of energy and like Trap said, you know, it's kind of like the boom market during the
And it gives people that sanctuary and that safe space to escape. You know, there are some people who might deal with struggles, you know, in real life, maybe financial troubles, maybe stuff going on at home or whatever else. And they come to the garage to kind of cope with that and deal with that and we allow that safe space for people. So to me, if we can be
That for people that is that's just extremely magical and it's it's crazy how you know that power of community drives different things and I mean lately, you know the sentiment on totas been kind of off in general in the NFT ecosystem but Geckos have kind of been you know we've kind of been off
offering something a little bit different. I've seen people say you guys are super positive. You guys have this super open welcoming nature when it comes to people and we do outreach to different people. We onboard different people and it just feels good. It's just a feel good community. Obviously, we have other stuff that we're building but for me,
My biggest thing with the Giacosans community and it always has been, you know, we are family. We've been there for each other for over a year, even longer. I've just been here for a year, but it's just crazy. It's magical and I'm so glad to be a part of this and so glad to be on this team with such great individuals.
One thing I appreciate about the mindset that's kind of taking hold is like trap. I've been in crypto. I don't know since 2016. I think is when I first bought my first crypto and it's just pretty if you take a step back and and not look at the
the hype from week to week and trying to chase the next flip and whatnot and just think about okay what really helps people accumulate wealth and that's buying good assets in crypto winter and selling them at the peak of the bull market and it doesn't really need to be a hold on more complicated than that.
And I feel like we are one of those strong assets and we're trying to do everything we can to, you know, make a really good home and offering for people. But the overall kind of general vibe is you accumulate right now.
And we're not worried about selling until we're at the peak in the next bull market, which we're way, I mean, that's like years down the road. So like everybody's gonna look, people buy NFTs, buy assets to make profit. Of course they do.
But it's just when when is the right time to take that? And so we get a lot of stuff like yeah, there's some big holders and whatnot, but nobody is even selling is not even on the radar like for years for the vast majority of the people in the garage.
because it's not the peak of the next bull market yet. So why would we take profits right now? And so that's I think that that general kind of vibe just leads to what you see people being willing to lock for the next year because kind
I go anywhere. They don't expect to go anywhere. This is their home and we're going to keep building our home and then we'll take some profits, you know, a couple of years down the road when it's, you know, everything's nice and ripe. But until then, man, we just build, we vibe and we try to help
help each other and build relationships because in any business, in anything, any enterprise, Met has come and go, FAD has come and go, but the thing that's going to make something successful is relationships and that's really what we're focused on right now.
Yeah, you, I mean, you're spot on with that. I don't know if hex is sleeping or whatever. So I'll just I gave you a half second to breathe. Come on. I'm sorry. I'm just in
Maybe it is the coffee from this morning. It's stuck with me. But what's, I guess, two questions. One is what's up with the green square? And I don't know if you guys talked about that. Why, why you guys lead with that in your name? And then I've got another one, but I don't know who wants to handle that.
Yeah, I can take that one. So the green square was actually an only FUD brainchild and it was kind of effective. I mean, you know, we saw a big part of when we took over the project and we saw, you know, the net outflows of Salad.
I know Greenlisted was kind of born from that. So Greenlisted is the Gecko affiliate, I feel that investment fund them and it's basically the Gecko's fun for investing in Solana. But it's a little bit more than that. It's about
It's about benefiting gecko holders as well. We get so many requests for investments and for capital and it's really cornered around some key focuses around investing in top projects in Salana, investing in top projects in Gilders rather, investing
in good tech and investing in things that are going to benefit Geckos. So we'll put our green square in front of our name to represent the Green Listed initiative and I guess what that stands for, trying to be a net positive for Salana.
All right, my second question and then Hacks' author would back to you since apparently after launch I come in and it just took over but obviously there's a ton of different traits across the Gakos right and everybody's kind of got their favorites you see the Neons the Neons seem to be the great
But for the three of you that are up here and I want to start with Mari, like what's your favorite trait or favorite combo of traits across the Gecko's collection? Oh, you're starting with me. That's a dangerous thing. You're just going to haggleactic inspectors.
Yeah, galactic inspectors my entire collection is Galactic inspectors. So just pink pink eyes all over the place That's my favorite for sure. Oh, honestly, what what? She's obsessed with galactic inspectors. It's a really cool
I trade but you know yeah yeah it's it's a great it's a it's a mythic trade okay if people don't put enough respect on it but it's a mythic trade it's a great I trade but in general I'm just in love with pink and purple and honestly just color coordinate at gacolus so I would say my other favorite
treat. I love allura geckos and I love spectro geckos. I think those look really, really clean especially when they have a taagari black background. You're gonna maybe need to explain that for some of the people that don't speak geek in here. Yeah, yeah, okay. I'm gonna translate. So basically those are the black geckos, the black
background, not just a black background, but I like black echoes on black backgrounds. And then there's also briny, briny, we call them briny. It's the external hard drive, there's a really, really nice two. I just like taking purple treats and I like black. So yeah, you can move on from here. Honestly, coach, man, honestly, this is what we talk about all day in the
We talk about trade, what trade looks funny, what's a rug trade, what's a gray old trade, everyone just fights and argues about the best trades. It's honestly a bunch of fun. It's part of the gecko tribalism that's kind of happens when, you know, on a deeper level once you
get into the community and it's a big part of what we see as potential going for. Every trade we have all 162 trades have their own law, their own background story and little blurb about why they're there and why they're significant to the Gecko ecosystem.
It's a ton of fun. It allows us to really build off and explore into the future and what I guess what sparks the most excitement and joy for people. A collection that can do that where people argue and fight over what's the best trade is, is honestly so much fun.
Yeah, well, that's what happens in the fracture too like I like I love seeing that and hearing that do you guys have do either one of you have like a favorite trade or something you gravitate towards I do for sure man. It's the rock. It's the Magnanimous rocket here armor. It's I'm gonna go find
I've got a sensor up and I'm looking as you guys are saying this. I'll see if I can see it. Mine's the augmented mouse. So you can see it on my TFP. It's the ultra red.
mouth-trade of the collection it's it's probably one of the one of the coveted traits that the people you know love to achieve. You like I've got a lot of orgs, I've got a neonol, there's only 10 of them in the collection and it's just yeah it's probably my final favorite trait.
text you were saying you had some insults under exposed to what what are your thoughts and get goes and you use their trait you gravitate towards and then I'll let you kind of navigate wherever you are. Honestly I've been looking for neon gecko forever but they fucking did to diamond-handed is ridiculous I was never found a decent entry.
Yeah, a Cleveland nail and Gaka is the dream. It's like the Graw Gaka, my opinion. Yeah, for sure, man, the Neon's kind of ever since the very beginning have been have been just like the sub down the Neon Citadel has just kind of been the place that everybody
to be when they're thinking about a gecko grail, hogs that augmented mouth that you can see on traps and a couple in the audience. That's another one that's very highly coveted. But outside of that, I mean those are really expensive so you got to really pay through the teeth
to those. But there's a lot of like flourish traits that are very common that people just love. Man, aesthetics is a big deal in get goes to where you can have a common trait or an uncommon trait that really doesn't do a whole lot from a rarity standpoint, but just look sick and has like a
cult following of people to where like it ends up becoming pretty highly coveted just because it's freaking sick man like mixed reality grid eyes or villainous visor or something like that it's really cool eye trade that are kind of hard to get now because I mean
They might be common, but they're just super sweet. Well, I love to hear it. It's a very thing for connections to be two years old now and people are still obsessing about the artwork. It's just so I'm really good to see. Nothing you guys have curated.
incredible and really against the odds and I think you guys have been through and have seen him out and have bust the and I'm sorry that you had to go through it but I'm also incredibly impressed that you did go through it and come out the other side. He's hex speaking or am I wrong again? Oh he's not he's speaking sorry
you must not be able to hear him. Okay, I'll even come back. Space is so bad since the evening's taking over. Well, dude, that's, you make a great point, man. And if, if you're not really familiar with, with, um, you know, geckos or the traits, visit the armory, um, the armory
is a place on our original website and go to GalacticEchos.com, go to tools and drop down to the armory and you'll see all 162 of the traits and each one of the traits individually will have their rating, comment, uncommon all the way up to Ultra
But each one of them has trade lore which has like a little background story about what it is or what it came from or You know some some kind of Crazy nugget is like if you go look down at Honeypots down here. He's got a he has a
a gecko with printed skin. You go and look at the armoring and you're like, "What's the skin about?" You find out it's actually not a real natural gecko skin. It's a full body tattoo, which is just wild. So honeypots rock in a geck that's completely tatted up.
just adds like this cool little flare into every trait and every aspect of your dude, of your PFP that you're rocking. So it ends up becoming really personal. It's just a cool flare that we have that we get go obsessed or just love
I'm got caught lacking in scrolling through through the collection But yeah, it's easy to do right? I think that's I think that's the thing that I think that there's a lot of parallels between the fracture community and the gecko communities because again like I know that people gravitate towards work and traits is
Maybe they're not I mean bald e for example within fracture, right? Like it wasn't not necessarily the most rare but people gravitate towards it build community around it I think that that's one of the cool things hearing that that happens in multiple communities and like again to each his or her own I've got there's hot takes that I say around the fracture that people can't
believe that I don't like this. Hex hates the heaven background, which is one of the best fracture backgrounds of all time. But I think that's the cool thing about the overall ecosystem and the sentiment that we get to create. We all have a different eye. We all gravitate towards something different, project-wise or even within a project. So I think that it's really awesome to hear that
I don't need to schedule in the office. I've already run a little bit over, but it's been an absolute pleasure chatting to all three of you as well as you coach. Thank you so much for hopping in. If anyone's listening for any reason isn't following any of the speakers, please please do. The Geckos have my undenying love forever.
And that fuck you guys to make me feel even more underexposed, but also appreciate you taking the time to come to come kick it with us. I appreciate you man. Again, we love the gods, we love what you guys are doing and yeah, to do more of this sort of cross-community collab and Spam.
is his pretty dark side. Appreciate you. For sure. We'll do it again. Thank you. Thank you for having us. All right. On that note, I will love you and leave you all but thank you for listening and we'll see you all soon. Take care. Much love. Love you guys. Thanks much.